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Real Time with Bill Maher in the Media

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On ‎17‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 6:17 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

And there's Michael Moore--one of the few who convincingly argued that Trump would win. I would LOVE to see him again.

Too bad he's not on. I would love for someone to ask that giant smelly turd with limbs: "Do you have any shame in giving Putin and U.S. Republicans the gameplan for moving Drumph into the White House?"

It wouldn't be Bill the Polarizing Asswipe asking that question, for sure!


Too bad he's not on. I would love for someone to ask that giant smelly turd with limbs: "Do you have any shame in giving Putin and U.S. Republicans the gameplan for moving Drumph into the White House?"

It wouldn't be Bill the Polarizing Asswipe asking that question, for sure!

He frequently posted ways for the Democrats and Hillary to reach the disenfranchised voters.  Don't blame him because Hillary and the Democrats didn't take his astute comments seriously.  The Democrats SQUIRMED when talking about trade, sighed when they heard about another factory closing, didn't tap the anger and NEVER NEVER publicly denied Republican falsehoods with any force or passion.

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46 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

He frequently posted ways for the Democrats and Hillary to reach the disenfranchised voters.  Don't blame him because Hillary and the Democrats didn't take his astute comments seriously.  The Democrats SQUIRMED when talking about trade, sighed when they heard about another factory closing, didn't tap the anger and NEVER NEVER publicly denied Republican falsehoods with any force or passion.

That fucking huge turd posed that question last summer in a manner that suggested people shouldn't be going out to vote for Hillary because Drumph was going to win the election. What the fuck kind of messaging is that you send out to people you want to help?!! Plus, he has a history of telling his faithful to stay home on election day or vote third party to teach Democrats a lesson, which results in digging a deeper hole for liberals to ever climb out of. So I WILL blame fucking Michael Moore and his ilk for assisting in the rise of Drumph. With him and Bill, the left doesn't need enemies!

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33 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

My God. WHY????!

14 minutes ago, ganesh said:

That's arguably the worst decision in the history of the show. Bill's contribution to troll development has had a significant impact on the political landscape without a doubt now. 

Couldn't agree with you more.


This is what I've found about the other guests for this week. I wish I knew if Leah was also going to be on the panel; that would reassure me that she would shut that internet troll down. But she could be either the mid-show guest or top of the show. No details yet. 

Leah Remini, Michael Eric Dyson, Tomi Lahren, Jason Kander

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
2 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

I honestly don't think I can take that. I can't watch.

This is what I was worried about this season. Bill would feel the need to have not conservatives, but Trump supporters (which is a different entity) on the show.

I can't handle that. I can handle sane conservatives, but not that.

Normally, I'd be right there with you, but I'll be doped up on drugs after surgery, so I may be able to watch...maybe. Not sure. I loathe that person so so much, she's so hateful. I may just fast forward when she opens her pie hole. IF Leah is on the panel, I may be able to get through.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

My God. WHY????!

Because he likes shallow blonde right wing pundits who are desperate for any airtime they can get as much as Roger Ailes ever did. Because he loves to see himself as the brave defender of free speech for everyone. Because as much as he criticizes the mainstream media he is as beholden to "balance" as any of the Sunday talking head shows. Because he loves the clicks it will get. Because he is an asshole. Does that answer your question?

Edited by wknt3
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She is far far far from a pundit. I'll concede that Coulter and Conway know something about something. They're reprehensible people, but stupid they are not. That's why their deal works. 

This other one. I mean she completely embarrassed herself on The Daily Show in a 7 minute interview, and it wasn't like Trevor Noah was asking any leading questions or tried 'gotcha questions'. She can do her prepared rants, but it was clear when she was without a net that she has just no knowledge of anything. 

I think Bill will get sick of her tbh. She's going to shout over everyone and try to Conway their arguments, but she can't control her hate for more than 5 minutes and she's going to go completely off the rails. So yeah, one would think that's the kind of train wreck entertainment they're going for, but I just think it's going to blow up all over the place and be painfully awkward. 

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I noticed on the crawl list of Friday's guest that Tomi Lahren will be on,



Oh crap.  She's about as bad as Kac, talks over you very fast such that she's not really listening at all to what she says, she just must get the talking points in.  As much as I dislike Ann Coulter, she at least pretends to listen.

I just may be able to delete the recording before it even happens.

If Bill isn't careful, he's going to lose his audience.  No one wants to be subjected to this nonsense week after week.

I come to his show, watch his show, because he presents a reasonable view and sometimes a different point of view, a different aspect, of something that's happened during the week and creates some good humor and satire about it.  If I wanted to listen to folks screeching at each other, I'd watch Joe and Mika or CNBC's morning show.  I don't want to watch all alt all the time when I come to this show.  It's getting real close for me to bail on him and I hate that.

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Yes, Tomi Lahren is just being given more exposure and a wider audience by these liberal shows. Putting her on the panel basically elevates her to something above "internet crank who found her niche by being bigoted and offensive while also pretty and 23 years old." It would be great if the resistance going on now forced him to stop doing stuff like that because people don't have time to intentionally anger themselves by listening to her white foolishness even if they think they're pointing and laughing at her. The general public evolved overnight in response to this administration. Other people have to catch up.

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I watched some of the CNN show with Van Jones. I actually liked him pushing Van Jones on religion. It's weird because when Bill is on news programs he actually comes off well. I don't know if it's because they only ask him a limited scope of questions, and on Real Time he has to cover a ton of topics, and no one is an expert in everything. 

I think they were all flat-out wrong about Berkeley though. There is no republican college kid on campus whose safety is threatened. If your deal is preaching hate, I have zero obligation to afford you 'freedom' to speak it or 'hear what you have to say.'  

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I didn't feel like clicking on the link, because I'm not interested in reading about Bill's "outrage" over Scahill pulling out. According to an article in The Washington Times, Bill "lashes out" at Scahill for pulling out, which just makes him a hypocrite. No big surprise there. But it is disappointing. If Bill can have these assholes on his show, he should understand why those that won't support same assholes and engage with them, or who appear on his show, as cause for them not wanting to appear on his show. Even if Milo isn't going to be on the panel.

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I maybe can see Scahill's point.  Unless the Milo interview is being done remote like Franken's was last week, the panelists may have to co-exist in the green room in advance of the show or in makeup or somewhere off-stage and out of camera range.  I can almost give him a pass.  If I were going to a party and knew that someone I disagreed with or absolutely detested was going to be there, I would definitely send regrets and, depending on my relationship with the host, tell them why.  No sense making everyone uncomfortable.

Edited by b2H
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The AV Club has a good article about Maher's increasing irrelevance in today's political climate:


In 2017, Maher now feels like a man without a country. Given the ongoing fallout from his most recent episode—not to mention the swift reversal of fortune Yiannopoulos has experienced this week—he could soon become a man without an audience. Liberals won’t (and shouldn’t) abide by his Islamophobia. Conservatives and libertarians might admire his free-speech defense of Yiannopoulos, but they’re also unlikely to see eye-to-eye with a man who routinely insults them as morons. And while Maher agrees with their eagerness to fight the policing of humor, he isn’t willing to go to the dark places necessary to become part of the “alt-right.” That’s why the decision to book Yiannopolous felt mostly like an act of attention-grabbing desperation. In an effort to stay relevant, Maher went with the controversial flavor of the month, and it backfired in the worst way possible.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush

The show booked Milo a while ago though, so I don't know if it's attention-grabbing desperation. If the show is losing millions of viewers then I'd agree, but I'm just not buying much of that. Except for last week and Tomi, the shows have been fairly typical. I would say that the show is lacking direction and doing the same type of thing might need to be re-examined.

One could argue that Bill giving Milo a platform was as much to expose him and bring about his downfall than it was attention-grabbing for the show. He's been having trolls on since before it was a thing anyway. 

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He has, but normalizing trolls in this climate feels more harmful now. I agree that he's become irrelevant. I think it's because of his need to give a platform to nuts- that might have seemed just dumb at times before, but now it feels like he's perpetuating crazy. I think he should focus on booking sane conservatives and giving THEM a voice.

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I'm sure as hell not thanking Bill for "exposing" Milo. You can't tell people not to get distracted by stupid shit and then invite a professional troll on your program. I'm glad Milo is finally in the trash bin of relevancy, but Bill needs to get off his high horse because it really wasn't his doing.

If Bill really believes that our focus should be fighting Trump's agenda, he needs to show it. Let's talk about how we should fight instead of arguing with morons.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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So, in the Slate piece about Bill's Milo-Slaying-Credit-Taking, there's this quote:


Maher defended the interview, in any case, arguing that it isn’t his job to check the falsehoods spewed by his guests. 

This is a thing he has long railed against the press for not doing during the W years, and contradicts what he himself claims when he fact-checks lots of guests, sometimes at the desk, sometimes, like he did with Santorum in 2015, responding at length the week following the Frothy One's visit.

I suppose it's technically true, in that RT is a hybrid discussion/comedy show, but this is disingenuous, lazy, and hacky. Not to mention contemptible past counting.

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Oh I so fuckin' wanna put on a pair of brass knuckles and repeatedly smash Bill in the mouth for trying to take credit in assholeMilo's downfall. He never knew about Milo's disgusting comments that brought his attention whoring act to a screeching halt. He brought him on to defend his right to say horrible and offensive shit without retribution, verbally stroke his ego and penis, and chastise his audience for "taking the bait", even though he deliberately set the bait himself.

And now he has the gall to say "you're welcome" about "playing a role" in his demise? Hypocrite: Thy name is Bill Fucking Maher!

Between his Islamophobia, his diaper baby act over political correctness, and now this, Bill has lost all right to lecture liberals about anything coming out of his own attention whoring mind and mouth. He deserves his own downfall.

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16 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Oh I so fuckin' wanna put on a pair of brass knuckles and repeatedly smash Bill in the mouth for trying to take credit in assholeMilo's downfall. He never knew about Milo's disgusting comments that brought his attention whoring act to a screeching halt. He brought him on to defend his right to say horrible and offensive shit without retribution, verbally stroke his ego and penis, and chastise his audience for "taking the bait", even though he deliberately set the bait himself.

Bill needs to pump his brakes on taking credit for this. The real MVPs were Larry Wilmore and Malcolm Nance. In my head, Malcolm called in a few favors and got Milo dealt with.

Given all the shit he put her through last year, I hope Milo's downfall made Leslie Jones's week a little sweeter. 

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I'm highly doubtful. If the ratings aren't dropping off a cliff, and even then HBO isn't as ratings driven as other networks. People aren't dropping subscriptions. I don't think this latest show comes that close to all the hoopla when Affleck was on. 

The hypocrisy Bill has displayed in the past seven days has been astonishing. Moreso than the Harris/Affleck dustup from a couple of years ago. Now whether HBO takes notice and does something about it is an entirely different manner.

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Bill Maher, who took credit for the downfall of Milo Yiannopoulos, has also defended adult sex with children


But in the wake of Yiannopoulos’s downfall, a video has surfaced of Maher himself defending adults having sex with minors.

In the clip, Maher said Letourneau was in jail “for being in love.”

He continued, “I admit that it’s unorthodox. She’s 35, the boy is 14. He was younger when they started. But she is pregnant again. That was the story this week. This is the second child by this boy. They are keeping the mother in jail because she won’t conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family.”

Later in the clip, when Greig called the act rape, Maher responded, “How can a woman rape a man?”

Totally not surprised by that clip. I'd be shocked if he didn't think women couldn't rape men. Didn't he even recently do a whole New Rules about how it's every boy's dream to be sexually abused by his teacher and we're all just envying these kids, especially if the teacher's hot?

Iirc, his positions on Woody Allen are that a) we don't know what really happened with the pedophilia incident and Allen's life has been "ruined" by the accusation even being made and b) he's still married to the much-younger daughter of his ex and therefore there couldn't be anything wrong with him sleeping with her behind her mother's back. As long as you're still willing to sleep with the underage person after they're 21, that's all that matters and society's just judging your love.

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