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S06.E11: Sisterhood

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Ugh, the absurdity of this show just increases, though we finally got the obligatory 'stoned Jackie puts patient at risk.' scene.


Jackie tells Eddie about suspicions around her; he replies that it makes sense 'considering history.'  So pissed off, she stalks off after swiping a bottle of opiates.  Gee, I wonder who he's gonna think did it? And...looks like she's moved on to snorting crushed pills. Right before her ex's wedding. Who she has invited, her druggie friend!  A guy who's obviously a partier and gets around; she didn't worry that someone in that vast wedding reception might not recognize him?


And I just don't get that whole 'Nancy Woods' reveal scene.  Did the nun do it as a favor for Jackie, cause she was so grateful to her?  And what about the ID.  Carrie didn't blink or react when she looked at it, but Zooey was immediately upset.  So what was it?

It took me two viewings, but I finally got it. The photo on the driver's license is the same one Zoey took and Jackie had sent to her phone. Jackie must have printed out the photo, stuck it to the fake driver's license she used at the pharmacy and slipped it into the nun's personal effects.


As a long time viewer, the absurdities of each episode just keep piling up, but I love it so much.

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I was cheering out loud when Grace confronted Gabe and Jackie--and I loved how Jackie had the nerve to get indignant with him about selling drugs to kids, as if she has a moral leg to stand on! Hilarious.


Also cheering as Zoe became the first person at All Saints to finally put it all together. The nun conveniently revealing herself as "Nancy Wood" right before conveniently dropping dead should have made Gloria more suspicious. Thank god for Zoe.


And WTF Eddie--we had better hear about that missing bottle of pills she stole. Again, I love her having the nerve to get pissed off and act totally offended by his comment. I am really hoping everything comes crashing down on her next week.

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Her brilliance to also work out putting the dress in the pharmacy, and having the pharmacist even put it away for her. the acting pissed, was just the topper, because it IS all about the addict. Thanks to whomever explained how Jackie worked the nun's ID.

Zoey is the moral consciousness of the show since day one.

This show thrills me. I can suspend disbelief(having even worked in trauma hospitals my whole work life )to enjoy the plots and characters and accuracy of addicts.

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Jackie goes into the bathroom stall and starts snorting her brains out, like anyone else in that restroom would have heard exactly what she was doing. I know she waited for Gloria to leave, but still. That was some loud shit going on in there. She's really getting sloppy. And I don't get how she thinks she can get away with just swiping a big old bottle of pills either. For that matter why do they even have stuff like that laying around and so easily snatchable if nurses can walk in and out of there at will? 


This show has always had a problem with portraying drugs as though they are all alike. Jackie is snorting down opiates like it's coke and then at the wedding reception Gabe tells her he's got some coke. It's like they think a drug addict will just do any kind of drug they can get their hands on. Jackie's not some junkie living on the streets. 


How freaking old is FIona supposed to be? Standing there begging her mommy to walk down the aisle with her? That's something I'd expect maybe a four year old to do. Forget about Grace, it's Fiona who needs serious professional help, stat.

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How freaking old is FIona supposed to be? Standing there begging her mommy to walk down the aisle with her? That's something I'd expect maybe a four year old to do. Forget about Grace, it's Fiona who needs serious professional help, stat.


I wonder if they are writing her mentally at the age she was when Jackie and Kevin split up. I can't get a read on her because we don't see much of her. 

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Isn't Fi supposed to be four years younger than Grace? That would make her 10-11 depending on when their birthdays fall.


Zoe reading Jackie's letter was both hilarious and sweet. The whimpering noises were cracking me up.


I also loved Zoe's shock and distress about Jackie not having shoes for Kevin's wedding yet.


I get Zoe recognizing the picture on the nun's license but how did Jackie convince Helen to tell everyone that she was Nancy Wood? I both love and hate that Zoe was the one to figure out Jackie was behind it all. I love it because she was the smart one, but I hate it because she loves Jackie so much and this may crush Zoe's optimistic spirit.


While I understand it's frustrating to be in a relationship where you and the other person aren't on the same page about the status of your relationship, how serious it is, if it's time to meet the parents, etc. what Carrie did was shitty. I hate that Coop's reaction was just to give in. So your casual sex partner calling you her boyfriend on tv is enough to convince you that this relationship is real?

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Shout out to Zoey for recognizing the picture so quick.

And Helen did ask Jackie if could do anything for her as Jackie pulled the curtain. But that was quick thinking on Jackie's part.

I'm always amazed at all she can do in the span of a shift. Go shoe shopping, make a fake ID, which would require laminating, get gussied up, makeup and hair, before the wedding..she's good.

My son is an opiate addict yet I never saw Jackie have a serious case of the nods, like I've experienced with him.

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Go shoe shopping, make a fake ID, which would require laminating


I forget where the Nancy Wood i.d. came from. Assuming it's a real ID that Jackie stole from a patient or something and slapped her picture on for the pharmacy's sake...wouldn't this all unravel pretty quickly? Carrie said the i.d. was going to the DEA--would they not notice it was a relaminated fake? Would they not enter the info into the DMV computer and have the real Nancy Wood come up instead of Sister Helen?


I hate plot holes, but I particularly hate plot holes (like the many this season) that force us to swallow that Jackie's extremely easily disproved deceptions are believed wholesale by everyone around her, including law enforcement.

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Was Jackie stupid enough to use the ID card with her own picture and Nancy Wood's name as Helen's ID? If she just slapped that phone picture on top of her picture DVD then laminated it, she totally deserves to get caught for her own stupidity.

I noticed that it was a drivers license. Are those still laminated in New York? The ones in California have all kinds of holograms and aren't laminated so I wonder if Jackie actually found someone to make a fake license for Helen/Nancy. Heh, maybe Gabe knows a guy.

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i believe that Jackie, while stepping out to go "shoe shopping," stopped by whichever storefront she frequented to get the original fake ID, and got herself another. The DEA -- or anyone not open to being deceived -- will quickly determine that it's fake, but not where it come from or who had it made.  Only Zoey could have ID'ed the picture itself.  


Jackie's luck ran out, because her desperation opened the front door and started screaming.  She knows perfectly well that her addiction has reached the stage where she must soon end up in jail or the morgue, and the feral survivor in her wants her busted.  She'd run herself over to come out alive.  

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The shit that Zoey has on Jackie now would (in real life) result in arrest and indictment of Jackie Peyton, revocation of her nursing license forever, and jail time.  Also Kevin has grounds to keep the kids from ever being near her again, and Gloria and Eddie could get fired and have license actions against them.  Jackie has betrayed all of them, plus Zoey.  The finale is going to have to be very twisty, or else next season will be about women in Federal prison, but that show's already streaming on Netflix.


I do hope we get to see Cooper's moms in the finale.

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Yeah, it's really funny about how this season has gone down in regards to Jackie and just how far down she has sunk (and could, easily, sink even further). The only thing that hasn't happened (yet) is her being directly responsible for a patient dying. That said, I think if TPTB are going into the next season knowing it's the final one (this I don't know) they could even end this season with Jackie getting arrested and starting next season 'x' years from now after Jackie has done rehab and time. I don't know, I'm just 'guessing out loud' which, as Seven of Nine used to say: futile.


I'm just hoping (against hope, of course) that they don't toss a big twisty-twist ending at us and Jackie, once again, slides through. It's interesting that I don't think I've ever wanted to see the lead character of the show get firmly and without any doubt get taken down like I really want to see Jackie Peyton get taken down. If that was TPTB 'intention' with this season then, with me anyway, they've succeeded!

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Was there a real Nancy Wood? I honestly don't remember. I thought it was a Jackie made up.


I'm pretty sure it was a Jackie alias specifically for using Roman's ID number.


Given her history, especially how low Jackie sank last week with Antoinette, I wasn't the least surprised that she used the "dying nun" (near-pun intended) to fake the Nancy name. It would have worked had Zoey not seen the actual ID. Yes, I think Zoey will reveal all to Akalitus. We've seen Jackie's many near-misses and bare-escapes by the skin of her teeth many times, so up until the wedding, things were going her way. And really, who there would have known who the dealer was if Grace hadn't called it to everyone's attention? That was a minor screwup by Jackie by comparison.


All that stated, I rather enjoyed last night's episode. Jackie looked beautiful at the wedding. Her helping Fiona get to the altar was sweet and without incident...plus without using any cliched antics as the jealous ex-wife, etc.


And Zoey squeeeing at the recommendation letter was awesome.


It does look like Jackie has nowhere to run next week -- and it's past time for her to be held accountable.

Jackie now seems like such a hard-core addict that I wonder if she can ever turn herself around. One-by-one, her supports and supporters have been removed: her marriage failed, her children are losing respect or regressing in development, her pharmacist bf isn't a pushover, her AA sponsor is alienated, her cop boyfriend is pushed away, her admirer Zoey is turning narc, and now perhaps her job and nursing license are at risk (if Akalitas has the strength and proof to move forward).


I'm not angry at Jackie or hoping she is riding for a fall (an overdose, suicide attempt, or a fatal "accident"). Her inability to deal with stress is at the core of her addiction, and on top of her personal load and sensitivity she's a magnet for the stress of others around her: children, husband, boyfriends, patients, her own sponsor. She immediately reacts with intense anger when she or someone she cares about is stressed. She assumes it  is her responsibility to solve the stress. A perfectionist, Jackie assumes stress is abnormal, and she is supposed to make it disappear. She's becoming more and more exhausted and despairing, a martyr to stress. I would guess that one or both of her parents made her feel responsible for relieving their failures and stress. She needs therapy so badly to build some protective boundaries around her psyche and drop some of her perfectionism. The nun was a foreshadowing and a foil for Jackie's self-destructive path.

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I think I've learned to just ignore the unrealistic plotlines regarding Jackie's drugs shenanigans, because there have been so many of them all along.


For example:


- Pharmacists have to account for every single opiate that goes into their hands, so Eddie being able to give her hardcore painkillers whenever she wanted them made no sense.

- You can't call in a prescription for Oxycontin, and thus the whole "Nancy Wood" scam never would have worked.

- Akalitis and especially Eddie would never have been hired back at All Saints after the offenses they were fired for.

- The whole "Jackie's being allowed to take her drug test later on, because of the prescription she was never officially given" plotline from earlier this season.


I was really annoyed by a different kind of plot silliness in this episode, though. The last time we saw Gabe (Jackie's dealer), didn't he write her off completely, because Jackie had just stolen his girlfriend's credit card and bought expensive dresses with it? Now he's thrilled to go to her ex-husband's wedding with her?


If we're supposed to think she worked her way back into his good graces, they could at least have given us a line or two explaining that. Unless there was one, and I just missed it.

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She immediately reacts with intense anger when she or someone she cares about is stressed. She assumes it  is her responsibility to solve the stress. A perfectionist, Jackie assumes stress is abnormal, and she is supposed to make it disappear. She's becoming more and more exhausted and despairing, a martyr to stress.


Given that, I wonder if we've always been supposed to see Grace as postshadowing - Grace is developing the same way Jackie developed as an addict. Remember when Grace was a sweet little girl and was so stressed about everything she couldn't control going on around her?

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When was Gloria ever fired? I know Eddie was replaced by the pill dispensing machine for a little while but I don't remember him getting fired for any kind of offense either.


I'm not talking about Eddie being replaced by the pill machine. This came later.


When Bobby Cannavale's character (Cruz?) found out that Jackie went to rehab with his son, he promised his son that he wouldn't fire Jackie. But Cruz looked into what happened before Jackie went to rehab.


He discovered that Eddie had been giving her controlled substances under the table, and that Akalitis had covered for Jackie. (IIRC, he had a video of Akalitis tossing Jackie's urine sample in the trash, rather than turning it in like she was supposed to.)


He got rid of both Eddie and Akalitis after that.

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