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If you're a young woman who survived a brutal serial killer that killed all your friends, and it's about a year or two later and you have an entirely new group of friends and have finally started to move on with your life, expect either the serial killer (who didn't really die) or a copycat killer to start the killings all over again. You'll either die early on and another girl will take on the mantle of the "last girl", or you'll be the last girl once again with maybe 2 or 3 (at the absolute most) friends who survive.

If you're a young woman who survived a brutal serial killer that killed all your friends, and it's about a year or two later and you have an entirely new group of friends and have finally started to move on with your life, expect either the serial killer (who didn't really die) or a copycat killer to start the killings all over again. You'll either die early on and another girl will take on the mantle of the "last girl", or you'll be the last girl once again with maybe 2 or 3 (at the absolute most) friends who survive.

  • Love 1

Apparently it is perfectly logical to run UP the stairs to the roof when being pursued by villain/monster. 


Also, it is excepted to walk INTO a dark house with a busted door and blood splatter on the porch.  You get bonus points for flicking the light switch several times before muttering "power must be out" and then whispering "hello, is anyone here?"


And every trip to the grocery store results in a baguette and some leafy green being sported from the top of the brown paper bag. 

  • Love 6

If the man and woman had previously hated each other, they will invariably come around and have mad, passionate sex.  He will either slam her up against a wall, and bang her, or take his arm and sweep every damn thing off the table or desk, and bang her.  It's supposed to be "hot" and passionate, but it just  looks like it hurts.  All I can think about are the bruises, and if a man swept all my shit on the floor, broken dishes, etc,, he would have to pay me for them and he'd never see me again.

  • Love 6

The big strapping man can be shot, stabbed, kicked, and repeated punched and not utter a single complaint.  However, the second the antiseptic hits his skin he will recoil in pain while uttering "ow" to which female administering said antiseptic will complain that the big strapping man is acting like a baby.

You could put that down to adrenaline, really. When you're going, you barely feel it. Only when you calm down and get patched up does it hurt. So I imagine, anyway.

When a love one suddenly drops to the ground (heart attack, poison, shot - take your pick) cradle said love one while screaming "someone help me!" instead of dialing 911 on your cell phone.



And speaking of cell phones, it might be a good idea to put it on silence when sneaking into your opponent's headquarters because you just know someone is going to call at the most inopportune moment.

  • Love 5

@Shannon L I'll add to yours by saying that generally said party is broken up by parents/teachers/cops yelling in a way somehow heard by every single person in the house. The kids will manage to scatter quicker than roaches when the light comes on. There will be screeching tires as kids race away. Some folks will run wildly down the middle of the street while screaming. However no one will get caught & the adults will all be seemingly frozen in place or run around wildly yelling about kids & big trouble.

  • Love 2

An out of town cop, whether visiting and ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, or going against orders and investigating a murder that took him to another state, will always be the smart one and the officers in that state's precinct will be bumbling idiots until such time that at least one or two of them start believing the out of towner.  At this point, they may still be bumbling cops, but at least they are believers and all in with the new guy, no matter what kind of trouble they may get into (which they don't, because they were right in finally believing the out of town cop).

Edited by Shannon L.
  • Love 3

Related to teen party:  When a principal character arrives at a gathering with lots of folks, they will always be able to park right at the driveway or the curb of the place having said gathering.  Never mind the dozens of folks who are already there - parking is always convenient!

LOL. Love this.



Aliens who invade Earth ALWAYS have a force field around their ship and can easily killed by having water thrown on them.

Edited by xls

If you're the protagonist in an action film, you will never suffer any injuries that inhibit you from kicking ass and taking names.  You will also continue to look incredibly attractive despite the amount of blood, dirt, and sweat on your body.  And your significant other will have no qualms about making out with you in said state.

If your a protagonist in an action movie your car also won't have airbags. So it can totally get banged up during a high speed chase and you never have to worry about it going off.


Also any average person or the street (or a kid) can run a giant (like Fortune 500) business. Sure they might not have any formal business training or experience in the field, but that is ok because their outsider opinions and new ideas for how to do things will totally make up for it.

  • Love 1

Every single teen party takes place at a big home with a pool. Alcohol and marijuana are involved, vomiting in the pool is going to happen and the place is always trashed beyond recognition, including toilet paper in the trees and bushes.

And a host of second - story bedrooms, at least one of which is being humped in by hot young people who don't live there.

Also, the Friend That You Has a Crush on You But You Never Knew It and Instead, You Tell Said Friend about Your Romantic Woes/ Conquests is the person you should've been dating all along. (And in real life too, sometimes.)

  • Love 1

If someone is trying to rescue you from falling off a building/ship/mountain by grabbing your hand, only hold on WITH ONE HAND, The other hand must flail about doing nothing to help your situation.


Miraculously, that one-handed grip is enough to defy the law of gravity (unless you're a supporting character with no real relevance to the story).  Apparently, everyone has tremendous upper body strength that they can dangle for several seconds, or longer, with a one handed grip. Doesn't matter if you're hundreds or thousands of feet in the air, with wind shears and other environmental elements working against you.  Apparently, it's just like the monkey bars on a common playground. 

  • Love 3

If you are a henchman and you and your coworkers get into a fight with the hero, be polite and wait your turn while each individual goes one on one with him The efficiency and increased likelihood of success by attacking the hero as group is not one of your yearly performance goals!

This! I always wonder why all 5 Bad Guys don't just jump on the Hero at the same damn time. Maybe they teach Ass-Whoopin Etiquette in Henchman School.

  • Love 6

This! I always wonder why all 5 Bad Guys don't just jump on the Hero at the same damn time. Maybe they teach Ass-Whoopin Etiquette in Henchman School.

Mass attacks are a serious breach of the Henchman's Union bylaws and could result in sanctions up to and including expulsion. Dues payments of expelled members are not refundable. 

Edited by Snowprince
  • Love 8

If you're a woman in a romantic comedy, you must ALWAYS go for the free spirited musician/actor/writer etc. instead of the perfect guy with the stable job who adores you.

A corollary to this is that if you meet someone you have nothing in common with, and the two of you fight all the time, then that person is your true love. Because being with someone compatible is boring and means you lack that mysterious thing known as 'chemistry'.

  • Love 3

If you're a woman in a romantic comedy, you must ALWAYS go for the free spirited musician/actor/writer etc. instead of the perfect guy with the stable job who adores you.



Reminds me of the Daniel Radcliffe film What If.  The girl is in a six-year relationship with a world famous international copyright attorney and she falls for Daniel Radcliffe, a medical school dropout who apparently works as a copy editor.

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