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S07.E16: I Do... Again!

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Bill reveals the vow renewal he has been planning and high winds put the ceremony in jeopardy.


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When they took the kids to the beach for lunch it was windy as heck. I grew up on the ocean and events like picnics and weddings on the beach always sound better in theory than execution. If the weather isn't in your favor, all the wind does is blow sand everywhere and make everyone a sticky, gritty (and often cranky) mess. Hopefully things go smoothly tomorrow night:)

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Lobster shortage, cake shortage (oh the horror!), near miss if Bill "accidently" spots family/friends while they're out and about, Chloe calls in a panic: the dress may not be ready in time!, Bill misplaces the camera bag with Jen's shoes, wind threat, tornado threat, hijinks ensue when Bill must keep Jen away from the beach, uncertainty over whether The Very Important Page will summon Jen back to Houston...

The potential shenanigans are endless. It'll be funny to see what we can come up with here and what will actually play out tomorrow night.

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This is the entire description from ther TLC website for this episode:


Bill reveals the big surprise he’s been planning for Jen, a vow renewal, but is keeping the details a secret. A curious Jen tries to extract info from Will. Later high winds put the ceremony in jeopardy. Will all of Bill’s elaborate planning pay off?


Can't wait to see Jen grill Will for details.  And Bill was worried about Zoey spilling the beans!

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Will's expression is adorable: "Just cut the damn cake and nobody gets hurt...."

In a perverse way it's kind of messed up for Jen to be questioning Will about the surprise. He's still struggling to form words, so what details would he be able to reveal? Why put the poor kid on blast like that?

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Will's expression is adorable: "Just cut the damn cake and nobody gets hurt...."

In a perverse way it's kind of messed up for Jen to be questioning Will about the surprise. He's still struggling to form words, so what details would he be able to reveal? Why put the poor kid on blast like that?

All he will probably say is .......keck, big keck.

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Can't wait to see Jen grill Will for details.  And Bill was worried about Zoey spilling the beans!


You're killing me!!  Geez I wonder what Will might say....Mama!  Baba! Eat! Zoey!  Will! Ceck!  Now Will put them all together in a sentence!  


"Mama Baba Zoey Will Eat Ceck!"

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Considering this whole thing is staged and scripted to the hilt, I don't think I'll be shedding tears either. I'm happy Bill and Jen get to do something nice on TLC's dime, but they can only talk about the cancer for so long before it crosses into "milking it" territory.

Right now, I'll think positive because the TLC publicity and editing monkeys are notorious for overhyping episodes that end up being completely normal.

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Considering this whole thing is staged and scripted to the hilt, I don't think I'll be shedding tears either. I'm happy Bill and Jen get to do something nice on TLC's dime, but they can only talk about the cancer for so long before it crosses into "milking it" territory.

Right now, I'll think positive because the TLC publicity and editing monkeys are notorious for overhyping episodes that end up being completely normal.

Remember the set up before we find out Will doesn't like pickles?   Bill was scripted to make it sound like someone choked on their food.

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The same thing happened last season when they left Will with the aunt and Bill and Jen went out to dinner. The promo showed Jen on the phone saying "this is his mother" as though something was wrong with Will. Then during the show the aunt just called to say her and Will were having a great time. The promo was totally bogus.

Well Bill and Jen enact the script so they are just as guilty of misleading the viewers hyping situations that aren't real...they could say no and let's keep it real please....I would rather watch that.

Edited by jodo
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Looking at the script it may seem harmless on the face of it and then it's the changed usage of the lines for increased drama that falls on the editors.  I don't know that's what happens but it easily could be. 

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Misleading promos are a staple of reality TV, let's face it. They think they need to hook viewers in with cheesy manufactured conflict. It would be harder to find a show that does NOT use misleading promos than ones who do. And it's not confined to reality show promos--there are even acclaimed dramas (Mad Men comes to mind) that, while their techniques may not be quite as eye-rolling as the reality shows, mix up reaction shots and voice overs to gin up expectations. And then you see the show and often things don't play out that way.

The nature of serialized tv, I guess. They want us to tune in next week!

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Either Jen deserves the Oscar, or she was genuinely surprised when Chloe Dao came into the hotel room.  Also, the nervous laughter and the tears on the beach had me tearing up.  Perhaps TLC put the bug in Bill's ear about the vow renewal, but I believe Jen was clueless about what was happening.


There is no way Zoey could be any cuter. Gawd that child is gorgeous.

Edited by Honey
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Even if TLC pushed for the vow renewal, I think it's something that would have happened eventually. Bill and Jen seem to genuinely care for and love each other. I think they're sincere with their vows. Also, a chance to see the little family dressed up before their family and close friends, what a beautiful experience for all of them. 

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OMG! Bill's family!  Like his mom, dad, brothers, all their families AND Jen's brother too! 


Sorry, I just couldn't resist.    LOL 


But seriously, I feel like Jen was genuinely surprised by everyone there.  You could see her tearing up several times.  The nervous laugh didn't bother me at all.  The one time in my life I was surprised by someone, I laughed like an idiot while crying.  The dresses were beautiful and I loved just how laid back and relaxed the whole ceremony was. 

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Oh my GOD! Zoey getting a pedicure, the cutest thing ever! I loved her dress, too, she just looked adorable.

The episode wasn't cheesy as I feared it was going to be, actually it was pretty sweet. Jen has a lot of people who love her. It was nice that people who hadn't seen her since she'd been sick were able to celebrate. Looked like a fun party actually.

Is it my imagination or is the show focusing more on Zoey lately than Will? Maybe it's just because I notice her more. LOL she had her (what looked like) American Girl Bitty Baby doll with a baby wipe over her face. It looked like the doll was dead.

All in all, very cute.

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A very enjoyable end to the season for me, I couldn't find fault with a thing, and with a heart as black as mine that's rare, heh. Jen's "grilling" of Will for info was adorable, I loved how he was just stinging words together and she was completely tickled by it.


The dress really did look great on her, a very lovely shade. And I liked seeing Jen's hair, her real hair, again.


I was almost afraid at times that wind was going to blow them all over when they got out at the beach, especially little Zoey, whose dress was too cute I thought. The ceremony, to me, was quick, simple, and to the point, the way a vow renewal should be imo, nothing too fancy or drawn out.


The dancing at the reception was priceless, I loved how Zoey ran up to Jen while she was dancing, wanting to join in with Mama.


Is it my imagination or is the show focusing more on Zoey lately than Will? Maybe it's just because I notice her more. LOL she had her (what looked like) American Girl Bitty Baby doll with a baby wipe over her face. It looked like the doll was dead



I've found myself noticing her too, it's those huge, doe eyes, heh, they just draw me in. I think if I were her NaiNai, not that I'm aging myself at all... *clears throat* But if I were I think I would never, ever want to put her down, she would be my little cuddle bug for sure. And I loved watching her with that doll, heh, she was doing all sorts of things to it that I don't think would have probably been good for its' health.

Edited by CPP83
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The renewal was nicely done. I did panic however when I thought those hideous red and green drapes were the chair covers! I didn't realize they were only being used to protect the seating from the sea mist.

I was pissed when that little boy kept running back and forth across the dance floor during Bill and Jen's slow dance. I get that it wasn't a formal affair and kids will be kids, but his parents should have put a stop to it. It irked me to see their moment disrupted.

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I didn't notice Will any where during the keck cutting.  Guess they had to keep him away or he would have been all up in it. LOL !   I thought the cake was gorgeous.  Loved that Jen said yummy feeding it to Bill.  True sign that she is a mom.

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I thought that Jen appeared to be a bit tipsy toward the end of the reception. I liked the fact that she really enjoyed that party.



I thought so too, heh. Since she is a little person it would take less to give her a buzz, and it appeared she was carrying around a champagne glass there for a little bit. It was really nice to see her letting loose, especially after the trying months that she'd just gone through, she was surrounded by the love of family and friends and most of all Bill and just seemed to be glowing to me.


When she fed the cake to Bill with the "yummy" line I got a kick out of the face he made, smirking at her as if to say "Babe, I'm not Will". As much as I love Will and his cake obsession, I was glad that they didn't focus on him during the cake cutting or tasting, that was a moment for Jen and Bill and I was happy to see they kept to that.

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I missed the episode but I did see pictures. Jen looked great in the dress and looked genuinely touched and surprised.  One thing I noticed is that wearing the dress and heels, Jen looked formal and Bill looked super casual as always. He was wearing what appeared to be his usual -- long shorts and an untucked shirt.  It would have been nice if he would have dressed up a little for the occasion to be more on the level of the designer dress he had made for Jen.

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It would have been nice if he would have dressed up a little for the occasion to be more on the level of the designer dress he had made for Jen


Was thinking the same exact thing---couldn't Bill at least worn some khaki trousers? 


Good lord the cackling was on overdrive---I know she was nervous and that is her natural tic in those situations but geez louize does it get annoying....  I wonder if she actually did not know what the plans were?  I think she had to have known about a lot of it but I think she might have actually been surprised about the guests being there.  You could definitely tell it was killing her she wasn't 'in charge'.


Did anyone notice if Jen interacted with her brother at all?  I kept looking for that.  I notice the brother did not join in the 'flash mob' (ugh--hate that term) unless I missed him.  I don't know why but I just get the impression Jen doesn't seem close to him--she never mentions him.  I wonder if the brother suffered somewhat by all the extra attention that Jen must have gotten as a child?


I liked seeing Bill's mom.  Love her accent and she seems like a sweet lady--love it when she referred to Bill as "Billy" in the train depot episode.  Bill's brothers seem like nice guys--they always look like they genuinely enjoy each other's company and you can see the affection between them.  Wasn't Bill the oldest?

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I enjoyed last nights episode.  It was sweet, but not so much that it made my teeth hurt.  I also loved that so many friends and family came from quite a distance to join them.  I was surprised when Jen said in the voice over that her Aunt had not been on a plane in over 30 years, but she made it.  I did see Jen hug her brother.  It may be that he really isn't all that entralled with being on television.  It's not for everyone.


The song that they played when Bill & Jen were dancing has been used before in TLC's montage of the time they went to pick up Will and it made me have to go watch again.  It's amazing how much that little boy has changed in a year. 


As much as I enjoy this show and love this family, I thought last night would have been the perfect ending to the series.  They could then roll into hour long or two hour long specials 4 times a year or something. 

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I agree Bill could have dressed a little bit better. I could see keeping the same shirt, but wearing it tucked in with some khaki pants.

I think Jen knew about the vow renewal plans in advance, but not about all the friends and family flying in. She was genuinely surprised. It was nice to see her dance and have fun at the party.

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Jen needing to be in control really showed when she wouldn't let Bill feed her a bite of cake at the reception.


Add me to the list of people who thought Bill should have dressed up more for the occasion.  Otherwise, I thought it was touching.  I normally think that vow renewals are silly (didn't it take the first time?), but in this case I'll give them a pass.  In the past couple of years they have added two children to the family and have dealt with Jen's cancer.  It was definitely time to celebrate!

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I'm in the minority because I didn't mind the way Bill was dressed--that's just him. He'll never be on the cover of GQ, he's all about comfort. At least he picked a nice shirt. I think untucked shirts and cargo shorts are his style.

In a way Bill and Will have similar builds--bigger upper bodies and short legs. Jen and Zoey are petite and more proportional in a way, easier to dress.

They all looked adorable.

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I think even something as simple as a solid color shirt instead of the plaid would have "dressed up" Bill a bit.  But hey, if that's my only complaint it's a good day.

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I'm in the minority because I didn't mind the way Bill was dressed--that's just him. He'll never be on the cover of GQ, he's all about comfort. At least he picked a nice shirt. I think untucked shirts and cargo shorts are his style.

This! Plus, they were at the beach. Even though they show him more formally dressed in the opening credits, that's not what he wears in his personal life. Jen likes to dress up (and to dress Zoey!) so Bill's choices for them were spot on. I only wish Will had worn the suspenders.

Loved the entire episode. Mr. Lnmop came into the room just as they were beginning their vows, and after a minute, mentioned he was tearing up. When I told him Bill had the dress made for Jen in her favorite color and a style to accommodate her port, he said that after 35 years, he could never do that for me for fear of messing up. Bill does a lot to make Jen happy because I think it makes HIM happy. Jen has every right to enjoy that. What woman doesn't want to be spoiled and adored?

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Jen doesn't hesitate to say she knows exactly how lucky she is and how she appreciates Bill beyond measure, which is so refreshing.  Their happiness and pure joy in one another and their children is definitely contagious, all you had to do was look at all of the faces of their guests. 

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I agree Bill could have dressed a little bit better. I could see keeping the same shirt, but wearing it tucked in with some khaki pants.

I think Jen knew about the vow renewal plans in advance, but not about all the friends and family flying in. She was genuinely surprised. It was nice to see her dance and have fun at the party.

I don't think she knew about the dress either. She seemed fairly stunned when the dress rack came rolling in. 

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I cried like a baby throughout the entire episode!  My husband would have worn clothes very similar to Bill's, as he likes to be comfortable too.  Surely Will and Zoey can't get any cuter than they are right now!  Everyone looked great and it seemed like everyone there had a great time.  I'm not a fan of vow renewals either but this one may have changed my mind.

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I don't think Jen was refusing Bill feeding her cake, she feared that he was going to give her a bit of a cake face smash, an act of revenge she detailed on her twitter account. I thought that whole segment was cute, and Will didn't hold anyone hostage to get a bigger slice of cake.

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Seeing Zoey get a pedi was too cute and she pulled her usual NO to putting her feet in first until the bubbles were added.  She is adorable!  Will is cute and it appears shorts and shirts that hang out are going to be his wardrobe staple too.  Bill dresses like a slob!  He went to the trouble of getting Chloe for Jen's dress and all that goes with that, got appropriate dress up clothes for the kids including what is becoming her signature "the flower headband" although she didn't have it on at the beach if I recall as I am sure it was too windy.  The sun ended up coming out and it was a good call to continue there after hiring all those planners!  


Wow I wish the focus had not been on it being all about Jen!  It was like it was "her" vows that were being renewed not "theirs."  On and on it went about all these people coming for Jen?  Um no Bill they were coming for both of you.  It was more like a Jen surprise party!  Which one was her brother?


Thank God for the little crackers/cookies which kept both Will and Zoey quiet during the ceremony.  


Jen did seem like she was feeling her drinks!  Bill looked a tad embarrassed or uncomfortable when she wouldn't trust him to let him feed her the wedding cake, she just couldn't relinquish control in case he pulled a funny and made her look silly in any way...it had to be perfect!  And yes they did not do any filming of Will with the cake....geez wonder why!   


Zoey running to Jen on the dance floor wasn't to join in on the fun it appeared she was a bit scared or something.  

Edited by jodo
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Wow I wish the focus had not been on it being all about Jen! It was like it was "her" vows that were being renewed not "theirs." On and on it went about all these people coming for Jen? Um no Bill they were coming for both of you. It was more like a Jen surprise party!

Many of the guests must have feared at least once during the past year that they might never see Jen again, so yeah, they WERE there primarily for Jen. Bill is confident enough that he can be in the background in a situation like this. He knows he's #1 with Jen. It's nice to see a couple who don't bicker and compete all the time.

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And it WAS tied in to Jen's 40th birthday. She had also been sick, and it seems that most of the people there hadn't seen her since her cancer diagnosis.

Also, Bill PLANNED the whole thing, so he obviously knew about it. The suspense was about how Jen would react to Bill's big surprise.

And in how many weddings are the bride and groom equally sharing the spotlight? Let's face it, the bride gets most of the attention.

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From a practical point of view, I do not think Jen was in the dark about the actual renewal and party. It required in my opinion a larger crew and more equipment that usual so she would of known.    Also, that little exchange about the pager going off was about the worst acting I have ever seen.

       I do however think she was genuinely surprised to see the dress designer show up and that her aunt was there. The party seemed laid back and nice, not at all pretentious.  But, I do agree that Jen made it all about her, when it was really just as much about Bill.  

          I am glad it was the last show because at this point I am sick of watching (especially Will) them eat.  I think his food problems go way beyond cake and I feel bad for him.     I noticed Jen had to remove the plate of fruit from the table because he would not stop taking more even after they told him not to.

         Yes, Will was most notably absent from the cake scene. I have a feeling he had to be removed from the party at some point because he was also not with anyone else or in the crowd.   He is always eating so my guess is the minute the party started and he saw that cake, he had a full tilt boogie meltdown.

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Bill's the one that made it all about Jen, from the minute he started to plan until it was over. 


Perhaps Will wasn't in the cake scene for the simple fact he had a ton of cousin's and other little kids to play with, so he was distracted from the cake.  LOL

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