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S08.E01: First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love

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As the second and third hour of this torture marathon continues we get to know our 4 couples: Kate+Luke, Kristine+Keith, Stephanie+AJ, Jasmine+Will. The usual gamut of emotions: anxiety, sheer terror, regret, self loathing, love, hate, disapproval, disbelief from the viewing audience...the brides, the grooms and their family and friends...

Edited by humbleopinion
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Oh! Desperation!  Fantastic quality in a potential spouse!

ETA:  looks like grandma really wants her spare bedroom back.

Gawd!  I am so cynical tonight!

Edited by PityFree
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2 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 I normally don’t like when people write their own vows because people are usually terrible writers, but Jasmine’s vows  were really nice.

I liked them too, and I love that they jumped the broom.

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 Ha! I think the photographer was trying to save Stephanie from being mauled by AJ by getting him onto that dirty tractor.

ETA:  AJ will never love anyone as much as he loves himself.

Edited by PityFree
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5 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

I would be so pissed right now if I were Stephanie.  AJ is beyond annoying. I’d be running away from that reception!  He’s just too much. 

I'd bail on the honeymoon. I couldn't do it.

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59 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

Ouch. Maybe he just hasn’t found the right mate yet. Why does there have to be something wrong with him?


42 and not yet married.

45 and not yet married. Have picked a couple assholes so thank God I have never married.

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Oh my lawd. AJ to the friend zone in 3, 2, 1. Dude needs to calm the fuck down. I know he’s nervous but dang. Someone needs to have a talk with this boy. I think he might be better suited for Kate. Luke might be better for Stephanie. 

I wonder what Luke’s “um” meant at the end there. 

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Why do they keep replaying the same stuff? Third hour should just be the last two weddings and an intro to the honeymoon. I’m getting a migraine watching this so to rewatch the same footage is torturous. (I’m turning it off and letting it record to solve that problem.)

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What was with AJ’s family and friends wanting Stephanie to know he will never let her leave home with a hair out of place? Sounds kind of creepy unless he is a hair stylist on the side. I like everyone else so far.

Still can’t stand them asking the contestants sex questions and Pepper going thru underwear drawers. None of your business how much toilet paper I have !

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Stephanie reminds me of Amy Poehler in a red head wig...

yuck the lunch time strippers...the party bus with bikinied booties smushed against the cameras...hohum....

yuck the Chippendale dancers....Magic Mike portion of the season...no one else in the club...special event for MAFS brides...

AJ is in love with the camera's red "on " light...

AJ has stolen his over the top facial gyrations from watching too many Jim Carrey movies, especially The Yes Man....

AJ's double chin is not erased by his groomed facial hair....

Stephanie will not be impressed with a man so full of himself.

Like Kate. Like Luke.

Looks like Stephanie and AJ will have a booze fueled marriage like Dave and Amber.

Stephanie has bad hair like Amber.

Edited by humbleopinion
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38 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Stephanie reminds me of Amy Poehler in a red head wig..

I think she looks like Cheri Oteri with worse eyebrows.

I spoke too soon saying there wasn’t a Ryan this season because there is one - he’s just named AJ this time. Good God what a tool!

Kate seems like she’s drugged or something. I hope that last “I know her” isn’t a bad omen, like Amber and Dave and Gym Guy last season......

Anyone who calls themselves “Queen Kristine” should automatically be disqualified for this show. They seem like a total mismatch.

So far, Jasmine and Will seem well matched, but we’ll see......

Hey producers - not everyone likes strippers. Gross. And a big FU for making us slog through THREE HOURS of this nonsense and not even showing all the weddings!

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17 hours ago, PityFree said:

AJ seems a bit drunk.

Everytime a family member of guest said AJ seems excited or happy, I yelled at the screen he is drunk. I worried a bit when he said to Stephanie let me fill your glass all the way up and said something like they will need a lot of booze to get through this? I guess at least the booze if he did drink loosened him up to have real wedding photos in case the marriage works!

16 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

What was with AJ’s family and friends wanting Stephanie to know he will never let her leave home with a hair out of place? Sounds kind of creepy unless he is a hair stylist on the side. I like everyone else so far.

Still can’t stand them asking the contestants sex questions and Pepper going thru underwear drawers. None of your business how much toilet paper I have !

I remember Pepper going through Mia's bra drawer, it is not what a sociologist does? The toilet paper should be a good sign. He is a bachelor and has a fully stocked bathroom. My son has friends in the college dorms and a few are always running out. They borrow a roll to take with them from our house. Plus maybe he buys a large package an saves money? Either way as a women I  would rather marry a man with a well stocked bathroom then a bare one. I would think it is a sign they are more ready for marriage then not.



Kristine and Keith are the couple that should not have been matched. I;m not expert but money is one of the biggest issues in a marriage. If  one of Kristine's top requirements was someone that made more money then her, the experts should not match her with a man making about $15 a hour. I have had kidney problems and I have respect for people who work in dialysis but it does not pay well. Keith is 30 so he should have at least by now become an 2 year RN or advanced somehow in his career to make more of a living wage if he wanted to. I doubt Kristine was saying she wants a spouse with a higher income because she is a goldigger. She might want to be able to stay home with a baby for 6 months or have a spouse with a salary and benefits since she is in a commission based profession. Look at Jamie Otis, she wanted to stay at home with her baby but got underemployed Doug. I have a feeling most of these "55k" applicants are not the whole package the show makes it seem. 

I read an article on E! that asked past couples who they thought was a good or bad match. Ashley said Kristine and Keith were a bad match and Jephite thought they were the best match! 

Edited by silverspoons
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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Stephanie has bad hair like Amber.

OUCH.  Shots fired. Amber's hair was a 1 out of 10.  I would not run my fingers through that.  Steph's hair is in much better condition.  Such a low blow.

10 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Everytime a family member of guest said AJ seems excited or happy, I yelled at the screen he is drunk.

Haha I yelled at the TV too.  I was talking to AJ with my hand up saying "yo dude, chill ✋".  This won't last, I could see Steph getting annoyed with him very quickly.  Place your bets.

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I find it absolutely hilarious in the beginning when pastor cal emphatically states that here at MAFS " we already know that it works ! ". Then proceed to waste time by showing the couples that are still together, yet intentionally avoiding to mention the fact that the other 16 failed marriages ended in total train wrecks. So yeah, 5 out of 21 is a 76.2% failure rate. Way to hype your successes and hide your failures and hope that no one catches on to the fact that they themselves are the real boneheads on the show.

All those so called " experts " dont know a god damn thing about matching up the right couple and they mind as well just throw darts at the pictures blindfolded and match them up that way. I think that the " experts " should just finally admit that they are completely clueless as to who should be matched up with who and end the charade already.

At this point, the only entertainment value for me continuing to watch this show is to see the degree of severity of all the impending train wrecks.

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7 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I spoke too soon saying there wasn’t a Ryan this season because there is one - he’s just named AJ this time.

I thought last night that AJ is the Ryan of this season, except AJ seems like a nice guy and Ryan was a dick. AJ is nice but really, really annoying. You can tell Luke doesn't like him (and Jon and Jephte didn't like Ryan), which makes me like Luke more.

Stephanie reminds me of Amber in that she's at an age where she just really, really wants to be married and who she marries doesn't really matter that much (obviously, or else she wouldn't be here). (At first I thought "Ouch, they called her desperate?" and then she said herself she was desperate.) I get it. I was reading a Twitter thread the other day where the person said that one thing getting married later in life (not sure how old she is) made her notice is how much shit she was left out of before she was married. Now that she's part of a couple, people just invite her to way more things - not just because she has his stuff to deal with too, but people she's known for ages that dropped her when she was single and they weren't suddenly decided she was worth talking to again once she got married. I've noticed this too, as a single woman. I know I said this last season, but I don't blame women who just really want to be married because society teaches them that they have to be, otherwise they're incomplete or not real adults. That kind of brainwashing is hard to undo. I think Stephanie will try to force it out of fear of having to start over, but I wouldn't blame her at all if she called it quits right away.

I thought it was very nice and classy of one of the mothers-in-law to introduce herself to the other family.

7 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Anyone who calls themselves “Queen Kristine” should automatically be disqualified for this show. They seem like a total mismatch.

"Queen" Kristine with no edges, janky lashes, and a dry weave (thank God she either swapped it out or moisturized it for the wedding) is going to hate her husband and I bet she says some slick shit about his grandmother. That was a producer match.

I want more information on Kate's parents' divorce. The fact that she hasn't spoken to her father since makes me wonder if he had an affair that was the reason for the split.

There is so much Philly on this show. The accents, the row homes ...

Ha - great minds, @bichonblitz!

Edited by Empress1
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It seems like a lot of work for the show to pretend that four couples were chosen instead of three. They'd have to go back and reshoot all the scenes with the four couples, including the bachelor/ette parties, pedicures, the guys meeting in the bar, going together in a limo to the wedding location, etc.

I feel like they switched it up because of the huge lull in the middle of the season when nothing is happening and viewers lose interest.* More couples mean more chances that someone will argue, cry, cheat, or stomp out.


* This viewer, at least. I watch through the "choosing someplace to live" episode, then just read recaps.

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Will looks like Desus Nice of Desus and Mero formerly from the Vice Channel...the best night show that will return on Feb 21 on Showtime....goggle him

Jasmine's dad was the man to watch... his scowl of disapproval eventually lightening up to all smiles when he found that he, his new SIL, daughter  and the majority of the wedding party will all attend Lincoln College alumni events together....an authentic sigh of relief was sighed by all......am sure both sides recognized each other but production told them to stay on their side of the wedding aisle....wait to let loose at the reception.

Feel bad they made those poor people broast in the brutal heat... how about holding the ceremony INSIDE with the AC on high?...waiting for the Jasmine and Will to get the show on the road the guests were broiling holding stupid umbrellas.......

Think we may have a Runaway Bride...the Queen fell off the pitcher's mound with her major balk when the winery doors were opened....

Keith looks like a less handsome Tim Duncan, a GOAT NBA player....google him

Of course Luke recognizes Kate...he knows a ton of the lonely singles in the Philly area with his side gig of speed dating organizer. (hugging one of the bride's guests he recognizes from a session before the ceremony)..and Kate said that she was all over Hinge, Tinder, Harmony...please, no repeat of dating one of the groom's friends like last season...

Anyone think that no one may be good enough for Luke?

Luke was definitely recruited by production.

Is Luke going to be another Dave?...withering looks, passive aggressive insensitive comments....he will use his "busy schedule' to avoid being in the marriage...

Kate may be too affected by her parents' divorce to be her best person with cameras in her grill....She has nice skin.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Also thought it was kinda lame to have joint bachelor and bachelorette parties for all the 4 guys and gals. I guess the shows stripper budget must be getting super low this season, so this is the best way to save $$$ by combining everyone together lmao


1st impressions . . .


Kristine - I dont see any queen there, not even a princess either. sure hope u can cook as all keith wants is an iron chef wife lol

Keith - says that he wanted to get married so that he wont have to live with his grandma anymore [ face palm lmao ]


Kate - she seems to be the most " normal " of the 4 girls and seems nice as the self described "hopeless romantic", im rooting for her  

Luke - think he wanted to jump out of the limo to get away from the strippers, either that or throw AJ out the car first lol


Jasmine - couldnt really get a good vibe from her, she was rather boring imo and kinda reminded me of Monique from season 1 lol 

Will - who? lol i dont remember anything about his guy other than that he wanted to look like james bond. also very uneventful to me


AJ - he is super annoying and that dude needs to chill the F out already. jeeze what a hyper spaz, he will instantly test the limits of any sane woman and get her to start drinking

Steph - here comes amber round 2. already sensing the train derailment soon. also i wonder what her goofy/silly/dorky pain threshold is? hahaha

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