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Unpopular Opinions: Happily Ever After? Yeah, Right!

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Zelena stopped being stupid. She hasn't been creating convoluted plans like going back in time or pretending to be Marian. Instead, she's been working with what she can get and spewing truth bombs as far as she can throw them. Her core character trait is that she's jealous, and finally she has a legitimate reason to be. Regina has all the shiny toys and always wins, yet she's done far worse things and isn't grateful for any of her victories. Zelena, on the other hand, is getting her child taken away from her and being imprisoned in an asylum for the rest of her life. That's a major catalyst for anger and envy.


For the first time in forever, her character is smart and organic. (While still being a psycho, which makes it more fun.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It would make it an even bigger injustice if Regina is allowed to be "redeemed" but not Zelena, because this season and the reactions to it is further proving that Zelena is terrible as a villain but really entertaining as a side character of a more neutral stance, while Regina was great when she was the Big Bad and awful as a "hero".

Edited by Mathius
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Spent too much time on Tumblr. Offically sooooo sick of "bromance" and "brotp" bring evoked every time two male characters share a few lines. And "Daddy [insert name here]" whenever a male character has a scene with a child in the vicinity.

I know this show sets a low bar for relationships, but c'mon.


Good God YES!!!! I know Charms in boring and viewers just want him to somehow be a purpose on this show, but he walks past Grumpy and there is a "bromance," blossoming..I frankly never saw that with him and Hook though posts would have us think we saw scenes of them just hanging all the time.  Plus, men in their 30s (or for Charms in his 60s and Hook only know how old)  don't have "Bromances," ...they have buddies, friends, pals, just drop that word forever. The men on this show, (besides Rump ) exist to be centered around the women, they are look like soap opera characters or romance novel heros...they exist for the women, they have no life outside of that.


Speaking of unpopular opinions, I think Charms has more chemistry with Regina then he does frumpy Snow and he is the only guy on the show Regina has had any chemistry with. Her over the top intensity is off set with his laid back clean cut ways.  When they were "co-parenting" Henry when the noose around his neck was in their goofy world, they both had a good push pull chemistry which I thought would be cool if they developed, if no romance, a funny "Oh Snow, can you get Regina's lasagna recipe, that was my favorite when you were gone!" with Snow getting that puss on she gets. Snow should be HATING Regina still and Charms should be the one, "Oh she is okay now, you just got to call her on her shit..." Snow and Charming are really, really coma inducing.


And yes, I love Zelena too. I don't know why every villain in this show has to be the super dooperest evil that ever existed (until they are easily defeated) why can't they just be shady and twisted and bitchy?  Having Zelena, and Cruella and Ursala going around towm and egging Regina's Benz, leaving empty vodka bottles on her lawn and crank calling her...all the while making fun of her and the rest of the idiots in town would be far more fun then their ridiculous life or death struggles.  Regina is always at her best when someone is giving her the crap she deserves and her getting her bitch face on.  The Queens of Evil Nightclub would be the most fun place in Storybrooke!


Oh, and finally, they need to give Hook back his shoulder pads...he looks far too skinny and pretty to be a pirate (maybe a pirate's "friend," when at sea and no ladies around)  and Emma looks like she could break him in half. 


There I feel better, thanks board.

Edited by Mitch
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I can't help but be confused as to why everyone's always clamoring for more "core characters" focus instead of focus on the guest star characters.  Not only is it obvious by now that A&E will never do it, despite their lying claims to the contrary, but most of the core characters have become irreversibly derailed, stagnant, and boring.  Focus on them could only lead to bad things, like egg-napping plots.  Hook and (now that he's powerless) Gold are the only ones in the core cast who are still interesting and have potential.  Emma, Snow, Charming, Regina, Henry, Belle, Robin, and Zelena are all totally dull (OK, Zelena is entertaining, but not interesting and her plotline shared with Regina and Robin is awful.)

Edited by Mathius

But I think the eggnapping plot was bad because it wasn't really about Snowing, it was about Maleficient and how much of a victim she is.


I didn't like it because of how ooc it felt and contrived for the whole Lily plot.  Snowing shouldn't have taken someone else's baby considering what they went through with Emma.


If the characters are dull it's because the writers have made them so. If they can only get it up for the guest characters, then that's a problem.

This arc is supposed to be about Dark Swan. Not crazy ass Arthur and his obsession.


I'm disappointed with Dark Swan as it is, she's supposed to have the darkness inside her and yet it's a letdown when compared to other villains in this series.  Rumple had fun with his DO role, so this was so unwhelming considering what they could've and should've done with it.

Edited by Free

If the characters are dull it's because the writers have made them so. If they can only get it up for the guest characters, then that's a problem.

Right, but by this point it's pretty clear that A&E either unwilling to or are actually INCAPABLE of reversing that damage, so people clammoring for more core character focus and thinking that that WOULD reverse the damage are kidding themselves.

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I guess mine is that I always liked Zelena... Honestly, I love all the villains they've had--including Arthur--except for Ursula, the Author, Maleficent, and Lily. Maleficent worked as a sympathetic character, but she was a complete fail at being threatening. I believe the only time she came close to that was when she was a CGI incompletely-formed body. Ursula was so awful.

I liked all the characters introduced in 4b, just not their storylines. Same with Zelena, the only thing that makes me hesitate about her character is the stupid Marian/baby plot. Marian didn't deserve that.

Also, this is another thing people seem to be split on, but I like the Dark Swan. I know a lot are miffed at Emma always getting the short end of the stick, but I've been enjoying her being evil(ish).

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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For the most part, I like all the characters, though some are in the "love to hate" way. What I tend to dislike is the writing around the characters.


Like, I find Regina herself entertaining, even though I despise her as a person. The problem with her is that all the characters around her seem to be reacting to an entirely different person than I see.


I enjoy Zelena. The problem with her was the inanity of a lot of her story and the way it was resolved, plus the crazy degree of retconning to bring her back. But as a character, she works for me.


Heck, I even liked GregOwen. I found his background fascinating, and he had an interesting motivation. The problem was in making a victim into a villain without anyone even pausing to consider that he had a valid complaint (see above about the writing around Regina) and that they didn't develop the story they set up.


Robin is even sort of growing on me, now that they're letting him have scenes with people other than Regina, and he's about as close as I come to having a "get this person off my screen, now" character.


I complain a lot about these writers, but they do have a talent for creating characters, and someone involved with the show has some casting genius. Their only missteps seem to come when the producers cast someone they know and like personally rather than letting their casting genius do the job.

  • Love 4

My very unpopular opinion is I am meh! about the return of Cora and I hope she came back just for the 100 episodes and not several.
For me the Camelot arc has been refreshing because it is far from the crazy witch and the soapy tribe of everyone is relating tribe from all the previous season. We still have already crazy Zelena for all that jazz!

And bleeding through 3x18 ( last Cora visit even if younger) was the episode that breaks the camel for me! Atrocious! So I liked Cora and season 2 but for me she should stay a good memory and not coming back.
I want them to focus on

Hades, Meg, Hercule,

this season has been ok, in the creativity department keep going show not revert back.

  • Love 3

Cora is a well-written villain, and both Barbara Hershey and Rose McGowan knock it out of the park in their performances as her, BUT what few people like to acknowledge is that she is always at the center at some of the most infamously frustrating pieces of writing in the show!

Regina's disappointing backstory and motivation to hate Snow? Snow's blackened heart subplot with her being degraded for committing a justifiable killing in self defense? The flashback in which Eva was portrayed as a horrible person that soils the White family's whole reputation for doing something justified and as the reason Zelena was abandoned even though she wasn't? The flashback in which Regina murders a groom for no reason yet then is supposed to be seen as sympathetic, and then makes herself infertile just to have a convenient lightbulb moment in the present? Cora was there and played a big role in all of these.

So yes, count me in as looking forward to her return with GREAT trepidation.

Edited by Mathius
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Cora is a well-written villain, and both Barbara Hershey and Rose McGowan knock it out of the park in their performances as her, BUT what few people like to acknowledge is that she is always at the center at some of the most infamously frustrating pieces of writing in the show!


As a character, she's done well, it's the writing around her that suffers.


Regina's disappointing backstory and motivation to hate Snow?  Snow's blackened heart subplot with her being degraded for committing a justifiable killing in self defense?  The flashback in which Eva was portrayed as a horrible person that soils the White family's whole reputation for doing something justified and as the reason Zelena was abandoned even though she wasn't?  The flashback in which Regina murders a groom for no reason yet then is supposed to be seen as sympathetic, and then makes herself infertile just to have a convenient lightbulb moment in the present?  Cora was there and played a big role in all of these.


The whole backstory was a complete disappointment, when it all boils down to Regina taking everything out on a little girl who didn't know what was going on.  All those dead villagers and a feud over that.


Right, but by this point it's pretty clear that A&E either unwilling to or are actually INCAPABLE of reversing that damage, so people clammoring for more core character focus and thinking that that WOULD reverse the damage are kidding themselves.


It should've focused more on the core characters, the series was at its best during S1 because of it.  While I can understand their necessity for story arcs, I just don't feel like it should take up half a season for it because there doesn't seem to be enough material going for it, so they have to drag it out in a way.

I have no idea how this is unpopular; I am sorry I do not find Rumple sexy, appealing or a sex symbol or Rumple for that matter.

I loved the character and still do, but all the soapy relationship with Belle on the show will always be one of their biggest waste of potential complex storyline. But instead its just soapy. (...reconcile, break up crap over and over again)

Yes, Robert C. is a great actor. No, is casting is not Brad Pitt so why waste him on romantic lead trope I will never buy.

  • Love 6

I have no idea how this is unpopular; I am sorry I do not find Rumple sexy, appealing or a sex symbol or Rumple for that matter. is

While I don't find him conventionally handsome, Carlyle can convincingly play a romantic character--he's definitely been attractive in some of his roles. Personally, between the writing for the character and Carlyle's acting choices, I have to agree that Rumple is emphatically not one of the attractive roles. Fascinating at times, but not attractive.

I flippin' love Arthur. All hail the King of Shadiness!

Based off of Tumblr, not a lot of people like him. I love him as a villain. I think Liam is doing a great job playing Arthur too.

I also like Hook's hair; I see a lot of comments on tumblr that people think his hair is too long, and I think if it was any longer than it is now, then I would consider it too long. But currently I like the length and don't see any problems with it.

  • Love 3

I also like Hook's hair; I see a lot of comments on tumblr that people think his hair is too long, and I think if it was any longer than it is now, then I would consider it too long. But currently I like the length and don't see any problems with it.


It's the exact opposite on my Tumblr dash, people can't stop talking about how amazing his hair looks this season. There's even someone doing an official H.A.I.R. review every episode lol. 

  • Love 2

All the reasons I hate Regina are the reasons I love Zelena. I can't explain it. 

I've been thinking about this, because yes! I just know that if Regina had been the one to deliver lines like "Finally someone sensible talks." or any of the Zelena lines I found so funny this episode, I would have been so annoyed at her. I think it's partly because Zelena isn't supposed to be friends with those people, so when she makes bitchy comments at them it's not so jarring. They are the people keeping her prisoner and planning to take her baby (and yes, they have reasons, but they're also huge hypocrites), so it's only normal that she'd be annoyed with them. Also, Rebecca's delivery is great. She says those lines like Zelena finds herself just hilarious, and that makes it even funnier. Lana, IMO, delivers her "snarky" lines like Regina is actually annoyed at whoever she's snarking at, even if those people did nothing to her. That's why I think it works better when they give Regina self deprecating snark (like "I get antsy when I don't know who to hate").

  • Love 3

All the reasons I hate Regina are the reasons I love Zelena. I can't explain it. 


I can: the narrative and Zelena herself are completely honest about those reasons.  She isn't whitewashed or glorified like Regina, but is treated like the pathetic homicidal maniac that she is by both other characters and by herself, which makes her much more fun.  It also helps that she's also totally right about Regina: Regina gets everything and it's unfair.


I flippin' love Arthur. All hail the King of Shadiness!


Same.  He's a very well-written villain: sympathetic reason for being evil, understandable motivations for his evil, but never excused for being evil all the same; the show actually understands that he is not justified in being a ruthless psychopath no matter what he says or thinks.  He's kind of like to Rumple what Zelena is to Regina for me now.

Edited by Mathius
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I'm full of unpopular opinions:

I don't hate Henry.

I don't hate Regina.

I don't hate Robin Hood.

I don't hate Outlaw Queen.

I don't hate the show.

I'm okay with The Dark Swan arc and CaptainSwan angst because angst = having a storyline and I realize a happy ending is where the stories go to die, so I'm fine that their story hasn't wrapped up yet and don't think 'poor, poor Emma' all the time. (I also don't think she is constantly shafted for air time and story). She's a protagonist, therefore angst and travails. It makes her a lead character not a martyr.

I enjoy the evil Arthur twist

And Pan has been my favorite show villain thus far.

Edited by shipperx
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I really hate the competition between familial love and romantic love. And ranking of loved one. I am sure it is not so black and white in rl.
I read a lot of comments about Henry is the thing Emma love most so she cannot use Hook heart to enact the Dark curse.
But we already saw some gray area with Pan and Felix for that.

Honestly, all this raking of love is unrealistic and silly! In real life people have more than one child frequently and most parents love them equally.
And depending on the situation and the moment of the choice sometime one loved one can take precedence on the others ( ex child or spouse get sick) there nothing black or white about emotion. Love still is an emotion that one person is feeling at a moment in time.

  • Love 5

I don't like how 5A is framing Captain Swan as an epic romance. What I liked about CS was that it was a more casual, down-to-earth relationship compared to the surrounding Disney OTPs. They could date, take their time, watch Netflix, etc. It was much more organic and not pre-ordained by magical shenanigans. Now, 

especially with the spoilers about Hook and Emma's relationship being the key to resolving the arc

, it's much more stilted.


I don't think 5A is the best arc ever since S1 either. I feel it strays too much with Camelot, even more so than 4A did with Frozen. Everyone but Captain Swan have been sidelined. (Even then those two are more like plot devices than characters at times.)

Edited by KingOfHearts

I don't like how they are giving practically every heartfelt Emma scene to Hook instead of her parents. All Emma is to the writers are Dark Swan plot fodder and CS squee material.  CS actually gets good material, and I just wish they would provide a bit of balance to fans who might want a little more for Emma.

Edited by Camera One
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I don't like how 5A is framing Captain Swan as an epic romance. What I liked about CS was that it was a more casual, down-to-earth relationship compared to the surrounding Disney OTPs. They could date, take their time, watch Netflix, etc. It was much more organic and not pre-ordained by magical shenanigans. Now, 

especially with the spoilers about Hook and Emma's relationship being the key to resolving the arc

, it's much more stilted.


I don't think 5A is the best arc ever since S1 either. I feel it strays too much with Camelot, even more so than 4A did with Frozen. Everyone but Captain Swan have been sidelined. (Even then those two are more like plot devices than characters at times.)


I don't like how they are giving practically every heartfelt Emma scene to Hook instead of her parents. All Emma is to the writers are Dark Swan plot fodder and CS squee material.  CS actually gets good material, and I just wish they would provide a bit of balance to fans who might want a little more for Emma.


I don't know how this thread works anymore—if I'm allowed to answer these comments in here or if this is a no-commenting "safe space"—but just in case, I'll respond to these in the Relationships Thread.

I don't like Neal that much, but I don't think of him as someone who "abandoned his pregnant girlfriend." He didn't know Emma was pregnant, and we have no way of knowing if that knowledge would have changed his actions. I mean, letting her take the fall is still shitty so maybe I'm just splitting hairs. I also don't really have a problem with him being older. I think it's fairly common for women to fall for older men, and she was old enough that I don't think of him as a perv.


I'm more annoyed that the kid version of him was far more interesting of a character than the adult, in my opinion. And they were in no way alike. I know that people change as they grow, but the adult didn't act or look anything like the kid, which is odd considering how well the show did with casting young Emma and young Snow.

  • Love 4

I absolutely hated 

the Disney version of Hercules.

 I despised it.  I didn't care for the characters, and and how modern-jokey it was, and that it absolutely, brutally massacred the original source material.   It didn't just shove a few things to the side, or bury some of it in the garden like most Disney versions. The only good thing about it being part of 5B is that it's not Narnia or Tolkien.  I won't care if it turns out the hero is actually a cannibal or a serial killer, and maybe I'll like A&E's version better.

Edited by Mari
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^ *gasp!* how could you? Just kidding, it's fine. You never know though, you may end up liking it. I despise Frozen with the passion of a 1000 burning suns, but I enjoyed 4a for the most part.

I've liked Henry so far this season (or at least more than last season). I'm surprisingly okay with the teeny-booper, first-crush story line he's had this season.

I liked The Bear and The Bow, despite not liking Merida and it being so removed from the plot.

I enjoyed The Price (5x02) too, despite it being a Regina-centric.

I am beginning to think I should feel guilty to love all the CS stuff of 5a.

I will not!

I do wish for more Emma and her parent, but I do not blame CS for the lack of development it is totally the writer fault.

I have faith we will getting more of snowing with Emma in 5b.

But tonight I will enjoy all the CS drama. I am an Emma fans first( second is Hook and the Charming) it is the kind of epic relationship I always wanted for her and wait 5 season for it.

The show real protagonist is Emma for me, naturally she get the big fayritell romance. The people who have a real problem with it cannot be Emma fans first.

I'm actually kind of digging Hero!Rumple. Yeah his spot on the hero column is corny and makes no sense. But I like his inner conflict about trying to impress Belle with new-found courage. He's teetering on this edge between cowardly and brave subtly. They'll probably villainize him again, but I think it's good for his character to deal with his powerlessness. Belle needs to see him in that state as well since if Rumpbelle is endgame.


Rumple's character has been so one-note for a while. It's nice to have a little change, even if its temporary.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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