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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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27 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Right? UBT is a scary dude but I've gotta give him credit for (seemingly) physically taking out his anger with Jenelle (and her multiple-times-per-day baths & screaming) by doing labor on the land versus smacking Jenelle. I am not in anyway okay with physical violence, but I don't think I could stand to be around Jenelle for more than a few hours without needing to go do a bunch of yard work, chopping wood, whatever...to get away from her and to take out my agression....and I don't have an anger problem that turns to violence like David. Her screaming at him over stuff not being done when she's just laid in her pool and bath all day (I guess Maryssa was watching the little kids) and him not hauling off and hitting her makes me almost all Team David (except we know UBT is a huge loser abuser as well). 

I used to think maybe Jenelle was afraid of David. I don't really think so. I think we've seen her hold back from all-out fights because of the cameras, and it just looks like she's afraid to stand up to him. I think she's just as volatile as he is and this isn't going to end well for anyone. 

Those poor kids. They must spend most of their lives walking on eggshells around their crazy parents.  I hope someone can model a normal, low-drama relationship for them. Team Doris. Team Babs. Good luck, Maryssa and Ensley.

It's just a matter of time until he snaps and goes off on her. I think he's already smacked her around but she thinks that's normal. As long as the cops weren't called, it's all good in her head. I know THE LAND is a 7 acre parcel but they have to have people living on adjacent properties. Sound travels, even through the woods. I bet their neighbors are already sick of hearing them cussing each other out on the regular and it won't be long until we hear about the cops being at the swamp of horrors. She's pissed RadarOnline and all of their sister outlets off big time. They have deep pockets and will jump at the chance to smear her some more. That montage they published this morning is the absolute shadiest of shade.

ETA: The pic of the reporters phone number has been taken off her twitter page.  I hope the parent company of all the rag mags called her and scared the shit out of her.

Edited by lovesnark
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I do kind of worry that some stuff has gone down and Jenelle hasn't called the cops because that would ruin her pintresty-ever-after redemption arc she thinks this relationship gives her....and that when she does finally call the cops it will be because she's near death (or someone else calls the cops because she's missing, etc).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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24 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I do kind of worry that some stuff has gone down and Jenelle hasn't called the cops because that would ruin her pintresty-ever-after redemption arc she thinks this relationshop gives her....and that when she does finally call the cops it will be because she's near death (or someone else calls the cops because she's missing, etc).

I also think that she's been in so many relationships where domestic violence occurs that she probably is somewhat desensitized to it. I just worry about the kids, because I know she won't go all Mama-bear for them. 

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If Nathan was smart and not thirsty himself, and he wanted Kaiser at his wedding, no mentioning of the upcoming event and letting Doris arrange for Kaiser would be the smartest. But I know he'll want the attention, too. 

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On 9/24/2017 at 9:28 PM, monicageller said:

Dead eyes as always.

'None of my family attended my wedding'. Oh okay Jenelle, so your children aren't related to you anymore? They would be better off, but sadly they're still her family.

Am I the only one that just noticed it looks like her nips are showing in this pic?? #keepingitKlassy

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47 minutes ago, Bblack3 said:

If Nathan was smart and not thirsty himself, and he wanted Kaiser at his wedding, no mentioning of the upcoming event and letting Doris arrange for Kaiser would be the smartest. But I know he'll want the attention, too. 

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1 hour ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Am I the only one that just noticed it looks like her nips are showing in this pic?? #keepingitKlassy

You're right. So damn klassy, Jenelle! And, her eyebrows are wonky again. If you're going to go for the fake eyebrow look, at least crayon them on evenly on both sides! Personally, I can't stand the overdone, fakity fake eyebrows that are so popular now. Eyebrow challenged women have been using cosmetic help for years and they used to look nice. I think Chelsea's brows look like shit, too.

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7 minutes ago, druzy said:

She's unhinged. Well, more than usual. Her friend Jamie blew this theory all to hell, though. She told JE on instagram that she couldn't believe the reporter would do something like this because she seemed so nice when she was talking to her.....on the day of the ceremony.

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Something definitely happened to that black and white pit. Whenever I had two dogs, they were never more than a few feet from one another at any given time. I've seen the blue dog in snapchats and pictures, but the other one is nowhere to be found. It either ran off or got killed. 

I also can't believe Jenelle is still bitching about Radar Online. Doesn't she have a toddler and an infant somewhere who need attention? 

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1 minute ago, lovesnark said:

She's unhinged. Well, more than usual. Her friend Jamie blew this theory all to hell, though. She told JE on instagram that she couldn't believe the reporter would do something like this because she seemed so nice when she was talking to her.....on the day of the ceremony.

I saw that too. Jenelle must be out of her mind. She is trying to spin this and say that the reporter trespassed when she was invited on the premises. 

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I guess the black and white pit was named Pumpkin. People have been asking about it on twitter and mentioned how it disappeared. The last time I saw it was the day they were leaving to go to the custody hearing. UBT almost ran over it when they drove down the driveway. Having a toddler and infant has never been a priority to her before, why start now? I'm sure Maryssa is locked in the house taking care of them.

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Speaking of the woods.....I took a gander at the satellite of Money Hole Road and the isolation is truly terrifying for those kids. Miles and miles of nothing but woods. UBT could beat Jenelle while she screamed for hours and no one would hear a thing. If one of the kids wandered off, a team of 100 search and rescue volunteers would be hard pressed to find them.


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WTF so according to the swamp lords, this chick was on their porch on Friday recording their fight after the kicked MTV and rehearsal guests out after lunch cause they didn't want to film their hours of arguements. Seems totally plausible to me that they keep the gutter trash tabloid reporter cause she will write a fair article but kick MTV out. David sells an article to this chic that the wedding is off, she returns Saturday talks to guests unseen and then wonders into the woods where security is to take a photo.


Call me stupid but wouldn't it have been easier and less conspicuous to take a photo along with the other guests that were encouraged to post the photos under special filters for the big day.

18 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Did she look that hard when Jace was missing in the woods?? 

Pfft how could they when they were locked inside the house.

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4 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

WTF so according to the swamp lords, this chick was on their porch on Friday recording their fight after the kicked MTV and rehearsal guests out after lunch cause they didn't want to film their hours of arguements. Seems totally plausible to me that they keep the gutter trash tabloid reporter cause she will write a fair article but kick MTV out. David sells an article to this chic that the wedding is off, she returns Saturday talks to guests unseen and then wonders into the woods where security is to take a photo.


Call me stupid but wouldn't it have been easier and less conspicuous to take a photo along with the other guests that were encouraged to post the photos under special filters for the big day.

They didn't kick MTV out and Jenelle called it off before they had the rehearsal. Jenelle had already been trying to sell the story to OK magazine and they sent a reporter out. But, UBT called RadarOnline and sold the story of Jenelle calling it off without getting Jenelle's approval. So, the reporter was already there and Jenelle is trying to spin the story that they kicked her out the night before but they didn't. Jenelle's friend Jamie smashed that story to pieces on instagram. I suspect it was Jamie that filmed the second screaming match from the porch and sold it.

6 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Can someone explain to me why there was a rehearsal dinner? No one else was in the wedding except the Security guy who married them and their kids. 

Jenelle called it off before the unneeded rehearsal dinner could happen. Really, what was there to rehearse? UBT and officiant stagger down the aisle, kids walk down the aisle, Jenelle stagger down the aisle. Say "Dude, I do, babe" and back down the aisle in reverse order. 

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18 minutes ago, lovesnark said:


Jenelle called it off before the unneeded rehearsal dinner could happen. Really, what was there to rehearse? UBT and officiant stagger down the aisle, kids walk down the aisle, Jenelle stagger down the aisle. Say "Dude, I do, babe" and back down the aisle in reverse order. 

Exactly.  Lol

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There has been so much crap I am struggling to keep the story straight and remember where I read it but I thought the original story to come out was the film crew went on lunch break, Janelle found out UBT had sold a story went off because she sold an exclusive for the wedding, MTV returned got kicked out and were so worried about the level of fighting they offered to get Janelle a hotel room.  Somewehere in there the wedding was called off.


Now they want us to believe that it was the reporter that filmed them fighting from their own porch but then snuck into the wedding a day later. That is what is bizarre to me, Janelle gives not a care to the fight being recorded but cares that she took a picture when there were plenty of pictures posted. They invited her onto the property, she spoke to a guest but nobody saw her. She hid in bushes to take a photo right where the security guard was.  David chased her out by drone which he just had on standby yet they had security for the wedding. Crappiest security ever if what they are saying is true (which I very much doubt)


With all the tweet and deletes from Janelle I am not even sure she know what has been said. UBT has been remarkable silent on social media if he wasn't in the unhinged clips I would think he got murdered on his wedding night.

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9 minutes ago, crazychicken said:

There has been so much crap I am struggling to keep the story straight and remember where I read it but I thought the original story to come out was the film crew went on lunch break, Janelle found out UBT had sold a story went off because she sold an exclusive for the wedding, MTV returned got kicked out and were so worried about the level of fighting they offered to get Janelle a hotel room.  Somewehere in there the wedding was called off.


Now they want us to believe that it was the reporter that filmed them fighting from their own porch but then snuck into the wedding a day later. That is what is bizarre to me, Janelle gives not a care to the fight being recorded but cares that she took a picture when there were plenty of pictures posted. They invited her onto the property, she spoke to a guest but nobody saw her. She hid in bushes to take a photo right where the security guard was.  David chased her out by drone which he just had on standby yet they had security for the wedding. Crappiest security ever if what they are saying is true (which I very much doubt)


With all the tweet and deletes from Janelle I am not even sure she know what has been said. UBT has been remarkable silent on social media if he wasn't in the unhinged clips I would think he got murdered on his wedding night.

According to what's been posted by RadarOnline (which I believe in this case because they had someone there), Jenelle had a hissy fit because UBT was busy trying to get things done instead of sitting with her while she cried about none of her family being there (because she didn't invite them). Said hissy fit was thrown right before the rehearsal dinner was supposed to happen and she threw her ring on a table and called the wedding off. Fast forward a few hours and the wedding is back on but in the interim, UBT sold the story about her calling it off. Someone videos them from the porch screaming and cursing later than night and sells the video to Radar. The next day, the reporter is on the property talking to the guests and Jenelle's friend, Jamie, comments to Jenelle on instagram about how nice she was. So, Jenelle's story about chasing her off the property is bullshit and she's just pissed that the media outlet she chose (OK mag is owned by the same parent company as Radar) is telling the real story about what a trashtastic wedding it was instead of the "magical" day Jenelle wants everyone to believe. She's dumber than a box of hair and is a pathological liar.

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1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Speaking of the woods.....I took a gander at the satellite of Money Hole Road and the isolation is truly terrifying for those kids. Miles and miles of nothing but woods. UBT could beat Jenelle while she screamed for hours and no one would hear a thing. If one of the kids wandered off, a team of 100 search and rescue volunteers would be hard pressed to find them.


No rhyme or reason to live in that area with no one around except to isolate and god knows what else. Again, those poor kids. 

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Jenelle just posted a pic of the gray pit licking Jace at the pool. Someone asked her where Pumpkin was. Lets see if she responds. She probably won't. When people asked her about the pomeranian, she never answered and she deleted every pic of the dog from all her social media accounts.

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I wonder if she had the pomeranian when she and UBT were together. My abusive BIL used to beat the crap out of his and my SIL's dogs, she gave one back the shelter and one back to the breeder. (They are now divorced and he has supervised visitation in a visitation center ever other week and a lifelong restraining order in place against him.) So my theory is it got kicked to death or shot. Sorry for jumping to dark conclusions.

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13 minutes ago, blueorchid said:

I wonder if she had the pomeranian when she and UBT were together. My abusive BIL used to beat the crap out of his and my SIL's dogs, she gave one back the shelter and one back to the breeder. (They are now divorced and he has supervised visitation in a visitation center ever other week and a lifelong restraining order in place against him.) So my theory is it got kicked to death or shot. Sorry for jumping to dark conclusions.

My theory is the intact male pit killed it when she tired of it and put it out to live in the back yard. My theory on the other pit is it wandered onto someone else's property, went after someone's dog, chickens, whatever and it was shot. Or, got hit by a car. Or, UBT beat it to death or hurt it so badly it had to be euthanized. The dog/dogs are allowed to roam and they're not brought in the house at night.

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19 minutes ago, blueorchid said:

I wonder if she had the pomeranian when she and UBT were together. My abusive BIL used to beat the crap out of his and my SIL's dogs, she gave one back the shelter and one back to the breeder. (They are now divorced and he has supervised visitation in a visitation center ever other week and a lifelong restraining order in place against him.) So my theory is it got kicked to death or shot. Sorry for jumping to dark conclusions.

Most likely, hit by a car or picked off by a predator (the Pom, that is.) I've seen with my own eyes, owls trying to snatch up small dogs. Not to mention foxes or coyotes. The black and white pit either got hit by a car, picked up by Animal Control and conveniently "forgotten" to be found at the local pound, or a nearby landowner shot it when the dog was on his "Land."


Lovesnark - are you familiar with Animal Rescue? You sound like you've been there....

Edited by pheebs
Acknowledges another great poster!
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24 minutes ago, blueorchid said:

I wonder if she had the pomeranian when she and UBT were together. My abusive BIL used to beat the crap out of his and my SIL's dogs, she gave one back the shelter and one back to the breeder. (They are now divorced and he has supervised visitation in a visitation center ever other week and a lifelong restraining order in place against him.) So my theory is it got kicked to death or shot. Sorry for jumping to dark conclusions.

Sadly, when it comes to Jenelle and UBT, no theory is outrageous or dark. 

I am glad to read your SIL has a restraining order and removed herself from that situation. I am so sorry for what happened to those pets. DV abusers sicken me. 


she cried about none of her family being there (because she didn't invite them).

This has me wondering if deep down Jenelle was partly upset at David for her mother not being there. I know Jenelle screams that she hates her mother, but my gut tells me she does that for the most part because of David. I am not at all implying she was missing her mother. More that she was wanting her mother there so she could show off how happy she claims she is with David. Similar to how Kail said she wanted her mother at her wedding just because she wanted to show Susie that shit-eating grin and smug behavior of hers. 


6 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

My theory is the intact male pit killed it when she tired of it and put it out to live in the back yard. My theory on the other pit is it wandered onto someone else's property, went after someone's dog, chickens, whatever and it was shot. Or, got hit by a car. Or, UBT beat it to death or hurt it so badly it had to be euthanized. The dog/dogs are allowed to roam and they're not brought in the house at night.

Or it wandered into the woods with all the ticks, spiders, snakes, and whatever else Jenelle mentioned, and ended up being harmed. It either died due to neglect or it was found dead. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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My fear for Jace is that he will no longer trust anyone enough to confide in them if something happens to him. He's already been confronted about something he said to his therapist. Whatever he says to Barb is being filmed. I totally believed Jace when he said all David and Jenelle do is complain about him being there. That's why he was fighting like hell to remain with Barb when Jenelle was trying to get full custody. "But Meme will be sad."  It burns Jenelle up that Jace cares more for his grandmother than her. That's why she buys him a bunch of stupid shit like that dorky L. Ron Hubbard, junior sea org outfit and forces him to show her affection. Jace was already in the car and ready to haul ass back to his house when Jenelle begged him to give her yet another hug. She did it to piss Barb off, not because she cared about Jace.

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20 minutes ago, pheebs said:

Yes, I've been involved with rescuing animals for a long time. The biggest rescue project was 7 starving, lice covered donkeys 6 years ago. I still have 5 of them :) Jenelle is one of those idiots that buys puppy mill dogs, then doesn't take care of them or have the spayed or neutered. The pomeranian never made it to THE LAND. She had it at the house they lived in before they moved and we saw it once, then never again. After it disappeared, she ignored questions about it. That tells me that something awful happened to it. We know she's never spent time socializing Jax (the intact male pit she's had for a few years) and it would not surprise me if he thought the pomeranian was a fluffy, new toy.

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These sad possibilities (one of which is likely what happened) about these dogs' fates makes me sad. I'm going to pretend that some awesome dog lovers snuck onto Jenelle's property and rescued the Pomeranian & the other Pitt, and they are living happily ever after with new, awesome pet parents. I know that's not what happened, but in my mind it is. 

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7 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

These sad possibilities (one of which is likely what happened) about these dogs' fates makes me sad. I'm going to pretend that some awesome dog lovers snuck onto Jenelle's property and rescued the Pomeranian & the other Pitt, and they are living happily ever after with new, awesome pet parents. I know that's not what happened, but in my mind it is. 

Those people would have had to walk for miles to get to that property. Did you see the link above showing the Google map of Jenelle's place? No neighbors in site. The only people nearby are employees of some paper company. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

No rhyme or reason to live in that area with no one around except to isolate and god knows what else. Again, those poor kids. 

Everywhere else she's lived, the neighbors have complained about all the fighting. A woman who lived in the same neighborhood in Myrtle Beach when Jenelle and Nathan lived there posted somewhere about how the HOA was trying to kick her out because of the constant noise and police presence. Now, no one can hear them screaming at each other and the kids :(  The only saving grace is we know this unholy union won't last. Even if Jenelle manages to keep THE LAND when they split up, she won't stay there by herself. She's not a country girl and will hightail it out of there and run back to town.

Edited by lovesnark
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2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Those people would have had to walk for miles to get to that property. Did you see the link above showing the Google map of Jenelle's place? No neighbors in site. The only people nearby are employees of some paper company. 

Shhhh, Kazu....let me have this fantasy in my mind, like how Ross and Monica's parents on Friends told them their dog went to live on an awesome farm when he died (and Ross believed it into adulthood). I don't want to think of what fates those dogs actually met (and that cat Jenelle had at some point as well). 

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9 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Shhhh, Kazu....let me have this fantasy in my mind, like how Ross and Monica's parents on Friends told them their dog went to live on an awesome farm when he died (and Ross believed it into adulthood). I don't want to think of what fates those dogs actually met (and that cat Jenelle had at some point as well). 

This just reminded me of my childhood. Dad bought a dog home who had been hanging around his work site for months, most days he would disappear no matter how secure we made the yard. One day we came home from school and my parents had sent the dog to 'a farm'  immediately my brother and I thought he had died, our parents insisted he was on a farm and we insisted they tell us the truth.  About 3 months later we were going shopping and the dog ran straight up to us, the dog really had gone to a farm. After that the farmer let us come visit him regularly. Our poor parents we really gave them hell over lying to us.

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28 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Shhhh, Kazu....let me have this fantasy in my mind, like how Ross and Monica's parents on Friends told them their dog went to live on an awesome farm when he died (and Ross believed it into adulthood). I don't want to think of what fates those dogs actually met (and that cat Jenelle had at some point as well). 


Reminds me of a King of Queen episode where Doug's parents never told him his dog Rocky was actually Rocky 4. The three previous Rocky dogs had died. It didn't dawn on him that his dog was 27 years old. lol 

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6 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Yes, I've been involved with rescuing animals for a long time. The biggest rescue project was 7 starving, lice covered donkeys 6 years ago. I still have 5 of them :) Jenelle is one of those idiots that buys puppy mill dogs, then doesn't take care of them or have the spayed or neutered. The pomeranian never made it to THE LAND. She had it at the house they lived in before they moved and we saw it once, then never again. After it disappeared, she ignored questions about it. That tells me that something awful happened to it. We know she's never spent time socializing Jax (the intact male pit she's had for a few years) and it would not surprise me if he thought the pomeranian was a fluffy, new toy.


6 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

These sad possibilities (one of which is likely what happened) about these dogs' fates makes me sad. I'm going to pretend that some awesome dog lovers snuck onto Jenelle's property and rescued the Pomeranian & the other Pitt, and they are living happily ever after with new, awesome pet parents. I know that's not what happened, but in my mind it is. 

This speculation is so sad. I recently posted about how I had to rehome my dog because of a a variety of circumstances in my life. I sat down and did the math and figured out it would be unfair to put her through the same uncertainty I was going through when there were other options for her. For the record, I didn't dump her at a shelter but worked with my network and a rescue to find a foster family that wanted to adopt her. I've been so depressed and heartbroken  and it makes me so furious that she can cycle through so many pets that she neglects and abuses. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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It makes me furious as well @evilmindatwork. Hugs to you. 

Back to Jenelle. For all of Barb's faults, she is there for Jace and her two other grandchildren. She isn't perfect. No one has ever commented she is a martyr. No one has ever alluded she is the best parent ever. Even if one doesn't think Barb should be respected or commended, how about looking at the CHILDREN AND ANIMALS that have been in Jenelle's care and have been abused. Ensley was born with THC in her system. How can anyone look at that thing named Jenelle and feel she has been done wrong by her mother or that her mother is some wicked woman who is using Jace as some pawn? Remove Barb from the equation and think of the children and the animals that have been done wrong by Jenelle. The pets that are no longer in her care are unaccounted for. Even if Jenelle were to give an explanation, I wouldn't believe her because all she ever does is lie. I imagine if any ounce of truth were to roll off her tongue, it would burn her forked tongue like it was acid. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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4 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

This speculation is so sad. I recently posted about how I had to rehome my dog because of a a variety of circumstances in my life. I sat down and did the math and figured out it would be unfair to put her through the same uncertainty I was going through when there were other options for her. For the record, I didn't dump her at a shelter but worked with my network and a rescue to find a foster family that wanted to adopt her. I've been so depressed and heartbroken  and it makes me so furious that she can cycle through so many pets that she neglects and absuses. 

All these posts about Jenelle's missing dogs are very upsetting. Is it possible for people like us to report her to her state's animal welfare agency? I believe bigger celebs than Jenelle have been investigated due to pets that were paraded on social media suddenly going ghost. The most disturbing part is how Jenelle refuses to answer questions about them.

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Really Jenelle is such an asshole crying the day before her wedding that her mom isn't there when in the last episode she seemed almost down right gleeful lookibg forward to hurting mother 

Edited by KittyKat133
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7 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:


This speculation is so sad. I recently posted about how I had to rehome my dog because of a a variety of circumstances in my life. I sat down and did the math and figured out it would be unfair to put her through the same uncertainty I was going through when there were other options for her. For the record, I didn't dump her at a shelter but worked with my network and a rescue to find a foster family that wanted to adopt her. I've been so depressed and heartbroken  and it makes me so furious that she can cycle through so many pets that she neglects and abuses. 

I read your posts about the difficult choice you had to make and I have to say again if I didn’t before, I love the decision you made because it was selfless, well thought out, and took your fur kid into mind. I’ve worked with dogs for years and people like you are so few, sometimes 

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Our service dog was tied up with his brothers and sisters outside a meth lab in rural Montana from birth to be "guard dogs". Someone from the humane society happened to see the dogs every day driving past and finally took them. They were so malnourished they couldn't stand, and finally ours did, followed by his siblings. He passed the initial testing and was trained for two years to be a service dog after that. The rest were put up for adoption.

In my mind I like to fantasize that all the missing dogs on this show somehow met that fate. <3

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