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S08.E08: The Past and the Furious

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7 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I can’t believe AJ has become the best guy this season. I admit I love those two - I will be bummed if they don’t make it!

Agreed, and I think a lot of that has to do with his being matched with the best woman this season.  SexyAFStef's fun, great at absorbing his communication, and she seems to have the perfect blend of high hopes and low expectations for this experiment.  Only a jackass would treat her poorly.  (IMO Kate's a wet blanket, Kristine's a covered pot, and Jasmine's spoiled.)

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SexyAF is AJ's lid to his pot(belly)....she has been through enough bad relationships to look past AJ's flamboyant histrionics and overwrought protestations to see a decent guy who wants to be unconditionally accepted and loved.

She is willing to grit her teeth and put up with his tantrums when he over reacts to any minor disturbance in his Force. (StarWars shoutout)

She now carries fun sized Snickers in her purse to stave future hangry meltdowns...

Getting to know AJ's quirks, his triggers, his body language is easy for a motivated, smart cookie like SexyAF...she sees him as her forever husband.

Mazol tov to the best couple of this dismal season....

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Keith ... You don’t have to make a gourmet meal.  Throw some frozen Mac / cheese in the microwave, heat up some frozen nuggets or fish sticks, open up a can of veggies and put everything on a paper plate.  It’s not how I cook, but it will do for a guy like you when you have to put something the table.  Case closed.

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9 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

SexyAF is AJ's lid to his pot(belly)....she has been through enough bad relationships to look past AJ's flamboyant histrionics and overwrought protestations to see a decent guy who wants to be unconditionally accepted and loved.

She is willing to grit her teeth and put up with his tantrums when he over reacts to any minor disturbance in his Force. (StarWars shoutout)

She now carries fun sized Snickers in her purse to stave future hangry meltdowns...

Getting to know AJ's quirks, his triggers, his body language is easy for a motivated, smart cookie like SexyAF...she sees him as her forever husband.

Sounds to me like she is settling. She could do so much better than AJ. I just don't understand why she is single at 38 because she does seem like a great catch. 

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Kate probably wanted to put 0.0 but was guilted by production to put the 6.5 on the notecard....

Kate now has perfected her sad victim face...

 Kate is now manipulating the master manipulator...she will suck up sympathy...people want to help her...to save her.....

Poor Poor Pitiful Kate.

Edited by humbleopinion
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24 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Agreed, and I think a lot of that has to do with his being matched with the best woman this season.

You said it - she’s kind of the perfect person for this “experiment” - fun, flexible, willing to compromise (I’m looking at you Jasmine), and open to love someone who might not (definitely won’t be) a super model. In other words, a mature grown up.....

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Sexy AF believes she hit the jackpot.....Almost as much as Ricky Bobby couldn't believe his good fortune last season....Steph is the new Ricky Bobby...AJ is Ricky Bobby, too.

AJ is smitten with her.

AJ emotes excessively.

AJ is an open book...there is no hiding emotionally with him. 

All his filters got damaged when he landed on the pavement from is motorcycle accident.

One month in they are happy....

Edited by humbleopinion
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3 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

You said it - she’s kind of the perfect person for this “experiment” - fun, flexible, willing to compromise (I’m looking at you Jasmine), and open to love someone who might not (definitely won’t be) a super model. In other words, a mature grown up.....

Will grew up in the playground, did the best he could and became a good man.  Jasmine mentioned she grew up with family and home fires burning like her life was so much better than his.  Don’t be so prissy missy.  You might be alone again in a few weeks .

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7 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Will grew up in the playground, did the best he could and became a good man.

The best man on this season, AFAIC.  He got screwed with 70/30 Jasmine. 

I think Will and Kate could've made each other very happy. 


Edited by Drogo
It had to be done.
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23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Sounds to me like she is settling. She could do so much better than AJ. I just don't understand why she is single at 38 because she does seem like a great catch. 

This is where I am with this couple, too.  She's smart and sweet and how I wish they had given her a real Dash Riprock kind of nice guy v. meltdown man who probably spits when he gets too excited and screaming about dumb crap, and the 'I'm not taking it out on you, while I'm taking it out on you' idiocy he hands her.  I would have killed him in his sleep the first night.  He makes my skin crawl.  I give her endless credit. 

Edited by Kareem
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Both Will and Kate could be good ventriloquists...they got that talking without moving their lips down pat....

Will takes Jas' repeated putdowns because he doesn't give 2 flying f*cks about the sham marriage....

Dude is checking his watch and slowly backing out the door.... taking his penis with him....

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Dying to read your comments first but don’t want them to influence mine…

AJ ruins his talking head by throwing in “…and I get what I ask for.” Stephanie’s right about one thing: she’d be empty without AJ… therefore she’ll stay and put up with this dagger jabs. So AJ was in a motocycle accident that scared him to death so he turns into what he calls someone who smiles all the time and enjoys life when in reality he’s a pissy little diva that throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants.

Keith being upset at “so many dishes” just totally cracked me up. I can see in this early part of the marriage that Kristine probably wants to show off and is making these elaborate meals so I can only imagine how much work the dishes are. If they have a dishwasher, it’s even funnier that Keith is complaining.

Kristine crying in the TH is seeing reality now. She was fine with doing the cooking and him doing the dishes while they were talking about it so while I believe it’s unfair, she knew going in that he doesn’t cook and was accepting of that. Why didn’t she say, “Well, you need to learn to cook and share the load here.” But she didn’t. Keith needs help because doing anything is too much. She’s seeing that she married a man baby and now it’s up to him. 

What’s the surprise that you used ‘hands’ to play wall ball? My father played handball for years and years in the 1950s and my husband's father did as well. Every park near me is packed with kids and adults of all ages playing handball. And it’s not just for poor areas, Jasmine. Will really seems like such a good guy. 

I seriously went and got a bucket and forced myself to watch Luke and Kate. Her voice drives me insane. Why was he trying to decide what flavor ice cream she was getting? Looks like she picked chocolate chip mint! Winner! So they went to his hometown and he showed her around and they had ice cream and that makes her feel like a wife? Let’s forgive each other for past things? I’m gonna forgive a personf or telling me I repulsed them with a kiss. I just can’t. He’s a loser in the extreme and she’s a desperate ass.

Back to the dishes. See? She even said they agreed that she would cook and he would clean. So he complained about the dishes, fine. Complain. But get to work. If he doesn’t do them all, make a one plate meal and tell him he is sacrificing elaborate for basic and that will lessen the load of dishes. Once he cries that he wants elaborate, then well…. deal or no deal. 

I just don’t buy into this horseshit that Kristine is made to feel guilty for being upset at Keith for not doing his share because of his past. Fuck that. You’re a grown up. It’s not complicated to do dishes without whining and shutting Kristine’s irritation was wrong. It’s like it was invalidated. Saying someone is afraid of the dark or air travel or dogs because of past experiences is totally understandable. Being a man baby because you were coddled is easily fixable if you get your ass off the couch and do the fucking dishes.

“Will needs to listen to me.” That’s Jasmine. No compromise. What I want is what you do. I don’t see Jasmine and Will not having communication. They are communicating what they believe is a fair way to do things and they are far apart. I don’t buy into the relatives 58 year marriage meaning they are qualified to give advice because we live in a totally different time now and every couple and individual person is different. What works for one couple may not work at all for another and that doesn’t make either side wrong. I can't help but think that Jasmine's willingness to compromise "even though it will be hard" will be short lived. She's not going into it wanting to compromise, it's written all over her face that she truly thinks she should not have to do this that will be evident every time she has to give in. 

AJ could not be happier because he gets his way. Every time. How long will Stephanie be able to absorb his jabs over minor things. 

Maybe I’m weird or something but is is really necessary to hold hands at the table while looking at a menu? When you’re like 30 or something? So Keith’s father, who has ditched on him forever, which Keith is well used to by now (horrible as that is, seen it many times) but I’m sorry, that’s not a struggle that gives him a pass to be a man baby. From now on, Keith can pull that card out any time he does something that Kristine does not like and she’s supposed to freeze and say, “Oh, he’s had it rough so it’s okay.” It should not have to work that way. 

Was anyone else waiting for Jasmine to criticize Will doing the laundry or flipping out because he washed something he shouldn’t have.

Kate is desperate. Luke’s family treating her so nicely makes her think that she could fall in love and this could work out? She should have told Lke’s mother what her experiences have been with her son and asked why mom thinks that happened. Kate seemed to believe that mom has inside info.

I am seriously going to be so depressed if Will and Jasmine stay together. I think Keith and Kristine and Stephanie and AJ will and once they make that decision, if Keith is still a man baby that cries about dishes and AJ is still a whiny baby, they have no right to complain about that because they’ve accepted it. Luke and Kate are a lost cause. 

What’s saddest about this whole Kate/Luke thing is that if it does not work out for them, it seems to me that Kate will be sad. That a woman would be so desperate that she wants to hang on and stay with this guy is truly scary to me. 

Since I never watched this show, is there some sort of Tell All that we get to see similar to 90 Day where the people are free to speak or do they sign something that says they won’t talk about their true experience on the show?

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I haven't read any posts yet so if anyone's said any of this already I apologize for being repetitive.

Take any frozen frame of Kate in this episode and put the thought bubble "Just shoot me" over her head and it would be completely appropriate.  She is obviously depressed and should not force herself nor let the show force her to continue to beat her down into the mud with this asshole.  It was like the 800 lb. gorilla in the room on both "Unfiltered" and her meeting with Puke's mother.  Just how difficult would it have been for her to drop out?  Has the contract been stiffened up that much?  This is a very bad advertisement for the show, that they would expect someone to put up with that kind of toxic situation.

Luke's mother with the show being "a mockery of marriage" comment again.  Never mind that her son is the embodiment of a mockery of marriage.  She should blame him for the mockery here.

I wanted to slap Dr. Jessica for encouraging Kristine to make excuses for Keith.  So now she should feel sorry for him and his upbringing and not see him as being a big self-centered chauvinist baby, which he still is no matter the cause.  And it's still unfair to her.  Why does she have to be patient with him and not the other way around?  We all know that people don't change like that and she'll be waiting a very long time for him to grow up. 

Jasmine is a snob.  When she went to the playground with Will she obviously thought he was "beneath" her in social standing.  Her saying she was raised in a safe and loving environment told the tale.  She thinks his more "humble" beginnings means that he's inferior to her - Get over yourself woman!   She is so judgmental I can't even take her expressions anymore.  Even her elderly aunt and uncle are more progressive about marriage and finances than she is!

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11 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Jasmine annoys me to no end. I definitely see how she was single. I can’t imagine any relationship will go long term with her unless she meets Kristine’s moneybags ex. 

Will and Kristine would have been a much better match. 

Kristine is a keeper and Keith better thank his lucky stars he was matched with her. 

Luke. Ugh. Kate. Sad ugh. His mother is strange but I think she knows her son isn’t into it. I wonder if he told her he was repulsed by Kate. 

Jasmine still wouldn't be happy with Kristine's ex because he would expect her to shut up. She doesn't seem to grasp that nothing is free. Even her aunt predicated exclusively male bill paying with "respecting her husband" (Christian old lady speak for knowing when to shut up and take it because he pays the bills).

I don't know if Kristine would have been attracted to Will. But, personality-wise I agree.

I agree about Luke's mom. She was trying to be nice to Kate but, she knows.

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I liked Aunt Susie and Uncle Joe but that food looked store bought.  The chicken looked like it came from Popeye's (which I hate) and I don't think Aunt Susie made that pound cake.   They were a sweet couple though.

I'm still rooting for AJ and Stephanie.  He really does look like he wants to be a part of that family.

Jasmine is a snob.  Will deserves better, too bad he wasn't matched with Kristine.   

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10 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Something I really like about Keith: he's constantly looking at Kristine's face, trying to gauge subtleties in her feelings. That goes a long way with me. A person can learn how to do dishes or whatever, but you cannot learn to care. He's immature, but tonight we got some insight about that. His father was absent & self-destructive & his family coped by spoiling him. I felt so bad when his father stood them up. It was very clear that was not the first time.

See, I read this differently. For me, Keith is trying to read her face to see what he needs to say to make the conversation end so he can go back to doing what he wants to do. It's classic and I recognize it from childhood. I also think he practiced it on the women in his family his whole life. Notice how he had no actual counter for Kristine's points so, he just remained silent and then went to the "I never had a dad" spiel? It's similar to Luke and the "my friend died after being hit by a drunk driver" scene. I think guilt over the situation with his dad has caused the women in his home of origin to coddle him his entire life and he is riding that story into trying to find a woman to do the exact same thing. The "doctor" who met with them is terrible at her job and Kristine is taking on too much by thinking "patience" is going to make Keith step up.

Notice how his perception of manliness has nothing to do with what he does or provides and everything to do with what the women in his life do for him? A man interested in "manliness" would be interested in supporting himself and maybe being able to help take care of his elderly grandmother instead of having her take care of his domestic needs.

I understand growing up with a disappointing, addictive and selfish parent scars a person. I really do. But, I don't see Keith trying to do his own work to move forward. He's a grown man trying to build a family in the future so, it's time to really grow up. 

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3 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I liked Aunt Susie and Uncle Joe but that food looked store bought.  The chicken looked like it came from Popeye's (which I hate) and I don't think Aunt Susie made that pound cake.   They were a sweet couple though.

I'm still rooting for AJ and Stephanie.  He really does look like he wants to be a part of that family.

Jasmine is a snob.  Will deserves better, too bad he wasn't matched with Kristine.   

Aunt Susie seemed proud of her cooking though. She told Will she loves to feed. I doubt she’d have said that if it was fast food chicken. And the pound cake was nothing out of the ordinary for a Sunday dinner. 

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Keith ... You don’t have to make a gourmet meal.  Throw some frozen Mac / cheese in the microwave, heat up some frozen nuggets or fish sticks, open up a can of veggies and put everything on a paper plate.  It’s not how I cook, but it will do for a guy like you when you have to put something the table.  Case closed.

They could food prep together for the week on Saturday or Sunday and also clean up together. Also, a crockpot would be a great friend for those two. Once a week, a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and maybe a salad from the salad bar. There are some easy solutions for these two.


Maybe I’m weird or something but is is really necessary to hold hands at the table while looking at a menu? When you’re like 30 or something? 

My husband and I are both in our late 40s and we often hold hands when we are out to dinner. He likes to sit next to me too, if we are seated at a four top. Couples find different ways to get and stay connected -  I thought it was sweet that they did that - particularly as it became clear that Keith's father was going to deadbeat out on the dinner.

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10 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

She's living with Luke, so it is basically the same thing.

Dr. Pepper commented on it during Unfiltered how Kate was not the bubbly person that she met during the matchmaking meetings. Luke is putting out her light. We haven't gotten to see who Kate really is, we have been given hints but they are subtle. We know that she takes classes that interest her, she has an interest in music since she plays the piano and probably the guitar since she brought one with her when moving, and she seems to have a supportive friend group. But she has been reduced down to a sad girl by the show. 

Surpressed.  He’s probably knocking everything she does when they are at home.  He is reducing her to nothing.  This guy is a psycho.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Sounds to me like she is settling. She could do so much better than AJ. I just don't understand why she is single at 38 because she does seem like a great catch. 

In the words of Dr. Phil, she probably has "a bad picker". Sometimes what one party brings to a relationship is that they work too hard on people who aren't worth it.

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I found Luke's mom to be super creepy. Especially the weird way she took Kate's hand while talking to her. His mom knows what type of person her son is but doesn't care. She probably blamed all his ex-girlfriends when those relationships inevitably failed because her son is such a douche.

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19 minutes ago, Drogo said:

A father-in-law who doesn't walk around barefoot when his new daughter-in-law comes over for the 1st time

I noticed that.  Who does that?  Maybe he's a dickhead like his stepson.

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Jasmine is really judgmental. That playground is in West Oak Lane. It's not an affluent neighborhood but as Will said, he had enough. I really didn't like how Jasmine just slapped the poverty label on him (and she's from West Philly, not Chestnut Hill, so it's not like she hasn't seen neighborhood playgrounds that look like that). She had this "ew" air about her the whole time. How about commending Will for finding a safe, fun place to play? She responded to him taking her to a place that meant a lot to him with " ... Well, it was all he had, I guess." It's just gross. 

Also, acting like wall ball is something only the "lower classes" play is ridiculous. I grew up upper middle class (two white-collar professional parents with advanced degrees) and we played wall ball all the time, at school and at home! I was immediately taken back to playing at school and against the garage as a kid when Will mentioned it. She looks down at Will for no good reason and he knows it. He's done.

So Jasmine wants Will to pay her bills but for HER to be the head of the household? It really doesn't work like that. Her aunt was basically like, look, if he's going to be paying the bills, you're going to have to do some shutting up. Kristine experienced the same thing - and that's why she bounced, and good for her.

9 minutes ago, red12 said:

In the words of Dr. Phil, she probably has "a bad picker". Sometimes what one party brings to a relationship is that they work too hard on people who aren't worth it.

I think so too, especially since Stephanie said she's been cheated on by more than one ex. Don't @ me, I'm not saying she DESERVED to be cheated on; she just may be drawn to men who don't treat her right. I have a friend with the same problem. Has good role models in her parents, who have been married for like 45 years, but every man she has ever dated is terrible and treats her badly. She's a "fixer" type and that translates to picking men who need a lot of work. Rather than cutting her losses, she tries to fix them. They are never, ever worth the trouble.

Kristine is cooking breakfast too? Keith can't pour himself some cereal or make some toast on his own?

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Kristine & Keith: I agree with this:

24 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

They could food prep together for the week on Saturday or Sunday and also clean up together. Also, a crockpot would be a great friend for those two. Once a week, a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and maybe a salad from the salad bar. There are some easy solutions for these two.

Yes, there are definitely ways to simplify the cooking task for two people --and the cleaning up!

Also it seems to me like people are forgetting that the Queen lived at home with her parents, and is undoubtedly almost as 'spoiled' as her hubby.

If Keith is missing Grandma and her cooking, why don't they go visit her, have lunch or dinner there like, once a week?! They should do it the polite way and schedule it so she's expecting them and it fits in with her life, and of course, they should "bring something".  I bet Grandma would love that, and I bet it would help Keith and Kristine to work out their cooking/cleaning situation.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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10 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Something I really like about Keith: he's constantly looking at Kristine's face, trying to gauge subtleties in her feelings. That goes a long way with me. A person can learn how to do dishes or whatever, but you cannot learn to care. He's immature, but tonight we got some insight about that. His father was absent & self-destructive & his family coped by spoiling him. I felt so bad when his father stood them up. It was very clear that was not the first time.

I agree with everything you say.  He had an alcoholic absent father and was brought up by good women who compensated.  Than God for these women or he would have been in the streets.  He’s on the right path while working and going to school to be in the medical field.  If he loves Kristene, he will learn to do things to make her happy.  He’s not a bad guy .. there are much worse.  Cooking is the least of their problems.

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11 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Kristine & Keith: I agree with this:

Yes, there are definitely ways to simplify the cooking task for two people --and the cleaning up!

Also it seems to me like people are forgetting that the Queen lived at home with her parents, and is undoubtedly almost as 'spoiled' as her hubby. Also, if Keith is missing his Grandma and her cooking, why don't they go visit her, have lunch or dinner there like, once a week?! They should do it the polite way and schedule it so she's expecting them and it fits in with her life, and of course, they should "bring something".  I bet Grandma would love that, and I bet it would help Keith and Kristine to work out their cooking/cleaning situation.

But in Kristine's case I think living with her parents is a more recent thing. She had previously lived with the ex that she talked about. She might have moved home to regroup after such a draining relationship. She might be spoiled but she at least knows how to do basic adulting. Going over for meals at Keith's grandmother's house is just a band-aid. It doesn't solve the problem which is Keith's determination to rely on women to take care of him. There is no question as to why his last relationship failed, he said he had been with the ex for several years. Eventually the ex had to acknowledge that he wasn't willing to change. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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55 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

They could food prep together for the week on Saturday or Sunday and also clean up together. Also, a crockpot would be a great friend for those two. Once a week, a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and maybe a salad from the salad bar. There are some easy solutions for these two.

I noticed that AJ and Stephanie had an InstantPot; I heard a lot of buzz about it.

Edited by discoprincessthe2
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I thought this was a boring episode, more of the same.   

I’m kind of aghast at Jessica for saying that the food was healing Keith, basically just encouraging Kristine to keep it up?   I turned to ask the future Mr Oliver if I heard that correctly.   I had a few choice words for the screen.  I didn’t like the whole Queen Kristine act at the very beginning, but I do like Kristine as she comes across now.    

And I just want to voice that there’s nothing necessarily wrong with Stephanie for not being married after 35.   The late Mr Oliver and I got married at 42 and 36, respectively, and neither of us were desperate when we met, first marriage for both (only marriage for him; I’m engaged now).  Sometimes people enjoy life and aren’t hyper focused on finding a spouse.  (Lots of other reasons to be single in your 30s without having anything wrong with you, of course).

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2 minutes ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

I noticed that AJ and Stephanie had an InstantPot; I heard a lot of buzz about it.

That's probably why they're doing so well compared to the other couples.  InstantPots are amazing.

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10 minutes ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

I noticed that AJ and Stephanie had an InstantPot; I heard a lot of buzz about it.

Instant Pots are the shit. I got one for Christmas. I already had a slow cooker that I use all the time, but Instant Pots have much more functionality. They're great for busy people, which Stephanie appears to be (I'm sure she works long hours).


And I just want to voice that there’s nothing necessarily wrong with Stephanie for not being married after 35.   The late Mr Oliver and I got married at 42 and 36, respectively, and neither of us were desperate when we met, first marriage for both (only marriage for him; I’m engaged now).  Sometimes people enjoy life and aren’t hyper focused on finding a spouse.  (Lots of other reasons to be single in your 30s without having anything wrong with you, of course).

I agree. I actually find it really frustrating to read and hear over and over "What's wrong with [fill in the blank woman over 30, because it's rarely said about men] for still being single?" Nothing is wrong. Sometimes it takes people a while to connect. Sometimes people aren't interested in coupling up in their 20s. What I find even more frustrating is that people often say "What's wrong with [blank] for not being married?" and then turn right around and call women (again, this is rarely said about men) desperate for WANTING to be married.

Edited by Empress1
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2 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Instant Pots are the shit. I got one for Christmas. I already had a slow cooker that I use all the time, but Instant Pots have much more functionality.

I've been using a pressure cooker for years, but when the electric pressure cooker (Instant Pot) came out, it was a must have. I love it.

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No sex yet for Jasmine and Beth, and probably not with these guys at all.  Looks like these two couples will get divorced and the other two will stay married.  Does anyone on this board know the outcome?  If so, please PM me.  Dying to know.

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15 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Weekly Jamie rant .. Can she say a sentence without the usual weird facial expressions on Unfiltered?  And the rapid speaking.

She thinks she's too cute and her 15 minutes is long up. I refuse to watch her.

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28 minutes ago, CousinOliver said:

I thought this was a boring episode, more of the same.   

I’m kind of aghast at Jessica for saying that the food was healing Keith, basically just encouraging Kristine to keep it up?   I turned to ask the future Mr Oliver if I heard that correctly.   I had a few choice words for the screen.  I didn’t like the whole Queen Kristine act at the very beginning, but I do like Kristine as she comes across now.    

And I just want to voice that there’s nothing necessarily wrong with Stephanie for not being married after 35.   The late Mr Oliver and I got married at 42 and 36, respectively, and neither of us were desperate when we met, first marriage for both (only marriage for him; I’m engaged now).  Sometimes people enjoy life and aren’t hyper focused on finding a spouse.  (Lots of other reasons to be single in your 30s without having anything wrong with you, of course).

I didn't mean to imply there was something wrong with Stephanie being single. But, Stephanie thought there was or else she wouldn't have gone on this show. I also think there is at least little bit of desperation present in all of the show participants. But, in general life, I do not believe there is anything necessarily wrong with a person who is single after a certain age.

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2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I just don’t buy into this horseshit that Kristine is made to feel guilty for being upset at Keith for not doing his share because of his past. Fuck that. You’re a grown up. It’s not complicated to do dishes without whining and shutting Kristine’s irritation was wrong. It’s like it was invalidated. Saying someone is afraid of the dark or air travel or dogs because of past experiences is totally understandable. Being a man baby because you were coddled is easily fixable if you get your ass off the couch and do the fucking dishes.

That's pretty much how I feel. I hate it when therapists analyze someone's childhood, and then think they are genious for figuring out the supposed cause of some current behavior, when in reality, the two are not related whatsoever. His drunk irresponsible father has absolutely nothing to do with Keith not having enough respect and appreciation for his wife to do the god damn dishes without complaining!! Is Dr. Jessica kidding me?? And the fact that Kristine bought it really irked me. I want to tell her not to listen to that quack.

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I wanted to slap Dr. Jessica for encouraging Kristine to make excuses for Keith.  So now she should feel sorry for him and his upbringing and not see him as being a big self-centered chauvinist baby, which he still is no matter the cause.  And it's still unfair to her.  Why does she have to be patient with him and not the other way around?  We all know that people don't change like that and she'll be waiting a very long time for him to grow up. 

Yeah, that was not ok that Dr. Jessica completely invalidated Kristine's LEGITIMATE feelings. This could've been a chance for a third party to open Keith's eyes and make him aware that he is being a crappy husband when it comes to household chores, but instead, she encouraged allowing this spoiled brat behavior because his daddy wasn't there for him. Wait a minute...what??!!  That seems like a huge stretch to me. Such BS. Now I'm frustrated for/with Kristine.

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3 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I mean really.  puke is astonished that Kate gave him a 6 1/2 ?  Now I know for sure he’s nuts.

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Kate probably wanted to put 0.0 but was guilted by production to put the 6.5 on the notecard....

The ratings were not of their partner but of THEMSELVES, so Kate rated herself a 6.5.  Poor thing is so depressed she's probably blaming herself for this mess.

That's why she's so sullen and withdrawn, and drinking so much wine.  She's self-medicating to detach herself from the pain of the situation.  She isn't reacting because she's given up.  I don't blame her for being that way, and it broke my heart especially after hearing Pepper's Unfiltered comments about how bubbly and fun she is normally.  The $64,000 question is why Pepper and the show allow her to continue to let herself be abused and become depressed.  It's cruel and unethical in my opinion.  Pepper speaking out was not enough.  They should take action, but noooo, they're like everything for the show while waving the contract.  Just despicable.  What if she got depressed enough to commit suicide?  It's not out of the realm of possible; I've heard of things like that happening.  They have a responsibility to her and they're not taking it.

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7 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

The $64,000 question is why Pepper and the show allow her to continue to let herself be abused and become depressed.  It's cruel and unethical in my opinion.  Pepper speaking out was not enough.  They should take action, but noooo, they're like everything for the show while waving the contract.  Just despicable.  What if she got depressed enough to commit suicide?  It's not out of the realm of possible; I've heard of things like that happening.  They have a responsibility to her and they're not taking it.

What action can they take, though? They can't force her to get divorced. They can recommend that she get divorced but they can't force her to file. Even real therapists can't do that. She's an adult. Jessica has said that she has counseled people not to remain in situations where their partners have been verbally abusive but if those patients tell her "No, I want to stay married," there's not much recourse for her. She can continue to recommend that they leave, give them tools for coping with their relationships as they are, and she and those patients can look at WHY these people want to stay married, but she can't force people to do anything. If there were violence I think the team would be mandated to report that to the police, but even then, it's up to the person to leave. People stay in abusive situations all the time.

And leaving the show isn't the same as leaving the marriage, and vice versa - Heather left the marriage but she still had to be on the show. The show could say "We will not be a part of filming this, this is a bad situation between Kate and Luke," but that really doesn't mean anything if Luke and Kate decide they want to remain married to each other. It just means they won't be on TV.

I've been part of the "this dude is trash, you should leave" conversation as both the friend-of and the person who was with a trash dude (no physical abuse, just general fuckboy-ness) and the person in the relationship is the one who has to say when s/he's had enough. Put another way: the show got Kate into this situation but I don't think it's possible, from a practical or legal standpoint, for them to get her out.

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2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Kate is desperate. Luke’s family treating her so nicely makes her think that she could fall in love and this could work out? She should have told Lke’s mother what her experiences have been with her son and asked why mom thinks that happened. Kate seemed to believe that mom has inside info.

I think Kate is so emotionally and mentally checked out at this point that she wouldn't even engage his mother that way.  She's hunkering down like those big Emperor penguins in the Antarctic just to survive the cold winter of the rest of "the experiment".  She is suppressing a lot of anger and pain.  Plus I think she senses his mother doesn't really have her best interests at heart.  I mean WTF with asking her, "What's the least you want to get out of this?"  I would have been thinking, "Go screw yourself, lady!"  Don't forget she keeps saying she thinks the whole thing is a "mockery of marriage".  Even if she didn't have inside info. (which I think she does) she is already predisposed to looking down on Kate and thinking it won't work out, plus she can't be blind to Kate's sullen disposition.  She can tell something's wrong even if Puke didn't tell her anything.

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16 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

The ratings were not of their partner but of THEMSELVES, so Kate rated herself a 6.5.  Poor thing is so depressed she's probably blaming herself for this mess.

That's why she's so sullen and withdrawn, and drinking so much wine.  She's self-medicating to detach herself from the pain of the situation.  She isn't reacting because she's given up.  I don't blame her for being that way, and it broke my heart especially after hearing Pepper's Unfiltered comments about how bubbly and fun she is normally.  The $64,000 question is why Pepper and the show allow her to continue to let herself be abused and become depressed.  It's cruel and unethical in my opinion.  Pepper speaking out was not enough.  They should take action, but noooo, they're like everything for the show while waving the contract.  Just despicable.  What if she got depressed enough to commit suicide?  It's not out of the realm of possible; I've heard of things like that happening.  They have a responsibility to her and they're not taking it.

The show doesn't care. And it is pretty weak for Dr. Pepper to say things after the fact. She had the opportunity to really lay into Luke when she met with them and he was lying through his teeth and she didn't. She knew that when he couldn't back up his statements about Kate drinking too much that he was being dishonest and then when he sat there and lied about how he didn't want to beat Kate down despite that being exactly what he was doing. The show could have stopped production on Luke and Kate and not aired their story. And they could have brought in real therapists to speak to Kate. But they just sat there and watched the abuse unfold. They may not have been able to force a divorce but they could have stopped enabling the abuse. 

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1 minute ago, Empress1 said:

What action can they take, though? They can't force her to get divorced. They can recommend that she get divorced but they can't force her to file. Even real therapists can't do that. She's an adult. Jessica has said that she has counseled people not to remain in situations where their partners have been verbally abusive but if those patients tell her "No, I want to stay married," there's not much recourse for her. She can continue to recommend that they leave, give them tools for coping with their relationships as they are, and she and those patients can look at WHY these people want to stay married, but she can't force people to do anything. If there were violence I think the team would be mandated to report that to the police, but even then, it's up to the person to leave. People stay in abusive situations all the time.

Of course, but the experts can at least recommend that she back out of the marriage now before she gets any more depressed.  The fact that they haven't shown that on TV leads me to believe they just haven't done it.  If they did do it they would most definitely put it on TV to show the public they "did the right thing" and that it was Kat's decision to stay.  There's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't have said something definitive to this effect to her by now, and every reason why they should have, IMHO.  But we all know that the real reason she's staying is the contract, which many people think has been stiffened up to prevent people from backing out even if they want to.

5 minutes ago, aphroditewitch said:

The show doesn't care. And it is pretty weak for Dr. Pepper to say things after the fact. She had the opportunity to really lay into Luke when she met with them and he was lying through his teeth and she didn't. She knew that when he couldn't back up his statements about Kate drinking too much that he was being dishonest and then when he sat there and lied about how he didn't want to beat Kate down despite that being exactly what he was doing. The show could have stopped production on Luke and Kate and not aired their story. And they could have brought in real therapists to speak to Kate. But they just sat there and watched the abuse unfold. They may not have been able to force a divorce but they could have stopped enabling the abuse. 

Thank you, I agree completely!!

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17 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

The ratings were not of their partner but of THEMSELVES, so Kate rated herself a 6.5.  Poor thing is so depressed she's probably blaming herself for this mess.

That's why she's so sullen and withdrawn, and drinking so much wine.  She's self-medicating to detach herself from the pain of the situation.  She isn't reacting because she's given up.  I don't blame her for being that way, and it broke my heart especially after hearing Pepper's Unfiltered comments about how bubbly and fun she is normally.  The $64,000 question is why Pepper and the show allow her to continue to let herself be abused and become depressed.  It's cruel and unethical in my opinion.  Pepper speaking out was not enough.  They should take action, but noooo, they're like everything for the show while waving the contract.  Just despicable.  What if she got depressed enough to commit suicide?  It's not out of the realm of possible; I've heard of things like that happening.  They have a responsibility to her and they're not taking it.

It’s funny because the husband and I were talking about the very sane thing.  Why does the show and the experts allow them to continue this farce?  The girl was barely picking her head up, she was so despondent.  I’m guessing Kate wasn’t even allowed to tell his mother what he said about the first kiss.  Looks like she might be on some antidepressants.  What do we believe anymore?  What we are seeing isn’t even the truth.  How are they getting away with all this?  I feel like chucking this show, but for some crazy reason, I can’t.    (Same, not sane up there). Auto correct not working I guess.  I’m sure she wanted to put zero on the paper, but they wouldn’t let her.  I didn’t care how his mother was holding her hand either.  

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2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I agree with everything you say.  He had an alcoholic absent father and was brought up by good women who compensated.  Than God for these women or he would have been in the streets.  He’s on the right path while working and going to school to be in the medical field.  If he loves Kristene, he will learn to do things to make her happy.  He’s not a bad guy .. there are much worse.  Cooking is the least of their problems.

I think it is a big deal because it's not just about cooking, but about who takes responsibility for everything in the household, including shopping, cleaning, maintenance, laundry, you name it.  Plus it's about his attitude.  Keith acts like he wants a woman to serve him while he doesn't have to contribute much back.  He seems lazy.  Those things don't really speak of being raised right if you ask me.  In order for men to be raised right today they can't be any of those things.  Just because he was taking care of his father is no excuse, he will still expect his wife to take on that role while he goes and does other things.  At his age he's already learned the bad behavior and it doesn't look like he wants to take on "unlearning" it any time soon.  Very bad sign.  Unfortunately there are a lot of "good guys" that have fatal flaws and I think this one is Keith's.  I can tell that Kristine is going to get fed up with him after the glow wears off.  She was my hero in this episode with the way she stood up to him.

Edited by Yeah No
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2 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

But we all know that the real reason she's staying is the contract, which many people think has been stiffened up to prevent people from backing out even if they want to.

I have no idea what the contract says (though having seen other reality show contracts I can believe that the show looks out for itself) but I think Kate stays out of a desire for connection. I suspect she's feeling like she hasn't got much family since she recently stopped all contact with her father (which I don't think the show has gotten into at all, and IMO it's very significant) and she really wants to feel connected to something. I also think she's waiting for something to change, like "OK, we're living together now and spending a lot of time together, surely he's going to grow to love me," but that's a fool's errand. And she did say she was attracted to him from the get, so she might also be a little blinded by lust. (I don't find any of these men attractive. Keith is the best-looking of the four, IMO, but he doesn't really do it for me. I like Will's personality the best by far.) He's also sending mixed signals. If they're in bed cuddling and he's shirtless, I agree with her that it's not weird for her to try to kiss him. The mixed signals may be giving her hope.

1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

I didn’t care how his mother was holding her hand either.

I didn't like that either. Too familiar. She may be Kate's MIL but they don't actually know each other. (I'm one of those people who gets annoyed when people I just met announce "I'm a hugger!" and try to bypass the handshake. I don't know you like that!)

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6 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think it is a big deal because it's not just about cooking, but about who takes responsibility for everything in the household, including shopping, cleaning, maintenance, laundry, you name it.  Plus it's about his attitude.  Keith acts like he wants a woman to serve him while he doesn't have to contribute much back.  He seems lazy.  Those things don't really speak of being raised right if you ask me.  In order for men to be raised right today they can't be any of those things.  Just because he was taking care of his father is no excuse, he will still expect his wife to take on that role while he goes and does other things.  At his age he's already learned the bad behavior and it doesn't look like he wants to take on "unlearning" it any time soon.  Very bad sign.  Unfortunately there are a lot of "good guys" that have fatal flaws and I think this one is Keith's.  I can tell that Kristine is going to get fed up with him after the glow wears off.  She was my hero in this episode with the way she stood up to him.

But isn’t it a little too soon to say Keith will always be like this?  Can’t he learn to be more considerate and helpful by his mistakes?  They have only been married three weeks.

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Does anyone else think that scene with Luke's mom was super awkward?? First off with the hand holding and it was almost like she was trying to comfort her knowing that it wasn't going to work out, and seeing if she was OK.

I don't blame Will for not being attracted to Jasmine, she comes off as spoiled and demanding.

Stephanie and AJ are my favorite couple and they were cute together this episode although I am not a fan of when AJ throws one of his hissy fits.

Keith should step up and at least make an effort, no one is saying to cook a gourmet meal but at least pitch in.

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