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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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If it were really about things that might reflect poorly on Luann, she's free to put a morality clause in their contract that covers a lot more things than just alcohol. It can cover nude pictures, bigoted or bias speech, and just plain dumb shit that's not actually illegal. But the reality is that unless this assistant lives on premises, Luann isn't really within her rights to limit this kind of thing in the employee's private life unless it impacts their work or is illegal. Bethenny wants to live sugar free; she doesn't get to tell her employee not to eat sugar when they leave their job. Alcohol is legal and as long as the employee doesn't have some court restriction, they get to drink--not on the job and not in a way that prevents them from doing their job either. 

I'm not an employment attorney, but what she's asking doesn't sound remotely enforceable.

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On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 6:21 PM, HunterHunted said:

If it were really about things that might reflect poorly on Luann, she's free to put a morality clause in their contract that covers a lot more things than just alcohol. It can cover nude pictures, bigoted or bias speech, and just plain dumb shit that's not actually illegal. But the reality is that unless this assistant lives on premises, Luann isn't really within her rights to limit this kind of thing in the employee's private life unless it impacts their work or is illegal. Bethenny wants to live sugar free; she doesn't get to tell her employee not to eat sugar when they leave their job. Alcohol is legal and as long as the employee doesn't have some court restriction, they get to drink--not on the job and not in a way that prevents them from doing their job either. 

I'm not an employment attorney, but what she's asking doesn't sound remotely enforceable.

Except it absolutely  IS within her rights to limit this kind of thing.

Edited by Higgins
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On 3/8/2018 at 6:21 PM, HunterHunted said:

If it were really about things that might reflect poorly on Luann, she's free to put a morality clause in their contract that covers a lot more things than just alcohol.

Too much anxiety

about what her assistant might/might not do

My advice:

Don't hire one.

See...me help you.

Edited by artisto
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Luann's extended show has Sonja's dress falling off:  


On 3/8/2018 at 3:21 PM, HunterHunted said:

If it were really about things that might reflect poorly on Luann, she's free to put a morality clause in their contract that covers a lot more things than just alcohol. It can cover nude pictures, bigoted or bias speech, and just plain dumb shit that's not actually illegal. But the reality is that unless this assistant lives on premises, Luann isn't really within her rights to limit this kind of thing in the employee's private life unless it impacts their work or is illegal. Bethenny wants to live sugar free; she doesn't get to tell her employee not to eat sugar when they leave their job. Alcohol is legal and as long as the employee doesn't have some court restriction, they get to drink--not on the job and not in a way that prevents them from doing their job either. 

I'm not an employment attorney, but what she's asking doesn't sound remotely enforceable.

Since the entire discussion is based on a source close to Luann and apparently closer to RadarOnLine, I tried to find something to back it up.  Here is what Luann allegedly said:  https://radaronline.com/videos/rhony-luann-de-lesseps-hires-sober-team-after-rehab-arrest/  I did laugh at the person who applied for the job calling Luann unprofessional.  You didn't get a call back and you went to the tabloids.  What a great assistant that person would have made.

Recently there were some snide comments made about Bethenny on Page Six according to Bethenny she was swamped with applicants after the story ran.  

1 hour ago, artisto said:

Luann has way too much anxiety

about what her assistant might/might not do

My advice:

Don't hire one.

See...me help you.

I don't think it is Luann with too much anxiety.  I do believe this is a thread driven frenzy.  We don't even have confirmation put these restrictions on applicants. 

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15 hours ago, Higgins said:

Except it absolutely  IS within her rights to limit this kind of thing.

If NY is an “at will” employment state, she can fire someone for no reason.  She can’t discriminate re race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation.  Drinking off the job?  Not a protected class.  I also notice the article mentions no drinking “especially on” the job, so it’s possible she is not really trying to ban all drinking.

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LuAnne is obnoxious. If she is actually trying to quit drinking,  working with drinkers isn't going to be easy. But she has to earn $$$ somehow. 

Her wording could be her way of asking someone in the program to apply. I don't get all of the hate for her requirements. So she wants a non drinker. It almost seems as if she's looking for a sober companion. 

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8 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I've had an epiphany.  

Does Johnny Depp drink?

He does. To the tune of $30,000/month.

17 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

If NY is an “at will” employment state, she can fire someone for no reason.  She can’t discriminate re race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation.  Drinking off the job?  Not a protected class.  I also notice the article mentions no drinking “especially on” the job, so it’s possible she is not really trying to ban all drinking.

NY is an "at will" state and people who drink alcohol aren't a protected class, but I don't think it's as simple as that. New York actually has labor laws on this issue. New York provides some protections for employees that prevents employers from making decisions based on an employee’s lifestyle.

"Unless otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any employer or employment agency to refuse to hire, employ or license, or to discharge from employment or otherwise discriminate against an individual in compensation, promotion or terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of: 

b. an individual's legal use of consumable products prior to the beginning or after the conclusion of the employee's work hours, and off of the employer's premises and without use of the employer's equipment or other property;

c. an individual's legal recreational activities outside work hours, off of the employer's premises and without use of the employer's equipment or other property."  N.Y. Lab. Law § 201-d.


Luann will undoubtedly make the assistant sign an employment contract that will include an NDA and the other terms of employment. That might make those provisions more akin to an implied morals or personal conduct clause. There are legal limitations to the scope of behavior prohibited by these clauses.  NY case law articulates that a morals clause can stipulate that an employee must "refrain from behavior that tends to ‘shock, insult, and offend the community and public morals and decency,’ bring the artist into ‘public disrepute, contempt, scorn and ridicule,’ or hurt or prejudice the interests of, lower the public prestige of, or reflect unfavorably upon, the employer or the industry in general.” However, behavior that does not rise to this level is possibly not eligible for termination.

As I've said, I'm not licensed in New York nor am I an employment attorney, but I don't think it's as simple as Luann saying she wants staff who never drinks of their own accord, which is one thing, and saying that staff cannot imbibe when out of her presence and off the clock, which is another thing entirely. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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Luann accuses Russell Simmons of grabbing her ass in an elevator 3 years ago.


Do I think he did it? Yes.

Do I think it bothered her? Yeah, probably. Although Luann does have a history of excusing lots of terrible behavior by men.

However, I can't help feel like this revelation was strategically deployed to take the heat off of her because of the current criticism of her Halloween look. Like if she can align herself with the larger #metoo movement, maybe people will ignore her offensive Halloween fail. #metoo started in October 2017. The allegations about Simmons began coming out in November. Luann could have revealed her experience then, especially as her fame had yet to be tarnished by her arrest. While I think the allegation is true, the revelation at this time just feels calculating.

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20 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Luann accuses Russell Simmons of grabbing her ass in an elevator 3 years ago.


Do I think he did it? Yes.

Do I think it bothered her? Yeah, probably. Although Luann does have a history of excusing lots of terrible behavior by men.

However, I can't help feel like this revelation was strategically deployed to take the heat off of her because of the current criticism of her Halloween look. Like if she can align herself with the larger #metoo movement, maybe people will ignore her offensive Halloween fail. #metoo started in October 2017. The allegations about Simmons began coming out in November. Luann could have revealed her experience then, especially as her fame had yet to be tarnished by her arrest. While I think the allegation is true, the revelation at this time just feels calculating.

This is the article the US Magazine article was based on and it goes into far more detail about Luann.  https://www.thedailybeast.com/real-housewife-luann-de-lesseps-on-jail-blackface-and-getting-groped-by-russell-simmons  It is actually a good read.  One quote:  

“I’ve had to deal with it my whole life,” said de Lesseps of the sexually inappropriate behavior she had experienced. As a younger woman she had been a model, and had faced inappropriate behavior from “male photographers and clients. You learn to swallow it, to grin and bear it somehow.”

The #MeToo movement, de Lesseps said, was “amazing. It’s great. It’s about time for the world and for society to understand that it’s not acceptable and nobody should have to go through that. I have been through it my whole life in one way, shape or form or the other.

“One of my first jobs was doing filing in a company where my mother worked. The guy that ran it, I don’t remember his name, would say, ‘Oh I love it when you warm up my seat for me,’ and brush up against me. This is what we live through as women, and finally we can speak up about it.”

I don't think the claims against Russell Simmons was a diversion.  She also talked about other encounters with men.   Luann has talked and named men she has had relationships with both business and personal over the years.  It is interesting the headlines in the US Magazine are about Russell Simmons and not the rented penthouse just for the show, or her upcoming sentencing, or where she went to rehab https://www.futuresofpalmbeach.com/addiction-treatment/ , or Bethenny being supportive. I do think Luann has probably been guilty of protecting famous people from boorish behavior and not disclosing, and this just seemed as if Simmons had gone too far.  To me, the movement was about giving women the power to discuss what they have experienced years and decades earlier, I don't know if Luann making a claim has any more or less of an effect on Simmons.  I just know he stepped down from his company.  It is not as if she supported him back in November and did an about face.  Strictly from the RH standpoint, I thought Simmons an ass for the cracks he made about Cynthia Bailey's weight (Cynthia dated Simmons back in the day and Simmons is friends with Cynthia's ex, Peter).

Luann is fairly candid about her arrest and treatment and treatment, time on the show, drinking and co-stars.  The most surprising thing I read in the article from the Daily Beast:

Frankel was the most supportive of the housewives in the aftermath of her arrest and rehab; Radziwill, who she seemed to be at greatest odds with, had also reached out. She doesn't go to therapy. “AA is my therapy, I try to go every day,” she said. Yoga has also been beneficial.

Or this:

Apart from a break, where producers deemed she could not be a Real Housewife if she didn’t live in New York (the penthouse rectifies that), de Lesseps has been doing the show for ten years. She knows its rhythm and requirement of drama, and she clearly feels her own mental health is not endangered by it.

Luann is not giving in to the blackface accusation and for a variety of reasons, the first being she wasn't in blackface as it was used historically, and maybe she is just that clueless 

Charges of racism and cultural insensitivity were leveled. Fellow cast member Carole Radziwill called her tone-deaf. Her fans rushed to her defense.

“It was not blackface. I was wearing bronzer. I always wear bronzer. I’m sorry if people too offence. I adore Diana Ross, it was meant to be a tribute to her,” de Lesseps told the Daily Beast, echoing her words online and during an appearance on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live. Her fans supported her, they understood what her intention was, de Lesseps said.

Did no-one doing her hair and make-up, or anyone who saw her get dressed, raise a red flag, or at least an eyebrow, this reporter asked.

“No, I love Diana Ross,” de Lesseps said. “That was it. I’m sorry, genuinely, for whatever offense I have caused.”

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4 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Didn’t Lu grab the crotch of a male guest at a wedding in Southampton in 2008?

It has been reported she did and during that same evening her husband beat her up.  The man has not publicly accused Luann.  I guess if one is alleged to have been inappropriate on the dance floor, they can never be the subject of unwanted sexual advances or being raped.  I for one do not see how the two are connected.  Luann is alleging RS grabbed her butt in the elevator and never apologized.  I fail to see what that has to do with what Luann did on the dance floor-unless she was dancing with RS at the time.  

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Actually, the issue is that grabbing a man's genitals without consent is an unwanted sexual advance and not just "inappropriate". Luann grabbed some guy's dick and never apologized, now she's complaining someone grabbed her ass and never apologized. When it happens to her, it's a crime, when she does it to someone else, she's excused because well... why is it socially acceptable for Luann to grab a man's crotch without consent? 

Let me connect the dots for you. It's a form of sexual assault for a man to grab Luann's ass without consent. Its a form of sexual assault for Luann to grab a man's genitals without the man's consent. Luann is complaining about behavior she herself is guilty of.

They were on the dance floor so men need to accept women will grab their crotches and since they are on the dance floor, they are kind of asking for Luann to fondle their balls without permission?

Personally I think the "blackface" thing is overblown because Luann has shown again and again that she's not terribly socially aware of anything but herself, and in her mind thinks she was complimenting Diana Ross

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8 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Actually, the issue is that grabbing a man's genitals without consent is an unwanted sexual advance and not just "inappropriate". Luann grabbed some guy's dick and never apologized, now she's complaining someone grabbed her ass and never apologized. When it happens to her, it's a crime, when she does it to someone else, she's excused because well... why is it socially acceptable for Luann to grab a man's crotch without consent? 

Let me connect the dots for you. It's a form of sexual assault for a man to grab Luann's ass without consent. Its a form of sexual assault for Luann to grab a man's genitals without the man's consent. Luann is complaining about behavior she herself is guilty of.

They were on the dance floor so men need to accept women will grab their crotches and since they are on the dance floor, they are kind of asking for Luann to fondle their balls without permission?

Personally I think the "blackface" thing is overblown because Luann has shown again and again that she's not terribly socially aware of anything but herself, and in her mind thinks she was complimenting Diana Ross

No one has any idea if (a) Luann did it, (b) if the man went public with the accusation (c) if Luann apologized.  It is also not germane to Russell Simmons behavior.

I can connect the dots just fine.  I know what sexual assault is and it is irrelevant to Luann's discussion of living with sexual harassment in her lifetime.  For more information on the subject there is an interview with Luann on the media pages.  Luann is asked about her feelings.

Russell Simmons doesn't get a pass because Luann may or may not have misbehaved during her lifetime.  Again it is like saying a prostitute cannot be raped.   Russell Simmons doesn't get a pass because someone he may have groped or raped may or may not have done something in their past that is rumored or questionable.

I will keep things simple -if I blow a stop sign  and hit  Driver A it does not mean, at a later date, if while driving down the road I am broadsided by Driver Z who does not stop for a stop sign they get a pass.   

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I actually agree with you. The real point is that Luann's hands aren't clean. 

Spare me the if Luann did it routine - is there film footage of Luann's ass being grabbed? By Russell Simmons?

He's a scumbag but is there any actual proof he grabbed Luann's ass?

If there isn't, then no one has any idea he did it. But he's a man with other accusations so he's guilty and Luann is the victim.

If Luann's victim on the dance floor came forward, would his word be treated as inviolate? Or would he need to provide video footage and witnesses before it was understood that Luann actually grabbed his junk unwanted?

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2 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I actually agree with you. The real point is that Luann's hands aren't clean. 

Spare me the if Luann did it routine - is there film footage of Luann's ass being grabbed? By Russell Simmons?

He's a scumbag but is there any actual proof he grabbed Luann's ass?

If there isn't, then no one has any idea he did it. But he's a man with other accusations so he's guilty and Luann is the victim.

If Luann's victim on the dance floor came forward, would his word be treated as inviolate? Or would he need to provide video footage and witnesses before it was understood that Luann actually grabbed his junk unwanted?

If Luann's alleged target came forward it when then be on Luann to confirm, deny and/or apologize.

Again what Luann may or may not have done has nothing to do with Russell Simmons.  Anyone can choose to not believe Luann and the other women that have accused Russell Simmons of everything from groping to rape.  It has nothing to do with gender for me.  I have found many of the women in the various RH franchises objectifying men.  There are certainly people who I choose to believe and those who I discount.  

When these cases first broke and became the foundation for the Me Too movement, I found this account to be the best way to both deny an allegation, support the victim, assert one's rights and admit to having benefited at the hands of an admitted offender and to decry the offender's actions:  http://www.eonline.com/news/886978/george-clooney-addresses-former-er-co-star-vanessa-marquez-s-sexual-harassment-accusations

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There is an interview with Luann in last weekend's People magazine. She talks about rehab, and her struggles with alcohol. However she also says that at some point she is hoping t be able to drink again. So it appears that she will use her trip to rehab as her plot point this season (not surprising) just as she used TomCat as her storyline the last two years. 

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3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

She talks about rehab, and her struggles with alcohol. However she also says that at some point she is hoping t be able to drink again.

Welp, I'll say it again...28 days only serves to check a box with a judge.  Clearly, she didn't learn much.

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Doesn't seem terribly smart of Luann (mind you I don't think of Lu as terribly smart) to say in a national magazine that she doesn't know if she is an alcoholic, and misses good red wine. 

The quote was "Eveybody around me says 'Luann, you're not an alcoholic.' I don't know if I am or not. All I know is that not drinking works for me right now. Will I drink again? I don't know. I miss good red wine. Not to say that I'll never have good red wine again. Who knows where we'll all be tomorrow. For today, that's the choice that I'm making for myself." 

For "today', until her sentencing is over? 

I wonder if the judge or prosecution will read this article before her upcoming sentencing on Friday the 13th? And who are these friends who are telling her she is not an alcoholic? The only friends that I can imagine would tell her that are friends who are also alcoholics and don't think they are, either. 

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Some people are not alcoholics, they merely abuse alcohol (or drugs or food or whatever) to cover up an underlying issue in their lives  It's possible to correct the underlying issue and return to being a social drinker, like Luann was for 30+ years.  Abstinence isn't always the answer., just like taking away the alcohol doesn't automatically cure the underlying issue.  I hope that Luann is in counseling and is working on whatever caused her to abuse alcohol and act out.  As for her drinking in the future, completely up to her, I'm sure she now has a better better understanding of the consequences. 

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59 minutes ago, snarts said:

It's possible to correct the underlying issue and return to being a social drinker, like Luann was for 30+ years. 

I don't know how social she was prior to the last 10 years, but for those 10, during the filming of RHONY, her tolerance for the level of drinking she's done would appear to be very low, and past the level that many would consider social.  The boozing that got her arrested for assaulting a police officer was done off-camera.  If I were her family, her attorney, and her AA counselor, I would be hugely concerned with:

"Everybody around me says 'Luann, you're not an alcoholic.' I don't know if I am or not. All I know is that not drinking works for me right now. Will I drink again? I don't know. I miss good red wine. Not to say that I'll never have good red wine again. Who knows where we'll all be tomorrow. For today, that's the choice that I'm making for myself."


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Luann has a very high sex drive and she gets very insecure when she doesn't have a man in her life. It's possible she felt like she needed to be bubbly and blitzed in order to get this guy to take her to bed. She's really a very insecure person and I feel like her drinking is driven by her insecurities. 

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17 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

She looks amazing.  Wonder who the 2nd breakfast is for. ?

I saw the clip and it seems it was a RHOBH-maybe Teddi?  It was someone who was very calorie conscious.

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On 4/10/2018 at 8:05 PM, HunterHunted said:

Luann has a very high sex drive and she gets very insecure when she doesn't have a man in her life. It's possible she felt like she needed to be bubbly and blitzed in order to get this guy to take her to bed. She's really a very insecure person and I feel like her drinking is driven by her insecurities. 

She might be insecure (debatable imo) but she never had any problems bagging men, imo

She does not appear to me to need to be drunk to approach a man.

I think that she drinks too much socially at times. 

Who knows she might be one of those alcoholics who have bottles everywhere but to me, it does not sound correct.

she comes across as a College binge drinker imo.

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6 hours ago, LIMOM said:

She might be insecure (debatable imo) but she never had any problems bagging men, imo

She does not appear to me to need to be drunk to approach a man.

I think that she drinks too much socially at times. 

Who knows she might be one of those alcoholics who have bottles everywhere but to me, it does not sound correct.

she comes across as a College binge drinker imo.

Only she can know if she's an alcoholic. If she has a compulsion to drink and can't stop when she wants to.  Hmm. 

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8 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Only she can know if she's an alcoholic. If she has a compulsion to drink and can't stop when she wants to.  Hmm. 

Did she say that she can’t stop?

In anycase, her drinking episode caused her some serious trouble. 

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Just now, LIMOM said:

Did she say that she can’t stop?

In anycase, her drinking episode caused her some serious trouble. 

Did I say she said that? Where? Not there. Not anywhere. I was giving the definition of alcoholism and saying only she can know. 

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5 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Did I say she said that? Where? Not there. Not anywhere. I was giving the definition of alcoholism and saying only she can know. 

Ok then.

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I don't mind being the politically incorrect person to say it. 

The actual definition of alcoholism includes the fact that someone who is an alcoholic has lost control of their drinking. This website defines it, if anyone wants to look.


It does take the position that someone who is an alcoholic is someone who has a disease, a chronic disease that will never get better, and the only way to treat this disease is to abstain.

If Luann is talking about possibly drinking in the future, and she has, then she's probably not really considering herself an alcoholic. In this article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/story/real-housewife-luann-de-lesseps-on-jail-blackface-and-getting-groped-by-russell-simmons/ar-AAvzH1u

She's pretty openly noting that she has PTSD from a car accident with Noel and Victoria when they were small children and her break up with Alex and with Tom and she discovered this is why she drinks during her 21 day stay in rehab. And that while she is currently not drinking, drinking has not been ruled out in her future.

I have to be honest, I don't think Luann considers herself an alcoholic, someone who has lost control of their drinking. I think she got caught acting really badly while drunk and knows that there are certain actions she can take to publically show contrition.

I certainly hope she does continue to not drink but I honestly think a lot of what we're currently seeing is Luann attempting to get out of her charges.

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33 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I don't mind being the politically incorrect person to say it. 

The actual definition of alcoholism includes the fact that someone who is an alcoholic has lost control of their drinking. This website defines it, if anyone wants to look.


It does take the position that someone who is an alcoholic is someone who has a disease, a chronic disease that will never get better, and the only way to treat this disease is to abstain.

If Luann is talking about possibly drinking in the future, and she has, then she's probably not really considering herself an alcoholic. In this article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/story/real-housewife-luann-de-lesseps-on-jail-blackface-and-getting-groped-by-russell-simmons/ar-AAvzH1u

She's pretty openly noting that she has PTSD from a car accident with Noel and Victoria when they were small children and her break up with Alex and with Tom and she discovered this is why she drinks during her 21 day stay in rehab. And that while she is currently not drinking, drinking has not been ruled out in her future.

I have to be honest, I don't think Luann considers herself an alcoholic, someone who has lost control of their drinking. I think she got caught acting really badly while drunk and knows that there are certain actions she can take to publically show contrition.

I certainly hope she does continue to not drink but I honestly think a lot of what we're currently seeing is Luann attempting to get out of her charges.

I think it is possible that during her rehab she/they realized she was self medicating with alcohol and that if she gets the correct therapy she needs to deal with her issues, she can drink in moderation. Only time will tell though, old habits are hard to break, be it self medicating or breaking bad behaviors that cause her to self medicate. I will give her a chance to get herself together before I judge her. I gave Kim the benefit of doubt (initially), that's the least I can do for Luann and Luann is nowhere as bad as Kim was/is. 

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I certainly hope she does continue to not drink but I honestly think a lot of what we're currently seeing is Luann attempting to get out of her charges.

I thought that same thing when I heard she was going to rehab.   She went only because she got arrested.

I don't see Luann taking to therapy or anything else that requires reflection and truth. 

She is dumber than I thought.  Already talking about drinking again before her court date. What an imbecile.

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7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Luann is nowhere as bad as Kim was/is. 

Yeah, somewhere there is a scale of bad that puts assaulting a police officer below shoplifting toilet paper.

5 hours ago, Cherrio said:

I don't see Luann taking to therapy or anything else

She openly stated that she didn't intend to go to therapy, only AA.  

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, somewhere there is a scale of bad that puts assaulting a police officer below shoplifting toilet paper.

She openly stated that she didn't intend to go to therapy, only AA.  

Kim also assaulted a cop, the BH Hotel arrest, which happened before her shoplifting arrest! But, I was referring to Kim's revolving rehab door act, she has been in rehab time and time again, even escaping 1 at one point. 

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, somewhere there is a scale of bad that puts assaulting a police officer below shoplifting toilet paper.



LOL, exactly.

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15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Kim also assaulted a cop, the BH Hotel arrest, which happened before her shoplifting arrest! But, I was referring to Kim's revolving rehab door act, she has been in rehab time and time again, even escaping 1 at one point. 

Not to mention owning a dog who did actually physical harm to multiple people. 

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29 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

No, Kim assaulted a cop well before she stole from Target! She kicked a cop when she was arrested at the BH Hotel, Luann pushed a cop, which is bad but not as violent as kicking one.  http://www.tmz.com/2015/04/16/kim-richards-arrested-in-bev-hills-alcohol-suspected/


Well, Kim has admitted she is an alcoholic altho she doesn't seem capable of staying clean; Lu, conversely, seems to view rehab as a whistle stop on the way to the pub. I imagine Lu would dismiss anything that drew a parallel between  her antics and Kim's.

58 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Not to mention owning a dog who did actually physical harm to multiple people. 


Yup, this is terrible. No mercy for Kim on this.

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Rehab doesn't do any good if the person isn't going willingly and ready to admit that they have a problem.  That is the similarity between Lu and Kim (IMO, of course). Neither one is really ready to admit that they have a problem (not saying Lu is an alcoholic, just that there is a problem with her drinking).  She went because it looks good in court.  She's gaming the system which pisses me off.

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35 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Rehab doesn't do any good if the person isn't going willingly and ready to admit that they have a problem.  That is the similarity between Lu and Kim (IMO, of course). Neither one is really ready to admit that they have a problem (not saying Lu is an alcoholic, just that there is a problem with her drinking).  She went because it looks good in court.  She's gaming the system which pisses me off.

We don't know that Luann is "gaming the system" and we won't know until after her final court date. Now if Luann goes back to drinking like a fish, then Yes, she pulled a fast one but if she doesn't, then she was sincere in getting her act together. Until then, she deserves the benefit of doubt IMO. 

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

We don't know that Luann is "gaming the system" and we won't know until after her final court date. Now if Luann goes back to drinking like a fish, then Yes, she pulled a fast one but if she doesn't, then she was sincere in getting her act together. Until then, she deserves the benefit of doubt IMO. 

Lu forfeited her right to the benefit of the doubt the second she put her hands on that cop.  She isn't entitled to the presumption that she has good intentions again until she shows the world she actually has good intentions as far as I am concerned. 

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