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S07.E15: Trouble in Lala-land

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On 3/19/2019 at 3:15 PM, HunterHunted said:

If she is, it's no more than Brittany is. It's only now that she's marrying Jax people have started to dig. No one has ever believed that she didn't know anything about Jax prior to initiating a relationship with him, especially since her mom was a super fan. Now we found out that she cheated on her live in boyfriend when she hooked up with Jax in Vegas. She's having a homophobic pastor officiate her wedding and she's tweeted support for a Sandy Hook Truther video.


Raquel seems like a fairly nice person who seems to surround herself with assholes. And by this time in her tenure on the show, we'd already learned of the biggest red flag suggesting that Brittany was more calculating than she let on--the fact that her mother watched the show, but never had a single discussion about Jax' failings with Brittany. That and the boob job 2 seconds after she moved in with Jax.

She’s like a more extreme trailer trash version of trailer trash Lu Della Sepps. 

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I am over the motorcycle and sidecar thing. I want to just FF the scene when it comes on next week just in case of the .00001% chance I ever meet Fl and he asks if I saw him go to his restaurant opening I can say "I didn't, but I saw Lala talking about playing with her man's asshole".

Lala needs to be doing something else with her grief, abusing people is not okay. I do think it is okay if she yelled at Billie only because when Billie was on WWHL she was preaching about being a feminist and didn't even recognize a picture of Gloria Steinem.

Why is Kristen still given top billing on the show when Lisa hates her so much?  Does Lisa have any power over the show?  Also, Lisa folded very quickly by making up the fact that if Kristen is on the boys list she can come.

Adam is Scheana's best friend?

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11 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Why is Kristen still given top billing on the show when Lisa hates her so much?  Does Lisa have any power over the show? 

I do think both Lisa and Ken are producers. While she clearly detests Kristen, she probably realizes how great the Doute Craziness is for ratings. So, as long as Kristen keeps away from her, she's welcome to stay on the show. 

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22 hours ago, politichick said:

She would probably look a lot better if she went to the gym and toned herself up. Plus, her clothing choices suck, just like her attitude.

Stassi has said a bunch of times that Katie works out way more than the rest of them...not sure if that means she works out once in awhile while the rest never do or if she’s going daily or what, though! Despite the fact I don’t think she’s fat, she doesn’t appear very toned. But neither do most of the cast.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I do think both Lisa and Ken are producers. While she clearly detests Kristen, she probably realizes how great the Doute Craziness is for ratings. So, as long as Kristen keeps away from her, she's welcome to stay on the show. 

Lisa doesn’t have control over who is on the show, only who “works” in her actual restaurants.

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7 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Stassi has said a bunch of times that Katie works out way more than the rest of them...not sure if that means she works out once in awhile while the rest never do or if she’s going daily or what, though!

I honestly can't tell if Katie is fat or not.  I do observe her arms are not toned at all and she makes poor clothing choices (see her last appearance on WWHL).  In the end, she isn't obese.  In next week's clip she complains she doesn't see Tom enough because he wakes up and goes to the gym.  My thought is she should join him.

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I don't think Katie is fat at all. I think she is larger than a lot of her friends, so she may look "fat" in comparison. But I think most of it is that she chooses a lot of unflattering clothing options; and also you can look heavier on film. She also may be the type to carry a lot of bloat when she's drinking more than usual. 

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The people calling Katie fat would be run out of the Love After Lockup board with pitchforks. That show has two women who actually are “fat” with lots of debate on which one of the two are “fat” or that neither are “fat,” etc. Katie would be considered “skinny” across most of the nation. It’s only debatable in terms of “Hollywood fat” next to all of these aspiring mactors. 

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think Katie is fat at all. I think she is larger than a lot of her friends, so she may look "fat" in comparison. But I think most of it is that she chooses a lot of unflattering clothing options; and also you can look heavier on film. 

Exactly!!! I don’t remotely consider Katie fat either, just naturally heavier/curvier than her super-skinny costars. Ditto Brittany and sometimes even Stassi; sadly, all three attempt to wear the exact same type of clothes as their super-skinny costars.

Reminds me of when I was acting/modeling a lifetime ago and would audition with other gals and sometimes catch glimpses of myself onscreen—-even at my skinniest(I’m 5’7 and was a size 2-4 then), my naturally curvy-yet-skinny self still looked like a bloated blob next to the size 0-2 skeletons I would usually film with...it’s one of the many reasons I finally gave up on that often frustrating career path. I can only imagine how crushing it must be to live around that in LA, the land of Lollipop headed little women.

Kudos to her and Schwartz for celebrating her luscious curves, but I still don’t approve of her getting James fired over his drunken comment on how she looked in her outfit. Let’s face it, she shouldn’t have made a comment on his appearance if she couldn’t handle his comeback on her own appearance—-James fights ugly, especially when under the influence. Just leave him alone when he’s like that!

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On 3/20/2019 at 2:00 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Do we know the dates the above pics were taken?  Katie may not have always been heavy, but as of about two weeks ago, she looked like this (scroll down):

I assume the one I posted was taken in October 2018 because the article it was in said everything was taking place then.  She's basically naked and looks pretty damn good.


Here's another look.  I cropped it so that I didn't have to size it down.


On 3/20/2019 at 3:49 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I think the only woman on the show who is probably a size zero across the board is Ariana.  Scheana is a tiny little thing, but her hips might make her a 2.  Kristen is so tall that she is probably a 2 or 4. Raquel is so tall that she's probably a 2.  Lala purposely enhanced the size of her legs and butt over the summer (she gave an interview about it), so she is probably more like a 2 or 4, and I think Stassi and Brittney probably vacillate between 4 and 6.  I think I read somewhere that Lisa is an 8.  And Katie is now bigger than all of those people.  The only one who competes with Katie for size, now, on this season, not in past seasons, is Billie, and Billie is probably also overweight.  Katie is in the midst of very thin women, but I don't think it's as extreme as a bunch of size zeroes.  

I'm going to disagree with the size guesses.  I am constantly surprised at how tiny Stassi is.  I think her giant boobs and face shape might make her look heavier.  I also think Katie and Brittany are similar sizes but Katie dresses worse (which, Brit dresses pretty bad, so...) and I think is less aware of her angles (which also says a lot because didn't she used to model?).  Here's a pic from Disneyland a few weeks ago (notice Katie is straight on while Brit is angled?).

Here's Arianna and Stassi together during their mother fucking birthday last year

On 3/21/2019 at 9:33 AM, SheTalksShit said:

Here’s what Kristen doesn’t get (since she loves to compare Lisa’s treatment of James to herself): James contributed to her business in a major way, like his DJing brought in the $$$. Kristen, for the most part, just brought headache. 

I think LVP has trouble understanding Kristen, they are polar opposites in how they operate. Lisa is calm, controlled, poised, calculating, demands respect, almost won’t settle for any less than ppl kissing her ass, tbh. 

Kristen is the opposite, temperamental, impulsive, trouble controlling her emotions, spontaneous, genuine, non-strategic, stormy, will put up with a certain amount of disrespect. 

They don’t get each other, probably never will. 

I'd say Kristin contributed more to Lisa's bottom line by really bringing the crazy and making this show great.  Kristin was central to a lot of drama in the early seasons and greatly contributed to the ratings.  VPR brings way more business to SUR than DJ James Kennedy's phat beats -- and let's be real, James DJing wouldn't be a draw without this show.  I'm going to wager that Lisa also makes a lot of money from the show being popular than just increased receipts at SUR.

On 3/21/2019 at 11:36 AM, ghoulina said:

Yup. This is why I do not care for Raquel. She admonishes James to be cool with everyone - not because it will save him grief in the long run, not because he wants his job back, not because it's the right thing to do. No, because SHE wants to be friends with these people. For what reason, I don't know. TV time is the only thing that makes sense. She's definitely not ride or die. 

There's also the false narrative that she's new to the area and doesn't have any friends besides those on VPR.  Lies.  They are just the only friends she has in the area that get her TV time.  She's from the LA area.  She just went to college in Nor Cal.

On 3/23/2019 at 9:29 AM, Rebecca said:

Stassi has said a bunch of times that Katie works out way more than the rest of them...not sure if that means she works out once in awhile while the rest never do or if she’s going daily or what, though! Despite the fact I don’t think she’s fat, she doesn’t appear very toned. But neither do most of the cast.

Lisa doesn’t have control over who is on the show, only who “works” in her actual restaurants.

Instagram makes it seem like they work out regularly.  I think a lot of them started working out more in the last year-ish.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I never thought I was a bad judge of character, but maybe I am, or else everyone is a huge jerk this season: Carter. Billie Lee. Were they once likeable, and I was on that boat, and now they're just dicks? Or were they always dicks and I'm just noticing it?

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5 minutes ago, AnnieBananie said:

I never thought I was a bad judge of character, but maybe I am, or else everyone is a huge jerk this season: Carter. Billie Lee. Were they once likeable, and I was on that boat, and now they're just dicks? Or were they always dicks and I'm just noticing it?

FWIW, I was skeptical of Billie Lee from the beginning. I remember Jax comparing his own struggles to that of Billie Lee - and Billie Lee stood there and took Jax very seriously - and that's when I knew this was someone willing to do anything to get camera time. With Carter, we didn't really see enough to get a good sense of him, but I always figured something must be up with him because why else would he be with Kristen?

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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On 3/22/2019 at 1:16 PM, politichick said:

She would probably look a lot better if she went to the gym and toned herself up. Plus, her clothing choices suck, just like her attitude.

Her fashion choices are weird, for sure. 

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On 3/20/2019 at 1:25 AM, smores said:

I mean, I've watched Springer and Cops, so I kind of feel like yeah, I'm probably better than some people.  Maybe not better than them all the time, but, what I'm seeing on tv?  Yep, I'm not wrestling someone in a baby pool of jello or in a wife beater running barefoot down the street screaming that they can't catch me to the police, so I kind of feel like I have a bit of an edge for that particular moment.  I'm not gonna lie.  

I kind of get this, but I don’t really think I’m better than those people. I might be luckier or make better decisions than those people, but I’m not better than anyone else. I think we all have value as human beings, and the most we can hope for is to be better versions of ourselves. 

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3 hours ago, CaliCat said:

I kind of get this, but I don’t really think I’m better than those people. I might be luckier or make better decisions than those people, but I’m not better than anyone else. I think we all have value as human beings, and the most we can hope for is to be better versions of ourselves. 

I get what you're saying and I agree.  I'm not sitting there thinking that "I'm up here and they are down there" (TM Kelly Bensimone), but I think you do kind of compare your life choices against those of the people you see on tv and think, ok, I'm not doing as bad as I thought.  Sometimes I'll have a really bad day and I might be thinking that things couldn't get any worse, etc, and then if you turn that sort of thing on, it's like, well, yeah, there IS worse, and my issues aren't as bad as they could be.

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On 3/20/2019 at 2:06 AM, SarahC said:

Lala was so proud of her J. Lo dress. I was literally counting down the minutes until she mentioned it was THE DRESS. Also, I know everyone grieves differently and in many people it comes out as anger. But someone close to her needs to take her aside and tell her she can't just go around being mean to everyone and angry at the world. If that's really the case. Might just be that she's awfully smug and using the dead dad as a reason to be a jackass, but keep up a defense so that nobody can say anything to her about it. Just like Billie does with being trans. 


All I could think of was Trey Parker wearing the dress to the Oscars 10 years ago.


And agree with using death of someone close to you to act like a total shit all the time being unacceptable.  Being extra emotional, teary and sensitive is all fine and expected, or the other end of that, where people just shut down and don't talk to anyone (I'm kind of like that).  But continuing to bully and insult others just because they seem like easy targets is never okay.  Especially when they have nothing to do with the death.  You can be angry and rant about how upset you are that the person died.  Scream about it as much as you want, but don't direct that anger towards others.  Then you will truly be alone.

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I don't know if Raquel was aware of it or not, but James fat shamed Katie many, many times. There was the season where he did it with Lala. He even asked if Katie was pregnant. He called her fat in talking heads that season and this season. He's fat-shamed other people, even sweetheart Brittany. He's called other women, even his bestie Lala, names like whores. But sure Raquel and Sandoval, James is a nice, respectful guy who lost his job because he called Katie fat one time. Poor, sweet innocent James!

Raquel really does come across as one of the more harmless cast members back then, didn't she? Those were the days. 


On 3/25/2019 at 5:58 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

I'm going to disagree with the size guesses.  I am constantly surprised at how tiny Stassi is.  I think her giant boobs and face shape might make her look heavier.  I also think Katie and Brittany are similar sizes but Katie dresses worse (which, Brit dresses pretty bad, so...) and I think is less aware of her angles (which also says a lot because didn't she used to model?).  Here's a pic from Disneyland a few weeks ago (notice Katie is straight on while Brit is angled?).

Yeah, Stassi always looks some version of skinny to me. I'd say she was probably a size 0 early Vanderpump Rules then got to 2-4. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I don't know if Raquel was aware of it or not, but James fat-shamed Katie many, many times. There was the season where he did it with Lala. He even asked if Katie was pregnant. He called her fat in talking heads that season and this season. He's fat-shamed other people, even sweetheart Brittany. He's called other women, even his bestie Lala, names like whores. But sure, Raquel and Sandoval, James is a nice, respectful guy who lost his job because he called Katie fat one time. Poor, sweet, innocent James!

Raquel really does come across as one of the more harmless cast members back then, didn't she? Those were the days. 

James seems to be a much better person when he is sober.

Try watching Rachel, knowing that all she has ever wanted was to swap herself in for Ariana. James admitted that, from the very beginning, she was always a huge fan of Sandoval.

She stalked James to appear on the show. She only ever told James to be nicer to everyone, so that the cast would invite James and her to events. Never because he just SHOULD be nicer. She needed to be with the cast in order to ingratiate herself with Sandoval. 

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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

James seems to be a much better person when he is sober.

Try watching Rachel, knowing that all she has ever wanted was to swap herself in for Ariana. James admitted that, from the very beginning, she was always a huge fan of Sandoval.

She stalked James to appear on the show. She only ever told James to be nicer to everyone, so that the cast would invite James and her to events. Never because he just SHOULD be nicer. She needed to be with the cast in order to ingratiate herself with Sandoval. 

Rachel went to Vanderpump Dogs trying to be useful. She had plans from the beginning. Lisa Vanderpump had three shows at around that time. 

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On 6/17/2024 at 4:03 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

James seems to be a much better person when he is sober.

Try watching Rachel, knowing that all she has ever wanted was to swap herself in for Ariana. James admitted that, from the very beginning, she was always a huge fan of Sandoval.

She stalked James to appear on the show. She only ever told James to be nicer to everyone, so that the cast would invite James and her to events. Never because he just SHOULD be nicer. She needed to be with the cast in order to ingratiate herself with Sandoval. 

YES! I noticed this in a post-Scandoval rewatch when she and James were at SUR and James was telling Sandoval about the rap he did ‘remember when Jaxed fcked Faith’ and laughing while Rachel smiled blankly and goofily at Sandoval and didn’t snap out of it until Scandoval disapproved of James’ rap, and Rachel was suddenly like ‘yeah James you shouldn’t have said that’

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