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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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Yo needs to keep her mouth shut and stop spreading unproven theories about Lyme Disease.  According to Yo, Horse flies can transfer Lyme just like 'tics'.  Really, a 'tic' can cause Lyme?  Wow, who knew.



It has been known for a long time tics (not all)  are one way to get Lymes disease. 




The woman in this article seems to have many of the same, symptoms as Yo.  hmmmm Too many colonics. 


Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

Great Kazu, I'm sorry that you and your husband are having to deal with something similar in your own family.  I can only imagine how  trying that is.  I have a question about Yolanda which maybe you can answer or someone else can.


I have wondered whether Yolanda, in the process of vying for all this attention, realizes how trying it is for everyone else -- or is she so absorbed in what she's doing that she doesn't realize she's causing trouble.  My question really deals with her mental state.  As she's demanding so much from her daughters and from David, does she realize that, or is she so distracted by her illness that she's unaware of what a pain she is?  If she's unaware of how tough she is to live with, then maybe pity for her is deserved.  However, if she knows she's a handful and persists in being that way, then maybe that's another story.  Where is her mind when she's posing for pictures?  Do you understand what I'm asking?  This whole thing is a puzzlement.

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I may be wrong, but I think Cannabis oil doesn't provide a high, but it can help with pain and inflammation and other issues. So it won't mellow out annoying Yo.


I'm using oil of oregano to heal my gut after a round of antibiotics messed it all up. Oils can be wonderful, but I really, really hope Yo doesn't decided to become an advocate for those, too. Enough is enough!

Actually, Cannabis Oil does have the same effect on the human body as inhaling/smoking a joint does, it just takes longer because it is ingested orally instead of inhaled. It reduces stress/mellows you out, stimulates the appitite/gives you the munchies among other things. LOL She should not drink ANY alcohol or take Medications/suppliments that are used as anit-depressants/mood inhancers as it can increase the effect of the meds. It is NOT wise to take this oil in light of all the other crap she is taking. So, unless Yolanda has stoped taking some of the meds/suppliments on her white poster board, she is asking for trouble IMO.

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I will never believe YoFo left the marriage. She may have filed for divorce, but that doesn't mean she was the one who wanted out. It was likely something David asked her to do in exchange for him continuing to fund her medical costs and to financially back her in other areas that were not part of their pre-nup. Even if David were to talk to the media or post on Twitter and specifically mention YoFo was the one who called off the marriage, I will always believe it was done because David was the one who was finished with this relationship. Going back to that article from his first wife, she called him out as an asshole who only wanted a stay-at-home wife who gave him babies. I imagine the other exes felt David was an asshole, including the one who was left to financially struggle for some time after her divorce from David while raising his two daughters.


Right. Whatever may or may not be affecting YoFo, I certainly hope for her sake and the sake of her children, she gets the proper medical help. YoFo, in some ways, is like watching Kim Richards. Although they are dealing with two different medical issues, they can be tiresome to watch on this kind of show. I do tend to watch those reality emergency room shows and the occasional addict shows such as Intervention, but those shows are geared towards specific health and mental problems.


Another comparison to Kim Richards is, I think aside from Lyme Disease, YoFo has other issues going on including psychological. Kim can't admit she has psychological problems (whether it is due to alcoholism or not) or won't admit she is an a pill-popper, she has only admitted to being an alcoholic. Nothing more. The frustration of watching this play out on my screen makes me itchy.


The last comparison to Kim is how YoFo is manipulative. Kim Richards and her addiction make her a master manipulator. Why is it any different for YoFo? Why is one disease better than addiction? They are both diseases. YoFo gets away with blaming her LD mind on her bad behavior whereas Kim does not. YoFo can lie about many things, but it is okay because her mind is not all there due to her LD mind, but if Kim lies, no such excuse. YoFo has shown to be a manipulator many times, just like Kim.


My spouse and I are currently dealing with a perpetual victim on his side of the family. As we watch YoFo on our screen, we can't help but think of this person we deal with. As it is annoying in real life to deal with a perpetual victim, it can be boring to watch it play out on a tv show that is supposedly meant to entertain. I realize the people on this show are not always filled with fun and games such as the death of Dick Van Patten and how it affects Vince and Elaine. But, we are getting just a small glimpse into the grieving that those two are dealing with instead of having their grieving over-take their scenes.

I suspect that Yolanda got mad at David being gone as much as he was/is and demanded he be home to care FOR her and he said NO. He was/is unwilling to give up his career for her and she then said she wanted a divorce! IMO, she thought he would back down and give into her demands but instead he agreed to the divorce. I think Yolanda over played her hand, he called her bluff and they are now headed for divorce court.

  • Love 5

Great Kazu, I'm sorry that you and your husband are having to deal with something similar in your own family.  I can only imagine how  trying that is.  I have a question about Yolanda which maybe you can answer or someone else can.


I have wondered whether Yolanda, in the process of vying for all this attention, realizes how trying it is for everyone else -- or is she so absorbed in what she's doing that she doesn't realize she's causing trouble.  My question really deals with her mental state.  As she's demanding so much from her daughters and from David, does she realize that, or is she so distracted by her illness that she's unaware of what a pain she is?  If she's unaware of how tough she is to live with, then maybe pity for her is deserved.  However, if she knows she's a handful and persists in being that way, then maybe that's another story.  Where is her mind when she's posing for pictures?  Do you understand what I'm asking?  This whole thing is a puzzlement.

Thanks Lura. I appreciate it. :-)   I think my spouse and I are handling it very well only because we are not enabling the behavior. His relative used to drain my spouse in so many ways with her guilt trips and manipulating ways. Thankfully, he now sees her for what she is - the perpetual victim. She can live in her misery. We don't have to. Little by little my husband is pulling away and he is feeling much better about it. These people don't realize how toxic they can be. I think this is where YoFo is in her current state. IMO, I don't think YoFo knows how trying she can be because it is all about her. I think YoFo feels she is owed the attention because how can you not help a person in need. People who are self-centered won't see beyond themselves or how others feel. When others do speak up, the perpetual victim becomes so sensitive to what is being said, they take it as criticism instead of hearing that other people have feelings, too. JMO



I suspect that Yolanda got mad at David being gone as much as he was/is and demanded he be home to care FOR her and he said NO. He was/is unwilling to give up his career for her and she then said she wanted a divorce! IMO, she thought he would back down and give into her demands but instead he agreed to the divorce. I think Yolanda over played her hand, he called her bluff and they are now headed for divorce court.

Ah, pulling out the old "It's me or nothing at all" card. Great point!. I could totally see her doing that as well.

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Yolanda's veins have to be shot by this point. Maybe they can put a port in next time. I bet she'd love that! I believe she is sick but not as sick as she wants to be.

She had her port removed last year.


I learned what LD is about from those on this board who have struggled with the disease. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences here.  I have learned ZERO from YoFo. All i have learned from YoFo is what a manipulative character she is and how much she talks out of both sides of her mouth.



What information has Yolanda shared other than her symptoms and that she was diagnosed with LD 4 years ago

I keep reading 4 years ago and other articles mention she was diagnosed with LD a year after she was married. Help me here, WireWrap. The timelines are very confusing. I think you cleared it up for me before, but I have since read different articles that are being linked here that reference the LD having reared its ugly head a year after the marriage. Is it she felt sick before the marriage and was finally diagnosed a year after the wedding?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

She had her port removed last year.


I learned what LD is about from those on this board who have struggled with the disease. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences here.  I have learned ZERO from YoFo. All i have learned from YoFo is what a manipulative character she is and how much she talks out of both sides of her mouth.



I agree and thank you all for sharing.  

  • Love 5

She had her port removed last year.


I learned what LD is about from those on this board who have struggled with the disease. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences here.  I have learned ZERO from YoFo. All i have learned from YoFo is what a manipulative character she is and how much she talks out of both sides of her mouth.


I keep reading 4 years ago and other articles mention she was diagnosed with LD a year after she was married. Help me here, WireWrap. The timelines are very confusing. I think you cleared it up for me before, but I have since read different articles that are being linked here that reference the LD having reared its ugly head a year after the marriage. Is it she felt sick before the marriage and was finally diagnosed a year after the wedding?

I am sure Wire Wrap will have a better answer.  Yolanda was married 11/11/11 and claims that during the third season, filmed in the spring and early simmer of  2012 she lost certain cognitive abilities, use of limbs and general malaise.  Somewhere between mid July of 2012 when filming was winding up and February of 2013 Yolanda received a diagnosis of Lyme Disease, a fact that is now being contested according to some reports.  By February of 2014, Yolanda was claiming she had been bedridden for 18 months and LVP had ignored her.  of course she filmed all of Season 4 during that time and travelled around the world with David. 


I haven't heard yet claim she was sick before the marriage other than the cow licking when she was 12 years old that has according to her is contributing to her condition.  That would be from the cow on the farm she never lived on.  Funny thing about showing people where you grew up, they can discern between a home and home on a farm.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

She had her port removed last year.


I learned what LD is about from those on this board who have struggled with the disease. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences here.  I have learned ZERO from YoFo. All i have learned from YoFo is what a manipulative character she is and how much she talks out of both sides of her mouth.


I keep reading 4 years ago and other articles mention she was diagnosed with LD a year after she was married. Help me here, WireWrap. The timelines are very confusing. I think you cleared it up for me before, but I have since read different articles that are being linked here that reference the LD having reared its ugly head a year after the marriage. Is it she felt sick before the marriage and was finally diagnosed a year after the wedding?

Yolanda claims she had the disease before they married but was only diagnosed after the wedding. She never went into much detail about her symptoms back then or what made her seek medical help other than she was tired more often than not and she felt like she was in a "fog" all the time. She made the announcement that she had LD at her first reunion and blamed being in a "fog" for her more nasty comments to the other HWs (Taylor). She claims she 1 round of IV antibiotics but she was also doing her dangerous Lemon Cleanse and living on almonds at the same time. Then she started chasing untested/unproven treatments around the globe.


IF the reports coming from David's team are true, there are questions if she was really diagnosed with LD to begin with and according to the same  rumors/reports, she never sought a second medical opinion.


I have to admit, I am suspect of her diagnosis because of the kind posters here that have shared either their own or someone close to them and their struggles with LD. Most of these posters say they/family/friend had a difficult time getting diagnosed but once they were and got treatment, they recovered or are in recovery but 4 years after Yolanda claims she was diagnosed, she is worse. This is a woman that has the means to get the best treatment/care in the world, YET....here we are. 


I also don't see any reputable Dr. not finding the leaky silicone implants right away/quickly as her symptoms can be caused by this. IMO, it is no coincidence that she started to recover at a remarkable pace after the implants were removed and the effected areas cleaned up. I think Yolanda heard the Dr or someone say/suggest she could have LD and she ran with it. I also don't think she would be willing to admit it was all caused by the implants, something she CHOSE to have done out of vanity, not because of a medical necessity say from BC.  JMO, as harsh as it sounds

  • Love 9

Thanks Wirewrap.


I agree with your entire post. I also want to mention, has YoFo ever mentioned her doctor by name? Who diagnosed her with LD? Has she ever mentioned it on the show? On her Instagram? Twitter? I have seen the photos of her at various doctor's offices and clinics around the world with various staff members around her. We even saw her at her dentist's office with the actual dentist and the other professional there ON CAMERA. You would think with all that YoFo is eager to share with the world, she'd be shown on camera with the doctor who diagnosed her with LD. Is he/she not wanting to be on camera? If so, why is that? Does he/she exist? Does her diagnoses even exist? So many questions.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Thanks Wirewrap.


I agree with your entire post. I also want to mention, has YoFo ever mentioned her doctor by name? Who diagnosed her with LD? Has she ever mentioned it on the show? On her Instagram? Twitter? I have seen the photos of her at various doctor's offices and clinics around the world with various staff members around her. We even saw her at her dentist's office with the actual dentist and the other professional there ON CAMERA. You would think with all that YoFo is eager to share with the world, she'd be shown on camera with the doctor who diagnosed her with LD. Is he/she not wanting to be on camera? If so, why is that? Does he/she exist? Does her diagnoses even exist? So many questions.

Thanks, ZMs timeline was great and hit a few things I left out.


I don't remember her ever naming the actual DR that supposedly diagnosed her and I never saw any tweets with any 1 Drs name either. For some reason I have a faint memory of her saying that she had to go out of the country to get diagnosed but I may be confusing diagnosed with treatment. It is always possible that a Dr would NOT want to be mentioned or seen on the show but who knows. The same question applies to the hospital photos she has shown and the episode on the show when she had her "port" removed, I don't think she/they mentioned the name of the hospital at all.

According to several sources silicone implants and Yolanda's reaction to their leakage didn't prevent Gigi from getting them or Bella from getting a silicone implant for an upper lip.  I get it they are safe until they leak but Gigi will have a built in excuse if she ever starts feeling faint.

They BOTH got silicone implants? How stupid are they? Ones lips can be plumpled/enlarged without silicone and I am sure Gigi has heard of saline implants. I hope these "reports" are wrong but then again...........I will not be suprised to hear this is fact for BOTH girls.  SMH

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I thought the newer silicone implants didn't leak? I think they call them gummi bear implants where it is more solid? I don't really know though. I guess they could get saline if they were really worried but yeah, that seems pretty ridiculous if her kids are already sick why they would get them. I'm surprised that Bella would get them if Taylor Swift didn't but maybe she has them too!

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Thank you Zoeysmom for the timeline. It helps to read through the dates. Very thorough work. :-)



According to several sources silicone implants and Yolanda's reaction to their leakage didn't prevent Gigi from getting them or Bella from getting a silicone implant for an upper lip.  I get it they are safe until they leak but Gigi will have a built in excuse if she ever starts feeling faint.

This is seriously stupid if this is true.

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I thought the newer silicone implants didn't leak? I think they call them gummi bear implants where it is more solid? I don't really know though. I guess they could get saline if they were really worried but yeah, that seems pretty ridiculous if her kids are already sick why they would get them. I'm surprised that Bella would get them if Taylor Swift didn't but maybe she has them too!

The newer ones can still leak, it is less likely but still possible.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that David Foster already has a newer, younger "model" replacing Yo.

It will be on TMZ eventually.

Who knows but if the reports/rumors from David's team are correct, it was Yolanda that asked for/wanted the divorce and they have been separated for a year already, so it IS possible that he has found someone else by this time.

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I bolded the stupid part. I agree with your post except for this part. She gets away with her behavior and sets seeds of a narrative and it works. Ken did not call her stupid. He said Don't be stupid. There is a difference yet she ran with he called me stupid during the scene and after. There is a complete difference with what he said and what she got out there. He called her out for a specific thing and she got huffy instead of understanding what he said. She WAS doing something stupid, her behavior WAS stupid. He didn't say that her mind was stupid, or she was stupid. There is a difference in meaning and she is a manipulator. The same thing happened with Ken and Taylor, when he said he wouldn't go to marriage therapy. I saw nothing wrong with him saying that. Yet Taylor and Yolanda have the same way of grasping what someone says to them and making it what it wasn't intended to be. Ken was perfectly correct saying what he said in both instances. 

Actually before Ken said to Yo, "Don't be stupid,"  he stated, "The four of you, you're so stupid."  So he did call Yo stupid.  And when Yo said something directly to Ken, he said, "Don't be stupid."  So, IMO, because of the first statement he made toward the women, the second statement was an affirmation of the first.  He doesn't get a pass.




He also called Yo stupid again at the finale party:




Did Yo blow the touching by Ken out of proportion?  Yes.  But I don't think she blew the two 'stupid' accusations thrown out by Ken in Puerto Rico.  Ken was wrong IMO.  He also should have stayed out of that fight as Mauricio did.

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IMHO, both girls were much more attractive before the implants.  Both girls were born with nice features that could be made to look glamorous with the right makeup job.  Bella had a youthful face that now looks like "old Hollywood" to me.  Gigi's implants exaggerate the natural frown she assumes as part of her "modeling face."  I think they both got implants because it's the thing to do, but the problem lies in the fact that they were designed for older women who were losing their lip puffs.  I have nothing whatsoever against implants at any age if they help someone's looks, but I genuinely feel that they actually detract from the girls' looks.


I hope Yolanda doesn't stand too close to a policeman with pot on her breath.  Pardon me for saying so, but if Yolanda wasn't stupid before, I think she is now.  She gives up hair bleach, makeup, you name it, but she increases the stuff she swallows.  What must her insides be thinking?  One of these days, I expect her to turn green or something.  What she is doing to her liver is absolutely insane.  On the other hand, she'll probably accidentally come up with a cure for cancer and get the Nobel Prize for Medicine, but she won't be able to attend the ceremony because of Lyme disease!



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At least we know that she doesn't drive or at least didn't drive for awhile.

She is back to driving! Someone posted a link a couple of pages ago of Yolanda moving into her new apartment/home and it shows her behind the wheel of a large SUV! So, it appears she started taking cannibis oil and driving again around the same time. LOL

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According to several sources silicone implants and Yolanda's reaction to their leakage didn't prevent Gigi from getting them or Bella from getting a silicone implant for an upper lip. I get it they are safe until they leak but Gigi will have a built in excuse if she ever starts feeling faint.

I though that silicone as a dermal filler wasn't done anymore because of Lisa Rinna and Elsa Patton type problems, gravity causes it to migrate downwards and pool together, plus other, better fillers were created, and silicone implants are only FDA approved for augmentation in women aged 22 and over. I wouldn't be surprised if Bella and Gigi have breast implants though.
  • Love 2

I though that silicone as a dermal filler wasn't done anymore because of Lisa Rinna and Elsa Patton type problems, gravity causes it to migrate downwards and pool together, plus other, better fillers were created, and silicone implants are only FDA approved for augmentation in women aged 22 and over. I wouldn't be surprised if Bella and Gigi have breast implants though.

Gigi doesn't have a lip implant just Bella. 

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I think of Bella as the rebel, probably because of her drunk driving thing.  I hope Gigi stays natural.


I also would be very surprised if either girl had had breast enhancement.  How could they do that when they know the trouble their mother has had?  I think Yolanda would go ballistic if they went for that.  Besides, they sure don't look like they've had anything done.  They look very natural, and I hope they stay that way!

Edited by Lura

And here it is Yolanda fully recovered to face her "bullies" at the Reunion (to be taped in February or March).  http://allthingsrh.com/yolanda-foster-reportedly-near-full-recovery-lyme-disease/ Amazing she could not stick around last year when her two buddies Kim and Brandi were on the hot seat.  Regardless of what happens and her flipping Lyme Disease, I sure hope these comments by  Yolanda are not an indication of her trying to hijack the show for her own purposes.  I am hoping they can resolve their statements quickly and soundly without each woman's package being littered up with how they feel, what they said about Yolanda's Lyme Disease.  Let's get to the interesting stuff like when she and David honestly split.

  • Love 5

I saw a funny comment on another board. I'm going to take it a bit farther:

David Foster is also sick. He has CFS-citrus fatigue syndrome.

eta: Whether that means he is a jerk and wasn't there for Yo's illness when she needed him or whether he had enough of all the lemon cleanses plus WoeYo's exaggeration of whatever is wrong with her is open for interpretation depending on what/who you believe.

Edited by EVS
  • Love 4

And here it is Yolanda fully recovered to face her "bullies" at the Reunion (to be taped in February or March).  http://allthingsrh.com/yolanda-foster-reportedly-near-full-recovery-lyme-disease/ Amazing she could not stick around last year when her two buddies Kim and Brandi were on the hot seat.  Regardless of what happens and her flipping Lyme Disease, I sure hope these comments by  Yolanda are not an indication of her trying to hijack the show for her own purposes.  I am hoping they can resolve their statements quickly and soundly without each woman's package being littered up with how they feel, what they said about Yolanda's Lyme Disease.  Let's get to the interesting stuff like when she and David honestly split.

You know no one will ask about David/divorce/timing, no one will challenge her about any of that. I also don't see any of them asking her any of the hard questions about her illness and her Ammmmazzzzing recovery. Where is Meghan when we need her? LOL It will all be, anything she said or did the last 3 seasons was caused by LD, is therefore excusable BUT anything the others said/did during that time should be pointed out and blame heaped on them.


All better? Good. Amazing timing!

Right! LOL

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Bolding mine

I think of Bella as the rebel, probably because of her drunk driving thing.  I hope Gigi stays natural.


I also would be very surprised if either girl had had breast enhancement.  How could they do that when they know the trouble their mother has had?  I think Yolanda would go ballistic if they went for that.  Besides, they sure don't look like they've had anything done.  They look very natural, and I hope they stay that way!

I'm not sure that I believe that YoYo would be all that disturbed.

And I'm not convinced that she really believes her implants harmed her and, imho, her daughters' successes as models are about the most important things to her.

I think they are all wilfully oblivious to, I dunno, reality?

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Yolanda only cared that her daughters were models. She didn't want them to be possible lesbian volleyball players with big bodies. Anything that would achieve her goal for them would be acceptable. Extreme dieting, plastic surgery, hanging with drug addicts and known party people is perfectly fine with her as long as their pictures are in magazines.

  • Love 15

I still say my thinking is correct, he was talking about their behaviors, and what they were doing as being stupid. And seriously, they were being stupid. I see nothing wrong with calling someone stupid in the moment, when they are showing stupid in all its glory.

Agree. I will take it further. If one person or a group of people were going after my spouse the way that group was going after Lisa, you'd be damn lucky if all I called you was "stupid". I applaud Ken for holding back because I most certainly would not have in that moment.


Yolanda only cared that her daughters were models. She didn't want them to be possible lesbian volleyball players with big bodies. Anything that would achieve her goal for them would be acceptable. Extreme dieting, plastic surgery, hanging with drug addicts and known party people is perfectly fine with her as long as their pictures are in magazines.

True. College was also not in the cards for her girls. Better for them to pursue right now that the iron is hot and work is available to them. Education can wait. And wait. And wait. No need for an education when one can be a model and snag a rich man.

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I don't think Bella has a silicone implant in her lip, that gives a very particular kind of look (Taylor Armstrong exemplifies it). I'm pretty sure she just have some juvaderm-type injectables.

Bella looks good, not like a plastic surgeon or dermatologist went to town on her face like. She should give Kylie Jenner her doctor's business card.

Yolanda only cared that her daughters were models. She didn't want them to be possible lesbian volleyball players with big bodies. Anything that would achieve her goal for them would be acceptable. Extreme dieting, plastic surgery, hanging with drug addicts and known party people is perfectly fine with her as long as their pictures are in magazines.

I read (on the Internet) that on her Nederlands Hollywood Vrouwen show, she revealed a lengthening machine she purchased to make her daughters model tall. It was basically a machine that they would be hung upside down in.
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I saw Gigi during fashion week last winter when it was so cold and she was trying to navigate in toeless high heels that made her looks ridiculous (yes that is what models do for fashion week even when they are part of the audience and not working that show, still looked silly, like a giraffe trying to ice skate).  She had a dress with a gaping neckline and little to no breasts.  Now I see her right before her Victoria Secret announcement walking a red carpet and she has lovely fully jiggly knockers while clearly going bra-less.  Apparently as Bella and Anwar were 'given' the Lyme, Gigi said screw that and went out and got herself a perky Victoria Secret friendly set. 


I'd like to see Bella from the side.  Kim Kardashian got that lip thing done when she was pregnant the first time and suddenly was sporting a set of lips that were as natural as her ass.  You could see the thin line above the upper lip and I think it is a procedure that makes a fine line around the contour of the lip that doesn't scar but when it heals it pulls tighter.  She had it until she had the baby and then suddenly came out looking like an alien with all the weight simply dropping.  Well to her ass.  Anyway I remember how you could see that weird line from the side like someone had a long invisible fingernail pressing down on it.  It made no physical sense, lips simply aren't made like that in nature.  I think both Gigi and Bella probably use some of the temporary plumping that is available as Gigi's lips seem to experience some ebb and flow; unlike that Victoria Secret set she now enjoys. 

  • Love 4

The metamorphosis of Bella Hadid.


And her big sis Gigi.

Bella's nose can't be denied. Her upper lip probably, but it would help if there were clear "before" pictures where she wasn't smiling, smiling stretches the upper lip.

Gigi looks the same. I'm no expert on boobs, though. I think her mother would've had her "Chinese" eyes dealt with as top priority.

It really helps that these two were beautiful before. I bet the Maloof is jealous, she's also half Arab (Lebanese). She's had tons of surgery and she doesn't even compare to Bella's before face. She doesn't even compare to Mohamed.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4

And here it is Yolanda fully recovered to face her "bullies" at the Reunion (to be taped in February or March).  http://allthingsrh.com/yolanda-foster-reportedly-near-full-recovery-lyme-disease/ Amazing she could not stick around last year when her two buddies Kim and Brandi were on the hot seat.  Regardless of what happens and her flipping Lyme Disease, I sure hope these comments by  Yolanda are not an indication of her trying to hijack the show for her own purposes.  I am hoping they can resolve their statements quickly and soundly without each woman's package being littered up with how they feel, what they said about Yolanda's Lyme Disease.  Let's get to the interesting stuff like when she and David honestly split.


OMG it's a Lemon Tree miracle

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