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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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On 6/28/2018 at 11:11 AM, druzy said:


Nathan has such an awkward “smile.” I guess that’s part of where Kaiser gets it from.

On 6/28/2018 at 11:30 AM, druzy said:

What the hell is she trying to say? Did Jenelle post and delete something?

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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Nathan has such an awkward “smile.” I guess that’s part of where Kaiser gets it from.

What the hell is she trying to say? Did Jenelle post and delete something?

She's talking about the tweet Jenelle made about UBT's father. Something about it you knew the kind of man that raised him, you'd understand. Them's is some powerful talkin' words.

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I totally don’t believe she did it primarily for Kaiser. I think she did it because it was easy. Him also wanting it there is probably an inconsequential (to her) bonus. 

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To be fair if she is already sending him to daycare regularly she most likely wouldn’t keep him home for his birthday. Not really standing up for her, more just saying she doesn’t seem like she would deviate from routine on his bday. Also some kids do like to celebrate their birthday at school or daycare as mentioned above.  They like to do the cupcake parties. 

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

You know what's crazy is I actually do believe Kaiser wanted to go to daycare on his birthday. He probably has lots of little friends and the teachers pay attention to him and give him positive reinforcement. He doesn't get blamed and shamed for being a kid. 

My favorite part is that she called it daycare and not SCHOOL like she tried to say earlier in the year.  “He changes classes and everything!” 

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21 hours ago, lovesnark said:

If someone is scamming a doctor to get pain meds by complaining of a toothache or some other pain that is caused by an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and pain meds. The scammer only wants the pain meds and tells the pharmacy not to fill the antibiotics. Some pharmacies won't allow that.

This most often happened with ER scripts, or ones from Urgent Care. If it was from a regular doctor's office, we weren't so picky. 

But it was policy if a single piece of paper had more than one RX written on it, and one was a controlled substance, they had to get both or none. (this might have actually been a law; it's been ten years since I quit working and my memory is shit.)

4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

You know what's crazy is I actually do believe Kaiser wanted to go to daycare on his birthday. He probably has lots of little friends and the teachers pay attention to him and give him positive reinforcement. He doesn't get blamed and shamed for being a kid. 

Yup. It's probably his safe place. 

And Jenelle doesn't have to plan anything. Win-win.

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Yup. It's probably his safe place. 

And Jenelle doesn't have to plan anything. Win-win.

Exactly what I was thinking. Jenelle and Dave can't whack him in a room full of mandated reporters.

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Dear Barbara, I love you, you know I do, but you spelled your grandson's name wrong.  Jenelle and David are probably going to throw this at you during an argument, so be prepared. I forgive you though. She doesn't let you be a part of his life. Sincerely, zenme

Edited by zenme
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I used to have my kids in daycare full time because I worked full tien and they were too young for school. I would take a day off work and do something fun for them on their birthday, I never sent them to daycare on their birthday. I doubt kaiser is articulate enough to suggest he wants to have a party at his daycare for his birthday. I suspect it's just his egg donor being lazy. 

While  glad kaiser is safely at daycare while Janelle and Co are  getting high and playing with firearms, I don't understand why two parents who don't work (and keep reproducing) are so lazy they dump their children in daycare. I read some of the comments on Janelle ig Pic of kaiser. She looks like she's physically restraining him instead of lovingly hugging him lol. Her fans are delusional. One wrote Janelle has grown up and become such an amazing mother. Yeah cuz, amazing moms do drugs while their kids run around unsupervised and amazing moms have cps visit over twenty times per year!! Also ppl were posting that lots of parents who  both don't work send their kids to school or preschool all the time so it's not a, big deal. Yes preschool I understand.. But they don't have school in the summer!! Lazy asses. I don't understand bringing multiple kids into the world if you aren't going to actually raise them. Not knocking those who work (or just need a break for a day) sending their kids to daycare

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1 hour ago, kira28 said:

I used to have my kids in daycare full time because I worked full tien and they were too young for school. I would take a day off work and do something fun for them on their birthday, I never sent them to daycare on their birthday. I doubt kaiser is articulate enough to suggest he wants to have a party at his daycare for his birthday. I suspect it's just his egg donor being lazy. 

While  glad kaiser is safely at daycare while Janelle and Co are  getting high and playing with firearms, I don't understand why two parents who don't work (and keep reproducing) are so lazy they dump their children in daycare. I read some of the comments on Janelle ig Pic of kaiser. She looks like she's physically restraining him instead of lovingly hugging him lol. Her fans are delusional. One wrote Janelle has grown up and become such an amazing mother. Yeah cuz, amazing moms do drugs while their kids run around unsupervised and amazing moms have cps visit over twenty times per year!! Also ppl were posting that lots of parents who  both don't work send their kids to school or preschool all the time so it's not a, big deal. Yes preschool I understand.. But they don't have school in the summer!! Lazy asses. I don't understand bringing multiple kids into the world if you aren't going to actually raise them. Not knocking those who work (or just need a break for a day) sending their kids to daycare

How many families have 2 parents who don’t work anyway? These people are delusional.

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Do these two nutsacks actually take kids to daycare every damn day? I can actually understand 1 or 2 days for a stay at home parent because you can schedule appointments or handle chores without worrying about kids in your way in those days. Every damn day though? These people are too much. I feel like sending them a case of rubbers, and not magnums either. These  fools don't need to be procreating. 

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Wasn't it revealed in Doris's petition for custody that Jenelle sends Kaiser to daycare because "she doesn't know how to handle him?"

Normally, I would say these two are wasting money but since it's these two, I consider it money well spent because Kaiser spends most of his day away from Geico Caveman, interacting with people who seem to care about him. Also, Endtable gets to spend her day, not stoned from a constant contact high. Seeing recent vids of her, she actually looks like the elevator goes all the way to the top for once.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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A million years ago at a baptist church it was called the “ Mommy’s day out” preschool.  I don’t think any child was under 3, but they did a cute preschool program and read a bible verse at the end of the day. I loved it - and we weren’t Baptist (only 3 days a week). These dummies are just self-centered and are doing it only for themselves. 

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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15 hours ago, Mkay said:


Josh is Nathan’s friend.  

Funb18 is now clarifying Jenelle has to go to court in the morning. CPS is aware and placed Kaiser with Doris and whatever happened on the laaand is serious. I hope that poor baby is okay #savekaiser and all the kids. I don't care about df1 or df2

Edited by badhaggis
no idea why my tablet changed savekaiser to advertiser!
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More on the latest:


My main takeaway:


The Twitter account mentions another DM conversation that was not with the Deadbeat account. “Someone in my DM’s just told me that Jenelle will hafta go to court in the morning (since the cops left Kaiser with Doris tonight) & that whatever happened is something serious.” The account added in a separate tweet: “ALSO, that it is CPS’ decision to not give Kaiser back, not the police. ???????”

Edited by monicageller
ETA: I was beaten to it but can't edit my post!
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Wow.  That's crazy.  I don't do social media so I have to thank you all for bringing it all here, I wouldn't know any of this stuff without you guys. 

Speaking of not having social media, I have to ask what a DM is. 

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DM is direct message so it is not public.


Hopefully Kaiser is alright it must have been big if Doris feels the need to not return him and CPS agreed. I would think the swamp dwellers would be screaming that it is not true on social media if it did not have some truth.

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I hope shit is about to hit the fan now. I hope Kaiser will get to stay with his grandmother where he will be safe, loved and taken care of. The kid also needs therapy to deal with the trauma he has experienced at his mothers house! I just can’t understand why he wasn’t removed from that house a long time ago! 

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I can’t see the picture it just looks like a blur. 

Good for Doris , she has had just about enough of this shit with Jenelle.

tgat video will never hold up in court bc they will say that Nathan convinced kai to say that. 

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Something major had to go down if Doris felt the need to violate the court order and LO refused to return Kaiser to the Land. 

Nathan really needs to get it together and show he the court he deserves more time with Kai. I don't care that 90% of that time will be with Doris because she loves him, takes care of him and not uses him like a personal punching bag unlike Putty Face!

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What sickens me is that he got beat so bad that marks were left for at least a day after.  What really sickens me is that the timing of it. He was with the assfucks on Thursday and he was with Doris on Friday.  So that means he got this horrific beating ON or the day after his birthday.  Jezus.  What f’n sickos.

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"KAISER UPDATE! — This morning we broke the news that CPS and the police would NOT allow Jenelle & David to take Kaiser home from his grandmas house (Nathan’s mother). When Jenelle & David showed up, the family refused to return Kaiser. Police were called and CPS became involved. CPS said there were was excessive bruising and hand prints  on Kaiser, especially on his rear. They determined it was so bad that they would not let him return to Jenelle & David’s care. An emergency custody hearing will be taking place this morning. We will keep you updated ?

Please everyone say a little prayer for Kaiser, he doesn’t deserve this."


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As far as I know, no one has figured out who it is. There is speculation that it's Lurch's sister April, his mom or someone from the crew. Or, maybe the crew is working with his sister April. What I find extremely strange is Jenelle hasn't said a word about it. 

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I know a lot of schools who will have the kids make Father Day/Mother Day gifts for each parent.  I bet you dollars to donuts that he made one for Nathan as well.  And because it isn't said enough go fuck yourself Jenelle. 

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