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I don't know if they has been posted yet. I don't agree with everything here i.e. his point about the flashbacks is valid but I wouldn't want to return to the island.


He addresses the Laurel Lance problem (he basically calls her a weak point and one of the worst things about the show), but I literally do not understand his reasoning for the solution. To paraphrase: Put her in a love triangle with Oliver/Felicity. The author doesn't like Olicity, he doesn't give any reason other then its not in the comics and Green Arrow and Black Canary is and the show is just fan-pandering with Oliver/Felicity. But is this the standard Green Arrow fanboy view of Black Canary? She is only interesting when she is with Green Arrow. Like she needs a will-they-or-won't-they relationship with Oliver?  That is his solution to making her interesting, to honor complex comic canon. I don't get it.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I don't think the writer understands that this is an origin story. I think it's a problem some viewers have. They want the stories of Green Arrow, etc. not the road to becoming Green Arrow.

Just no to a F/O/L triangle! If they can't make BC relevant then have her move on.

Edited by Sunshine
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But is this the standard Green Arrow fanboy view of Black Canary? She is only interesting when she is with Green Arrow. Like she needs a will-they-or-won't-they relationship with Oliver?  That is his solution to making her interesting, to honor complex comic canon. I don't get it.


Obviously I can't speak for anyone else, but I've seen the same thing happening on Smallville and Arrow alike: comic book fans who prefer Green Arrow to Black Canary like them together, because she sure makes him look good. Black Canary fans -- and more specifically, Birds of Prey and Gail Simone fans -- tend to prefer Dinah as far away from Oliver as possible. For obvious lying cheating reasons.


I also see that there's a legit gender divide here.


Men who love Green Arrow want the canon ship, probably because that caters to them being comic book fanboys, and not, you know, screaming fangirls online who never read a comic book in their lives [which is actual sacrilege for them]. They don't really want romance, but if there HAS to be romance, then let's go with the one that has the guy being a liar and a cheater, but lookie, his girlfriend is hot and kickass, who cares if he keeps stepping out on her? It's the ultimate fantasy, tbh.


Women who read comics and love Black Canary better than Green Arrow tend to want her to NOT be subordinate to Oliver's story. But since Arrow is Oliver's story, that's a lose-lose situation. Even if Laurel was recognizable as Gail Simone's BC, Arrow still traps her under the weight of Oliver's story.

  • Love 3



I don't know if they has been posted yet. I don't agree with everything here i.e. his point about the flashbacks is valid but I wouldn't want to return to the island.


He addresses the Laurel Lance problem (he basically calls her a weak point and one of the worst things about the show), but I literally do not understand his reasoning for the solution. To paraphrase: Put her in a love triangle with Oliver/Felicity. The author doesn't like Olicity, he doesn't give any reason other then its not in the comics and Green Arrow and Black Canary is and the show is just fan-pandering with Oliver/Felicity. But is this the standard Green Arrow fanboy view of Black Canary? She is only interesting when she is with Green Arrow. Like she needs a will-they-or-won't-they relationship with Oliver?  That is his solution to making her interesting, to honor complex comic canon. I don't get it.

The Laurel Lance problem needs to addressed as we have all elaborated on in just about every appropriate thread here. They really need to figure out something with her character or just let her go. Now that she has a mask, hopefully they will find some way to make her story relevant. But a love triangle has got to be the worst way to fix her character issues. It will not make her character relevant. It didn't make Ray relevant and it killed Tommy, so frankly I want the writers to stay as far from will they/won't they triangles. They can honor the complex SA/OQ & LL/BC relationship that they have already set up. I don't think it will honor the comic books by placing them in another romantic complicated relationship just because of some comics. There are so many comic versions of the characters, it seems the show could deviate and not violate some major homage to canon.


I did agree with the author that they need to change up their formula on having a big bad with big finale ending. I would like to see Arrow kinda mess with the formula so it is not as predictable as to when there will be the big fights and big losses/wins. I don't know how to do it off the top of my head. But it would be nice if s4 was not as predictable as s3.

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Perhaps people who want GA/BC in a relationship don't want the cheating?

I would certainly hope not, but I've encountered a few so-called "comic book fanboys" who have minimized all the cheating before.


I would have to think about it some more, but there's possibly something to be said wrt romance for Oliver on Arrow: Oliver/Laurel caters more to a male-fantasy/male-centric idea of romance, while Oliver/Felicity caters more to a female-fantasy/female-centric idea of romance. Straight white biases apply and all.

Edited by dancingnancy
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Men who love Green Arrow want the canon ship, probably because that caters to them being comic book fanboys, and not, you know, screaming fangirls online who never read a comic book in their lives [which is actual sacrilege for them]. They don't really want romance, but if there HAS to be romance, then let's go with the one that has the guy being a liar and a cheater, but lookie, his girlfriend is hot and kickass, who cares if he keeps stepping out on her? It's the ultimate fantasy, tbh.

Women who read comics and love Black Canary better than Green Arrow tend to want her to NOT be subordinate to Oliver's story. But since Arrow is Oliver's story, that's a lose-lose situation. Even if Laurel was recognizable as Gail Simone's BC, Arrow still traps her under the weight of Oliver's story.


I came across a comics website back in 2011 that had a poll which pretty much lined up with your assessment.  I wish i could find it now.  The basic gist was should D/O be put back together when DC52 launched?  The poll had two answers yes/no and are you male/female. Overwelmingly male fans said yes, they thought D/O should get back together.  The female fans were decidedly against the pairing. I also imagine it depends on if you're a BoP or Green Arrow fan.  I have seen BoP fans who love D/O but I've seen more BoP fans wanting Dinah as far away from OQ as possible.

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I would have to think about it some more, but there's possibly something to be said wrt romance for Oliver on Arrow: Oliver/Laurel caters more to a male-fantasy/male-centric idea of romance, while Oliver/Felicity caters more to a female-fantasy/female-centric idea of romance. Straight white biases apply and all.


I don't think so. My impression was that, at least until s3, Felicity managed to cater to both male and female fandoms as a love interest. Really, if you were a guy  (especially a geek), whom would you choose - a hot nerdy girl who crushes on you and helps you faithfully even despite you screwing other females or a icy lawyer who dated your best friend, tried to organize a crusade against your vigilante activity and told you youshould have died on the island?


A lot of anti-Olicity sentiments seem to have come after season 3 which over-emphasized (or so it seems by the reaction to it) the Olicity romance white giving it (and everything else) overall shoddy writing. Some people simply don't try to analyze it so they blame the first thing that they thing of, the romance.

Edited by FurryFury
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Plenty of Olicity fans blamed Sara/Oliver or the Lance Family for Season 2. So I don't see much of a difference now that it's Olicity getting the blame. People are always going to put the blame on the parts they don't like. I don't like Laurel, so I blame her for being a main  reason I can't enjoy the show anymore. 


Although it is interesting that the even Olicity haters still find Laurel a useless character. Pretty much showing that her character being a huge failure has nothing do with shipping. 

Edited by Sakura12

I was reading this and it just reminded me of how the ARROW writers need to read this.  All bolds are mine. If this is in the wrong place please move.



Plot versus story, redux




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
When it comes to TV, plot is not important.
No two shows do plot the same, but to be sure, no matter what program it is, it’s always and ever the least important aspect of what makes it successful.
This is not to say that a well-constructed plot can’t help a show. I’m merely stating that of all the things that go into a show, the plot has the least to do with what people enjoy about it. What people really enjoy, if I may be so bold as to speak for them, is story. And story could not be more different than plot. I’ve offered up my definitions of both before, but I’ll put them here again for easy reference.
The plot defines what happens.
The story defines why what happens actually matters.
The plots of television shows are specific. But the stories are archetypal. The plots of television shows usually have little relation to everyday events. But the stories tie into incredibly relatable emotions. The best shows don’t have to come up with original plots to astound. These shows need only to take a familiar plot and find a new way into it that reveals a common human experience. I know nothing about living in prison, fighting demons, or creating society from nothing. But I do know something about compassion, isolation, and the illusion of easy, binary choices. And that’s why these shows speak to me.
Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you ever heard someone say, “We have the first five years of this show planned out!”, run for the goddamn hills.
Why? Because this show has put the wrong emphasis on what’s important. Five great characters trumps five great plotlines any and every day of the week. Plotting out five seasons of plot removes any chance of surprise along the way. Two actors might spark onscreen. One actor might leave due to contract disputes. Two million practical things might get in the way of that execution, and all that’s left onscreen are some half-baked thoughts that don’t cohere as a whole because a little thing called reality suddenly slapped that show silly.
TV is a messy medium, and that’s a feature instead of a bug. It’s a medium that rewards story due to the sheer amount of time that audiences spend with its characters, and penalizes plot because the sheer tonnage of episodes that a successful series has to make. And yet time after time, shows try to be cleverer than the audience or the medium itself, only to fall hilariously short of this lofty goal.
Shows that focus on story, rather than plot, have the flexibility to navigate the long-term needs that a production demands and the short-term needs that audiences crave. If a show understands what its story is, then plot turns into a way to help tell that story. It puts things into motion that force the characters to make choices that are surprising to themselves as well as the audience. The plot can last a few episodes or an entire season, but can cease once that particular part of the story has been told. Each installment of “Spartacus” told a series of interconnected stories over the course of its four seasons, which each season telling a related variation of the one that came before it. Even if you can articulate the story for “Blood And Sand” and “War Of The Damned” and find them different, you can see the last story comes as a direct result of the initial one. This is less of a change than an evolution, a constant refining and reaffirmation of what makes the show important.
This is how successful shows grow: By deepening its story rather than its plot. It doesn’t simply take its story for granted, but constantly test its validity and see if the show and its fictional inhabitants can live up to it. A television show’s story offers up both a reason to exist and a reason for an audience member to give a shit about it. We will probably never live out the plots of these shows. But we are always and ever living out their stories. At its best, television shows that we are not alone in these stories, and offers up a chance to see how we can be our best even if we feel at our worst.


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Well, the key EPs are comic book guys - which is why I've always suspected that they will give O/L another try before the series ends.

It´s an article about S4 (interview with SA), but nothing spoilery. However, SA explains a little bit why he doesn´t direct an episode of Arrow:



This is a nice article.  Thanks, Kordi!

Edited by tv echo
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Laura Hurley's retrospective recap of 3x13...


Arrow Season 3 Roundup: A retroactive review of "Canaries"
Laura Hurley  July 1, 2015 11:15 AM MST


You may also be interested in reading her latest responses to fan questions:


Edited by tv echo
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Laura Hurley's retrospective recap of 3x13...

Arrow Season 3 Roundup: A retroactive review of "Canaries"

Laura Hurley July 1, 2015 11:15 AM MST


*claps* A very thorough takedown of an awful episode. There was a couple of points I don't agree with, but she brought up several things that hadn't even occurred to me.

I also loved her review of season two's Time of Death. I don't think there was a word in that I didn't agree with.

Edited by Starfish35
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The Black Canary is a big part of Green Arrow canon, so Laurel isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. But this character needs a makeover fast. The best way to do this is to take a page out of “The Flash” playbook and give Ollie and Laurel the will they/won’t they relationship trope that Barry Allen has with Iris West. Yeah, yeah, I know that as of the end of season three, Oliver rode off into the sunset with Felicity. That was showrunners Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg caving to fan demand to see those two together (the phrase “Olicity” is well known among “Arrow” aficionados) but that’s a mistake. In comics, Green Arrow and Black Canary have a long and complex history. They even get married at one point. An Oliver/Felicity/Laurel love triangle makes sense in season four and would make Laurel a more interesting character.



  • Love 12

Hahahaha, yes, please let's do the one thing the show has actively avoided so far: pitch Laurel and Felicity against each other in-text. Race for dick, woo!




There's a rumor they're announcing a Hal Jordan for the cinematic universe at SDCC, I'm keeping all my fingers crossed, because to be honest, I want Hal the fuck away from Arrow. The show has NOT built Oliver's character for dealing with someone like Hal [or Supes. or Bats]. Comic book Oliver is aware that he's the seventeenth banana of the Justice League, and that everyone else is more powerful than him, and he deals with that by mocking the crap out of them. Arrow Oliver just doesn't have that temperament. He's the Big Alpha center of this universe. For Hal to fit, they'll have to bend Oliver backwards.

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There's a rumor they're announcing a Hal Jordan for the cinematic universe at SDCC, I'm keeping all my fingers crossed, because to be honest, I want Hal the fuck away from Arrow. The show has NOT built Oliver's character for dealing with someone like Hal [or Supes. or Bats]. Comic book Oliver is aware that he's the seventeenth banana of the Justice League, and that everyone else is more powerful than him, and he deals with that by mocking the crap out of them. Arrow Oliver just doesn't have that temperament. He's the Big Alpha center of this universe. For Hal to fit, they'll have to bend Oliver backwards.


Unless it's just a cameo, I can't see Hal Jordan fitting in on Arrow. Better to just make Digg's middle name Stewart. No additional cast members, and it would give one of the show's strongest performers a meaty story line. 


I hope some spoilers start rolling out that will get me excited for S4. I was super excited for S3, and we all know how that turned out. I love comics so much, but I also understand that this show is not the comics. Oliver Queen of Arrow is not OQ of DC, and trying to shoehorn in the exact same story lines, character relationships, and interactions doesn't work. 

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I don't understand Arrow viewers like the critic above still insist on "comics! comics! COMICS!" when the show has spent three seasons ignoring/changing pretty much everything from GA comic canon. The only times they were somewhat faithful to comics was when they stole iconic Batman storylines. 

Edited by lemotomato
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Ooops, I didn't realize that 5 ways fix was already posted earlier. Sorry!


As for the Hal Jordan rumors, aren't Berlanti and Co. blamed for ruining Green Lantern/Hal Jordan with that critically panned, box office dud Ryan Reynolds movie? Would DC want to give them another chance at screwing up Hal?

Wasn't the main reason people disliked Laurel in S1 because Laurel and Oliver were a chemistry vacuum when they were together? How is putting her back with Oliver going to help with that? It hasn't gotten better, in fact it's actually gotten worse. As I said before SA played it like Oliver cared more about Sara then he ever did about Laurel. I know he didn't look at Sara the way he looks at Felicity but his looks towards her were hell of a lot warmer and more caring then anything he gives to Laurel. 


I also think SA doesn't want Oliver and Laurel together. I know it's my opinion and for this season I can only go by gifs but SA almost looks pained when he's in scenes with Laurel. Like he's it pains him to say nice things to her. In interviews I've seen him struggle to talk about her as a character. When he has no trouble talking about anyone else. 

  • Love 5

Also I suspect because how dare she be mean to Oliver. 


Well, yeah. Kinda. 


It really wasn't the best narrative idea to have her be so angry and mean to a guy who we were watching lose everything week by week. She had every right to be angry and mean, but it felt like too much (IMO) to show the anger alongside Oliver being broken down on Lian Yu. My rational mind, of course, knew that she was ignorant of everything he'd been through, but every time she'd get angry with him I'd think, "Lay off, this dude was tortured, god."


Not sure how it could've been done any differently. Maybe if they'd had her be angry and at the same time curious and somewhat sympathetic to what had happened to him? IDK.

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Laurel was mean to everyone except Joanna and Thea.  She made Tommy grovel because he wanted to date her and only accepted him because Joanna pointed out he was trying to help CNRI and then humiliated him at the dinner with Oliver and Helena.  She was rude and bitchy to her father, she was cruel to her mother and she treated Felicity and Diggle like hired help.  She also threw a glass of wine when she found out her baby sister wasn't dead after all.


It's true that Oliver and Laurel were a chemistry vaccuum, but it's also true that season 1 and 2 Laurel was not a nice person at all.  The reason I shipped her with Tommy is because if she had to be on my screen, he made her better.  Poor guy didn't deserve how she treated him.

  • Love 9

I also think SA doesn't want Oliver and Laurel together. I know it's my opinion and for this season I can only go by gifs but SA almost looks pained when he's in scenes with Laurel. Like he's it pains him to say nice things to her.

Yup, I get the same impression. Involuntary Constipated Face Syndrome. Stephen's got a really bad case, whenever Oliver has to interact in anyway with Laurel.

  • Love 8

It really wasn't the best narrative idea to have her be so angry and mean to a guy who we were watching lose everything week by week. She had every right to be angry and mean, but it felt like too much (IMO) to show the anger alongside Oliver being broken down on Lian Yu. My rational mind, of course, knew that she was ignorant of everything he'd been through, but every time she'd get angry with him I'd think, "Lay off, this dude was tortured, god."

Not sure how it could've been done any differently. Maybe if they'd had her be angry and at the same time curious and somewhat sympathetic to what had happened to him? IDK.

I have no idea what they could've done differently, but it felt like the show expected me to sympathize with Laurel's completely justified anger, but also wanted me to root for she and Oliver get back together. And those were completely contradictory things, and my brain simply rejected the whole premise in response. Edited by dancingnancy
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Laurel was mean to everyone except Joanna and Thea.  She made Tommy grovel because he wanted to date her and only accepted him because Joanna pointed out he was trying to help CNRI and then humiliated him at the dinner with Oliver and Helena.  She was rude and bitchy to her father, she was cruel to her mother and she treated Felicity and Diggle like hired help.  She also threw a glass of wine when she found out her baby sister wasn't dead after all.


Some of those times those people deserved it in a big way. 


The problem the show had was that first they started the show with us seeing Oliver be totally happy with Sara on the boat.. than moved to show us angry resentful Laurel. it took them most of the seasons to show us pre-gambit happy scenes between Oliver and Laurel-and most of these were cut in the editing room.. go look for Season 1 deleted scenes, there us like 6 scenes of Laurel/Oliver scenes where had they been aired may have made me slightly more sympathetic to Laurel... (probably not, alas we'll never know)

they should have started the flashbacks with Oliver saying goodbye to Laurel on the docks, than have us watch the entire boat sequence, and in the same episode show us Laurel finding out about the gambit sinking and Sara being in it, and let us see her reaction... it would have made her initial reaction to finding out he was alive more understandable because we would have seen them lovingly saying goodbye and her reaction to what happen; instead hey did all of that at the end of the season, when people already disliked her so no one really cared that Oliver was screwing Sara because.. well, no one liked Laurel.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Some of those times those people deserved it in a big way. 

Who do you think deserved that kind of anger other than Oliver?



 it felt like the show expected me to sympathize with Laurel's completely justified anger, but also wanted me to root for she and Oliver get back together.

The problem for me is that Laurel didn't just lash out at Oliver, she lashed out at Tommy because he was Oliver's friend, her father because he was a recovering addict, and her mother because she was desperately hoping her baby was still alive.  She even lashed out at her co-workers who were watching the news on TV (and that's the moment the character lost me).


The problem with Laurel is that while she was done wrong, of all the characters on the show she had it best (that includes Thea, Roy, Felicity and her parents as well as Oliver) but she always acted like there was no one who had it as bad as she had.


I think the show deals well with people whose anger against Oliver is justified -- Thea in season 1 and 2, Felicity in season 3, Diggle now -- and Oliver accepts that anger and tries to make amends.  For some reason, it all went south with Laurel, maybe because she was more cruel than anyone else ("I wish you had been stuck on the island a lot longer than 5 years") and also because when Oliver tried to accept the blame, she stayed angry.



5 Ways to Fix Arrow (from The Gazette)

She seems to have missed that Maseo is already dead, Roy is gone and that Nyssa was only in handful of episodes and is probably gone.


As for a Laurel/Oliver/Felicity triangle (ha ha), has a triangle ever gone well other than on TVD?

Edited by statsgirl
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6 Vampire Diaries Actors Who’ve Gone on to Star in Their Own Shows
Wetpaint   16 hours ago

Stephen Amell
Maybe you’ve heard of a little show called Arrow?! Well, before the show that launched a thousand other TV superhero shows began, Stephen was just a lowly werewolf trying not to get his heart ripped out by the vampires about town. (Spoiler alert: he failed. But he did not fail this city.)


10 Times John Barrowman Won the Internet
By Fraser McAlpine | Posted on July 2nd, 2015

The prank he pulled on the Arrow set

[go to article link for video]
If you put John in front of an audience, it’s not always clear what is going to happen. For example, at this panel where John is explaining how he first came to be involved in the comic book adaptation Arrow, who could honestly say they were prepared for a story that begins with a contractual negotiation and ends with an intimate assault on the body of Stephen Amell? Not that it’s the biggest shock in the world either, but still.

Edited by tv echo

Is there a decent Arrow podcast out there or even a DCTV podcast in general? I've tried to find one, but it's all pretty subpar - this board is full of a ton more information and insight. If any of you have recommendations, I'd appreciate it. If not, I think some of you younger pups should start one. I'd subscribe.

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As for the Hal Jordan rumors, aren't Berlanti and Co. blamed for ruining Green Lantern/Hal Jordan with that critically panned, box office dud Ryan Reynolds movie? Would DC want to give them another chance at screwing up Hal?

I read not too long ago that while Berlanti wrote the original script, TPTB brought someone else in to rewrite it extensively.  Per what I read, that's where the disaster happened. 


There are 4 people credited on IMDb


Berlanti, Guggenheim, Michael Green and Michael Goldberg


Berlanti, Guggenheim and Michael Green

According to Variety Michael Goldberg reworked the script but who knows how much he changed? I think it all comes down to, if you want to defend Berlanti/Guggenheim or not.

Personally there's nothing on Arrow or Flash that tells me these two could never have been responsible for the GL screwup. In fact S3 of Arrow tells me they easily could have but YMMV.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Is there a decent Arrow podcast out there or even a DCTV podcast in general? I've tried to find one, but it's all pretty subpar - this board is full of a ton more information and insight. If any of you have recommendations, I'd appreciate it. If not, I think some of you younger pups should start one. I'd subscribe.

I don't know how to link the post in here, but there's a list of Arrow podcasts on page 9 of the Clock Tower Theater topic. My favorite is still The RealmCast's Arrow rundown, Golden Spiral Media's Arrow Squad is not bad either.

  • Love 2

I don't know how to link the post in here, but there's a list of Arrow podcasts on page 9 of the Clock Tower Theater topic. My favorite is still The RealmCast's Arrow rundown, Golden Spiral Media's Arrow Squad is not bad either.

I listen to both Arrow Squad and Green Justice. Green Justice is good as they're not apologists for the show and constructively criticize when it's warranted. Not all podcasts do that and I prefer those that aren't just fangirly about it all even when it sucks.

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I think that this is the post on Page 9 of Clock Tower Theater thread that marihunc was referring to...


That's a fun podcast @Marihunc. Thanks for bringing that here.  I had to laugh I threw it on my Ipod this morning because I was going hiking and the horse sound effects startled me to the point I thought there was a neigh horse behind me on the trail. I was glad to hear them complain about Laurel ordering Felicity around.  


This weekend I found a list of Arrow podcasts on Reddit. ( can't speak to how good any of them are other than the one Marihunc gave but I thought I would leave the list here if anyone is looking for more opinions to listen to.


Here is a list of Arrow podcasts and after shows that I recommend:

Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast: http://quiverpodcast.com/

Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast: http://www.randomchatter.com/category/podcasts/greenjustice/

John Campea’s Arrow After Show:http://www.youtube.com/user/MovieBlogTV?feature=watch

TV Talk - Arrow: http://tvtalk.com/shows/listen?seriesId=257655#.Uq_nySewWAw

The Realm Cast - The Rundown: Arrow: http://therealmcast.com/?s=arrow#sthash.i3V26ZT0.dpbs

AfterBuzz TV’s Arrow After Show: http://site.afterbuzztv.com/cat_shows/arrow-afterbuzz-tv-aftershow/

The Green Screen Podcast: http://greenscreenpodcast.com/

Arrow - On Target: http://www.stayontargetpodcast.com/category/arrow-on-target/

IWatchMike.com: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/iwatchmike

Longbow Hunters Podcast: http://acrosstheairwaves.com/arrowpodcast

The Undertaking - An Arrow Podcast: http://theundertakingpodcast.podomatic.com

Edited by tv echo
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