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S13.E12 Will Returns to China

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Sigh...I'm 15 minutes in and why are they forcing Zoey to participate in the school?  She is exhausted.  Someone take her back to the hotel.   But I see nothing is changed since I stopped watching over a year ago.  The cameras are on so everyone must play their part.  Poor thing.  

Also, Will is pretty young so I am not sure he will completely understand this trip is about.  Unless they are mature for their age these heritage trips are usually done when the kids are older like 10 and up.  But YMMV.

Edited by PJ123
removed repeated word
  • Love 15

Good grief Jen, let Zoe sleep! What's the point of waking her up? She'll be tired and cranky, and get nothing out of the experience. 

How much freaking cuteness was there in that Chinese school? Amazing how well behaved and focused Will is when he senses he's around adults who don't play. He was such a champ with the way he dove right in and wasn't shy around the other kids.

Bill's dad getting emotional was nice, although I eye-rolled him insisting the tour guide was wrong with regards to when the Forbidden City was built. I'd imagine the woman is pretty accurate with history considering she's, you know, a tour guide.

Bill really shouldn't let the kids goof around in restaurants. I noticed Jen tried to stop them but got ignored in favor of Fun Time Parent. The kids are never going to learn if the adults in their lives continually encourage inappropriate behavior (saying that more towards Bill than Jen).

Interesting how Bill's mom was the only one who seemed to make the connection that Will wanted to stay in China because for once he wasn't the minority.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 24

I'm not even halfway through and I've heard "immersed" more than half a dozen times. Spellbound, absorbed, mesmerized, engaged...choose any of them, please, PLEASE, but enough with the word immersed!! In an otherwise cute episode so far (except let that poor little girl sleep, for pete's sake) this immersion in immersed is going to make me need to immerse myself in some sort of alcoholic beverage.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

I'm not even halfway through and I've heard "immersed" more than half a dozen times. Spellbound, absorbed, mesmerized, engaged...choose any of them, please, PLEASE, but enough with the word immersed!! In an otherwise cute episode so far (except let that poor little girl sleep, for pete's sake) this immersion in immersed is going to make me need to immerse myself in some sort of alcoholic beverage.

Jen may soon be immersed in that bottomless tub.

  • Love 4

Jen's mom having to go back to the hotel after seeing the chicken feet is hysterical! Reminds me of my mom. Chicken feet must be popular in quite a few cultures...my brother had chicken feet soup in some country (he was in the military...I lose track of how many countries he's been to, but it wasn't China)...and a few towns over, the grocery store started carrying chicken feet due an increase in people of Mexican descent. I'd call my mom over "Come here, look at this" and then I'd spring a package of chicken feet on her!

After awhile she wouldn't walk through the meat dept with me anymore. I'd be yelling Mom, come back, and she'd tell people "I don't know her, she's not my daughter." No sense of humor about the chicken feet! (They weren't "pedicured", enjoyed Bill's description of that...there's something a little extra gross about the little tootsies with the toenails still on them!)

If my mom were still alive, she'd have Judy's back on this one. :-) I probably would've tried them but I don't really blame anyone for excusing themselves. 

  • Love 10

I'm with Jen's Mom.  If I walked through that Chinese market, I would get nauseated as well, and like Jen's Mom I would most likely be back in the hotel room, sick.  Like, I'm outta here.

It was so funny when Will looked at the cooked plate of chicken feet and freaked because there was a single piece of cabbage or something on it, and Bill said "That's what bothers you about that plate?"  Ewwwww...I couldn't even look at those feet.  And Bill's Mom's SO was at the end of the table, just gnawing away on the chicken foot...Oh my Gawd!!!

Poor Zoey and the jet lag, she was so exhausted, and the snoring was so cute.  SHE.WAS.OUT.

Why was Will in a wheelchair when they went to the forbidden city?

Edited by Honey
  • Love 4

Caribbean cuisine also uses chicken feet in many recipes: ( ex  link ). Many cultures believe in not wasting parts and that there is  flavor in the meat in parts that are close to a bone or hard muscle. And yes, many meat dept/farmers markets here in the US sells them - you will be surprised what is now sold in the stores - just by slowing down and talking a look, while grabbing the same ole thing one purchases every week.

I only caught a small part of the episode (It will rerun soon , I'm sure) - but I do wonder how much of the Chinese culture Will experiences in the US. Yes, he was a different child at the school. I think Bill & Jen are missing a great opportunity in not letting him experience his heritage (and probably diversity) more while at home. And I am not talking about ordering in takeout.

If Will is truly missing his culture at age 7-8, then that urge will probably increase as he gets older - esp. listening to stories of others speak about themselves  .

And that reminds me - are the film laws different in China than the US ? - how come they can film activities at a school in china and not in the US ? I'm ok with not IDing the kids in class but teacher/principal, school pgm, etc. Or did I miss the episode where they filmed them at school-stuff in Houston ?

I was good to see (ok well, the little part I saw) for the 6 grands getting along. Nice to know they appear to move past the bitterness of a divorce and remarriage and go on a trip out of the US.  I know a few divorced who couldn't be on the same flight w/o a major battle taking place about something that happened (or didn't happen) in 19xx.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, endure said:

I guess I will be the upopular opinion here.  I really enjoyed the episode and actually got emotional a couple of times when Bills’ Dad did and I never do that watching these type of shows.  You can sure see where Bill gets his sense of humour.  I thought it was good that Zoey slept through a lot of it as it gave Will a chance to really shine.  i agree the kids are young for this but some of the elder family members might not be able to do an excursion like this in the foreseeable future as it is exhausting to travel that distance and I believe having everyone there really made it a memorable trip.

That's an excellent point about taking the trip while all the grandparents can go.  There's never a perfect time to take a big trip like that, so you just have to try to do it when you can make it work best.  BTW, yours isn't an unpopular opinion-there are a lot of us who aren't haters.  :) 

  • Love 16
34 minutes ago, sATL said:

Caribbean cuisine also uses chicken feet in many recipes: ( ex  link ). Many cultures believe in not wasting parts and that there is  flavor in the meat in parts that are close to a bone or hard muscle. And yes, many meat dept/farmers markets here in the US sells them - you will be surprised what is now sold in the stores - just by slowing down and talking a look, while grabbing the same ole thing one purchases every week.

I only caught a small part of the episode (It will rerun soon , I'm sure) - but I do wonder how much of the Chinese culture Will experiences in the US. Yes, he was a different child at the school. I think Bill & Jen are missing a great opportunity in not letting him experience his heritage (and probably diversity) more while at home. And I am not talking about ordering in takeout.

If Will is truly missing his culture at age 7-8, then that urge will probably increase as he gets older - esp. listening to stories of others speak about themselves  .

And that reminds me - are the film laws different in China than the US ? - how come they can film activities at a school in china and not in the US ? I'm ok with not IDing the kids in class but teacher/principal, school pgm, etc. Or did I miss the episode where they filmed them at school-stuff in Houston ?

I was good to see (ok well, the little part I saw) for the 6 grands getting along. Nice to know they appear to move past the bitterness of a divorce and remarriage and go on a trip out of the US.  I know a few divorced who couldn't be on the same flight w/o a major battle taking place about something that happened (or didn't happen) in 19xx.

Depending on the school, they probably can film in the US, but they choose not to-whether for privacy reasons and/or because they'd need to get a bunch of releases signed.  Plus, it might be a security issue.  Some of the other TLC shows have filmed in schools, though.  The Outdaughtered quints have been shown in preschool a bunch.

I've thought the same thing about all the grandparents, too-especially given that Bill's dad and stepmom were pretty crappy to Bill's mom.  I think I'd probably still be bitter all these years later if my husband left me for some other woman and I had to go on welfare to support HIS kids, so I give her a ton of credit and hope she's found lasting happiness.

  • Love 11

Hold up... The presence of chicken feet, in a food market, sent Jen's mom to her hotel room ??? Surely there's got to be more to that story... 

Leaving the aisle or area, yes, but to take to your room , ultimately to bed ? ...  - while on vaykay.... And everyone else is moving on and enjoying the day's events? 

She didn't know what --- chicken had feet... or she never saw them for sale ... or she didn't know people ate them ??? Did she faint, get lightheaded,or was nauseous?

Edited by sATL
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, sATL said:

Hold up... The presence of chicken feet, in a food market, sent Jen's mom to her hotel room ??? Surely there's got to be more to that story... 

Leaving the aisle or area, yes, but to take to your room , ultimately to bed ? ...  - while on vakay.... And everyone else is moving on and enjoying the day's events? 

She didn't know what --- chicken had feet... or she never saw them for sale ... or she didn't know people ate them ??? Did she faint, get lightheaded,or was nauseous?

She had an extreme reaction to alligators too, and she lives in Florida.

  • Love 1

Sorry, but Bill's dad was really getting on my nerves. He was trying way too hard to be the 'fun Grandpa', taking over the rick shaw, the ordeal he made over eating the chicken feet & that childish way he was acting in the restaurant. I kind of felt sorry for Bill's mom, she seems very uncomfortable. 

Are Will & Zoey the only grandchildren to these 3 couples?

Have to agree with  Bill, if boiling dinner first to remove scum is required, don't think it's for me.  Living in the Phoenix area, there are a lot of grocery stores that sell Mexican cuisine, chicken toes & beaks are among them. I close my eyes. 

  • Love 13
41 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Sorry, but Bill's dad was really getting on my nerves. He was trying way too hard to be the 'fun Grandpa', taking over the rick shaw, the ordeal he made over eating the chicken feet & that childish way he was acting in the restaurant. I kind of felt sorry for Bill's mom, she seems very uncomfortable. 

Are Will & Zoey the only grandchildren to these 3 couples?

Have to agree with  Bill, if boiling dinner first to remove scum is required, don't think it's for me.  Living in the Phoenix area, there are a lot of grocery stores that sell Mexican cuisine, chicken toes & beaks are among them. I close my eyes. 

No. I remember these two events..

  • There was an episode where the Kliens went to Jen's brother (NC?), whose child was being christened.
  • Before that there was a episode where the Kliens went to FL , where one of Bill's brother child was being christened and they also christened Will and Zoey.

Now someone can correct me on this detail - Bill/Jen were named godparents in each occasion. I didn't know until then it was common to be named godparent to more than one child. That is a a big responsibility esp. if that job requires one to become the guardian if something tragic happens to the parents.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, sATL said:

but I do wonder how much of the Chinese culture Will experiences in the US. Yes, he was a different child at the school. I think Bill & Jen are missing a great opportunity in not letting him experience his heritage (and probably diversity) more while at home.

I definitely understand your concerns - however I think Bill & Jen have found a lot of opportunities for both children to experience things from their cultures at home. Will was in karate and went to a Lion Dancing event, and Zoey has tried some Indian dance classes & Bill's made some Indian recipes at home. 

Still, there's nothing like experiencing the culture first-hand, so it's great they'll be able to go to visit both countries.

  • Love 7

I'm a little foggy, but I thought that Jen's mom had said in the recent(broadcasting terms) episode where the Kleins evacuated to her home that she was now a vegetarian, as in a recent lifestyle change?  Maybe she's got an aversion going on and the market sent her over the edge -- possibly on top of any jet lag?  Her comments about vacations and being a middle class family putting everything into Jen's surgeries was a little eye opening.  I assumed they were a bit wealthier than that for some reason.  Any way you slice it, it couldn't have been a picnic for Jen's brother either.

I was a bit fascinated with the dynamics of Bill's parents/step parents.  Generally Bill's mom seemed to take the (metaphorical) backseat, but there were times when they wound up dining face to face with Bill's dad. She also seemed to physically struggle with parts of the trip.  I wondered if Bill's dad wasn't incredibly emotional and a bit extra all the way around  because he was really feeling things he missed out on with his own children/guilt about how he handled things back then?   Jen's parents definitely seemed to take a step back in terms of filming and Jen's mom was generally shown being pretty appreciative of the trip whenever on camera.

The only reason I could see them making such a push for Zoey to participate in the school segment was because special arrangements had been made.  Maybe they felt obligated and needed to show they weren't trying to be rude, the kid really was simply down for the count.  Zoey's comments after the trip were pretty funny, because it was clear that on some level she knew they were trying to get her to wake up, yet she absolutely chose to stay soundly asleep.  

I do think Jen and Bill will seek out cultural education for Will and Zoey.  They've clearly done a lot simply by keeping it a topic of conversation with their very young kids, with their very young ages much more simply wouldn't have been possible.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised after the trip that they seek out something more for Will since he showed such interest and focus.  I'm not surprised Bill's mom was attuned to Will's gravitation to the majority of people who looked like him.  She's a mom who raised a son who struggled with the issues of being different.  No doubt she feels many of the wounds Bill suffered on that front and understands that in some ways Will and Zoey will ultimately feel different on an ethnicity basis in their own home AND different for being of short stature and minority ethnically in the U.S.  

This is one of the most enjoyable episodes of the series for me.    

  • Love 19
57 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Sorry, but Bill's dad was really getting on my nerves. He was trying way too hard to be the 'fun Grandpa', taking over the rick shaw, the ordeal he made over eating the chicken feet & that childish way he was acting in the restaurant. I kind of felt sorry for Bill's mom, she seems very uncomfortable. 

I agree, I find him (and his wife) a bit irritating. I think his statements about Will were totally heart-felt though, and I teared up! But I think he likes like lime light and I prefer Bill's mom and her husband. Bill's step-dad's statement about Barbara's kids and grandkids filling a void in his life was sweet, and I think Bill's mom loves those kids like crazy but she doesn't have to be shoving her way closest to the camera like Bill's step-mom.

  • Love 15
55 minutes ago, sATL said:

No. I remember these two events..

  • There was an episode where the Kliens went to Jen's brother (NC?), whose child was being christened.
  • Before that there was a episode where the Kliens went to FL , where one of Bill's brother child was being christened and they also christened Will and Zoey.

Now someone can correct me on this detail - Bill/Jen were named godparents in each occasion. I didn't know until then it was common to be named godparent to more than one child. That is a a big responsibility esp. if that job requires one to become the guardian if something tragic happens to the parents.

Godparent and guardian is not the same thing.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

I'm a little foggy, but I thought that Jen's mom had said in the recent(broadcasting terms) episode where the Kleins evacuated to her home that she was now a vegetarian, as in a recent lifestyle change?

I don't remember Judy saying it, but I think Jen has said she goes mostly vegetarian, perhaps not totally...I'm not totally sure either though. Someone else here can probably help us out. :-)

As far as Judy's aversion to the chicken feet at the market...I recall Judy being pretty easily grossed out by a lot of things. She and Bill went to a pet expo on one episode, and someone was demonstrating a doggy poo poo picker-upper and Judy was creeped out by the take dog poo they were using! Ha ha ha, fake dog poo got to her, yet she has dogs of her own, and also a horse! She has a low threshold for gross things. Some people just do! :-)

My mom was the same way...and my siblings and I learned to make the most of it. Grossing out mom was the family sport.

4 hours ago, Honey said:

It was so funny when Will looked at the cooked plate of chicken feet and freaked because there was a single piece of cabbage or something on it, and Bill said "That's what bothers you about that plate?"

Ha ha, yes that slayed me. "Ew, there's a LEAF on it!" says Will, and then Bill's reaction...hilarious.

Those chicken feet were HUGE,  nothing like what I see in the stores here.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

I agree, I find him (and his wife) a bit irritating. I think his statements about Will were totally heart-felt though, and I teared up! But I think he likes like lime light and I prefer Bill's mom and her husband. Bill's step-dad's statement about Barbara's kids and grandkids filling a void in his life was sweet, and I think Bill's mom loves those kids like crazy but she doesn't have to be shoving her way closest to the camera like Bill's step-mom.

I didn't know that about Chuck and it was really such a sweet moment.  He seems like a really great guy from all the times we've seen him on camera.

I really loved Will's enthusiasm during the whole trip.  His bonding with the chef and saying "hi" to everyone in the market was so cute. 

I think Will was in the wheelchair for the forbidden city because of all the walking?  Looks like they only brought one stroller and it was for Zoey.  I think if Will was average sized he probably wouldn't have needed the wheelchair but I'm sure a lot of walking on those short legs would tire him out easily.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, PJ123 said:


Also, Will is pretty young so I am not sure he will completely understand this trip is about.  Unless they are mature for their age these heritage trips are usually done when the kids are older like 10 and up.  But YMMV.

I was thinking the same thing. He would get so much more if he were about 9 or 10. But then I realized if TLC offered a trip to me I would take it.

  • Love 2

Chuck and Barbara, two nice people who know how to get along with grace and once again show how to take the high road.

Chuck was quietly and enthusiastically chowing down on the chicken hoof delicacy and the other dishes at his end of the table...his TH was poignant and heartfelt...you'll never see him doing stupid stunts to get the camera's attention.

The Forbidden City is huge and the stones uneven, the Great Wall steps are short and steep with even the level places very steep so the wheelchairs were a good idea to have as backup with their group of seniors and assorted hip surgeries and gait difficulties.

Jen's Mom and Dad have slowed down, glad Jen's Dad has stopped dyeing his locks.

Plenty of TLC handlers behind the cameras so the dinner without their translator was filmed for comical effect.

Hope the camera man who accompanied Bill and Jen on the first trip and captured their first night with Will was along to film this trip.

For long time viewers we remember how he and an assistant crushed themselves in the corner by the bed to film that touching scene.

Will was at his best behavior in China...none of the brah speak and dismissive attitude he displayed as he narrated the China footage back home, the producers would probably have done better by having Will alone since he and Zoey are typical siblings, pushing each other's buttons.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 12
35 minutes ago, retiredviewer said:

But then I realized if TLC offered a trip to me I would take it.

Me too, but somebody said that on Facebook and got attacked like you wouldn't believe. People were INSISTING that TLC paid for NOTHING and this was all on their own dime. 

I don't get that...it's pretty common knowledge that all TLC shows do trips and pay for them...why do some people on FB get so upset at the suggestion that TLC paid for the trip? And like you say, why wouldn't Bill & Jen take that opportunity? There's nothing wrong with that. 

Frankly, TLC has paid to send a lot of jackasses on other shows on trips that were boring and stupid. At least this trip had a point, as Will was born in China, and it was enjoyable for the viewer IMO, both from the standpoint of learning some cultural things and watching a family that isn't bickering constantly.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, sATL said:

No. I remember these two events..

  • There was an episode where the Kliens went to Jen's brother (NC?), whose child was being christened.
  • Before that there was a episode where the Kliens went to FL , where one of Bill's brother child was being christened and they also christened Will and Zoey.

Now someone can correct me on this detail - Bill/Jen were named godparents in each occasion. I didn't know until then it was common to be named godparent to more than one child. That is a a big responsibility esp. if that job requires one to become the guardian if something tragic happens to the parents.

Now that you mention that, SATL, I do remember the newborn episode.  After a while, all of the characters on these TLC shows run together.  I also now recall them being at one of the parents homes & the kids  talking about their cousins.  I wonder if the other grandchildren are as coddled by the grandparents. Bill's dad & stepmom and Jen's parents treat the kids like they are 2-3 year old toddlers rather than 7-8 year olds.  In the taxi when Will began mimicking the horns 'beep-beep', they were encouraging him to baby talk. I have a 9 year old nephew, if he were to baby talk, we would not encourage it. 

9 minutes ago, Squirrely said:

The Kleins aren't hurting for money. I am pretty sure Will will get another China trip when he's a bit older. Just as I assume there will be more than one India trip in Zoey's future. 

I am sure India is on the schedule for next season 

I thought they might go to the orphanage where they got Will.  

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, sATL said:

Hold up... The presence of chicken feet, in a food market, sent Jen's mom to her hotel room ??? Surely there's got to be more to that story... 

Leaving the aisle or area, yes, but to take to your room , ultimately to bed ? ...  - while on vaykay.... And everyone else is moving on and enjoying the day's events? 

She didn't know what --- chicken had feet... or she never saw them for sale ... or she didn't know people ate them ??? Did she faint, get lightheaded,or was nauseous?

SHe hung in there until they purchased some feet, and the seller had to remove the toenails, and scrape the toes, or something like that. I was looking away, I can't watch stuff like that.  Blech!

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

Sorry, but Bill's dad was really getting on my nerves. He was trying way too hard to be the 'fun Grandpa', taking over the rick shaw, the ordeal he made over eating the chicken feet & that childish way he was acting in the restaurant. I kind of felt sorry for Bill's mom, she seems very uncomfortable. 

Are Will & Zoey the only grandchildren to these 3 couples?

Have to agree with  Bill, if boiling dinner first to remove scum is required, don't think it's for me.  Living in the Phoenix area, there are a lot of grocery stores that sell Mexican cuisine, chicken toes & beaks are among them. I close my eyes. 

Chicken produces scum when it's boiled.  When I make chicken soup, I have to take the scum off the top after boiling.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Me too, but somebody said that on Facebook and got attacked like you wouldn't believe. People were INSISTING that TLC paid for NOTHING and this was all on their own dime. 

I don't get that...it's pretty common knowledge that all TLC shows do trips and pay for them...why do some people on FB get so upset at the suggestion that TLC paid for the trip? And like you say, why wouldn't Bill & Jen take that opportunity? There's nothing wrong with that. 

Frankly, TLC has paid to send a lot of jackasses on other shows on trips that were boring and stupid. At least this trip had a point, as Will was born in China, and it was enjoyable for the viewer IMO, both from the standpoint of learning some cultural things and watching a family that isn't bickering constantly.

The Kleins excepted, I can't imagine most of the TLC families could afford all the trips they take (and all the extra people they take with them) were TLC not footing all/most of the tab.  To be fair, however, I've heard other TLC families say on the show that they were paying for the trip and how, so I can see why people might think the families pay for these trips themselves. A few examples I can think of would be the recent trip on Outdaughtered to Hawaii with extended family and family friends taken along, with the stated explanation by Adam being that he got a really good deal on the trip (and maybe  a good year at work, can't remember), and on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, they also recently went to Hawaii with their family and a lot of Whitney's friends, with Whitney's dad saying he was paying for the trip with a bonus he got at work.

However, dear Kate kind of let the cat out of the bag when TLC brought her and the kids back as Kate Plus 8 and asked her if the kids had missed the show.  Her answer was something along the lines of, "The kids really missed the film crew, who had become like family, and they missed all the trips."  Had Kate been paying for said trips herself, presumably they wouldn't have stopped when the show stopped....

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, sATL said:


I was good to see (ok well, the little part I saw) for the 6 grands getting along. Nice to know they appear to move past the bitterness of a divorce and remarriage and go on a trip out of the US.  I know a few divorced who couldn't be on the same flight w/o a major battle taking place about something that happened (or didn't happen) in 19xx.


Bill's mom has a lot more class than I do because I don't know if I could sit by quietly while Wifey prances around for the cameras and makes a big show of letting everyone know she's Top Dog. I feel badly for Bill's mother because she lives far away and isn't as close to the kids as the other grandparents. She and her husband seem like such genuine, salt of the Earth people. 

Regarding your last sentence, I've noticed past hurts always rear their ugly heads when a divorced couple's children get married. My friend's parents divorced when he was 8, and while wedding planning in his early 30s, he and his fiancee decided to put together a little tribute to their parents. His mother went ballistic when she found out he was including his stepmother in his speech; saying it was disrespectful, a slap in the face to her etc. My poor friend was like, what am I supposed to do?, ignore a woman who's been in my life for twenty years? Eventually she came around, but the level of drama surrounding the whole thing was insane.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

To me, it looked like Zoey was over the filming and this show.  She looked like she was play sleeping at one point just to get out of the dog-and-pony show that the Klein's have mastered.

It will be interesting to see how Bill and Jen handle her when she's 16.  They think the mean looks, slapping, and talk back is cute now - with no discipline.  Just wait.

Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, SabineElisabeth said:

The Kleins excepted, I can't imagine most of the TLC families could afford all the trips they take (and all the extra people they take with them) were TLC not footing all/most of the tab.  To be fair, however, I've heard other TLC families say on the show that they were paying for the trip and how, so I can see why people might think the families pay for these trips themselves. A few examples I can think of would be the recent trip on Outdaughtered to Hawaii with extended family and family friends taken along, with the stated explanation by Adam being that he got a really good deal on the trip (and maybe  a good year at work, can't remember), and on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, they also recently went to Hawaii with their family and a lot of Whitney's friends, with Whitney's dad saying he was paying for the trip with a bonus he got at work.

However, dear Kate kind of let the cat out of the bag when TLC brought her and the kids back as Kate Plus 8 and asked her if the kids had missed the show.  Her answer was something along the lines of, "The kids really missed the film crew, who had become like family, and they missed all the trips."  Had Kate been paying for said trips herself, presumably they wouldn't have stopped when the show stopped....

I agree most TLC folks couldn't afford the trips (looking at you, Brown family from Sister Wives...and I end up wanting to throat-punch Kody because he's always got to be a jerk).

I don't watch Outdaughtered so I know squat about that show...but as to the Hawaii trip on MBFFL...I know they said that, but I really, really doubt Whitney's dad paid for that whole trip. They took a lot of hangers-on on that trip, I think TLC paid for some of it.

I never watched Kate but I remember hearing that she commented on the trips.

It's also possible Bill & Jen paid for some of the things on this trip, and TLC paid for other parts. Doesn't matter much to me...if I was in charge of the TLC trip budget, I'd take away Whitney's and the Brown's entire trip budget and give it all to the Klein's. Because they don't make me stabby. ;-)

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

To me, it looked like Zoey was over the filming and this show.  She looked like she was play sleeping at one point just to get out of the dog-and-pony show that the Klein's have mastered.

It will be interesting to see how Bill and Jen handle her when she's 16.  They think the mean looks, slapping, and talk back is cute now - with no discipline.  Just wait.

agree . I'm waiting for those tween, puberty years..12-ish with Will... There's been a couple of moments with him and Jen (not last night ) that made me think the same.

{popcorn anyone , LOL }

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Me too, but somebody said that on Facebook and got attacked like you wouldn't believe. People were INSISTING that TLC paid for NOTHING and this was all on their own dime. 

I don't get that...it's pretty common knowledge that all TLC shows do trips and pay for them...why do some people on FB get so upset at the suggestion that TLC paid for the trip? And like you say, why wouldn't Bill & Jen take that opportunity? There's nothing wrong with that. 

Frankly, TLC has paid to send a lot of jackasses on other shows on trips that were boring and stupid. At least this trip had a point, as Will was born in China, and it was enjoyable for the viewer IMO, both from the standpoint of learning some cultural things and watching a family that isn't bickering constantly.

These folks are really naïve.  This is pretty standard for reality shows.  They set up these trips for storyline sakes.  Usually there is always some drama on these trips - not for a show like The Little Couple but if you look at the Real Housewives franchise there is usually at least 1 trip a season and its done to manufacture drama and ratings.

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, DkNNy79 said:

These folks are really naïve.  This is pretty standard for reality shows.  They set up these trips for storyline sakes.  Usually there is always some drama on these trips - not for a show like The Little Couple but if you look at the Real Housewives franchise there is usually at least 1 trip a season and its done to manufacture drama and ratings.

maybe not for drama,but there is  somekind of motive... just have to figure it out what ( some have been for Jen's career , medical appts and Bill's businesses) .. maybe its to show they are well traveled and like adventure.. Gotta admit the Kliens do seem to be on the the go.

It is possible the cast has to pay some towards the trip to have an expense to offset their TLC income. Can't pocket every dime otherwise that is just a bigger tax bill. I too doubt Whitney's dad paid all of his bonus $$ to send extras to HI- (1) he appears to be very old school and tight with $$ and (2) if he came into a very  large payout (ie sending extra taglongs to HI) from his 9-5 , that is telling that he might be getting laid off, retirement $$, something like that. Now I can see him getting a annual bonus for like him and his wife to go somewhere, though.

And maybe it is TLC who want to be on the go - I mean it's not every day one gets to go to SanFran to a medial convention, or to NJ to a specialist for achondroplasia , or to NC to a baptism. New Orleans to talk about international adoption,  throw in china, india, and who knows where else - that's a nice job travel perk .

Edited by sATL
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1 minute ago, DkNNy79 said:

These folks are really naïve.  This is pretty standard for reality shows.  They set up these trips for storyline sakes.  Usually there is always some drama on these trips - not for a show like The Little Couple but if you look at the Real Housewives franchise there is usually at least 1 trip a season and its done to manufacture drama and ratings.

I agree, on many shows the people are just so damn boring they HAVE to send them on a trip just to have something to talk about and film. It has made me dislike trip episodes.

This episode was a refreshing break form all of that.

50 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Bill's mom has a lot more class than I do because I don't know if I could sit by quietly while Wifey prances around for the cameras and makes a big show of letting everyone know she's Top Dog. I feel badly for Bill's mother because she lives far away and isn't as close to the kids as the other grandparents. She and her husband seem like such genuine, salt of the Earth people. 

Couldn't agree more. I really enjoy them. They handle the situation so well...I'd be eye-rolling and shooting some stink-eye towards Wifey's (love your name for her!) antics. I aspire to be someday be able to show the same class & grace that Bill's mother does. If I was offered a trip with my ex, I'd probably say "Shove your trip where the sun don't shine, no trip is worth having to be around that putz." But I don't share children with my ex, so it'll never happen, YAY! :-)

For me, Wifey is the most annoying person on this show, but she's still better than most of the people on TLC's other reality shows!  🤣 The ones I watch, anyway.

  • Love 7
46 minutes ago, JerseyGirl said:

To me, it looked like Zoey was over the filming and this show.  She looked like she was play sleeping at one point just to get out of the dog-and-pony show that the Klein's have mastered.

It will be interesting to see how Bill and Jen handle her when she's 16.  They think the mean looks, slapping, and talk back is cute now - with no discipline.  Just wait.

I think that's the problem with any reality show involving children. It's starts out as casual filming then gradually transitions into the children being scripted performers. Jen putting a uniform on a sleeping Zoey, then trying to wake her up so the film crew could get footage was a perfect example. The child's needs and comfort were secondary to keeping the dog and pony show rolling. 

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I quit watching the show a couple of years ago when it became apparent that it was following the path of all the other TLC shows, i.e., let's see how much money we can spend.  Beach house on the Gulf of Mexico, endless vacations, huge home in Houston.  Must be nice....

Last night was one of those nights when I wanted to watch t.v. but there was little to choose from, so I ended up with The Little Couple.  I just hoped I could tolerate Jen's constant giggling after every sentence she utters.

But I was appalled when everyone was gathered in the chef's kitchen and they started making dumplings.  Jen was concerned because the kids kept eating the filling for the dumplings.

Jen:  Everything in there is cooked?

Chef: Everything is cooked.

Jen:  Because my kids keep eating.  I don't want them to get sick. 

Jen (again): When we all end up tomorrow in the hospital, we'll know why.

There is nothing more insulting to say to a chef than you think that his food is going to put ALL of you in the hospital, that he would tell you everything was cooked when it wasn't.

And if they did all end up in the hospital, it would be more likely that it was because Will kept licking his hands between folding every dumpling.  Now that's one meal I think I'd pass!

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I feel badly for Bill's mother because she lives far away and isn't as close to the kids as the other grandparents.

I’m that Grandma too. My grandkids are 1100 miles away. I see them only 1, maybe 2 times per year. Thank God for FaceTime. But I’m like Bill’s Mom, just getting to hold them is the best thing for me.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Jake said:

I quit watching the show a couple of years ago when it became apparent that it was following the path of all the other TLC shows, i.e., let's see how much money we can spend.  Beach house on the Gulf of Mexico, endless vacations, huge home in Houston.  Must be nice....

Last night was one of those nights when I wanted to watch t.v. but there was little to choose from, so I ended up with The Little Couple.  I just hoped I could tolerate Jen's constant giggling after every sentence she utters.

But I was appalled when everyone was gathered in the chef's kitchen and they started making dumplings.  Jen was concerned because the kids kept eating the filling for the dumplings.

Jen:  Everything in there is cooked?

Chef: Everything is cooked.

Jen:  Because my kids keep eating.  I don't want them to get sick. 

Jen (again): When we all end up tomorrow in the hospital, we'll know why.

There is nothing more insulting to say to a chef than you think that his food is going to put ALL of you in the hospital, that he would tell you everything was cooked when it wasn't.

And if they did all end up in the hospital, it would be more likely that it was because Will kept licking his hands between folding every dumpling.  Now that's one meal I think I'd pass!

OMG !!!

I guess directing her children out of the chef's way was too much to ask... they don't need to help everytime someone gets in the kitchen.

This takes me back to an episode when Jen mother had them helping bake/ice a cake and Will kept double dipping...

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Posters may praise the Kleins; they may criticize the Kleins.  They may find Zoe the cutest little pumpkin ever; they may find her annoying.  They may hold whatever opinions they like, extreme, moderate or varied, and express those opinions on this forum as long as the posters are talking about this family and others as they appear on this reality TV show.

You do not need to point out that your opinion is "unpopular" if you like or dislike them.  Nor is it ever okay to refer to other posters as either extreme fans or haters.  At PTV, we snark the show; not each other.  

Let's let varying opinions reign!  Back to your regularly scheduled posting.

  • Love 8

The flights seemed strange too.  His one parents (I forget which one) was flying out of Newark and flew to Dulles.  So The Florida crew flew from Orlando to Dulles, then to Beijing?  It made no sense.  Why didn't they fly to Orlando, then everyone go to Beijing from Orlando?  Or fly to the west coast, meet up, and fly to Beijing.  Why they had to do a separate trip north to Dulles made no sense.  If they had to do that, why not fly to Newark and then all fly out from there. 

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