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S03.E09: Chapter Forty-Four: No Exit

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After Hiram's takeover, Veronica leads the charge against her father after he takes aim at La Bonne Nuit; Betty reluctantly houses the patients who escaped the Sisters of Quiet Mercy; Jughead confronts a group of desperate Serpents.

Airdate: Wednesday, January 16, 2019

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Yay we’re back!!! I have some hopes for this episode. I hope the show at least acknowledges what Alice did to Betty but I very much doubt they will. Alice is allowed to do that, even though when Penelope did it to Cheryl we were (rightly) told to view it as evil but when Alice does it, we aren’t. I don’t understand. I get that this show is crazy and insane but some acknowledgement of actions is nice. But yay we’re back, I feel like it’s been forever.


So Archie’s in Canada with Vegas. Okay.


Cheryl and Toni are robbing places. Just because. Wow. So cute. Not really. And Choni says I love you and has a steamy scene. 


And now there are rules for no pda? Okay then Riverdale High.


Speakeasy fun. I’m really over the Choni scenes already. I’m over Choni, actually.


Aw betty and Jughead in her bed together. Super cute. 

Also hilarious that now Betty is housing the sisters of quiet mercy  kids. And she’s letting them play the game? Because that’s helpful? Okay one of them snuck in fizzle rocks.


Betty and Jughead being super cute together. Super sad we didn’t get to see his actual reaction to Betty brought to SOQM. But seems like we’re forgetting who did that since Betty is staying in her own house. At least Jughead is there with her.


Archie and Vegas seem to be in a different show right now. 


Reggie is getting captured by someone working for Hiram. 


I still don’t know how I feel about Veggie but I do agree with Reggie that if Veronica gives Hiram an inch, he will take much more. 


I just have to say im spending a lot of time watching the archie and Vegas scenes that Vegas is going to be hurt and I don’t like it. 


And a bear attacks Archie. 

Also Vegas is such a good dog.


Also Alice has no room to talk about anything anymore. Anything she says is useless as all hell. Go back to the farm and never come back, please. I wouldn’t miss you. You are hardly a mother to Betty so I wouldn’t want you using your grand parent skills on the SOQM kids either.


Veronica needs to realize that anytime she tries to one up her father, he will one up even more. I know she’s trying to fool him but I feel like she’s going to get played some more. Hiram always has like one million more plans behind him. And that’s a little tired of a storyline too but sadly I don’t think Veronica is ever going to win against him.


Okay sorry I’m sure I’m going to get a ton of hate here but Cheryl is awful. And I’m over Choni. But god damn.. she isn’t the serpent queen and let’s hope she never becomes it, even if she wants it. She’s terrible. Also the lines they write for her are bad too. Like super bad. But I cannot get over her attitude during the serpent meeting. Sorry Cheryl that Jughead was helping Archie not be killed or sent back to jail. What were you doing again, sweetie? Taking care of only one serpent. Your girlfriend. Which is fine but it’s not like you’re doing grand things for the other serpents either. You have a thousand rooms in your big mansion, why don’t you gave some of the other serpents a room? Seriously. Are we supposed to like her? And I guess were supposed to ignore her attitude when the serpents first came. Also again did she do anything to earn her serpent jacket? Right, she didn’t. Sorry. Pointing out facts.  But again betty gets hate just for breathing and Cheryl gets a pass. It’s infuriating.


Case in point Hiram has hired someone to attack Josie. And she decides to quit singing.


So.. the SOQM girls are now going to become the cult.. which is also probably part of the game too.


So Fangs is dealing fizzle

Rocks.. also fangs is like a brother to you, Jughead? Um.. sure okay. I’m just going to say it. I feel like the other serpent teens tolerate Jughead and i think he feels the same.


So Cheryl and Toni are robbing the Lodges. I don’t get it unless it’s for Veronica but otherwise I don’t get the robbing thing. It’s just for kicks and I’m finding myself annoyed by it, mostly because for some reason she feels entitled to be a brat in the serpent meetings and she’s off robbing for fun and her girlfriend and helping the serpents either but choosing to make judgements about it. I can’t get behind it and I’m just annoyed by her and all her scenes. 


Archie is having a dream about Cassidy.  And all those other dead guys. So now Archie’s going to play the game? 


I know what Betty’s trying to do but.. also love that Alice sent Betty to a place that we know is awful but also has been looked into by social services.


So Hiram wants hemtiones egg back and knows Cheryl took it. So Cheryl is just stealing for fun. 


And Veronica goes to Jughead for help. Cheryl isn’t going to listen. 


So Archie is dream playing the game? Is this going to turn into like him actually playing? Also I’m curious about this whole thing. I’m assuming that this “game” Archie is playing is going to feature everyone from his life to include moments from his life in which he could have made a different decision or something.


Yup, I was right rolling the dice where it all went wrong. Ugh. Is this going to be that Archie should have chosen Betty and not Veronica ? The Barchie fans are going to love this. I feel sad now.


Also Jughead got the serpents a job. But he needs Cheryl to return the egg. Is he going to kick out cheryl(and Toni?) that’s actually kind of awesome. Also fangs stopped sharing your secrets. But also not fangs. That sucks. But also glad that Cheryl and Toni got kicked out and glad Cheryl got called out on being able to go back to the mansion while others can’t. Cheryl is the biggest hypocrite. 


Also I’m not sure what bettys end game with the SOQM kids are. 


So Archie is sent to kill Hiram. Yeah he needs luck with that. He’s been trying to do this for like five or six episodes now. But I hate the recon where they make it seem like Archie was the one who saw Hiram as a bad person. He actually didn’t. He was gaslighting Jughead about Hiram all last season. But whatever.


Also love that dream Hiram pretty said what we all thought, Archie never should have said what his grand plans to Hiram were.


Also ugh. Bettys in her pink dress from the pilot and Veronica’s in her dress. I feel like this means  what I feared, the show is going to insinuate that Archie should have chosen Betty.  I don’t like where this appears to be going.


Betty is now trying to get the

SOQM to the other neighbors. Um.. sure? And everyone can do it. 


FP wants to be back in the serpents and helping out. 


Also the serpents are already helping out as security for Veronica. I wonder how long this will last when Veggie becomes a thing. 


And of course Alice sent the SOQM kids to the farm. Yup. Alice is a real winner. 


I really don’t like this dream game sequence. It’s making me think that the show wants us to think it was the choice of choosing Veronica over Betty that lead him here. When it wasn’t. Yes he met Hiram by dating her but he went all in with Hiram all on his own. Veronica even tried to get him out of it and away from her father. And yeah I guess Archie got himself there in his dream of dealing with it but still.. I feel the show was trying to make Barchie moments there.


Fred is the best parenting. But yeah I also hate that now Archie is going to be dark or different and also the show making it seem like Veronica Jughead and Betty aren’t dark or different from what has happened to them. They haven’t exactly had cupcake lives either and they have changed too. None of them can go back to the way they were in the pilot. 


Veronica is now the singer at her speakeasy and Veggie is happening. Eh. I think it’s not

Going to be a serious thing. 


Aw fangs is going to be a double agent. 


And the sisters got out and have gone back to the SOQM to die.


Also Archie  passed it from blood loss cliffhanger..  like he’s dead. Come on. This is a bad cliffhanger, actually. I mean obviously next week everyone is going to think he died, so that should be interesting. But we know he’s not dead so I found the previews nore

cliffhanging than the episode.

This was an okay episode. I

could have done without Cheryl though. I found her really grating tonight. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Um...what? What was that ending? Honestly, what was this entire episode? So weird. 

So...Archie seems to be dead (though obviously only until the beginning of the next episode). But still, this show actually got me good with that ending. I'm impressed; I didn't see it coming. Again, he'll come back to life at the beginning of next episode and they're obviously telegraphing a literal rebirth. But how many episodes do you think it'll take for Archie to go back to his good guy status and not have innocent dumbass Archie stay dead? Although if they got rid of the dumbass side of Archie (the guy who LITERALLY got mauled by a bear after being warned about bears), I wouldn't complain.

Too bad I saw every other thing happen. Reggie/Veronica? Check. Listen, show. You can't have Veronica tell Archie that they're endgame and then give googly eyes and fall in love with Reggie a couple of months later. I didn't like it when they had Archie kiss Farm Chick two episodes ago, but I saw that as their ridiculous definition of fan service since we probably won't see her again. But here, they're clearly setting up an arc with Reggie/Veronica. Archie broke up with her, she knows he won't be gone forever, she knows he's only gone because of her father, and she decides to move on not too long after. 

Alice can go jump off a cliff at any point. I'm also ok with the orphans from the SOQM going to the Farm, mostly because I don't care about them. Unfortunately, this is going to be some long arc with the Farm which we probably won't really get answers for until the end of the season. I really don't give a shit about Edgar or his Farm. Woohoo, so he brainwashes a bunch of naive people. Next. 

Honestly, the only plot that interests me is Archie's. Even with its predictability, at least KJ Apa is getting stronger as an actor. This is a very melodramatic show but he's starting to learn how to reel it in and give some actual nuance to his character. It's nice, actually. 

So, Cheryl gets to do something. Toni gets to...stand around and look pretty, for the most part. 

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Oh Archie.  I prefer guys without scars. Sigh.

The Gang nonsense makes me yawn, more or less.  That was some scene, when Jughead threw Cheryl and Toni out of the Serpents.

I've never been able to connect to Cheryl because I feel like everything about her is a cartoon.  I don't find anything about her grounded. But I wasn't on anyone's side during her conflict with Jughead.

HIRAM'S FUR COAT!!!!! LMAO.  My jaw hit the floor.   I honestly don't even know what to say.  

I actually liked the first scene with Jughead and Veronica.  In know way do I mean romantic, ew.  I mean, Jughead's reaction to her.  His posture and face said, "why is this crazy girl in a cape making demands of me."  "You need to FIX this Jughead."  I love when her Princess upbringing shows.  And the return of her cape was fabulous.

Also very telling was FP and Jughead's discussion about Veronica.  Jughead appears to differentiate between Veronica and her family.  FP said "she is very much a Lodge and they shouldn't ever forget it."  For her sake, I hope Veronica realizes, she is not among friends.  Other then herself, there are only two other people interested in her well being.

Or are there?  I think Reggie has grown to like Veronica a great deal but a genuine interest in her well being??  I guess time will tell.

Edited by Advance35
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Yeah Cheryl got to do something but she was awful. Also was Toni. For all her talk about serpent blood she sure as hell hasn’t been sharing the fun rich stuff she and Cheryl have been stealing, not has she asked her girlfriend to house some of her other family members.

I don’t see Veggie lasting as a long term thing and I see them as fan service. Also I don’t reallly know if I trust Reggie, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show baits and switch and he’s working for someone to hurt veronica.

Also I hope Veronica and Jughead become better friends. I think it’s a good thing he separates her from her family. Isn’t that what he should do if he considers her a friend? 

I would like the Archie scenes if I didn’t feel like they were trying to throw Barchie at us in some of it.

Also Alice sucks so much. That cannot be said enough. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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This show. I just don’t even know what to say. It’s entertaining, but just bonkers.

It’s hard to watch characters I care about just act like complete idiots all the time. Jughead used to have some sense. What happened?

Nice use of “Maybe this time.” The writers must love musicals.

Glamrege egg. How could anyone say that with a straight face?

I want more Vegas, less Archie.

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5 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

This show. I just don’t even know what to say. It’s entertaining, but just bonkers.

It’s hard to watch characters I care about just act like complete idiots all the time. Jughead used to have some sense. What happened?

Nice use of “Maybe this time.” The writers must love musicals.

Glamrege egg. How could anyone say that with a straight face?

I want more Vegas, less Archie.

Eh I liked Jughead this episode. I thought he was right on regarding Cheryl and Toni. They’ve really ruined the Toni character. Seriously. I had to roll my eyes when she was all “serpents are in my blood!” What has she done for them lately? She’s living in a mansion while her blood/family has to live in tents. Yup. Shes so loyal. I won’t be surprised if or when a couple episodes from now these two are in the goullies.

Also yes let’s have this show be about Vegas and Hot Dog. And maybe Bettys cat from the comics. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Yeah I don’t get why Cheryl and now Toni get a pass for their actions this episode. Jughead was right to kick them out. I’m also not sure what Betty did that was bad this episode. She was trying to help people. But whatever. Cheryl will always get s pass and I guess Toni will too. I don’t get it. And the thing is I used to like Choni. And Cheryl and Toni. Now I’m over the relationship and both characters.

Not to mention Alice. What are they doing with that character?

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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1 minute ago, ruby24 said:

Veronica and Reggie! I like it. I hope they give it a real shot.

Won't even talk about the "cliffhanger," because obviously Archie can't be dead.

Im meh on Veggie. I honestly don’t see it being a real thing, I think it’ll be a rebound. For some reason I can’t imagine Varchie is done for good. Also.. I still am not convinced Reggie isn’t working for someone else against Veronica.

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The relationship I care most about is Archie and Fred. Even in dreamlike scene, Fred can still ground it for me. I think this is where Archie has an edge for me over the other core characters. Their relationships with their parents are so cartoonish. 

Cheryl is so annoying. And why is Kevin relegated to nothing? Have his dad become a PI, where Mayor practices law. Get Kevin something to do!

I have to say I am finally interested in a Stupid Serpent. That guy whose name I don't care to remember who is going all Alias on Hiram is a good plot move.

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3 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

The relationship I care most about is Archie and Fred. Even in dreamlike scene, Fred can still ground it for me. I think this is where Archie has an edge for me over the other core characters. Their relationships with their parents are so cartoonish. 

Cheryl is so annoying. And why is Kevin relegated to nothing? Have his dad become a PI, where Mayor practices law. Get Kevin something to do!

I have to say I am finally interested in a Stupid Serpent. That guy whose name I don't care to remember who is going all Alias on Hiram is a good plot move.

That’s Fangs.

Yeah I hope Fred gets more to do. He’s the only worthwhile parent on the show who is decent and good. I’d love more scenes. I’d also wish for Mary to become a series regular because I don’t get why they aren’t still married. I just don’t.

Also I’m fully expecting Edgar of the farm at this point to actually be someone we already know. I know the reason we haven’t seen him and his magical vanishing mystery car that can take a large group of people to the cult farm center is because they haven’t casted a 90s teen heartthrob yet but they should just make it a character we already know who forces Alice and all the other members to call him a different name because that’s his farm name.

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48 minutes ago, Dee said:

This show is a lot more tolerable when you fast forward through Bughead's bitch asses.

The Bitch asses were Toni and Cheryl tonight. Cheryl Is an idiot messing with Hiram like she is and yeah her and Toni are so loyal to The Serpents living in that Mansion while almost all of them dont get to live comfortably. Sick of them getting passes

31 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

The relationship I care most about is Archie and Fred. Even in dreamlike scene, Fred can still ground it for me. I think this is where Archie has an edge for me over the other core characters. Their relationships with their parents are so cartoonish. 

Cheryl is so annoying. And why is Kevin relegated to nothing? Have his dad become a PI, where Mayor practices law. Get Kevin something to do!

I have to say I am finally interested in a Stupid Serpent. That guy whose name I don't care to remember who is going all Alias on Hiram is a good plot move.

Well if this show would stop letting Alice FP Hermonie and Hiram walk over their kids(ESPECIALLY ALICE) the relationships probably wouldnt be so Cartoonish. I've been screaming for Weeks and seasons for Betty to tell her Mother how Terrible of a Parent she is but no Betty just keeps forgiving her mother. 

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25 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

The Bitch asses were Toni and Cheryl tonight. Cheryl Is an idiot messing with Hiram like she is and yeah her and Toni are so loyal to The Serpents living in that Mansion while almost all of them dont get to live comfortably. Sick of them getting passes

Well if this show would stop letting Alice FP Hermonie and Hiram walk over their kids(ESPECIALLY ALICE) the relationships probably wouldnt be so Cartoonish. I've been screaming for Weeks and seasons for Betty to tell her Mother how Terrible of a Parent she is but no Betty just keeps forgiving her mother. 

Omg can we be friends and sit together? Love all this and more!!!! 

Also yeah fangs was selling drugs but he had an actual reason. His mom is sick and he needs money. Cheryl and Toni were robbing for fun. Then fangs stopped selling drugs. Cheryl and Toni kept robbing and then were making it a spectacle. Also Cheryl willingly sold out Fangs to save herself and Toni let her. And Toni is so loyal to the blood of the serpents. Also loved

jughead calling them out for being able to go back to a mansion. I don’t get how anyone is on their side. I also can’t quite understand the hte for Betty and Jughead. I get people think there’s too much Bughead but enough tht even when they breathe in a scene people hate them. Jughead was right on tonight and someone needs to explain why betty was wrong tonight. The only wrong to me is that she went back to her house with evil mother but aside from that I can’t think of a thing. 

Also alice can leave forever. Don’t really get the writers love for her. She hs always been terrible and has never been awesome. People claim she was but I’m always like when?

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Honestly, the only plot that interests me is Archie's. Even with its predictability, at least KJ Apa is getting stronger as an actor. This is a very melodramatic show but he's starting to learn how to reel it in and give some actual nuance to his character. It's nice, actually. 

This season, KJ has impressed me so freaking much. He surprised me. He’s been fantastic at portraying the subtleties of his character, and has actually made me feel for Archie. I think it’s easy to simplify him as dumb, naive, or foolish, but KJ makes those qualities somehow have a deeper meaning or reasoning behind them. I dunno, I’m just spitballing in the moment because the Archie scenes seemed to be signifying a noteworthy transition for him and taking responsibility for himself and certain choices he made was the first step. He’s not going to be the same, but in a way that’s needed for the growth of the character. I think Archie was caught between his innocence and his poor, lousy decisions.

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

This season, KJ has impressed me so freaking much. He surprised me. He’s been fantastic at portraying the subtleties of his character, and has actually made me feel for Archie. I think it’s easy to simplify him as dumb, naive, or foolish, but KJ makes those qualities somehow have a deeper meaning or reasoning behind them. I dunno, I’m just spitballing in the moment because the Archie scenes seemed to be signifying a noteworthy transition for him and taking responsibility for himself and certain choices he made was the first step. He’s not going to be the same, but in a way that’s needed for the growth of the character. I think Archie was caught between his innocence and his poor, lousy decisions.

I mean I like Archie more this season and KJ has done quite well. That said I still think Cole and Lili are my favorites. I do like Archie’s plot the most, hopefully they keep it away from the game but I doubt and I am fully expecting him to go back to Archie from before though too. 

Also I don’t get the moment of going back to innocence. No one in this show will be able to. At least not any of the core four. They’ve all had crappy things happening to them and they’ve all had to deal with it. I also really feel like we were supposed to take something from the fact that all three, Betty Veronica and Jughead were wearing outfits from the pilot. I feel like the show was really trying to force the hand that if Archie had Chosen Betty and not veronica none of this would happened. And that feels kind of forced to me. I didn’t really like tht as a Bughead shipper. Maybe I’m just protecting.

Again I’m really hating the glossed over stuff with Alice and Betty. I don’t quite understand how Betty never even called Alice out on what she did at all. It’s just odd.

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Ha ha ha hahhhaaahahahahaahaHA! OMG,  I love you, show. Please never change. 

Just right into the crazy with this, which really is the only way to go--once you've swum past the breakers there's nothing but ocean. 

Let me say right off the bat I'm not worried for one second that Archie is actually dead. One, he clearly is God's Fool and cannot perish, and two, he was attacked by the only enraged grizzly bear that takes one swipe at you, then lets you run away instead of bringing you down in ten seconds, burying your corpse in the dirt to tender up and coming back to snack on your torso. In any other circumstances I'd be curious how a minor illegal alien with no passport or papers of any kind got hired on/given the world's nicest ranger cabin in CANADA with no experience in the field whatsoever, but please, it's Riverdale. That just means it's Wednesday around these parts. 

KJ did a very nice job with the whole vision quest thing, especially since the writers are finally realizing that even he can't stay this naive forever: he's got to realize that he keeps putting himself in these positions because he refuses to listen to anyone when he thinks somebody is his friend or mentor.


Also love that dream Hiram pretty said what we all thought, Archie never should have said what his grand plans to Hiram were.

I was HOWLING at that line, and assume Marc agreed not to blow this pop stand because he was the one who got to say it. I was also glad to see he listened to me about that coat from last episode and swapped out for something an aging matinee idol would swan about his decaying mansion in. I guess he got it from Nana's garage sale or something (same place Reggie's picking up all that plaid shit Wardrobe's sticking on him.) 

Hi Kevin! Bye Kevin! Remember when you existed? Me neither!

Cheryl's brattiness once again shows its less attractive side. Madeline is a good enough actress to pull off the idea of cat-burglaring out of boredom, but WhosThatGirl? You are absolutely correct in your assessment of her and Toni! They aren't sharing their ill gotten gains with the Serpents and also managed to put them squarely in Hiram's sights for absolutely no reason. Since when does Cheryl have a personal beef against Hiram? It would make more sense for Toni to want revenge for that entire prison scheme that tore down her school and neighborhood and left her entire extended family and friends freezing in a shantytown, but Toni is just The Girlfriend now, I guess.

Hey Veronica! I guess this week you're a success? Not for long though: time for another battle of wits between you and your dad, which he wins with embarrassing ease, like EVERY OTHER TIME. It's no fun watching squareoffs if one character is always fifteen steps ahead, show. Also, it might be a good idea TO NOT SEND A MINOR ACROSS AN INTERNATIONAL BORDER TO BUY ALCOHOL, especially in some kind of 1920s flivver contraption. 

(Hi Josie! Bye, Josie! Remember when you had a singing career and a band and parents who were in the same room as you? Me neither!)

Betty and Attorney McCoy (I love how she's never Ms. or anything, always a professional title) and their endless quest for justice in the worst way possible? Sure, why not. Didn't work last time but this time, you'll see! Also, isn't said Attorney McCoy Veronica's lawyer? Couldn't this be construed as conflict of interest, or a way to bring Vee back into Betty's orbit or something? No? Okay, then. 

This is truly one of the most infuriating things about Riverdale: the cast is so big they have to do all these separate bubbles of plot, when two microseconds of thought or planning could yield all sorts of alliances and twists! As it is these storylines might as well be taking place in at least three separate towns. Why isn't Betty anywhere to be seen when Veronica visits Jughead? Why don't any of them care about The Farm except when Alice brings it up (oh, hi Polly! Bye Polly! Remember when you had twins? Me neither! Nor do any of the Blossoms!) 

I get the dedication to the main idea of "what if the D&D panic was real and we just ran with it to Crazytown and beyond?" It's great as far as it goes, but that should be the root story, with branches and intertwining ideas. As it is it's just a rod that the various stories hang on, occasionally clashing together. 


Glamrege egg. How could anyone say that with a straight face?

I really, no snark, deeply admire the actors on this show for playing this shit with such sincerity. It's the only way it works. Even when KJ said he had to kill the part of him that's "violent and stupid" and I was yelling "that's going to leave that hair and maybe a big toe"  he and Fred sold it.

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31 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I feel like the show was really trying to force the hand that if Archie had Chosen Betty and not veronica none of this would happened. And that feels kind of forced to me. I didn’t really like tht as a Bughead shipper.

While Archie dating Veronica set off a large chain reaction of other events, I wouldn’t necessarily say that was the entire point of that particular scene. It portrayed how Archie envisions Betty and how Archie sees himself through Betty’s eyes: someone who always supports and loves him, no matter what, and that is what I took from that imagery over anything else, especially when she brought up his music. 

Regardless, I don’t think anything teased with Betty/Archie is ever really forced because, at least for me, it’s a subject that has been popping up since the pilot.

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

While Archie dating Veronica set off a large chain reaction of other events, I wouldn’t necessarily say that was the entire point of that particular scene. It portrayed how Archie envisions Betty and how Archie sees himself through Betty’s eyes: someone who always supports and loves him, no matter what, and that is what I took from that imagery over anything else, especially when she brought up his music. 

Regardless, I don’t think anything teased with Betty/Archie is ever really forced because, at least for me, it’s a subject that has been popping up since the pilot.

Eh. To me it felt like something different. Also I don’t see Barchie as a couple, I haven’t for a while. I would love for them to have more friendship scenes but the problem is ever since the season 2 kiss anytime they have a scene together, to me, it feels like the show is still trying to push the romantic angle. I still get that sometimes when they have Toni and Jughead scenes because of the same problem. Even the Veronica and Jughead scenes, although I feel like at least there isn’t actual legs there. At least not yet. I hope they don’t go there. I don’t want any of the core four to become a romantic chairs thing. I would prefer to build up the friendships within that group. More Betty and Archie as friends, Jughead and Veronica as friends. And I appear to be the only one who enjoyed that Jughead said a line that separates her from her family. We should want him to think that way of her.

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5 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I hope they don’t go there. I don’t want any of the core four to become a romantic chairs thing. I would prefer to build up the friendships within that group.

I get you. That’s your preference and I’m sure a lot agree. I just think it depends on how long the show lasts. I wouldn’t be surprised if Betty/Archie, or any other coupling, is visited in some way.

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10 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I get you. That’s your preference and I’m sure a lot agree. I just think it depends on how long the show lasts. I wouldn’t be surprised if Betty/Archie, or any other coupling, is visited in some way.

I’m sure it will to. I just hate that in tc shows. Mostly because I can’t find how any of the friendships would Survive that. It always bugs me when this happens on shows. But I agree it’s probably going to happen.

And the thing is I’m okay with the couples in the core four not being together, i just wish they weren’t going to swap partners. Like I’m even fine with the veggie thing, I don’t care one way or the other with that but it’s someone other than Archie or Jughead. I would prefer Betty to date someone else who isn’t Archie. Because I don’t know.. it would just to me, ruin the friendships or make it weird. And to me it would just reinforce all of Jugheads insecurities that he has had about his relationship with Betty. Sorry but there’s no other way to go with that. And I’m sure it would probably bring up some stuff for Veronica too. 

Unless it ends up being something Betty and Archie try and it’s not a serious thing. But I don’t think the show would attempt Barchie and not try to make it a real relationship for some time. And that said.. right now as I said I can’t see them romantic. Anytime they have a scene it feels forced to me and they really will have to try hard to build it up and sell me. Because right now they’re forcing it. At least for me.

Again though that scene was little but it kind of made my Bughead shipper heart nervous.

That said, I did like this episode but I really hated the Choni stuff. I cannot say that enough. I don’t understand the point of them robbing things for fun and then not sharing anything to the serpents who are living in tents! Also when Jughead says stop doing illegal stuff, why they kept doing it and then as I said earlier making a scene out of it. Cheryl calling Jughead a hypocrite is rich, too. I can’t get why people like her.

And I’m fully expecting the Choni shippers to go off on RAS. And I will laugh. Choni deserves everything that happened in this episode. There is no defensive for them. Fangs had a legitimate reason to do what he did and then stopped when Jughead said to.  And I’m really curious of how Cheryl even earned her jacket anyway. She hasn’t done a thing for the serpents.

Its really hard to watch this show sometimes and not understand why certain characters get a pass and others don’t. I get people

have love for actors but at some point that can only take you so far. And for me.. some of the actors test that limits as well as their characters. I don’t like Alice Cooper and I kind of dot really like MA so I don’t have the love others do for her. I tend to not like VM(she annoys me on social media sometimes) but I did

like Toni and I did like Choni at first, and now that’s over. I’m just not getting it. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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When they warn you of bear sightings, isn't that to let you know to bring a gun. Anyway, they figured out a way to get Archie's shirt off.

When Archie killed his stupid side, there wasn't any sides left, so Archie died in real life.

RIP Archiekins

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7 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

When they warn you of bear sightings, isn't that to let you know to bring a gun. Anyway, they figured out a way to get Archie's shirt off.

When Archie killed his stupid side, there wasn't any sides left, so Archie died in real life.

RIP Archiekins

Ha! This was funny The cliffhanger was stupid though. Most viewers should know they aren’t killing Archie. At most it’s going to be a one KJ/Archie free episode, probably not even that, itll

more than likely next week be an archie lite episode with everyone thinking he is dead only to have him come back. Like I said this show is now being really dumb with their death fake outs. It’s hard to take serious, especially when you “kill” the main character of the series. He’s not going to be really dead. He will probably be dead for most of next weeks episode so everyone thinks he is and then he will be alive and coming back to Riverdale. But again.. if this show ever really kills a main character how are we supposed to really believe it? 

I mean at most the show might be do an amnesia type thing but they aren’t going to kill off archie. That’s where this episode lost me. I liked everything up until the ending, I had read from a tv article that tonight’s episode ended on a major cliffhanger and I was kind of mad that it was this. Because it’s not.. that great. The previews for next week were much better.

Also seriously i haven’t really talked about this I’m really confused on the Evelyn character. I don’t get her purpose. Mostly because I really honestly think they casted the wrong actress, I remember reading back in the summer she was supposed to have a Betty likeness of some kind and they sort of implied she would kind of be trying to

single white female betty and also be her best friend.  So far she doesn’t look a thing like Betty and they’ve hardly interacted, except for like a few times in episode 2 and 3 of this season. And tonight briefly.  I don’t get the point of the character. I suppose they’re leading up to something with her but otherwise she’s just annoying because I’m not sure why she’s there. And they really need to cast Edgar soon because it’s ridiculous at this point. That’s why I just want it to be a character we already know because I will find that hilarious and so like this show to Just be like “at the farm, as the leader I want to be called Edgar”. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Every time I think this show can't get even more hilariously insane...

So, the quarantine led to Cheryl and Toni becoming cat burglars for some reason, right down to even dressing up in their best Catwoman cosplays.  Alright then!  Meanwhile, Fang is so hard up for money that he starts selling Fizzle Rocks (no, not the Fizzle Rocks, Fang!), and once Jughead finds all of this, he kicks the three out of the Serpent club.  Although he is now going to have Fang go undercover with the Gargoyles, which I'm totally sure isn't going to blowback on them in any way.  Also, it's kind of hard to buy Jughead as this tough leader, when he demands Cheryl and Toni give back the jackets, they say no, and he's just "Fine then!"  Then again, I guess that is preferable to him going full-blown "Cut off the serpent tattoo" Jughead again.

Veronica and Hiram are the same old, same old.  Hiram acts like a dick, but overplays his hand, so Veronica is standing tall, but that will likely change by next week.  Oh, and she is moving on with Reggie which I'm sure has nothing to do with Camilia Mendes and Charles Melton dating in real life!

Betty tries to find all of the patients homes, only for Alice (and Polly) to just convince them to go the Farm.

Finally, poor Archie is in Canada, where he gets jump by the world's stealthiest bear (and lazy, since it sounds like it clawed him once, but then just gave up), so he spends the entire episode in his cabin, hallucinating playing G&G with dead folks, that end with him killing Hiram and then going all Negan to his own self.  Episodes with him looking dead, which, ha!  That ain't happening.

Never change, Riverdale!  Never change!

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12 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Every time I think this show can't get even more hilariously insane...

So, the quarantine led to Cheryl and Toni becoming cat burglars for some reason, right down to even dressing up in their best Catwoman cosplays.  Alright then!  Meanwhile, Fang is so hard up for money that he starts selling Fizzle Rocks (no, not the Fizzle Rocks, Fang!), and once Jughead finds all of this, he kicks the three out of the Serpent club.  Although he is now going to have Fang go undercover with the Gargoyles, which I'm totally sure isn't going to blowback on them in any way.  Also, it's kind of hard to buy Jughead as this tough leader, when he demands Cheryl and Toni give back the jackets, they say no, and he's just "Fine then!"  Then again, I guess that is preferable to him going full-blown "Cut off the serpent tattoo" Jughead again.

Veronica and Hiram are the same old, same old.  Hiram acts like a dick, but overplays his hand, so Veronica is standing tall, but that will likely change by next week.  Oh, and she is moving on with Reggie which I'm sure has nothing to do with Camilia Mendes and Charles Melton dating in real life!

Betty tries to find all of the patients homes, only for Alice (and Polly) to just convince them to go the Farm.

Finally, poor Archie is in Canada, where he gets jump by the world's stealthiest bear (and lazy, since it sounds like it clawed him once, but then just gave up), so he spends the entire episode in his cabin, hallucinating playing G&G with dead folks, that end with him killing Hiram and then going all Negan to his own self.  Episodes with him looking dead, which, ha!  That ain't happening.

Never change, Riverdale!  Never change!

Yup. Pretty much all this.  

And yeah Veronica has the upper hand now but with the serpents being the speakeasys security and Fangs going undercover, something tells me Hiram will get the upper hand.

Also I’m in the fence if Veggie happened because Camilla and Charles are Dating in real life, maybe, but also there is Reggie and Veronica in the comics and I don’t think Varchie is over for good. And if this were true, would we ever worry about Bughead, Lili and Cole date in real life and I’m always worried about a Bughead breakup. So I don’t think the show really does real life stuff  that way and they honestly should not, if a good story doesn’t require the real life actors to date as characters on the show it shouldn’t happen, maybe I’m wrong but I would hope the show wasn’t going for that. 

And yeah Jughead not taking the jackets was stupid but I’m still super glad Toni and Cheryl are out. But also I fully expect both of them to be joining the rival Gang anyway considering how selfish both were acting this episode. I mean Cheryl is one thing, but Toni.. they really did a disservice to that character if you ask me. Once she became Cheryl’s girlfriend she stopped having a mind of her own and when she finally got a chance to talk for more than telling Cheryl how wonderful Cheryl is, it’s to claim that she’s a serpent by blood but yet had no problem with Cheryl selling out Fangs(someone she has known a lot longer than Cheryl) and not taking care of any of her serpent family. Here’s hoping Choni actually does have a breakup and Toni finds herself with no friends. But I doubt that will happen. RAS will never break Choni up because those shippers will kill him. Again.. hilarious when people think Bughead is the insufferable pairing when Choni was like this tonight. All of their scenes were annoying.

Maybe I’m alone but I didn’t find them robbing houses all that fun and later on when it turns out it’s kisy for kicks for them and they aren’t helping any of the other gang members and Cheryl stared lecturing Jughead on leaving town to help his best friend I wanted to hit her. Again.. what was she doing? Robbing houses? Just because. 

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

but they aren’t going to kill off archie. That’s where this episode lost me.

Yeah, Archie escaping a grizzly, seriously wounded,  and managing to run back to his cabin? I don't think so, show. Plus, you know within a few episodes Archie will be shirtless again, with an absolutely flawless chest and no sign of the wounds that almost killed him.

The "Veggie" ship name I find just as giggle-worthy as "Bughead".

I just don't know about this show anymore; I think I'm watching just for Skeet and Luke now. If they kill off FP or Fred I'm done.

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11 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Yeah, Archie escaping a grizzly, seriously wounded,  and managing to run back to his cabin? I don't think so, show. Plus, you know within a few episodes Archie will be shirtless again, with an absolutely flawless chest and no sign of the wounds that almost killed him.

The "Veggie" ship name I find just as giggle-worthy as "Bughead".

I just don't know about this show anymore; I think I'm watching just for Skeet and Luke now. If they kill off FP or Fred I'm done.

I don’t care about FP. I love Fred though. I’m pretty much here for

bughead and that’s about it if I’m being honest. I like some other stuff but it’s not enough where I’m all that interested.

Also yeah.. Archie’s fine. If viewers really Think he’s going to die that’s strange. If anything we’re probably going to get an archie lite episode next week. He’s hardly in it but still alive.

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This show!!! 

Did anyone else thought they were watching a Lost episode during Archie's scenes?!!? Did anyone else expected a polar bear to pop up? I sure did! lol! When they were showing Archie stabbing Hiram and then cue to Hiram, I thought Hiram would've gotten some sort of heart attack since he's meant to be at the hosptial soon...
Oh this, show, this crazy batshit show! 
Shame on you Cheryl! I won't repeat what's been written already but very disappointing (albeit not too surprising due to past behaviour) of her to pull off shit like that and Toni remaining speechless for the most part! I mean come on, Cheryl could've easily house some if not most of the Serpents, she could've easily have given FAngsy the money (or even the serpents could've gotten money for him)... And causing shit with the serpents/Jughead bc she wanted to bug Hiram a bit, gah! Really...  Ok, so now, I wonder if they'll put Cheryl's character into a carousel where she'll try to supplant Jughead/cause shit with the Serpents/create own gang (with ghoulies, do they still even exist anymore?) and then go high and mighty, causing shit everywhere before she's brought down and realizes the errors of her ways before she unites with Jughead/Serpents again  and fights again real evil-doers and all is well again! Please don't do that show! I sincerely hope they give Toni a few more words than just standing there, silent and looking pretty and kick Chery'ls ass.

Veggies is okay.. I mean; i'm okay with it for however long it lasts. I mean, what will surprise me is that Veggie endures for like a couple of seasons instead of breaking up at the end of the season to make way for a  Varchie reunion. 

I am a bit skeptical with REggie, I'm not entirely convinced he's still good. He might be easily swayed, but I'll take the good boy that he is and seeing him bond with Jughead, well, that's just cute! 

Veronica... Oh girl, when will she learn that her dad will always have the upper hand?!?! Does she not know who he is?!?! Her DAD!!! Gah! I'm always wondering whether she'll turn bad (as in comic-veronica) so it's interesting to see her debacles... 

And Where are the other pussy cats?!?! Have they been forgotten?!!? Boo hoo!!! TBH, I'm a bit tired of seeing Veronica singing.... 

I love seeing the Betty and Veronica in their pilot episode dresses!!! It was cute!

And really FP?!?!?!? You PERSONALLY wanted to NOT be an ACTIVE serpent anymore and shoved that onto your teenage son and NOW you're wanting to come back in?!?! Come on! Make up your mind!

Hmmm... I'm wondering if The Farm is the one that has the GArgoyle King costume and they're the ones that prance around in that stuffy suit?!?! Adn with the GK magically appearing in Fox Forest when the boy was tehre, I'm MORE certain now that Alice, Polly , Evelyn and FP (to some extent) are the ones that pulled that  GK at the Cooper House... 

An over-the-top epsiode (as is the norm now hehe)... 

Oh yeah, and that SHOCKER ending?!?! Come on, is every four-core character meant to get taht  OMG-did-he-die ending?!?! (eye roll) It's okay once in a while but really! 

Oh and i just LOVED bettys polka dot sweater.

Edited by PeekaBoo
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Archie is exactly the kind of idiot to survive the big stuff and then at the end of the movie runs into a bear.  Although with the dreamworld stuff and him killing his “goood self” with a baseball bat” his bad self will probs wake up next episode a little less good and hopefully won’t get kidnapped every episode but that is part of his charm.....opooohhhhhhh 😇 👿 


Also I reading through some of the posts I must be the only person who still thinks Cheryl and Toni are awesome.  And I would watch a show with them alone.  Archie a dumb ass.  Veronica and her family shit is boring.  Betty is tolerable most days l.  If they pair her with Archie she will be dead to me.  Jughead is only tolerable when he is dealing with the Serpents.  Cheryl is my girl and she can do no wrong with me.

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It’s hard to like Choni when they were especially selfish this episode. I’ve listed a few reasons but there are a whole bunch more. Cheryl wasn’t just a bitch to Jughead she was to all the serpents.  She doesn’t care about anyone but herself and Toni now because Toni cares about her. The same can be said for Toni, which is sad because she turned her back right on all her of her family as she claims they are. They are awful to me. I am hoping for a breakup now only because I want to see how to I does when she no longer has a mansion to run to and no longer has a gang. But at this point that paring is probably never going to break up. And yeah they’re cancelled for me. If I wasn’t so into watching this show live I’d fast forward because I’m so over them. I don’t really see how anyone can defend their actions because seriously what has cheryl done for the serpents? Sure this season she came along and helped saved hot dog, but it wasn’t just her. And last season she saved Toni. But Jughead did too. Most of the time she has just been trying to become leader when she has no rights to it. Sorry not sorry. 

Seriously this show is becoming a list of more people I dislike than those I actually like.

eta: Another character I am so totally Over is Alice. She was only in this episode for a total of 5 minutes but it bugged the hell out of me, all of her scenes. I’m also mad we didn’t get Jugheads reaction to finding out Betty was sent to the sisters. My gusss is because the writers don’t know how to write anyone calling Alice out because what she did is unforgivable. But the show won’t acknowledge it. I’m curious if FP even knows but considering this show loves Falice he probably does and doesn’t care but we will never know because no one is allowed to have a reaction to Alice for what she did. The only thing we got was Betty screaming while Alice had the people take her. But now.. nothing. I mean Jughead is staying with Betty but I wish we had gotten his reaction to finding out what Alice did. Because the fact that no one is reacting to her actions is reinforcing my opinion that this show has written themselves into a corner with that. And that’s a problem because it means Alice can do whatever and not be called out on it.

This would be fine but when Penelope did this, we knew it was bad and the show reinforced this and showed us yes it was bad parenting. With Alice they’re too afraid to do that because they have too much stock in that character. But she’s AWFUL! I don’t get it. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Also, it's kind of hard to buy Jughead as this tough leader,

I laugh in all those scenes, which I don’t think is the intent. Cole just doesn’t play it convincingly for whatever reason. He portrays unhinged spectacularly, though. Ha.

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And they really need to cast Edgar soon because it’s ridiculous at this point. That’s why I just want it to be a character we already know because I will find that hilarious and so like this show to Just be like “at the farm, as the leader I want to be called Edgar”. 

The thing is, they better not have Hiram be Edgar, because that's just one too many hats for any villain to wear. Plus he's too well known--even Alice would eventually go "Hira--errrr EDGAR was just here and told me to give all my possessions to The Farm so the moving trucks will be here in an hour"--and he simply cannot be in that many places at once.

But he's got to be connected with Hiram and all the rest of this lunacy somehow. Because he, whoever he is, is the only plausible person left to be cosplaying the Gargoyle King, and if so, Hiram must be pulling his strings. (That means Edgar had to be one of the Midnight Club, which is the first/last time said stick monster was sighted, right? That's the only way he'd know what it looked like, so it's somebody who's been introduced.) Hiram runs this show and would never let Mysterious Edgar have his own fiefdom outside town that people could join willy nilly--that would weaken his own power base.

The thing is, Edgar MUST be a Riverdale local, yet apparently nobody from the town or farm seems to recognize him, or say he used to go by another name, or anything of the kind. 

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9 minutes ago, Snookums said:

The thing is, they better not have Hiram be Edgar, because that's just one too many hats for any villain to wear. Plus he's too well known--even Alice would eventually go "Hira--errrr EDGAR was just here and told me to give all my possessions to The Farm so the moving trucks will be here in an hour"--and he simply cannot be in that many places at once.

But he's got to be connected with Hiram and all the rest of this lunacy somehow. Because he, whoever he is, is the only plausible person left to be cosplaying the Gargoyle King, and if so, Hiram must be pulling his strings. (That means Edgar had to be one of the Midnight Club, which is the first/last time said stick monster was sighted, right? That's the only way he'd know what it looked like, so it's somebody who's been introduced.) Hiram runs this show and would never let Mysterious Edgar have his own fiefdom outside town that people could join willy nilly--that would weaken his own power base.

The thing is, Edgar MUST be a Riverdale local, yet apparently nobody from the town or farm seems to recognize him, or say he used to go by another name, or anything of the kind. 

Its just bad that they haven’t shown him and I feel like they’re holding out for some great guest star that they haven’t found yet. But it just makes it bad story telling, “you just missed Edgar” and yeah the farm is more than likely going to keep drugging the SOQM kids. It’s just stupid.

I get they want this character to have mystery but the fact that there isn’t even any rumblings about who it might be is strange. That’s what I’m thinking it’s going to be someone we already know. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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 Man, blue lipstick never wears the way you hope it will. I feel you, dead LARPers.

My favourite part of the episode was the way it involved us by making us the negative self-talk in Archie's mind. We've called him stupid so many times, and now we know he can hear us. I'm not sure you can will yourself to be smart by hitting yourself with a baseball bat, but... that's our dumbass.

My other favourite part was how hard they worked to make it seem like Josie was going to get to do something before Veronica took over and did the big musical number herself. They really got me on that one. I did not see it coming.

18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm also ok with the orphans from the SOQM going to the Farm, mostly because I don't care about them.

Same. I was like, "Why is Betty making this her problem (and, by extension, my problem, because I have to watch it now)?" and I wouldn't be sad if we never saw them again.

2 hours ago, Snookums said:

The thing is, they better not have Hiram be Edgar, because that's just one too many hats for any villain to wear.

I think this would be AMAZING. It could be Riverdale's homage to Scooby-Doo except instead of a twist where ever single villain turns out to be some old dude in a mask, every single villain can turn out to be Hiram in bad lighting.

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18 minutes ago, SourK said:

 Man, blue lipstick never wears the way you hope it will. I feel you, dead LARPers.

My favourite part of the episode was the way it involved us by making us the negative self-talk in Archie's mind. We've called him stupid so many times, and now we know he can hear us. I'm not sure you can will yourself to be smart by hitting yourself with a baseball bat, but... that's our dumbass.

My other favourite part was how hard they worked to make it seem like Josie was going to get to do something before Veronica took over and did the big musical number herself. They really got me on that one. I did not see it coming.

Same. I was like, "Why is Betty making this her problem (and, by extension, my problem, because I have to watch it now)?" and I wouldn't be sad if we never saw them again.

I think this would be AMAZING. It could be Riverdale's homage to Scooby-Doo except instead of a twist where ever single villain turns out to be some old dude in a mask, every single villain can turn out to be Hiram in bad lighting.

Based on the previews for next week and Hiram looking like he’s dying or being poisoned, I think he’s going to fake his death and then he will end up being Edgar the great farm leader. Also we know he isn’t the king now based on that moment in the mid season finale when he envainished the G and G king looking at him and he toasted to him. But the farm and all of that is definitely connected. Another theory if the farm leader is someone we already know, Evelyn isn’t the farksnoeacer daughter by blood, maybe she was at the SOQM and got adopted like Cheryl’s mom from there.  And that’s why all those kids will be fine there. And this explains why both polly and Alice fit in well at the farm it’s just another asylum like SOQM.

I do think the cult/farm is connected to the game but I’m not sure how or why. I’m also not sure why some people playing are told to kill themsleves but that means ascending or something. I still think they are connected though.

Im still not sure why archie is the great big piece though. Everyone keeps saying it but why is the answer. I mean as much as he isn’t connected to the game, he is because everyone keeps calling him the red pellet as if that means something. I’m assuming soon he’s going to start playing.

Speaking of playing.. are the main characters still playing? There was a brief moment where Kevin Josie and reggie were starting to play. Jughead was playing with the serpents before he left.  I guess it isn’t important, I’m just wondering. 

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Poor Archie. All he wanted to do was play some folksy four cord songs and play football. Instead, he was statutory raped, then the teach who did it was killed, then he watched his father get shot and almost die, found a dead body then he was stalked by a serial killer, was buried alive, witnessed tons of murders, was manipulated by his girlfriends dad into becoming a mob intern, then he kind of lost his mind a couple of times, was set up for a crime he didnt commit, then was sent to a corrupt prison where he was beaten, branded, forced to fight other kids, and watched tons of people die, then went on the run and was hounded and held captive, and now he just got mauled by a fucking bear! And he didnt even get a nice vision quest, he got a guilt trip one where visions of dead people tell him what a loser he is. And thats just the stuff off the top of my head! 

And to think, all he wanted to do was play some four cord songs and throw a football around. 

I swear, is Riverdale right down the road from Gotham or something? They have both been cut off from the outside world recently, everyone is super, ridiculously Extra, no matter how dire the circumstances, and no one has any clue what time period they actually live in!

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Im still not sure why archie is the great big piece though. Everyone keeps saying it but why is the answer. I mean as much as he isn’t connected to the game, he is because everyone keeps calling him the red pellet as if that means something. I’m assuming soon he’s going to start playing.

It should be "Red Paladin." In games like Gryphons & Gargoyles, a paladin is like a knight who also has the ability to cast magic spells because he is so righteous (or in the case of evil paladins, so evil).

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3 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

It should be "Red Paladin." In games like Gryphons & Gargoyles, a paladin is like a knight who also has the ability to cast magic spells because he is so righteous (or in the case of evil paladins, so evil).

Is that what they are saying? Thanks for correcting me if it is. I can’t really hear. I just want to know why archie is so special to the king. 

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Archie's dead!  Nah.

Hiram Lodge is supposed to be such a powerful mobster, how come everyone is able to break into his office so easily and vandalize stuff?

Someone sprung the sisters before they could testify.  Gee what a surprise.

Yay Cheryl isn't a Serpent anymore.  Jughead's approval rating just went up 60%.

Betty's culthead family really needs to go back to the farm and stay there.

So the kids are now living in the 1930s, playing torch songs at speakeasies and driving around old jalopies on moonshine runs.

Edited by Dobian
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It sucks that they put Choni's first "I love yous" and first sex scene (or the start of it) in an episode where it's upstaged by this stealing-and-betraying-their-friends ooc mess. I wonder if this is backlash against some of the more unruly Choni stans. If it is, that's petty.

It was also something to have Veronica perform the ending song (when it more naturally would have been Josie as she's sung everything this season), just so they could drum up pity for poor old Archie dying in a cabin juxtaposed with his ex chirping happily away and kissing another man. LOL, could the writers hate her any more? Maybe I was wrong about the comics treating her worse. It doesn't help that she has the voice of a Japanese pop singer.

I liked the Betty plot in this episode, especially the ending, and that's about it.

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I admit I cracked up when Jughead announced that they weren't going to sell drugs or commit any crimes anymore. I mean...Jughead...you run a criminal gang! What do you think criminal gangs actually do?! He was lucky that he found that gig with Veronica, or I have no idea what they would have done! Maybe having an actual child running a criminal gang isnt the greatest idea, guys? 

The dead sisters all bowing around the gargoyle statue was legitimately really creepy. I was also amused to find out that the sisters actually haven't had anything to do with the official Catholic church in over a decade. No one wants to deal with the crazy cult nuns!

Alice is just The Worse. I mean, most parents on this show are some kind of awful, with a few exceptions, but Alice has to be pretty high on the awful list. And Betty seems to be just ok with the fact that her mom sold her to the crazy nuns and let her be brainwashed and drugged, and now has sold her kids to yet another crazy cult! Alice, you freaking suck. 

Also, how many damn cults are there in Riverdale? They have more cults per capita than California in the 60s!

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My fantasy for the show is that Archie becomes a red-headed were-bear. Every full moon he turns into a bear and terrorizes Riverdale and seeks revenge on wrongdoings but doesn’t remember any of it after. It’s no worse an idea than many we have seen so far

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I admit I cracked up when Jughead announced that they weren't going to sell drugs or commit any crimes anymore. I mean...Jughead...you run a criminal gang! What do you think criminal gangs actually do?! He was lucky that he found that gig with Veronica, or I have no idea what they would have done! Maybe having an actual child running a criminal gang isnt the greatest idea, guys? 

The dead sisters all bowing around the gargoyle statue was legitimately really creepy. I was also amused to find out that the sisters actually haven't had anything to do with the official Catholic church in over a decade. No one wants to deal with the crazy cult nuns!

Alice is just The Worse. I mean, most parents on this show are some kind of awful, with a few exceptions, but Alice has to be pretty high on the awful list. And Betty seems to be just ok with the fact that her mom sold her to the crazy nuns and let her be brainwashed and drugged, and now has sold her kids to yet another crazy cult! Alice, you freaking suck. 

Also, how many damn cults are there in Riverdale? They have more cults per capita than California in the 60s!

Yeah it’s really odd that they’ve had Betty and I guess all the other characters just never mention what Alice did. But yeah.. that’s what’s happening.

I mean Jughead and Betty didn’t even get a scene where Jughead reacts, like when he first found out. It’s weeks later and that’s it. This bothers me because Alice won’t have to deal with any repercussions. Also again I hate bringing up a Falice because I dislike them immensely (and also dislike FP and Alice apart too) but We didn’t even get to see if FP knew it didn’t know about this arrangement and if he did know I really honestly do t know what his reaction would be. He was super creepy in episode 7 when Bettys room had been trashed by the king(which I still believe was Alice and more than likely FPS doing) and I remember he was all about Alice living it up cult style  because it allowed her to think about giving them a shot. So yeah who knows anymore.

Also Polly’s babies are dead, right? We haven’t seen them in the flesh since they were dropped in that fire.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Also, how many damn cults are there in Riverdale? They have more cults per capita than California in the 60s!


About as many as were in The Following season two--at one point they said there were something like SEVENTY TWO cult organizations within like, a hundred mile radius or something equally ridiculous. Even at the time I was WHAT? That's near full saturation! Do they have like, Inter-Cult Olympic meetups? Get together to share tips on getting bloodstains out of robes? Exchange lentil recipes? Are there big Cult Fairs where the seventy two cults compete ruthlessly with signing bonuses and free ornamental dagger offers to get new members? 

Come to think of it, that whole story line took place in the exact same area as Riverdale is set in....

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19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I admit I cracked up when Jughead announced that they weren't going to sell drugs or commit any crimes anymore. I mean...Jughead...you run a criminal gang! What do you think criminal gangs actually do?! He was lucky that he found that gig with Veronica, or I have no idea what they would have done! Maybe having an actual child running a criminal gang isnt the greatest idea, guys? 

I dunno, when the town's ruler is the one running a rival gang, avoiding trouble sounds like a good move. In any case, the rest of the Serpents either managed to obey or do crime quietly. The two people who don't need to do crime were the ones causing trouble by thumbing their noses in Hiram's face and leaving calling cards.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
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