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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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remember their matching name tattoos? Rumor has it that Nathan has now covered his back in a grotesque tribal piece as well

He'll probably cover every inch with tattoos by 30 except, of course, his nipples, which will peer out of the mess like two disturbing eyes.

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Ugh. This show should just go ahead and partner with one of those Tattoo cover-up shows. Because....seriously. I just can't. And I say this as a tattooed person....but, damn. The pick the shittiest ideas and then get them done by the shittiest artists.

Seriously. They remind me of Jax from Vanderpump Rules who gets a tattoo of the name of any girl who goes on a 2nd date with him. His body is 70% tattoo cover-up at this point.

  • Love 2

Ugh. This show should just go ahead and partner with one of those Tattoo cover-up shows. Because....seriously. I just can't. And I say this as a tattooed person....but, damn. The pick the shittiest ideas and then get them done by the shittiest artists. 

I wonder if the tabloids have tried fishing for gossip from the local tattoo artists.  You just know that some of these TM people must over-share, rave and rant while they're waiting for the artist to finish.

I had to look it up too... Layne Staley was the lead singer of Alice in Chains. He apparently suffered from depression, and a pretty severe drug addiction that ultimately killed him.  I'm not sure if there are other reasons he's in any way similar to Jenelle, but at least now I know who he is. :)

I might have used Cobain instead, since he's better known, but Layne's drug abuse was far more severe. It probably was an exaggeration to say that Jenelle is that sick.

Both singers also apparently had longterm struggles with clinical depression and the treatments for those may be more effective these days.

  • Love 2

I might have used Cobain instead, since he's better known, but Layne's drug abuse was far more severe. It probably was an exaggeration to say that Jenelle is that sick.

Both singers also apparently had longterm struggles with clinical depression and the treatments for those may be more effective these days.


Well, she's still a fair # of years younger than Layne was when he died, so sadly she may still be headed in that direction. Hopefully she gets it turned around.  In one of the articles I found while trying to figure out who Layne was I read that he apparently turned into something of a recluse for his last few years. It sounded like one of his few regular outings was to a local bar, and the bartender said he'd come in and not even order drinks, just nod off in the corner (a heroin thing). I thought that was really sad. Although it reminded me of Leah more than Jenelle - wasn't it Leah nodding off during her brief stint at the tanning salon?


I do hope depression treatments have improved and continue to improve. Of course the person actually deciding to seek treatment is a huge factor, too.

  • Love 2

I'm no doctor, but just from watching, I do feel like Jenelle probably suffers from clinical depression. It's not just her flat affect and inability to ever appear genuinely happy or excited about things, but the thing that really sticks out at me is her boredom. She constantly says she is "bored". And she will get so upset about being bored that she cries about it. And then that's her reason for using drugs, to relieve the boredom. I believe what she calls "boredom" is really having no distractions, and as a result her mind is left to think about uncomfortable things. She clearly has a lot of hurt and anger inside and doesn't want to confront the reasons why. If she is on drugs, or can focus on her constant social media activities, or whatever - she doesn't have to face these issues. 

  • Love 5

She constantly says she is "bored". And she will get so upset about being bored that she cries about it. And then that's her reason for using drugs, to relieve the boredom. I believe what she calls "boredom" is really having no distractions, and as a result her mind is left to think about uncomfortable things.

It explains the reckless jumping into relationships and her choice of rough characters as partners, too-- an 'exciting' bad boy instead of the bore who wants to hold a steady job and build a long term relationship with her. It might be easy to giggle at her recent tweet where she said more or less, from now on, no more boyfriend without a college degree or good career path, but someone like that might be better for her if she could snag one-- and figure out that there are worse things in life than being 'bored'.


I think you're right that she doesn't want quiet time when painful old memories might reassert themselves. The fact that her siblings have serious issues too suggests that it isn't all from drugs and other choices that she made-- something bad happened in her life that Jenelle didn't choose.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Maybe it's because I'm pretty unsympathetic to Janelle overall, but I've always felt she leaned towards psychopathy or narcissism. The boredom, drug addiction, violent outbursts, flatness and seeming lack of deep emotions, impulsiveness,  and seeming lack of empathy for others--all traits of the average psychopath/narcissist/anti-social individual. I almost feel sorry for her on that, because she truly is a damaged individual, but I feel more sorry for the poor children she dragged into her world.

  • Love 5

^^^This. I agree. Jenelle comes across to me as a narcissist with borderline personality disorder.

Just some of the traits of borderline personality:

Frantic efforts to avoid being abandoned by friends and family.

Unstable personal relationships that alternate between idealization—“I’m so in love!”—and devaluation—“I hate her.” This is also sometimes known as "splitting."

Distorted and unstable self-image, which affects moods, values, opinions, goals and relationships.

Impulsive behaviors that can have dangerous outcomes, such as excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse or reckless driving.

Suicidal and self-harming behavior.

Periods of intense depressed mood, irritability or anxiety lasting a few hours to a few days.

Chronic feelings of boredom or emptiness.

- See more at: https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/Borderline-Personality-Disorder#sthash.8JYgZQ0u.dpuf

Don't those symptoms sound like Jenelle?

I don't see Jenelle so much as suffering from clinical/chronic depression as much as I see her as a narcissist with BPD.

She has way too much energy to address/create drama and new relationships for someone who has chronic or clinical depression. IMO the depression/boredom she suffers is part of her BPD. {getting out of my armchair psycholgist's chair now}

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 Did she already give up custody of this one too?

In all but name, probably. Maybe it makes her feel posh to think of her free babysitters as 'nannies'.

And it appears as thought Jenelle & Nathan are back together.

"Just like the Notebook."

I predicted this in a post a couple months ago, mostly because they were constantly breaking up and getting back together already. She just managed to hide it a bit longer this time. Looks like no one else here is surprised either, which makes me giggle. And she's promoting vodka at an event known for widespread drug use. Kayyyyyy...

Edited by cheatincheetos

Jenelle went to Nathan's last night after midnight and assaulted him hesaid he smelled alcohol on her. There is now a warrant out for her arrest. 15th mugshot coming up


Will she ever stop? Does she not feel some embarrassment? These two jackasses need to stay away from each other.

Jenelle Evans PR @JenelleEvansPR  ·  4h 4 hours ago

Nathan ran over Jenelle with his truck before the incident in the police report. Jenelle is seeking charges & is ready to get the truth out.


Oh Jenelle.


That "PR" account is pure gold! If the time adds up, who picks up their child at midnight? 

  • Love 1

Morons. And people who have no concept of raising a baby and what a decent sleep schedule is. Although realistically neither of them have custody of Kaiser anyway. We haven't seen either of them post a pic of him for months now, and we know how obsessed with social media they are. It's all about them them them. I don't think Jenelle really gets the concept that being a [teen] mother was what got her this fame in the first place.. She obviously couldn't give a shit about either of her sons.


I kind of hope the PR Twitter's right. I also want video footage of Nipples mowing her down. It definitely seems possible, with these two. Nipples wouldn't even admit to getting arrested for DUI in his own front yard, until footage was shown. This doesn't shock me at all.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 5

According to TMZ:


Nathan Griffith told Myrtle Beach cops Evans called him early Wednesday morning, informing him she was outside his home damaging his car.

Griffith says he ran outside where they began arguing and that's when she attacked him, slapping, punching and even trying to kick him down a flight of stairs.

According to Griffith, Evans reeked of alcohol and tried choking him with his shirt, then began clawing him with her nails. (Oh, Dear.  Hopefully not a Nipple Shirt!)

Griffith told police he was able to make his way back inside his apartment, as Evans stood outside screaming, "He won't give me back my son!"

Griffith had scratches around his neck, a ripped shirt and bruising on the side of his face ... this according to the police report. 

Police are looking for Evans but can't find her.

Griffith was arrested in March for allegedly assaulting Evans ... after she was popped the week before that for driving without a license.



  • Love 1

According to TMZ:


Nathan Griffith told Myrtle Beach cops Evans called him early Wednesday morning, informing him she was outside his home damaging his car.

Griffith says he ran outside where they began arguing and that's when she attacked him, slapping, punching and even trying to kick him down a flight of stairs.

According to Griffith, Evans reeked of alcohol and tried choking him with his shirt, then began clawing him with her nails. (Oh, Dear.  Hopefully not a Nipple Shirt!)

Griffith told police he was able to make his way back inside his apartment, as Evans stood outside screaming, "He won't give me back my son!"

Griffith had scratches around his neck, a ripped shirt and bruising on the side of his face ... this according to the police report. 

Police are looking for Evans but can't find her.

Griffith was arrested in March for allegedly assaulting Evans ... after she was popped the week before that for driving without a license.




What I would give to see video footage of him being choked with his nipple shirt! You can't make this crap up. They be cray.

  • Love 6


Wow. Such a good mommy.

    Gee, I hope she has Jace back. She could provide such a stable home for him.

Oh, I know!! Somebody should award her as mother of the year!!

Are y'all being sarcastic? Because ur just makin' urselves sound jellus!! Jenelle has really turned her life around! This is all Nathan & Ashley Meeks fault!! The truth WILL come out! H8erz.

  • Love 8

Jenelle Evans PR @JenelleEvansPR  ·
For those asking,Jenelle was at Nathan's to pick up her son. Nathan stole her phone & refused to hand over Kaiser.This is how it started.


Jenelle Evans PR @JenelleEvansPR  · 
Neighbors called the police after witnessing Nathan run Jenelle over. Her attorney is involved & this will be handled in compliance with LE.

I'm sorry, but if Nipples ran her over with anything other than a Smart Car I call shenanigans. She strikes me as the type to call 911 and get carted off in an ambulance on the spot. Or if she didn't what about the supposed neighbors who saw it happen? I'm not sure I believe that he ran her over at all. But to be honest, I'd give him a secret high five if he did. She's pretty much the worst person ever. She's worse than Farrah.

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Jenelle Evans PR 

  Follow us for all things Jenelle Evans. We will make official statements for her when rumors need to be squashed.


Leave it to Jenelle to hire the only PR firm that doesn't know Quashed from Squashed.


Or could it possibly be that Jenelle Evans PR is nothing more than Jenelle Evans? Nah.



  • Love 4

Picking up her son at midnight? After she'd been drinking? What was she going to do, drive home drunk with the Roll in the backseat? Was she going to remember to fasten his seat belt? Even though Nips is a poor excuse for a human being, he actually used one of the two brain cells he has left in trying to prevent what could have easily turned into a real disaster. Too bad they both went into attack mode.

Guess she'll need to get a bigger photo album to accommodate all her mugshots.

  • Love 7

Are y'all being sarcastic? Because ur just makin' urselves sound jellus!! Jenelle has really turned her life around! This is all Nathan & Ashley Meeks fault!! The truth WILL come out! H8erz.

I'm being serious. I can't think of anybody better to raise and mold 2 impressionable young boys.

I can't even type that shit with a straight face.

I wish they'd forcibly sterilize her and the nipple she rode in on.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

Picking up her son at midnight? After she'd been drinking? What was she going to do, drive home drunk with the Roll in the backseat? Was she going to remember to fasten his seat belt? Even though Nips is a poor excuse for a human being, he actually used one of the two brain cells he has left in trying to prevent what could have easily turned into a real disaster. Too bad they both went into attack mode.

Guess she'll need to get a bigger photo album to accommodate all her mugshots.

According to the police report, Nipples didn't hit her back.  He probably knew it would be a one-way ticket to jail.


"The victim arrived to the police department on Wednesday around 12:30 a.m. in reference to getting a restraining order against 23-year-old Evans. The victim told police the suspect called him wanting him to come outside, and the victim said he went outside only because Evans claimed to be damaging his vehicle. During an argument, Evans started to assault the victim. Evans allegedly slapped, punched, choked, and tried to kick the victim down stairs. The victim told police he did not hit Evans back.

Police say the victim's neighbors came outside and advised them to 'settle down'. When the victim told Evans to leave the property she refused, and tried to force her way into the victim's apartment. The victim managed to lock himself in the apartment safely, but the suspect started yelling, 'He has my phone, and he won't give me back my son.'

Finally, Evans left the scene, but she kept calling the victim on the phone, according to police."



What was she going to do, drive home drunk with the Roll in the backseat?


I'm sorry, but this literally made me laugh out loud.


When is this psycho piece of trash going to serve REAL jail time?  I swear she must have more mugshots than pictures of her own children by now.  I also think her attorney must be bankrolling his entire life on her antics alone.  Get that guy an Attorney of the Century Award or something because I simply cannot figure out how he has managed to get her to avoid serving any lengthy jail sentence by this point.

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Yes. I don't understand how the law is carried out in South Carolina/North Carolina. Doesn't the fact that she's a repeat offender count for anything at all? Must be like South Dakota where people like Adam Lind (the worst Baby Daddy ever) enjoy the revolving door of justice for all the DUIs,and suspensions he's had. 


Hopefully this latest incident will be the final nail in the coffin on her career in the medical field. Who in their right mind would ever hire anyone with her record?

Edited by Miss Chevious
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Don't Brandon and Teresa (who adopted Carly, the daughter of Catelynn & Tyler from TMOG) live in the Carolinas?

Can they just go pick up Kaiser & Jace and take them to live with them?

Jenelle has no shame and is batshit. Only she can make Nathan look like a rational adult.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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