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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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8 hours ago, dariafan said:

She’s in Us Weekly complaining she feels helpless cause she can’t lift more than 20 pounds.    Couldn’t even carry flowers at the nursery.  And wombat stayed by her side during her hospitalization. Yeah cause he didn’t want some one getting her help or maybe her escaping 

The only way to tell if he's a wombat is to see if he shits in cubes. We all know he's a giant asshole, so I don't think his sphincter could craft such delicate shapes. 


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I've been watching season 5 this week since they showed a marathon last Monday I think. I recorded all the episodes. Did anyone else watch that? Anyway it's funny to see stuff from back then. Jenelle had just met Nathan after getting an abortion and leaving that guy she married for 5 minutes. It's just funny to see them talking about how great their relationship is, and wanting to move into together after just a few weeks or so...talking about how they don't ever see themselves fighting. Lol and then planning to have a baby after only 2 months! Like oh girl...

Also I kinda wish MTV would show those marathons more often. I forget about a lot of stuff that happened in the past. It would better than 10 hours of Ridiculousness everyday! And now they've been showing Catfish nonstop. Do they not have anything else to show during the day? Geez!

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13 hours ago, druzy said:
She signed a NDA with Clayton Homes??? 

She's lying. She just doesn't want to talk about it.

On 4/17/2019 at 1:38 PM, dariafan said:

 And wombat stayed by her side during her hospitalization. Yeah cause he didn’t want some one getting her help or maybe her escaping 

Yeah, he was copping her pillses.

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On 4/18/2019 at 10:08 AM, druzy said:
She signed a NDA with Clayton Homes??? 

Believe me, Clayton Homes does not have the time or care to sign a NDA with anyone.  She signed the purchase docs, it is a done deal.  She is so fucked in the head.

As for her frequent flyer hospital stays, if you were living in a sinking mold house, you would be ailing, too.  Add in the drugs and abuse....

She has got to have little to no money left.  If they are paying out of pocket for all this medical nonsense, on top of their 6 kids and the laaaaaand (oh, I mean farmstead), hellooooo money pit.

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David talking chit to Leah.  He really needs a job.  He's got a lot of nerve talking about how her children have an addict for a mother.  Just like Jenelle has a lot of nerve bitching about how Leah uses Plan B as a backup when she's had an abortion, or 3 herself.  Don't necessarily agree to using Plan B as a backup, but it's rich having Jenelle call her on it. 

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43 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

David talking chit to Leah.  He really needs a job.  He's got a lot of nerve talking about how her children have an addict for a mother.  Just like Jenelle has a lot of nerve bitching about how Leah uses Plan B as a backup when she's had an abortion, or 3 herself.  Don't necessarily agree to using Plan B as a backup, but it's rich having Jenelle call her on it. 

Every single kid in the swamp has at least ONE addict for a parent. 

And Jenelle literally couldn't decide if a positive pregnancy test was due to Nathan knocking her up or from the remnants of an aborted pregnancy with her ex. 

Shut. Ya. Mouths. 

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8 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

David talking chit to Leah.  He really needs a job.  He's got a lot of nerve talking about how her children have an addict for a mother.  Just like Jenelle has a lot of nerve bitching about how Leah uses Plan B as a backup when she's had an abortion, or 3 herself.  Don't necessarily agree to using Plan B as a backup, but it's rich having Jenelle call her on it. 

UBT is SO FUCKING THIRSTY. It's sad, really, except for how completely hilarious it is that he pissed away his reality TV career, which obviously meant SO MUCH to him. And the best part is that it was 100% his fault and 100% because of how stupid/crazy he is. He thought he could get away with all the threatening behavior, then, when that failed, he really thought he could bully them into letting him back on the show. I would assume that he's also entertained deluded fantasies about getting his own show apart from MTV (after they betrayed him). I guess that's what the SM sparring with other cast members is about? Or maybe he thinks he can drum up enough controversy to convince MTV to bring him back?

It's completely obvious to everyone who's not totally delusional that his ticket is 100% punched with MTV, forever and ever and ever, but he doesn't seem to get that. Doesn't Jenelle have a manager or agent or whatever? Wouldn't that person have explained to them that there's pretty much no way UBT will get back on the show and that, if there were the remotest chance of that happening, he would have to stop publicly showing himself to be an angry, violent asshole for at least a couple of months? Obviously, they don't listen to anyone, but it shows how far gone they are. He can't even fake being "normal" on SM for a few months (or a few days, probably).

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Now that MTV won't even go to North Carolina to film because UBT threatened to show up and cause trouble, MTV might grow a set and fire Jenelle's skanky ass. If the planet's align and that happens, here is what I predict will go on at the swamp.

Once the checking account is totally empty, UBT will file for divorce. He'll intimidate Jenelle into moving but will keep Enchilada and want Jenelle to pay child support. He'll move his mommy onto THE LAND and will work just enough to make the house payment (THE LAND is paid for). Jenelle will dump Kaiser with Doris and try to get on every Z list celebrity has been show on TV. She'll bounce from soulmate to soulmate and will wind up living in a trailer park while collecting disability for "anxiety problems".  At least she's not fertile any longer so no more innocent babies will be subjected to her.

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she is so fucking dumb.

It's one thing to vaguebook when you don't have thousands of people who search local records and leak shit to the tabloids for money.

It's another entirely when you're dumb-as-a-rock-and-mean-as-a-snake Jenelle who not only vaguebooks, but then posts the video on soshul meedya.

I am growing worried this is going to end very badly for her. Like Dateline NBC badly. 

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34 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

I’m confused.  When did David lose his visitation?  I thought they went to court last year and David was given visitation but he wasn’t supposed to post on SM (which he did but Olivia didn’t have the $$ to go back to court).

After the collarbone, 911 call, David didn’t have any more visits with Kaden. I’m guessing Olivia but a stop to it and he hasn’t seen him since. 

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

After the collarbone, 911 call, David didn’t have any more visits with Kaden. I’m guessing Olivia but a stop to it and he hasn’t seen him since. 

I'm really impressed with Olivia and how she's worked at and succeeded in keeping UBT out of her son's life. If Nathan weren't so fucked up, he could have done/could do the same for Kaiser.

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12 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Good question wtf is she talking about?

Lovesnark answered this better than I could have, but I only want to add that a lot of breeds have high prey drives, not just pit bulls.   Of course Jenelle wouldn't know that!  And of course if Jenelle had bothered to pay attention to/learn about her dog at all, she would have known he has a high prey drive and therefore made different decisions. 

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12 hours ago, Mkay said:

After the collarbone, 911 call, David didn’t have any more visits with Kaden. I’m guessing Olivia but a stop to it and he hasn’t seen him since. 

Thanks, @Mkay.  Do you happen to know what Marissa’s status is?  It seems like UBT doesn’t have primary custody anymore, but not sure if he even has 50/50 as she isn’t on their SM like she used to be.

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They are probably to dumb and I'm probably giving them to much credit but I googled Homestead laws in N.C and found this:


Basically it offers them protection of their assets if they declare bankruptcy.  Is David considered disabled legally by the state?

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52 minutes ago, druzy said:

She's still at it! "Homestead" is her new identity. 

So it's OK if your dog and various predators kill helpless baby chicks you failed to protect, as long as you call it a #Homestead?  Too bad there aren't any hawks big enough to swoop down and carry David away by his scraggly-ass beard.  After all, stuff like that just happens on the ol' #Homestead.

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

She's still at it! "Homestead" is her new identity. 

What a dumb bitch!  Yes, if you have a free range dog that likes to eat free range chicks then of course that dog will eat those chicks given a chance.  Either contain the dog or the chicks or both you bloated, ignorant, hillbilly slut.

Edited by Booger666
Wanted another chance to make it clear Janelle is a dumb ass bitch.
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1 hour ago, druzy said:

This just doesn't look right

The thing in the upper left pic is called a chicken tractor. It's a small shelter on wheels so you can move it around as the chickens finish scratching around an area. If they're letting the young chickens run around unprotected all day, they've essentially opened a 24/7 diner for all the local airborne predators, like hawks, eagles and owls. They put the adult chickens and their coop inside what was Jax's  kennel. There is no top on it, so as soon as the hawks and owls have eaten all the chicken youngsters, they'll eat the adult chickens. If UBT is stupid enough to shoot any of the birds of prey and post pics, he'll be getting another visit from the feds. They're all protected and harassing and/or killing them is a federal criminal offense.  

All these idiots have done is provide a food source for local wildlife and now they're bitching about it. 

PS Jenelle - Opossums are interested in the chicken food, not eating the chickens. They are extremely beneficial little creatures and are not aggressive by nature. They just want to eat worms, ticks and your chicken food.

Edited by lovesnark
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11 hours ago, lovesnark said:

A llama will alert if a predator is on their turf. They scream like banshees, but they don't attack or go after a coyote or dog. They also need shelter and would need hay since there is no pasture at the swamp. They also need a companion, preferably another llama. See moron above.

I love how she thinks that getting a llama will magically cure all her ills.  As @lovesnark says, one of them will still have to get off their ass and figure out what the llama is alerting to.  Like a llama is going to take on a predator.  A friend had llamas and they are weird things for sure, and definitely not self sufficient. 

1 hour ago, druzy said:

She's still at it! "Homestead" is her new identity. 

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1 hour ago, LBS said:

They are probably to dumb and I'm probably giving them to much credit but I googled Homestead laws in N.C and found this:


Basically it offers them protection of their assets if they declare bankruptcy.  Is David considered disabled legally by the state?

If I'm reading that correctly, all property owners in NC have protection, not just folks who call their property "homesteads."   If I'm not reading that correctly, I need to start calling my house and garden a "homestead."  (I live in NC) 

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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