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S01.E05: Don't Speak

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Air date: February 12, 2019


Max and Michael begin to worry about Isobel after a series of mysterious blackouts cause her to spiral; Liz turns to Grant Green for help when she learns that he may have witnessed something strange on the night Rosa died.

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Wow, did they cram a lot into that episode! I was actually tensed up a lot of the five minutes with how much things went off the rails! Kyle lashing out in the hospital, Alex breaking through the wall, Liz figuring out it was Izzy, Izzy figuring out it was Izzy! And poor Noah with his bag full of empty nail polish bottles. He actually made me really sad, I hope Izzy comes clean to him and they have him as an ally in the future. 

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I loved the Kyle/Alex stuff. The original series really took a long time to get around to bringing those two characters together, but it was so fantastic when they did. I like the fact that they're going more directly for that dynamic, and this new backstory with them being former besties and Valenti's mentorship of Alex when his father rejected him is great, great angsty Roswell stuff. This is truly the best Roswell fanfic ever - these vaguely recognizable beloved characters, but with heightened stakes and beautiful new actors. I'm eagerly looking forward to every new episode.

Leave it to Max and Michael to be saving Izzy from herself. Also classic Roswell.

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And I think Isobel being the killer is also a fake out.  I think Michael and Max believe it because they know for a fact an alien is responsible and they can account for each other.  They think its Isobel by process of elimination but Isobel can't remembert.  But Isobel was likely having one of those blackouts and they will convince her she did it until some other alien is revealed.

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This show really goes for the dramatics. The Izzy killed the girls reveal took way too long for anyone to say. Lol. Although since they went through all of them killed Rosa, I'm sure none of them did. 

Is that racist guy an alien? I don't really see why else he'd go so far as to kill people when they talk about aliens. I guess Alex will also now be in the knowing about aliens club. So Rosa was the Sheriff's daughter, I wonder if Liz's dad knew. 

Why did Isobel keep all those nail polish remover bottles? Throw them out when you are done, girl.  It's interesting that her husband gave her a lie about being an alcoholic and she didn't take it. Of course if at the moment she told him she was alien he probably would not have believed her. 

Still don't really care about Liz and Max. Max's obsession with her is still kind of creepy. I hope they don't go with the imprinting storyline. 

Now from this week's episode title I'm going to go listen to some No Doubt. 

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I love the Kyle/Alex friendship. Very well done on that front, show. It was like the most natural and least HYSTERICAL part of the episode, which CAREENED AT A DRAMATIC BREAKNECK PACE otherwise.

Don't think Isobel killed the girls. It was another alien. But yeesh, you guys have to tell your significant others the truth.

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Oh! Oh yeah! Hold up! Everything was going so fast I almost forgot this one:

So, Kyle and Liz, who still hook up for funsies from time to time... share a half-sister? Yikes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...

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I was really annoyed that Liz had the nerve to go through the box Kyle had of his Dad's stuff.   I wrote her self absorbed ass off in that moment.  Later I was happy that she held her own in that fight and kicked her way out of that box on fire.  Now if she could just apply some of that to defending her "friends" rather than taking advantage of them.

11 minutes ago, Kareny said:

So, Kyle and Liz, who still hook up for funsies from time to time... share a half-sister? Yikes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...

About five minutes after that, I realized that for a couple moments I was torn between is Liz or Rosa the baby and hadn't thought about the fact that Kyle and Liz have had sex.

That bunker and all the conclusions Kyle reached make no sense to me.  Maybe Liz and Kyle are siblings.  I feel like there is some gaping detail that when revealed will make it all less illogical that there is a frilly, out dated love nest / detox bedroom underneath Valenti's cabin.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Isobel doesn't have the glowy hand power, so there's no way it could be her.  It's all a big fake out.I guess the new suspect is whoever can do the glowy hand thing, so I'm guessing it's alien #4, whoever that is.

But I think it's interesting how they worked in the bit about Michael's broken hand. Smart move by the writers/show runners. I'm guessing the foster family he lived with at the time was abusive. 

A lot of stuff jammed into this hour.

Poor Isobel/Noah.  I hope they can find a way to work this out without mind warping.

Alex/Kyle scenes were good.  But it feels like Kyle's Dad is just too good to be true. Given who Alex seems to be now, the fact he even gives his own father the time of day is surprising to me.

Will Max be able to unmind-warp Liz? Certainly, those two seem to be back on the road to romance.

ETA:  Also, the bunker detox room was scary and super Ick.  There have been too many kidnapped women/girls held in rooms like that for me to feel comfortable with it. Even if it was to detox Rosa (who was a  teenager).


Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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This show is so over dramatic and soapy it truly reminds me of the old role playing forums I used to participate in on good ol' EZboards (Charmed Cafe anyone? had the same icon there as i do here) of yore. And I fucking love it for it. All I need is a thread of everyone's character with their info and stats and I'd feel even more at home. Truly makes me feel 12 again in the best way. 

Definitely my favorite episode yet and next week looks friggin awesome. 

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The first ¾ of the episode seemed to drag pointlessly between lengthy commercial breaks.
The last 15 minutes was apparently so intense that all y'all Roswellians had the boring of the first half or so mindwiped out of your collective consciousness.
Or at least that's my (unpopular) opinion.



5 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Why did Isobel keep all those nail polish remover bottles? Throw them out when you are done, girl.  It's interesting that her husband gave her a lie about being an alcoholic and she didn't take it.

I guess Isobel not going with the alcoholic alibi is supposed to signal "no more lies" for real, but the rest of the episode points to maybe "no more lies" to SOs at most.



9 minutes ago, Kareny said:

So, Kyle and Liz, who still hook up for funsies from time to time... share a half-sister?

So what are they? Step-siblings?

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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

The first ¾ of the episode seemed to drag pointlessly between lengthy commercial breaks.
The last 15 minutes was apparently so intense that all y'all Roswellians had the boring of the first half or so mindwiped out of your collective consciousness.

True.  I had a long post all composed in my mind about Liz's job interview and other boring stuff I can't remember.

But now I'm just hung up on the nesting doll of lies they've got going on among Michael, Isobel, and  Max .  I still think there was a vaguely described lie that was only Michael's that he was hiding from Max that I don't think came out; but I guess every truth was a lie which was supposed to hide that Isobel killed the girls even from Isobel.  And I'm convinced that is a lie too.  I'm expecting a she's not Tess {wink} alien to show up at some point.

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10 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

So what are they? Step-siblings?

I don't think Rosa is Valenti's kid.  I think she is the daughter of an alien that woke up before Max/Isobel/Michael.  I also think she was placed with Liz's family so lack of documentation of where she came from was less of an issue.

I'm no longer convinced that she is actually dead either.

I am reaching m night shyamalan level of disconnectedness with show.  He thinks he can come up with a twist that will surprise me.  They think I will buy their big fake revelations. over and over.  Nope.  Probably not going to believe the show when the truth is revealed.  You can put Maria at a chalkboard to explain the previouslies like in the 90's show and I will point out that its just your previous lies.

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4 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I don't think Rosa is Valenti's kid.  I think she is the daughter of an alien that woke up before Max/Isobel/Michael.  I also think she was placed with Liz's family so lack of documentation of where she came from was less of an issue.

This^^ makes sense, @ParadoxLost.
But then why cast Rosa and Liz to look like twins/sisters? 
Is Liz . . . ? Half . . . ? A-a-alien?!?
Maybe that's why Max is so weirdly obsessed with her? (Yes, his Liz lurve looks pretty weird to me in this reimagining, unlike the OG.)




7 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

You can put Maria at a chalkboard to explain the previouslies like in the 90's show and I will point out that its just your previous lies.

Aw, this reminds me of how much I missed Maria's chalkboard back when they abandoned it in the OG show.
For a moment in this episode when Liz was 'splainin' to Grant Green (sorry GG, we hardly knew ye), I thought Jeanine Mason was channeling OG Maria. 

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I still think there is a possibility that Liz and Rosa's mom was alien.  Both Liz's mom and Rosa heard voices, remember?  I also like the theory that Rosa was placed with the Ortechos because they weren't documented - but I think Liz and Rosa are documented and legal citizens since they were born here, right?  Anyway - it could still be that family records wouldn't be scrutinized for their family.

I don't think Isobel killed those girls.  

I have a theory about Wyatt.  Well, two theories.  The first is that it was an alien controlling him today.  Someone sent him up there to kill Liz and Grant.  The only person who knew Liz was headed that way (because he sent her), was ... NOAH.  What if Noah is also alien and this was him protecting himself?

My other theory is that Wyatt is also alien and the reason he keeps fomenting the hatred against the Ortechos is to throw suspicion away from himself.

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This show is my new crack and I love it! Waiting a whole week for a new episode is pure torture. 

Like others mentioned, I really liked the scenes between Alex and Kyle. I wish we could see them slowly rebuild their friendship after all these years. Their past history intrigues me. 

I felt bad for Isabelle and Noah. I also can't wait to find out if Isabelle did in fact kill those girls or if it was someone else. 

I still don't know how Liz managed to escape from that box that was doused with lighter fluid and completely on fire with not a single burn or scratch on her. 

Is it next week yet? Also, how many episodes are we getting in all?

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7 hours ago, phoenics said:

I still think there is a possibility that Liz and Rosa's mom was alien.  Both Liz's mom and Rosa heard voices, remember? 

That works for me. And Liz being half alien could explain Max's attraction to her--but then it would be a biological attraction rather than romantic. More birds-n-bees than Romeo-and-Juliette. ☹️

7 hours ago, phoenics said:

I have a theory about Wyatt. . . . it was an alien controlling him today. 

This works for me too. It reminds me of OG Izzy's poor bf, Grant. 


7 hours ago, phoenics said:

What if Noah is also alien and this was him protecting himself?

I don't think Noah can be an alien because of the breakup scene between him and Isobel in this episode--it just doesn't fit. But that doesn't mean they won't go there.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Alex and Kyle were the best thing about that episode and I would be all right if this show was all "Fuck this alien bullshit, let's just focus on these two in our new buddy cop series". Because seriously, as a character, Liz sucks. Pronounced-Nine-Different-Ways Rosa died and Liz is willing to also let the cannon fodder die in order to get answers and I liked creepy alien conspiracy theorist dude. I'm starting to think that the rando looks of disgust that is probably supposed to be indignation that Max has around her half the time is because she's just a horrible person. 

Also? She was soaked in gasoline so she ran towards the fire. She kinda deserved it at that point. But nooo, of course it's Max who gets shot. I really want to see that scene where he talked himself out of the hospital with a bullet wound below his shoulder. 

Isobel's mole chugging down the nail polish remover will never not make me think of one of my most favourite television(ish) moments of all time:
(FTR, that was a contestant on a season of Big Brother US who thought she grabbed her water bottle but accidentally drank nail polish remover instead.)

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When Liz was pressing her hand against Max's gunshot wound, I was so sure there would be a silver handprint when she took her hand away—not because she had any extraterrestrial parentage, but because Max healing her had imparted alien abilities. </disappointed>

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So much drama smooched into the last act! So much excitement! So many revelations! So much dramatic background music! The first part was kind of dull, with the exception of the Alex/Kyle stuff, but that last part was so melodramatic, I had to love it.

I really liked seeing Alex and Kyle together, and getting some of their history together, and them solving a mystery and trying to figure out what their father/father figure really was like. I totally knew he wasnt having an affair with Rosa, but him being her father raises even more questions! But then, both of them are dead now anyway, so I guess it only really matters in retrospect. The actors work really well together, and I can buy that they've known each other for a long time. I hope they can rebuild their friendship.

You know, I am starting to wonder if Liz kicking this particular hornets nest is such a good thing? I can understand her wanting some closure with her sister and to clear her name, but people are actually dying now because she is bringing it up all up again ten years after the fact, and to what end? People will stop being assholes to her dad? He doesent seem to mind, and from what we have heard, accidentally killing people while high would be pretty in character for Rosa, who seemed like a pretty disturbed kid with or without drugs, and he seems to have made his peace with it, and this conspiracy seems to have stopped killing people until now. I know it wont happen, but maybe let sleeping dogs lie? I mean, is it worth tons of people getting drawn into this and risking their lives? 

Or maybe I just feel like way because Liz is a crappy detective who needs to stop jumping to every conclusion she can find. 

Hope that Isabel and her husband can make it work, he seems like a nice guy. Even if Isabel isnt actually drinking alcohol, she seems to be using her nail polish remover as a crutch. Which is a sentence that I just typed!

Even with the big reveal, I dont think Isabel killed those girls, not at all. It was probably another alien, and Isabel was having one of her blackout and that made them think that she did it, being the only alien they know other than them. For now...

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I hate when a scene starts out in the daytime and by the time the character gets to where they are going, it is nighttime.

Why did the truck blowup? Who's truck was it? I could have sworn he was pouring gasoline in the direction opposite of where the truck was.

When Max gets shot and falls down, his head was very close to the flames.

Not every gun holds 6 bullets, don't try this at home, especially if you did not get a look at the gun shooting at you.

So that thing that Alex found in the wall hole, was that part of an Alien spacecraft?

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2 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

It looks like the one Michael has. As to whether it's part of the actual spaceship, who knows. For all we know it could be a broken alien iPod.

—piece of a an extraterestrial iPod or pod.
Po-tay-to — po-tah-to.


4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I hate when a scene starts out in the daytime and by the time the character gets to where they are going, it is nighttime.

I know! You, me, and the director hate it. But: budgets.


4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Not every gun holds 6 bullets, don't try this at home, especially if you did not get a look at the gun shooting at you.

Right!?! I mean, if Liz has watched enough cop shows to know to listen and count for 6 bullets, shouldn't she know that too?!?

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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I don't think Noah can be an alien because of the breakup scene between him and Isobel in this episode--it just doesn't fit. But that doesn't mean they won't go there.

What if that's part of Noah's strategy to get Isobel away so he can operate unwatched for a bit?

Remember - the ONLY person who knew Liz would be with Grant Green - was Noah.  He sent Liz there.  There can't be any other reason for that weird scene with him and Liz.  They've never interacted.  And the ONLY material thing from that convo was Liz looking for Grant and Noah sending her to his other spot.  And then Wyatt shows up.  How?  How'd he know they were there?  He wasn't surveilling Grant - so how'd he just show up?  Unless he's the alien - Noah just feels suspicious to me.  

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6 minutes ago, phoenics said:

There can't be any other reason for that weird scene with him and Liz.  They've never interacted. 

Ooh. Good theory. I'm convinced.  OG viewers are primed to think Noah is a good guy because of Jesse, but he's no Adam Rodriguez, and he is a little too perfect to be true, what with all that sappy Land Before Time stuff and bringing her brothers coffee in the desert. Plus, he was just so calm with his search. Yep, Noah's definitely evil.

I also expect that Izzy's history of blackouts will turn out to be about someone else (Noah? his allies?) controlling her alien powers for their own benefit. Leave it to Michael and Max to shoot themselves in the foot with their own paranoia and jumping to conclusions.

I wonder when Noah came on the scene? Before or after high school?

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34 minutes ago, phoenics said:

What if that's part of Noah's strategy to get Isobel away so he can operate unwatched for a bit?

Remember - the ONLY person who knew Liz would be with Grant Green - was Noah.  He sent Liz there.  There can't be any other reason for that weird scene with him and Liz.  They've never interacted.  And the ONLY material thing from that convo was Liz looking for Grant and Noah sending her to his other spot.  And then Wyatt shows up.  How?  How'd he know they were there?  He wasn't surveilling Grant - so how'd he just show up?  Unless he's the alien - Noah just feels suspicious to me.  

21 minutes ago, Kareny said:

Ooh. Good theory. I'm convinced.  OG viewers are primed to think Noah is a good guy because of Jesse, but he's no Adam Rodriguez, and he is a little too perfect to be true, what with all that sappy Land Before Time stuff and bringing her brothers coffee in the desert. Plus, he was just so calm with his search. Yep, Noah's definitely evil.

I also expect that Izzy's history of blackouts will turn out to be about someone else (Noah? his allies?) controlling her alien powers for their own benefit. Leave it to Michael and Max to shoot themselves in the foot with their own paranoia and jumping to conclusions.

I wonder when Noah came on the scene? Before or after high school?

Whoa. Slow your roll there, my fellow Roswellians, heh. I thought Wyatt was there to destroy evidence and Liz became part of it by being there. No?

Edited by shapeshifter
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10 hours ago, Indigo Luna said:

This show is so over dramatic and soapy it truly reminds me of the old role playing forums I used to participate in on good ol' EZboards (Charmed Cafe anyone? had the same icon there as i do here) of yore. And I fucking love it for it. All I need is a thread of everyone's character with their info and stats and I'd feel even more at home. Truly makes me feel 12 again in the best way. 

Ugh this! It really does take me back to high school in the best way. I love it so much.

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Wyatt could also be working for Manes or the Government. The place could be bugged and he heard Grant start talking and went there to stop him. Or he could be another alien conspiracy fan. 

I could see Noah being calm because it appears that Izzy has not come home quite often. He seemed used to it. However he did search around their house to find the nail polish remover. So he was trying to figure out if she was hiding an affair or something from him. He could still be evil though. 

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6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Not every gun holds 6 bullets, don't try this at home, especially if you did not get a look at the gun shooting at you.

She said it and my immediate reaction was "but you only heard 2 bullets, Liz.  Are you as bad at counting as you are a scientist?"

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11 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

Thing is, if Izzy is drinking that many bottles of nail polish remover (in what? a week? How often does she take out the trash?), she really is treating it like a drug.

And now I'm picturing Izzy at a Costco/Sams/BJs buying nail polish remover in bulk.  HA!

Though in retrospect, he probably already know she buys them in bulk and maybe he's been collecting them out of the trash.

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I guess the reason they didn't have Nathan jump to the are-you-making-meth? conclusion is because this is a CW show, and they probably have a greater legal responsibility to the younger-skewing audience to not suggest things that could cause harm to youthful fans who like to experiment with new things.

Or maybe this show's people just never watched Breaking Bad.

Admittedly, I didn't think about acetone in nail polish remover being a component of illicit drug manufacturing either, but that's because I gag when I see them doing it. I know it's probably just water, but, gack!

And now I'm hoping no teens watching will taste nail polish remover. 😨

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Holy. Crap. That was an intense hour! I went from being kind of annoyed that they were rebooting the show to liking it to now loving it! I've gotten one of my friends into it who never saw the 90s show and she's loving it too. 

I do kind of wish Tyler Blackburn had been Michael so he would have a bigger role, but I'm interested to see what they do with him going forward. I've not really bought in to Michael/Alex, but maybe that will change. 

I don't even know what to say. I still need to process what I just watched!

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8 hours ago, phoenics said:

What if that's part of Noah's strategy to get Isobel away so he can operate unwatched for a bit?

Remember - the ONLY person who knew Liz would be with Grant Green - was Noah.  He sent Liz there.  There can't be any other reason for that weird scene with him and Liz.  They've never interacted.  And the ONLY material thing from that convo was Liz looking for Grant and Noah sending her to his other spot.  And then Wyatt shows up.  How?  How'd he know they were there?  He wasn't surveilling Grant - so how'd he just show up?  Unless he's the alien - Noah just feels suspicious to me.  

I'm still not sure about Noah yet, but in that scene he did explicitly state that Grant was storing his stuff in a warehouse near the Long Ranch...which would be Wyatt's place.  Since it seems Wyatt has it out for the Ortecho's since his sister died, it's possible he saw her drive that way and went after her.  Though on a show this melodramatic, there's something bigger going on and I fully think Wyatt at least is an alien or an accomplice to the alien conspiracy.

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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

And now I'm hoping no teens watching will taste nail polish remover. 😨

I mean, they ate Tide Pods.I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sudden rash of the Roswell Challenge going around social media sites. 

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18 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I don't think Noah can be an alien because of the breakup scene between him and Isobel in this episode--it just doesn't fit. But that doesn't mean they won't go there.

He was so chill during the searching for his missing wife scenes that I thought for sure that he was some sort of watcher assigned to monitor Isobel (like Donnie on Orphan Black).

I find his acceptance of Isobel's tendency to shut him out of her relationship with Michael and Max so weird that the break up isn't a scheme.  I think its possible he is an agent who is prodding Isobel to be more open about her alien shenanigans and sees the the potential upside worth the risk.  If he's confident that he can win her back then the worse case scenario would be that Isobel pretends to go to AA and Noah pretends to believe her. and they reconcile.

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11 hours ago, Kareny said:

Ooh. Good theory. I'm convinced.  OG viewers are primed to think Noah is a good guy because of Jesse, but he's no Adam Rodriguez, and he is a little too perfect to be true, what with all that sappy Land Before Time stuff and bringing her brothers coffee in the desert. Plus, he was just so calm with his search. Yep, Noah's definitely evil.

I also expect that Izzy's history of blackouts will turn out to be about someone else (Noah? his allies?) controlling her alien powers for their own benefit. Leave it to Michael and Max to shoot themselves in the foot with their own paranoia and jumping to conclusions.

I wonder when Noah came on the scene? Before or after high school?

Yes - exactly!  I think Noah also mind-controlled Isobel to kill those girls.  She said in this episode that "It's happening again." when Max and Michael found her in the desert fields.  So I'm thinking it was happening then too - eventually culminating in her being controlled to kill Rosa and the other two.

The question is why.  Did they stumble across the pod chamber and discover an alien's identity?  Did they stumble across that BEFORE they found the pod chamber?

So glad I found a like-minded soul!!  Woot!

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2 hours ago, ellieart said:

I'm still not sure about Noah yet, but in that scene he did explicitly state that Grant was storing his stuff in a warehouse near the Long Ranch...which would be Wyatt's place.  Since it seems Wyatt has it out for the Ortecho's since his sister died, it's possible he saw her drive that way and went after her.  Though on a show this melodramatic, there's something bigger going on and I fully think Wyatt at least is an alien or an accomplice to the alien conspiracy.

Maybe - but even that feels almost too easy - because it's obvious.  I wouldn't be shocked if Wyatt turned out to be the ultimate baddie - because they've telegraphed it.  But it's not something I'd have to go back and rewatch the whole season to figure out how it could be him - but Noah?  

One thing the books got SO RIGHT was hiding the baddie in plain sight - so much so that I was GOBSMACKED when they revealed DuPris as the villain. 

Wyatt could be the alien - but right now my money is ultimately on someone else mindcontrolling him and Isobel to do the dirty deeds so the alien can keep his/her hands clean.

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10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Whoa. Slow your roll there, my fellow Roswellians, heh. I thought Wyatt was there to destroy evidence and Liz became part of it by being there. No?

Wyatt's words when he started shooting at them was "All you had to do was keep quiet!"  That suggests he was there specifically to prevent Grant Green from telling Liz what happened.  That either means that Wyatt himself is an alien and trying to conceal his extraterrestrial existence, the government is using him to keep this hushed up (unlikely, tbh), an alien is mind-controlling him, or he's just out for revenge (but his comment makes that unlikely). 

Even if he's there to destroy evidence, that still doesn't mean he was there under his own ability - someone could have sent him there to destroy it and kill Liz/Grant.

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25 minutes ago, phoenics said:
11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Whoa. Slow your roll there, my fellow Roswellians, heh. I thought Wyatt was there to destroy evidence and Liz became part of it by being there. No?

Wyatt's words when he started shooting at them was "All you had to do was keep quiet!"  That suggests he was there specifically to prevent Grant Green from telling Liz what happened. 

Oh, right!
Thanks for reminding. 
So we at least know Wyatt is part of a cover-up.

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19 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Oh, right!
Thanks for reminding. 
So we at least know Wyatt is part of a cover-up.

He's part of something, lol.

My question is - does he wake up in jail and not know what he did?  Does he think he was just drunk?

Also - Isobel just had another blackout.  What did she do during the time she can't remember?  I'm still on the mind-control bandwagon.  Nothing else really explains the blackouts.  Unless she was abducted, lol.  But I think mind-control makes the most sense.

But I'm happy to wait and see if I'm proven right.

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1 hour ago, phoenics said:

My question is - does he wake up in jail and not know what he did?  Does he think he was just drunk?

I thought he was dead.  I know he was shot.  Also, how did Max talk his way out of being treated for a gunshot wound?

19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Even with the big reveal, I dont think Isabel killed those girls, not at all. It was probably another alien, and Isabel was having one of her blackout and that made them think that she did it, being the only alien they know other than them. For now...

Seems almost a given considering that Max's reaction to that picture of Rosa practically spelled out that Max was shocked that a hand print was on Rosa's face because neither Michael or Isobel had that power and ax knew he hadn't done it.  Liz just distracted him with jumping to conclusions that matched up with Max's worse fears and guilt before he actually got the words out.  Next week, I'm sure, once Liz lets him get a word in.

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4 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I thought he was dead.  I know he was shot.  Also, how did Max talk his way out of being treated for a gunshot wound?

Seems almost a given considering that Max's reaction to that picture of Rosa practically spelled out that Max was shocked that a hand print was on Rosa's face because neither Michael or Isobel had that power and ax knew he hadn't done it.  Liz just distracted him with jumping to conclusions that matched up with Max's worse fears and guilt before he actually got the words out.  Next week, I'm sure, once Liz lets him get a word in.

Max only shot Wyatt in the leg, so he's fine.  He was hollering when the cops picked him up off the ground and limped off with them, yelling and screaming.

Agree about Max - I think we would need to see if the handprint showed up on the other girls too.  If it didn't, then something is weird.  I guess we get more details in 2 weeks (wtf).

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8 minutes ago, phoenics said:

Agree about Max - I think we would need to see if the handprint showed up on the other girls too.  If it didn't, then something is weird.  I guess we get more details in 2 weeks (wtf).

I also thought it was fairly interesting that they made the point of using how Max placed his hand on Liz's mouth to keep her quiet while he tried to save her.  There are more hints that the mark was not intended to harm Rosa than it being linked to her death. 

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14 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I also thought it was fairly interesting that they made the point of using how Max placed his hand on Liz's mouth to keep her quiet while he tried to save her.  There are more hints that the mark was not intended to harm Rosa than it being linked to her death. 

I thought that was because they were doing that so Liz could recall it later and realize Max's hands were too big to show up like in the picture?  Because why would an alien trying not to harm Rosa leave the handprint - the handprint means powers were used... unless Isobel/someone just wanted Rosa to "go to sleep" and they came up on her from behind?  Like an alien "sleeper move"?

I'm also still wondering if the handprint thing is faked by Manes to try to get government funding for Project Shepherd.  I'm torn between that and Isobel killing her that way or something... 

There are some pics of more of Rosa's body and the handmarks show up on her wrists too.  It's in some of the promo youtube videos for the show.

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So I can't sleep and while I was tossing and turning, I thought of something else from the episode.

The symbol that is in the dirt when Isobel wakes up from her blackout... In my head I handwaved that away as some kind of alien remnant from mindcontrol (since I was thinking her blackouts were periods of mind control).

I'm still stuck on mind-control, but that only accounts for the blackouts - not how Isobel ended up lying in a patch of dirt way out in the middle of nowhere that is stamped with that symbol.

What if the alien symbol in the dirt like that is a remnant of space travel or teleportation - or like a wormhole transported her to that spot?

If any of you have watched Thor from the Marvel movies, you'd see that when Heimdal transports people from Asgard to any other place, or transports people from any place to Asgard,  a maze-like pattern is left on the ground where the person was transported to or from Asgard.  Meaning, if someone was transported to Earth from Asgard, they'd be standing in the middle of the maze symbol on Earth once they arrived.  If they were transported from Earth to Asgard, then the symbol would be on Earth in the spot where they left Earth.

I really wonder now if that symbol in the dirt is because someone opened up a wormhole and transported Isobel there.  I guess if she's not under mind control - could she have the ability to transport herself?  


In the books, the Stones of Midnight allow for the opening of a wormhole back to their home planet.  What if another alien doesn't have all of the stones, but enough to do small transportations?  Along with mind-control?

In the books - no alien is powerful enough to open a wormhole alone without the stones of midnight.  Also in the books, the only wormhole spoken of is one to go all the way back home - and you'd need all of the Stones of Midnight (not just one) to do that.

Edited by phoenics
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I finally got to watch the episode last night - I think this was their best one so far. Kyle and Alex were unexpectedly entertaining (I LOLed at "What's the worst we can find?" "Literal skeletons!") and touching. It was interesting that someone (was it Valenti? Was it Rosa? Was it someone else?) hid a piece of alien glass in the walls. Also, there was a point in the pilot of Michael having a piece of the same material, so I think that's going to connect Michael and Alex at some point. 

So Kyle and Liz share a sister. That makes their sexy times a bit squicky. Also, her stealing something from that box when I feel like he would have given it to her if she asked is interesting? Not the best friend move on her part, lol, but also they may be braced to start hiding things from each other, which was fast.

I have to wonder, is Max just INCREDIBLY melodramatic or did more happen between them than we've been told so far? If you were lab partners/pals in high school who drove to the desert once, I wouldn't call her leaving town "abandonment." But she called him a "stranger" in the pilot and he seemed pretty surprised and upset, so maybe Isobel wiped out a lot more of Max in Liz's mind than we've been told so far.

That said, I am enjoying Max and Michael's bond more. I liked Michael handing Max the gun. Also in terms of Max/Liz, I thought Jeanine really sold Liz's terror when Max got shot. 

The main part - again, I do not believe any of the main three killed Rosa and this WOULD be getting a bit tiresome, but I'm interested in Isobel's blackouts and what DID happen between her and Rosa, and from Max's seemingly genuine surprise at the mark on Rosa's face, I wonder if Isobel is even capable of making it. If she is, maybe SHE tried to save Rosa. I hadn't thought of Noah as an alien, but it's definitely plausible. 

It does seem likely that Michael staged the crash to protect Isobel (I got the impression from the trio's confrontation that Max didn't know until after the fact, but he's still allowed an innocent family to suffer for a decade in order to protect his sister, so I'm not sure he's ultimately less culpable, albeit seemingly more remorseful). That's...less than good. 

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22 minutes ago, Cristofle said:

I finally got to watch the episode last night - I think this was their best one so far. Kyle and Alex were unexpectedly entertaining (I LOLed at "What's the worst we can find?" "Literal skeletons!") and touching. It was interesting that someone (was it Valenti? Was it Rosa? Was it someone else?) hid a piece of alien glass in the walls. Also, there was a point in the pilot of Michael having a piece of the same material, so I think that's going to connect Michael and Alex at some point. 

So Kyle and Liz share a sister. That makes their sexy times a bit squicky. Also, her stealing something from that box when I feel like he would have given it to her if she asked is interesting? Not the best friend move on her part, lol, but also they may be braced to start hiding things from each other, which was fast.

I have to wonder, is Max just INCREDIBLY melodramatic or did more happen between them than we've been told so far? If you were lab partners/pals in high school who drove to the desert once, I wouldn't call her leaving town "abandonment." But she called him a "stranger" in the pilot and he seemed pretty surprised and upset, so maybe Isobel wiped out a lot more of Max in Liz's mind than we've been told so far.

That said, I am enjoying Max and Michael's bond more. I liked Michael handing Max the gun. Also in terms of Max/Liz, I thought Jeanine really sold Liz's terror when Max got shot. 

The main part - again, I do not believe any of the main three killed Rosa and this WOULD be getting a bit tiresome, but I'm interested in Isobel's blackouts and what DID happen between her and Rosa, and from Max's seemingly genuine surprise at the mark on Rosa's face, I wonder if Isobel is even capable of making it. If she is, maybe SHE tried to save Rosa. I hadn't thought of Noah as an alien, but it's definitely plausible. 

It does seem likely that Michael staged the crash to protect Isobel (I got the impression from the trio's confrontation that Max didn't know until after the fact, but he's still allowed an innocent family to suffer for a decade in order to protect his sister, so I'm not sure he's ultimately less culpable, albeit seemingly more remorseful). That's...less than good. 

He asked Liz just how much she remembered from the last two weeks she was in Roswell so I guess they are going to send some big love story our way that Liz can't remember.

I still think Liz is a complete asshole and Max is pathetic.  At least some of the others are semi-interesting.  I don't see Alex as being the kind of kid that people just know is "gay".  He doesn't come off that way at all.  I wonder if the actor is straight in real life?

Actually out of the whole cast I think I like Kyle the best.  Maria would take that spot but we only see her when they need to talk to the friendly barkeep for advice.

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