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The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Avengers, etc.


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"I want to make it very clear that this Captain Marvel's name is Carol Danvers," Kevin Feige


Now we can spend the next few months/years speculating who they're going to cast.


As someone who likes Carol Danvers, but thinks Mar-Vell was awesome, I'm less than impressed with this. And I also have to wonder how Carol gets her own movie when Natasha can't. That's BS.


But their potential casting list should contain the names Yvonne Strahovski and Emily Blunt, for starters. I'd say Caity Lotz, but I just don't think she's anywhere near a big enough name to headline a Marvel movie.

But their potential casting list should contain the names Yvonne Strahovski and Emily Blunt, for starters. I'd say Caity Lotz, but I just don't think she's anywhere near a big enough name to headline a Marvel movie.

That's a reasonable line-up, and the calls are probably being made right now. I'd love Caity Lotz as any hero but you're right about the low name recognition factor.


Bummed about no Black Widow film, but I kind of had a feeling when I was watching The Winter Soldier that it was as good a Black Widow movie as we were going to get, unfortunately. Kinda surprised that they pushed The Inhumans back so far. Seemed like a momentum was building. I also don't get why they'd split up The Infinity Gauntlet unless it's to exploit some kind of loophole in the actors' 6 film contracts? Otherwise will the Avengers be trapped in time for a year or something while Captain Marvel and The Inhumans save the Earth?


I hope they find a way for Brother Voodoo to come onto the scene in Doctor Strange and replace him at some point. The five-issue Doctor Voodoo series is a cherished run in my modest comic collection.  And I wish I could summon up the energy to even pretend to be enthusiastic about Ant-Man.

It is possible that Scarlett in not interested in headlining a Widow movie. She is in crazy demand right now and last interview I read about it she was pretty non-committal.


She seemed super keen in earlier interviews, but maybe she's been disappointed by Marvel's lack of anything approaching interest in the idea. But I agree it's not like Scarlett needs a Black Widow movie, she has plenty of stuff to work on already. And really, given how they dumped the Winter Soldier history, perhaps it's better they don't do a Black Widow movie, really. I'm not interested in seeing Jeremy Renner bland it up again as a co-lead or love interest.


Katee Sackoff for Carol Danvers.



I can't really see it. I don't think Katee Sackhoff has the look that Marvel would want for their leading lady. She's more likely to get the role of a villain, I'd say.

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Katee Sackoff for Carol Danvers.

Sign me up for wanting Katee, although I'd really, really love Yvonne Strahovski as well. I know the Emily Blunt rumors have been floating about, but even though I adore her, I would have a hard time seeing her in that role.

She seemed super keen in earlier interviews, but maybe she's been disappointed by Marvel's lack of anything approaching interest in the idea. But I agree it's not like Scarlett needs a Black Widow movie, she has plenty of stuff to work on already. And really, given how they dumped the Winter Soldier history, perhaps it's better they don't do a Black Widow movie, really. I'm not interested in seeing Jeremy Renner bland it up again as a co-lead or love interest.

Thank you! I've always felt I was the only one who never understood the Hawkeye worship in these movies. The last thing I want to watch is more Hawkeye. Nothing against Renner, but he's never screamed charismatic superhero material to me.

Edited by NumberCruncher

I think Taylor Schlling from orange is the newblack could make an interesting Carol.

As far as avengers 3 being 2 parts, it kind of makes sense. I mean Avengers 2 is going to have something like 13 speaking roles: iron man, cap, hulk, thor, hawkeye, widow, war machine, fury, maria hill, quicksilver, scarlett witch, ultron and then some hydra baron von exposition type to explain who the twins are. Imagine how many characters part 3 will have. If everyone wants a decent amount of screen time you need more than 3 hours.

I just need a badass fierce Medusa. At this moment, I want Gemma Arterton.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, this is perfect. IMO Medusa is one of the top five most objectively beautiful Marvel characters. I hope they go for a dream-like, underwater effect with her hair. And I bet Gemma would love to play her, too.

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Thank you! I've always felt I was the only one who never understood the Hawkeye worship in these movies. The last thing I want to watch is more Hawkeye. Nothing against Renner, but he's never screamed charismatic superhero material to me.


Oh, he's so boring. I'm glad his role in The Avengers was minor, because that guy could put me to sleep in about five minutes, when he's not playing a crazy psycho. One of my favourite rumours about the franchise was that he was so pissy about his lack of screentime in the movie that he didn't want to come back. Hawkeye has long been one of my favourite Marvel characters, but this dude? He is not Hawkeye.


Regarding the Inhumans, I just posed this question in the Arrow forum, and I suppose it's better suited to this thread: How the hell are they going to translate Black Bolt to the screen? Will he be a more minor figure? Will they still keep him as the leader but try to figure out a way to make him relatable and interesting and a guy to root for, even while he's totally silent? Any ideas on actors with the charisma to play that role?


And Gemma Arterton as Medusa? Yes please.

Edited by Danny Franks

Oh, he's so boring. I'm glad his role in The Avengers was minor, because that guy could put me to sleep in about five minutes, when he's not playing a crazy psycho. One of my favourite rumours about the franchise was that he was so pissy about his lack of screentime in the movie that he didn't want to come back. Hawkeye has long been one of my favourite Marvel characters, but this dude? He is not Hawkeye.

LOL...I remember that. Dude, you're in one of the biggest blockbusters in history and you're complaining about lack of screentime? I'll take your word on it re: Hawkeye's awesomeness in the comic world because what I have seen of the character in the MCU has put me to sleep.


Regarding the Inhumans, I just posed this question in the Arrow forum, and I suppose it's better suited to this thread: How the hell are they going to translate Black Bolt to the screen? Will he be a more minor figure? Will they still keep him as the leader but try to figure out a way to make him relatable and interesting and a guy to root for, even while he's totally silent? Any ideas on actors with the charisma to play that role?

Maybe they'll do more of a voiceover approach. Otherwise, they'll need an expressive and charismatic actor. This is the moment I wish Tom Cavanagh was a little younger and wasn't already playing a DC universe character.


I'd say Caity Lotz, but I just don't think she's anywhere near a big enough name to headline a Marvel movie.


Chris Hemsworth was hardly a household name when they cast him as Thor. That being said, it could be that they want to go with a big name in order to help counteract the whole 'female lead superhero movie' or whatever. Like stacking the deck as much as possible? I don't know.


I'm happy, though. As much as things could be done with a Black Widow movie there's a part of me that wonders if they want to start the new generation of superheroes and don't want to put an established character into that mix. I don't know if I'm explaining it right. When they were building up to Avengers, I felt they were doing the right thing in establishing the Big Three -- Tony, Cap and Thor with their own properties. Yes, Hulk got a solo movie as well but, I'll be honest, I still haven't seen any of them and don't have any need to. (Nor would I be too eager for yet another Hulk solo even with Ruffalo.)


Now they're in phase 2 moving towards phase 3 and they need to establish the points for the newer generation. By the looks of it, they're focusing on Dr. Strange (I am very excited about this, Strange has had his ups and downs but I like the magical stuff so that's me); Ant-Man; T'Challa and Carol. That's a very interesting mix. Magic, Science, Technology and Aliens. What's more, those four elements intersect through the various characters. I'm in.

Problem with Hawkeye is that his comics character is the witty smartass. But the mcu already has a witty smart ass in iron man, so it is like they dont know what to do with hawkeye.

As for panther he could be a big deal in the mcu if they wanted him to be. I mean he is as strong and as good at fighting as cap. Plus he is as smart as Tony Stark and as regal as Thor. Plus he is king of the most technologically advanced nation on earth.

As long as Black Panther is played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, I don't mind too much what he does. That guy was born to play the regal T'Challa. But they'll probably just cast Idris Elba (and hope people forget he was Heimdall) or someone else I don't care about.


I agree that Hawkeye's role was kind of stolen by RDJ's Tony, but with that being the case, they really should have rethought the plan on including him at all. Yeah, I know Hawkeye is a quintessential Avenger, but so are Ant-Man, Wasp, Scarlet Witch and The Vision, and none of them were in the movie. And if they'd scrapped Hawkeye, they could have used a more minor Marvel villain to be Loki's main muscle. Say... Taskmaster?

I'd say Caity Lotz, but I just don't think she's anywhere near a big enough name to headline a Marvel movie.


Considering the guy the cast as Black Panther is hardly a household name (mostly TV and a handful of Films) I wouldn't count her out on that account. She's as good an actress as Hemsworth was in Thor and she's awesome with the physical stuff. Her height might be the biggest point against her, in my opinion.


Damn, I just realized the height thing also plays against another candidate I had in mind... Katheryn Winnick. I know she's about to turn 37, but she sure as hell doesn't look like it and she'd have zero trouble with the physical aspects. 

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Regarding the Inhumans, I just posed this question in the Arrow forum, and I suppose it's better suited to this thread: How the hell are they going to translate Black Bolt to the screen? Will he be a more minor figure? Will they still keep him as the leader but try to figure out a way to make him relatable and interesting and a guy to root for, even while he's totally silent? Any ideas on actors with the charisma to play that role?


There was a rumor a while ago that Vin Diesel did the voice for Groot with the promise that he was going to be Black Bolt. Whether that is actually true, I don't know. If so, though, I don't know how much charisma we're going to get.

Considering the guy the cast as Black Panther is hardly a household name (mostly TV and a handful of Films) I wouldn't count her out on that account. She's as good an actress as Hemsworth was in Thor and she's awesome with the physical stuff. Her height might be the biggest point against her, in my opinion.


Damn, I just realized the height thing also plays against another candidate I had in mind... Katheryn Winnick. I know she's about to turn 37, but she sure as hell doesn't look like it and she'd have zero trouble with the physical aspects. 


As Dandesun pointed out, I think that the woman cast to play Carol Danvers will be held to a higher standard because... well, because she's a woman. I don't think the comparison to Thor is fair either, because one of the most important things about Thor is the look, and it's not a look many men in Hollywood have. They found Chris Hemsworth, who looked the part and could act, so I think that was enough to forego the idea of a big name. But they got a big name director and a big name female lead to compensate.


I don't think the height will matter at all, for the actress playing Carol. Natasha Romanoff is meant to be 5'7, Scarlett Johansson is 5'2. Unlike Thor, that aspect of their physical appearance really isn't a focal point.


Oh, one more thing on the Captain Marvel movie, I don't know if Simon Williams has appeared in the comic book series, but he was always hanging around Carol in the Ms. Marvel series. I really hope he doesn't make an appearance. Never liked that guy at all.


There was a rumor a while ago that Vin Diesel did the voice for Groot with the promise that he was going to be Black Bolt. Whether that is actually true, I don't know. If so, though, I don't know how much charisma we're going to get.





If they did that, I think they would have to throw in a human protagonist character, as a window into the world of the Inhumans.

Edited by Danny Franks

I'm kinda surprised that it wasn't Chiwetel Ejiofor, who has already worked with Joss on Serenity. I haven't seen 42, so I have no idea how the actor who was cast might do. They could always cast Vin as Black Bolt and CGI the face, expressions, and voice work of another actor in during post. I don't really have anything against Vin Diesel but he doesn't have the right energy for Black Bolt imo. I bet they'll surprise us with that one. Mute acting is a whole 'nother ballgame.

Chadwick Boseman is doing a lot right now, so I'm not surprised that they cast him.  I wanted Aldis Hodge, but he's not enough of a name, so whatever.  I'm just glad they're finally doing it.


I've heard Katherine Winneck and Katee Sackoff's names dropped a lot for Carol.  I wanted Jessica Chastain, but I doubt that would happen.


As for that scene during Agents of SHIELD...awesome.  Loved Thor's look of surprise when the hammer actually moved for Steve!  If anyone is worthy, it's him.

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There are few more worthy than Steve. I love that the MCU has gotten that right. I honestly feel that Steve Rogers is my favorite character in the MCU and that's a tough call with so many awesome characters.

Cap is my favorite Marvel character period, and he's my 2nd favorite comic character behind Superman.


The Mjolnir moving has to be a tease for the 3rd (or 4th since they're splitting it into parts) movie.  I think Steve won't actually lift it till the final battle against Thanos.  Thanos will be stomping The Avengers and possibly Guardians, when Steve picks it up and hits Thanos.  I just see them saving that moment for the climactic battle.

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What seems crazy to me is by the time Avengers 3 rolls around we will have introduced 21 characters who are avengers in the comics. We have cap, thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlett Witch, Vision, War Machine, Winter Soldier, both Ant-mans, wasp, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Mockingbird (agents of Shield), Daredevil, Power Man, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones. I don't expect anyone from the TV shows to show up in the movie, but even without that I would have to imagine that there would have to be some cuts becuase I am not sure a movie with 15 Heroes would work, even a 2 parter.

Just having all the Avengers hanging out and teasing each other and trying to lift Thor's hammer would be enough for me.

Seriously, I would go see that movie. More than once.


There are few more worthy than Steve. I love that the MCU has gotten that right. I honestly feel that Steve Rogers is my favorite character in the MCU and that's a tough call with so many awesome characters.


I second that. Having never read the comics I think the casting plays a big part for me here - Evans just seems like such a perfect fit, and he makes Steve genuinely likeable.


Can't say I'm psyched that Cap 3 is going to be Civil War, but I am psyched that Chadwick Boseman will be in it. He should be in more things, period, and I'm really happy that he's joined the MCU team.

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Can't say I'm psyched that Cap 3 is going to be Civil War, but I am psyched that Chadwick Boseman will be in it. He should be in more things, period, and I'm really happy that he's joined the MCU team.

It depends on what the war is about. I mean if it is the registration thing from the comics, that sounds stupid. That said Cap 2 left off with him going to search for Bucky. So if 3 follows up on that it could be interesting. Especially if Bucky is the one who killed Stark Senior, that could be an interesting way to put Cap and Tony at odds.

What seems crazy to me is by the time Avengers 3 rolls around we will have introduced 21 characters who are avengers in the comics. We have cap, thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, Scarlett Witch, Vision, War Machine, Winter Soldier, both Ant-mans, wasp, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Mockingbird (agents of Shield), Daredevil, Power Man, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones. I don't expect anyone from the TV shows to show up in the movie, but even without that I would have to imagine that there would have to be some cuts becuase I am not sure a movie with 15 Heroes would work, even a 2 parter.

It would be nice if some of them were bad guys and/or died. It would raise the stakes for the surviving heroes quite nicely.

I just want to watch that scene of Avenger downtime over and over until the movie comes out.  So funny.  I love that we hear a metal on metal kind of squeak when Cap when to lift Mjolnir, implying that he was able to at least move it a smidge.  That lays the groundwork for him lifting it outright later on. 


Also, what is it about little kids singing that is so damn creepy? 

Has everyone seen the leaked footage of Steve ripping the log in half? Because you should. Also, Tony seems to resent that Steve doesn't have a dark side... uh, HELLO, that's kind of the point of Steve and what the serum did! (Although, to be fair... Steve responded 'Maybe you haven't seen it yet.' Which I like. It's such a Steve way of saying 'Don't piss me off!')


For all that Banner's tagline during the 70s (I watched that show religiously back in the day) was 'You wouldn't like me when I'm angry' I don't know that we've ever seen Steve Roger angry. Annoyed, disappointed, irked, somewhat vexed... sure, all of those things. But legitimately full-on angry? Well... I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for that!



All I can say about Captain America: Civil War is that Sharon Carter had better be in there.  And not just because I want to see Cap with his shirt off.


Are the second skin shirts not enough?

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I wonder if at some point the MCU is going to have to adopt a sliding scale timeline similar to the comics. I mean by the time Infinity War part 1 comes out, RDJ will have been Tony Stark for about 10 years. Up to this point at least, the same amount of time has passed in the real world as in the MCU. I mean sure they can continue to recast, but it could get to a point where Tony Stark has been Iron man for 20 years, and how would that work and be believable? Or alternatively do they start making things closer together like the comics, where everything that has happened in the comics since Fantastic Four #1 in 1961 has occurred within like a 12 year timespan.

I really need Bucky Barnes to be a big part of the Marvel Movie Universe, going forward. Not just because the Winter Soldier is an awesome character, and Bucky's story is one of the best in recent comic book history, but also because he shows us a different side of Steve, to the one we generally get.


Yes, Steve is steadfast and strong and decent, but he's always the leader, always the one other people look to. I think it would be so interesting to explore the idea that Bucky is the guy that Steve always looked up to, that Steve always wanted to be like. That's something that even the comics never really looked at, because comic book Bucky was younger than Steve, rather than a peer. I remember reading a fanfic (yeah, I know) a long while ago, which had the Avengers meeting Bucky, and realising that it was Bucky who Steve imitated when he was trying to be cool or suave. That's such a fun idea to play with, and one that I think would definitely extend from what we've seen of their friendship in the movies.


I don't care about most of the new characters that are being thrown in, I don't really care very much about most of the new wave of those getting their own movies. I want Cap 3, and I want to see Bucky becoming a hero and trying to atone for things he's truly not even responsible for. And if he's not due to do that on the big screen, outside of Cap 3, then I want to see him appearing in Marvel's TV shows. Just not Agents of SHIELD, because that show fucking blows, and I want nothing to do with the Cult of Coulson.

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I'm just telling myself that Mjolnir denied Cap only because they were just futzing around, though it sounded like he did move it a little (and Thor looked briefly concerned that Cap might actually lift it).  I think that, in battle when everyone's serious and it all matters, Cap will be able to lift the hammer with ease and do something awesome with it.  I am disappointed that one of the specs from a while back (that there could be a scene were Steve goes to get a cup of coffee alone in the Shield break room has, moves Mjolnir aside to make room and only the audience gets what's going on) been proven false.


I did enjoy seeing Stark and Rhodey trying to lift the hammer with their Iron Man hands and sniping like the married couple they truly are. 

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I know that Steve will lift it in the big climatic battle. Of course he will. But you know, I'd prefer it if Natasha did so. She's had more of a struggle, in many ways. She started off on the dark side, but has crossed to the side of good and is trying to redeem herself. In many ways, I see that as at least as noble as the man who has always tried to do the right thing.


Beyond that I liked that I can see both sides of their argument. Tony wanted to make the world safe so it doesn't need the Avengers anymore. Cap's not just speaking from a place of idealism but from experience.


It absolutely makes sense for Tony "The Mechanic" Stark... He's got an engineering mindset. "This doesn't work so I'm going to fix it. I'm going to build a schematic and get to the root of this problem and eradicate it so that the machine runs the way it should." That's just who he is... and one can argue that Howard was a lot like that, too. Never mind what a hot mess he is personally, you know?


Steve is so different and I kind of love the fact that he's not this goody-good, idealistic Boy Scout who thinks that everything can be fixed if we just work hard enough or come together or whatever. I think he absolutely believes that people can come together and fight injustice and evil but he also knows that darkness just doesn't go away. He grew up bullied... he was orphaned (father fighting a war; mother a nurse -- both doing their part.) Steve doesn't like bullies no matter where they're from but he also knows that there are always going to be bullies. The Allies won what can be argued as one of the most just wars that were fought in the 20th century (something you really can't say about wars when it comes down to it) but Steve also recognizes that things were lost, too.


It does get down to the differences between two men. Tony's a hot mess and Steve is the best of men, this is true. They both fight the good fight for very different reasons also. Tony did get into it because he hated seeing his weapons used against the people they were meant to protect. Steve just wanted to be useful. Tony's the hedonist and Steve has no idea what makes him happy... has probably never thought about being happy. That was a luxury not granted to him before the serum or after it, really. All he wanted to do was be useful to the world. But he is also a soldier. Tony isn't. Tony is the poor little rich boy who made weapons. Steve was the one on the front lines... willingly. Doing whatever it takes... seeing the brutality.


I always loved Steve introduction in the Avengers movie... working on the heavy bag and constantly flashing back to war; crashing the plane; being dug out and still being alive. Those were his immediate memories. Tony had his own struggle with PTSD after the Avengers and let's not forget that he was taken and held hostage in a war zone. These two men have quite a bit in common, too... they're just completely different men in how they react and view the world. And that would be why they would clash. Their ideologies are just different.


Which I love.

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