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S06.E11: Bastien Moreau

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18 hours ago, paigow said:

Does Moreau have an island???? Should this episode be renamed "The Red Mile"??? Is Tom Hanks one of the guards????

Don't forget Damien Moreau (Goran Visnjic), the big villain from season 3 of Leverage.*

* A little sad that the Leverage villain came up before Dr. Moreau.

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I mean I shouldn't be looking for realism from this show, but this is the shortest stay on death row ever.  I kind of remember them saying Red couldn't appeal since he pleaded guilty, so I guess that sped it up a little, but still.  Also, I missed basically the entire plot because I couldn't pay attention.  Not sure if I want to give it a second try or not.  I'm still confused about what Lizzie's big plan was.

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Woo hoo, the bugs are back!

I can take Liz murdering various people on this show, but, please, not the English language.  It's 'Dembe and me', (or 'Dembe and I', as the case may be), not 'Me and Dembe.'

Let's give Aram at least one more chance to be clutzy and generally oblivious to life outside the computer room.  The Luxembourg scene was cringeworthy.

10-15 SWAT agents to take down a suspect, and nobody thinks to watch the back door.

I wonder how much it would have cost to get the rights to Suicide is Painless, from the original M*A*S*H.

Methinks the President and his lackey are going to need Olivia Pope next episode.

I know how Red could have saved himself, instead of herring...

ETA:  This is interesting.  A few weeks ago, The Corsican was listed as #20 on the Blacklist.  Has he been identified as Bastien Moreau, then?

Edited by Dowel Jones
The Blacklist!
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So we know they aren't actually going to succeed in killing Red. He's either going to get a last second pardon or a less-than-lethal dose of sleepy-time drugs, be declared dead by a complicit doctor, and then be revived in the hearse/ambulance once he's well away from the prison grounds. Maybe there was something in the cabbage soup and herring that gave him immunity to whatever is in the death shot. Or maybe he'll be brought back to life by a Red Priestess, but anyway he's not dying next week.

About that cabbage soup and herring....that makes me lean farther towards the theory that he's an uncle from the Rostova side of the family rather than the Reddington side. It's such an odd thing to order. But these writers do love their "Red" "herrings" so maybe it's a well-loved New England dish I've never heard of and it means nothing.

I really spend way too much time second-guessing this show.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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53 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

So we know they aren't actually going to succeed in killing Red. He's either going to get a last second pardon or a less-than-lethal dose of sleepy-time drugs, be declared dead by a complicit doctor, and then be revived in the hearse/ambulance once he's well away from the prison grounds. Maybe there was something in the cabbage soup and herring that gave him immunity to whatever is in the death shot. Or maybe he'll be brought back to life by a Red Priestess, but anyway he's not dying next week.

About that cabbage soup and herring....that makes me lean farther towards the theory that he's an uncle from the Rostova side of the family rather than the Reddington side. It's such an odd thing to order. But these writers do love their "Red" "herrings" so maybe it's a well-loved New England dish I've never heard of and it means nothing.

I really spend way too much time second-guessing this show.

I enjoyed reading all your insights.   I knew Red won't actually die, but I just hand-waved it all away without trying to invest any brainpower.   I like the mostly-dead angle.  Then Red could once more go about his business, albeit invisible and with a new identity.   

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8 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Let's give Aram at least one more chance to be clutzy and generally oblivious to life outside the computer room.  The Luxembourg scene was cringeworthy.

Surprisingly enough, I was paying attention when Aram dropped the phone in the toilet. While not every public toilet has a lid, this one does. So, why was Aram sitting on the toilet w/ the lid up? Along w/ his pants. For a brilliant guy, I wonder if Aram can walk and chew gum at the same time. 

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On the eve of Red's execution, the crack team goes on a terrible mini mission impossible overseas and amazingly succeeded! Good thing it was a quick trip.

Isn't putting the toilet cover down covered in Spy 101? For a moment, Aram was acting like there was 1 and 2 in the bowl. Although, I give him credit for not dropping the mug when the hot coffee spilled on his hand at his apartment.

A shotgun blast through the door and SWAT just rushes in seconds later?

Elizabeth went out of her way to put Red in jail and couldn't ask him his true identity before he supposedly dies or at least confess to putting him in that position.

Copper is breaking his balls trying to help Red. Many would have gone home or to a bar after the failed first attempt. When Red is freed, he may forget his dedication. 

The MI6 agent embarrassingly gets taken easily. Way to represent!!!

Edited by mxc90
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Bastien Moreau is back and contracted by a woman on her way into the White House (who as we later find out is special assistant to the President) to knock off the Head of the German Intelligence Service.    Ooooh, since the White House is involved maybe Lizzie will get a chance to shoot another Attorney-General.

There's no way that Red would be headed for execution this quickly after conviction/pleading guilty.  It has been maybe a couple of days since the end of last episode, but enough time has passed that word has gotten out that there are protesters outside of the prison.

With a clock ticking towards Reddington's execution, Aram finally decides to confront Samar about her aphasia.  
Really ?  They want to bring this up now ?  Did they need screen time filler because the plot is so weak ?
Apparently Samar's computer doesn't have a spellchecker, which would explain all those typos on her reports in the trash.

And the whole gang, except for Harold, are off to commit a bank heist in Luxembourg.  Of course, Lizzie doesn't have a plan.
Even the music sounds like a rip off of Ocean's 11. Lizzie's ham-handed "acting" during the temporary theft from the bank president was just terrible.

Would the bank president really meet with Dembe, knowing that Reddington was on death row ?  I have it on good authority that they do have access to Google in Europe.
And would the bank president eat lunch at this crappy little cafe -- considering that he is the president of a bank that caters to criminals ?  Where's his security detail ?

And we're back to weepy Lizzie, again, over the pending death of Reddington.  I wish she would make up her mind -- she's the reason he's on death row.

The President is in the loop on the assassination -- that's why he won't grant Reddington clemency or a stay.
The question is -- why does POTUS want the head of German Intelligence dead ? 

What was Jonas Kruger doing at the back of the house when Samar shot at him through the window -- locking the door ? Because he approached the back door before Samar shot at him.  Then Samar shoots the guy in the back (I guess, it really wasn't clear where she shot him), and yet he seems to walk it off and is up for an interview.  Really ?

And when push comes to shove, Lizzie can't even ask the question she has been wanting to ask.
Her 'quality time' with Reddington with the cabbage soup and herring dinner was just painful.

Where was 'the sister' in all of this ?  Wouldn't she also want to be there when Reddington was executed ? Jennifer wanted Red punished as much as anyone, and yet she wasn't even mentioned.  I know she went away a couple of episodes ago, but based on the publicity I would think she would show up for this.

Oh come on, not the bugs again !!  It would have helped if they had shown Ziegler eating or drinking something that was delivered by Basteau as room service, since the incubation period of the bugs is a week, but I guess based on Basteau's wig and false teeth removal we are to conclude that he was doing room service delivery for several days at the hotel where Ziegler was staying.  Considering the quantity of bugs that came out of Ziegler, there would have been some sign before they ever got to the kitchen.  I thought it was funny that Ziegler's security detail really didn't act all that shocked that their protectee had just died, and had massive amounts of bugs coming out of her -- like that's something they see every day.

Instead of the suitcase of bones, the new MacGuffin is 'the Dossier'.   Since 'the Dossier' came from a former MI6 member the dossier was in English -- when Ziegler flipped the page of the dossier, you could clearly read "The contents of this file are highly sensitive and classified".

Seriously, they're ending this episode on the cliffhanger of Reddington's execution ?  Complete with Dembe and Lizzie in attendance, with minutes to go before 12:01am.  Wow, that's original ! </sarcasm>

Still no sign or mention of Agnes or the dogs.

12 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

10-15 SWAT agents to take down a suspect, and nobody thinks to watch the back door.

That was really bad.  Must have been planned by Ressler.

Basteau had a lot of details on the sheet about the MI6 agent -- name (Christopher Miles), date of birth (July 22, 1980), nationality (British), marital status (single), children (0), age (39), hair color (brown), eye color (brown), height (6'3"), weight (178 lbs), blood type (unknown), agency (former MI6), clearance level (unknown), work address (NA), known residence (somewhere in London, UK), German residence (unknown), and his personal cell phone number.  And he likes long walks on the beach, and going to brunch (I kid, I kid, I added that last part).

Interesting tidbit from Ziegler's schedule -- according to the itinerary Basteau had, the day Ziegler met with Senator Mitchum was ..... May 21, 2018.  I think the writers have finally just given up at this point.  Do the writers even know it's 2019 ?
Even weirder -- the itinerary indicated that Ziegler was meeting Mitchum at 7:30am.    So why in the scenes before Ziegler met Mitchum did they show a panning shot of D.C. at night.   Even the writers aren't paying attention to what they are writing any more.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was confused when the two FBI guys bashing open the door appeared to be hit with a shotgun blast, but no one else seemed to notice or care. I guess their SWAT gear kept them from harm, so the blast just knocked them down. I guess.

When Red started opining about his mother, I was waiting for Lizzie to say, "I know how she felt, I'm a mother too," like she always did before. But no, I guess she's forgotten having that kid, whatever its name is. "Isn't that conveeeeen-yent." --TM Church Lady.

I did like Red telling Lizzie she was going to be extremely wealthy though.

And yeah, this show is like all other tv shows, in a speed time warp. Red is convicted one day, executed the next. If only our legal system DID work that quickly.

"The Red Mile." LOL! Good one.

Aram continues to be a PITA. Why insist on talking about personal issues when Samar asks him not to? It appears they live together, he couldn't wait? Oh yeah, I forgot, they were all flying to Europe on the government dime. No home time scheduled.

I was surprised Red lost his cool with the prison doctor, grabbing him to tell him the best way to murder people. Ouch, Red. Not cool at all.

Good to know this POTUS doesn't have anything scheduled in his day so Cooper can drop in whenever.

Other than that, I got nothing. This could be Spader's way of getting out of this series though. So there's that.

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4 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

And yeah, this show is like all other tv shows, in a speed time warp. Red is convicted one day, executed the next. If only our legal system DID work that quickly.

According to Back to the Future 2, it should already be like that (or quicker) -- Biff's grandson and his friends were arrested, convicted and sentenced in 2 hours.
Doc Brown: "The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers."    :)

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16 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I mean I shouldn't be looking for realism from this show, but this is the shortest stay on death row ever.  I kind of remember them saying Red couldn't appeal since he pleaded guilty, so I guess that sped it up a little, but still.  Also, I missed basically the entire plot because I couldn't pay attention.  Not sure if I want to give it a second try or not.  I'm still confused about what Lizzie's big plan was.

Is that, inability to appeal thing actual a real legal thing? I have heard of people who plead guilty later appealing their case. It may be super hard to get that to work, but I think you can always claim you didn't understand what you were doing or under duress or something.  Especially on death row cases. That's why they take so long to execute people. But obviously they can't drag the storyline out for years.

I was assuming this was all a scam and it will look like Red died, only to have him wake up in the morgue later.  They can use the same drug they used when Elizabeth faked her death. 

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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

But obviously they can't drag the storyline out for years.

You mean like the "Is Red my father/not my father?" story line?

1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

They can use the same drug they used when Elizabeth faked her death. 

That's what I'm hoping. And the doctor with the drugs is really Mr. Kaplan, who is in disguise after being only partly dead.

They did go into way too much detail about the drugs being administered and what each injection does. I think the doctor is the red herring. Or, Red's Herring. He probably got paid off in "cabbage" by Dembe, who slipped the money into the prison via that rat on a string.

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As I predicted, the beetles of death make another gory appearance. At least the show is kind enough to telegraph this with the same music and long pre-beetle choking scene so one will know when to avert the eyes. Now, does the plot follow along? There was a scientist who was mad at the government for killing the insects so he created weaponized ones which he tried to use against the government. These weaponized insects were used to kill a German intelligence official so that the White House could get their hands on a dossier that somehow implicates the President in some nefarious dealings. Reddington knows about all of this but is being coy with his information due to his circumstances. Like with the beetles, the closer you look the more you can see they did not go out of their way to make this look realistic.

I had to laugh at Ressler complimenting Navabi's shooting skills. "That was a great shot!" As if he'd know one if it hit him in the ass!

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6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I was surprised Red lost his cool with the prison doctor, grabbing him to tell him the best way to murder people. Ouch, Red. Not cool at all.

Actually, I found that the best moment of the show. Red kills with laser-like precision most of the time, with ice water in his veins. He kills the way most of us blink - without thinking twice about it. He's good at it, and takes it seriously. I felt as if that brief 'outburst' at the prison doctor really reminded us viewers that for all of Red's affectations, stories, and nonchalance, he's also capable of great viciousness. Killing got Red to the top of his game. It's insulting to him that someone else pussyfoot around it. I thought the way Spader delivered those lines was excellent - gave me chills.

Edited by Biggie B
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I wonder how much longer the writers will keep Samar working as field agent.

From Samar's discarded UN incident report found by Aram it seems that even Spellcheck can't help with aphasia.   diployed (deployed), sid (side), laeing (living), Sd (Inside), prented (presented), ducks (ducked), approxi (approximately)

Edited by VinceW
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On 3/16/2019 at 7:22 AM, NeenerNeener said:

About that cabbage soup and herring....that makes me lean farther towards the theory that he's an uncle from the Rostova side of the family rather than the Reddington side. It's such an odd thing to order. But these writers do love their "Red" "herrings" so maybe it's a well-loved New England dish I've never heard of and it means nothing.

No, I think that cabbage soup and "dressed" herring  points very strongly to Russian heritage if not a childhood in Russia, which would tie in with the Russian replacement theory. He's giving out very strong clues near the end and I don't think Liz even made the connection. It would have been pretty normal for her to ask for the name of this grandmother who really understood her son, and I believe he would have answered, and with a Russian first name.

Even if Red were to die, it's not Liz's final chance to find out the truth. She knows that Dembe knows.

At least she didn't spoil the final dinner by admitting she had tipped off the police.  Although I suppose he would have forgiven her.

On 3/16/2019 at 2:32 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Still no sign or mention of Agnes

On 3/16/2019 at 2:58 PM, saber5055 said:

When Red started opining about his mother, I was waiting for Lizzie to say, "I know how she felt, I'm a mother too," like she always did before. But no, I guess she's forgotten having that kid, whatever its name is. "Isn't that conveeeeen-yent." --TM Church

I think for the sake of sanity we have to assume that Liz found the dogs a better home than hers, as she apparently did with Agnes, and never mention them again, but I did expect Red to say that with all the money he was leaving Liz, she could reclaim Agnes and live happily ever after, or words to that effect.  Strange for a "grandfather" not to mention his only grandchild before dying, but I firmly believe that the real-life pregnancy was an impediment for the writers and they are now pretending it never occurred.  I personally wouldn't think very highly of a friend who had a desired child but made excuses not to be with her.

On 3/16/2019 at 2:32 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Would the bank president really meet with Dembe, knowing that Reddington was on death row ?  I have it on good authority that they do have access to Google in Europe.

That part made sense to me. Red is about to die and his representative is carrying out his wishes for where his money will go after his death. I wonder if Dembe actually had to make a big deposit in order to be convincing. 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Well, if Red dies, this show could continue with him as Ghost Red who appears to Lizzie to tell her about the next Blacklister so she can head the Task Force to capture the Baddie of the Week, all with Ghost Red hovering around her and directing her for what to do. Let's face it, Medium was a better-written show than this, although YMMV.

Red's last words ... LOL that he would give up an opportunity to wax prophetic one last time. Plus there's that Scheherazade thing he could do. He could live another five to 10 years on that one story, with breaks only for more cabbage soup and herring.

If Otto didn't ask every week about Agnes and the dogs, I would be highly disappointed. Rock on, Otto!

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6 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

but I did expect Red to say that with all the money he was leaving Liz, she could reclaim Agnes and live happily ever after, or words to that effect.  Strange for a "grandfather" not to mention his only grandchild before dying, but I firmly believe that the real-life pregnancy was an impediment for the writers and they are now pretending it never occurred.  I personally wouldn't think very highly of a friend who had a desired child but made excuses not to be with her.

That was odd.  He never mentioned anything about Lizzie being a great Mom to Agnes with all that money could provide.  And plus, if Agnes turned out to be none too bright but still needed to go to college, Lizzie would have the funds to purchase a full Lori Loughlin.  :)

My money is still on Red being a replacement from that village in Russia that Tom went to.

5 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Well, if Red dies, this show could continue with him as Ghost Red who appears to Lizzie to tell her about the next Blacklister so she can head the Task Force to capture the Baddie of the Week, all with Ghost Red hovering around her and directing her for what to do. Let's face it, Medium was a better-written show than this, although YMMV.

That would be hilarious -- Ghost Red could be like The Great Gazoo on the Flintstones, only Lizzie could see him hovering over her shoulder and calling Lizzie "dum dum ".

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Was there ever any explanation of how easy it was to follow the bank prez?

He just pops in for a drink at the local pub and everyone jumps right into position?    What if he went straight home?  What was the plan?

Spader can’t/won’t die.  His mood and acting when realizing it might be over was great.  Without him, there is no show. 

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7 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I was SO waiting for that. Maybe those will be his "last words."

Dembe stands up in the viewing area of the execution room at the last minute with the bag of bones in his hand and declares -- "This is the real Raymond Reddington !  That man you are about to execute is an impostor."

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1 hour ago, CaptainE said:

He just pops in for a drink at the local pub and everyone jumps right into position?    What if he went straight home?  What was the plan?

Remember, on the plane it was revealed there WAS no plan? "Just wing it guys, after we get there."

13 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Dembe stands up in the viewing area of the execution room at the last minute with the bag of bones in his hand and declares -- "This is the real Raymond Reddington !  That man you are about to execute is an impostor."

That really should be in spoiler tags. You just ruined the ending for everyone.

Edited by saber5055
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3 hours ago, CaptainE said:

..................….Spader can’t/won’t die.  His mood and acting when realizing it might be over was great.  Without him, there is no show. 


6x13  Mar 29, 2019  Robert Vesco
Red and the task force hunt for legendary fugitive Robert Vesco, one of history’s most notorious con men. Samar makes a life-changing decision.

Red can't hunt if he's dead...

Edited by VinceW
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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Dembe stands up in the viewing area of the execution room at the last minute with the bag of bones in his hand and declares -- "This is the real Raymond Reddington !  That man you are about to execute is an impostor."

Somebody from CSI looks at them and exclaims "These are just some bones from a couple of dogs."  The crowd gasps, and begins to chant "Kill him.  KILL HIM!"

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12 hours ago, VinceW said:
  Reveal spoiler

6x13  Mar 29, 2019  Robert Vesco
Red and the task force hunt for legendary fugitive Robert Vesco, one of history’s most notorious con men. Samar makes a life-changing decision.

Red can't hunt if he's dead...

I don’t need to read ahead to know he’s not going to die.   

So sick of that idiot Lizzie.  I wuv you.  Blecch.   


Dont forget, she is a murderer.   The writers did.

Edited by CaptainE
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