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S07.E14: Brothers & Sisters

Lady Calypso
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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Can anyone tell me if he's sporting long tresses???😜

No, Dante has short hair. This video clip includes all Dante scenes (including his fight with GA)...


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Adrian Paul is almost enough to make me regret that I’m not watching anymore. I wonder why that casting has not gotten any publicity?  That’s a rather major genre casting.  

I’m sure he’ll do a great job as the Big Bad - I still remember the Dark Quickening episodes. Evil MacLeod was scary.  😬 (Adds Highlander to Rewatch list)

Adopted Connor makes no sense - that’s all I have to say on that.  🙄

Edited by Starfish35
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46 minutes ago, tv echo said:

No, Dante has short hair. This video clip includes all Dante scenes (including his fight with GA)...


♥️😍♥️DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥️😍♥️❤️❤️❤️   Now THAT is a formidable villain! Look at those moves with the knives! Just put some swords in his hands!

3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Adrian Paul is almost enough to make me regret that I’m not watching anymore. I wonder why that casting has not gotten any publicity?  That’s a rather major genre casting.  

I’m sure he’ll do a great job as the Big Bad - I still remember the Dark Quickening episodes. Evil MacLeod was scary.  😬

And he's still yummilicious!!!!!

You're not kidding that EVUHL Mac was SCARY. He's up to the task of villainy, not of the cheesy kind; though of course on Charmed, he was the villain of the cheesy kind.

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Oh, Oliver gets his ass kicked again... Why are they repeating the mistake of making Oliver stupidly weak like S4?

I'm done with the show for now, if i wanna see a pathetic weakling fall on his ass the entire time i'll watch my own baby videos…

This badass turned weakling is totally killing it for me.

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It's true. Dinah and Zoe were too busy telling everyone Felicity had become evil and was murdered. 

Mia: "Did you even bother checking into her murder?"

Zoe: "Of course we did. She died in an explosion." 

Mia: "Did you actually see a body?"

Zoe and Dinah: "Body? Proof? Huh?"

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6 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, neither of them had the "How did this happen?" reaction, so I have to assume that they weren't in the "actively trying" stage, but also weren't in the religious birth control stage. If Felicity was on the pill, it's easily understandable why she may have stopped while Oliver was in prison. And maybe it wasn't a priority once he got out.

Doesn't it make you squee a little to see how grown up they are? This is the "Because of the life I live" idiot! And the idiot who was going to pine after Felicity and die alone in the Bunker (that was his go to plan for S3 right?). 

Hehe recapping this has made me realise how sensible Felicity is at handling him for 7 years! 

It makes me smile to think they hit a point where having kids isn't a big drama and just a natural next stage for them.

Our dumb pine tree is having a baby!!!!!

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4 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Ok now I am dying for an Adrian Paul/Caity Lotz katana fight.  Can AP stop by Legends before he leaves the Arrowverse? 😂

`If we don't get a full on sword fight of some kind with him, we will have been robbed.  Extra points if heads come off, though if the throat slicing was extra vigorous, that's kind of a nod to it.  

20 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Felicity surprisingly didn't seem to have that much baby angst either. It was "protect the baby" angst not "Do I want a baby?" angst. Were they at the "If it happens it happens" stage in terms of having kids? Maybe this wasn't an oopsie?

@BkWurm1 get your ass in here and fill out the blanks for me!!!! Plzzzzzz


Doesn't it make you squee a little to see how grown up they are? This is the "Because of the life I live" idiot! And the idiot who was going to pine after Felicity and die alone in the Bunker (that was his go to plan for S3 right?). 

Hehe recapping this has made me realise how sensible Felicity is at handling him for 7 years! 

It makes me smile to think they hit a point where having kids isn't a big drama and just a natural next stage for them.

Our dumb pine tree is having a baby!!!!!

I don't think you need my help.  😄  I think their life with William must have made the idea of them having more children a real vision of how they could see their future life.  The tough part of deciding if bringing kids into their complicated life was already done because William was already there so I'm guessing the thought of another child had stopped being a crazy idea to them even before they got married (even if they certainly weren't looking to on purpose add complications while Oliver was fielding accusations of being the GA.)  

Of course with William JUST leaving because he didn't feel the life his parents could give them was what he wanted,  I'm sure that was a confidence blow and clearly Felicity's nightmares showed how worried she was about being able to keep her family safe, but it was clear that she wanted that child and it was never about if she was going to have their child.  

And even if Oliver later has a freak out and does something dumb and drastic to keep his family safe, there's no doubt how much joy this news brought him.  Makes me think he was probably doing more than dreaming of just getting back to Felicity and William.  Honestly I think Oliver has been ready for kids with Felicity since before he ever found out he had a kid.  At their brunch with the neighbors you could practically see him already naming his 2.5 children.  And then the hero life pulled him back in and he made such dumb choices around William and all that went on hold again.  

But the moment he had William back in his life, I can't imagine Oliver being able to hold back those dreams anymore.  Even just when he was peeking in on Felicity tutoring William, I wonder what else he was picturing. 

And boy oh boy do I now think he'd have been A OK if when he gave her the key to his apartment that he also gave her a bun in the oven, lol.  

I suspect that for Felicity, she probably had been more strongly picturing being a mother and working out her feelings about that during the time that Oliver was first getting to know William without her.  So by the time she was an active part of Williams's life, she was probably not looking to get pregnant right away, but it was no longer something that the thought of would make her choke on her mimosa, lol. 

In the abstract "someday" she'd already been seeing having babies with Oliver since before she ever managed a second date.  (Only time I really loved the use of the line "In my bones")


With respect to Mia in the flashforwards, is anyone else starting to get strong Terminator 2 vibes? Antagonistic mother-child relationship, when mother is just trying to protect the child. I'm now (hopefully) expecting future Felicity (if she's alive) to show up all buffed up and armed with a gun, like T2's Linda Hamilton.

Lol.  I'm not expecting it but that would explain why Dinah kept harping on how much Felicity had changed.  Hahahaaha.  (Now I want it especially  if we are going to wipe the FFtimeline out for a clean slate)

5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I mean, just LOOK at the SMOOTH way he entered the room/scene!

Why no, I NEVER and STILL DON'T have a thing for Adrian Paul. Whatever gave you THAT idea?😜😁

I was barely paying attention to the scene to the point of not realizing it was Adrian Paul until someone pointed it out later in the Live thread so even before I let my fan girl out, I noticed how slick the new guy moved. 

1 hour ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

And wasn't the tech GPS coordinates to the buried Arrow gear? Which presumably doesn't exist yet since it contained the 'Mark of Four" and Oliver's still using it. Nothing about this makes a lick of sense.

Here I'm assuming at least that she could program from afar whatever message she wanted to send and that it changed over time.  

The bigger leap of faith is that William would have kept it all these years.  (Though I guess she probably pinged it and realized it was where he was.)

Edited by BkWurm1
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On 3/4/2019 at 6:32 PM, Angel12d said:

-The future SUCKS. I'm sorry but this is just the worst. Nothing makes any sense and actually implies Oliver dies soon? Mia never knew her father. The team never knew Felicity was pregnant which means she leaves soon too. IDK but while watching I just had the strongest feeling it's all gonna change. But who knows?

That's my exact sentiment.  I know I'm probably going to regret this and I didn't come to my favorite bitching board just to rag on a show, but I'm sooo very close to being done with "Arrow", something I thought I would never consider just a couple of seasons ago.  Although, I was sick as shit of Diaz (He's ruined my "Fringe" enjoyment for awhile) I still pushed through hoping for some closure and hopefully this is finally it.  Diaz has taken on the dreaded "Ward, from Agents of Shield" curse in that he's universally hated as a character.  I just can't take this flashforward bullshit much longer.  It's confusing, it's depressing, and I don't really give a shit about our heroes' offspring.  William hasn't gotten any more tolerable as an adult.  He's still a whiny little boy. I'm glad he's gone from the current time frame, for now, and hate that they shifted him to the future yet kept the twit's same irritating personality.  I don't know why the writers keep putting out this "I'm Gay" refrain.  It's like they want to make sure we know how diverse "Arrow" is.  Mia asks, "Were you and Felicity dating?" and he replies, "God no, I'm Gay, she's my mother".  "She's my mother" would have sufficed, why add your sexual preference to the conversation?  I just don't care.  To make matters worse, the show keeps messing with Canon.  Connor Hawke is now Diggle's adopted son?  WTF?  The show just aired a brilliant episode with the camera crew following around Oliver and NTA.  Now, they bring us this crap?  Please, writers, move it along.  This is NOT how you wrap up a series by introducing baby superheroes.

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7 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I just rewatched and I remembered that William had that hozen with tech in it which makes it even more stupid that he never heard from Oliver or Felicity again!

I'm guessing something terrible is gonna happen soon and Olicity decide that William is safer not being in their lives. The same reason why they're not going to tell anyone but Diggle that they have a baby. It's the only explanation I can think of tbh.

I hate these flashforwards and what they mean for Olicity's future with every fiber of my being! 

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6 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

That's my exact sentiment.  I know I'm probably going to regret this and I didn't come to my favorite bitching board just to rag on a show, but I'm sooo very close to being done with "Arrow", something I thought I would never consider just a couple of seasons ago.  Although, I was sick as shit of Diaz (He's ruined my "Fringe" enjoyment for awhile) I still pushed through hoping for some closure and hopefully this is finally it.  Diaz has taken on the dreaded "Ward, from Agents of Shield" curse in that he's universally hated as a character.  I just can't take this flashforward bullshit much longer.  It's confusing, it's depressing, and I don't really give a shit about our heroes' offspring.  William hasn't gotten any more tolerable as an adult.  He's still a whiny little boy. I'm glad he's gone from the current time frame, for now, and hate that they shifted him to the future yet kept the twit's same irritating personality.  I don't know why the writers keep putting out this "I'm Gay" refrain.  It's like they want to make sure we know how diverse "Arrow" is.  Mia asks, "Were you and Felicity dating?" and he replies, "God no, I'm Gay, she's my mother".  "She's my mother" would have sufficed, why add your sexual preference to the conversation?  I just don't care.  To make matters worse, the show keeps messing with Canon.  Connor Hawke is now Diggle's adopted son?  WTF?  The show just aired a brilliant episode with the camera crew following around Oliver and NTA.  Now, they bring us this crap?  Please, writers, move it along.  This is NOT how you wrap up a series by introducing baby superheroes.

And the problem with that ep was TOO MUCH NTA. The episode wasnt brilliant IMO. The 150th episode should've put focus on Oliver Felicity and Diggle.

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Decent enough episode. Would have liked to have seen more China White.

These flash forwards make absolutely zero sense. The thing I find most baffling is how Dinah never knew that Oliver and Felicity had a daughter (which has its own problems in itself), yet was close enough to them to have some weird tattoo that showcases some sort of kinship with them. 

Is it me or has the background music been a bit weird recently too?

Fight scenes this episode were great.

Oliver finding out he is going to be a Dad was a sweet scene. His relationship with his sister though is not the slightest bit compelling. The actors don't seem to have great chemistry at all. 

I do like the Laurel/Felicity friendship.

Curtis is gone and now Diaz is dead? If only Rene and Dinah could be next.

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9 hours ago, Quark said:

I do like the Laurel/Felicity friendship.

This, to me, is also a nice change to the dynamics.  They each became cognizant  of the other's challenges and their friendship is a nice welcome change. One thing Arrow was never able to balance properly was the female friendships.  Thea and Felicity did manage to find a friendship with each other but it was always because of Oliver.  Sara and Felicity were competitors, again because of Oliver, yet Sara showed a lot of grace when she tried to teach Felicity how to fight.  Since Diaz brought the two together, Laurel and Felicity have become friends outside of any mutual relationship.  It was nice to see the two them simply smile at each other.

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On 3/5/2019 at 12:53 PM, tessaray said:

Laurel boasts about being a good DA but we never see proof of it.

I think this is just funny joke/burn on both the original Laurel and Star City jurisprudence. I like that even BS Laurel seems surprised/bemused that she is doing as good a job as she is.

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I loathe Diaz as much as everyone else here, but KA's delivery of "Looks like someone owes me an apology" made me chuckle outloud, God help me.

You know what would have been a cooler way to do the future flashes? An early season episode that was all future, and laid out the whole future story, and then, as the season went on, have the actions/decisions TA making now change a part of that future, so that by season's end, we go from the dystopia presented, to a bright, hopeful outcome. 

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6 minutes ago, Cekrypton1 said:

I think this is just funny joke/burn on both the original Laurel and Star City jurisprudence. I like that even BS Laurel seems surprised/bemused that she is doing as good a job as she is.

I just wanted to point out that mxc90 made the comment that seems to be coming from me in your quoted post. This new system can be weird sometimes.   

And yeah, I like that about BS/Laurel. It took forever for the TPTB to get over E-1 Laurel as the true BC, but since then she's been a lot more watchable. Kind of a textbook lesson in writing to an actor's strengths. (Especially in letting some of EBR/KC's offstage friendship shine through.)

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I hate the flashforwards and what it implies about Olicity. With the loss of Thea, Roy, and Quentin from the show, Olicity and Dig are all that's left that I enjoy. So, these writer's better get their shit together and make sure the show and the show's main couple goes out on a high note. Oh, and also.. We need to see more Lyla.

I loved the surprise of seeing her in the most recent episode of The Flash, but we need to see her more on Arrow, or at least I'd like to. Also,  I feel like seeing Roy in these flashforward's is stupid. I'd rather see Roy show up in the current time and storyline.

Another thing, I don't give a shit about Oliver's new sister that came out of nowhere. I will always see Thea as Oliver's one and only sister, and if they wanted to create family drama, they should've stopped being lazy with their writing and given Willa/Thea better storylines.

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714 (Brothers & Sisters) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Felicity has a nightmare in which Diaz is chasing her in order to kill her and her baby:
(Felicity is running through a forest and you can hear a baby crying in the background.)
Felicity: "I'm coming! I'm coming!"
(She stops and looks frantically around her, while the crying continues.)
Felicity: "Where are you? I can't find you!"
(She continues to run.)
Felicity: "Oh, oh, aah!"
(She stops when she sees Diaz.)
Diaz: "I'll always find you. (Points his gun at her) Both of you."
Felicity: "You stay away from me! You stay away from me and my family!"
(She turns to run and again sees Diaz with a gun pointed at her.)
Diaz: "You can't protect your baby." (Shoots the gun)
(Felicity wakes up with a gasp.)

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – In a flashforward scene, everyone's real identities are revealed, and we learn about Felicity's murder:
Adult William: "My sister? No, that's not possible."
Mia: "I wish it wasn't, but here I am. Now, get the damn gun off me."
Adult Zoe: "He will when you stop lying."
Older Dinah: "It just doesn't make any sense. We all knew Oliver and Felicity. They never had a daughter."
Mia: "Guess you didn't know them as well as you think."
Older Roy (still aiming an arrow at Connor): "Is this true? Is she their kid?"
Mia: "Hey. Whoa. Let him go. He doesn't know who my parents are. I never told him."
Connor: "She's telling the truth. Look, Mia. Mia, my dad told me to keep a watch on you and keep you safe. So I know who your father is."
Older Dinah: "Your dad knew too?"
Mia: "Who the hell is your dad?"
Connor: "John Diggle is my adoptive father."
Mia: "A vigilante."
Connor: "Mia -"
Mia: "So you've been lying to me this entire time?"
Older Dinah: "Well, now that we're all acquainted... what the hell are you doing down here?"
Adult William: "She's looking for Felicity, who's apparently not dead."
Older Roy: "How do you know?"
Mia: "Because she's done this before. She's just hiding somewhere, being paranoid like always. Figured it might be here this time."
Older Dinah: "So you're just going on a hunch, huh?"
Mia: "No. I am going on an entire lifetime of dealing with her. Did you even bother checking into her murder?"
Adult Zoe: "Of course we did. She died in an explosion."
Mia: "Did you actually see a body?"
Adult William: "Okay. So where do we start?"
Mia: "Yeah. I'm not looking for any kind of family reunion here, bro."
Adult William: "Oh, I'm sorry, sis, but I have come too far to get sidelined now. So we are helping each other, whether you want to or not."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Diggle finally tells Oliver & Felicity about A.R.G.U.S. working with Ricardo Diaz:
Felicity: "The Ghost Initiative sounds a lot like Task Force X."
Oliver: "Didn't Lyla shelve that years ago?"
Diggle: "She did, but there's now a more immediate, more dangerous target that the brass at A.R.G.U.S., even above Lyla, is preventing us from pursuing. We're using the Ghost Initiative to go after this target without their oversight."
Felicity: "Well, I love a spontaneous OTA moment as much as the next person, but you didn't really come here to tell us about resurrecting an old A.R.G.U.S. defunct program, did you?"
Diggle: "It's not about the program. It's about who's in it. Ricardo Diaz."
Oliver: "Ohh."
Felicity: "You have to be joking. You're working with the man who threatened and tried to kill my entire family?"
Oliver: "I think it's important that we hear what John has to say."
Diggle: "Working with this monster is a small price to pay for bringing down a much larger threat. Diaz was the only one we could use to get close to this guy, and I promise you he is a million times worse."
Felicity: "So Diaz is just walking around free right now in exchange for intel?"
Diggle: "He's not free, Felicity. He has a bomb in his head. If he makes one misstep... We are taking every precaution."
Felicity: "Well, I understand why Curtis left."
Oliver: "Hey."
Felicity: "You can't really be okay with this."
Oliver: "No, but I - I trust John, and I believe that he would only take a step like this if he had no other choice."
Diggle: "There was no other choice, and I hate that it came to this, but Lyla and I believe that using the Ghost Initiative is the best way to take down this thread."
Felicity: "You realize that this is the second time you have prioritized your job over keeping your friends safe?"
Diggle: "Working with A.R.G.U.S. does keep you safe because it makes the world safe."
Felicity: "You can keep telling yourself that."
(Felicity leaves the room to go into the kitchen, where she texts E2 Laurel, "Diaz is out. Time to finish what we started.")

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Felicity plans to kill Diaz with E2 Laurel’s help, and E2 Laurel guesses that Felicity is pregnant:
Felicity: "Okay. Operation Blow the Head Off the Dragon is officially a 'go.' I overrode A.R.G.U.S.' security protocols and accessed the bomb in Diaz's brain, which means as soon as Dig's Ghost Initiative mission is over, one click. (Snaps fingers) Boom!"
E2 Laurel: "That's great."
Felicity: "High score on Candy Crush?"
E2 Laurel: "I'm working."
Felicity: "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that being a fake lawyer was more interesting than getting revenge on the bastard who killed Quentin."
E2 Laurel: "Fine. I'm listening. Happy?"
Felicity: "All you have to do is get within 100 feet of Diaz, which should be easy for the D.A., and then just click this button right here and activate the remote detonator."
E2 Laurel: "Won't that send me straight to the top of Most Likely to Have Killed Diaz list?"
Felicity: "Heh, what do you care? You've been trying to kill Diaz for months. I mean, the only reason he's still alive is because we needed him to get Oliver out of prison."
E2 Laurel: "True. But some things have changed. I mean, I'm kind of good at this D.A. thing, so I'm not really sure I'm ready to give it up yet."
Felicity: "Well, I'm not ready to give up on getting Diaz."
E2 Laurel: "Diaz is in A.R.G.U.S. custody. He's not running around free. Trust me. I would be thrilled to see his head explode, but is it really worth the consequences?"
Felicity: "Yes, it is worth every consequence. I have to protect my family."
E2 Laurel: "By 'family,' you mean you, Oliver, and your baby?"
Felicity: "What, are you psychic now?"
E2 Laurel: "Well, there's no wine or champagne and no caffeine on this mission. And that - that is a pregnant lady amount of chocolates you just consumed."
Felicity: "I ate that much chocolate before I was pregnant. (They exchange looks) No one else knows."
E2 Laurel: "Not even Oliver?"
Felicity: "I haven't found the right time to tell him. I've been trying to tell him, so I would really, really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone."
E2 Laurel: "I won't. I promise."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – In a flashforward scene, Adult William, Mia, Connor, Older Dinah, Older Roy and Adult Zoe search for clues to Felicity’s whereabouts:
Adult Zoe: "I don't know how we're gonna use this old stuff to find Felicity. It's like a tech time capsule."
Older Dinah: "Here goes nothing." (Turns on the generators in the old Arrow Bunker)
Adult Zoe: "Whoa."
Adult William: "And we have lift-off."
Mia: "I thought you had Archer. Why do you need this old junk?"
Adult William: "Because as advanced as Archer is, it was designed for the Glades. This system was built for Star City. So who am I looking for again?"
Mia: "Uh, some guy. Paul Loiseau. S.C.P.D. has him listed as the only eyewitness to Felicity's murder. I'm guessing she paid him to say she was there."
Adult William: "Says this guy committed suicide about a week ago."
Connor: "Wait. That was right when we started looking into Felicity's disappearance."
Older Dinah: "What about the coroner?"
Adult William: "Another suicide."
Adult Zoe: "Star City's bad, but not that bad. Someone's taking these people out, but why?"
Older Dinah: "So Felicity uncovers a bomb plot, but before she can tell anybody, the party responsible fakes her death. Now they're tying up loose ends."
Older Roy: "So why not just kill her?"
Older Dinah: "Because they needed her. You were the last one to talk to Felicity. What did she say?"
Mia: "Just the usual bull about how the city's not safe and she wanted me to get out of town."
Connor: "It might not have been bull this time."
Mia: "You guys are just junkies looking for your hero fix. My mom is the only person I care about, and I'm gonna go look for her myself, without any of you."
Adult William: "Hold on. Mia -"
Mia: "Get the hell off! That goes for all of you." (Leaves)

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – E2 Laurel gives Felicity a pep talk:
Computer Voice: "Laurel Lance entering Queen residence."
E2 Laurel (entering): "No more sad chocolates. I got you a roasted turkey sandwich. It's not deli meat. I double-checked. Also, I got you some fruit and veggies. Are you on any prenatal vitamins?"
Felicity: "Any mac and cheese in there? No?"
E2 Laurel: "Clearly, you're having some kind of weird pregnancy crisis, and killing Ricardo Diaz is not going to solve it."
Felicity: "Focusing on killing the maniac who wants to kill me and my family might be a little bit more helpful than... eating that banana."
E2 Laurel: "One, you need the potassium. Two, yes, you're right. Your husband's job is to be the enemy of monsters, and those monsters are going to target you and your family like they always have."
Felicity: "Thank you. That is incredibly reassuring."
E2 Laurel: "You are more than capable of protecting yourself and your family. I mean, you built this insane, crazy security system."
Felicity: "Which didn't work the last time somebody targeted us."
E2 Laurel: "So? You'll fix it."
Felicity: "Yeah. Okay."
E2 Laurel: "In half a day, you hacked into Ricardo Diaz's brain. I don't know if you noticed but you're kind of a badass."
Felicity: "What if it's not enough?"
E2 Laurel: "Look. There will always be another Diaz. (Felicity makes a despairing sound) You just have to have faith that you can handle the next one - and the one after that, and the one after that. You know, this baby's really lucky to have you. I know it's scary. But I promise, you've got this. And if you want to kill Ricardo Diaz, I am not gonna stand in your way. But don't do it out of fear, because you have nothing to be afraid of."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – In a flashforward scene, Adult William and Mia talk about their parents: 
(Mia throws a glass.)
Adult William: "Hey! It's just me - your brother, apparently."
Mia: "What, you think just because we're related, I'm not gonna kick your ass out of here?"
Adult William: "That was the hope, yeah."
Mia: "If you're here to convince me to join your little merry band of heroes, save your breath."
Adult William: "Actually, I was just hoping that we could commiserate about how much our parents suck. I never had anyone to do that with before."
Mia: "What do you have against our parents? Seems like you came out all right. You're super rich."
Adult William: "Well, let's see. Oliver being my dad got my mom killed. Then he and Felicity promised to stay in my life after my grandparents took custody, and then I never heard from them again. And my whole justification for it, you know, that it's hard for publicly recognized vigilantes to raise children, sort of went out the window when I found out that they actually had another kid, which means that they just didn't want me."
Mia: "Being the kid they wanted wasn't so great either. If you hate Felicity so much, why are you wasting all this time trying to find out where she is?"
Adult William: "Because of this." (Holds up the hōzen stone.)
Mia: "A rock?"
Adult William: "Felicity gave it to me when I was a kid, and it's how she sent out her distress signal now, nearly two decades later."
Mia: "And you held onto it all this time. It's actually really sad."
Adult William: "Thanks. You know, parents aren't perfect. They love us the best way they can. Ahh. Maybe I was just trying to do the same."
Mia: "My whole life, my mom told me that our dad was a hero. But everything in this city says the opposite, that all of our problems today are because of him and the other vigilantes. You knew him back then. Was he a hero?"
Adult William (nodding): "Yeah, he really was. And, you know, I'm starting to think that this rock was supposed to lead me to you. Family was always the most important thing to my - our parents."
Mia: "Damn it, you are here to just talk me into joining you."
Adult William: "Well, did it work?"

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Oliver tells Felicity that he’ll support whatever she decides to do about Diaz:
Oliver: "Just got off the phone with John. He and Lyla are gearing up for a Ghost Initiative op. They asked me to be in the field."
Felicity: "In the field with whom exactly? Diaz?"
Oliver: "I told John it was your decision. Whatever you decide after the mission, I will back any move that you want to make against Diaz."
Felicity: "Oh, you don't mean that."
Oliver (sighing): "You know what? I know why you've been acting so strange lately, right?"
Felicity: "You do?"
Oliver: "Yeah."
Felicity: "I was gonna tell you. There's just been so much going on. I -"
Oliver: "You're planning to kill Diaz."
Felicity: "Yeah. Uh, so I'm guessing there is a speech coming."
Oliver: "Felicity, I think there's a better way. I - I think that, but that's my choice. I have no right whatsoever to make yours. Right after I got out of Slabside, I - I didn't realize or totally understand the pain that you were dealing with. I just want you to get closure, because I want us to be able to move forward. I hope you change your mind, but if you don't, I swear I will not stand in your way."
Felicity: "Thank you."
Oliver: "I have your back, no matter what."
Felicity: "Tell John you're coming on the mission. And so am I."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Felicity acts as Overwatch again when A.R.G.U.S. and Oliver set up a trap for Dante; and Felicity confronts Diaz: 
Lyla (over comms): "Overwatch, what's your status?"
Felicity (over comms): "The feed is live, but five of the cameras are down in the southeast corridor. One guess as to why."
Lyla (over comms): "That's where we'll find Dante and the princess. They don't want eyes on the exchange."
*  *  *
Lyla (over comms): "That must be him. Diaz, can you confirm? Diaz?"
Felicity (over comms): "His signal is offline.His last location was the auxiliary room to your right."
Diggle (to Lyla): "I've got it. Stay in position."
*  *  *
Diggle (over comms): "My God, Diaz must have used a defibrillator to short the chip out."
Felicity (over comms): "That's why we lost the signal!"
*  *  *
Lyla (over comms): "Dante's headed for the south exit. Everybody move in."
Felicity (over comms): "What about Diaz?"
Lyla (over comms): "Dante's the objective. Go!"
(Felicity leaves the surveillance van.)
*  *  *
(Diaz shoots a guard and walks down the underground corridor.)
Felicity (entering the corridor through a door, points a gun at him): "Hey! You don't get to go free."
Diaz: "Honey, didn't we go through this already? You don't have what it takes."
Felicity (releasing the safety on her gun): "I do. And I'm not scared of you, and I am stronger than you are, which is why... I'm not going to kill you."
(Diaz smiles. Then Diggle comes up behind Diaz and knocks him out.)
Felicity: "I thought Dante was the objective."
Diggle: "He is the objective, just not the priority. Not this time."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Diggle explains why he backed up Felicity this time in order to catch Diaz:
Diggle: "Well, Diaz will be taken back to Slabside for reneging on his side of the deal. This time he'll stay there."
Oliver: "Still need to think about Dante. He's not gonna forget what happened tonight."
Felicity: "I won't either. You could have gone after Dante, but you chose Diaz."
Diggle: "Last year, I had the opportunity to catch Diaz, and I let it slip through my fingers. I wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice."
Felicity: "Well, what about Dante being the greater threat?"
Diggle: "When I knew there was a choice between catching Diaz or Dante, all I could think about was what letting Diaz go meant to you last time, Felicity. So in that moment, I decided that sometimes the best choice is to just protect your family, and that's exactly what you two are."
Lyla (entering): "I just got off the phone with the Pentagon."
Oliver: "We'll give you some privacy." (Leaves with Felicity)

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – In a flashforward scene, Mia opens the Rubik's Cube for Adult William: 
Mia: "So, fill me in. What do you guys have so far?"
Adult William: "The same bomb plans you have, plus a map of tunnels into the Glades." (Pulls out the Rubik's Cube and places it on the table)
Mia: "Cube in a cube."
Adult William: "You know it?"
Mia: "Felicity used to force this stuff on me. Little, uh, mother-daughter bonding time before I wised up. There's another solve. Cube in a cube... in a cube." (Opens up the Rubik's Cube to reveal a mini-cassette hidden inside)
Adult William: "No way. Huh."
Mia: "What is that?"
Adult William: "I think it's a mini-cassette. My grandparents had an answering machine that used these."
Mia: "What's an answering machine?"
Adult William: "It's not important. What is important is the message that's on this tape."
Mia: "Can you hack it or -?"
Adult William: "No. You can't hack this. Heh. It's encryption through obsolescence. It's pretty genius, actually."
Mia: "Yeah, so genius, you can't listen to it."
Adult William: "We'll figure it out."
Mia: "I hope so. Because this could be the key to finding our mom."

714 (Brothers & Sisters) – Felicity tells Oliver that she's pregnant: 
(Felicity is eating ice cream when Oliver returns home.)
Computer Voice: "Green Arrow entering Queen residence."
Felicity: "Hey! How'd it go?"
Oliver: "Pretty good."
Felicity: "Good."
Oliver: "I feel like we're getting to a good place. Mint chip."
Felicity: "Hmm. You want some?"
Oliver: "I'm good."
Felicity: "Just needed a little comfort food after the night we had."
Oliver: "A night that could have ended very differently."
Felicity: "You want to know why I didn't kill Diaz. I wanted to. I was ready to. Then I realized killing Diaz wasn't going to prove anything. The whole reason I wanted Diaz dead was to protect our family, and... what our family needs is a fresh start. One in the light, just like you're doing. I want our children to know that they are the most important thing to us and that we would do anything - anything for them."
Oliver (clearing his throat): "Ahem. You said, 'children.'"
Felicity (smiling): "I'm pregnant."
(Oliver smiles and hugs her, while Felicity chuckles.)

Edited by tv echo
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I still roll my eyes at Siren accurately guessing Felicity is pregnant because all the alcohol is put away and chocolate is being consumed. Because only pregnant ladies eat chocolate and straighten up right? Just a weak reason to have her know about Mia and show how they've bonded.

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Yeah it was a bit stupid that she instantly guessed from that. It's not like Felicity normally has a glass of wine or a tumbler of scotch or anything next to her in the middle of a mission or during the day and if scarfing chocolate is a sign of pregnancy my whole office, including the men were pregnant all at once. 

They wanted to carry on with the well received Felicity/Siren storyline and set up more of the redemption stuff, especially for Lost Canary. 

Ironically though I believe it more with E2 Laurel than with E1 LL guessing and immediately bringing food. Even though Felicity was supposed to be oh so close to Laurel before she died we barely saw it. 

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