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http://screencrush.com/arrow-vigilante-review/  by Kevin Fitzpatrick



"In any case, it bears repeating that these Flash and Arrow games of figuring out which characters are under which masks are no where near so substantive as the writers seem to believe, and the fact that Thea and Quentin so quickly dismiss the possibility of his blackouts (where last week they were presented as a viable twist) tells me that storytelling engine is fast running out of gas. They’ve likely also taken Quentin’s alcoholism as far as it can go, so hopefully rehab sticks a more permanent pin in that storyline, rather than keeping Quentin and Thea so isolated as they’ve been. And watch those shoulder-touches, guys! Starting to feel a little funky.

“Vigilante” felt notably thin all around, between Diggle’s brief interludes of anger at missing his son’s birthday (you mean Lyla didn’t volunteer to visit him?), Oliver having a flirtatious drink with Susan Williams, or spending a few stray scenes with Dolph Lundgren in flashback. In that case at least, I’d guess the intent of Kovar partnering with the Bratva was to bend Oliver’s perspective closer to the amorality of his Season 1 return, or perhaps remind viewers of Season 4’s Taiana, who … nope, already forgot.

I’ll grant that Season 4 did the lion’s share of exploring Evelyn’s backstory, but good grief, if Season 5 hasn’t been strangely inconsistent with the character. I’m still waiting for an answer to her inquiry about dating team members, and still creeped out by both her moon-eyes at Oliver last week, and skintight dress this week. 17, guys!




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No - because there are also good reviews of this season by sites like A.V. Club (whose rave review of 506 was tweeted by Brian Ford Sullivan).  Even We Minored In Film, which has posted really negative Arrow reviews in the past, is praising recent episodes.

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13 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

Do you guys think the writers will now take notice how bad this season really is if all these reviews starting getting really negative?

No, because I don't think they are even reading these reviews.

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22 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Remember last season when every single review thought the baby mama drama was stupid, on top of viewers thinking it was stupid? Remember how Arrow decided to ~fix~ that? LOL.

I forgot.  I pretend season 4B didn't happened. LOL

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They’ve taken notice, hence the explanations of the writing process and Oliver’s journey on Twitter. But I don’t think they will really “fix” anything. They might change the focus, go back to Olicity and OTA, but the sketchy storytelling will always be there because, well, it’s Guggenheim and his dudebro writers (from the way the women have been treated on the show I wonder how much of a voice Wendy, Beth and other female writers have). I think Arrow needs new management but I’m not optimistic. If it does happen, the show will probably get someone even worse because I can’t have nice things :P

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The explanations of the writing process justify what they do but they never acknowledge that they've done anything wrong.

That Arrow Show review of ep 7. I like four guys pointing out that 1. they don't care about JJ because Sara Diggle is the one that should be real,  2. Lance's addiction/ blackout-is-he-Prometheus is ridiculous, 3. they sent all the minority guys to rob a gun store, 4. Curtis' corn rows would take far too long to do when they needed to suit up, 5. Why don't they use the bulletproof arrow material for their costumes so Curtis wouldn't get stabbed, 6. Is Curtis' lack of ability a bad gay joke?  6. Why is Lyla so incompetent that she can't take JJ to visit Diggle on her own?

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They need more writers who don't come from a comic book background (I think we discussed this before). All of these Berlanti superhero shows have a certain look & style that often comes across as a live-action version of a comic book - like this shot could double as a comic panel, or that piece of dialogue might as well be put in a balloon.

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Arrow “Vigilante” Review (Season 5, Episode 7)
Jessica Breaux  November 18, 2016


On kind of a side note, I appreciate the fact that the show didn’t gloss over the whole ‘we’re killing people now’ thing. It’s a subject that they keep going back and forth about with Oliver, and as frustrating as that is for me as a viewer, it actually works for the situation. Oliver started out his mission functioning as judge, jury, and executioner. With Diggle and Felicity’s help, he realized that he wasn’t actually going to become the hero Starling City needed if he didn’t change his approach. Over the years he’s done his best not to kill anyone, but the truth of the matter is, some folks you can’t save. Some folks you just have to stop, and Oliver struggles with that on a fairly consistent basis. As annoying as it can be sometimes, Oliver should never become comfortable with having to make the decision to kill someone. That should be something he struggles with every time because it’s the heroic path. So I’m glad the show has had him grow into killing as a last resort instead of as a first option.

Diggle isn’t handling being a fugitive as well as he thought he would. He kind of lost it when he couldn’t attend his son’s 2nd birthday because US Marshals were watching his house. I can understand his frustration and disappointment, so it was nice of Rene to bring Diggle’s family to him. But all of that got me to thinking, why aren’t they working to figure out how to prove Dig’s innocence? I mean, he’s still going to have to answer for the jail break, but in the meantime it seems they would be trying to figure out how to make the truth public. I know Team Arrow has had its hands full lately, but it still seems like they’ve just kind of left Diggle twisting in the wind. I’m hoping they’re working on something in the background that we’ll see manifest soon.

So it looks like maybe the show is trying to mislead us with Prometheus’ identity? Because last week it totally looked like Lance was the culprit, but he doesn’t believe that he is and it is plausible that someone set him up. I have to admit, though, I’m going to be kind of disappointed if Lance isn’t Prometheus. Mostly because there’s a great deal of dramatic ground they could cover if he is. But anyways. Moving on.... 
*  *  *
This was an ok episode. It introduced us to a new character that looks like he plans to stick around for a while whether The Green Arrow likes it or not. Sadly, Susan doesn’t seem like she’s going anywhere either and that chick is trouble. If I were Oliver, I would sweep my office for listening devices every time after she left. The Russia flashbacks are quite intriguing. I’m not entirely sure what all is happening yet, but it looks like the Bratva leader set Oliver up. If his plan was to make a deal with Kovar anyway, why send Oliver in to blow up the casino in the first place? To get him captured and killed in such a way he could deny knowledge of it? ...

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Nice interview with TR - I only quoted portions (no real spoilers, I don't think - but warning: vague spoilerish comments)...

Exclusive Interview with Arrow’s Tyler Ritter
by  Brittany November 16, 2016, 4:27 pm


How much did you know about Billy Malone going into auditions?
That’s an interesting question – I didn’t actually audition for Billy Malone. Every once in a while you go out for one character, but the producers will see you and think “he’s not right for that character,” but then another character will come along [that you are right for] – and that’s what happened to me. My first audition was for Legends of Tomorrow, and that got me an audition for Arrow, which got me to Billy. I really didn’t know much at all of Billy – but I guess whatever I was bringing to that room sort of captured his essence or what they were looking for. So… yeah, I really lucked out, and I’ve been having so much fun.

Let’s talk a little about Felicity. To start, do you know – or will we see – any backstory for how she and Billy met?
At this point, I don’t know whether the producers or writers are planning to go into the backstory. (That’s not me just saying that, I really don’t know). Sometimes they keep the actors in the dark a little bit just so we don’t accidentally slip up – as we’ve been known to do. (laughs)
*  *  *
But part of the job of being an actor is getting to fill in the blank space. You get the lines of the script, then you get to fill in the world around it, so Emily and I kind of got to come up with our own backstory for it. Neither of us really think our characters were like, big “Tinder” users. (laughs) What I think most likely happened is that after Dig and Thea had left… Team Arrow was short-handed, so Felicity just had to spend a lot more time at the SCPD headquarters. Since Billy was a detective there, I think their paths started crossing a lot. It probably started with some light-hearted flirting, some coffee – clearly, Billy likes his coffee; he’s drinking it most of the time.
*  *  *
... So, I’m sure there was some coffee, then probably some dinner… on up to what everyone’s been seeing on the show.
*  *  *
And I understand it; it is very real to fans, the Olicity relationship. I was tweeting some tongue-in-cheek type of things about the two relationships at first as a joke, but I realized… it’s not super funny to some of the fans. And I get it now. As I’ve gotten more involved in the show, it’s starting to feel like an actual world that exists with real-world consequences. I’m starting to take it more seriously, but I think Billy – now with this serial killer, he’s got enough on his plate – but he’s in love; you can’t stop a man in love.

And now he knows all about Felicity’s connections to Arrow.
Yeah, how about that episode last week? (laughs) It was the big moment, waiting to see if he’d stick around, if he’d freak out…

I think we were all pretty surprised with how well he took that.
(laughs) Yeah, I was definitely happy to read that. It was one of those moments – when I read the script, you know, you have these thoughts about what you think your character would say – and it matched perfectly. And that’s how you know they [the Arrow team] are just amazing writers; they’ve fleshed out these characters so well and so consistently, it makes the actors’ jobs a lot easier. 

And obviously working with Emily is so much fun, so the more I get to work with her, the better.

And maybe eventually you’ll win over some of the fans. (laughs)
Yeah, maybe, once they see that Billy’s really got Star City’s best interests at heart, and Felicity’s best interests at heart. Although, his name still isn’t Oliver Queen and he’s not the Green Arrow – which, I know, is a big hurdle to get over.

Of course, there’s that minor drawback. And speaking of Oliver Queen, we found out recently that Oliver and Billy are going to work together. Is there anything you can tell us about what that’s going to be like?
Well… obviously, they’re two tough, ambitious men. They’ve got a serial killer on their hands, crime is horrible, drugs are coming into the city – but at the end of the day there’s still a girl that they both have strong feelings about, so I think the “alpha” in both of them is very much alive. To say it won’t be awkward or uncomfortable between the two of them is… a little bit of an understatement. But, I do think that the professionalism for them comes first, so… maybe they’ll make it through. 

For the next thing, let’s talk about a rumor circling that Billy is Prometheus. Obviously, you couldn’t say whether it’s true, but… is that something you’d want for Billy? How would you feel about that?
Well… I’m a little torn. As an actor I think it would be really fun to tap into that dark side, especially just being this all-around great guy in Billy Malone, to really flip it 180 into this evil serial killer would be an interesting adventure for me. 
*  *  *
Is there anything you can tease for Billy coming up?
Hmmm… well, it’s safe to say that he’s clearly still got some stuff to work out with Felicity, so there’s going to be some relationship building blocks to put in place, and we’re gonna finally see him out on the job [as a detective] getting more hands-on involved, so that will be cool.

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And I understand it; it is very real to fans, the Olicity relationship. I was tweeting some tongue-in-cheek type of things about the two relationships at first as a joke, but I realized… it’s not super funny to some of the fans. And I get it now.

After 7 episodes, Tyler's already showing a level of maturity and self-awareness when dealing with fans that Guggenheim hasn't in 5 seasons.  I may not really care that much about his character, but Tyler is a pretty cool guy based upon all of his interviews (and not just this one comment either).  He and Joe Dinicol are coming across a lot more agreeably than Rick Gonzalez is in these media bits.

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5 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Makes me wonder if some of the bits were cut. When did he work with Oliver? Did i miss something?

Coming in 509 maybe? Or the fake police call to lure GA in and the conversation with Human Target Oliver off-screen? Or maybe that happened in the same universe that the show explored Havenrock for Felicity and she had that breakdown that was rumored for early in the season. 

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It was stated during his and Felicity's talk in the bedroom that he would be working with Oliver since he was put on the special task force. I supposed the actor was talking about that.

Edited by bijoux
Spelling and cell phones don't always play nicely together.
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Allison Brennan and Lavinia Kent analyze ‘Arrow’ episode ‘Vigilante’: The feelings, they are mixed
By: Allison Brennan and Lavinia Kent    | November 18, 2016 4:53 pm


AB: OK — as an aside — is Oliver really playing the “keep your enemies closer” card with Susan the reporter, or is he really sucked in? He’s just not that stupid. He’s not. And if he is surprised by her duplicity when it really comes out, I will throw the remote at the television. He cannot possibly trust her even a little teeny bit. What’d you think?

LK: I am really hoping that Oliver has a plan for Susan Williams. Really, really hoping. I think that he does, that he sees some way to use her, but I don’t think he knows that she’s following his Russian connection and that could bounce back at him in a big way. I can’t let myself believe that he’s stupid enough to be sucked in. He’s especially wary of people this year and it would seem strange if he suddenly truly decides, that out of everybody, she’s the one he can trust.

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I don't know what happened to this Emertainment Monthly reviewer. She used to rave over everything and everybody in every Arrow episode review, but now she's actually being critical. Tbc, I think it's a good thing for a reviewer to actually critique a TV show (both the good and the bad), but I wonder what caused this sea change.. 

‘Arrow’ Review: “Vigilante”
Nora Dominick   November 18, 2016


Arrow seems to be turning on its head and focusing more on plot rather than characters, a harsh reality we can’t wrap our head around. Arrow’s latest episode “Vigilante” introduces another masked vigilante, takes a few steps backwards, and gives a shocking twist ending.

We never thought we would say this, but we don’t recognize Arrow anymore. For the TV show that started The CW’s “superhero revolution,” it’s straying further and further from the show we fell in love with. Prior to season five, Arrow boasted that it would “get back to basics” after a rocky season four. The problem with this slogan is that the show seems to be so focused on recreating the feel of season one it forgets we’ve gone on a bigger journey. We simply can’t retreat for the sake of appeasing half of Arrow’s fanbase. Our characters have come too far and sacrificed too much to simply take a few steps backwards towards their season one selves.
*  *  *
As audience members, we like seeing Oliver reach for the light as opposed to the dark, Felicity and Diggle learning that their actions have consequences and Thea becoming a bonafide badass. Each new layer to their characters didn’t erase the previous ones, they simply expanded their qualities. Each character seems to be undoing character growth in certain areas so Arrow can recreate season one. It isn’t working for us. We want to take steps forward, not steps backwards.
*  *  *
On the subject of Oliver, his characterization in season five has been a bit of a mystery to us. He began the season killing again after Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) heartbreaking death. Then he pivoted to training the new Team Arrow, but now he’s kind of running in circles. His relationships to other characters seems off this season. After breaking Diggle out of prison, the duo haven’t shared many moments together and his relationships with Thea and Quentin appear to be strictly professional. Arrow is too concerned about giving Oliver equal moments of being Green Arrow and the Mayor that his relationships with other characters are being marginalized. This, in turn, points back to Arrow’s pivot to the importance of plot over characters.  
*  *  *
The biggest disappointment this week is Arrow ends up following the trope “men and women can’t just be friends on TV.” There were several moments in this episode that Oliver could’ve talked to Felicity about what is happening, but he doesn’t. Arrow is pushing so far against season four it’s forgetting that Felicity and Oliver were friends long before they started dating.

Now, it looks like they can only have conversations that involve them butting heads over Team Arrow or if Felicity is cracking a joke. Even in a previous episode this season, they could barely talk constructively about Oliver breaking Diggle out of prison. It appears we are supposed to believe Felicity and Oliver didn’t share this friendship or romance. This is detracting from both Felicity and Oliver’s storylines. We knew they wouldn’t be together going into the season, but we are re-writing their characters so much it’s like they never even liked each other.

Unless we had a marvelous fever-dream last season, Oliver and Felicity did date. Arrow is trying to erase this so much they don’t even pan to Felicity when Oliver announces he’s getting a drink with Susan (Carly Pope). A moment that would be awkward for any ex-girlfriend to hear. If Arrow is that worried we can only see them as a romantic ship as opposed to characters, then Oliver could’ve also talked to Diggle or Thea or heck even Quentin (Paul Blackthorne). Nope, that would’ve been too easy and made too much sense.

Off of this, Oliver goes to Susan for advice and of course it’s made to look like the duo will be a couple soon. This also falls into the category of “women and men can’t just be friends” and also causes Oliver to go against his previous character structure. Last time we checked, Oliver has some major trust issues. He has such big trust issues that he wouldn’t let Laurel join Team Arrow, a person he grew up with it. In fact, he had trust issues at the beginning of this season when Felicity suggested he recruits some new people for Team Arrow.

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I wonder if TR auditioned for the Nate Heywood character on LoT?

Anyway, I wanted to stress that I don't try to post a representative sampling of episode reviews. I just post some reviews that I like, or that contain points I want to make, or that anger me for some specific reason. For example, here's a 507 review from a site that's been loving this new season of Arrow so far - and coincidentally, has been hostile to Olicity/Felicity in the past (you see the correlation? Hate Olicity = Love S5 for some reviewers)...

‘Arrow’ Returns to Peak Form
by Matt Lozano November 18, 2016


Arrow’ has viewers clamoring for more as the show has shifted its focus back to the crime fighters and villains that attracted fans in the first place.

Arrow actually is back! The past few weeks have been quite amazing for the series. The rise of the new team and uptick in villains has placed the emphasis back on action for the crime fighting drama....
*  *  *
First, the revitalized Team Arrow is amazing. Although I mentioned that the show was failing in regards to introducing the team in an earlier article. The writers have viewers, even skeptical one such as myself, invested in the new guys. Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) is perhaps my favorite member due to his budding romance with Diggle....
*  *  *
The romance of the show is nonexistent so far. Olicity is dead with only small moments of awkwardness illustrating Oliver and Felicity’s past relationship. the writers have not introduced any other significant romantic story lines. Instead, Oliver’s relationship with the reporter represents a stressful time for the mayor since he can never be sure to tell if his words will end up in the newspaper. Additionally, Felicity manipulates her relationship with her detective who can give her access to crime scene evidence. An interesting development to watch will be Felicity’s manipulation to help her research for Team Arrow. At this point viewers cannot argue that Felicity seems to be using her boyfriend a bit too often.

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"Olicity is dead" sounds like phrases you see on Twitter and Facebook so the reviewer is probably someone who writes to appeal to that side of fandom. 

My solace is that all these reviewers buying into Oliver and Felicity being over for good is that there will be a rude awakening when it turns out "Olicity is (NOT) dead". Because while I think the writers are being ambiguous over the when part there is still enough ground work in this season to suggest Oliver and Felicity will reunite.

Which is why I think the writers toning down Olicity to lure those critical of Olicity won't make them less critical when they reunite. It'll be all doom and gloom we hate Arrow club again. Because the issue was never the couple but a underlying sexist belief that romance and anything that appeals to women has no place in an action and comic book adaption. 

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I really don't get this idea that romance doesn't belong on action or comic book shows when literally every show or movie of that kind i watched had plenty or at least some focus on romance. Or this idea that Oliver can't have a relationship or be in love and be a hero when almost every comic book hero has that one big romance and a main LI.

Yeah honestly it will be pretty funny when olicity turns out to be not over after all, I'm going to enjoy the shock and suprise. 

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25 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I honestly don't get this idea that romance doesn't belong on action or comic book shows when literally every show or movie of that kind i watched had plenty of focus on romance. Or this idea that Oliver can't have a relationship or be in love and be a hero when almost every comic book hero has that one big romance and a main LI.

Yeah honestly it will be pretty funny when olicity turns out to be not over after all, I'm going to enjoy the shock and suprise. 

Try being a comic book reader and understanding it.

Back in the 90s the X-Men comics were all about romance. Scott/Jean were the epic pairing, Gambit/Rogue had the forbidden love going on. In Age of Apocalypse AU there was a love triangle between Gambit/Rogue/Magneto (there was also a triangle in 616 Universe, pre Onslaught with Joseph taking the Magneto spot). During the X-Cutioners Song Crossover there was a bit of a triangle between Jean/Scott/Betsy and more recently Scott had a Psychic affair with Emma while his relationship with Jean was on the rocks. After that there was the Scott/Emma/Namor triangle. 

There was also the time Copy Cat (Vanessa from Deapool movie) pretended to be Domino and Cable/Nate had a love relationship with her only to be super awkward when he Domino gets back and their friendship/relationship takes a hit because he doesn't know the real Domino as well as the Copy Cat version.

That's just a few off the top of my head. There are plenty more

Gambit/Bella Donna

Siren/Multiple Man



Professor X/Lilandra, Prof X/Moira Mactaggert

Cannonball/Boom Boom

Kitty Pryde/Colossus, Kitty/Pete Wisdom, Kitty/Ice Man, Kitty/Star Lord

Bobby/Polaris/Havock triangle

Human Torch/Crystal, Human Torch/Madusa (Crystal's sister)

Captain Britain/Meghan

I continue to believe that people who claim icky romance has no place in a comic book movie/show never actually read comics.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I mean you only have to look at the AV club review where he did that big mea culpa over Felicity he said he objected to Oliver and Felicity because it made the show "mushy" to see the underlying sexism about romance in comic book action shows. Its fine if they watch for the action and dont enjoy the romance but it doesnt make the show inherently bad or unwatchable if it includes something that is watchable and enjoyable to a lot of other viewers. Its elitisim that bugs me. No girls allowed in the club house. But there is a place for both an when Arrow isnt relying on manufactured drama theyve shown they are easily able to cater to both in a satisfying way. See 4A.

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Looking over the reviewers, it seems that the ones who say "Arrow has been revitalized! Olicity is dead!" fall into the XY category while the reviewers pointing out the flaws in storytelling (not just romance but also things like why is Oliver trusting Susan and why is Wild Dog organizing the party) are female.  The only men I know complaining about this season are the guys at slander.ent and Robert Dougherty who stopped writing reviews after 5x04.

2 hours ago, tv echo said:

I don't know what happened to this Emertainment Monthly reviewer. She used to rave over everything and everybody in every Arrow episode review, but now she's actually being critical. Tbc, I think it's a good thing for a reviewer to actually critique a TV show (both the good and the bad), but I wonder what caused this sea change.. 

‘Arrow’ Review: “Vigilante”
Nora Dominick   November 18, 2016

My guess is that she fell out of love with the show this season and started to see its flaws.  When you're in love, all you see is the wonderfulness of the other.

I now declare myself a Tyler Ritter fan (and maybe Mayo too) from this:


So for our last question, since our website is “Talk Nerdy With Us,” we like to close out the interviews by asking, what is something that makes you nerdy?

I studied Psychology and Sociology in school, and now I always have those crazy, weird experiments floating around in the back of my mind, most of which would be illegal now… but in the 50’s and 60’s, they [researchers] got kind of crazy. I just find that so fascinating – and also very helpful. For instance, there was one where they found that if you force yourself to smile, it actually makes you happy. They took pencils and placed them in people’s mouths so that some of them were sort of forced to smile, and others were forced to frown, then had them watch a movie. Those who were smiling tended to enjoy the movie more than those who were frowning. And that’s actually a big debate in acting technique – whether it starts with the emotional or the physical sides – to ignite a feeling. So there are different ways that those experiments cross over into acting and I get to nerd out.

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My first audition was for Legends of Tomorrow, and that got me an audition for Arrow, which got me to Billy. I really didn’t know much at all of Billy – but I guess whatever I was bringing to that room sort of captured his essence or what they were looking for. So… yeah, I really lucked out, and I’ve been having so much fun.

Makes me feel just a tiny bit bad for calling him Mayo since apparently who Tyler is captured the essence of Billy "the Mayo" Malone.  Now I feel like I'm insulting him personally, rather than the character, lol.  

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Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 51
Craig Wack & Tatiana Torres   11/19/2016

-- Craig believes that this season is "so much better than it was in" S4. He thought that 507 was another "run of the mill, pretty decent episode."

-- Tatiana was concerned about Oliver because "this reporter chick  is going to f**K him so badly... does he not realize it? Bratva f**ked him in the past. She is just going to f**k him so bad."

-- Tatiana: "And stupid, little whatever-her-face is." Craig: "Evelyn?"  Tatiana: "Yeah. Stupid-face. Ugh! How I hate her... I liked her for one week... Now, I'm like, 'Nope.'" Craig said that you have to watch Young Justice because there, she's sent in to infiltrate because her sister, Chesire, is an assassin-type and her father is a Slade-type supervillain called Sportsmaster.  Tatiana (laughing): "Who picked these names?"  Craig: "DC." He said that Artemis has this spy infiltration background, so he's not convinced that she's totally betrayed Oliver. It could be a plan between her and Oliver. 

-- Craig noted that Quentin and Thea are like a "codependent support group." Tatiana liked their dynamic, but didn't think that Quentin will stay in rehab.

-- They both thought that little JJ was cute, but Tatiana was still angry about little Sara: "Frickin' Barry, ruins everything."

-- Tatiana liked that Diggle and Wild Dog are creating a bond. Tatiana didn't care for Rory: "He can go. Like, he just seems so - ... 'I'm so tortured, but I'm also the happiest person here. But I'm so tortured'... What is his deal?"

-- Tatiana noted that when Oliver said he was going on a date with the reporter, they didn't show Felicity's reaction. "Don't move on with the reporter lady. She's lying to you!"

-- Craig noted that Oliver is finally trusting his team to go off and do things on their own.

-- Craig thinks that the Vigilante is the D.A. 

-- Craig thinks that Prometheus is


Talia al Ghul, whose casting was announced a few weeks ago, in retaliation for her father and/or sister, since Oliver basically destroyed the al Ghul family.

-- Craig thought the show was doing a good job with balancing all of these characters and making us care "a little about these new characters."

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Arrow 5x07 Review: "Vigilante" (Moral Ambiguity At Its Finest)
Just About Write  November 19, 2016


... But the point kind of still stands that Oliver — someone who has changed his methods and evolved since the beginning of his crusades — is forced to look the person he used to be square in the eye and stop him.

It makes me wonder, though, what is actually going through Oliver's head. If he had been presented with a mentor-like figure at the beginning of the series who also donned a mask and stopped bad guys (but did it the right way), would he have been receptive? Why should he expect Ski Mask Vigilante to be any different? (For the record, that's what I'm calling him and I have zero regrets. We might use SMV for short from here on out in the review.) ...

Before we begin, let me preface this review by saying that I'm not angry at Arrow for anything they're currently doing. In my opinion, season five is the unwanted consequence of their screw-ups in season four. They're trying to get their story train — which derailed horribly thanks to one Baby Mama drama story and the focus it sucked away from everyone else and everything else — back on track. But if you've ever tried to reset something, it's not always as smooth and easy as you might hope. Most of season five so far has just been filler: tying up loose ends that the writers forgot about, or were lax about, last year. Their issue now is that we've spent five years with these characters already. A reset at this point ... doesn't feel natural and it's pretty jarring. We don't want to watch Oliver and Felicity start over with new love interests because we still remember how great they were together. We don't want new team members because we remember how effortlessly Team Arrow used to click. 

So I get it, readers: I get that you're frustrated with this new direction Arrow is taking. But my argument would be that it's not a new direction as much as it's a slow-motion charge to the station we started at. Essentially, the train fell off the tracks part-way through our journey, but it's always been going in a circle anyway. We've always been headed to the same place. And though I can see, way in the distance, that station where things return to the show I once really cared about, that doesn't mean the journey isn't frustrating. I'll be the first to admit that I've felt super ambivalent about the series this year, and have kind of lost my zeal for Olicity. That doesn't mean it won't return — maybe it will — but it simply means that I can't keep watching the show, waiting for it to jump back in time to the place right before Oliver lied about his reason for sneaking over to Central City.

I think that's what a lot of people (the ones I hear at least) want: they want to return to a timeline in which Oliver and Felicity are happy again. But we can't do that. We can't fly toward a station that's not ready for us because that's how trains are destroyed. And that's how stories are destroyed, too. So while I don't like Annoying Reporter Chick any more than you do (I think it's because the actress who plays Susan plays her with such a haughtiness and desperation that immediately makes me cringe) and Billy Malone is just kind of existing at this point, I'm willing to wait and see what Arrow will do to Oliver and Felicity through these relationships. Because if the relationship is pointless (hello, Mr. Ray Palmer or Oliver's relationship with that flashback chick), I'll be the first to call the writers out on it. But I'm going to wait and see what they choose to do.
*  *  *
I'm not gonna lie, I love Evelyn. I keep referring to her as Baby Canary, and I like that now she might be dark (or at least, definitely, a double agent). I'm a sucker for female villains and antiheroes, you guys. I really am.
*  *  *
Oliver kind of told the team off for being okay with SMV killing bad guys but not him killing bad people in the past. It was the first time all season I think I've been on Oliver's side during a conversation. It was weird.
*  *  *
Oh, right, Oliver and Susan go on a date in this episode. She's creepy and tells the security guys Oliver has to text her whenever he leaves the office so she can not-so-casually run into him on his way out. That's the point in which she really bugged me. Also bugging me? Her desperation. Dude, if you have to try THIS hard to get a guy to go have a drink with you, maybe he's just not that into you. Haven't you ever seen that movie, Susan? It's great. You should rent it. ASAP.

Edited by tv echo
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Unsurprisingly, ComicBook.com thinks that "Arrow is on pace for its best season in years"...

Comic Book TV Show Fall 2016 Power Rankings: Week 9
Christian Hoffer- 11/20/2016


The TV Power Rankings is the ComicBook.com official list of the best comic book and genre shows on television. As with last year, we'll start the list with only shows that are either currently on the air or have a scheduled premiere date.
*  *  *
6) Arrow
Last Week's Ranking: #7 (up one spot)

Say it ain't so, Artemis! In the final scene of last week's episode, the teen archer revealed she was in league with Prometheus, the throwing star killer with a grudge against Green Arrow. Meanwhile, a new vigilante (appropriately named Vigilante) hit the scene and doesn't seem to be fond of either Team Arrow or criminals. There's a ton of moving parts this year, but Arrow is on pace for its best season in years. 

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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Where are you seeing the other posters? I went to that link and I can only see a Supergirl poster (and not very well).

Maybe wait for them to load? The legends one has two former Arrow cast so I'll post it ;) 


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Always nice to see Sara front and center.  

So The Flash poster is only


Barry and Cisco but Supergirl also has a picture of one of the Dominators and J'onn but J'onn isnt' even going to be in the crossover?  

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Always nice to see Sara front and center.  

So The Flash poster is only

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Barry and Cisco but Supergirl also has a picture of one of the Dominators and J'onn but J'onn isnt' even going to be in the crossover?  


They are in front of the building that looks like the justice league 


So maybe J'onn will be in the crossover since the building will be. At least for a cut away.

If you put all the pictures together they form one picture 


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