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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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45 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

And also because Jackson eats everything within a 1-mile radius regardless of who it belongs to, who is "supposed" to eat it and whether anyone will care/be mad that he ate it.

And honestly, Jackson probably doesn't even remember he ate it because he eats basically anything that comes into contact with him. He probably doesn't know the first thing he ate this morning because he's eaten so much.

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So, it looks like, in a last minute twist, Tommy is really trying to flip the votes and evict Kat, not Sam.

I mean, I still don't have hope for it working out and I don't know if I'd love it, but if it works, then Sam REALLY is a gamer. Sam would be the one to have made this happen by causing chaos, which would be kind of awesome.

This is the most game we've seen all season so I'LL TAKE IT.

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I have been sorta half paying attention to the feeds for about an hour. First, Christie was telling Jack that she had to win HOH because Jackson is pissed at her. Jack told her she didn't need to win because the 6 is going to stay together and there's nothing to worry about. Jack then went to Jackson to try to get him off the Christy hate train. It did not work lol. Jackson told Jack he was playing to much with his emotions. Jack then went to Tommy and told him that Jackson told him that Jackson, Holly, and Kat all know each other outside the house. So, now Tommy is trying to switch the vote to get rid of Kat because her, Jackson, and Holly are a trio and there's no other trios in the house and that's dangerous and they already know each other blah blah blah. 

I am just delighted there's some actual game talk happening!

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I am torn. I like Sam and I like Kat. But Sam can be an idiot sometimes, so that sucks. But Kat going would piss off Jackson and when he's voted in to the Field Trip and possibly becomes a third nominee, that would be delicious. Plus, Kat is with Jess, and Kat is with Holly, who is with Jackson, so that's an even more solid voting block. If I can't get Jack/Christie/Tommy/Sis broken up, I'll take Jackson/Holly/Kat/Jess. 

Honestly, I'll take ANYTHING surprising. I'll take ANYTHING game related. Plus, Sam's part of my fantasy draft AND my prediction flair on Reddit. I'm trying to hold on to something, here. I just want the Six Shooters to implode NOW.

Ok, for the first time in a week, I have turned on the feeds.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like in the end this is only going to help Christie/Tommy/Jack even more and the thought of those 3 in the finals deeply hurts me. However, everything's been so fucking boring that I'll take any excitement.

Ugh, the feeds went down! Tonight's ep will actually be interesting now.

Here's the fun part, though. If Sam stays, then he has to figure out a way to make amends with Christie, someone who he's been throwing under the bus for the past few days. 

Plus, blindside. We'll get Kat saying 'those bitches WERE conspiring against me' with Julie. 

We'll get a pissed off Jackson, who might be thrown off his game enough to lose HOH (hopefully). And even if he does win HOH, Christie uses her power to put up Holly. 

We get Nick, Sam, Nicole, and Cliff potentially safe for this week since Jackson/Holly/Jess will be FURIOUS at Christie/Tommy/Jack/Sis for the flip.

We'll get SOMETHING fun. This could easily backfire, I know, but it's going to provide Team Fun Feeds, which we missed when Cliff screwed the pooch on his HOH.

We lose no matter what, since there's no good winner of this season. I just needed something to get me to keep watching and this is it.

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1 hour ago, Vixenstud said:

Apparently not....

Listen at the end when he loses his ever loving mind, calling out for Mr. TM!

Oh my God.  It is official.  Shatner's Mr Tambourine Man (I skipped the boring horror of the Cyrano parts) makes The Brady Bunch's (or was it the Partridge Family, I can't tell those two families apart) American Pie sound like a classic by comparison.

What?  You guys are saying something actually happened on BB while I was torturing myself with this?

Edited by green
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1 minute ago, green said:

What?  You guys are saying something actually happened on BB while I was torturing myself with this?


If you can flashback, go flashback. That's what I'm doing.

Sam suddenly went from a 2% chance of staying to 75% chance, and it continues to climb (unless DR puts a stop to it, but it may be too late to stop the ball rolling on this one).

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

I think the DR would prefer Sam go home and Kat stay. Kat has been getting the smart as fuck edit lately and she’s also one of the few girls playing the game. Also,  it helps that she knows Holly. I’m dying to see how this plays but also not getting my hopes up. 


I think that there's a chance this vote flip goes nowhere. But even if Sam still goes, the alliance is done. The Six Shooters are turning on each other next week, no doubt. 

I'm just going to assume that Sam's still going so I'm not disappointed. This season has been filled with disappointments. I don't want to get excited for another disappointment. 

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Damn!  Now I will have to watch the show tonight live with some hope.  But then the stupid hamsters will go back to Plan A and just vote Sam out unanimously (minus maybe Nick) like planned.  They can't keep paranoia going 90 miles an hour for the next 2 plus hours without wearing their little minds down into group think again before the show.

But too bad the feeds are down.  The next hour could be fun at least until Christie gets out her bullwhip and puts them back in line.

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Just now, green said:

But too bad the feeds are down.  The next hour could be fun at least until Christie gets out her bullwhip and puts them back in line.

I think the thing that gave me hope was that TOMMY, of all people, was leading the charge and convincing Christie/Jack that Kat in jury isn't good for them and is a number for Jackson/Holly.

All because Jackson told Jack about Holly/Kat's pregame alliance. THANKS JACKSON, YOU BUFFOON.

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25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I think that there's a chance this vote flip goes nowhere. But even if Sam still goes, the alliance is done. The Six Shooters are turning on each other next week, no doubt. 

I'm just going to assume that Sam's still going so I'm not disappointed. This season has been filled with disappointments. I don't want to get excited for another disappointment. 


I thought I had typed smart as a fox and not smart as fuck. Sometimes you gotta love autocorrect. 

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36 minutes ago, green said:

Oh my God.  It is official.  Shatner's Mr Tambourine Man (I skipped the boring horror of the Cyrano parts) makes The Brady Bunch's (or was it the Partridge Family, I can't tell those two families apart) American Pie sound like a classic by comparison.

Well, as long as we’re on a roll....


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

And honestly, Jackson probably doesn't even remember he ate it because he eats basically anything that comes into contact with him. He probably doesn't know the first thing he ate this morning because he's eaten so much.

I haven't watched the feeds much. Does he really eat more than everyone? Do y'all think he has put on weight?

22 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Well, as long as we’re on a roll....



Okay this wasn't even from the first album so I do have to at least give Shatner credit for milking musical horror to it's ultimate pay out as he laughed all the way to the bank. 

I see Shatner is back on TV hosting some stupid "true horror" show or something on cable now.  Guy has gotten more mileage out of being Kirk for what was it three years then the films -- and being attacked by a gremlin on the wing of an airplane on The Twilight Zone -- than anyone else could.

Wait, I feel a crossover coming to me: BB: The Star Trek Addition.

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5 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie just told Holly that she just hopes that Sam isn't attacking her character.  But I guess it's ok for her to attack Sam's character.  When she was talking to Jack, Tommy, and Analyse earlier this morning she called Sam an evil loser and said he snapchats people's injuries on the side of the road.  Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but that little snippet has nothing to do with gameplay.

5 hours ago, missyb said:

She also called him a lying , coward, pussy. But no character attacks!!

Well, let's go for the hat trick: last night when she was talking to Analyse (and it was hard to hear), it sounded like Christie called Sam a perv. 

I'm sure she loves and respects him as a person, though.

Edited by Callaphera
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I’m torn. On the one hand, Sam staying has a much bigger potential for good feeds, which is very important to me right now since I don’t want any of these people to win so have no rooting interest.

On the other hand, I don’t want Tommy to ever get what he wants.

On the other hand, Christie keeping someone whose sole strategy to stay this week was to throw her under the bus is awesome.

On the other hand, Kat is in my fantasy pool.

Last week, with the probability of a Jack or Son leaving turning into Bella leaving was crushing, but could be partly salvaged by this week beginning with the six wanting to ask Sam if he wanted to leave this week or next week “out of respect”, to Nick and Sam BOTH staying and the pawn going home.

On the other hand, Kat is funny, and Sam’s voice makes me want to punch someone.

This is hard, y’all.

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Whew! It's been a terribly long week. I'm thankful to catch up on the thread before the episode tonight.  Thanks to everyone for posting.

Keeping with a Brady Bunch theme, I truly hope Tommy convinces the house that When it's time to change, It's time to change.

Then we'll all have a Sunshine Day.

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, RockYou said:

PLEEEASE updates during the show! 

I beg you all. 

I can’t get CBS due to our server.

Cmon Kat Dunn!!!!

For anyone locked out of CBS because of the dispute with DirecTv, call DirecTv and request a local channel connector.  I lost CBS July 20th.  I called Monday night and it was here Tuesday morning.  And it was free.  We hooked it up last night and it works as good as the satellite.

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