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Adam NewMan: Now Young, Still Restless

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Welcome to the Adam Newman topic. All opinions are welcome here, lovers and haters alike.  Please observe the following points in order to keep the conversation civil and productive:

•This topic is about the character: Adam Newman, as played by an actor. Please remember that the character and the actor are not the same.
•It is open season to snark on the character, with the exception of slut-shaming and misogynistic language. "Wow, that dress was inappropriate" is okay; "she looked like a whore" is not.
•Comments about the actor should be confined to their work on Y&R. In other words, steer clear of their family lives, religion, weight, etc.
•It's okay to discuss past actors to play the character, but at some point it's time to put the past in the past and move the conversation to the current actor.
•It's fine mentioning other characters in this thread, but the bulk of the post needs to be about Adam Newman. If your post is more than 50% about someone else, it's in danger of being deleted.

We want you guys to have fun posting here!  In that spirit, we'll give some leeway on the points above, but remember PTV's overarching rule: Don't be a dick.  That means no yelling, mocking, or attacking other posters. If you see dickish behavior, don't engage, report.

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Adam and Sharin need to never ever be put back together ever again. Not as romantic partners, fuck buddies, friends, or partners in crime. I would be OK with them never even acknowledging each other or ever being put in the same room.

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But @LeftPhalange he's just a hand! How can they be romantic? Ew that put too many weird pictures in my head.


I'm sure Sharin will be lonely when Nick breaks up with her. She would probably settle for just a hand. Barf.

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I'm sure Sharin will be lonely when Nick breaks up with her. She would probably settle for just a hand. Barf.

Well, strictly in character-terms [stepping tidily around the edge of other meanings, lady that I am], so would I. I thought CE's version of the character worked in the kind of gothic-y framework in which he was introduced, but then I think MM's overplayed rendering [kind of like fat in a heated room] of the character blew out its potential backstory and made Adam a Freudian one-note, intermittently conflicted, James Franco mess of it all. [uO]

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I think MM's overplayed rendering [kind of like fat in a heated room] of the character blew out its potential backstory and made Adam a Freudian one-note, intermittently conflicted, James Franco mess of it all.


Now that you mention him, I would like to see James Franco play Adam for a few episodes. I think it might be entertaining. Maybe an entertaining train-wreck, who knows.


I wish they would hurry up and find a recast because this spy cam crap is only making Adam look like even more of an asshole than he did before.

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I wish they would hurry up and find a recast because this spy cam crap is only making Adam look like even more of an asshole than he did before.


I know.  I didn't think that was possible but it is.


I thought CE's version of the character worked in the kind of gothic-y framework in which he was introduced, but then I think MM's overplayed rendering [kind of like fat in a heated room] of the character blew out its potential backstory and made Adam a Freudian one-note, intermittently conflicted, James Franco mess of it all. [uO]


Bellying up the bar right there next to you.

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Adam:  Weren't you curious to know me or know about me.  (paraphrasing)

A: Weren't you ever curious to know me, find out about me?

V: No, we weren't.  (That was the day they first met.)


Adam to Skye, in bed, "Nikki acts like I'm not worthy to share a gene pool with her two over privileged kids..."


Sabrina and Victor announce their engagement to Nick and Vic, and  Adam: "Nice Rock!"


Adam to Sabrina:  "I'm sure you'll understand if I don't call you Mom."


Adam to JT:   "I never even thought I'd have a nephew",


Adam to Sabrina, "when one of the Newman offspring unleash their wrath upon you"


Adam to Nikki, "That's how you see me, as a threat?",

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I wonder how much longer they're going to drag out Dr. Claw/The Hand/Blofeld/Adam? The nefarious hand is alright for a while, but they better shit or get off the pot in terms of a recast. Viewers are getting antsy, and quite honestly, this show can't afford to piss off any more viewers.

I'd like to see the Hand give the Finger.

You and me both. Especially to Willie Wanker, Billy.

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I wonder how much longer they're going to drag out Dr. Claw/The Hand/Blofeld/Adam? The nefarious hand is alright for a while, but they better shit or get off the pot in terms of a recast. Viewers are getting antsy, and quite honestly, this show can't afford to piss off any more viewers.

You and me both. Especially to Willie Wanker, Billy.

And to Grambo who refers to his grandson as "the boy."

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And to Grambo who refers to his grandson as "the boy."

That's probably because he can't remember his name.

I wonder how much longer they're going to drag out Dr. Claw/The Hand/Blofeld/Adam? The nefarious hand is alright for a while, but they better shit or get off the pot in terms of a recast. Viewers are getting antsy, and quite honestly, this show can't afford to piss off any more viewers.


I would prefer they take their time and not just get a warm body to attach to The Hand.  I'd rather wait for a good choice than get stuck with another anchor dragging the show down, or ANOTHER  replacement Adam in three months to make up for it.

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That's probably because he can't remember his name.


I would prefer they take their time and not just get a warm body to attach to The Hand.  I'd rather wait for a good choice than get stuck with another anchor dragging the show down, or ANOTHER  replacement Adam in three months to make up for it.

Agreed. They need to get the recast right, lest there be another debacle of DT-esque proportions. They can milk "The Hand" shots for quite a while until they find the RIGHT replacement. It's frustrating waiting for the recast, but I'd rather it be done right than screwed up. I don't know though....I think that people are going to be critical whoever the replacement is. MM really set the tone for that role, and like his portrayal or not, those are big shoes to fill.

They need to get The Hand a white cat to stroke.

.....ala Blofeld and his cat from the Bond movies, or Dr. Evil and his cat in AUSTIN POWERS? :)

Next The Hand will want sharks, with frickin' laser beams on their heads!

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MM was fired in December and they had to have known weeks before then that they were getting rid of him. So they've had over six months to find a replacement. The role should have already been recast by the time they decided to do this hand thing.

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MM was fired in December and they had to have known weeks before then that they were getting rid of him. So they've had over six months to find a replacement. The role should have already been recast by the time they decided to do this hand thing.

Perhaps it's deliberate. I get the feeling lately that they're dragging their feet on this recast, probably for a reason. They may have had six months, but this firing rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I would think they want to get it right, well, the third time!

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MID 30-40 LEADING, SEXY, smart, charming, shrewd. No accent; must be 5'10+

Part of the casting notice for Adam in another thread.   IMO, Mid 30-40 is way too old for Adam.  I think 30 should be the maximum age.  I guess James Scott has to lose his accent.  He's definitely over 5'10.  On the shorter side, I've always liked Jay Kenneth Johnson  from DAYS, although his bio on IMDB says he's 6'.  I don't believe it. 

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You know, I don't even want an Adam recast.  (And not just because I've developed a fondness for the understated acting stylings of the Hand).


I don't miss the character.  I don't feel like he has a place in GC any more than Kyle or Heather or Daniel or Ronan or any of the other forgotten legacy offspring on this show.  I don't feel any hole in the cast for his absence.  And it's been a long time now.

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I want Adam to come back just so Billy has to at least be nervous about what he did to him.  I'm sure he won't get in trouble, but he should at least have to be worried about it for a while.  Of course, it will be a different Billy (once removed!) and a different Adam, so I guess it really loses the drama when it's two brand new actors.

Edited by peach
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Viewers are getting antsy, and quite honestly, this show can't afford to piss off any more viewers.

THIS x 1000. The writing is such shit right now. I really cannot even believe how bad it has become. It is totally like watching a train wreck... we know it is derailing but some are waiting for the crash and it is coming soon.


That's probably because he can't remember his name.

I can relate.. my memory is going and I am a few years younger than ole vic.. sucks that the memory goes first LOL


I would prefer they take their time and not just get a warm body to attach to The Hand.  I'd rather wait for a good choice than get stuck with another anchor dragging the show down, or ANOTHER  replacement Adam in three months to make up for it.

They have to get this recast done right.. too many bad ones.. but really Phelps needs to go STAT1

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I want Adam to come back just so Billy has to at least be nervous about what he did to him.  I'm sure he won't get in trouble, but he should at least have to be worried about it for a while.  Of course, it will be a different Billy (once removed!) and a different Adam, so I guess it really loses the drama when it's two brand new actors.


It won't be the same as you allude to crosby777. These moronic writers are unable to capture lightening in the bottle that the show had in January. Two totally new actors that the audience are not invested in cannot recreate that kind of dramatic tension that Miller & Muhney had. It took years to develop that kind of on-screen rapport between those actors.


It also exposes JFP's poor management of Y&R. All momentum of these two characters is dead. They will have to basically wipe out and/or ignore much of the backstory and build a new basis for conflict. Too many recasts and new faces spoil the show and this is a prime example of how to fumble a franchise. Too bad for Y&R...Karma is a bitch.

Edited by BestNShow
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"the understated acting storylines of the Hand"! That gave me the morning smile, Aquarius, and thanks!

You know, I don't even want an Adam recast.  (And not just because I've developed a fondness for the understated acting stylings of the Hand).


I don't miss the character.  I don't feel like he has a place in GC any more than Kyle or Heather or Daniel or Ronan or any of the other forgotten legacy offspring on this show.  I don't feel any hole in the cast for his absence.  And it's been a long time now.

Seriously, I realized I don't miss the character at all. Pushing the two scions of the big families together into conflict was an easy go-to, but...the self-conscious acting of MM did not work onscreen with BM, to me, at all. Adam's character always seemed like a drag-in to me.

Edited by pearlite
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If they ever get any decent writers, they need to address the winding road of Adam's character and why he did some of the things he did over the years, and not make it into a joke or a wink.

Could not agree more with this! It would amount to a more significant character, I'd say...[sound of myriad voices shrieking "but so and so and so and so did so much worse stuff..."] He was pretty much a psychopath in some respects when he appeared, and keeping the shadows there would create much better drama, for me, at least. [Cf Todd Manning, and anyone else you'd care to throw in there.]


No more blindness. No more sticking needles in his eyes. No more getting acid thrown in his face. No more saving all of the kids and animals in town.

Thanks, I'd forgotten/repressed a lot of that stuff--or perhaps it just faded behind the roseate glow of character rewriting driven by endless fanwank.

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Could not agree more pearlite!  I liked him best as a mysterious figure, he could better get at people, especially Victor that way.  I don't need to have a character's motives always spelled out for me.  He seemed like a match in the diabolical department for ol' Vic.

Way more so then Auntie Jack, who was his willing stooge in the diary s/l, IIRC.

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I would still like to know why he thought tormenting Ashley as necessary. But maybe giving Adam a motive for his crimes would do more harm than good. There's really nothing they can say that can even attempt to justify the stuff that's he's done.

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 I thought they already explained it all.  Daddy issues.  He tortured Ashley to punish Victor and eliminate the next Newman heir. Everything he did was about punishing Victor or trying to win his love. Except for Sharon.  At one time I thought he really loved her but then I got over it. When it came down to it, he chose Victor.

Edited by thewhiteowl
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I would still like to know why he thought tormenting Ashley as necessary. But maybe giving Adam a motive for his crimes would do more harm than good. There's really nothing they can say that can even attempt to justify the stuff that's he's done.

What you're asking for is the bunch of MWT under JFP's thumb to explain what the bunch of MWT under MAB's thumb wrote? That's like asking the blind to lead the naked. They're really not up to the task. 


I don't think these current MWT fools are concerned with anything other than Adam's fixation on Peanut and Manjaw. And by fixation I mean just that - a one dimensional fixation. And of course some obligatory revenge on Billy. Other than that I expect them to write him as a completely new character that no one will recognize. And with a new actor in the role no one on set will give a rat's ass about anything the character ever did or said. They may as well change his name too while they're at it. 

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I wonder how much longer they're going to drag out Dr. Claw/The Hand/Blofeld/Adam? The nefarious hand is alright for a while, but they better shit or get off the pot in terms of a recast. Viewers are getting antsy, and quite honestly, this show can't afford to piss off any more viewers.

I'm just plain sick of the metaphorical cock tease this show in general has become with Sharin's secret, whatever the fuck is between Stitch and Kelly, the music box crap/Katherine's will, that bullshit with Rose/ Hilary outing the Winters with shit that was already public knowledge, Mariah (who apparently came down with the same pigment disease Michel Jackson claimed to have) and now the Misterious Hand.

And as I type this, I just realized ALL of those storis have taken place within the past YEAR. If MM didn't get sacked, I'm sure tiic would still be dragging their feet on Delia's kilker SL too.

But to bring it back to Adam, I agree that getting the right recast is more important than just slapping anyone in the role just to end the story. They start the shit, they can end it correctly, especially when whoever ends up in the role will have an uphill battle as it is.

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I can't see anyone else [other than MM] as Adam.  Sometimes, it is better to kill off a character than to get someone else that just can't cut it.  He had the right amount of smarm to play Adam.


I am surprised that Victor did not have that body independently checked.  He just trusted his private eye?  That is so not Victor and Victor knows what Adam is like.  It was like Victor was slipping by not verifying that it was really Adam.


Why is Billy not being charged with some crime?  He admitted to kidnapping Adam and he admitted to holding a gun on him.

Edited by photo fox
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 I thought they already explained it all.  Daddy issues.  He tortured Ashley to punish Victor and eliminate the next Newman heir. Everything he did was about punishing Victor or trying to win his love. Except for Sharon.  At one time I thought he really loved her but then I got over it. When it came down to it, he chose Victor.



That has never made sense to me since she was kind to him unlike others.


Actually, from what I remember of the original storyline, there was a two-fold purpose in choosing Ashley as his target. Number one was her relationship to Victor, Number two was her relationship to Jack; Adam wanted to get back at/punish both Victor and Jack because of the whole stupid Diary Scandal, and tormenting Ashley was simply a means to an end. Adam simply saw Ashley as an effective tool to use in his war against Jack and Victor; he never hated her or her baby; he actually liked Ashley and was devastated when his ridiculous scheme went too far and resulted in Ashley falling down the stairs and losing the baby.


As far as the baby was concerned, I never got the impression that Adam wanted to eliminate it, in fact, he always came across as not giving two shits about it one way or the other. The target was always just Ashley, and that was because of her importance to the two men (Jack and Victor) who just screwed him over - at least that is how he saw it. Back then, MAB was writing Adam as a single-minded sociopath hell-bent on revenge. It has always been my belief that Chris Engen wanted out of the show because of the over-the-top, sick-ass storyline - and the whole Gay Scandal was simply manufactured by TIIC to make themselves look good to the viewers.

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If you're tempted to post about the MM harassment stuff, don't. @radishcake has been quite clear that topic is closed.  I'm deleting some posts and editing others. Unless there's new information - from a reliable source - just let MM stay in the Y&R history books where he belongs.

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At first I was annoyed that Adam (or should I say Adam's hand? Lol) seems to still be plotting and angry since the last year or so before he "died" be was trying to be a better person. I thought wah at a waste.

But now I changed my mind w cause o the nature of his "death" and his stupidass wife's actions with Billy and and Jack. I understand why he's pissed off.

I wonder if he'll pull a Sharin and come back with amnesia about all the bad shit he did.

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Actually, from what I remember of the original storyline, there was a two-fold purpose in choosing Ashley as his target. Number one was her relationship to Victor, Number two was her relationship to Jack; Adam wanted to get back at/punish both Victor and Jack because of the whole stupid Diary Scandal, and tormenting Ashley was simply a means to an end. Adam simply saw Ashley as an effective tool to use in his war against Jack and Victor; he never hated her or her baby; he actually liked Ashley and was devastated when his ridiculous scheme went too far and resulted in Ashley falling down the stairs and losing the baby.


As far as the baby was concerned, I never got the impression that Adam wanted to eliminate it, in fact, he always came across as not giving two shits about it one way or the other. The target was always just Ashley, and that was because of her importance to the two men (Jack and Victor) who just screwed him over - at least that is how he saw it. Back then, MAB was writing Adam as a single-minded sociopath hell-bent on revenge. It has always been my belief that Chris Engen wanted out of the show because of the over-the-top, sick-ass storyline - and the whole Gay Scandal was simply manufactured by TIIC to make themselves look good to the viewers.


  I did ff much of that stupidity so you are probably correct however I do remember some snark to Nick about having a new split to their inheritance because of the baby so I just made an assumption from there.  

 In one paragraph you say he was devastated, in the next he didn't give two shits about the baby. I'm not attacking your post, it just reminds me of how stupid and convoluted that whole s/l was played out.

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But now I changed my mind w cause o the nature of his "death" and his stupidass wife's actions with Billy and and Jack. I understand why he's pissed off.


I still like Adam I guess but I have 0% sympathy for him right now. I think part of the reason why Chelsea is helping Billy is because she feels guilty because her husband killed his kid and was never going to confess if Victor hadn't found out. He left her alone to deal with the fallout from his actions and is now spying on her like a creep so he doesn't really have a leg to stand on.

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In the criminal justice system, revenge based offenses are considered especially heinous. In Genoa City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad called the Who Gives A Shit If They're Nemans or Abbotts Unit. These are their stories.

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I miss Adam in a way.   I wasn't a fan of Adam and Sharon together (though I thought the 2 had awesome chemistry) but I did like them as antagonist for the rest of Genoa City.    And I actually consider that relationship the best romantic pairing either character ever had.   It wasn't healthy and it wasn't always rootable but good lord I always found them interesting.    Sharon was helping him cover his tracks while he was plotting to swindle Victor and Adam was working to cover her tracks when Sharon set fire to the Newman ranch.    It was like they were a toxin that was on paper repellant but very interesting when exposed.


The character became dry and boring for me when he was marooned with Chelsea.    I don't know if it's the actress or the character but she always just bored me.    And Adam got boring when he was with her.    Then they further brought him down to her level by taking him out of the game with the big leagues a.k.a Victor, Nikki, Sharon, Nick et al.   And sent him to Sesame Street with Kevin and Chloe, ugh.


If they bring this character back I hope they make him what he was and mean't to be, Mad, Bad and dangerous to know.

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Wow I forgot this topic was here! So chat away about nuAdam & oldAdam! Be forewarned that continued mention of the rumors re: MMs firing will be moderated. Talk about what you loved about how he played the CHARACTER or what you hated about how he played the CHARACTER. PM me for clarification if you need it. 

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^^^^I googled images of those two. James Scott is pretty boy handsome and seems to have only one look. Trevor Saint John is also handsome, a rugged handsome but also seems to be able to adapt his look better. I have no idea about their acting skills. But to me, Trevor Saint John appears to be a little more edgy and current. He looks like he could convey good, grey, and bad characteristics in a new Adam. So right now, even though I like pretty boy handsome, my vote is for TSJ for his looks and seemingly adaptability. 


But I also really agree that they could keep him handy until the show improves! I really like the hand and his sidekick plot. And I like them inserting him, like the clown, into the show without revealing him. It's a device that works for me. 


This is funny - I just now had posted something similar in the main show thread.


Anyway, not that I don't love me some James Scott, I have to say that my vote is firmly with Trevor St. John - for all the reasons you illustrated in your post. He is everything you described, and more - and has won allocades for his work on OLTL. James Scott, although I adore him as E.J. Dimera, would probably have a very difficult time with disguising his british accent.


By the way - I happened to be home the day the "Clown Episode" aired and, for lack of anything better to distract me as background noise, actually watched that show. That was definitely NOT Adam posing as the clown - it was his henchman. They had a discussion earlier in the show about how Adam could not go to the park, even in disguise, as he was still recovering from whatever it is that is keeping him away. Henchman posed as the creepy clown and secretly recorded baby Connor calling fifty-year-old Billy "Daddy" - for Adam to watch (over and over and over) on his computer.

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