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Supernatural Ending

Message added by ohjoy

Please use this topic to discussion about your general speculation and thoughts on the upcoming end of the series only. Keep long discussions on other topics (overall show history, media/social media updates, Bitch vs. Jerk, etc.) to the appropriate other topic, as usual. Thank you.

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12 hours ago, ukgirl71 said:

I was just thinking I’ll miss seeing all your comments about the show and the actors when Supernatural finally finishes.

Yeah, I've been on several boards that have ended after the show ended.  A few went on for a few more months but it will be hard when this one wraps up and shrinks.  It will be like losing a friend.

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On 8/1/2020 at 3:45 PM, DeeDee79 said:

Yay an X Files question! As much of a superfan as I am I have to admit that I don't know much about the ending. After David Duchovny left for a bit and other mains were written in I lost interest. I do know that by the time that the finale aired Mulder had solved his own personal X File involving his sister and was able to get closure from that. The movie in 1998 was more of a long extension of the season 5 finale and the 2nd movie in 2008 was kind of a precursor to the revival in 2016. I hate that they ended so abruptly but apparently there were salary disputes that couldn't be resolved.

Another longtime fan that's seen it all. The original series ended in confusion. Scully had a baby that was Mulder's. Cigarette Smoking Man died horribly by all appearances... Alien Invasion was averted. I confess that it has been a long time since I saw it... so...

The 2nd season of the reboot had some fantastic episodes yet did Scully a huge disservice in the end. I applaud Gillian for walking away.

On 8/1/2020 at 3:09 PM, Aeryn13 said:

That's difficult to answer because after the show ended, there were (TV) movies. And then years later new revival Seasons. So, I guess it didn"t really end. X-File cases would always be around.

I do not remember tv movies. I remember going to the cinema.

3 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Another longtime fan that's seen it all. The original series ended in confusion. Scully had a baby that was Mulder's. Cigarette Smoking Man died horribly by all appearances... Alien Invasion was averted. I confess that it has been a long time since I saw it... so...

The 2nd season of the reboot had some fantastic episodes yet did Scully a huge disservice in the end. I applaud Gillian for walking away.

I do not remember tv movies. I remember going to the cinema.

I can't say for certain but I think at least one was only released in cinemas where I live. I mean International distribution can vary.

I won’t particular mourn Supernatural ending (given the drop off in quality in the last two years especially), and will still hope for perhaps a few TV movies a few years down the track, with a QUALITY storyline and skilled writers.  What I will take from the experience is that I am now aware of the skills, talent and kindness of Messrs Ackles, Padalecki and Collins.  Before this show, I wouldn’t have known them from Adam, and even though they mightn’t be on my TV screen every week (unless British TV buys Walker - fingers crossed), I’m just happy to know they exist, out there in their respective corners of the world, doing their things.  And, of course, social media will keep me up to date - it’ll be like having lovable cousins that you check in on 😄

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After watching the most recent promo for the show's last episodes I've come up with a scenario that might work for me in the end even if...


...as I suspect will happen from watching said promo, Dean winds up alone after watching and crying over everyone else after they've been given their heroic ending

Maybe Dean will have his memories of everything that happened in his life since Mary died erased and replaced by the New God with happier memories so that he can finally and truly have peace after it's all done.

I will never see an IC Dean Winchester ever achieving that if the spoiler tag does happen otherwise. 

And maybe that's why Dabb felt that only 30% of the audience would like it.



Edited by Myrelle
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11 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I will never see an IC Dean Winchester ever achieving that if the spoiler tag does happen otherwise. 

And maybe that's why Dabb felt that only 30% of the audience would like it.

Since when does Dabb worry about keeping IC?  

I think he really does think he's Chuck--the Writer as God--which means that "character" doesn't mean anything.  His creations are meant to do whatever he wants them to do, regardless of how someone (more talented) has set up who they really are.  After all, they're not real.  Dabb giveth, Dabb taketh away.  

So I don't think he gives a rat's ass what would be logical, satisfactory to either the characters or the viewers, or "peace when we are done."  He has a story in mind, and he'll tell it the way he wants no matter how he has to contort the characters, canon and story telling to make it so.  He's going to have Jack as the hero, with the rest of the cast bowing down in the background. 

I'm guessing (based on what has been said that the show can't continue from here) that Jack does make the perfect world Cas saw in The Future, where there are no more monsters to fight.  Lucifer and Chuck will get redemption arcs,  Cas will get a heroic sacrifice, Sam will settle down with Eileen, and Dean will (shrug) do whatever Dean does.  Buy a bar, ride off into the sunset, join a monastery.  Dabb doesn't care.  

It leaves the SPN world just like our world is today:  no monsters, no demons, no angels.   God is (maybe) somewhere but hands-off (except sometimes he does listen to prayers).  Free will reigns.  It's the French Mistake world, and we're already living in it.  Sam and Dean are not only irrelevant but all their accomplishments and anything they've done to save the world never happened.  

Sorry for the bitterness but it seems to have taken over.  



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19 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I think he really does think he's Chuck--the Writer as God

That was the theme for this season.  Writers lie. Dabb has used that slogan to rewrite the entire show....the brothers are magical, there never was free will, Chuck all of a sudden despises his creation (how is the different than Lucifer?).  If you don't have any rules then you can't write yourself into a corner anymore.

30 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Since when does Dabb worry about keeping IC?  

I think he really does think he's Chuck--the Writer as God--which means that "character" doesn't mean anything.  His creations are meant to do whatever he wants them to do, regardless of how someone (more talented) has set up who they really are.  After all, they're not real.  Dabb giveth, Dabb taketh away.  

So I don't think he gives a rat's ass what would be logical, satisfactory to either the characters or the viewers, or "peace when we are done."  He has a story in mind, and he'll tell it the way he wants no matter how he has to contort the characters, canon and story telling to make it so.  He's going to have Jack as the hero, with the rest of the cast bowing down in the background. 

I'm guessing (based on what has been said that the show can't continue from here) that Jack does make the perfect world Cas saw in The Future, where there are no more monsters to fight.  Lucifer and Chuck will get redemption arcs,  Cas will get a heroic sacrifice, Sam will settle down with Eileen, and Dean will (shrug) do whatever Dean does.  Buy a bar, ride off into the sunset, join a monastery.  Dabb doesn't care.  

It leaves the SPN world just like our world is today:  no monsters, no demons, no angels.   God is (maybe) somewhere but hands-off (except sometimes he does listen to prayers).  Free will reigns.  It's the French Mistake world, and we're already living in it.  Sam and Dean are not only irrelevant but all their accomplishments and anything they've done to save the world never happened.  

Sorry for the bitterness but it seems to have taken over.  



I think the "world without supernatural things" is very likely. And I do believe Jensen would dislike that especially because a lollipop world ending is so eyeroll-worthy. And it fits perfectly with what Jared said he liked about utterly being "done".

You could also undo it at any time because Jack is a painfully gullible Gary Stu. So he could easily be manipulated into anything. Of all the people not for Godhood. Even the Winchesters would have more worldly experience. 

Sam and Eileen, good point. Heroic death for Cas, almost a given. Dean having nothing to do but that lame bar scenario? Fitting. He doesn't have a set up for anything.

39 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Since when does Dabb worry about keeping IC?


But if he leaves Dean alive with his memories intact then a reboot can never really be ruled out because of the very nature of the original character. He will always remember "the hunt" and could easily be called back into it-again, even if the spoiler tag happens.

Everyone has said that this ending is The Ending and that it will be almost impossible to come back from it-which, no matter what, I still think is poppycock-but there has to be some reason that even some of the actors have said this(although, yes, I don't think that Jensen ever really ruled it out completely).

Edited by Myrelle
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5 minutes ago, Myrelle said:


But if he leaves Dean alive with his memories intact then a reboot can never really be ruled out because of the very nature of the original character. He will always remember "the hunt" and could easily be called back into it-again, even if the spoiler tag happens.

Everyone has said that this ending is The Ending and that it will be almost impossible to come back from it-which, no matter what, I still think is poppycock-but there has to be some reason that even some of the actors have said this(although, yes, I don't think that Jensen ever really ruled it out completely).

That's why I think the "no more monsters" scenario is the most likely.  It can be undone, I suppose, by having some monsters come through from another world (assuming all the AUs are still in existence) or by moving the boys to another AU, but this ending is pretty final.  They can do TV movies filling in some of the blanks of the past 15 years, but I'm assuming if they do a reboot it'll be starting over/redoing, not picking up where they left off.  

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Oh, and I can't see Sam settling down with Eileen because I can't see JP being happy with that at all-AND it again leaves the very distinct possiblity of a reboot happening. 

But yes, the no more monsters thing is a very distinct possiblity, too.

ETA: And I really feel that both brothers being alive in the end is much too happy of an ending with Dabb writing it.


Edited by Myrelle
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I just had a horrible thought about Dabb's perfect ending:  

Jack stands watching, beaming beatifically, as the world is remade into a paradise.  A montage of monsters, wars, people fighting, nuclear weapons etc. all disappearing; and the final scene shows Sam and Dean's initials, both in the Impala and the table in the bunker, slowly fading away.  

The Winchesters and their legacy wiped out.

1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

Oh, and I can't see Sam settling down with Eileen because I can't see JP being happy with that at all-AND it again leaves the very distinct possiblity of a reboot happening. 

But yes, the no more monsters thing is a very distinct possiblity, too.

ETA: And I really feel that both brothers being alive in the end is much too happy of an ending with Dabb writing it.


Death wouldn`t at all preclude a possibility of a reboot. Not on this show where cheating death has become cheaper than just about ending. 

I could see Jared liking it because he was actually quite specific in his Comic Con interviews when he said why he loved the Finale they had been pitched. That he loved how it meant they were "done". And then he went into the specifics of all the things he didn`t or wouldn`t have wanted: being in the Empty, being in hell, being in heaven. He specifically said that wouldn`t have wanted the brothers to keep hunting because then as an audience member he would have wanted to see that. And if they stopped hunting, he would want to know the reason why. 

That is pretty much wink wink nudge nudge and lollipop world perfectly fits those criteria. And if those were all things he didn`t want yet he says the ending is pretty much exactly what he wanted, than that rather tells you what doesn`t happen.  And he never once said "the brothers being together at the end" was something he absolutely wanted.

Now Dean may or may not be included in those statements  - at Comic Con I got the impression - but definitely Sam would be. So unless they radically changed something, I don`t think either brother is dying. 

Which, sure, maybe a traditionally "happy" ending but they would all be aware that on this show a lot of the fandom would see it as trite and eyeroll-worthy, especially if one brother settled down with someone else. Aka they would no longer be their codependent selves. 

Personally, I could take a lame suburbian ending in lollipop-world IF I get a worthy legacy, especially for Dean. If he gets to contribute something worthwhile to the world-saving. The anti 5.22. In that case, if his ending is just a bar and the character is made to look marginally at peace at the end, well, that could be fixed with imagination. Just give me a legacy. I couldn`t care less about shiny Jack residing over the universe.    

Edited by Aeryn13

Moved from Spoilers thread (spec only; no spoilers):

7 hours ago, PeterKahlke said:

I'm 99% convinced that since they revealed it so early (basically at the end of last season, with Death confronting Jack), the plan for Jack to kill God will fail, probably in ep. 15.18. In ep. 15.19, it will be Sam and Dean versus God, and there's only one way that can happen that fits with what we know about this season, with the last four seasons, and with the whole mythology - and that's both Winchesters saying yes to Lucifer and Michael, and using their powers to beat God. It's the only way to properly end it.

6 hours ago, Terese said:

They had said that Amara was caged using the combined forces of God and the Archangels. That was Light vs Dark. I can't see 2 Archangles defeating God. It has a nice literary symmetry, though. But, the power differential feels huge.

And God(and Amara) is the Universe. He is not just the ruler.

I suppose, if they *are* aiming at literary symmetry, then Dean/Michael and Sam/Lucifer plus Amara could lock Chuck away, and if we had any other showrunner I'd think that might be a possibility.  But I can't see Dabb sidelining Jack at any point.  Maybe Jack joins the group for the final (successful) push.  But even if that does work, what happens to Sam and Dean afterwards?  Do Michael and Lucifer just let them go?  Or are they doomed to be archangel condoms for eternity? 

Edited by ahrtee
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8 hours ago, ahrtee said:

Moved from Spoilers thread (spec only; no spoilers):

I suppose, if they *are* aiming at literary symmetry, then Dean/Michael and Sam/Lucifer plus Amara could lock Chuck away, and if we had any other showrunner I'd think that might be a possibility.  But I can't see Dabb sidelining Jack at any point.  Maybe Jack joins the group for the final (successful) push.  But even if that does work, what happens to Sam and Dean afterwards?  Do Michael and Lucifer just let them go?  Or are they doomed to be archangel condoms for eternity? 


I'm sorry, I get a little lost in this forum.

Jack does seem to be the focal point. They recently wrote Dean saying "probably not" when he and Sam were discussing who would be God, as Jack entered the room impressed by his ability to blow bubbles. Is that foreshadowing? That he could never be God? So back to caging. 

I don't know what to speculate about Sam and Dean's ending. Honestly, they don't seem to matter very much, anymore. The story seems to have evolved beyond them with cosmic forces and events out of their control. The final sacrifice to be vessels for eternity would be horrible. But, as everything seems to be happening around them rather than because of or with them, maybe? 

8 hours ago, ahrtee said:

Moved from Spoilers thread (spec only; no spoilers):

I suppose, if they *are* aiming at literary symmetry, then Dean/Michael and Sam/Lucifer plus Amara could lock Chuck away, and if we had any other showrunner I'd think that might be a possibility.  But I can't see Dabb sidelining Jack at any point.  Maybe Jack joins the group for the final (successful) push.  But even if that does work, what happens to Sam and Dean afterwards?  Do Michael and Lucifer just let them go?  Or are they doomed to be archangel condoms for eternity? 

Ahrtee, I thought I responded to you directly. So my response is above 🙂

Edited by Terese
19 minutes ago, Wynne88 said:

I had thought they were filming the very last scene last, but apparently not.  I remember that Jensen said the last one filmed would just be him and Jared, so I may have misremembered about it also being the last scene of the series.


He definitely said that. And that they would be adding an extra day for just that. Guess those plans got tossed.

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4 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

He definitely said that. And that they would be adding an extra day for just that. Guess those plans got tossed.

Could it be that they are the only ones filming? Maybe one of those numbers is the final scene and they've cleared the set.

I hope that they record the behind-the-scenes and the 'that's a wrap on Jensen/Jared' moment.

Or maybe there is still another day - they showed 9/8 on 15.19

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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59 minutes ago, Wynne88 said:

I had thought they were filming the very last scene last, but apparently not.  I remember that Jensen said the last one filmed would just be him and Jared, so I may have misremembered about it also being the last scene of the series.


Fangasm says tomorrow is the final day not today--they seem pretty sure BUT not totally.  Mentioned how last episode finished with 9/8...9 out of 8 days.  1 extra.  As this episode seems likely to do also.

PS--did more checking...Supernatural Wiki and Winchester Family Business both also say we have a 9/8 of filming.  So unless all 3 are wrong--we will get that extra special final scene day tomorrow.  We are not done yet!

Edited by Jakes
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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Wouldn't it be something if The End really was Dean trading the Impala for a bike and riding off into the sunset alone? (a la Jensen's ending)

I mean, I know it's not, but wouldn't it be something?

I don't think I'd like that for Dean. He's always said that he'd end up alone - everyone leaves. So, no, although it's a "romantic" setting, I'd prefer he sticks with Baby - part of his family.

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3 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I don't think I'd like that for Dean. He's always said that he'd end up alone - everyone leaves. So, no, although it's a "romantic" setting, I'd prefer he sticks with Baby - part of his family.

It would be poignant though. And I'm a sucker for sad, so it would please me. Not sure if this thread is supposed to be spoiler free,  but 


I think Jensen's talk about 'putting it in the closet to take out again later' ( paraphrasing) in the Rosenbaum interview pretty much guarantees both of them are alive at the end, IMO. I'd also think, given his initial doubts about the ending,  that it is indeed a paradise/no more monsters ending courtesy of the nougat baby. They can always have a comeback that way, with some new threat emerging. 


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13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It would be poignant though. And I'm a sucker for sad, so it would please me. Not sure if this thread is supposed to be spoiler free,  but 

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I think Jensen's talk about 'putting it in the closet to take out again later' ( paraphrasing) in the Rosenbaum interview pretty much guarantees both of them are alive at the end, IMO. I'd also think, given his initial doubts about the ending,  that it is indeed a paradise/no more monsters ending courtesy of the nougat baby. They can always have a comeback that way, with some new threat emerging. 


...and Dean said last season that he would definitely consider retiring if the world was safe and there were no more monsters. 

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I can definitely think of worse endings, given, well, you know, Andre Badd. But I can't honestly think of a more boring, tropey one. 

Me too. In the ongoing tug of war between which show has the worst final Season/ending this Season on the CW between the 100 and SPN, the former pre-emptively won. Even Badd can't do worse, I think.

I have been following all the goodbyes on Twitter and "thankyousupernatural" has been trending in the US, Canada, Brazil, UK, Germany and others there have been an enormous amount of tweets - in the UK alone over 70 thousand.  It is very sad indeed, so many people who have embraced the programme, the actors and the fandom.  I am very very sad, don't think I can quite believe it yet.

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1 hour ago, Icarus said:

I have been following all the goodbyes on Twitter and "thankyousupernatural" has been trending in the US, Canada, Brazil, UK, Germany and others there have been an enormous amount of tweets - in the UK alone over 70 thousand.  It is very sad indeed, so many people who have embraced the programme, the actors and the fandom.  I am very very sad, don't think I can quite believe it yet.

And this is only for the end of filming. I  imagine it will be repeated when the finale airs. For me though, I think this is the more emotional day because it's about the people. 

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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And this is only for the end of filming. I  imagine it will be repeated when the finale airs. For me though, I think this is the more emotional day because it's about the people. 

I think the tweets after the Finale airs will somewhat depend on how the Finale goes over. 

Like when the How I met you father or Game of Thrones Finales aired, I don’t think the atmosphere was in any conductive to nicey-dicey farewell tweets.

So IMO this happening right now is pretty good and probably the best high-point in terms of fare wells they can get.

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So I still think one brother dies and one lives in the end and Carry On is yet again going to be meant to be taken as obviously and literally as most of Andre Badd's previous titles have been.

I'm just not sure which brother dies, but I'd bet the ranch that it's Dean who's going to have to learn to "let go" of Sam again because nothing has been more consistent on this show than almost every showrunners' insistence on hammering home how Dean constantly and repeatedly needs to be "schooled" on this "lesson" and I don't think Badd could resist making sure that he finally "learns" it in the supposedly final finale of this show  and especially since it's finishing under his reign.

I don't think anything or anyone could have ever convinced him to change that and Kripke probably felt the same way IMO hence his words to Jensen that he(Jensen) knew that this was likely how it would have to end-not a quote, but that was the gist of it, I think and IIRC.

I hope it's Dean who dies, for the record because the other way around just will never seem to be true to the core of what and who the character of Dean Winchester has been all these years for  and to me.


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6 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I'm just not sure which brother dies, but I'd bet the ranch that it's Dean who's going to have to learn to "let go" of Sam again because nothing has been more consistent on this show than almost every showrunners' insistence on hammering home how Dean constantly and repeatedly needs to be "schooled" on this "lesson" and I don't think Badd could resist making sure that he finally "learns" it in the supposedly final finale of this show  and especially since it's finishing under his reign.

This would fit with what Jensen said about being concerned with Dean's legacy.  He wants it to be the guy who saved people  Not the brother who learned to let go of the guy who saved people.

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On 8/28/2020 at 12:15 PM, Myrelle said:

Everyone has said that this ending is The Ending and that it will be almost impossible to come back from it-which, no matter what, I still think is poppycock-but there has to be some reason that even some of the actors have said this(although, yes, I don't think that Jensen ever really ruled it out completely).

Well, I do remember Dallas bringing Bobby back by it was all a dream or in this case a nightmare.  So can they reverse it and start again, sure.  The real question will there be any fans left after it airs.  Since Dabb brought in multi earths with multi Deans and Sams, it would just take a little creativity to undo.  The question would be is it worth undoing or should you just let it end.

I'm more in okay, let's see what they do because so many times what we think might happen doesn't really stick.  I'm prepared for the worst and yet stupidly hopeful.

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19 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I caught the end of the S2 finale, right when Dean shot Yellow Eyes. I've now decided that I want the very last scene of the series to be a Sam/Dean trunk shot with Dean saying "we got work to do" then they close the trunk, the end...


Not much chance of that with Badd at the helm. He'd have to want both brothers to be front and center at the end of the series (and last shot). And no, he doesn't want that if what we've seen this season is any indication at all.

Based on tonight's ep (Gimme Shelter) maybe the final reveal is that Chuck isn't really god, but just a spoiled kid in the Q continuum and earth (and the Winchesters) are his toys that his parents will make him put away.  (That also explains he and Amara as twins).  There have already been  Star Trek: TOS and Twilight Zone eps with that as the twist ending, so I can see Dabb thinking it's a new cool way to end.  It certainly makes his obsession with Jack seem logical:  the shiny new toy that becomes the hero instead of all those old ones (Buzz Lightyear vs. Woody?) and I can see Jensen hating that as an ending, as well as the 70% of the audience who actually remember the other shows.  


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13 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Based on tonight's ep (Gimme Shelter) maybe the final reveal is that Chuck isn't really god, but just a spoiled kid in the Q continuum and earth (and the Winchesters) are his toys that his parents will make him put away.  (That also explains he and Amara as twins).  There have already been  Star Trek: TOS and Twilight Zone eps with that as the twist ending, so I can see Dabb thinking it's a new cool way to end.  It certainly makes his obsession with Jack seem logical:  the shiny new toy that becomes the hero instead of all those old ones (Buzz Lightyear vs. Woody?) and I can see Jensen hating that as an ending, as well as the 70% of the audience who actually remember the other shows.  


Did anybody watch S1 of Miracle Workers (TBS/Comedy Channel)? Steve Buscemi is God and Earth and its inhabitants are his toys, with almost exactly the premise you mention here. It would not surprise me one iota if Badd & Co cribbed the ending like this. OTOH, I might forgive him if he revealed Steve Buscemi as the real God and had him smite all the current characters except Dean and Sam (and possibly Jody and Donna) before the screen fades to black.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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As I said somewhere on this forum, the worst thing the guys could have done is give Badd a full season to screw them over for ending the show. They should have given him two episodes to wrap it up in S14. Now he's had a whole year to make sure he can demean the Winchesters (while making it Jacknatural) to the best of his ability.

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8 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

FWIW, I think that Jensen still is not thrilled with the ending, but I AM starting to believe that it's because both of the brothers are going to wind up being "dead".



Previously they always left one alive to "bring the other back" and kickstart the new Season. That's why I always kinda thought what happened to them in the Finale would happen to both.

And since they don't seem to be harping on the "let me go" theme with Dean (unfortunately the equally annoying "his anger" theme), it doesn't look like a separation.

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The only reason I'm not 100% sure they are dead is them winding up in the Empty or in Heaven. Since there seems to be a greatest hits parade in the finale, my guess would be Heaven, but how disappointing, knowing what we know about the SPN Heaven-verse. I just don't see how that would make either of them (Dean or Sam) 'proud' or 'satisfied' or even 'content'. Yes, proud of their sacrifice or whatever contribution they make to saving the world from Chuck (or whoever the real big-bad turns out to be), but satisfied and content to be dead? I just don't know.

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30 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yes, proud of their sacrifice or whatever contribution they make to saving the world from Chuck (or whoever the real big-bad turns out to be), but satisfied and content to be dead? I just don't know.

I suppose that could be the "peace when you are done" aspect.  And considering that pretty much everyone they know is already dead, they'd certainly have a lot of company (I'm assuming they can visit other heavens like Ash).

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1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

FWIW, I think that Jensen still is not thrilled with the ending, but I AM starting to believe that it's because both of the brothers are going to wind up being "dead".



Yeah, he was very specific about the number of episodes and the platform.  If its through his production company he'll have a lot more say in the direction it takes.

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Message added by ohjoy

Please use this topic to discussion about your general speculation and thoughts on the upcoming end of the series only. Keep long discussions on other topics (overall show history, media/social media updates, Bitch vs. Jerk, etc.) to the appropriate other topic, as usual. Thank you.

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