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S15.E01: Week 1

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8 hours ago, jade.black said:


Ah I felt horrible for poor Chasen, the cute pilot, who came out and gave her a paper airplane only to be followed by Peter the pilot who busts out of the limo in his uniform like a damn superhero. Hilarious but I was hoping Chasen would still get a rose. I fear if I was on this show I would hand out a lot of pity roses for the first few weeks as well (like to sweet Matt Donald).


So I did think Scott was an ass and no great loss, but... is it really so bad if you've got someone you were casually hooking up with before this show? I mean, let's say this girl didn't consider the relationship to be serious, and he wasn't actually planning on dating her at any point. So what if you were still screwing around with someone when you hadn't even met Hannah yet? I guess I just didn't see it as a huge deal. Didn't Arie break up with his girlfriend like a week before his Bachelor season started filming?

For some reason Chasen seemed like a guy with a pilot license (did they show him with a smaller plane?) and Peter as a real "Pilot" (for Delta?) with a big jet plane. Does (aircraft) size matter to Hannah?

I felt like the whole Scott thing was just major blindsiding, almost bullying, overkill and I hate that it will now follow him forever (God forbid if it makes him suicidal and then the show will be all "bachelor family sympathy"). Give me a break, is that the worst thing he could do? People in their twenties will have history with relationships; just send him home without a rose at the first rose ceremony. Over the top self-righteousness on the show's part--tptb surely had sussed out his girlfriend early on and could have dealt with this earlier, too, like they did with three other guys who were announced but didn't show up for the first show for whatever reason. Be kind, show.

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I just wish that instead of Scott bringing up that Hannah had recently dated Colton, he would have pointed out that she is dating 30 guys right now - Just romancing and making out with other men right in front of him. So her indignation that he had one girlfriend that he was refraining from kissing for the duration of “the journey” was completely overblown.

I also felt that the argument was very scripted and the writers probably gave Scott that line about Hannah having just dated Colton because they hoped the controversial conversation would make great water cooler debate. Therefore, my stance is: Meh, enjoy the d-list celebrity screen time while you can famehos, but at least try harder to entertain me.

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14 hours ago, LBS said:

Her repeated "c'mon" to him had us rolling.  

Me three.  That sassy "come on now!" like a kid in trouble had me snorting.  

I love Hannah.  I find her drop dead gorgeous, quirky and sassy.

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On 5/15/2019 at 12:50 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

It matters to me as a subjective personal opinion of caring about representation and diversity.  Historically this has always been a very white show.  The show has the choice to make a lead non-white once in a while, but it's clear that they are not interested in doing so.  1 or 2 non-white leads in 38 total seasons is way too few and far between, for my personal preferences.  It doesn't really matter whether non-white people apply for the show or not, because the show can certainly pick leads from the Top 4-6 rejected contestants from every season, for instance Tayshia or Wills.  It's nice that there are 1 or 2 half-Asian people sprinkled into each season, I guess, but it would be a lot more non-white representation if a non-white lead was cast more frequently, which might lead to more diverse representation overall.

Tayshia and Wills were a lot more TV-ready than Hannah, in my opinion, in that they're both confident and can easily carry on conversation.  Hannah was completely insecure, awkward, and involved in a lot of conflict on her season.  Yet, the Bachelor franchise sees HANNAH as more TV ready than Tayshia, which shows you their interests in how they cast.  I just can't believe it's 2019 and the franchise is still doing the exact same thing they always have, without any willingness to progress or evolve.

I cannot believe anyone would even would even *think* that tayisha wasnt selected because of her race--Tyaisha was the fakiest faker, at first I loved her and of course she is gorgeous, but after a few weeks her "Im the most fun and happy girlfriend ever" really wore thin and she seemed like she just wanted to win. Plus she had a boyfriend she dated until the second she left so I just think shes good tv for paradise but she just grated, and seemed like she never ever got real. I much prefer an awkward unsure person--just my humble opinion!!

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Tayshia's an example.  Substitute any of the Bachelor or Bachelorette leads (minus Rachel) with any non-white candidate that this show has ever had and it's still my exact same point.  3 times is a coincidence.  37 times isn't.  The show favours white people.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 5/15/2019 at 10:33 AM, jade.black said:

I really liked Hannah! I'm excited for her season. She has a personality and I personally think she's gorgeous and looked fantastic in her dress last night. It's been a long time since I actively liked a Bachelorette, so this will be fun.

My favorites so far are Mike (although my friend and I couldn't get over his sculpted eyebrows- why do they look like that??) and the young, tall guy she kissed (they were cute together). There's one guy that kind of looks like Jef Holm who I found attractive. This is probably the first season I've struggled so much to remember the guys, hopefully more of them click next week!

The enthusiasm Box Guy Joe showed for boxes in his intro clip cracked me up.

Ah I felt horrible for poor Chasen, the cute pilot, who came out and gave her a paper airplane only to be followed by Peter the pilot who busts out of the limo in his uniform like a damn superhero. Hilarious but I was hoping Chasen would still get a rose. I fear if I was on this show I would hand out a lot of pity roses for the first few weeks as well (like to sweet Matt Donald).

I hated Luke, and his intro package was so amusingly cheesy. It looks like he may come out as one of the villains of the season though which I can only hope for, as (assuming Hannah doesn't choose him) it would also break the cycle of Bachelorettes picking their first impression rose as their final guy.

That one guy who met Hannah on the after show (other Luke maybe?) looks like an early draft rendering of Nick Viall. The Windows 2000 version of Nick Viall before graphics improved.

So I did think Scott was an ass and no great loss, but... is it really so bad if you've got someone you were casually hooking up with before this show? I mean, let's say this girl didn't consider the relationship to be serious, and he wasn't actually planning on dating her at any point. So what if you were still screwing around with someone when you hadn't even met Hannah yet? I guess I just didn't see it as a huge deal. Didn't Arie break up with his girlfriend like a week before his Bachelor season started filming?

honestly? Ive been a watcher since day 1 and the theme has always been someone who is lonely, a great catch and looking for love--so yeah to me it sucks if someone was dating someone right before the show, particularly if they have misled that person, remember how dull Jen Scheft's season was? it was revealed that as she went into filming she was dating someone very seriously and felt pressure to continue--it affected the show. I dont remember hearing that Arie broke up with someone, so that sucks to. TO me its awful when anyone does it, and Scott whether scripted or not, is a jerk I would hope my daughter would never date.

Edited by nlkm9
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5 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Tayshia's an example.  Substitute any of the Bachelor or Bachelorette leads (minus Rachel) with any non-white candidate that this show has ever had and it's still my exact same point.  3 times is a coincidence.  37 times isn't.  The show favours white people.

we can agree to disagree. 🙂

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On 5/14/2019 at 3:00 PM, saber5055 said:

My vote is that it wasn't her decision. TPTB tell her who to keep for future drahmah. Always gotta have a villain and resident dickweed.

Hah, as soon as he stepped out of the limo, I was like "oh lord, we have our new Jordan". 

Seriously Hannah? You ditch cute Farmer guy and Chasen the pilot and keep a bunch of these the hot dog guy, and American Psycho? That all screamed producer choice to me, but I dont know for sure. I dont really know what Hannah will be into. There are some decent prospects here it looks like at least. 

Every time the box guy starts going on about boxes, all I can think about is the Box Ghost from Danny Phantom. "I am the box ghost!!! Beware!"

Luke is hot and I think he will be a contender, but he also seems possessive and full of himself and will always want to be in charge in a relationship, and I dont know if Hannah will be into that. And I would have a LOT of questions about him finding God in the shower 😉 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I love Hannah. She’s just insecure enough to make her relatable. I hope at the end of this season I’ll still feel this way. Overexposure tends to dilute my love. 

Regarding black bachelorettes, I enjoyed Rachel. I’ve found them all entertaining or I’d quit watching. Which is certainly everyone’s option. 

Considering blacks only comprise approximately 12% of the USA population, I don’t understand the demand for more black contestants. If you want to see more blacks, you’re more likely to find that in another country. Same for Asians, who are a minority. I doubt if Asia has a Bachelor/ette, but that’s where you’ll most likely find your Asian contestants. 

I enjoy loving, hating or being ambivalent about all these young adults “looking for love”. If I didn’t I’d stop watching. But I certainly don’t think bitching is going to make a silly TV show cowtow to my wishes. 

I worry about real life. Not reality TV. 

Hannah, bring your Southern sass on! I’m ready to be entertained. 

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The two most populous states, California and Texas, are already majority-minority, as are several others. It's expected that next year, there will be more non-white than white children born. The United States as a whole is only 60% white, and that percentage drops closer to 50% when you filter for the younger age demographics that are chased by TV and film. That's why we do see the shows aimed at younger people typically making more effort to cast diversely, because people want to see themselves, and younger audiences are increasingly people of color.

So it's completely noticeable and out of whack with current demographics that a franchise like this, mostly 20-somethings, is almost entirely white. As Ms Blue Jay said, it's purposeful, not coincidental. But times change. Eventually we white people will only be a plurality onscreen, just as we are very close to being offscreen.

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9 hours ago, MissPriss said:

I enjoy loving, hating or being ambivalent about all these young adults “looking for love”. If I didn’t I’d stop watching. But I certainly don’t think bitching is going to make a silly TV show cowtow to my wishes. 

this. If I am really offended by it, I dont watch it. I watched paradise hotel years ago and loved it--this version-I detest for many reasons--so I would rather not watch than complain. I think the show has come a long way, and maybe some people forget that in the very first season, an african american was among the finalists. If you feel the show goes against your beliefs, write the producers, start a movement, whatever you need to do.

Edited by nlkm9
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On 5/14/2019 at 2:53 PM, Bobcatkitten said:

Holding out how I feel about Hannah. The southern twang and big smile gets to me after a while. 

Some good guys - Dylan in the white tux: Connor the asian guy; Peter the pilot. 

I think Tyler the dancing contractor will annoy. Luke is Colton 2.0 but a reformed player. I kind of wish she had kept country Matt because while cheesy he had an interesting life story. 

I co-sign on all of this.  

Anyone who leads with I’m a good looking guy and women have always been attracted to me is a chach. Not impressed. 

JPJ is a frickin’ joke. He was more concerned with having to face his friend and family if he were sent home the first night than on missing an opportunity to get to know Hannah. 

I really wish she would have given Matt a chance. He’s much better than that box guy. His heart seems like it’s in the right place. 

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5 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I co-sign on all of this.  

Anyone who leads with I’m a good looking guy and women have always been attracted to me is a chach. Not impressed. 

JPJ is a frickin’ joke. He was more concerned with having to face his friend and family if he were sent home the first night than on missing an opportunity to get to know Hannah. 

I really wish she would have given Matt a chance. He’s much better than that box guy. His heart seems like it’s in the right place. 

I thought there was a look of pissed-off'dness when she called JPJ's name for the final rose.  I think he's harmless, but not husband material. Maybe she kept him for some comic relief - a bit like Jordan from last season. I think I would keep one guy around for a break from all the conversations and wondering if "he's the guy" or "is he the guy?" and just be able to relax and laugh a bit.

Matt Donald, who drove up on a tractor, has nothing to do with the "country" or farming.  I think he could have been more genuine with his intro. Not sure if that's the reason he was sent home, or if there was a conversation we weren't shown.

The Box guy got sent home.  He would have been too big a character for me, and I suspect for Hannah.

Ya, Luke the God-spoke-to-me-in-the-shower guy, can't go home soon enough.  I already stated my opinion of him for not offering Hannah his jacket when she said (TWICE) that she was cold. I think he's an idiot and doesn't 'read' other people well.

Edited by deSchenke
wrong name
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On 5/13/2019 at 10:04 PM, nutty1 said:

Now to have to go to the ABC site because I don’t know who most of these guys are!

They really are forgettable.  I saw a spoiler as to who the final 3 were & I have no clue who they are now.  Spoiled but not, an interesting spot to be in 🙂

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On 5/17/2019 at 12:59 AM, Black Knight said:

The two most populous states, California and Texas, are already majority-minority, as are several others. It's expected that next year, there will be more non-white than white children born. The United States as a whole is only 60% white, and that percentage drops closer to 50% when you filter for the younger age demographics that are chased by TV and film. That's why we do see the shows aimed at younger people typically making more effort to cast diversely, because people want to see themselves, and younger audiences are increasingly people of color.

So it's completely noticeable and out of whack with current demographics that a franchise like this, mostly 20-somethings, is almost entirely white. As Ms Blue Jay said, it's purposeful, not coincidental. But times change. Eventually we white people will only be a plurality onscreen, just as we are very close to being offscreen.

I guess it would depend on how you define "white," but most statistics I have seen show white population as approximately 75% of the nation.  With this statistic, I would think TPTB are mostly just playing to their audience, just as I would think a dating show on BET would have mostly POC.

In the last seveal years, though, there have been more minority contestants and I would expect that trend to continue.

Edited by rebel2u
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I’m upset I couldn’t make it through the first episode.  Hannah is rather awkward so I think she has that going for her.  But her voice is nails on a chalkboard for me.  And after the first few guys got out of the limo she was parroting the same lines over and over.  

I appreciate she was probably nervous but her pageant background autopilots her into a smiling robot saying smiling robot things in a syrupy fake voice.  I just can’t.  I guess her discovery for her season will include her struggle for things not “appearing” perfect since that’s what Chris alluded to.

I don’t know....I guess her journey doesn’t sound all that compelling to me.  Maybe future episodes will be better when it’s more travel and silly event base and less of her actually speaking.  I hope she finds her substance in life.  Ironically she may get exploited on her looks and body which is her actual fight in life so we will see in future episodes if she lets the Bachlorette machine use her or not!

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So let me start by saying I really like Hannah and I think she'll make a great Bachelorette. I'm not a huge fan of the premise if this show because I hate the fact that the goal of "getting a man to propose" goes directly against the whole idea of the woman having the agency and being the chooser.

But I do usually generally enjoy the show overall, mostly for the snark and insight from you guys. Which is why these posts truly bug:

On 5/17/2019 at 7:57 AM, nlkm9 said:

this. If I am really offended by it, I dont watch it. I watched paradise hotel years ago and loved it--this version-I detest for many reasons--so I would rather not watch than complain. I think the show has come a long way, and maybe some people forget that in the very first season, an african american was among the finalists. If you feel the show goes against your beliefs, write the producers, start a movement, whatever you need to do.

Goes against one's beliefs? A dating show? What beliefs? Some posters talked about wanting more WOC bachelorettes. Why would that require a "movement" any more than voicing a desire for older contestants or more contestants with jobs or fewer famewhores? Isn't a show forum one of the places one would make these desires known?

On 5/17/2019 at 11:43 PM, rebel2u said:

I guess it would depend on how you define "white," but most statistics I have seen show white population as approximately 75% of the nation.  With this statistic, I would think TPTB are mostly just playing to their audience, just as I would think a dating show on BET would have mostly POC.

In the last seveal years, though, there have been more minority contestants and I would expect that trend to continue.

Actually the US Census says non-Latino whites are 61%. The original poster's point was that 37/38 is far > than 61%. And wanting a more representative Bachelor/ette. If the producers were considering actual demographics, at least 6 Bachelor/ettes (18%) should have been Latino/a, 4 (13%) should have been black and 1 (5%) should have Asian.

The implication in you steering the poster to BET is that ABC is designed to cater to white people. And POC should look for themselves on their own channels, not ABC. That's not okay. 

In fact, BET (and other genre channels) was created just because of this very issue: major networks are often not representative. And why should a POC have to pay to see people who look like them when white people don't? 

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6 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

So let me start by saying I really like Hannah and I think she'll make a great Bachelorette. I'm not a huge fan of the premise if this show because I hate the fact that the goal of "getting a man to propose" goes directly against the whole idea of the woman having the agency and being the chooser.

But I do usually generally enjoy the show overall, mostly for the snark and insight from you guys. Which is why these posts truly bug:

Goes against one's beliefs? A dating show? What beliefs? Some posters talked about wanting more WOC bachelorettes. Why would that require a "movement" any more than voicing a desire for older contestants or more contestants with jobs or fewer famewhores? Isn't a show forum one of the places one would make these desires known?

Actually the US Census says non-Latino whites are 61%. The original poster's point was that 37/38 is far > than 61%. And wanting a more representative Bachelor/ette. If the producers were considering actual demographics, at least 6 Bachelor/ettes (18%) should have been Latino/a, 4 (13%) should have been black and 1 (5%) should have Asian.

The implication in you steering the poster to BET is that ABC is designed to cater to white people. And POC should look for themselves on their own channels, not ABC. That's not okay. 

In fact, BET (and other genre channels) was created just because of this very issue: major networks are often not representative. And why should a POC have to pay to see people who look like them when white people don't? 

Yes, thus my statement, "I guess it depends how you define "white" . . .

OK I'm back to eagerly waiting for snark.

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I think Luke P's having God speak to him in the shower is a bit too convenient.  He knows there are going to be past conquests coming out of the woodwork to tell what a 'player' he was. So he's got his story all lined up to say that was his past and now he's found Jesus.  So all is forgiven, right?

Trouble is, he's still acting like a player. His comforting of Hannah after the Scott debacle seemed too contrived.  It was more for him to look good than any feelings of empathy towards Hannah. For Christ sakes (pun intended), he didn't have the empathy to give her his coat when she was freezing!

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4 hours ago, deSchenke said:

I think Luke P's having God speak to him in the shower is a bit too convenient.  He knows there are going to be past conquests coming out of the woodwork to tell what a 'player' he was. So he's got his story all lined up to say that was his past and now he's found Jesus.  So all is forgiven, right?

Trouble is, he's still acting like a player. His comforting of Hannah after the Scott debacle seemed too contrived.  It was more for him to look good than any feelings of empathy towards Hannah. For Christ sakes (pun intended), he didn't have the empathy to give her his coat when she was freezing!

I still think that when he says he found God in the shower he just means there was a mirror there.

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