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Outlander In The Media


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Outlander is going to be on the cover of EW again:



Lynette Rice‏Verified account @Lynetterice
We have another #Outlander cover coming out on Nov. 10! Wait till you see THE NEW pictures!


And Sam Heughan is SpoilerTV's Performer of the Month (of September):

Performers Of The Month - September Winner: Outstanding Actor - Sam Heughan


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19 hours ago, Nidratime said:

I love this.

Nell Hudson was interviewed yesterday on EW Radio on the Outlander Live show with Lynette Rice.. she mentions on the interview that she is only 2 years older than Lauren Lyle (Marsali) and that she wore Mrs. Fitz wig on the latest episode.see and 

hear the interview below:'



Also regarding the new EW covers.. Lynette there would be multiple covers and new interviews regarding the remaining 5 episodes.

Edited by mtsmvfn
additional information
  • Love 2
On 11/9/2017 at 9:06 AM, Nidratime said:

This is a really good review of the last episode, First Wife. I think the same writer reviewed A. Malcolm and also did an insightful job.

‘All of Them Witches’ in Outlander 03x08, First Wife 


Diana agrees.  She just posted it on Facebook with her compliments.  So I finally did go read and yes, it's an excellent analysis. 

Here's link to Matt Carter's write-up on the recent fracas involving Outlander Facebook fan sites and an anti-trademark infringement company hired by Sony that uses a web-crawling-bot with somewhat indiscriminate operating instructions.  Diana got involved to help sort things out and a link to her Facebook posting on the subject is also included in the story.


Fun recap:

Outlander Recap: So, Jamie and Claire Just Got Separated...Again
WTF, these two cannot catch a break.



Also, on another topic. Here's the Easter egg that was in this episode as reported by EW:


That wasn’t the only surprise added to “The Doldrums.” The stern of the Artemis featured an Easter egg from season 2 — a wooden statue that first appeared in the French brothel where Jamie met Bonnie Prince Charlie and young Fergus.

Diana responded:


Nice Easter egg! (Psst! That isn't the stern of the ship; it's the bow...)

Edited by Nidratime

Sqeeee!  My copy of Entertainment Weekly with Outlander on the cover FINALLY arrived and I got the Sam/Jamie version.  Yay!  I was amused to read the teaser copy at the very top of the cover, above the logo, which says "WHERE'S SUPERMAN?"  It's in reference to the next Justice League movie but my reaction was, "What do you mean?  He's RIGHT THERE on the cover."

I'm very pleased that Outlander is getting so much love from Entertainment Weekly and the press in general.

I'm less pleased with the hair and costume decisions that went into this cover shoot.  'Nuf said.

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2 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

Sqeeee!  My copy of Entertainment Weekly with Outlander on the cover FINALLY arrived and I got the Sam/Jamie version.  Yay!  I was amused to read the teaser copy at the very top of the cover, above the logo, which says "WHERE'S SUPERMAN?"  It's in reference to the next Justice League movie but my reaction was, "What do you mean?  He's RIGHT THERE on the cover."

I'm very pleased that Outlander is getting so much love from Entertainment Weekly and the press in general.

I'm less pleased with the hair and costume decisions that went into this cover shoot.  'Nuf said.

I went to Barnes & Noble on Saturday and they didn't have it.  I might try a different one tomorrow, but I might not because I'm not at all fond of that dress. I hate the color. I hated the color when it was in Paris and I hate it even more now.   Although Sam looks pretty hot in those boots.

I'm reading some of the recaps and reviews and one sentence in this one really got me laughing:

Here's the sentence:


(Think of how he’d [Jamie] react if he knew how close Ferg and Marsali came to doing the deed after she cleaned his stump! #NotAEuphemism)


This review has a spoiler in it, but they adequately warn you of it, so stop before that part:


I have the day off and I'm a subscriber to the online version of the New York Times so -- having discovered via the link above that they are reviewing the show -- I decided to read my way through the last four reviews of Outlander episodes, beginning with the reunion.

Hmmmmm.  I generally think well of the NY Times (I lived in NYC for 20 years and signed up for a subscription as soon as I arrived) and I think they are able to hire the best and the brightest, but I do not get this reviewer.  Unless I'm mistaken, she doesn't like Jamie.


I know that some people complain that Jamie King-of-Men Fraser is too good to be true but that doesn't seem to be her beef.  She seems to dislike the fact that people keep forgiving him his trespasses.  The episode where she and I most diverge is episode 308, "First Wife".  The text for the online link is: "Outlander' Season 3, Episode 8:  The Secret Revealed.  Will Jamie ever have to answer for his bad behavior?"   She seems to take issue with people not being angry enough with Jamie for marrying Laoghaire and then not telling Claire about it.  What the actual fuck?  Jenny threw him under the bus by sending her daughter to go fetch Laoghaire, Claire was FURIOUS when she found, out and Laoghaire SHOT HIM.  Angry interrupted foreplay with Claire not withstanding, he ended up sleeping in the barn that night (the 18th century's version of the living room couch it would seem) and when he encounters Claire in the courtyard the next morning she appears to be headed for the barn with all her possessions in that valise.  Did the reviewer think she was going for a walk? It's only the ensuing gunplay and obligatory doctoring that followed that keeps her from leaving.  She tells wounded Jamie she "hasn't stopped being angry" later when she sits down and demands an explanation.  And while she does seem to relent a bit after he tells his story -- taking his hand in an affectionate way -- you can't tell me she didn't feel a bit of vengeful glee when, moments later, she gets to jab him in the arse with a needle.

The TV writers followed that up with that cliff-top scene where Claire voices her reservations at having come back, giving voice to Jamie's biggest nightmare -- that having now been reunited with her, he'll lose her again.  I didn't much like that scene but didn't that address the reviewer's main concern?

The NYT reviewer did seem to really like episode 310 -- you know, the one where Jamie basically loses his shit at having Claire torn from him AGAIN and spends most of the episode locked in a cage, irrationally and ineffectually plotting a mutiny.  Now don't get me wrong -- I love my girl Claire and I'm glad she had an episode in which she is presented at her best -- her bossy-WWII-nurse-from-the-future-and-now-a-surgeon best.  I even loved Jamie losing his damned mind in this episode (thank goodness Fergus' cooler head prevailed.)  But out-of-control-Jamie should be an anomaly. Smart, calm, purposeful Jamie -- the one who took the knife from Claire's trembling hands in episode 308 and the one who ordered her to keep looking for Ian if he was pressed into service on the British ship -- that's the guy we tune in to watch.  And I like him.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

How do you make smiley faces?  I can't figure it out on either the computer or my phone...

What phone do you have? Android or iPhone? I have the latter, so I just use the keyboard. You need to have the emoji enabled from your keyboard settings, and it shows up as a globe on your keyboard, lower left side next to the key that enables the numbers.  From your 'puter, use this site . It allows you to copy, and you can paste in here! ?

5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

What phone do you have? Android or iPhone? I have the latter, so I just use the keyboard. You need to have the emoji enabled from your keyboard settings, and it shows up as a globe on your keyboard, lower left side next to the key that enables the numbers.  From your 'puter, use this site . It allows you to copy, and you can paste in here! ?

Thanks!  I have an Android, and emojis are enabled for texts and social media, but not on the standard keyboard.

Another article praising Outlander about the way it handles sex and consent:

Other TV shows could learn a thing or two about consent from 'Outlander'


This review touches on the same thing about women controlling their reproduction, etc.:

After a middling start, “Uncharted” sets Outlanderback on course


1 hour ago, Nidratime said:

Another article praising Outlander about the way it handles sex and consent:

Other TV shows could learn a thing or two about consent from 'Outlander'


This review touches on the same thing about women controlling their reproduction, etc.:

After a middling start, “Uncharted” sets Outlanderback on course


For once the AV Club review isn't a total mess.  

21 hours ago, Nidratime said:

Oh boy. 

Outlander in 'early' season 5 renewal talks



20 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I mean, I guess that's a good thing?  

The head of the studio is making clear his aim is to film the entire series, book-by-book, season-by-season, to finish when Diana finishes (the implication from some of Diana's recent comments being that book 10 is likely to be the final book of the series) and in order to minimize the gap between seasons, they need to make this happen soon-ish, (RDM has said the same thing.) So yes, it is a good thing.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, Nidratime said:

Oh boy. 

Outlander in 'early' season 5 renewal talks



21 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I mean, I guess that's a good thing?  

It's a very good thing. And I wonder what Parnell means about no more Droughtlander? Does he mean he wants each season to air in the spring and the fall, so there's no...drought? I can't imagine the kind of toll that would take on the cast and crew. I'd also like if they could increase the episodes to 15. This season could definitely have used another two episodes, I think.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

The head of the studio is making clear his aim is to film the entire series, book-by-book, season-by-season, to finish when Diana finishes (the implication from some of Diana's recent comments being that book 10 is likely to be the final book of the series) and in order to minimize the gap between seasons, they need to make this happen soon-ish, (RDM has said the same thing.) So yes, it is a good thing.


2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It's a very good thing. And I wonder what Parnell means about no more Droughtlander? Does he mean he wants each season to air in the spring and the fall, so there's no...drought? I can't imagine the kind of toll that would take on the cast and crew. I'd also like if they could increase the episodes to 15. This season could definitely have used another two episodes, I think.

Considering that I can't get through Book 5, I don't know that it is a good thing, if I'm honest. 


The books jumped the shark for me with the whole Brianna/Roger debacle, so I don't know how well the show will do either.  I'd love to be proven wrong and enjoy the show for many more seasons to come, but I am skeptical.



2 hours ago, Nidratime said:

I think he meant, no waiting for a year and a half, like we did when they moved the show from the spring to the fall. 

That's what I thought too - get it on some regular schedule, like for example, always starting in September.  

Edited by Athena
added spoiler tag

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