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S07.E13: Star City Slayer

Lady Calypso
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On 2/11/2019 at 9:35 PM, quarks said:

Well, William did move to Central City.

Which means that - as with so many other things - this is all Barry Allen's fault.

It would be more accurate to say he moved BACK to Central City, because remember, that's where he was born and raised until Samantha was killed. Remember Oliver's sekrit trips to Central City when he was keeping who William was back in season four?

So no, not Barry's fault.

Full Disclosure: I've yet to see the past three episodes of this show just based on the comments. That's how sick and tired I am of the writers' attempts at gaslighting me. And I haven't watched the last four of Flash, either.

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Is this the most pages on Discussion of the Episode in a while? See they remove Curtis and give us Mia Smoak The Olicitot that was Promised and we are talking about the ep a little more lol. And the Olicitot is by far my fav newb. Badass fighting skills like Daddy and Smart, Witty and Beautiful like her momma. I really like that Kat went and Binged the series to get a feel for a good Mix of Oliver and Felicity once she learned she was their Daughter in the FF. Cant Wait for 716 and I wanna see a Parallel in the season finale of Oliver/Maya kicking the Bad guys ass in the End

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With it being a snow day for me, I asked my mom if I could write this weeks thoughts.  She is still on a high from  this episode.  I haven't seen her grin about Arrow since we binged watched the series and revisited episodes she liked.

I liked this weeks episode.  Like my mom I was bored the last few weeks.  Stanley, or as my mom likes to call him Stan the fan, was great.  Those eyes!!  The actor gave me the  chills.  I hope he comes back.

Curtis didn't bother me like he did my mom.  For me he was just there.  The show doesn't gain or lose anything.  At least now I won't see my mom roll her eyes everytime he came on the tv screen.

I'm not going to lie, I have a little crush on Mia.  I am excited to see more of her story on my screen.  Don't even get me started about my mom and the pregnancy news.  Lets just say she goes coo coo for coco puffs for babies. i feel sorry for my future kids.

I am close to Williams age (not sure how old he is) but let me tell you if I ever spoke to my mom (even in anger or if I felt justified) like that - wow.  My mom is tough but I have enough respect for her even thou she may be a little too strict.   Love you mom lol.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Full Disclosure: I've yet to see the past three episodes of this show just based on the comments. That's how sick and tired I am of the writers' attempts at gaslighting me. And I haven't watched the last four of Flash, either.

You really didn't miss anything. I was trying to remember what happened in the three episodes before this one, and I couldn't recall anything of interest. But I would definitely watch this episode. I loved the Queen family scenes and Stan is the villain we deserve for sitting through this Diaz nonsense. I wasn't even actively annoyed by the newbies this week (I am always passively annoyed by their continued presence on the show). I looked up at 8:43 and was genuinely sad that there were only 15 minutes left.

34 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

With it being a snow day for me, I asked my mom if I could write this weeks thoughts. 

I love it when your mom tells us your thoughts, so I'm excited we get to hear them from you directly this week!

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40 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I love it when your mom tells us your thoughts, so I'm excited we get to hear them from you directly this week!

Thank you.  I have had  alot fun with mom watching Arrow.  I use to get bummed out because she thought I was too young.  Now I understand why she made me wait.

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11 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I've seen some less than stellar reactions from certain ex members of the fandom. I get being angry at the show (hehe I'm angry like every  other week) but I almost feel like they're angrier when something nice does happen these days cuz it proves them wrong. 

Yeah, some of the language and attitudes used to express discontent with the pregnancy storyline is pretty gross, but not surprising. I don't really get the point of spending your time getting worked up over a show that you quit watching, LOL. What a sad waste of the day! But miserable people enjoy misery, so. 

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35 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Yeah, some of the language and attitudes used to express discontent with the pregnancy storyline is pretty gross, but not surprising. I don't really get the point of spending your time getting worked up over a show that you quit watching, LOL. What a sad waste of the day! But miserable people enjoy misery, so. 

THIS! ⬆ x 1000000

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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Yeah, some of the language and attitudes used to express discontent with the pregnancy storyline is pretty gross, but not surprising. I don't really get the point of spending your time getting worked up over a show that you quit watching, LOL. What a sad waste of the day! But miserable people enjoy misery, so. 

Yeah I saw some disgusting person wanting Felicity to get shot in the stomach and the Baby dies in a Youtube video of the Portion of the episode where Mia reveals who she is 

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Yeah, I do get concern because pregnancy and babies aren't often handled very well but it's also not their worst plot (hopefully) and when you've finally quit watching a show and how no intention of actually watching the episode....now is the prefect time to disengage. 

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So I just had a baby and now my OTP are having a baby. Hashtag blessed! 😂

I haven't actually watched the last 2 episodes but I managed to watch this one today because I HAD to, of course. And I enjoyed it! Well, I didn't like how Felicity was completely left out of the team discussion at SCPD, and the parts about Dinah as BC and all of that bore me to death. I don't care. Go away! But I thought Stanley was perfectly creepy and I particularly enjoyed the scene with him in the Queen family home. Diaz is shaking, somewhere. IDK. 

Also can I just say I was completely rooting for him when he wanted to get rid of NTA (and Diggle) because dude was talking sense. I mean, when Oliver said his team would never hurt him my eyes rolled so hard. S6 NTA says hi! 🙄

And of course Curtis is gone YASSSSSS! FINALLY! The way they wrote him out felt as half-hearted as most of his time on the show but it's done so whatever. And I'm glad that he signed over the company so Felicity can really get started on Smoak Tech. I actually thought their goodbye scene was quite sweet tbh. 

But Olicity are having a baby! I really hate that William has gone to live with his grandparents though - where were they in S6 and when Oliver went to prison?! - but it's clear that the flashforwards are really driving the present, which is a shame tbh. And I love Mia but wow, what a bummer that her and William didn't grow up together and presumably don't even know each other. This is really not my idea of fun. And that looming awful future really does take the shine off the whole thing. So I'm gonna try not to think about it otherwise YIKES. 

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Seeing Curtis leave, while truly a joyful occasion for me, also made me sad for the character that he used to be, seeing a glipse of the character I used to like. Its easy for me to forget that when Curtis was first introduced, I really liked him. He was smart and funny and sweet and it was great to see Felicity have a friend she could hang out with outside of the superhero verse. He and Felicity had fun sparkly chemistry, and their interactions with grumpy bear Oliver were a ton of fun. 

But then, when he actually joined the team and started getting all involved involved in superhero stuff, he started to become a bit too much. His quippy pop culture referencing geek personality worked way better in small doses, especially as they never really gave him much more depth beyond that. And then, they gave him a mask, and he just become an increasing annoyance and liability to the team, taking over Felicity's role as both tech person and quirky geek, and started being increasingly selfish, like how he choose to keep being a vigilante (despite his lack of skills) over his marriage, then complained about how he was so single, and that lead to Curtis losing the likable parts of his personality altogether, and he become increasingly whinny, self centered, petty, and lacking in empathy towards his supposed friends and teammates. he was always blaming other people for his choices, and his geekyness become less funny, and more insensitive. Like, people are dead, Curtis, read the damn room. The whole Civil Bore thing happened, which pretty much ruined all of NTA, but to me, Curtis probably came out the worst, as he had the pettiest reasons to be upset, but had some of the most extreme reactions (messing with Diggles hand, he STILL cant go five minutes without insulting OTA), and by the time he left, he was so annoying and self important, but also so lacking in kindness, that it was impossible for me to even remember how much I enjoyed him once. 

His last scene was almost like a return to the original character, which was actually nice to see as he left. Some nice memories before he finally fucks off, as I have told him to do so many times before. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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15 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Yeah, I do get concern because pregnancy and babies aren't often handled very well

This is where my concern truly is. My biggest concern has always been that FS has never had a say in any of it. Yes, I’m aware that accidents happen but it would be really nice if they had the conversation or Felicity actually voiced her opinion on the matter. 

For the record, I did watch the episode and know that she got her company back but given the track record of this current crop of writers (I really really miss Brian and Ben), I’m concerned that they won’t give her the shine she deserves. We got a lot of it the first half of the season when Oliver was in prison and it’s been gone since he got out.  So as I said before, if they can pull it off, great but I’m in a holding pattern about it. 

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Well,  I just skipped two ... maybe three episodes,  sorry not sorry,  and came in to this.     I'm here for this.   

Curtis is gone,  thank you.   Dinah gets her throat slit,  thank you.   Felicity is pregnant,  I don't trust these writers but thankyou anyway. 

Roy is parkour fighting with Conner Hawk AND winning,  thank you. 

I'll miss William though,  I hated him at first,  but this might be the first show that I think used a kid properly.   He has always acted a bit young but I'll throw that to his horrible mother and not the writers or the actor.  

Queen family take down of a villain,  thank you!

What a good episode to come back to. 

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I’m concerned that they won’t give her the shine she deserves. We got a lot of it the first half of the season when Oliver was in prison and it’s been gone since he got out.  So as I said before, if they can pull it off, great but I’m in a holding pattern about it. 

I think Felicity has been in a holding pattern since Oliver's return.  Her goal of stopping Diaz and getting her family back was mostly accomplished.  Not without some big bumps and WIlliams part of the story- his reunion with the family and then his dissatisfaction with a lack of normal life - could have been done better but at least after months of one singular goal, Felicity kind of spinning her wheels now while trying to figure out what comes next feels mostly like a reasonable place for her to be.  

I'm hoping that they do let Felicity have a goal and focus again beyond just being supportive to Oliver.  I like seeing that aspect of their relationship but both of them should have things going on and I want to see both of them be supportive in turn to each other.   

Ideally, I wish they'd let Felicity and Oliver work together again as regular partners in the day to day vigilante stuff but Oliver having to run GA through the SCPD takes that close, shared, goal away.  He still comes to her for help but it's more isolated from the investigation, like she is supporting him without being involved in the results on her own level.  Which frustrates me. 

She can want to have her own thing she's excited to create while STILL being deeply involved on a personal level for the mission, a mission she'd made her own.  Now it feels like it's just Oliver's mission and she does him favors.  It feels like the show is ignoring that disconnect and it seems OOC that Felicity wouldn't want to be more involved.  Oliver pushed her away as Overwatch for a bit toward the end of season six when he decided he had to do it all alone again (one of the stupidest ideas he'd had) but he seemed to have figured out his stupidity so it feels off that neither of them are trying to get her back to being more involved again with the mission on a regular basis.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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We haven't got Oliver's view on kids either so it will be interesting to see how they handle this (if they handle it at all, I'm leaving room for them to ignore it and just have her be pregnant).

I do think an oopsie was the most logical way to give them a baby since I can't see them actively trying for kids at this point given everything that's happened and where the plot seems to be heading.

But since Oliver did just get out of prison after many months an oopsie makes total sense. 

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You get the occasional "let's try to have a baby" storyline, but most shows go with the surprise you are pregnant arc.  So not having a conversation, doesn't mean a lot to me. 

I mean, technically, Felicity, if she was dead set against a kid, she could make sure she didn't have one even now without Oliver ever even knowing.  It's not the most direct form of communication, but actions do speak loudly. 

Either we will get an arc where Felicity struggles with what is the right thing to do about her pregnancy (and we might get something since she found out she was pregnant just as she accepted they couldn't give WIlliam what he needed) or she's already decided to keep the baby and so whether she ever wanted a biological child is one of those conversations we can assume the couple has had offscreen that we didn't need to see happen since it doesn't affect the stories being told.  

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I would find it weird if she didn't struggle with it. I mean I'd accept it but in my head she's not a "Omg yay baby" kind of person. 

She strikes me as being practical and looking at the logistics (and logistics are not good right now) rather than being swept up in the romance of it all.  I see Oliver being the one to romanticize it more if their wedding is anything to go by. 

Haha all this speculation makes me want to write a spec fic and I normally don't like canon spec fics. 

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30 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I would find it weird if she didn't struggle with it. I mean I'd accept it but in my head she's not a "Omg yay baby" kind of person.

I could see her taking some time to process it, given William's immediate departure and her renewed focus on starting her company. But I don't know that she'd necessarily struggle with it. I'm just remembering the conversation she and Donna had in 414, where Donna told her Oliver would be an amazing daddy. Felicity agreed and didn't seem freaked out by the concept of having a child the way she did in 401 (though I suspect that was more about putting the cart way before the horse than not wanting to have a child at all).

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It was such a waste of screen time and storyline to have Curtis be deputized and join SCPD only for him to leave 1 episode later. Even if he became dead weight to me they could've given him a better send off that wasn't so out of left field. They had half a season to build up to this. It would've made more sense for him to leave last season. 

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On 2/16/2019 at 2:06 PM, Sunshine said:

I just rewatched the episode.  (1st time in 2 seasons I’ve rewatched). I had to laugh at Singh telling Dinah no one was better than her at winning over hearts and minds, not subtle at all.

Heh, you can just hear them saying "you will like this character, you will like her or we MAKE you like her damn it!" over and over again! Like if they have enough people talk about how great Dinah is, the audience will HAVE to agree!

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I got curious after this episode and looked up the age of the actress playing Dinah.  She's in her early 30s, which means that FF-Dinah (if they're keeping the character's age roughly the same as the actress') is in her early 50s.  Ignoring her really bad gray wig because there's only so much you can do to make hair "look" older, why do they have her entire face be wrinkled like she's at least in her mid-to-late 60s?  The most wrinkles a person is going to have in their early 50s is laugh lines around the eyes and maybe the mouth.  It seriously distracts me SO MUCH every time FF-Dinah is onscreen.

Just had to throw that out there.  It bugs, ya'll.

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The aging make-up is truly awful


except for Felicity.

Even Roy should only be 46 assuming he's a couple of years older than Thea. (David Ramsey is 47.)  Dinah looks older than some of the 70 somethings in my volunteer group.

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50 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The aging make-up is truly awful

  Reveal spoiler

except for Felicity.

Even Roy should only be 46 assuming he's a couple of years older than Thea. (David Ramsey is 47.)  Dinah looks older than some of the 70 somethings in my volunteer group.

Yeah Roy looks terrible too but at least they don't close-up on him every two seconds in the FFs.  

And HA! to the bolded part.  It's SO bad.

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713 (Star City Slayer) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro: 
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After months in hell, I have been released from prison and returned home with only one goal - to save my city. But things have changed. Instead of operating outside the law, I am now working alongside the police. I am no longer Inmate 4587. I am once more the Green Arrow."

713 (Star City Slayer) – In a flashforward scene, Older Dinah, Older Roy, Adult William and Adult Zoe try to track down Blackstar: 
Adult Zoe: "Damn it! Still no luck figuring out where Felicity planted those bombs."
Older Dinah: "Well, I'm pretty sure hitting that thing harder is not gonna make it work better."
Adult Zoe: "Makes me feel better, though. The Archer program's supposed to see everything, but what good's that when there's nothing to see?"
(Older Roy and Adult William enter.)
Adult Zoe: "About damn time. Your algorithm kind of sucks."
Adult William: "Nice to see you, too. Give it to me."
Older Dinah: "Archer's not helping us, and that means Blackstar's our only lead on finding those bombs. You guys have any luck tracking her down?"
Older Roy: "Uh-uh. I spent the last few days searching the entire city, but she knows how to be a ghost. Pretty easy to do with the way the city is now."
Adult William: "Okay. My algorithm isn't the problem. The Archer program was designed to monitor the Glades, but Star City is ten times the size with half the technological infrastructure."
Older Dinah: "So less eyes covering a larger area."
Adult Zoe: "Even if that's the case, that bomb plan was massive. We should have found something."
Adult William: "Well, not if the bombs haven't been positioned yet. I mean, maybe Felicity stockpiled them somewhere off the grid, somewhere no one would ever think to look."
Older Roy: "I think I might know a place."

713 (Star City Slayer) – In a flashforward scene, Older Dinah, Older Roy, Adult William and Adult Zoe go to the old abandoned Arrow Bunker and encounter Mia/Blackstar and Connor:
Adult Zoe: "This is definitely off the grid."
Adult William: "God, I used to think this place was so cool."
Older Dinah: "I can't believe it's still standing."
Adult Zoe: "I can't believe my dad used to call this home."
Adult William: "Yeah, well, no one's called this home for quite some time."
Older Roy: "Someone's been here."
(Suddenly they all get darted in the neck and fall to the ground.)
Mia/Blackstar: "Someone's still here. I told you this wouldn't end well."

713 (Star City Slayer) – Oliver and Felicity try to get William to tell them why he got expelled from school:
(Oliver hands a plate of pancakes to William.)
Felicity: "You ever get in trouble with your parents?"
Oliver: "Yeah. All the time. Why?"
Felicity: "Because William doesn't need pancakes. William needs to tell us why he got expelled and why he's been lying to us."
Oliver: "After pancakes? Or -?"
Felicity: "No."
Oliver: "Okay. (Takes the plate of pancakes away from William) Ready to talk?"
William: "About what?"
Oliver: "Why you got expelled."
Felicity: "Come on, Will. You know you can talk to us about anything. Please."
William: "It's not a big deal. I just got into a fight."
Felicity: "What?"
William: "I thought you'd be proud of me. I went for the nose, just like you told me."
Felicity: "When did you tell him to go for the nose?"
Oliver: "That was over a year ago, and it was a lesson in self-defense, thank you. It's not like you to get into a fight."
William: "Why do you guys even care?"
Oliver: "Every time that we spoke, you're telling me how much you love your school, about your new friends, and - and your new classes. What am I missing here?"
William: "You should've asked how I felt for once. But you don't ask other people for their opinions. You decide everything on your own. Just like you decided to go to prison, rather than take care of your family.
Oliver: "I don't think that's fair, but okay. William, you got expelled. And, young man, you need to understand that, in life, you have to accept responsibility for your actions."
William: "Yeah? I'm over this." (Leaves)
Oliver: "Wh- what? Hey! William, we're not done here!"
Felicity (sighing): "That went well."

713 (Star City Slayer) – DELETED SCENE: Oliver and Felicity talk about William:
Oliver: “I’m going to go into work.”
Felicity: “Oh, I thought you were staying home, so you could spend time with William.”
Oliver: “I’m not going to stay home to talk to a closed door.”
Felicity: “Oh, come on, don’t you remember what it’s like to be a teen-angst-er?”
Oliver: “Yeah. Awful.”
Felicity: “I bet.”
Oliver: “Come on, this is different. I mean, my parents didn’t care what I did. They cared that I didn’t embarrass them in front of their friends. They didn’t care that I was failing all my classes. I actually think that they paid off my teachers.”
Felicity: “Wow! That is horrible, even for your parents. When you’re a kid, you think your parents don’t understand anything. And quite literally in my case, because my mother isn’t fluent in nerd.”
Oliver: “I have a better relationship with William than I had with my dad.”
Felicity: “Mm-hmm.”
Oliver: “I mean, I don’t have a fake family that I’m lying to him about.”
Felicity: “Okay. While I appreciate that confession, that bar is so low, it is practically underground. William had a really tough time while you were in prison. I mean, he had zero friends in Hope Springs. It's hard enough to understand who you are when you're 14. Could you imagine trying to lie about it too? He's been through a lot. He just needs some normalcy back in his life. And you - you need to be patient."
Oliver: "You're right. I've been focused on keeping him safe and I haven't given enough consideration to how all of this has affected him. I'd really like for things to go back to how they were before last May. I know we've discussed making things right with Camden School, but could he come back and live with us full-time?"
Felicity: "Well, he is already expelled, so it wouldn't be hard keeping him expelled. There's a bright side."
Oliver; "I'm deputized."
Felicity: "Yeah."
Oliver: "No more secrets."
Felicity: "Okay."
Oliver: "We can try to be a normal family."
Felicity: "I don't think we're ever going to be normal, considering you are the Green Arrow. But yeah, I think it's a wonderful idea."
(They kiss.)

713 (Star City Slayer) – In a flashforward scene, Mia/Blackstar interrogates Adult William and Adult Zoe: 
(Adult William and Adult Zoe are tied to chairs.)
Mia/Blackstar: "Wakey, wakey, moneybags." (Punches Adult William)
Adult Zoe: "Touch me, I'll bite your hand off."
Mia/Blackstar: "Almost makes me forget that you're nothing but a pampered girl from the Glades, playing vigilante dress-up."
Adult William: "What do you want?"
Mia/Blackstar: "The access codes to Archer."
Adult Zoe: "Go to hell."
Mia/Blackstar: "Well, let's try this another way." (Puts a knife to Adult Zoe's throat)
Adult William: "Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait wait."
Mia/Blackstar: "The access codes. Now."
Adult Zoe: "Keep your mouth shut, William."
Mia/Blackstar: "So that's your name. So, William, what the hell are you even doing here?"
Adult William: "Funny. I was just about to ask you the same thing."
Mia/Blackstar: "Ooh. Is that a backbone I'm seeing?"
Adult William: "Even if we give you the codes, you're just gonna kill us. Just like you killed Felicity and just like you're gonna kill the rest of the city, so what is the point in talking?"
Mia/Blackstar: "Someone is trying to blow up the city, but it's not me. And I sure as hell didn't kill Felicity."
Adult William: "Then who did?"

713 (Star City Slayer) – Felicity tries to bond with William again: 
Felicity: "Your father is gonna make his famous chili tonight."
William: "Does he really think making dinner is gonna solve everything?"
Felicity: "I mean, it's his chili we're talking about. I'm pretty sure it could solve world peace. (Looks at William trying to solve a Rubik's Cube) Let me see that."
William: "It's impossible."
Felicity (works Rubik's Cube): "Actually, solving a Rubik's Cube is a lot like running an algorithm. In fact, my favorite pattern is a cube within a cube." (Hands William the solved Rubik's Cube)
William: "That's pretty cool."
Felicity: "Yeah."
(Oliver enters the apartment.)
Computerized voice; "The Green Arrow has entered through the front door."
Oliver: "The Green Arrow?"
Felicity: "You know, I thought I'd give the security system a little personality."
Oliver: "Hey, buddy. Help me unpack these bags."
William: "I'm good."
Felicity: "I'll give you two a moment alone. Give me those." (Takes the bags from Oliver and leaves the room)
Oliver: "Thank you."

713 (Star City Slayer) – William’s grandparents arrive to demand custody of William: 
Oliver: "Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, what are you doing here?"
Mrs. Clayton: "Our grandson called us."
*  *  *
Oliver: "Okay. I apologize. I understand and appreciate why, after everything that's happened, you two might be worried. But we can assure you that - that, going forward, things will be better and more stable, okay?"
Mrs. Clayton: "They will be."
Mr. Clayton: "Right."
Mrs. Clayton: "Because we're taking him with us. We're filing a suit for guardianship."
Felicity: "No. You can't do that."
Oliver: "William. We need to speak with your grandparents alone."
(William leaves the room.)
Mr. Clayton: "Oliver, it's an open-and-shut case. You're a convicted felon. You were absent for most of his life. And then once you showed up - heh - he's kidnapped. He's sent into hiding from a mob boss."
Oliver: "I'm his father, Frank."
Mrs. Clayton: "By blood maybe, but you are not fit to be William's guardian. Either of you. We should have done this a long time ago."
Mr. Clayton: "Yes, dear."
Mrs. Clayton: "It's what Samantha would have wanted for him."
Oliver: "William is my son. Felicity treats and cares for him like a son, and nobody is gonna take him away from us. No one."

713 (Star City Slayer) – In a flashforward scene, Older Roy and Older Dinah have been tied up by Connor; and Older Dinah recognizes Connor: 
Older Dinah: "You okay?"
Older Roy: "I hate tranqs. Where are the others?"
Older Dinah: "Hey, you! Where are our friends?"
Connor: "They're with Blackstar. Hey. She's got questions to ask."
Older Roy: "What about us?"
Connor: "I already know everything I need to about you, and you guys should have stayed out of this."
Older Dinah: "Wait. I recognize you."
Older Roy: "You know him?"
Older Dinah: "And so do you. You're Connor Hawke, John Diggle's son."

713 (Star City Slayer) – DELETED FLASHFORWARD SCENE: Older Roy and Older Dinah talk to Connor:
Older Roy: "You're Dig's son?"
Connor: "Yep. And be happy that you are here with me and not with him."
Older Roy: "If you know who we are, then why tie us up?"
Connor: "Because you people are just names to me. People my father used to work with. There’s no telling what’s happened to you since then.”
Older Dinah: "Yet you're willing to trust a killer like Blackstar."
Connor: "You have no idea what you're in the middle of right now. And if I feel like you're jeopardizing that in any way, I will not hesitate to put you down."

713 (Star City Slayer) – Oliver and Felicity have a heart-to-heart talk about William: 
(Oliver sighs.)
Felicity: "I take it by the way that you're treating the chili that your talk didn't go so well."
Oliver: "He wants to go live with his grandparents."
Felicity: "And you think that's -"
Oliver: "I think it's ridiculous because we're his family and we are what's best for him! Sorry."
Felicity: "Well, we've all grown and changed a lot since you got out of Slabside. And I've been thinking that maybe you and I need to think more about what William needs."
Oliver: "You need to tell me... if you honestly believe that he would be better off away from us."
Felicity: "I think that now that you're working with the S.C.P.D. and Team Arrow again that we don't exactly provide a life of normalcy and -"
Oliver: "I just want to be a better father for him than my father was for me."
Felicity: "You already are, by giving him the life that he deserves... even if it breaks our hearts."

713 (Star City Slayer) – In a flashforward scene, Mia/Blackstar tells Adult William that Felicity is alive, but then learns that William is Oliver’s son: 
Adult William: "If you didn't kill Felicity, then who did?"
Mia/Blackstar: "No one. Felicity's still alive."
Adult William: "How do you know that?"
Mia/Blackstar: "I just do. It's why I need Archer - to find Felicity."
Adult Zoe: "Don't listen to her. She's a liar. She'll say anything to -" (Mia punches her)
Adult William: "You didn't need to do that."
Mia/Blackstar: "No, but I enjoyed it. Now... how about those codes?"
Adult William: "Only after you tell me why you're looking for Felicity."
Mia/Blackstar: "Let's just say we owe each other. What I don't get is you. You're no hero wannabe like the rest of them. You're obviously well off, enough to not slum around Star City. So what are you getting out of this?"
Adult William: "Honestly? I don't know. Closure maybe, to ask Felicity why she disappeared from my life, only to contact me now out of the blue."
Mia/Blackstar: "What, did you guys date or something?"
Adult William: "God, no. I'm gay and she's my mom. Stepmom."
Mia/Blackstar: "Oliver Queen is your father?"
Connor (entering): "Did you get anything out of them?"
Mia/Blackstar: "You're supposed to be watching the others."
(Fight ensues with Older Dinah and Older Roy fighting Mia and Connor.)
*  *  *
Adult Zoe: "Roy!" (Kicks the bow and arrow toward him)
(Older Roy draws back the bow.)
Mia/Blackstar (holding knife to Older Dinah's neck): "Drop the bow."
Adult William (pointing laser gun at her): "You first."

713 (Star City Slayer) – Stanley Dover AKA The Star City Slayer holds Oliver, Felicity and William captive in their home: 
Felicity: "Mmm. Sure beats our suppers in Hope Springs, hey, William?" (Rubs Oliver's shoulder)
William: "Except when we ate there, I could actually see my food."
Felicity: "Yeah. I'm sure they're working on getting the power back on soon. This storm is crazy."
Oliver: "I thought my chili was your favorite, bud."
William: "It's too spicy."
Felicity: "What are you talking about? It's perfect. It's absolutely delicious. In fact, I will have seconds, if you could pass me some more, please."
William: "I can't."
Oliver: "Felicity... I can't really move."
Felicity: "I can't either. What's that sound?"
(Gas is spewing out from the vents.)
William: "Dad, what's going on?"
(Door opens and Stanley enters.)
Stanley: "Don't worry, Oliver. It's me."
*  *  *
Stanley: "I'm just really happy to see you guys again. It's so nice to meet you, William. I'm Stanley Dover. I'm your dad's best friend."
Oliver: "Stanley, don't hurt my son."
Stanley: "Hurt him? I don't want to hurt any of you. I - I just want to talk. That's why I gave you the medicine, so you would listen to me."
Felicity: "What kind of medicine?"
Stanley: "Don't worry. Its effects are temporary. I used to take this stuff all the time when I was a kid. My dad was a doctor."
Oliver: "Said you want to talk, Stanley. What do you want to talk about?"
Stanley: "I just have to warn you. Because those people, they don't understand you like I do. You can't believe anything that they say."
Oliver: "Which people?"
Stanley: "The people that call themselves your friends. I've been sending them warnings, but they haven't listened."
Felicity: "Warnings? What kind of warnings? Like, notes?"
Stanley: "Yeah."
Oliver: "You're the Star City Slayer."
Stanley (lunges and grabs Oliver): "Errr! Don't call me that! I'm - I'm sorry. Oliver, I'm sorry.I just really hate that name. Look, no tricks this time, okay? I just really need you to listen to me."
Oliver: "Okay. All right, Stanley. But this is between us. So I need you to let my wife and son go."
Stanley: "I can't, because there's people out there that want to hurt you, who want to hurt all of you. If you knew the things that I had to do to protect you. But I know that you would do the same thing for me. I - I like that you're working with the police. Not everybody does. There's people out there that are saying bad things about you. They want to hurt you. Like that councilman that worked with Diaz. Some people don't deserve to live."
Oliver: "Come on, Stanley. My teammates would never hurt me."
Stanley: "But they're still bad for you. Worse even because they don't understand you. They don't understand you like I do, and I only had time to correct one of them."
Oliver: "'Correct' them?"
Stanley: "The police captain. The Black Canary."
Felicity: "What did you do to her?"
Stanley: "It doesn't matter, because we're together now.  And we can go somewhere new and be a new team! But I don't know about her, because I don't think that she's been listening!" (Threatens Felicity with his knife)
Oliver: "Hey, Stanley. She's - she's listening. Just a little scared, all right?"
Stanley: "Sure. I used to be scared when my dad gave me medicine. He gave me medicine whenever I was bad or I didn't listen, and so when I couldn't move and when I had to listen, then he would correct me."
Felicity: "Your dad used to hurt you?"
Stanley: "He was just doing what he thought was right for me. My mother thought so, too. My older brother, he tried to protect me, tried to take my punishments for me, but it only made it worse. I couldn't take it anymore, and I gave my parents some medicine. I corrected them. Everybody's got to get back at their parents sometimes, right, William? Right, buddy?"
Oliver: "Stanley, you said your brother - where's your brother now?"
Stanley: "When he found out what I did for him, he got upset. I don't know why. He wanted to send me to Arkham Asylum, so I had to give him some medicine, too. I needed to correct him."
Oliver: "You killed your own brother."
Stanley: "I didn't have a choice. If he just listened to me, then I wouldn't have had to do it, and none of this would have happened... But I'm starting to think that you're not listening to me either, Oliver! I can tell!  And you should have - you should have apologized to me for being mean to me at Slabside, but you haven't. So I'm starting to think that you're just like everybody else and you don't deserve my - my protection."
Oliver: "I'm sorry that you feel that way, Stanley."
Felicity: "You're exactly like your father, Stanley."
Stanley: "You're wrong. I'm nothing like him."
(Felicity and Oliver exchange looks.)
Felicity: "You're right, you're right. You're worse. You're the Star City Slayer."
Stanley: "I told you I hate that name!"
Oliver: "William."
(William tips a bottle over, the bottle rolls down the counter to Oliver, and Oliver grabs the bottle to knock Stanley unconscious.)
Diggle (bursting through the door with Rene): "Are you all right?"
Oliver: "We are now."

713 (Star City Slayer) - DELETED SCENE: Curtis talks to Rene about his job offer and explains why he wants to leave A.R.G.U.S. and Team Arrow:
(Injured Dinah is laying on a bed in the Arrow Bunker.)
Rene: "Her pulse is getting stronger."
Curtis: "I just feel like I'm never gonna to wash this place off me, you know? There's gotta be a better way to make a difference."
Rene: "You just saved her life."
Curtis: "That's what I mean. I want to do what we do - save people - but not by being a cog in the A.R.G.U.S. machine and not by chasing serial killers around haunted houses."
Rene: "What are you talking about?"
Curtis: "I'm leaving Star City. I got an offer to run the Tech Division at the Kohler Humanitarian Institute in D.C. I think I'm going to take it."
Rene: "No. You can't leave. What about A.R.G.U.S.?"
Curtis: "I don't fit in there."
Rene: "Okay, but what about us? The team?"
Curtis: "I don't fit in here either. After Oliver went to prison, I was lost. Then I realized that what I was really looking for is purpose. I can't find that with A.R.G.U.S. I can't find that with the team."

713 (Star City Slayer) – Team Arrow says good-bye to Curtis: 
Rene: "Hey, Dinah's in surgery now. Doctors say she'll be fine, although they're not too sure about her voice yet."
Diggle: "Dover's been picked up by S.C.P.D.. They're transferring him back to Slabside tomorrow."
Felicity: "How many times has he done this?"
Diggle: "At least three that we know of. It always involves some older brother figure, someone he admires. Stanley starts off by killing those he thinks are bad for them, and not just enemies, but friends as well."
Oliver; "Tries to impress them, tries to endear himself. And when that doesn't work, they become his next target."
Curtis: "You guys are okay, though?"
Felicity: "So far, so good. If there's any trace of the drugs left in our system, the doctors will find it in the gallons of blood they just siphoned from us."
Oliver: "I'm gonna go check on William and get him discharged." (Leaves)
Diggle (checking chiming cell phone): "It's A.R.G.U.S. We gotta go."
Curtis: "Actually, John, uh..."
Diggle: "You are taking the position in D.C."
Curtis: "Look, I know that A.R.G.U.S. does a lot of good, but I'll never agree with them on how they do it."
Diggle: "You have to do what's right for you, but I am gonna miss you, Curtis."
Curtis: "I'm gonna miss you, too."
(Diggle pats Curtis on the shoulder and then leaves. Rene looks at Curtis, pats his heart and also leaves.)
Curtis: "Sorry I didn't tell you. Just with everything going on -"
Felicity: "Ah, Rene already gave you up."
Curtis: "I was kinda hoping more for 'boo-hoo, I'll miss you so much, you're my other half I'll never replace.'"
Felicity: "Yeah. But I'm really happy that you're finally doing what you want."
Curtis: "I think it's time you do the same."
Felicity: "Yeah."
Curtis: "I talked to my lawyer. They're gonna draw up some legal documents. I'm signing over sole ownership of Helix to you."
Felicity: "You don't have to do that."
Curtis: "I want to. Helix was your idea. And I love working with you, but it feels like you're struggling to find your purpose, too."
Felicity: "Yeah."
Curtis: "Maybe this is it. Maybe this is how Felicity Smoak will change this world."
Felicity: "Well, you are right. I am really gonna miss you."'
(They hug.)

713 (Star City Slayer) – Felicity finds out that she’s pregnant:
Felicity: "It gets really cold there in the winter, so I'm gonna send you, like, three coats, and mitts and a hat. You're definitely gonna need a hat. Ohh. (Hugs William)  I'll miss you so much."
William: "I'm gonna miss you, too."
Oliver: "Listen here, young man. Wherever you are, I'm always gonna be your dad. So we'll talk all the time - ahem - and I promise to come and visit whenever it's cool with you and with your grandparents. You just have to promise that you - you will call me. If you need anything, anything, you will call me, okay?"
William: "I will."
Oliver: "You have a home with the two of us in Star City forever. I love you, William."
William: "I love you, too, Dad."
(Oliver hugs William. Felicity's cell phone rings and she walks away to answer the call.)
Felicity: "Hi. Dr. Schwartz, is everything okay? ... Oh, good. I thought it was gonna be one of those calls where you say, 'Everything spread to the liver,' and - (Pauses to listen) - I'm what?"

713 (Star City Slayer) – Mia/Blackstar reveals herself to be Mia Smoak, the daughter of Oliver and Felicity: 
Adult William: "You can't win this."
Adult Zoe: "Drop the damn knife."
Adult William: "Come on! Don't give me a reason to pull this trigger."
(Mia lets Dinah go and turns to face William.)
Mia/Blackstar: "You're not gonna shoot me." (Drops her knife)
Adult William: "You sure about that?"
Mia/Blackstar: "Yeah. Because my name is Mia Smoak. I'm Felicity's daughter... and your sister."

Edited by tv echo
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Three 713 DELETED scenes...

After Oliver gets out of prison, he and Felicity talk about William’s problems and having a normal life:

(ARROWverse Russia)

Connor hints that Diggle is alive in the future:

(ArrowVerse TV)

Curtis talks to Rene about his job offer:


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