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i think taking the revelation that Reed knew what would happen when he sent the four of them up there with the intent of gaining powers would be a great way to restart the characters from scratch. He saw a new age of marvels starting up and wanted so desperately to be a part of it he risked his families lives on it. They stick it out as a team but they all harbor distrust towards him, especially Ben. It was a great plot point in the story, even if Doom falsified it.

I seem to recall the Fantastic Four (and the Avengers, actually) were quite heavily involved in the Onslaught storyline, in the 90s. It wasn't very good though, and relied on Professor X having an evil alter-ego. So perhaps not great for a movie.


I saw the trailer for the Fantastic Four movie last night, and it looks pretty pants. Not that I've ever been a fan of the group at all, but that iteration looks thoroughly uninspiring. And I will never see Miles Teller's face and not want to punch it. Can't stand that guy.

  • Love 1

I seem to recall the Fantastic Four (and the Avengers, actually) were quite heavily involved in the Onslaught storyline, in the 90s. It wasn't very good though, and relied on Professor X having an evil alter-ego. So perhaps not great for a movie.


Don't dismiss Onslaught like that! He was a fusion of the worst of Magento and Professor's X's personality, and a total bastardization of their powers. He built a citadel in the middle of Central Park! Most of the non-X-Men heroes jumped into his essence (??? yes, exactly) in order to defeat him. But it was just Franklin sending them into a pocket universe full of terrible writing and worse artwork. 


Sorry, I was 13 again for a second.


Honestly the buildup to Onslaught was incredibly intriguing (even though Scott Lobdell said he had no idea where it was going) and on the heels of the hugely successful Age of Apocalypse. I also liked how it tied up Bishop's X traitor storyline, even if it didn't line up perfectly. 

  • Love 3

I agree the buildup to Onslaught was great, but the actual execution when we met him was a major letdown.  I remember reading that too where Lobdell was told what the end result was to be (the reboot of the Fantastic Four/Avengers/Captain America/Iron Man/Thor/Hulk), so basically fill in the middle.  The whole X traitor thing was something great, it was such a big mystery, but tying that to this storyline really ruined that.  The traitor was Xavier himself...really?!  Oh well.


I know the omnibus of that storyline comes out next month so i'm looking forward to reading it again, but overall it was a really crap story.

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Thinking back on it, it's weird that they used an X-Men storyline to trigger a line-wide reboot... that didn't involve the X-Men.

It actually made sense, business-wise anyway, the X-Men were the top selling book/s series at the time. So it gave them a summer crossover and Marvel a big hypeable for the launch of Heroes Reborn (which I think was really meant to last forever if you hadn't been so terrible).

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I fear them recasting Wolverine as younger because then I'm sure I'll never escape this attempt to make Logan/Jean a thing. Don't do it, movie people! Just don't do it! Logan has had plenty of other lovers! Introduce Mariko or Yukio! Have him hook up with Storm, a relationship that actually makes sense to me because they actually have been teammates and friends for ages in the comics (even though I have a deep fondness for Storm and Forge.) Just say NO to Jean/Logan!


I actually wouldn't mind Logan/Jean when in fact I haven't been a fan in the past.   Cyclops gets Madelyne, Emma Frost (and lately every Marvel Lady ranging from Pixie to Maria Hill commenting about how hot he is) but Jean Grey must remain a Nun according to Comics.   It's either Cyclops or Bust for her, according to the frat boys in charge.   If I can't have a vaguely romantic or potentially romantic subplot for her in the comics, I'd take one in a movie with a guy that is NOT Cyclops.


But I'm still not big on Bryan Singer's casting choices.  Marsden and Janssen are both good actors IMO but I don't think they were well paired together.   And the current incarnation........Jean Grey is someone whom I've always pictured as petite but Singer clearly pictures her as a broad shouldered Amazon (and I like ST on GoT well  enough).  Sigh.


Now that I think of it, did Jean ever have another boyfriend other than Scott?  Warren was into her but I don't think anything ever happened between the two.  And I'm talking about the real Jean Grey...not that vile Young Jean Grey that Bendis created for his shitty X-Men run.


Don't forget Lee for Cyclops too!  He was briefly involved with her.


Yukio in The Wolverine was great.  Definitely like to see her return.  Mariko wasn't bad either.

Edited by benteen

No, it was pretty much Always Scott. Of course, she had the luxury of 'dying' while Scott remained. And when the team got separated and each half believed the others were dead Scott started dating Colleen Wing while Jean was being seduced by Jason Wyngarde (aka Mastermind) and that's what started the Dark Phoenix Saga.


After Jean/Phoenix killed herself on the moon, Scott went out with Lee Forrester and then met Madelyne. And then in recent times he's been all about Emma.


Whenever Jean's actually been around she's been involved with Scott. And when she's not involved with Scott... she gets killed off.


It's actually rather shitty.


I wouldn't be averse to Jean exploring some options. Just NOT a Summers brother and NOT Wolverine! There are other people!

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Looks like Channing Tatum may be leaving the Gambit movie.




See, I'm still torn. Because on the one hand, I may not have to stomach Abs McSquarejaw as my favourite Marvel character, but one the other hand, the movie may not even be made if he's not the guy driving it. Dammit.


Whenever Jean's actually been around she's been involved with Scott. And when she's not involved with Scott... she gets killed off.



Well, yeah. She's a woman in a superhero comic. Until recently, they mostly only existed to be supporting characters to the men. Both Jean Grey and Sue Storm felt very much like token women, in the early days of their respective comic book histories.


And I would hazard a guess that, because most of the X-writers of the past ten years have been huge Cyclops fanboys, they're quite happy to write Cyclops with different women, and show what a stud he is. But putting his first love interest with other men? Oh, you know that's going to be uncomfortable for them.


Again, this is my liking of Jean, my dislike of Scott and my love of Gambit coming to the fore, but I always enjoyed it when Jean and Gambit got a bit flirty, in the old Adjectiveless X-Men book. That would have been a fun option to explore. Plus, it would get Gambit away from Rogue.

  • Love 1

See, I'm still torn. Because on the one hand, I may not have to stomach Abs McSquarejaw as my favourite Marvel character, but one the other hand, the movie may not even be made if he's not the guy driving it. Dammit.


Abs McSquarejaw has me LOLing. I'm not torn. I'd rather not see a Gambit movie if he's going to star in it. I mean I was looking forward to the Wolverine movie and they messed it up. So somethings are better left alone.


I like the guy. I just can't see him as Gambit. I could kind of see Taylor Kitsch as Gambit. But then they made the role worthless and his accent wasn't the greatest. Plus, maybe it's just me but I always pictured Gambit as tall and TK isn't. And Gambit has a lot of sex appeal in a way that CT does not. If they make this Gambit movie, I would like for them to have Rogue in it but for the love of all that is holy not Anna Paquin. Again, I like her but she is not right for the role. X-Men has really made some terrible castly choices.

  • Love 2

Abs McSquarejaw has me LOLing. I'm not torn. I'd rather not see a Gambit movie if he's going to star in it. I mean I was looking forward to the Wolverine movie and they messed it up. So somethings are better left alone.


I like the guy. I just can't see him as Gambit. I could kind of see Taylor Kitsch as Gambit. But then they made the role worthless and his accent wasn't the greatest. Plus, maybe it's just me but I always pictured Gambit as tall and TK isn't. And Gambit has a lot of sex appeal in a way that CT does not. If they make this Gambit movie, I would like for them to have Rogue in it but for the love of all that is holy not Anna Paquin. Again, I like her but she is not right for the role. X-Men has really made some terrible castly choices.


I love Taylor Kitsch, from his days on Friday Night Lights, and I thought he was actually good, in the few minutes he got as Gambit. Shame that movie was so crap. But you can bet that, if John Carter or Battleship had made money, he'd still be slated to play Gambit. I think he'd have been good too, because he's much more charming and convincing when he's chatty and laid back, rather than being the monosyllabic grunter they asked him to be in John Carter.


Zach Levi said that Gambit would be the superhero he'd most like to play, at Nerd HQ. And while I love Zach Levi, I know he's not a big enough name for that. I'm also not sure I could take him seriously in the role. They could go for someone really off-the-wall like Robert Sheehan, who has obnoxious charm by the bucketload.

I love Taylor Kitsch, from his days on Friday Night Lights, and I thought he was actually good, in the few minutes he got as Gambit. Shame that movie was so crap. But you can bet that, if John Carter or Battleship had made money, he'd still be slated to play Gambit. I think he'd have been good too, because he's much more charming and convincing when he's chatty and laid back, rather than being the monosyllabic grunter they asked him to be in John Carter.



I love TK, too! FNL is one of my all time fave shows. I thought he was fine as Gambit but he might as well not have been in it. I started watching John Carter* and didn't understand why it was panned. Maybe I need to finish. Battleship* wasn't any worse than Transformers so there's no reason why TK can't still play Gambit if they want someone younger that JH that even comes close to what the character requires. If age wasn't a consideration, they should go for JH. It's like a no-brainer.


*I think I had to go somewhere and couldn't finish. I should finish while I'm on my staycation. I actually enjoyed Battleship and watch it when it comes on TV.

  • Love 1

Josh Holloway is so...whitebread. Which is fine, he's fine, it's all very fine but Gambit needs to be instantly, identifiably rebellious. He needs to look rough, not just like a dude who hasn't shaved in a few days. Like he's been in a fight an a few hours before you met him, not like he's running away from his daddy issues.


So... no Jared Padalecki?

  • Love 1

And I would hazard a guess that, because most of the X-writers of the past ten years have been huge Cyclops fanboys, they're quite happy to write Cyclops with different women, and show what a stud he is. But putting his first love interest with other men? Oh, you know that's going to be uncomfortable for them.


Again, this is my liking of Jean, my dislike of Scott and my love of Gambit coming to the fore, but I always enjoyed it when Jean and Gambit got a bit flirty, in the old Adjectiveless X-Men book. That would have been a fun option to explore. Plus, it would get Gambit away from Rogue.



If they put Jean and Gambit together, they would probably reveal Gambit really was the third Summers brother!


In the comics, it's time to get Emma away from Scott and send her with the main team.  As Scott's girlfriend, her role became literally standing behind Scott as a battle was going on.


In my X-Men fanfic days, I totally paired up Jean and Remy. I did it after Cyclops got eaten by Apocalypse and then there was the short-lived 'Revolution' story where Claremont came back. So I based it off of that... sort of.  Wrote a bunch of stories with them as a couple. I still jot down ideas for them. They're my crack pairing that will never happen in comics.


Also, I cannot stand Emma as the Queen of the X-Men. I freaking loved her as a villain and as headmistress of Gen X (and thought she and Sean should have been fucking all over Mass Academy. What?) but once they made her into diamond and started up that horrible Jean-Scott-Emma triangle of what-the-hell-ever as Morrison tried to convince the world she was actually British and between him and too many writers who came after saying that Emma was either drunk, high or intimidated by Shaw into being a bad guy in order to somehow soften her up as the Jean replacement or something.




God forbid a woman character be allowed to keep her own agency. Claremont, for all of his mind control fetishes, made Emma the controller not the controllee. I can barely stomach Emma anymore and it's sad because I really used to love her for what she was... putting her into Jean's place as defacto First Lady of X-Men chaps my ass. Storm is the god damn queen of all things X... Jean and Betsy and Kitty and Lorna and Rogue all rank up there as well. Emma had a place of her own, she did not need to be stuffed into Jean's role. 


Josh Holloway is so...whitebread. Which is fine, he's fine, it's all very fine but Gambit needs to be instantly, identifiably rebellious. He needs to look rough, not just like a dude who hasn't shaved in a few days. Like he's been in a fight an a few hours before you met him, not like he's running away from his daddy issues.


Yeah, I don't know how I feel about the Gambit news, either. I really like Channing Tatum and was perfectly willing to give him every chance and then some because he was deeply passionate about it and really wanted it. So... I don't know where we are anymore.


As for Remy himself... he's been called 'pretty-boy' so often by various characters that hes got to have that look about him but he also has to look dangerous and sexy. Back in the day plenty of people pointed out Dennis Quaid in 'The Big Easy' as a good place to start (his character's name was Remy, too!) I mean, he's any number of the crazy-sexy-cool cliches that are out there but that's the point. Longshot was the guy that all the ladies instantly fell in love with but his powers of luck were based on his innocence... Gambit's the opposite of that. Sex oozes out of every pore... He's Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise, he's Errol Flynn, he's Lord Byron 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' -- he's the guy all the women want. He's the gentleman thief, the highwayman, the rakish, roguish male fantasy in every romance novel. He smells of sweat and grease and leather and sex and bourbon and Clive Christian No. 1.


A part of me is resigned to being disappointed in whatever they do with the character because he's among my absolute favorites and he was one of my favorites to write about. I'm prepared for that, though. 

  • Love 3

Zach Levi said that Gambit would be the superhero he'd most like to play, at Nerd HQ. And while I love Zach Levi, I know he's not a big enough name for that. I'm also not sure I could take him seriously in the role. 


I could actually see this. I don't doubt Levi could drop the geek and bring the sex. I personally think Tom Ellis would bring it, but he's all tied up playing Lucifer.


Also, I cannot stand Emma as the Queen of the X-Men. I freaking loved her as a villain and as headmistress of Gen X (and thought she and Sean should have been fucking all over Mass Academy. What?) but once they made her into diamond and started up that horrible Jean-Scott-Emma triangle of what-the-hell-ever as Morrison tried to convince the world she was actually British and between him and too many writers who came after saying that Emma was either drunk, high or intimidated by Shaw into being a bad guy in order to somehow soften her up as the Jean replacement or something.


I'll sit at your table. Loved her as queen bitch during her Hellfire club days.

Also, I cannot stand Emma as the Queen of the X-Men. I freaking loved her as a villain and as headmistress of Gen X (and thought she and Sean should have been fucking all over Mass Academy. What?) but once they made her into diamond and started up that horrible Jean-Scott-Emma triangle of what-the-hell-ever as Morrison tried to convince the world she was actually British and between him and too many writers who came after saying that Emma was either drunk, high or intimidated by Shaw into being a bad guy in order to somehow soften her up as the Jean replacement or something.



I'll sit at your table. Loved her as queen bitch during her Hellfire club days.



Agreed, love her as Hellfire Club White Queen and Generation X era. I get into arguments with people who insist she's British or shoudl at least have a British accent. First she's not British, second it's such an easy route just to get her to sound aloof and bitchy. I say she should have a mid-Atlantic accent like Faye Dunaway in The Thomas Crowne Affair.


It's so strange though that with literally dozens of strong female characters in the entire X-Men history(Emma included), all with rich backstories and personalities, the one that's become so prominent in the movies is Mystique, and this is before Jennifer Lawrence played her!

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Tatum as Gambit is back on, if it was ever actually off and not just a negotiation tactic: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/channing-tatum-closes-his-gambit-812514


I'd assumed he'd signed his deal months ago.


Boo. I really don't think charmless lunk Gambit will work for the character or for the audience. How the hell are they going to convince anyone that this is a guy who can seduce a woman into giving up all her secrets, and then walk out without a backwards glance? Are washboard abs enough for that? But like I say, without Tatum's (inexplicable) starpower, I'm not sure the movie gets made at all.


Gambit's the opposite of that. Sex oozes out of every pore... He's Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise, he's Errol Flynn, he's Lord Byron 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' -- he's the guy all the women want. He's the gentleman thief, the highwayman, the rakish, roguish male fantasy in every romance novel. He smells of sweat and grease and leather and sex and bourbon and Clive Christian No. 1.



That's how I see him too. There were fan theories about some sort of pheromone power, back in the day, to explain his effect on pretty much any woman who had any dealings with him. That may have been made canon, in some universe or another, but I think it was more that he's just the sort of charming, roguish, ridiculously handsome guy that you hate if you're not him.


For the record, I also liked his flirtations with Psylocke in the early days too, and wish they'd gone in that direction rather than have him endlessly try to prove himself to the dreadful Rogue, only for her to eventually dump him as soon as she could control her powers.


It's so strange though that with literally dozens of strong female characters in the entire X-Men history(Emma included), all with rich backstories and personalities, the one that's become so prominent in the movies is Mystique, and this is before Jennifer Lawrence played her!



Mystique was really interesting in X-Men 2, I thought. The idea that she truly believed she shouldn't have to hide her powers, that she wasn't evil and malevolent, but more a passionate and active believer in the mutant cause, was very cool. She had some great action bits, and generally stole any scene she was in. But that was Rebecca Romijn-Stamos. Jennifer Lawrence in the First Class was eminently forgettable (which, when I look at that movie as a whole, is a compliment to her really), and I've not seen the sequel.

  • Love 3
It's so strange though that with literally dozens of strong female characters in the entire X-Men history(Emma included), all with rich backstories and personalities, the one that's become so prominent in the movies is Mystique, and this is before Jennifer Lawrence played her!

I'm pretty sure that is allllllllll to do with Rebecca Romijn(-Stamos) basically playing the role naked in the first movie. That was all the press would talk about when the movie first came out.

  • Love 2

True, but besides being extremely her shapeshifting being really useful for plot purposes her character also represents the mutants that were born different and truly felt like outcasts.



But that was Rebecca Romijn-Stamos. Jennifer Lawrence in the First Class was eminently forgettable (which, when I look at that movie as a whole, is a compliment to her really), and I've not seen the sequel.


At first  I thought her being so front and center in the marketing of Days of Future Past was the producers cashing just in on Jennifer Lawrence's sudden star power post Hunger Games and Oscar win. But when I saw it a year ago and just rewatching it today though, it's clear, even with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine getting  the spotlight as usual, Mystique still really is the center of the movie and Lawrence rises to the occasion. She brings everything she's got playing Mystique as she does Katniss Everdeen. All the anger and pathos and pain and righteous fury that Mystique has is evident whether she's wearing blue makeup or not. She really becomes the scary and formidable badass Mystique played by Romjin in the first three movies but also with the 'humanity' of the young woman seen in X:Men First Class.


ETA: That said, some folks who are definitely knowledgeable about these things on Twitter are laughing at how JLaw mangled the Vietnamese language in the movie!

Edited by VCRTracking

So, nobody comes a-calling for Tatum to join a superhero franchise so he decides to just use his production company to take on one basically and throw him into the staring role. I understand that Tatum thought the world was his oyster when the first Magic Mike came out, but since the second one pretty much crashed and burned...perhaps he needs to step back and rethink this. Produce the movie, hell direct it for all I care, but cast someone who fits the description of the character and is actually...charming.

  • Love 3

So, nobody comes a-calling for Tatum to join a superhero franchise so he decides to just use his production company to take on one basically and throw him into the staring role. I understand that Tatum thought the world was his oyster when the first Magic Mike came out, but since the second one pretty much crashed and burned...perhaps he needs to step back and rethink this. Produce the movie, hell direct it for all I care, but cast someone who fits the description of the character and is actually...charming.


There are plenty of square-jawed, all-American boy, boring and charmless superheroes that Tatum would be born to play. He could have his pick of any, yet he wants to play the one he is perhaps most ill-suited to playing? It's depressing. He does not have anything resembling the skillset or the ability to play Remy Lebeau, and someone needs to tell him this.


From what I've seen, the reaction to him playing the character has been near universally panned by comic book fans. And yeah, I know that's par for the course a lot of the time, but in this case I really think it's indicative of those involved in the movie missing the point in a big way. If Tatum was really a Gambit fan, he'd recognise that he is just completely wrong for the role, and have them cast someone else. 


I don't imagine this version of movie Gambit will resemble the comic book one in much more than name, to be honest. Wonder what 'exciting new take' they'll come up with, to enable Tatum to play him?

  • Love 2

I respectfully disagree. I not only find Channing Tatum charming, sexy and not boring, I think that he's quite talented. He's proven that he can do comedy in This Is The End, The Lego Movie, The Book Of Life and the Jump Street franchise and that he can do drama in Stop-Loss, Foxcatcher  & A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints. If a Southern boy like Tatum can do a convincing Brooklyn accent like he did in AGTRYS, then I think he could pull off a Cajun one, too.  As for Magic Mike XXL, it may not have made Jurassic World money, but chances are that what it didn't make at the box office will  be recouped in DVD sales.


  Taylor Kitsch might have made a great Gambit in theory, but X-Men: Origins proved otherwise. Battleship & John Carter, in their infinite shittiness, made me have serious doubts about the potential he showed in Friday Night Lights, but The Normal Heart, Lone Survivor & True Detective proved just how talented he is. As for the comic book geeks not wanting Tatum to play Gambit, I remember that many of them didn't want Michael Keaton to play Batman, either. I'm not comparing Tatum to Keaton, I'm just saying that it always boils down to the script and direction for me. I want to see the finished product, or at least a trailer, before I make up my mind.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 4

I like Channing a lot in the 21 Jump Street movies. He can be absolutely  hilarious, and intentionally. "My name is Jeff."


I notice that a lot of mutants that work great on the comic page don't translate as awesome on the big screen, while those with powers don't seem great in a drawing look spectacular on film. The best example is Blink, who I never cared for in the comics but absolutely love in Days of Future Past. She's my second favorite after Quicksilver. Part of if it is of course the actress playing her is cute, but also they utilized her powers so incredibly well. So much imagination like the bits with Bishop and Colossus. It makes me wonder if they can make the same miracle with Jubilee, who I liked as a character(being around the same age when she was introduced) but her powers, frankly are a little lame, even in the cartoon. This video pretty much sums it up:



Edited by VCRTracking

I didn't even watch the whole of 21 Jump Street. Found it boring and not particularly funny. And Tatum was easily the worst thing in Stop-Loss. The less said about his turn as Channingus Tatumus in that Roman movie, the better. And for what it's worth, I really don't get hung up on the Cajun accent. It's a significant part of Gambit's character, but honestly, an actor having to contort his vocal chords into creating that is an actor who isn't using his full potential actually acting. I'd rather have a Gambit who is charming, roguish, funny, irreverent and just a bit of dangerous to know. I don't believe Tatum is capable of creating that character. At all.

As for mutant powers transitioning to the big screen, I still think the biggest surprise for me was Nightcrawler. They used his powers in X-Men 2 in ways I never saw the comics use them. With so much more dynamism and intent, and they managed to make him a genuinely scary foe in that opening scene. Granted, later in the movie he just became the same old bamfing Kurt that I remember, which was a shame.

Edited by Danny Franks

There are plenty of square-jawed, all-American boy, boring and charmless superheroes that Tatum would be born to play. He could have his pick of any, yet he wants to play the one he is perhaps most ill-suited to playing? It's depressing. He does not have anything resembling the skillset or the ability to play Remy Lebeau, and someone needs to tell him this.


From what I've seen, the reaction to him playing the character has been near universally panned by comic book fans. And yeah, I know that's par for the course a lot of the time, but in this case I really think it's indicative of those involved in the movie missing the point in a big way. If Tatum was really a Gambit fan, he'd recognise that he is just completely wrong for the role, and have them cast someone else. 


This! So much this. It's like that time Nicolas Cage had his name attached to Superman. I really have nothing against Cage, but he's wildly wrong for the role. Likewise for Tatum, IMO. It's downright depressing. The Wolverine: Origins Gambit was far from perfect, but at least that guy possessed some of the traits befitting the character, and his portrayal wasn't a total disaster. I'm also pissed that I somehow managed to push back my disgust about this film and begrudgingly accept it was happening; then got my hopes up hearing Tatum dropped out, and now I'm all in a nerd-rage again. Fuck that noise. Stop playing with my emotions!

Edited by Jeebus Cripes

As for mutant powers transitioning to the big screen, I still think the biggest surprise for me was Nightcrawler. They used his powers in X-Men 2 in ways I never saw the comics use them. With so much more dynamism and intent, and they managed to make him a genuinely scary foe in that opening scene. Granted, later in the movie he just became the same old bamfing Kurt that I remember, which was a shame.


I loved the use of Nightcrawler in the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series.


  • Love 1
In my X-Men fanfic days, I totally paired up Jean and Remy. I did it after Cyclops got eaten by Apocalypse and then there was the short-lived 'Revolution' story where Claremont came back. So I based it off of that... sort of.  Wrote a bunch of stories with them as a couple. I still jot down ideas for them. They're my crack pairing that will never happen in comics.


I don't think those two characters ever interacted that much, the few times they did I remember it being something of a very amusing feud between the two, with Gambit making fun of Jean for being perceived as a princess that should stay in her castle and let the other X-Men handle things and Jean pointing out that she was saving the world while he was stealing television's from houses in the middle of the night.   Meow.....Hisssssssss.  It was hysterical.


Revolution was some time after that and I really liked that team and where things were going but then.....................the comics adapted to the movie, Jean was made boring and without any personality to prop Ms.. Frost, when the movie introduced the Phoenix I knew it was curtains for Ms. Grey-Summers.   That stupid firebird only ever results in one thing.


Since we are going to be meeting the teen version of Jean Grey in the upcoming movie, I hope they make her line up with All New X-Men's version of the character.   I think she's been a lightening rod of interesting since her debut.  She's still a very compassionate/empathetic character but she's also selfish, self-agrandizing and a smidge manipulative.


But I guess however Jean is presented in the movie will depend on screentime and I don't think she'll be drowning in it since so many marquee characters are going to be in this one.   I heard ST isn't even filming anymore.

But I guess however Jean is presented in the movie will depend on screentime and I don't think she'll be drowning in it since so many marquee characters are going to be in this one.   I heard ST isn't even filming anymore.


Game of Thrones is back filming, which they would have known from the start, so presumably they were able to work out the scheduling so that they could shoot most of her stuff early on.

Revolution was some time after that and I really liked that team and where things were going but then.....................the comics adapted to the movie, Jean was made boring and without any personality to prop Ms.. Frost, when the movie introduced the Phoenix I knew it was curtains for Ms. Grey-Summers.   That stupid firebird only ever results in one thing.



Yeah, I seem to recall that being the reason they put the kibosh on Claremont's return. The movie came out and the characters/stories in the comics bore no resemblance to the characters/stories in the movie. It was very jarring because they had just finished with The Twelve/Apocalypse storylines that built towards a climax where something happened for a change (Cyclops merging with Poccy) then they did a six month time jump to start off the Revolution stories but then pulled the plug on that because it was too confusing for movie fans to come in.


Claremont's story-telling was a bit jarring as well because he was very wordy. It's not a serious problem, really, because despite the abundance of 'Claremontisms' it still gives you a more fleshed out story. The new villains were called the Neo and I recall them being rather unmemorable... but still, the idea of people coming from the movies and being all 'Where's Cyclops? Why is Wolverine so short? Why can Rogue fly and throw tanks? Storm's awesome? How'd that happen? Who are all of these other people?' and, thus, everything had to be shifted to 'status quo' or something was really annoying. I thought the concept was to bring people in and get them curious about what had come before not just read a comic version of the movie they just watched.




Since we are going to be meeting the teen version of Jean Grey in the upcoming movie, I hope they make her line up with All New X-Men's version of the character.   I think she's been a lightening rod of interesting since her debut.  She's still a very compassionate/empathetic character but she's also selfish, self-agrandizing and a smidge manipulative.



In other words, she's a 16 year old girl. I, too, like Teen Jean. I think she gets shit from people she doesn't deserve (The Cuckoos for example who a) totally knew who Jean was before she most recently died and b) did I really need Emma Frost of all people telling them that Jean was a girl who had telepathy for a week so maybe the Cuckoos can have a thousand seats?) and the poor thing also has Logan and Hank projecting all of their Jean-lust at her which... for fuck's sake people! That's about as inappropriate as when Charles was all in love with her in the 60s when she was that age!


The nice thing is that Jean's there and they seem to feel they can do stuff with her that they can't when Phoenix is involved. Fine. I don't agree but fine. And it's also nice that she's not Token 60s Girl but does, in fact, have a personality that is flawed as she's wading through all of this baggage that everyone else has piled on her.

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Since we are going to be meeting the teen version of Jean Grey in the upcoming movie, I hope they make her line up with All New X-Men's version of the character.   I think she's been a lightening rod of interesting since her debut.  She's still a very compassionate/empathetic character but she's also selfish, self-agrandizing and a smidge manipulative.


But I guess however Jean is presented in the movie will depend on screentime and I don't think she'll be drowning in it since so many marquee characters are going to be in this one.   I heard ST isn't even filming anymore.

I quite like ANXM Jean, but from what little we've heard about the upcoming new film version, she really doesn't sound much like that take.


As far as Sophie's filming, she's in Belfast right now filming GOT, and has either been there or back in England since SDCC.  There's about three weeks left in filming proper, per Singer recently.  I expect she'll be back for a bit more, but it's far from unusual for filming to be scheduled around multiple projects of actors.  Nicholas Hoult was hanging out with Sophie in England a lot, for instance (gossip away).

All-Meh, All-Different X-Men Jean Grey is a vile, unlikeable person who repeatedly invades other peoples thoughts without their permission.  I hated what Bendis did to hear and wish to hell they would ship the Original X-Men back to the past where they belong.  I never understood the purpose of keeping them in the future for so long...what possible good do they add to the story?  Then you have Kitty abandon training the new generation of mutants to becoming the annoying, hypocritical and self-righteous mentor of the Original Five X-Men.  The Original Five had their chance...start worrying about the future, Kitty.  And for good measure, he reduced Emma Frost from an intelligent and snarky character to a tough-talking simpleton.  I DESPISE Bendis's entire X-Men run, a group of characters he knows nothing about and had no real interest in writing.


As I recall, wasn't Charles love for Jean mentioned in one-panel in the third X-Men issue in the 60s and then forgotten about until the whole Onslaught storyline?  Still creepy as hell but this is the series that had a 19-year-old Peter dating a 13-year-old Kitty.


Hopefully Singer can do something good with Jean in this story.  Sophie Turner has gotten better and better as an actress over the past five seasons of Game of Thrones.  I'm looking forward to seeing what she'll do with the role and hopefully the script gives her something to work with.

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