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11 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

After all, he's a man who'd rather die on his feet than live on his knees

Thank you for writing that out.  No matter how many times they repeated the clips of the words coming out of his mouth I could not figure out WTF he was saying...

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2 hours ago, Ellee said:

I’m wondering what college it was. 

In all honesty, I thought she had to be downplaying everything but now not so sure.  

It’s  impossible to ‘play a role’ 24/7 for 60 days right?   Then I look at Tommy and he is. 🤷‍♂️

Wasn't she some sort of sports star in college?  Would that have helped?

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Rashad McCants claimed that he even made the DEAN'S LIST while playing hoops at UNC due to fake classes and "tutors" who would takes the tests for him. 


I doubt a bench soccer player at the University of Nevada would get the same treatment, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had a vaguely similar setup. 

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11 hours ago, BK1978 said:

ou know I never understood the Kennedy nicknames.  JFK was the only John I have ever heard called Jack and so it used to always throw me off.  I will never understand how Ted is short for Edward.  Every Edward I know was called Ed or Eddie.  

Jack is a common nickname for John.  My brother's birth certificate says John but he's always been Jack.  I remember my mom having a book called A Boy Named John and it mentioned the different names for John around the world and said when he came to America he became Jack.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Rashad McCants claimed that he even made the DEAN'S LIST while playing hoops at UNC due to fake classes and "tutors" who would takes the tests for him. 


I doubt a bench soccer player at the University of Nevada would get the same treatment, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had a vaguely similar setup. 

Maybe boys sports, like football and men's basketball, that bring in money for the school. But, sadly, not girls sports and not soccer either. My 2 girls played softball in college, though DIII but we know other girls playing DI and it's the same, and there was none of that going on. Yes they make you get a tutor but no cheating for good grades. In fact a pitcher on the team was failing and they couldn't play her. She ended up dropping out and going home.

And you typically have to take 1 or 2 math classes to graduate but you can be exempt is you have certain high SAT score in math (same applies for english) or maybe even they accept a passing score on AP math class in HS. My girls got credit that way. Though the accountant major is taking a lot of math. 

Edited by Lamima
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From Jokers

08/19/19 09:54 AM

Gist of Jackson/Cliff convo is that Jess is creating a target for herself for no reason. Cliff said he wanted Jackson to know so he isn't worrying about what he heard and Jackson says he appreciates it and that's why he brought it back to Cliff. Jackson tells Cliff if he says he is going to do something then he will re nom/veto.

Note that Jackson didn't share 6 shooters trying to get Jess and now Nicole nominated with veto

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24 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

So Jackson's not dumb enough to get rid of Jess, right?

Oh, hell no. Jackson never actually considered putting up Jess...ok, maybe for a moment, but he's been extremely static in his target this week. Holly tried convincing him to put up Nick instead, but Jackson rightfully told her that Nick isn't coming after HIM, and Christie IS, so of course he'll take out Christie instead. I don't think Holly took too kindly to the fact that Jackson wasn't willing to protect her this week (since she believes that Nick is coming for her, which isn't wrong, but Nick is going after Jess first).

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, hell no. Jackson never actually considered putting up Jess...ok, maybe for a moment, but he's been extremely static in his target this week. Holly tried convincing him to put up Nick instead, but Jackson rightfully told her that Nick isn't coming after HIM, and Christie IS, so of course he'll take out Christie instead. I don't think Holly took too kindly to the fact that Jackson wasn't willing to protect her this week (since she believes that Nick is coming for her, which isn't wrong, but Nick is going after Jess first).

It's funny. Nick isn't even WRONG, per se, to want Jess out, but it's just funny HOW MUCH of a hard on he has for her. I think Jess really hurt herself with the whole "I'll only nominate men" deal. Why would a guy ever want to work with her then? 

You have to be more flexible than that, at least publicly. 

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's funny. Nick isn't even WRONG, per se, to want Jess out, but it's just funny HOW MUCH of a hard on he has for her. I think Jess really hurt herself with the whole "I'll only nominate men" deal. Why would a guy ever want to work with her then? 

You have to be more flexible than that, at least publicly. 

And kind of the same with Jess. She isn't wrong to want Nick out (he definitely has never trusted her), but her own hatred toward him is ridiculous.

Nick vs Jess is something that's as laughable as Brett vs Rockstar, maybe even more so. 

Quite frankly, if Jess or Nick went out next, I might throw a party. I dislike both of these people. Nick for being a scummy sleazy slimeball sex addict who doesn't know boundaries. Jess for being anti-feminist and strategically stupid in terms of trying to play the game and her attitude toward people who have been nice toward her (Nicole).

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

And kind of the same with Jess. She isn't wrong to want Nick out (he definitely has never trusted her), but her own hatred toward him is ridiculous.

Nick vs Jess is something that's as laughable as Brett vs Rockstar, maybe even more so. 

Quite frankly, if Jess or Nick went out next, I might throw a party. I dislike both of these people. Nick for being a scummy sleazy slimeball sex addict who doesn't know boundaries. Jess for being anti-feminist and strategically stupid in terms of trying to play the game and her attitude toward people who have been nice toward her (Nicole).

Yeah, Jess is such a weird character. "GIRL POWER!" and then tears Nicole down all the time. It's bee-zarre. 

Nick is a little more straightforward. He's just a plain ol' creep. 

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Has there ever been an Houseguest who constantly announces his loyalty and proving his loyalty over and over and over again as Nick? It sounds so desperate and whinny and insincere.
I have never heard someone constantly remind  "his people" how loyal he is over and over agains as Nick does.

I think at this point, I would rather see NIck go over Jess.

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Veto was not used. Christie/Sis are still on the block.

Jackson is apologizing to Tommy.

Sis is vowing not to work with Jackson/Holly.

Haha Nick is trying to work up tears. 

Sis: Why are you crying?

Nick: Two of my friends are on the block, and one of them is going.

Edited by vb68
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I'm really looking forward to there being only 6/7 people in the house so this whole "Let's get the 6 back together!" crap ends.  Although Tommy would probably still try to make it happen because they just aren't that smart.

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39 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Now, my question is, did they seriously think that the veto WAS going to be used?

I’m not in touch with the Universe so I can’t say what Christie was thinking but Analyse did.  This game was not supposed to be this hard. 😁

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Geez Jackson just confirmed to Nick that he's a big target for Holly.

I guess Christie is throwing Nick under the bus hard to Sis, and Nick is doing a poor little me routine. 

Edited by vb68
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7 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Geez Jackson just confirmed to Nick that he's a big target for Holly.

Could that actually be a clever move to make her a threat for eviction BEFORE Jackson somehow?

EDITED TO ADD: Nah, he's probably just sloppy. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Both Christie and Nick are pulling a poor little me "Don't bother me, I'm in bed"routine. She's in the RV room, he's right outside it.

I missed if Christie called him out to his face, but she must have. He's acting like he's the next to go after her.

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6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Both Christie and Nick are pulling a poor little me "Don't bother me, I'm in bed"routine. She's in the RV room, he's right outside it.

I missed if Christie called him out to his face, but she must have. He's acting like he's the next to go after her.

It's 1:30 in the afternoon. These people are always in bed!

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Christie starting her campaign, to Jess. Y’all, could this be the week where Sis ACTUALLY goes off on someone like she’s constantly threatening? And it being Christie? This could be a fun few days.

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7 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Christie starting her campaign, to Jess. Y’all, could this be the week where Sis ACTUALLY goes off on someone like she’s constantly threatening? And it being Christie? This could be a fun few days.

We're not that lucky.  Sis is all talk.

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19 minutes ago, Slider said:

We're not that lucky.  Sis is all talk.

Wait ... she speaks?  Words?  😁

(Still think it would be hilarious on the finale if she is articulate, funny and shows she is well-educated and this has been an act. )

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7 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Wait ... she speaks?  Words?  😁

Yup - some of them two syllables, and a few of them all the way up to three!  Wowers!

7 minutes ago, Ellee said:

(Still think it would be hilarious on the finale if she is articulate, funny and shows she is well-educated and this has been an act. )

I won’t say NOBODY is that good an actor - but Anal ain’t.

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Even when Sis talks and is being nice she still sounds stupid. Christie is moping and says it’s all just frustrating. Hysterical!!!

Would someone take that orange away from Sis?!?!?!

Edited by ByaNose
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What I really love is that Christie’s argument is that Sis is kind of useless and is just going to be carried along to the end. First, uh yeah. Why don’t you just say the sky is blue. But even funnier is I just KNOW that it was her plan (and Tommy’s) to carry her to the end for an easy win. It’s like “you should keep me because my plan to go to the end with might keep me from going to the end, and I did NOT manifest that shit!”

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22 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

What I really love is that Christie’s argument is that Sis is kind of useless and is just going to be carried along to the end. First, uh yeah. Why don’t you just say the sky is blue. But even funnier is I just KNOW that it was her plan (and Tommy’s) to carry her to the end for an easy win. It’s like “you should keep me because my plan to go to the end with might keep me from going to the end, and I did NOT manifest that shit!”

Remember when she was pitching to Jessica that she (Jess) should not nominate Jack, because Jack was totally loyal to Christie? And that she SHOULD get rid of Jackson, because Jackson was gunning for Christie? In other words, I don't think Christie's mind can actually differentiate between "What's good for Christie" and "What's good for other people."

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

What angle will Julie take with Christie in the exit interview? You’re crazy? Do you always cry this outside? So many questions to ask.

What’s with this universe?  It let you down.  I’m sorry ,,, I mean Tommy let you down but you know he loves you. 

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3 hours ago, missyb said:

LOL. Holly is talking about Jackson's sore penis, says, I dont think lotion is good for it and Jackson says he doesn't want to talk about it. End scene.

More than two days and it's a personal problem, Jackson. 

And maybe lay off the deodorant on the junk?

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1 minute ago, Slider said:

Just got home to see Nick and Sis having a fight in the HOH room, and 99.9% of her dialog is "I don't know."

Well ... there goes my theory that it was an act! 😁

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Nick and Sis are arguing. She asked him if he told Nicole that she (Sis) would go after her (Nicole). He told her he did but that was 4 weeks ago. She said that she trusted him then.

She's telling him he's good with everyone so he doesn't have to try to win HOH and he's telling her he's still going to try to win.

I hope all this means Nick is targeted next lol. But, again, Jackson moves further down my list of people I wanna see evicted and that concerns me.

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14 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

In other words, I don't think Christie's mind can actually differentiate between "What's good for Christie" and "What's good for other people."

Remember Amanda Zuckerman in BB15?  Exact same thing - Amanda kept saying other people’s game moves “don’t make any sense”, when what Amanda actually meant was their moves didn’t make sense for Amanda’s personal game.  Zuckerman quite literally appeared unable to grasp the concept that some people might be inclined to make moves NOT specifically geared to maximize the personal benefit to HER and/or her game.  

My name for her condition? The Zuckerman Zeitgeist Corollary.  😄

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Also, while fuck Nick, to be sure, I love all this, "Yes, we kicked you and Bella out of the alliance, but WHY AREN'T YOU LOYAL TO US?" bullshit from the others. 

"How could you not be totally loyal to us, Nick, after we kicked you out of the alliance, eliminated your closest allies and were planning to get rid of you if you had not won veto? HOW?"

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Also, while fuck Nick, to be sure, I love all this, "Yes, we kicked you and Bella out of the alliance, but WHY AREN'T YOU LOYAL TO US?" bullshit from the others. 

"How could you not be totally loyal to us, Nick, after we kicked you out of the alliance, eliminated your closest allies and were planning to get rid of you if you had not won veto? HOW?"

It’s a good thing this is Big Brother and not prison, else everybody in this joint would have a Size Eleven asshole by now.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Remember Amanda Zuckerman in BB15?  Exact same thing - Amanda kept saying other people’s game moves “don’t make any sense”, when what Amanda actually meant was their moves didn’t make sense for Amanda’s personal game.  Zuckerman quite literally appeared unable to grasp the concept that some people might be inclined to make moves NOT specifically geared to maximize the personal benefit to HER and/or her game.  

My name for her condition? The Zuckerman Zeitgeist Corollary.  😄

The Amanda/Andy and Christie/Tommy corollaries are STRIKING, right?

Imagine, though, if Andy had lost Amanda this early in the game. Would he have won the game still? That's what Tommy is facing here.

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7 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Remember Amanda Zuckerman in BB15?  Exact same thing - Amanda kept saying other people’s game moves “don’t make any sense”, when what Amanda actually meant was their moves didn’t make sense for Amanda’s personal game.  Zuckerman quite literally appeared unable to grasp the concept that some people might be inclined to make moves NOT specifically geared to maximize the personal benefit to HER and/or her game.  

My name for her condition? The Zuckerman Zeitgeist Corollary.  😄

I actually heard, "But it doesn't make any sense!" in Amanda's voice when I read this. I had forgotten how grating and whiny she could sound so... thanks for that? I think?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I actually heard, "But it doesn't make any sense!" in Amanda's voice when I read this. I had forgotten how grating and whiny she could sound so... thanks for that? I think?

I used to love when Amanda would say that. It wouldn’t make sense to her because people weren’t doing what she wanted. It didn’t matter to her what other people thought about her own HOH/Veto. Between her crying and constantly saying that drove me up a way. So much like Christie this season.

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I used to love when Amanda would say that. It wouldn’t make sense to her because people weren’t doing what she wanted. It didn’t matter to her what other people thought about her own HOH/Veto. Between her crying and constantly saying that drove me up a way. So much like Christie this season.

On the upside, Christie hasn't climbed on top of someone and practically forced them to have sex with her while they chew on their warts so that's good!

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

On the upside, Christie hasn't climbed on top of someone and practically forced them to have sex with her while they chew on their warts so that's good!

Point well taken. That said, she’s now married to a normal guy, with a good job & with a kid. I haven’t followed her in years. At the time she a big time realtor in Florida.

Edited by ByaNose
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9 hours ago, Vixenstud said:
19 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Could she have made a tropical salad and that is shredded coconut?  It definitely doesn’t look like it, it looks like cheese, but I’m choosing to pretend it’s a tropical salad so that I can sleep tonight 

WTF?  Are those peas in that salad?

Ok lol thank you @Vixenstud for ensuring that I won’t sleep tonight either 

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