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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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The dorm thing- I spent my teen years in a dorm at school. Two girls to a room and we had a communal shower. We were the same ages. I thought it was better than home, for sure. I did not think anything of it but thought it was a blast. The housemothers were impossible witches. We learned to make our escape at night. :-)

A dorm is not a bad thing but a bad "roommate" can make your life hell. Therein lies the rub.

There are a few things that make going to a dorm school very different from one big room for sisters. The biggest difference is that you were all roughly the same age. If they had 3 rooms for each gender with 15+ age in one, 9 - 14 in another and the youngers in the last (or something similar), I wouldn't have nearly the problem with it. But what we have is grown adults 19 - 25 years old living in the same room with preschoolers and early elementary kids. 

  • Love 1

The dorm thing- I spent my teen years in a dorm at school. Two girls to a room and we had a communal shower. We were the same ages. I thought it was better than home, for sure. I did not think anything of it but thought it was a blast. The housemothers were impossible witches. We learned to make our escape at night. :-)

A dorm is not a bad thing but a bad "roommate" can make your life hell. Therein lies the rub.

A dorm isn't a bad thing. (Made my son realize how good he had it at home.) But having approximately 9-10 siblings, ages toddler to 20's, in one room together isn't. Not to mention having to share beds, with or without linens.
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And let's not forget they didn't have to have one big room for girls and one for boys. They have the resources to have at least a few rooms for each. But it's far easier on the parents to have the young ones with the adult children so they can take care of them rather than bothering Mom and Dad. None of this was done with the children in mind.. only the parents.

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After reading another thread, can we add this to the list:

5) Using the word "fellowship" instead of saying visiting, hanging out together, talking, etc.

(I noticed Derick has already been brainwashed to say it. He said it when discussing the rehearsal dinner. Something along the lines of "we'll enjoy a good meal & fellowship.") Ugh!

  • Love 2

A dorm isn't a bad thing. (Made my son realize how good he had it at home.) But having approximately 9-10 siblings, ages toddler to 20's, in one room together isn't. Not to mention having to share beds, with or without linens.

Depends on why you are in the "dorm".

From what I understand, they have more dorm rooms than that?

I'd say Derrick was using the word correctly. "A good meal and fellowship." Whereas after meeting Mrs. Tebow, the Duggars brought her home "for fellowship". The latter is blatantly incorrect. You bring someone into you home to visit. Or for a meal AND FELLOWSHIP. But I've ONLY heard the Duggars use the latter term of "fellowship" on it's own like that without another verb or connection, and I've heard (or used it) thousands of times all over the country in all types of socioeconomic situations.

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Michelle's bugged out eyes (Anna seems to have acquired this as well) .. how their eyes get big and bug out when they are trying to emphasize how wonderful or exciting something is. 


FWIW, I remember reading somewhere a long while back, that that "wide-eyed look of wonder" countenance has been interpreted - apparently fairly-reliably - as body language for lying, deliberately-deceiving etc. 

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Pinocchio eyes?


I am pretty good with body language... as a deaf person I am more focused on what is not said than what IS said. I have learned that assumptions about body language are usually correct (you noticed something was off) but oftentimes our conclusions are incorrect. I can lipread very well. You don't want to be sitting near me talking about your private lives. The things people say when they think no one is lipreading....HA!

But Pinocchio eyes really is real thing IMO. Next time you think someone is lying, watch the pupils of their eyes....

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I hate when they show Anna cooking. It just grosses me out. Especially when she's barefoot. Something about that makes me sick.


I see people talking about Anna cooking healthy meals. The only healthy meals I've seen are when the storyline is about healthy cooking. Her food, and frankly, all the food I've seen cooked on this show, is pretty gross or at least not anything I would make for myself. (For example, I love lasagna, but if I was cooking for my future in laws, I'd make a dinner from scratch. Lasagna isn't hard.)

  • Love 2

Jim Bob and Michelle praying to God to help them love their children. Seriously... If you need help to love your child maybe you should not have them.


Calling their children an investment in building God's Army. UGH!!!


JD pretending he is a law enforcement officer aka volunteer constable. He is a major insult to the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect lives and property.


Jill and her constant giggling. She is a married woman expecting her first child. Stop it!!!


She has always irritated me more than any of the other kids. She's the most sanctimonious and smug, which takes some doing in this family. I think she's always sucked up to her parents by tattling on and "correcting" her less perfect siblings. Also the biggest hypocrite vis a vie the "rules" and derickdillard.

  • Love 12

I see people talking about Anna cooking healthy meals. The only healthy meals I've seen are when the storyline is about healthy cooking. Her food, and frankly, all the food I've seen cooked on this show, is pretty gross or at least not anything I would make for myself. (For example, I love lasagna, but if I was cooking for my future in laws, I'd make a dinner from scratch. Lasagna isn't hard.)

I almost gagged when Pioneer Woman made a version of that nasty ass Chicken-etti. I can just picture the People of Wal-Mart photos every time Anna and Ree open a can of slop and call it dinner.



She has always irritated me more than any of the other kids. She's the most sanctimonious and smug, which takes some doing in this family. I think she's always sucked up to her parents by tattling on and "correcting" her less perfect siblings. Also the biggest hypocrite vis a vie the "rules" and derickdillard.

In one of the pre-wedding episodes, Josh came out and explicitly said she was the family snitch. Then Jana tried to soften his statement by saying "oh, she was just making sure we were accountable." Sure Jana, keep telling yourself that as your 25 year-old self shares a bed with Josie while Jilly Muffin is living in a 4,000 sq ft. McMansion. Whatever gets you through the day, right?

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 7

In one of the pre-wedding episodes, Josh came out and explicitly said she was the family snitch. Then Jana tried to soften his statement by saying "oh, she was just making sure we were accountable." Sure Jana, keep telling yourself that as your 25 year-old self shares a bed with Josie while Jilly Muffin is living in a 4,000 sq ft. McMansion. Whatever gets you through the day, right?

Yup. No surprises there.

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Please add - Insisting that the courting rules are actually decided by each individual couple, when really they do it because they know that's what the parents want.

Don't you find it funny that each couple has followed the exact same courting rules down to the no kissing until marriage and no hand-holding until engaged? Yeah, they totally came up with that on their own.

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Brian - will you add "Duggar time" to the list? It's the excuse they use for being late. They say it's because they have a large family, it's harder to get everyone ready & out the door on time. It's just their lack of preparedness & lack of respect for everyone else's time.


Oh my gosh - YES! It's such an FU to anyone and everyone, how ridiculously late they always are. They have more helping hands than anyone I know. There is no excuse. 


Add JB and Michelle constantly pawing at each other and making creepy sex references in front of their NIKE-subjected children. 

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I guess JD was reelected in November, and someone did run against him. He also can pull over people. I hope he is under the supervision of a regular full time officer because I am guessing he has not had the training and probation training regular law enforcement officers have to though before being allowed to patrol by themselves.


Brian can you add my Duggar pet peeves on to the list?

Currently, the thing that is getting on my nerves is MEchelle's new blue jacket that she wears as much as she wears those damn denim skirts.  


I know  I should be thankful I'm not seeing the puffed sleeve button up pastel colored blouses- but once again, her wardrobe is getting on my nerves.


And then I had a thought...


And most people may have no clue what I am referring to- but I was thinking… what if MEchelle Duggar had a paper doll book.  Wouldn't that be so easy to produce?  


One denim skirt, a few puffed short sleeve pastel blouses, one black skirt and a pair of scuffed clogs.  OH- lets not forget the new blue jacket!


For the hair, we could have the wired mess that we see 99.99 % of the time and we could have the one straight look (when her friend TRIED to help her out).


Anyone else have an idea for the punch out clothing, hair, etc?  Help paper doll MEchelle build her book.  

  • Love 4

Currently, the thing that is getting on my nerves is MEchelle's new blue jacket that she wears as much as she wears those damn denim skirts.  


I know  I should be thankful I'm not seeing the puffed sleeve button up pastel colored blouses- but once again, her wardrobe is getting on my nerves.


And then I had a thought...


And most people may have no clue what I am referring to- but I was thinking… what if MEchelle Duggar had a paper doll book.  Wouldn't that be so easy to produce?  


One denim skirt, a few puffed short sleeve pastel blouses, one black skirt and a pair of scuffed clogs.  OH- lets not forget the new blue jacket!


For the hair, we could have the wired mess that we see 99.99 % of the time and we could have the one straight look (when her friend TRIED to help her out).


Anyone else have an idea for the punch out clothing, hair, etc?  Help paper doll MEchelle build her book.  

And the little hair thingies she attaches. Some might call them extensions but that doesn't seem to describe them adequately.

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I almost gagged when Pioneer Woman made a version of that nasty ass Chicken-etti. I can just picture the People of Wal-Mart photos every time Anna and Ree open a can of slop and call it dinner.


I just looked this up. I am in the library right now studying. I haven't eaten since lunch, and I really didn't have much, just some spinach and chicken salad. I am debating whether to go home and eat or ordering take out to deliver here. I can't even concentrate out of hunger right now. And that still looks so unappetizing.


I haven't seen much of Pioneer Woman on Food Network, although I've seen some of her recipes on her blog and they look fine. Totally lowered my opinion of her if she actually did this kind of dish. It's hardly cooking, especially not worthy of being on TV. It's another example of people who look up to the Duggars or Kardashians. Just lowest common denominator.

  • Love 1

Currently, the thing that is getting on my nerves is MEchelle's new blue jacket that she wears as much as she wears those damn denim skirts.

I know I should be thankful I'm not seeing the puffed sleeve button up pastel colored blouses- but once again, her wardrobe is getting on my nerves.

And then I had a thought...

And most people may have no clue what I am referring to- but I was thinking… what if MEchelle Duggar had a paper doll book. Wouldn't that be so easy to produce?

One denim skirt, a few puffed short sleeve pastel blouses, one black skirt and a pair of scuffed clogs. OH- lets not forget the new blue jacket!

For the hair, we could have the wired mess that we see 99.99 % of the time and we could have the one straight look (when her friend TRIED to help her out).

Anyone else have an idea for the punch out clothing, hair, etc? Help paper doll MEchelle build her book.

What about the infamous mullet that she used to have in the early episodes?

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I don't necessarily mind the lack of education. Lots of people didn't or couldn't get the education they needed or wanted, for instance and still really smart people. It's the smug bragging about it. That's as annoying as mentioning in every conversation that you "went to school in Boston" so people will know you went to Harvard or "I spent a few years in New Haven" so we know you went to Yale.

It's the same "I'm better than you" attitude, just wrapped in a different colored ribbon.

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Sorry, I should have been a little more specific. I have nothing against homeschooling, but the Jim Bob and Michelle want their own children to lag behind when it comes to education. Not everyone can or want to go off to college or even a good trade school or community college, but the Duggars act like it would be a major sin to attend a regular school outside Duggar Land.

I don't necessarily mind the lack of education. Lots of people didn't or couldn't get the education they needed or wanted, for instance and still really smart people. It's the smug bragging about it. That's as annoying as mentioning in every conversation that you "went to school in Boston" so people will know you went to Harvard or "I spent a few years in New Haven" so we know you went to Yale.

It's the same "I'm better than you" attitude, just wrapped in a different colored ribbon.

I have never actually seen/heard them say that they were better than other people.  They put their lifestyle out there, but I don't think they've been smug about the way they live.  They may exude that attitude, but hey, I think MY lifestyle is better than some others.  What bothers me is that they give the impression (have actually said, I think) that their kids can do anything they want when they grow up when the kids are never given ( and are probably discouraged from having) the opportunity to get the education/training to do just that.  None of their kids will do anything that requires a real college education.  I feel sorry for the Duggars.  They live in constant fear of the outside world.  Thus their rules and regulations.  They have fears and doubts so they build a wall of rules to govern their lives and keep the outside out.  They may have traveled the world but they might as well have stayed at home for all they learned or were enlightened. They believe what they are doing is right, but, someone please enlighten me, when have they said 'we are better than..." as opposed to 'this is the way we choose to live our lives and here are our reasons.  They way others live (including Amy) may be right for them but not for us.'  Just my opinion.

  • Love 4
What bothers me is that they give the impression (have actually said, I think) that their kids can do anything they want when they grow up when the kids are never given ( and are probably discouraged from having) the opportunity to get the education/training to do just that.

This is something that has bothered me too. It's like "Oh sure, they can do whatever they want..." but the unspoken rest of that sentence seems to be "but not with our support, encouragement, or help." Particularly for the girls. The only education or career ambition I've seen them support for the girls was when Jill and Jana were doing the midwife training. Because midwifery supports the act of childbearing, a woman's *real* purpose, I guess? Did we ever see them support Jinger with photography, by maybe getting her into some photography classes or something?? (Maybe they did...but I never saw/heard about it). And didn't Jessa want to go to beauty school or something? But no, the only thing JimBob & Michelle care about is marrying them off and getting them knocked up ASAP. And the only "acceptable" ambition they'll support in the meantime appears to be helping other pregnant women (I'm not putting down midwifery at all, just pointing out that I don't think it's any sort of coincidence that it's the only type of career I've seen them support for the girls). 

Edited by wovenloaf
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Jim Bob says on one show that HE doesn't have a college education and it didn't hurt him so his children don't need one either.

If he says that explicitly on the show, what do you think he's saying behind closed doors, when he belongs to a group that says higher education is sinful?

I get that some people out there think they are better than other people. I live in the DC area so I'm SURROUNDED by them. But not all of us think that way. Not everyone actually thinks that the way we live our lives is the "best" way or if people just lived like me, the world would be better.

For one thing, some people have better foundations to build off of than others, start out with more advantages or intelligence or stronger work ethic etc. That's just luck as far as I'm concerned. I've certainly made a lot of good choices in my life, but I also don't think the good choices were all my doing and the wrong choices were the result of being a sinner that if I just had more rules, I would never make another bad choice.

I grew up watching people tell me how they didn't sin. And I watched how arrogant they were about that. Pride's a sin too.

  • Love 7

I don't necessarily mind the lack of education. Lots of people didn't or couldn't get the education they needed or wanted, for instance and still really smart people. It's the smug bragging about it. That's as annoying as mentioning in every conversation that you "went to school in Boston" so people will know you went to Harvard or "I spent a few years in New Haven" so we know you went to Yale.

It's the same "I'm better than you" attitude, just wrapped in a different colored ribbon.


Education is what advances civilizations and peoples.  Education is something that most people, the world over, treasure and hold in greatest regard.  Maybe higher than anything else, except health and life.  From the beginning of time, elders have made great sacrifices to see younger generations educated.  I just don't know how to say it any better than the following: It is not normal for people to NOT value education.  But the Duggars don't.  IMO, the Duggars, and others like them, put down people who are educated because they are threatened by them and jealous of them. Why, of course, is anyone's guess, since as far as I know, no one ever tried to prevent either Boob or Mechelle from continuing their educations past high school. As GEML said, there are smart people out there who weren't able to go to college for various reasons, although I would argue that finances were probably the primary factor in this, and that most of these individuals were of our parents' and grandparents' generations.  However, now that the GI Bill [1940s] and the Higher Education Act [1960s] have done so much to help alleviate financial obstacles, it seems to me that anyone who wants it badly enough and is willing to do the work involved can get a post-secondary education.  It definitely won't be easy.  No one is going to hand you your credential because you're a good person. You will have to do A LOT of work.  You will have to use YOUR time.  You might even have to use some of your own money too.  How about that?  It's amazing to me how many people think absolutely nothing of taking out a loan for a new car, but recoil in horror when they think about incurring college debt.  A car will last X number of years.  But your education can NEVER be taken away from you.  OK, I won't go down that path.  Not now at least - LOL.  But if you're willing to do these things and want it badly, you can pursue your education.  But I still regularly run into people just like the Duggars, who claim that education is not really important, that it shouldn't matter if someone went to college or not, that Big Shot A or B never finished school and hey, look at him - he's a trillionaire!  However, in every single instance, these are people without educations.  And on the occasions when I'm able to inquire as to why they didn't pursue degrees themselves, I'm usually treated to a display of Olympic-caliber BS.  They have all kinds of reasons, everything under the sun and all of which my mind basically translates to "I was afraid I couldn't do the work..." or "I was too lazy to do the work..." or "I didn't want to spend the time to do the work..."  Now of course it's perfectly OK to not want to pursue higher ed.  There are as many good reasons for not going to college as there are for going.  But the people who feel this way - and are comfortable with their decisions - are never the people who put down college and the educated.  Interesting, don't you think?

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 8

Can Paper Doll Michelle have accessories? If so, she needs a Breast Friend, the pillow thing she wore while nursing.

How about press on nail decals ? (like the ones she lifted from Jill's nail party) She does love her bling.

Modesty panels for when she wears a revealing number.

Dark support hose.

Other accessories she can hold:

--Her "Mother of the Year"tray/plaque

--A list of Character Qualities

--A box of Pregnancy Tests

  • Love 1

Jim Bob says on one show that HE doesn't have a college education and it didn't hurt him so his children don't need one either.

If he says that explicitly on the show, what do you think he's saying behind closed doors, when he belongs to a group that says higher education is sinful?

I get that some people out there think they are better than other people. I live in the DC area so I'm SURROUNDED by them. But not all of us think that way. Not everyone actually thinks that the way we live our lives is the "best" way or if people just lived like me, the world would be better.

For one thing, some people have better foundations to build off of than others, start out with more advantages or intelligence or stronger work ethic etc. That's just luck as far as I'm concerned. I've certainly made a lot of good choices in my life, but I also don't think the good choices were all my doing and the wrong choices were the result of being a sinner that if I just had more rules, I would never make another bad choice.

I grew up watching people tell me how they didn't sin. And I watched how arrogant they were about that. Pride's a sin too.

But he sure did get a real education. And why can't Jim Bob just take care of his kids when they're sick. Don't take them to a doctor. Who needs college right. Maybe he could've performed Jill's wisdom tooth removal or Josie c section. He's really smart

  • Love 1

I don't necessarily mind the lack of education. Lots of people didn't or couldn't get the education they needed or wanted, for instance and still really smart people. It's the smug bragging about it. That's as annoying as mentioning in every conversation that you "went to school in Boston" so people will know you went to Harvard or "I spent a few years in New Haven" so we know you went to Yale.

It's the same "I'm better than you" attitude, just wrapped in a different colored ribbon.

Sorry but education is too important to not get educated. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you don't want to go to college fine. Not everyone is made for college, however nobody in this country should be lacking education. Take advantage of it. Something the Duggars don't do. However they expect others to have an education. Would JimChelle send their kids to a fundie doctor or dentist? My guess is no. But they sure will send their kids to a real licensed doctor or dentist that had years of schooling, loans, and training. Hypocritical

Brian - will you add "Duggar time" to the list? It's the excuse they use for being late. They say it's because they have a large family, it's harder to get everyone ready & out the door on time. It's just their lack of preparedness & lack of respect for everyone else's time.

They're sure up early for interviews with the today show.

  • Love 4

Sorry but education is too important to not get educated. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you don't want to go to college fine. Not everyone is made for college, however nobody in this country should be lacking education. Take advantage of it. Something the Duggars don't do. However they expect others to have an education. Would JimChelle send their kids to a fundie doctor or dentist? My guess is no. But they sure will send their kids to a real licensed doctor or dentist that had years of schooling, loans, and training. Hypocritical

They're sure up early for interviews with the today show.


Yes! The next time Boob or Mechelle says - on camera - that they don't feel their children need college or any kind of post-secondary education because neither of them went to college and they're doing very well now, I want the TLC interviewer to ask them "Well, I guess it's really good then, that other people don't feel that same way, huh? Like the doctors and nurses at Arkansas Children's Hospital? Like the scientists and technicians and inventors that created and built the equipment and developed the medicines that were capable of keeping a 25-ounce baby alive?" I would absolutely love to see the looks on their faces, and hear their stammering responses.  IMO, if TLC truly wants to keep this program alive - and that's pretty questionable considering the way they've been presenting it in recent months - that's the tack they need to take with the Duggars. Challenge them to defend their beliefs. Because this particular one - blowing off education and specifically, trying to convince others it's not important - is just about the most ludicrous of their beliefs - at least to me.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 7

Currently, the thing that is getting on my nerves is MEchelle's new blue jacket that she wears as much as she wears those damn denim skirts.

I know I should be thankful I'm not seeing the puffed sleeve button up pastel colored blouses- but once again, her wardrobe is getting on my nerves.

And then I had a thought...

And most people may have no clue what I am referring to- but I was thinking… what if MEchelle Duggar had a paper doll book. Wouldn't that be so easy to produce?

One denim skirt, a few puffed short sleeve pastel blouses, one black skirt and a pair of scuffed clogs. OH- lets not forget the new blue jacket!

For the hair, we could have the wired mess that we see 99.99 % of the time and we could have the one straight look (when her friend TRIED to help her out).

Anyone else have an idea for the punch out clothing, hair, etc? Help paper doll MEchelle build her book.

What about the infamous mullet that she used to have in the early episodes?

She needs that bed thing she breastfeeds the latest baby with, along with a baby, baby clothes, silly knitted hair bow. I was thinking a baby carriage as well, but she wouldn't have the carriage, silly me. Those poor older girls would. (Edit...how about a bikini...and lawn mower...Just in case you want to have a 'bad' mechelle:D) Edited by phoenix62
  • Love 3

Sorry but education is too important to not get educated. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you don't want to go to college fine. Not everyone is made for college, however nobody in this country should be lacking education. Take advantage of it. Something the Duggars don't do. However they expect others to have an education. Would JimChelle send their kids to a fundie doctor or dentist? My guess is no. But they sure will send their kids to a real licensed doctor or dentist that had years of schooling, loans, and training. Hypocritical

They're sure up early for interviews with the today show.

Yeah, right?? Just goes to show...if they deem it worthy of your time, they will be on time.

Next time I'm late for work, I'll just say that I'm on Duggar time, so it's all good....haha. That alone will get me fired at one of my jobs...

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