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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's seriously pathetic that they seriously seemed to have just somehow signed up two otherwise unconnected (as in, not two mactors) people and still got two people who knew each other! It's absurd.

I still believe they absolutely knew about Tommy and Christie. It goes way too much beyond coincidence. It was coordinated but production fucked up big time on the execution and I hope they face consequences when the others find out. I realize the contracts are pretty iron clad but if I were one of them I’d at least investigate the chance of any loopholes which would allow me to proceed with litigation of some kind.

Edited by TimWil
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12 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie and Jess are officially on the block.

Christie:  "It's all good, Mich.  It's all good."

I was hoping for Christie and Tommy but not surprised. Jackson’s probably hoping  that Cliff or Nicole would take them out. But first they’d have to win a comp, and I don’t know if that’s likely.

18 hours ago, vb68 said:

Thinking about this. There's no question Jackson wants to outright win.  I wouldn't be surprised if he wants Tommy to take out Holly for him closer to the end.  I don't know. That's incredibly risky and probably not smart at all. But it's all I got.

I agree @vb68

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17 hours ago, Sketcher said:

I think that this is correct because I think Jackson has keyed into something in the other 4 that will protect him and it is their reluctance to openly break an agreement. 

Every single person in there knows Jackson needs to go up and out, much the same way they realize the same thing about Tommy. But every single person is hoping SOMEONE ELSE does that for them. As such, no one is really willing to win the power that will require that they act. 

So I think Holly and Jackson ARE in a pretty good place going into the double eviction. By "protecting" the other two pairs, Jackson is grooming them to fear putting him or Holly up. It is even more true in the DE scenario where Christie won't have time to work on Tommy and where Cliff and Nicole will panic about Jackson winning veto.

Honestly, I expect both pairs to throw it to Holly if possible, because both couples feel safe and they don't want enemies. Holly will just put up Christie and Tommy, claiming that Christie is her target while hoping Nicole and Cliff take the shot at Tommy. If he goes, she'll just be so sad.🙄😉

Jackson's instincts are pretty good when he's in control. I see him coasting to an easy win.

I agree they all want the others to put each other up. 

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17 hours ago, Sketcher said:

I think that this is correct because I think Jackson has keyed into something in the other 4 that will protect him and it is their reluctance to openly break an agreement. 

Every single person in there knows Jackson needs to go up and out, much the same way they realize the same thing about Tommy. But every single person is hoping SOMEONE ELSE does that for them. As such, no one is really willing to win the power that will require that they act. 

So I think Holly and Jackson ARE in a pretty good place going into the double eviction. By "protecting" the other two pairs, Jackson is grooming them to fear putting him or Holly up. It is even more true in the DE scenario where Christie won't have time to work on Tommy and where Cliff and Nicole will panic about Jackson winning veto.

Honestly, I expect both pairs to throw it to Holly if possible, because both couples feel safe and they don't want enemies. Holly will just put up Christie and Tommy, claiming that Christie is her target while hoping Nicole and Cliff take the shot at Tommy. If he goes, she'll just be so sad.🙄😉

Jackson's instincts are pretty good when he's in control. I see him coasting to an easy win.

15 hours ago, Cutty said:

As dumb as this move targeting Jess is the odds are still in his favor of surviving the double. Only Christie would outright target him. Cliff/Nicole would put up Tommy/Christie, and Tommy wouldn't target Jackson because, well, it's Tommy. 

We all need to manifest a Christie HOH. 

If she is the HOH, would she still have enough votes to send Jackson to jury?

11 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I think Jess is going to go. Anyone for HOH next week but Holly!

Btw, how does a DE week work? Eviction Thurs, HOH comp, veto comp, another eviction all in one live hour? Then when is the next HOH comp?  Is someone only HOH for a matter of hours?

Me: Or is it?

Seriously I hope Jess goes and the others finally go after H& J.  I especially don’t want Jackson to win. Holly...meh. 

I’m afraid they won’t go after Jackson, so they sealed his fate. But it’s possible he could get eliminated and Holly is in F2 as in some deal with Jackson to share the watermelons. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Sketcher said:

Holly can only win if she's against Nicole, Cliff or maybe Christie. She loses to Tommy or Jackson. The jury is going to be dominated by people who view things in terms of male dominance (yes, even the females in there). Jackson's comp wins will be given primacy so Jackson beats everyone. Tommy doesn't have those wins as of now, but he WILL have them if he's sitting in F2 against anyone except Jackson.

Holly really needs Tommy and Jackson out (as do all of the others).

Nicole beats no one...unless she goes on some kind of competition run....hahahaha.

Cliff beats Nicole and maybe Holly and Christie if he is able to get out Jackson and Tommy. If he continues to be a passive player, I think Holly beats him easily and Christie in a squeaker.

Christie in F2 will really depend on how she gets there. She is actually the one who would benefit most by being the one to stab Jackson and Holly in the back. The others already think she's shady, but if she can interrupt their comp run, I think she will get a lot of credit. However, she may blow all of that if she spends too much time accepting that the universe wanted her to win.

I would think that maybe they’d feel that a Holly save is like helping Jackson in the long run so they can share those watermelons.

  • LOL 1
57 minutes ago, Booklady1017 said:

If she is the HOH, would she still have enough votes to send Jackson to jury?

I think so, if it was Jackson vs Holly on the block. 

6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

For the record, Holly is Olivia Davidson in our SVH recast. Who's Olivia, you ask? She's Elizabeth's 7th best friend for life who works at the Oracle and dies in The Earthquake, never to be mentioned again. In other words: ZzzZzzzZ.

Huh. I was going to say that Sis was the Olivia Davidson. 

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'm torn between Nick being the horndog Bruce Patman or Winston Egbert, just with bonus creep factor. 

Neither; Nick is the Steven Wakefield 😉

Jackson is the Bruce Patman, for sure. Holly is his Regina Morrow....even if Holly isn't actually like Regina Morrow. Maybe Watermelon is Regina Morrow for him.

So, going back to last night, it seems like Jess was ranting to Nicole about things. She apparently blamed her for....something, disappointing her or abandoning her or something, I don't know. And Jess also made the remark about Tommy having votes to win....but she won't throw him under the bus because she doesn't do that.

*rewinds to Jess throwing Nicole under the bus many times*

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Sketcher said:

Christie HAS to talk Nick up so she can talk up her big victory over him.  After all, she saved the house, you know. He was going to walk to the end if she didn't sacrifice herself by flipping the vote on that angel Sis. Oh, how hard that was on selfless Christie. 🙄

The funny thing is, before Christie said that Nick's zing should have been that he was playing Tyler's game, she was completely downplaying Nick's game as Jessica was going on about how great he was at getting people on his side by flirting. It was so hilarious. How do people not see what a lying liar Christie is lol?

7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

While it's obviously better this way, I also can't give Danielle too much of a break for that season, since those WERE the rules at the time and she had to know everyone was going to be pissed at her after watching all the shit she said about people.

Thank you. Danielle's game was actually horrible since she knew that everyone voting for the winner could go home and watch everything. I mean what an absolute idiot to act the way she did in that case.

Nicole's Jackson zing was fantastic. Why can't she bring some of that fire to the fucking game for fuck's sake? GAH I hate these people!

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4 hours ago, Mystery said:

In that phrase, shotgun is a verb. At least at my college, it involved punching a hole near the bottom of a beer can and drinking it in a matter of seconds. 

4 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Why? 😁

All the guys are doing it, Ma!

22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole's Jackson zing was fantastic. Why can't she bring some of that fire to the fucking game for fuck's sake? GAH I hate these people!

Nicole is such an enigma.   She shows some spark but then it quickly dissipates. I still think it goes back to how badly she was burned early in the game.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I'm assuming you blow on soup to cool it, so I'm guessing soup coolers are lips? Do I win the watermelon 🍉

I am so dumb lol I thought she meant like beer chillers, that you use to quick cool cans of beer. I’m like, they make those for soup? Who wants cold soup?  Never even thought of lips, which once you said it seems so obvious 

Edited by Rbonnie
Spelling counts
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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Nicole is such an enigma.   She shows some spark but then it quickly dissipates. I still think it goes back to how badly she was burned early in the game.

I also think she suffers from a fundamental flaw in the game -- decent people generally don't do well in this game because, well, they're out of their element and are living/surrounded by garbage people. Gameplay aside, Nicole should've been a pre-jury boot. It's sheer luck that she's still in the game.

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

While it's obviously better this way, I also can't give Danielle too much of a break for that season, since those WERE the rules at the time and she had to know everyone was going to be pissed at her after watching all the shit she said about people. 

But yeah, if BB3 was played under modern rules, Danielle wins it for sure.

I have mixed feelings about that. Sure, Danielle knew the evictees would see her DRs, but her season immediately followed Will's season, where he won despite using slurs and making jokes about dead children. Plus she shared the season with Marcellas, who was exponentially more vile, yet ended up being handed a CBS talk show.

I think Danielle's only mistake was apologizing for her DRs and calling herself a terrible person rather than owning up to her words and celebrating her ruthlessness in the game.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jackson is the Bruce Patman, for sure. Holly is his Regina Morrow....even if Holly isn't actually like Regina Morrow. Maybe Watermelon is Regina Morrow for him.

Watermelon tries cocaine at a party and dies of a heart defect that no one knew about even though Watermelon had gone to Switzerland to have some magical surgery to make Watermelon not deaf and you think someone would have picked up on it at some point? 

Still a better love story than Twilight. 

32 minutes ago, Booklady1017 said:

I don’t think Nicole or Cliff realistically think they will win. They are probably vying for America’s Favorite HG. I think Nicole will win. 

I don't think Nicole has a shot at AFP unless she suddenly wins HoH in the double and takes out Christie or Jackson. She doesn't really have a story or a personality in the edit of the show - she's afraid of birds, clowns, and can't smack Jackson with a pie. There was that pre-jury bullyfest in the HoH but the edit left out Nicole's best parts of that week. Nicole is basically just there. And now being used to make Jackson look like a good guy. 

Unfortunately I think all of Cliff's pandering to his Cliffamaniacs with his "Before the wife" schtick and awkward white man victory dances has this one in the bag. 

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47 minutes ago, Booklady1017 said:

I don’t think Nicole or Cliff realistically think they will win. They are probably vying for America’s Favorite HG. I think Nicole will win. 

I hope you're right because Cliff sucks. It's too bad he won't get called out for all the latent racism he's displayed to the two black HGs. David is so aggressive! He scares me! The fat piece of shit continues to bring up Kemi to this day even though she's been out of the house for a damn near two months now. 

I think top 3 for AFP will be Cliff, Nicole, and Kemi. And I agree with @Callaphera, the casuals will give Cliff the win because he's had a golden edit. Also, from what I can tell, I expect Nicole and Kemi will split a lot of the social media vote. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Cutty said:

I also think she suffers from a fundamental flaw in the game -- decent people generally don't do well in this game because, well, they're out of their element and are living/surrounded by garbage people. Gameplay aside, Nicole should've been a pre-jury boot. It's sheer luck that she's still in the game.

She seems popular in the polls, so who knows if she can win.

8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I hope you're right because Cliff sucks. It's too bad he won't get called out for all the latent racism he's displayed to the two black HGs. David is so aggressive! He scares me! The fat piece of shit continues to bring up Kemi to this day even though she's been out of the house for a damn near two months now. 

I think top 3 for AFP will be Cliff, Nicole, and Kemi. And I agree with @Callaphera, the casuals will give Cliff the win because he's had a golden edit. Also, from what I can tell, I expect Nicole and Kemi will split a lot of the social media vote. 

What did Cliff say? I don’t know.

  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

I have mixed feelings about that. Sure, Danielle knew the evictees would see her DRs, but her season immediately followed Will's season, where he won despite using slurs and making jokes about dead children. Plus she shared the season with Marcellas, who was exponentially more vile, yet ended up being handed a CBS talk show.

I think Danielle's only mistake was apologizing for her DRs and calling herself a terrible person rather than owning up to her words and celebrating her ruthlessness in the game.

There's definitely a double standard, but at the same time, Will specifically maneuvered things so that he would be up against another disliked HG. Danielle, on the other hand, went up against the bland Lisa, which made it easier for the HGs to choose Lisa over her. It's similar to Paul losing to Nicole. If you give them a choice of someone they like versus a jerk, they'll often take that option. 

Danielle was afraid of facing Jason in the finals because he was such a nice guy, but she should have been also worried about Lisa for the same basic reason. 

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Booklady1017 said:

She seems popular in the polls, so who knows if she can win.

What did Cliff say? I don’t know.

Was going to post the same thing?  I don't remember Cliff saying or doing anything.

And, as far as AFP, I think Nicole has a very good shot at getting it unless .... well..... it's B.B.  I can also see Cliff and Kat.   I don't vote but I'd vote for her just for the 'showmance with Michie is enough for a punishment' comment.  😁

Edited by Ellee
  • Love 6

Nicole got an enormous amount of sympathy when some of the others ganged up on her and Bella twisted the knife. That was a big story in the overall story of this season. I think Nicole has a good shot at AFP. I’ll be voting for her and not just because I’m a fellow Long Islander.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, vb68 said:

So if Christie or Jess come off the block, the plan is for Cliff to go up as a pawn?

I was wondering if Tommy wins the veto if he risks not using it?  Eh. He'll be too afraid of Christie's inevitable meltdown if he didn't use it.

He seems to be a bit over her meltdowns, but yes, I imagine he will still use it. Jess doesn't mean anything to him other than a number and neither does Cliff. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I'm reading a lot about Hide n go Veto comp. 

I know Cliff was always checking out spots.  Where there any discussions between him/Nicole, or Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole?  Does Jess even know there is a veto called 'Hide n go'?  Will Tommy hide his in the most obvious place for the most obvious reason? 

We know Jackson likes playing with his but does he have the balls to put up Tommy if Christie or Jess comes down?  

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11 minutes ago, Ellee said:

We know Jackson likes playing with his but does he have the balls to put up Tommy if Christie or Jess comes down?  

Cliff has already volunteered to go up as a pawn, so I don't see Jackson putting Tommy up unless Holly can somehow convince him to do that.  But Jackson made a point not to interfere last week when she was adamant about Nick going.   So no, I doubt Jackson's balls are that big. 

Edited by vb68
29 minutes ago, zorak said:

Ha!  Has his peen and that general region been restored to normal status?  I remember reading that he told Holly it was irritated or something. 


This what I was referring to.  😁  I guess his hand could have just been in his pocket. 

He and Holly are fighting .... maybe he was checking if everything is ok.  🙄

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, TimWil said:

Nicole got an enormous amount of sympathy when some of the others ganged up on her and Bella twisted the knife. That was a big story in the overall story of this season. I think Nicole has a good shot at AFP. I’ll be voting for her and not just because I’m a fellow Long Islander.

I’m from Long Island too. That’s part of the reason I root for her.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Vixenstud said:
8 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Ok my turn now!  I’ve heard of shotgunning beer but what are soup coolers???

Well endowed lips....think of Steve Harvey, only without the mustache. 

Lol I feel so dumb I never even thought that’s what you meant, even though it’s so obvious once it was explained to me!  And now I want soup 

  • LOL 2
3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Holly and Jackson are arguing about the lack of romance and spark in their relationship. Which kind of begs the question of when there was ever romance and spark in the Jolly relationship.

Judging by that one clip I unfortunately saw of Jackson boning Holly while Christie and Analyse were in the room... never.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
Actually read the post I quoted correctly and changed my reply a little to make sense, so I don't sound like a moron.
  • LOL 2
4 hours ago, Booklady1017 said:

What did Cliff say? I don’t know.

4 hours ago, Ellee said:

Was going to post the same thing?  I don't remember Cliff saying or doing anything.

It was his attitude towards Kemi and David. Just the way he spoke about not liking them and the reasons he gave while he liked others who exhibited those reasons much more than David or Kemi did.

1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

Who’s the target this week? 


42 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

If Cliff wins POV, wouldn't he look bad not saving Jess?

So I bet he throws it. 

I don't know if he'd really give a shit about not using it but yea he'll probably throw it. And I mean in general he likely doesn't have much of a shot at winning it anyway unless it's like question or hide and go veto.

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