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Bob's Burgers - General Discussion

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The tiny coat racks didn't quite land for me, because I don't think those were really tiny coat racks for kids like Linda guessed. They looked like jewelry stands styled like coat racks. Bob sounded like the reason he ended up with so many in the first place was because he was searching and finding so many he couldn't decide between. So, Bob not only failed on whether he could return them but also was in the totally wrong section of whatever site he was shopping on and failed to notice? I get that people screw up sometimes but this one begs credulity a little more than usual. And I doubt they'd hold the weight of the coats in the context we saw at the end. It did occur to me that maybe he could rig them to be attached to the booths, and thus would be the right height, but they'd need to be bolted or screwed or something. Obviously they'd not use them just sitting on a table like they were... I know it's a cartoon and this is a stupid detail, but it bugs me.

  • Love 6

I think because Bob is usually fairly stable and put upon, they wanted to give him a wacky plot over whether it made total sense or not. I don't really recall Bob really being an impulse buyer, though I don't rewatch. I hope the coat racks are still around though. 

Zeke also had a good topic for the science fair and it looked like they put a lot of work into it. 

I always like how at the end Zeke always just wrestles Jimmy Jr to the ground for no reason. 

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Hasn’t it also been established that Bob sometimes gets drunk in the evening and orders things online?  Bob probably ordered those mini coatracks (which, I agree are jewelry stands) two bottles of wine into a Sunday night.  I know from personal experience that drunken online shopping involves less reading and paying attention to fine print and much more getting distracted by pretty colors and putting multiples of things into your basket.  *cough*$300 worth of gloves off Etsy/I live in New Orleans*cough*

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Neighbor: Manger Danger babyproofing 

Exterminator: Silent Mites pest control

Burger(s) of The Day: The Smilla's Sense of Snowpeas Burger, The Santa Slaws is Coming to Town Burger

I knew that when I saw that the description said teens, I knew Logan was gonna show up, and there he was. And man, the kids got lucky with Rudy's cousin. And man, Logan recruiting a kid from the basketball team to get over the blockade was a genius move. But damn, I loved that ending with Mandy gathering ALL the girls together for war. No shock that there were no shortage of people that want to pelt Logan with snowballs.

I loved Rudy in all of this. He truly is all of us.

God damn did Teddy piss me off with Linda's tote bag. But I liked Linda's plot, and I just lost it at the Knit Cracker. I'm not surprised Bob was better at it, he's just got that obsessive mindset that's perfect for knitting. It's just like the kids to love Linda's hot mess of a scarf. It actually looks someone made it. "It's creepy, but it tells a story." The song at the end was awesome.

"Saving Private Ryan called, it wants its opening scene back!"

"I feel like I'm in a breath mint commercial!"

"And we'll blame it all on global warming! It's the perfect crime!"

"I'm going to shovel the sidewalk."
"Wow dad, that's the butchest thing you've ever said."

Man, Gene was just on fire with the one liners, as always. I missed Gene's spiel on the snowman, but I loved that, too.

  • Love 8

Ah turf battles. Reminds me of childhood. WE WILL HOLD THIS JUNGLE GYM UNTIL THE VERY END.

It makes such perfect sense that Logan is the kind of boy every girl his own age wants to beat up. And boy is he lucky those girls showed up before he started using those super snowballs. If the ice in them was hard enough (from the start I wondered if they'd escalate to putting rocks at the center of snowballs, and hard enough ice isn't that far from rocks), using them on other people could be Assault With a Deadly Weapon. I mean, tiny Louise getting one of those to the top of the head? Logan would literally be incarcerated.

I feel Linda's pain. I'm a pretty decent knitter, but when I decided to make a scarf for a friend's birthday it took me over a week of frantic work. (Granted the scarf I was making was about three times as wide as Bob and Lindas', but it was still repetitive work you'd think would go quicker.) It was nice to see knitting animated fairly accurately too (at least the needles were pointing in the right direction), although they didn't show the detail work so well. I still can't figure out how Linda actually made a stitch, but then again they seemed to be knitting in the English method and I'm a Continental Knitter.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

"Saving Private Ryan called, it wants its opening scene back!"

"I feel like I'm in a breath mint commercial!"

"And we'll blame it all on global warming! It's the perfect crime!"

"I'm going to shovel the sidewalk."
"Wow dad, that's the butchest thing you've ever said."

Man, Gene was just on fire with the one liners, as always.

You forgot my favorite line of the night- “It’s Brienne of Tarth!” 

  • Love 5

First, I need to comment on the animation this season (and last season). I'm loving the winter clothes they have for all the characters. The kids were especially colorful with their snowsuits and sleds.  

Also, I've been noticing a little extra something with the kids' animation in that the positions of their heads when they're talking are becoming more detailed. When they're speaking to adults, they are tilting their heads upwards a little more. When they're watching something, they're craning their necks a little more. 

And the dancing has always been great, but the artists seem to have studied actual dancers more. 

Just a few more reasons why I love this show. 

Also Mandy and the rest of the girls throwing snowballs at Logan was awesome. 

1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:


Edited by ABitOFluff
editing fail
  • Love 7
8 hours ago, ganesh said:

I liked how the cousin grunted when throwing the snowball. 


1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:

First, I need to comment on the animation this season (and last season). I'm loving the winter clothes they have for all the characters. The kids were especially colorful with their snowsuits and sleds.  

The bottoms of the sleds being scratched up was such a great detail.

  • Love 6

Man, I totally identified with Linda -- I suck at knitting, and the scarves I made for two of my kids took forever and are lumpy and uneven. I learned my lesson, and I'm crocheting a scarf for my third (I'm much better and faster at crocheting).

I love that Logan (truly a terrible kid) has managed to piss off every girl in the town. And that it was three teams of female athletes who took him out (loved Mandy's grunting).

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

You forgot my favorite line of the night- “It’s Brienne of Tarth!” 

HA! I missed that. Awesome and perfect!


4 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

The bottoms of the sleds being scratched up was such a great detail.

I noticed that and was so impressed that this detail was even thought of.

Fun ep. So many funny little bits, like when Rudy and Mandy high-fived, and he was knocked down.

Teddy saying, "Who invited Dr Scrooge?" really cracked me up.

  • Love 1

I've only ever seen snow once in my life, on a special trip to the mountains with my parents when I was nine. (I spent the whole time sledding, btw) So can someone tell me, is their some kind of tactical use of a hill during a snowball fight, or were Logan and his friends just being complete dicks who could have had the fights on flat ground?

Also, I just rewatched Mulan, my favorite Disney hand-drawn movie ever, and I'm 90% convinced that the girls showing up at the top of the hill was a deliberate homage to the scene where The Huns appear over the mountain. It is the movie's 20th anniversary year after all.

I want to second the comment on the animation, I think's it's the best animation on TV right now, and it's just gotten better and better. The kids' winter clothes were a delight. Every time they show someone else's home, usually a kid from school, it's got its own personality and the details in the background are so carefully thought out. Kudos to the animators.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

I've only ever seen snow once in my life, on a special trip to the mountains with my parents when I was nine. (I spent the whole time sledding, btw) So can someone tell me, is their some kind of tactical use of a hill during a snowball fight, or were Logan and his friends just being complete dicks who could have had the fights on flat ground?

In terms of hill vs flat, they're just being dicks. Without knowing the topography of the rest of the park...it's possible that was the most open/free of trees (or other stuff) area and thus they did have some reason for not wanting to go elsewhere when the sledders showed up. Not that one can't have a snowball fight in a tree-heavy area, but if I'm trying to come up with a reason why they chose that specific spot in the first place...my point is if I squint I can come up with some other than just being obstructionists. Because you know since they're locals that they know that's The Sledding Hill. It's also possible other flatter areas might be more well-traversed, so if it weren't a hugely deep snowfall, it might be the hill was best because (other than sledding) no one is really traipsing through there. But then, given Teddy was able to drive over there without creating a giant mud-filled, tiretrack disaster, it seems like there was probably enough snow around that trafficness shouldn't be a factor in terms of supply...it might be in terms of being out of the way of random bystanders to not seriously injure someone other than their intended targets.


I've put way too much thought into this in the past minute. I hate snow.

  • Love 1

Ugh. Logan. I hate Logan. And not even in a fun love-to-hate-him way, but the character just sucks and kinda ruins every episode he's in way. So I was super delighted when all the girls in town showed up to throw snowballs at him. Plus, the girls from the softball team were throwing theirs underhand! Such a great detail.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Rockstar99435 said:

Ugh. Logan. I hate Logan. And not even in a fun love-to-hate-him way, but the character just sucks and kinda ruins every episode he's in way. So I was super delighted when all the girls in town showed up to throw snowballs at him. Plus, the girls from the softball team were throwing theirs underhand! Such a great detail.

Logan was best in Mother-Daughter Laser Razor.

  • Love 7

I can totally relate to Linda and her knitting struggles. I like knitting, and I can usually finish my projects decently, but they always turn out a little more...unique than what I expected. 

This has been such a great season, every story has been on fire! I always love the winter episodes, they're so wonderfully animated. And Logan is certainly the kind of teenage boy that teenage girls would want to throw snowballs at. 

"I’m gonna go shovel the driveway."

"Thats the most butch thing I've ever heard you say!"

"Thanks Gene."

  • Love 4

Neighbor: The Thesaurus Shop

Store - Market - Boutique

Exterminator: Bug To Differ

Burger(s) of The Day: The Brussel and Flow Burger (served with Brussel Sprouts)

"Her hot friend Monica." That's a new take for Tina.

Man, that call from Gayle is just like every phone conversation I've ever had with my mom's friends. But man, it was good to see a plot where Gayle's awful life came in handy. But she's still Gayle after all. I wonder just how many MLMs Gayle's been involved with by now?

Poor Louise, even she couldn't resist a puppy like Ringo. We would all steal her from Angie.

It was good to see him again, but that subplot with Mr. Huggins was horrifying. No good deed going unpunished, and all that. Bob and Teddy are the LAST people to get love advice from.

Edited by Galileo908
  • Love 7

Linda's entire plot could have lasted 5 seconds if Gayle just said, "Linda, I need to speak with you privately for just one minute." I appreciate the kids stepping up. I totally get Louise with the dog though. I think the plot would have worked without Gayle and just the kids. 

Ange seemed kind of condescending to the kids. 

I cracked up when Bob just blasted out of there. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Linda's entire plot could have lasted 5 seconds if Gayle just said, "Linda, I need to speak with you privately for just one minute." I appreciate the kids stepping up. I totally get Louise with the dog though. I think the plot would have worked without Gayle and just the kids. 

And that's the problem with Gayle. She was essentially there for exposition.

Gayle was being Gayle. She's not going to ever be direct or logical. She's a few fries shy of a Happy Meal.

I could see her being a mark for everyone from Nigerian princes to the IRS scam guy on the phone, to Amway. She's more childish than the kids.

And she didn't drive me nuts in this episode, so I was happy! 

  • Love 3

Gayle is totally the person who would fall for every pyramid scheme, Nigerian prince scam, and chain letter that has ever crossed her path. And no way would Gayle just say what was going on like a normal person without flaying around at first. Gayle gotta be Gayle. 

Louis and the puppy was diabolically adorable. Damn Ringo and his distracting cuteness! 

  • Love 2

I don’t like how they draw puppies on this show ( something about it seems out of place with the rest of the animation for me), but I love that evil Louise is unable to resist cute things like puppies and shapes with eyes.

LOVED the Thesaurus Shop (Store • Market • Boutique) gag. And the “Brussel and Flow” burger makes me wish they also had a “It’s Hard Out Here for a Shrimp” burger (served with grilled shrimp).

  • Love 5
On 1/7/2019 at 10:25 AM, ganesh said:

It would have been better if the kids somehow found out that the oils were a scam and dragged Gayle into it to drive them to the house, and then the show unfolded as is. That would have added another wrinkle as Ange distracted the kids with puzzles and puppies. 

I expected Angie to be a terrible person, but I preferred the way it was done: She actually loved essential oils, was making money selling them, and wanted others to make money, too. She didn't realize that she was the only one selling because she's such an attractive and appealing person that people can't resist. She's a Bubble Person, like Jon Hamm on 30 Rock

I loved that her overhearing Gayle say she was stuck with all her product opened Angie's eyes rather than make her mad.


On 1/7/2019 at 6:45 PM, link417 said:

LOVED the Thesaurus Shop (Store • Market • Boutique) gag. And the “Brussel and Flow” burger makes me wish they also had a “It’s Hard Out Here for a Shrimp” burger (served with grilled shrimp).

HAH! That would have been great.

Gene slapping his butt cracked me up.

  • Love 5

Neighbor: If You Don't Glove Me By Now

Glove Emporium

Exterminator: It Had To Be Glue

Burger(s) of The Day: The Mush-Aroom About Nothing Burger

Tina was shipping like mad, she was definitely on Team Kathleen, to a fault. I mean, she was going too hard on it. I love how she didn't know whether she had a speech impediment or an accent. I did like how we immediately saw a better match for Teddy than Helen, but I was honestly thinking that there'd be a third option where neither of them ended up with Teddy. Because Teddy. Well, I hope we see Kathleen again, I liked her.

"There's lots of buildings older than me."
"Not in this country."

"Here's my counteroffer: YOU'RE grounded."

Tina was awfully sassy tonight.

I liked the plot with the Father And Hot Son Plumbing Team. Bob just can't fix things, and that really explains why he keeps Teddy around. I actually liked Teddy in this, too.

  • Love 4

Bob: “A lot of buildings are [older than me].”

Tina: “Not in this country.” I LOL’d!

Good episode, I also laughed when it looked like Fleetwood Mac had finally fixed the faucet and water suddenly shot out of it.

I’m glad Homicidal Helen didn’t get her precious Nescafé (Napster, neti potski, Netscape, Netflix-y . . .) in the end (not in one piece, anyway). Which is better for her, really — Louise is not the kind of person you want to screw over.

  • Love 5

"Did I say pipes? I meant to say vents." "Did we say vests? Should we check him for vests?" I love when Gene and Bob get a plot, Genes constant energy is a great foil to Bobs long suffering attempts at holding onto sanity. 

A wacky Teddy episode, where Teddy doesent actually do anything that wacky! Weird! I guess searching an apartment for something a woman you have a crush on wants is a bit wacky, but he was mostly competent and low key, while the shenanigans happened around him. I can actually see why Bob and company need to call him so often, he isnt a bad repairman, and Bob and company really suck at fixing things!

I like Kathleen, hopefully we see her again! And it was fun seeing Helen (who did NOT murder her husband. Maybe) show up being her horrible self. Of course Linda, who usually gets distracted and blinded by pretty or rich people, especially pretty rich people, would be all about Helen, while Tina started shipping Teddy with the nice woman who might actually go for him. 

  • Love 1

I liked that Bob couldn't fix the sink. He's not good at it. He's good at cooking burgers. Normally, the dad either can fix anything or is completely incompetent. 

I don't know if TPTBs made Teddy kind of creepy and needy on purpose, or they think that makes him funny, but that's not how it's being executed realistically. Having him date Kathleen could be a good course correct for the character. Not that him being anxious or nervous around women is bad, but I think it's an opportunity to mellow him a little while still having those character traits. He's still going to come to the restaurant for help on going out with her, but her chill could balance him out. 

When he helps Tina with her science project or plows the park, it's fine, but the whole him flipping out over Thanksgiving and going crazy over hoarding is like, 'dude, you have serious issues that require a professional.' I don't think that's what they were going for, but that's how it comes out. 

I did laugh when the kids kept coming back to her apartment, and she was like 'oh ok. We can have the pasta I guess.'

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