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S05.E14: The Lost Moment

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I previously said that the Seer wouldn't be sacrificed, which he wasn't, but I wasn't really expecting this fate.   Floki seems to be using his almost-forgotten seer powers again.  

What do you think about Magnus?  Is he or isn't he a Lothbrok?  I'm siding with Ubbe.

Here's a not-so-good review:


Edited by Babalooie
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Oh no, not...whats her name...the Floki plot is like watching the worlds worst camping trip. Although, it looks like Floki is using those seer powers again that he used to have sometimes. So thats something at least. WAY too much time on Floki and this community theater production of And Then There Were None

I think I might side with Ubbe on Magnus being a Lothbrok, but I really dont know. I dont really remember what happened with Ragnar and the princess, there were a LOT of women that Ragnar had weird things with. However, I am still on Ubbes side with not siding against Alfred, and working with this guy. What could that really get them? Alfred has a whole kingdom, and this is just some random guy who may or may not share a dad with them. 

Enjoyed the scene with Ubbe and Alfred a lot, with Ubbe giving him a Viking crash course. They have the most interesting plot line this season so far. 

Damn, I did not see things ending like that with the Seer. Of course Ivar would be the one who kills the oldest, most connected to the gods person in Kattegat. Ivar is the kind of tyrant who calls himself the champion of "the old ways", but only the old ways that make him look good, and fit his narrative, and is fine with destroying the things he supposedly cares about. 

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One thing I want to happen before this show ends is for Ivar to lose everything and die a miserable death.  There is some evil that is so beyond even your garden variety of bad that it should be exterminated like a cockroach. When that poor woman who he was passing off as Lagertha was begging for her life .....shudders. And it chafes that he killed the seer. Oh, how it chafes.

Good for Ubbe not falling for Magnus' bullshit. 

I am liking the relationship between Alfred and Ubbe and Alfred's haircut looks good on him.

Alfred so knew that Aethelred was conspiring with the others and was appealing to his better angels. You could see it in Alfred's face when shit was about to go down.  Alfred is one smart cookie.

Edited by magdalene
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I loved it when the guy spit in Ivar’s disgusting face. Now that’s a Viking! 

Harald has taken a shining to that shield maiden who looks as if she could beat him up.

Rafarta? Seriously? 😆

Ivar’s destiny sounds dismal. Yay! Poor Seer. He didn’t deserve that.

I hope Ubbe and Hvitserk can reconcile.

Glad Aethelred didn’t betray Alfred.

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I am really enjoying the budding bromance between Ubbe and Alfred. It's like Ragnar and Ecbert 2.0. 

And from the shallow end of the pool, I'm also digging Alfred's new look. He's much prettier with the shorter hair and the mustache / goatee thing.   

Ivar is nothing but a poser, trying to make everyone think he executed Lagertha. Sorry, poor random woman who vaguely resembled her. 

So glad that Aethelred had second thoughts about the coup. But I get the impression that the Vikings present sensed something fishy and were ready to pounce if anything had happened. 


I'm with Team Ubbe and Lagertha in that I don't think Magnus is Ragnar's son. The sad thing is that Magnus believes it and has hinged his whole life on it. This won't end well.   

Edited by wlk68
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36 minutes ago, wlk68 said:

I am really enjoying the budding bromance between Ubbe and Alfred. It's like Ragnar and Ecbert 2.0. 


I also likened it to Ragnar and Athelstan. That was such an unconventional but profoundly deep friendship. Loved that part of the show!

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I literally didn't know that was Alfred until the scene with his brother.  That's how different he looked with that haircut.

Good episode.  I agree the Ubbe/Alfred stuff is the most interesting...reminded me a little of The Last Kingdom.  I'm with Ubbe too about Magnus.  Magnus isn't just delusional but he deliberately lied about when he met Ragnar.  I don't hold some of this stuff against him though as he was literally thrown to the wolves.  But I can't imagine this ending well for him and I think Bjorn might be using him for his own advantage.  Whatever that can be.

I figured The Seer's days were numbered but didn't expect Ivar to give him an axe to the head.  I am long over Ivar but the actor is doing good work.  Glad his brother What's-his-name is getting a good storyline too.

Please, just end the Floki storyline.  Every scene is boring torture.  The one redeeming quality is that the scenery is gorgeous.

Looking forward to the battle ahead and how Harald comes out of it.

Edited by benteen
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1 minute ago, benteen said:

I'm embarrassed to admit that I literally didn't know that was Alfred until the scene with his brother.  That's how different he looked with the haircut.

Good episode.  I agree the Ubbe/Alfred stuff is the most interesting...reminded me a little of The Last Kingdom.  I'm with Ubbe too about Magnus.  Magnus isn't just delusional but he deliberately lied about when he met Ragnar.  I don't hold some of this stuff against him though as he was literally thrown to the wolves.  But I can't imagine this ending well for him and I think Bjorn might be using him for his own advantage.  Whatever that can be.

I figured The Seer's days were numbered but didn't expect Ivar to give him an axe to the head.  I am long over Ivar but the actor is doing good.  Glad his brother What's-his-name is getting a good storyline too.

Please, just end the Floki storyline.  Every scene is boring torture.  The one redeeming quality is that the scenery is gorgeous.

Looking forward to the battle ahead and how Harald comes out of it.

I actually am embarrassed to admit the same thing. I turned to my friend and said "wait, how many brothers does he have? I only knew of Alfred." He replied "that IS Alfred." Oops. I 100% agree with Ivar also - he is beyond evil and disgusts me, yet the actor is golden. I cannot imagine what kind of punishment awaits the Viking that terminated the Seer. And the Floki storyline....I'd like to poll all loyal viewers of this show: does ANYONE know who any of those people are with him on that desolate tortured island? They are nameless, faceless, and useless. Bring Floki back to the mainland and get on with it already. And last but not least, finally, the promise of a battle scene again!

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1 hour ago, Hannah94 said:

I also likened it to Ragnar and Athelstan. That was such an unconventional but profoundly deep friendship. Loved that part of the show!

I hadn't thought of that but yes, I see it now too. :) 

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I loved it when the guy spit in Ivar’s disgusting face. Now that’s a Viking! 

I cheered when that guy spit in Ivar's face.   A Viking, indeed.  

I got a strange feeling when Heahmund was stroking Lagertha's face and telling her how much he loved her.  I actually thought he was going to strangle her, and I think she's in danger.

Magnus reminds me of a little mongrel pup that nobody wants to claim.   

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Also, I was glad that Floki finally put an end to the Icelandic version of Hatfields vs. McCoys, and banished that family, whatever their names were. 

Alfred to Aethelred:  I knew it was you, Fredo.

Things are not going to end well for someone in the Harald/Jarl/Jarl's wife triangle.  I'm thinking it might be the Jarl who gets the short end of the stick.  

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Wait,I thought Harald and that lady were only subtly flirting and nothing more has happened,unless I've missed the scene.Script mentions her and Bjorn,so this is confusing,especially since she's married.

This episode is stale for me,so I have no comments, except that I like Alfred's new look.

Edited by Hyrrokkin
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3 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

 I 100% agree with Ivar also - he is beyond evil and disgusts me, yet the actor is golden. I cannot imagine what kind of punishment awaits the Viking that terminated the Seer. 

I got the impression it was Ivar who did the deed. But yeah, a revered holy man was murdered. That shit won't fly. I'm thinking people will be pissed. 

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Like Heahmund’s, I think Alfred’s new haircut looks too modern. They didn’t have electric clippers back then.

2 hours ago, Ohwell said:


Magnus reminds me of a little mongrel pup that nobody wants to claim.   

If Ragnar and Kwenthrith had a son, he wouldn’t be like that boring little twerp!

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6 hours ago, wlk68 said:

I am really enjoying the budding bromance between Ubbe and Alfred. It's like Ragnar and Ecbert 2.0. 


I was thinking the same thing! Cross cultural friendships was always one of my favorite things things about the show, and seeing how all of these old world cultures interacted with each other, beyond just fighting each other. The way they related to each other, or did not, was always so fascinating, and we are actually getting more of that with Ubbe and Alfred than we have in awhile. I hope it keeps up. I mean, Ubbe totally stood up for his bro with his family when their new possibly brother showed up to convince them that they should turn on him! And he threw an ax at him, but didnt actually hit him! That true friendship for Vikings!

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On 12/19/2018 at 10:30 PM, Babalooie said:

I previously said that the Seer wouldn't be sacrificed, which he wasn't, but I wasn't really expecting this fate.   Floki seems to be using his almost-forgotten seer powers again.  

What do you think about Magnus?  Is he or isn't he a Lothbrok?  I'm siding with Ubbe.

Here's a not-so-good review:



Thanks for the link.  That reviewer thinks a lot like me.


On 12/19/2018 at 11:48 PM, tennisgurl said:

Oh no, not...whats her name...the Floki plot is like watching the worlds worst camping trip. Although, it looks like Floki is using those seer powers again that he used to have sometimes. So thats something at least. WAY too much time on Floki and this community theater production of And Then There Were None

I think I might side with Ubbe on Magnus being a Lothbrok, but I really dont know. I dont really remember what happened with Ragnar and the princess ...


What a hilarious accurate description of the Floki sub-plot.  I really do hate that this is Floki's write-out.  He and a not dead Helga should just have sailed off together into the sunset towards Iceland and Hirst have left it at that.

And you are right in believing Ubbe.  And Lagertha too since she described the scene we were shown completely accurately.  Ragnar was wounded on the battlefield after a fight in Mercia and Crazy Pants came up and pissed on his open wound and that was all that happened.  The only "named" character on the show we ever saw have sex with Crazy Pants was Ecbert.

I hate Alfred's new look.  He looked cool with the long hair and now he looks like a cross between a dandy of a French courtier from hundreds of years in the future and a modern day porn actor.  Not a good luck and, like said above, way to modern.  I have always hate hate hated modern haircuts in period pieces and this one is even worse than Bishop BadActor's.

Edited by green
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So we're really going with you and you and you get a modern haircut now?  Alfred looks like a hipster barista with those sideburns rather than anyone who might eventually earn a "the Great" after his name.

I'm with the Forbes reviewer that this episode and the season in general is really starting to feel like an endurance test.  I've said before that I'm probably one of a minority who's mostly found Ivar pretty interesting and think the actor has certainly been giving it his all, but it's fully crossing over that line into tiresome one-note psychopath who really isn't all that fun or interesting to watch.  I realize the character is so desperate to be validated as the biggest baddest Viking of them all in spite of his handicap that he actually seems to be buying into this nonsense about being part of the pantheon of gods who can immaculately conceive an heir, but on some level he has to know that most of these people have seen Lagertha before.  She was their queen for years.  They know what she looks like.  Proclaiming some other random blonde woman to be her doesn't make it so, and while the current population of Kattegat seems pretty uniformly and colorlessly willing to follow where they're led, he can't completely cow them all as we saw.  He's really leaning hard on all the supernatural and otherworldly stuff of Viking culture to even try to sell this, but in doing so and in striking down the Seer because he doesn't care for what he has to say, he's devaluing that culture and hastening its end.

So is that it for the plotting against Alfred in Wessex?  Well, I was going to overthrow my brother to be king because a bunch of unnamed nobles were going to back my play for ... reasons, but he says he loves me so we're good now.  Good for Alfred though in being smart enough to read that.  I do rather enjoy that Ubbe's idea of teaching him to fight is just throwing an axe at his head and that after the first one, Alfred just kind of accepted it.

Magnus is coming across like someone wanting to cosplay being a Viking to the point that I found myself wondering if he really even is the real Magnus or someone who heard the story of the supposed bastard kid of Ragnar being tossed out of the villa and decided to try to capitalize on it now that two acknowledged sons are hanging around court.  Bjorn seems awfully eager to take him at face value, but that appears to be as much about not enjoying his current situation and wanting to strike out as anything.  Ubbe and Lagertha at least picked up on the story of meeting a very uncharacteristic Ragnar and then in the next breath labeling him a liar to people who actually did know him.

It's great, I guess, that Harald wants to wax what passes for poetic about the late unlamented Astrid and how big mean Lagertha killed her.  He seems to be forgetting, though, that he had to kidnap Astrid into being his somewhat reluctant wife, however many Harlequin romance thigh baring rolling in the grass scenes we later got about it.

Fastforwarded through the Floki and his Island of Misfit Whiny Ass Vikings.  I normally never do that on my first look at any episode I haven't already seen, but ye gods, I just can't take it anymore.  Unless they all fall into a volcano, I don't care.

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I still don't see any chemistry between Lagertha and Heahmund.  And quite frankly if a man told me he loved me beyond reason and would go to hell for me  I would get creepy stalker vibes and start looking for an exit strategy.

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Just now, magdalene said:

I still don't see any chemistry between Lagertha and Heahmund.  And quite frankly if a man told me he loved me beyond reason and would go to hell for me  I would get creepy stalker vibes and start looking for an exit strategy.

Same here. That pretty much defeated his whole life purpose as a priest (or whatever title he held). The whole Christian/Viking contrast always made the show edgy. Now this guy that devoted his entire life to God throws it in the dumpster in one heated moment of lust. Nah. And his hair style drives me bonkers. He looks like an Abercrombie model and he talks like Christian Bale when he played Batman. Enough already. 

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I'll just sit in the corner because Heahmund's hair or way of speaking don't bother me at all.  In fact, I've never even thought about it.  

I do agree, though, that he and Lagertha were just thrown together for no good reason.  Maybe they both were just lonely and relatively clean, so that's what attracted them to each other.  

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11 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I cheered when that guy spit in Ivar's face.   A Viking, indeed.  

I got a strange feeling when Heahmund was stroking Lagertha's face and telling her how much he loved her.  I actually thought he was going to strangle her, and I think she's in danger.

Magnus reminds me of a little mongrel pup that nobody wants to claim.   

I'm with you about the Bishop and Lagertha. He'll turn on her in a minute if he thinks Alfred knows about them.

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So, after all the build-up, Ivar's big sacrifice was just some poor woman that he "claimed" was Lagertha, so he can make himself look powerful in front of his people.  Yeah, you've gone off the deep end, buddy, which is really saying something for you.  Although he did end up killing another big name later on with the poor Seer.  At least The Seer got a final FU before on his way out.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but yeah, jumping off that boat was probably the biggest mistake of your life, Hvitserk.

Magnus was definitely giving off some shifty vibes.  Of course, Bjorn has bought it all hook, line, and sinker, but I'm glad Ubbe (and Lagertha) don't seem to be buying it.

Alfred certainly looked like he knew a coup was right at his doorsteps, and that his brother was involved.  Hmm...

I'm just at a loss now with Floki's island hijinks.  The pregnant lady was found dead, they all think it was Viking Dyson, so now Viking Dyson and his entire clan are banished from camp, complete with them stomping out in the rain, while everyone else looks at them over-dramatically (including Viking Edge rocking a Jedi robe look!)

Harald is on his way to do some pillaging and fighting, and he's might even have a new love interest, already!

Definitely think that these past few episodes haven't been up to snuff.  I actually do like the Ubbe/Alfred relationship, Harald making a play, and while one-note, I even have been enjoying Ivar as the big bad.  But everything involving Floki, Bjorn suddenly being the world's biggest whiner, and Lagertha being reduced to mooning over Headmund, are really dragging things down.

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What worried more about Ivar's sacrificial stand-in for Lagertha was that the people seemed to believe him.  We know he's nuts so no surprise there -- but I was shocked that only one person spoke up (there were more, I think?) but the woman was killed anyway.  (Reminds me of some contemporary global politics.)

Within the episode, it was clear the Seer was on his last legs (uh, back?) so Ivar's killing there was a bit anti-climactic.  I only hope the Seer saw it coming and was at peace with it, even if he couldn't be at peace with entering The Dark. 

I'm glad Magnus is not being taken at face value.

The only problem I have with the acting stems from both Heahmund's and Alfred's brother's acting.  They do this breathy gasping to indicate Drah-Mah and that is very high school.  Also, when did it go from Hay-ah-mund to Hay-ACH-mund?   It sounds like everyone is unsure of what they are doing over that one word and has to clear their collective throat before going on.  Distracting. 

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1 hour ago, Captanne said:

Within the episode, it was clear the Seer was on his last legs (uh, back?) so Ivar's killing there was a bit anti-climactic.  I only hope the Seer saw it coming and was at peace with it, even if he couldn't be at peace with entering The Dark. 

Yeah, I thought The Seer was just about to croak during that scene.  Ivar practically put him out of his misery. 

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RE: Magnus.  I am convinced that he IS the long lost son of Ragnar....here's why. 

There a scene in season 4 ep 14,  back when Athelstan had Ragnar in the cage after he was initially caught where a young Magnus was introduced to Ragnar as his son.  I recall Ragnar crying and he spoke to his "son"  but did say that he didn't have relations with Kwenthrith.

This is exactly the story that Magnus told Ubbe/Lagertha/et al....more or less.  There was only Athelstan, Ragnar, Ragnar's newly found son and Alfred in the room at the time so we can safely say that Magnus was in the room.....was introduced as Ragnar's son...and was summarily dismissed by Athelstan. 

So....this kid IS "Magnus".  The only question that remains is whether Ragnar lied about not laying with Kwenthrith. 

Edited by motroro
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8 minutes ago, motroro said:

The only question that remains is whether Ragnar lied about not laying with Kwenthrith. 

So if Ragnar didn't lie about not laying with Kwenthirth, then Magnus isn't his son.   

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44 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

So if Ragnar didn't lie about not laying with Kwenthirth, then Magnus isn't his son.   

Absolutely true.  If Ragnar did lie, then poor Athelstan raised a boy in his home (Magnus) for no reason....

What we really need is Jerry Springer to show up and resolve this.....and then move on to Kattegat to proclaim "Ivar the Boneless, you are NOT the father!".

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That wasn't Athelstan, that was King Ecbert.  Athelstan was everybody's favorite monk they were crying over later in that same episode who managed to father Alfred before Floki killed him the previous season.  Alfred also wasn't present as he was still a child then, so the only people in that room save Magnus are now dead and can't say what happened either way.

The only reaction Ragnar has in that scene is to look vaguely amused as he tells Magnus that his birth was a "miracle" because he'd never had sex with Queen Crazypants.  Pretty much nothing Magnus claimed in this episode to have happened actually happened.  Ragnar couldn't have embraced him as he was still in the cage at the time.  He never even touched him, let alone expressed any feeling at all.  So that leaves a couple of questions:  Is Magnus remembering it the way he wants to because it's easier for him, and did Ragnar lie either at that point or to everybody back home he told the story about Crazypants pissing on him?  Frankly, about the only thing that makes me inclined to believe Magnus is even the same kid and not just somebody who heard the story and is trying to capitalize on it is that he repeats his telling Ragnar how being Ragnar's son makes his life make sense first to Bjorn and then to the assembled group.

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16 hours ago, Captanne said:

What worried more about Ivar's sacrificial stand-in for Lagertha was that the people seemed to believe him.  We know he's nuts so no surprise there -- but I was shocked that only one person spoke up (there were more, I think?) but the woman was killed anyway.  (Reminds me of some contemporary global politics.)

Within the episode, it was clear the Seer was on his last legs (uh, back?) so Ivar's killing there was a bit anti-climactic.  I only hope the Seer saw it coming and was at peace with it, even if he couldn't be at peace with entering The Dark. 

I'm glad Magnus is not being taken at face value.

The only problem I have with the acting stems from both Heahmund's and Alfred's brother's acting.  They do this breathy gasping to indicate Drah-Mah and that is very high school.  Also, when did it go from Hay-ah-mund to Hay-ACH-mund?   It sounds like everyone is unsure of what they are doing over that one word and has to clear their collective throat before going on.  Distracting. 

Well, we all know that Ivar knows that he didn’t sacrifice the real Lagertha, so what happens when she somehow shows up--what will all his people think of their “god” then? How will he cover for his goings-on? Of course he’s their god so he could have the objectors executed I suppose. 

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Also have to comment about Harald’s flotilla heading down a river towards Wessex.  He had to have crossed the North Sea, no scenes of that, just a peaceful entrance to Wessex. No time frame really.  And speaking of boats, Floki was the local boat builder.  I assume Harald has his own builders now.  And one more thing to say about Lagertha--what a wimp she’s turned into, what happened to the best of the shield maidens? According to the previews it looks like MAYBE she’ll be joining in on the fighting.  

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On 12/20/2018 at 9:15 PM, Hannah94 said:

Same here. That pretty much defeated his whole life purpose as a priest (or whatever title he held). The whole Christian/Viking contrast always made the show edgy. Now this guy that devoted his entire life to God throws it in the dumpster in one heated moment of lust. Nah. And his hair style drives me bonkers. He looks like an Abercrombie model and he talks like Christian Bale when he played Batman. Enough already. 

Our intro to Heahmund was him presiding over a funeral then banging the widow. Not exactly someone devoting their entire life to God.

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3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Our intro to Heahmund was him presiding over a funeral then banging the widow. Not exactly someone devoting their entire life to God.

Dang, I am going to have to go rewatch the previous seasons. It has been so long, I forgot!

Edited by Hannah94
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23 hours ago, motroro said:

RE: Magnus.  I am convinced that he IS the long lost son of Ragnar....here's why. 

There a scene in season 4 ep 14,  back when Athelstan had Ragnar in the cage after he was initially caught where a young Magnus was introduced to Ragnar as his son.  I recall Ragnar crying and he spoke to his "son"  but did say that he didn't have relations with Kwenthrith.

This is exactly the story that Magnus told Ubbe/Lagertha/et al....more or less.  There was only Athelstan, Ragnar, Ragnar's newly found son and Alfred in the room at the time so we can safely say that Magnus was in the room.....was introduced as Ragnar's son...and was summarily dismissed by Athelstan. 

So....this kid IS "Magnus".  The only question that remains is whether Ragnar lied about not laying with Kwenthrith. 


And we all saw that scene on our TVs of Crazy Pants pissing on Ragnar's wounds after that one battle in Mercia.  There was NO sex.  The kid IS Magnus but Magnus is NOT Ragnar's son.  We saw that for ourselves.  So we know Ragnar did NOT lie about it.  He did not have sex with Crazy Pants on the battlefield while he was wounded and close to death.  Ragnar mocked the very idea that he copulated on the battlefield with Magnus' mother.

Also when King Ecbert (not Athelstan obviously, he was already killed by Floki at that point) heard from Ragnar that Magnus was NOT his son, which Ragnar clearly stated in that scene as we know, that was when Ecbert decided to kill him.  The only reason he kept Magnus around was because he thought he might be Ragnar's son and would come in handy as a hostage in future negotiations possibly so when he realized he wasn't and Magnus was now totally a liability with his Mercian "royal blood" via Crazy Pants -- possible Mercian rebels could make use of his claim someday  -- he wanted to off him.  Aethelwulf got him out of the villa first and turned him loose in the woods to save his life.


17 hours ago, alvajon said:

Well, we all know that Ivar knows that he didn’t sacrifice the real Lagertha, so what happens when she somehow shows up--what will all his people think of their “god” then? How will he cover for his goings-on? Of course he’s their god so he could have the objectors executed I suppose. 

All the people knew at the reveal of the false Lagertha.  That one woman spoke up and immediately the crowd realized the truth and started chanting "Long live Lagertha!  Long live Lagertha!" knowing Ivar had NOT captured her.  His soldiers had to strong arm the crowd back into place.


17 hours ago, alvajon said:

Also have to comment about Harald’s flotilla heading down a river towards Wessex.  He had to have crossed the North Sea, no scenes of that, just a peaceful entrance to Wessex. No time frame really.  And speaking of boats, Floki was the local boat builder.  I assume Harald has his own builders now.  And one more thing to say about Lagertha--what a wimp she’s turned into, what happened to the best of the shield maidens? According to the previews it looks like MAYBE she’ll be joining in on the fighting.  

The Vikings already hold territory in Northumbria after they defeated and killed King Aella.  So Harold re-supplied at York, Ivar's "capital" there as we saw since Northumbria lies to the north of Wessex and is on the way there.   By this time in the storyline crossing to England had become pretty routine too so no need to show yet another crossing. 

Floki was but one of many many shipbuilders back when he was young.  He was just shown as the inventor of a new style of longship that was sea worthy enough to make the first crossing from Norway to England years before with his new design.  Before then, in this storyline of this show at least, they had to hug the coast more and raid in the Baltic etc and avoid big chunks of open sea because of the old design of the ships and the inability to navigate on the seas the latter of which Ragnar is shown to have taken care of.  The new design would obviously spread quickly, not the basic craft of shipbuilding.  So would the new method of navigating.  That's the nature of new, improved anythings.

There have been tons of longboat fleets since Season 1 that have crossed to England or France (longer voyage).  Before Harold, King Horik and Jarl Borg and even Lagertha (in her first earldom) had sea-worthy large fleets.  Once someone invents something it spreads like wildfire and everyone starts using it.

A single shipbuilder working alone as was Floki in the first couple of episodes of Season 1 would take months to build one single ship.  Floki never built full fleets on his own.  Supervise Ragnar's fleet-building workers later maybe, but no way he or anyone else built hundreds of boats on their own.  He could school Harold's workers and get them up to speed on all this but he never built a fleet by hand for Harold.

Edited by green
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I'm just watching this show out of habit now and also just that I'm interested in this period of history. Plus the pretty if inaccurate costumes/visuals.

Ivar's not being offed soon, due to history (spoilers?), I don't mind him too much as long as he has some interesting opposition.

I'm finding the Wessex stuff far more interesting. All the intrigue. Love seeing Alfred become the Great, I really like the actor. Hilarious how his delightfully androgynous boyish look got transformed this episode into cosplaying an Adult. 

Heahmund was almost interesting last episode, here he's kind of boring again. Lagertha has no chemistry with him.

I don't caaaaaare about Iceland either, everyone is being rained on, even indoors (LOL), there is nothing green shown anywhere, the show is going way OTT on this, and again, I just don't care. Please do something interesting soon with this.

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11 hours ago, Kite said:

I'm finding the Wessex stuff far more interesting. All the intrigue. Love seeing Alfred become the Great, I really like the actor. Hilarious how his delightfully androgynous boyish look got transformed this episode into cosplaying an Adult.

LOL, and I thought the exact opposite.  Alfred looked far more manly with longer hair and now he looks more like a modern day female wearing a false mustache.  Long hair on men always looks more manly to me and far more historically correct.

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Since everyone who knows for sure is dead, Magnus could be a "Perkin Warbeck" impersonating the real Magnus? Maybe this kid met up with Magnus in the forest, tells "Perkin" his story, kills Magnus then assumes his story (or Magnus' attempted con game.) Wild idea i know, but plausible for this show. :)

Of course, Bjorn probably is just pretending to believe Magnus' story. He's going to use and abuse Magnus first chance he gets.

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Yeah this could be a fake Magnus using logic alone but why?  Makes no dramatic sense for Hirst to step it back one step more removed since Magnus isn't even Ragnar's real son already.  No point at all to write it that complicated.  Makes total dramatic sense to have the real, screwed-up young Magnus wanting to desperately believe the story he had heard back in his childhood.

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58 minutes ago, green said:

Yeah this could be a fake Magnus using logic alone but why?  Makes no dramatic sense for Hirst to step it back one step more removed since Magnus isn't even Ragnar's real son already.  No point at all to write it that complicated.  Makes total dramatic sense to have the real, screwed-up young Magnus wanting to desperately believe the story he had heard back in his childhood.

Makes sense.

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Bjorn is dumber than a box of rocks. He really is. For him to buy Magnus' story hook, line and sinker is ridiculous.

For Ivar to sacrifice a fake Lagertha was stupid. He's smarter than that. He's looking desperate now. He's scarier when he's actually calculated... and when he's crawling. He's really cartoony now. I know everyone hates Ivar, but I love a good villain, because it gives you someone to root against. He will get his comeuppance, and it will be epic. 

The Floki storyline is horrible. I am so uninterested I had no idea what happened, who did what to who and why all those people were banished. 

I desperately miss Ragnar and Ecbert. They were so interesting. The whole show used to be interesting. I felt like it was very character driven, and now it is plot driven. Whenever that happens, shows tank. I felt like whether it was true or not, I got a glimpse into Viking life. I don't feel that way anymore.

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1 minute ago, One Tough Cookie said:

For me,Ivar is just one big cartoon joke. And I bet he has the  mother of "his"child killed(if it's a boy) to keep her mouth shut.

Oh,and Lagathera with that white hair and blue dresses? You're no Dani.

Totally off topic, but I love your picture. She is my hero of all time!

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Why is Magnus the real son of Ragnar? 

Because Ragnar is still the heartbeat behind Vikings and they need Sons of Ragnar to continue the storyline.  For every son that dies, another must be created.


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55 minutes ago, motroro said:

Why is Magnus the real son of Ragnar? 

Because Ragnar is still the heartbeat behind Vikings and they need Sons of Ragnar to continue the storyline.  For every son that dies, another must be created.


Except he isn't a real son.  He just thinks he is.

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