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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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32 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

didn't Dan also string a woman along to almost the end? 

Not sure about Dan, unless you count Danielle, although that was platonic. 

The poster boy for this is Mike Boogie the year he convinced a woman he loved her and was going to marry her ONLY as gameplay while chortling about it in the DR. Even Evel Dick didn't stoop that low.

That was the one season where I almost quit watching. Fortunately nothing quite that egregious has happened since, relationship-wise. If it had, I would have been out for sure. 

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1 hour ago, angeleyes4477 said:

does anyone have link to the fight that isn't on twitter? I cannot see more than the one part, as I am not on twitter...

There are now 14 (14!) parts. 

I’m not on twitter either but I have access to all of them.  I think I had to click a ‘not now’ to avoid signing up. initially. 

Also I found the link at jokers updates. Someone is posting the links as they happen individually. 

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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

There are now 14 (14!) parts. 

This would be my worst nightmare. Imagine if your last fight with your SO was all over the internet, in multiple parts, with people discussing who said what, who made sense, who's a victim, people taking sides, etc etc. As Jackson apparently said to Holly, "This stuff is on the internet forever." 

Of course, if they show it, I'll watch it. I won't be able to help myself. 

Everything else aside, I appreciate how conscious Jackson is of how he's being perceived, and his attempts to rehab his image. 

Zingbot's zings are really eating away at these two. They're both already so insecure. Now" old buzzard " and " pompous douchebag" are stuck in their heads like earworms. From what I could glean from Hamsterwatch, they started fighting after Holly called Jackson a name. He wasn't upset she said it, but that the whole internet, family, etc. heard it. He's not wrong. 

I actually feel bad for them. Not that they shouldn't have seen this coming before they signed onto the show, and started a showmance 3 days in, but still. I don't find misery entertaining, and there's been way too much of it this season. I want more pie throwing and jump scares. That's the kind of guilty pleasure I enjoy. Well, anything that makes me laugh, really. 

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17 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

I never got sucked into that particular trainwreck. 😉 Translation? 

I wish I hadn’t, someone schooled me on the bachelor hello. It is when the “ladies” meet their bachelor the jump into his arms and wrap their legs around him it’s really gross because the ALL do it to the same guy!! 

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10 hours ago, Melina22 said:

The poster boy for this is Mike Boogie the year he convinced a woman he loved her and was going to marry her ONLY as gameplay while chortling about it in the DR.

But the jury, for some reason, thought Erika was more heinous than Mike or something. It's so gross that they rewarded that with half a million dollars.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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47 minutes ago, zorak said:

Holly to Christie and Jess:  "The bitch is gone, I finally got my period."

Might be the reason for the fighting.  Imagine the fear in being tied to each other for 18 years. 😯

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Jackson got ridiculously bent out of shape for Holly's A**ho** comment. True, she shouldn't have said it. But she apologized a million times. His furious and unrelenting reaction to that isolated comment is far more embarrassing to him than the comment itself. By constantly defending himself, he is making his image much, much worse. He's behaving like - I don't know - an actual pompous douchebag.

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Yup! The pompous douchebag moniker really applies here. He’s a 24 year old child. That said, it seems Holly is enabling him with her crying and begging for forgiveness which is what Jackson totally wants. Somehow I think he’s done this before with the younger who don’t know any better. Unfortunately, Holly is older and should know better. It’s kind of icky to watch. 

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Anybody watching this?  Is she trying to get back with him?  I stepped away for a few minutes when it was a lot of awkward silence and her telling him that she got her period.  Now she's telling him how her hormones made her act that way and talk of wanting to go back to being a power couple, blah blah blah.  Holly:  "Is there a rewind button?"  Gah.  This is pitiful on her part.  Run, girl!  

Holly reconcile.png

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does anyone know why Holly called him that name?  what were the circumstances? 

What bothers me the most about this is the condescending way he speaks to her. Same when Jack spoke to Kemi about the shaker bottle.  It's one thing to want to express how you feel, it's quite another to speak to them like they are misbehaving children.

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20 minutes ago, zorak said:

Anybody watching this?  Is she trying to get back with him?  I stepped away for a few minutes when it was a lot of awkward silence and her telling him that she got her period.  Now she's telling him how her hormones made her act that way and talk of wanting to go back to being a power couple, blah blah blah.  Holly:  "Is there a rewind button?"  Gah.  This is pitiful on her part.  Run, girl!  

Holly reconcile.png

Ugh, yeah she's baby talking to him "I want to make you smile all the time..."

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Maybe BB is trying to save Holly from stepping back on board The Trainwreck Express.  In the midst of this semi cuddle session with her doing lots of baby talk and him not really saying a whole lot, she got called to the DR.  She still hasn't gone though.  She just said in her baby voice that she wants to make his heart happy.  

Holly bed 2.png

Edited by zorak
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47 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Ugh, yeah she's baby talking to him "I want to make you smile all the time..."

Jackson has in many ways been the same person since Day 1. If anything, he's now a slightly improved version of himself. It's so sad that Holly can't look at him, say, "Nope. He's not for me," and step away.

Of course, doing that in this pressure cooker environment would be extremely tough, but it's not impossible. I feel like Holly's being her own worst enemy. It's like she's seeing an idealized version of Jackson that no one else is seeing. We're just seeing the cranky, volatile young guy who loves watermelon more than he loves most people. 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Gent bent, Jess.

That mentality reminds me of a student I once had who at the time was a senior in high school and wanted to go to law school and was also interested in running for office one day.  She said many people in her graduating class had told her that they would vote for her to be U.S. President but that she never wanted to be President because she didn't believe that a woman should be President because that is "men's work".  I had always thought really highly of her until that came out of her mouth.

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Did Nicole not get the memo that Tommy and Cliff played a prank by setting the clocks in the house to the wrong time?  She thinks it's 4:30 BB time.  I know the rest of them know because as soon as Jackson got up and looked outside he said there was no way it was actually the time the clocks said based on where the sun was.  Then Tommy confessed.  

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6 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Jackson has in many ways been the same person since Day 1. If anything, he's now a slightly improved version of himself. It's so sad that Holly can't look at him, say, "Nope. He's not for me," and step away.

 Of course, doing that in this pressure cooker environment would be extremely tough, but it's not impossible. I feel like Holly's being her own worst enemy. It's like she's seeing an idealized version of Jackson that no one else is seeing. We're just seeing the cranky, volatile young guy who loves watermelon more than he loves most people. 

This is true.

I haven't gotten to see the fight between MichBeth from last night yet (just about to watch the clips of it) so I only read up on what it was, but my initial take is that both of them are over that honeymoon phase and both are likely not lasting long outside of the house. It's ok to fight, as it at least feels more real than other couples on the show, but....from what I've read, both have been somewhat spiraling from the zings they received and both are lashing out due to it, which doesn't make for anything healthy. Both Jackson and Holly are very....self conscious about their appearance on this show and it's really starting to affect their relationship. 

So yeah, both suck in their own way and it won't be surprising when they break up about two months after leaving the house. Maybe a little longer, since we've seen BB couples trudge through a fake relationship far longer than they should have, just because they're craving the attention.  

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2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

But the jury, for some reason, thought Erika was more heinous that Mike or something. It's so gross that they rewarded that with half a million dollars.

It was all off-show bullshit. Mike Boogie could get them paying work and no one wanted to rock the boat with him. That's why that season was so dumb, overall. It wasn't anything based on the season itself. It was all off-show machinations. 

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

It was all off-show bullshit. Mike Boogie could get them paying work and no one wanted to rock the boat with him. That's why that season was so dumb, overall. It wasn't anything based on the season itself. It was all off-show machinations. 

That's even more gross.

And did he even help anyone with any of that afterwards? Not that if he did that makes it less gross, but if they're gonna sell out any morals the may have, I'd hope they'd at least get what they thought they would for it.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It was all off-show bullshit. Mike Boogie could get them paying work and no one wanted to rock the boat with him. That's why that season was so dumb, overall. It wasn't anything based on the season itself. It was all off-show machinations. 

Mike Boogie ran into legal and financial problems shortly after the show ended, but not before he had a fling with BB3 Danielle. Ugh.

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He seems like he’s inwardly seething.   If he does get back together with her, I bet it’s only for his game and they’ll be finished ASAP when the show ends.  

I agree—she shouldn’t have said it. I try not to, but I know I’m guilty of saying things I shouldn’t while I’m mad or frustrated. She tried to apologize. But he just kept speaking over her and speaking to her as if she was a 2 yr old. He doesn’t want it on ‘national tv’ (hilariously he said especially on CBS) or his family (including cousins!) but he got mad when she said not to tell C&T some sexual thing. So he can’t have it both ways. When he finally relented, and was cuddling her in bed (in the night vision) he was just staring into space, still looking pissed and, to take it back to the top, inwardly seething. Same as in the 2 pics above.

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So in other news, I was watching The Office today and it was the episode where Dwight simulates giving birth to a watermelon so that Michael can get practice for when Jan gives birth, and Michael drops the watermelon when Dwight “gives birth” because Dwight has covered it in butter because ‘babies are slippery’ and the scene ends with Michael eating a slice of watermelon while Dwight puts his pants back in, as you do after fake giving birth to a watermelon, and all I could think about was that Jackson would never cut up a watermelon that way, and would be horrified at it even being used in such a disrespectful way. 

So yeah, fucking douchebag Jackson has ruined watermelon for me forever. 

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25 minutes ago, zorak said:

That mentality reminds me of a student I once had who at the time was a senior in high school and wanted to go to law school and was also interested in running for office one day.  She said many people in her graduating class had told her that they would vote for her to be U.S. President but that she never wanted to be President because she didn't believe that a woman should be President because that is "men's work".  I had always thought really highly of her until that came out of her mouth.

Ugh, a girl interviewing for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders said something very similar in an interview. 

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2 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Ugh, a girl interviewing for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders said something very similar in an interview. 

I could imagine Aunt Sam saying something similar. Actually didn't Sam say her mother didn't think women should work outside the home?

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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

 Jackson would never cut up a watermelon that way, and would be horrified at it even being used in such a disrespectful way. 

So yeah, fucking douchebag Jackson has ruined watermelon for me forever. 

I get the impression that Jackson would  be mad if anyone did it differently from how he does it. B/c his way is best and all. 

Yeah, now anytime I see or hear watermelon, I think of him. Hopefully it fades after awhile. I don’t want to be like this for the rest of my life. 😯

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Mike Boogie ran into legal and financial problems shortly after the show ended, but not before he had a fling with BB3 Danielle. Ugh.

That's incredibly disappointing to hear. I never knew anything about that.

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22 hours ago, zorak said:

How gross is the house when Jess said her original plan to hide her veto was in the couch and Tommy responded by asking, "The food particle couch?"  Gag.

Are you sure she didn't say 'poop particle couch?' Jessica is constantly calling the couch in the bathroom the poop particle couch lol.

22 hours ago, Cutty said:

Yeah, Tommy and Christie are 100% going to try and flip the vote and get Cliff out. 

I'm into it.

9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

The best part was Nicole's response to the fight.

First of all, Nicole, honey, we know you wouldn't do any of that lol. Also, nice of you to share your internalized misogyny with us.

6 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I never even believed he liked Holly. He picked her to team up with for the long ride to almost the end just as Derrick did almost to the end with Victoria. Holly is another Victoria and didn't Dan also string a woman along to almost the end? 

I actually loved Victoria and I actually can't stand Holly, but Holly is nothing like Victoria. Holly is actually playing the game for one lol.

6 hours ago, Lamima said:

And how old is Nicole...she's close to Jackson's age of 24???

She is 24 also.

6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

The poster boy for this is Mike Boogie the year he convinced a woman he loved her and was going to marry her ONLY as gameplay while chortling about it in the DR. Even Evel Dick didn't stoop that low.

I mean, Dick threatened to rape Jen's dead body so I'd say he stooped as low as Boogie.

1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Mike Boogie ran into legal and financial problems shortly after the show ended, but not before he had a fling with BB3 Danielle. Ugh.

Wow. Just wow.

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Yeah, BB7 had a lot of fan favorites and at least had the "Janelle evicts Will" moment (the BB6 cast were the only ones who didn't suck up to Will and Boogie. They just weren't particularly good game players. Love ya, Kayser, but ooph, you kind of weren't that good at this), so it kind of covered up just how gross BB7-BB9 were. 

Dan and Keesha really saved the series with BB10.

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Will be interesting to see the BB edit of the Holly/Jackson drama. Jackson is clearly just in the relationship now because "he's got a job to do."

I wish Holly would wake up. Run to Jess, Tommy and Christie and say "you're right - men are pigs." Vote out Cliff and then Jackson at the DE. Jess would be so happy!

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6 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I wish Holly would wake up. Run to Jess, Tommy and Christie and say "you're right - men are pigs." Vote out Cliff and then Jackson at the DE. Jess would be so happy!

This wouldn't be a bad way to go. I am no fan of Christie or Jess but Cliff and Snackson have been big fat duds on their HoHs. 

Edited by Lamima
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Holly is desperately trying to convince Jackson to take her back (or at least that's what it sounded like as I turned the feeds back on).  And after saying a bunch of stuff about how she's been conditioned to expect poor treatment even when that is not what is actually happening, her perception of him being cold to her wasn't reality, etc. he reacted by picking up a shoe to inspect it.  She really just needs to cut ties and never look back.  I don't understand why she's so desperate to hang onto him when I've seen her tell other people long ago that she didn't really see it lasting between them outside of the house.  Now he's giving her his "I just want you to be happy, whether that's being alone or not" spiel.

Jackson shoe.png

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