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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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How can you find the owners guilty of something that the employee accused of doing it was found not guilty on? That makes no sense IMO, none. If the courts/jury thought the manager did not sexually harass the waitress then there was no sexual harassment and thereby no need for a sexual harassment policy. LOL

The reason that the employee was not found guilty of sexual harassment was because there was not sufficient evidence to prove that he harassed the employee. The reason that the owners, Lisa and Ken, were hit with punitive damages and then ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal fees, which came to over $1,000,000, was because it was alleged and presumably believed that one of the owners, Ken, destroyed evidence that was pertinent to the case. Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

I don't think Lisa turned her back on Kyle because of Brandi "and her lies."  Lisa was already mad a Kyle for the Prey on the Weak and the Bobby Fisher comments.  Lisa had decided to cut Kyle off before cementing her alliance with Brandi.  Lisa needed an ally, and Brandi was convenient and then had proven fun to hang out with.  


I am beginning to mix up seasons.  Season 1, isn't that when Kyle is holding hands with Taylor and asking lisa if she is jelly when Lisa tells Taylor to put is to bed with Kim? (Then Taylor goes and talks to Kim at the finale and ta da! Drama!!!)   And then the reunion Lisa defends Kyle?


Season 2 Kyle  at the reunion says Lisa is Bobby Fisher?  What else happened that season? 


Is Season 3 the one where Taylor and Russell say at dinner that Lisa is planting stories and Brandi shows up on crutches, and Russell beats the crap out of Taylor?  Alls I know, if this is the season where they have Lisa's tea party lunch, Kyle is in cahoots with Taylor to say lots of stuff about Lisa.  The first episode, Taylor runs into the lingerie shop to tell Kyle she just ran into Cedric and "is afraid Lisa will be mad!" Then Taylor cuts Lisa out of the luncheon and Kyle conveniently takes a call and asks Lisa if she is there yet, and then maybe the preys on the weak, and then the Tea Party where Taylor is under the assumption they are all going to confront Lisa.  By then Lisa should be washing her hands of them.  


Or is Season 3 Brandi outing Adrienne?  When do Lisa and Adrienne get into a feud over the Maloof Hoof and the Bachelorette Party?


Whatever the order, Kyle went after Lisa first on camera in my book.  But the other HWs were really ready and willing to jump on board for some reason.  Miss Pinky VP was rubbing them all the wrong way. It could just be jealousy that she got VPR or that she was the breakout fan favorite.  Whatever it was, we as fans really didn't get an inkling of it for a few seasons.  Lisa began to show her hand by badgering Kim in Paris and then going after Kyle with the Mauricio stuff and kind of going after Adrienne with the fat little shoe or should I say Phat Little shoe.  Suddenly her, "I was just joking" jokes were showing some caustic intent.  And then she threw in some real victim shit last year.  


ITA that Ken threw Lisa under the bus by admitting that they were distancing themselves from Brandi when Lisa spent the whole reunion denying it.  


Somewhere along the line, Lisa's manipulations were exposed, and now she isn't as fun to watch because she doesn't (forgive me for using the overused HW phrase) own it.  I would much rather her just manipulate with a wicked smile and move on.  

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 3

Lisa does not have "complete creative control" on VR! LOL Even Andy has said that the title of EP is nothing more than an empty title, she has no real say on what is filmed or shown and has no say in the editing process, it is her restaurant and she gets to help pick the shows "staff" but that is where her contribution ends in the EP position and  I believe him on this, there is no way he would allow a HW to have that kind of control on any show, ever. Does she show a different side of herself on that show, Yes and it is not a pretty side at all. Do I think everything we see on either show is "real life" NO! IMO, both shows are staged and semi-scripted to such an extent that it is hard to know where real life ends and the "Reality TV" persona begins and they all have them - RT persona.


How can you find the owners guilty of something that the employee accused of doing it was found not guilty on? That makes no sense IMO, none. If the courts/jury thought the manager did not sexually harass the waitress then there was no sexual harassment and thereby no need for a sexual harassment policy. LOL

If Lisa has no real say in what is filmed, and just trusts a Reality TV Show, which exists to stir up drama and edit footage in such a way to do so, then she is the dumbest person on the planet. Lisa is a lot of things, but she ain't dumb. What she is is basically a marketing genius. She isn't on these shows to make friends. She is here to promote her businesses.

Have we ever seen a gal on these shows who seems to be more committed to managing her business persona? Don't accuse her of selling stories to tabloids or filing bankruptcy 10 years ago because that might impact her business. Does anyone believe she wants her servers to be filmed talking about the true nitty gritty that goes on in the restaurant business? Customers complaining, food getting sent back. A hair on a plate. Whenever we see anything negative, it is always in the form of how they have so many reservations and they don't know how they will cope. But we always see them coping because Lisa isn't going to show us anything else. Remember when Lisa was sighted for health code violations? Anyone believe Lisa would agree to having those conversations filmed? How about the stuff with the lawsuit mentioned above? Is Lisa going to let us get a glimpse of this very real situation, where a server is claming to have been harrassed? Even though anyone watching her show sees folks being basically harrassed every single day.

I have never heard Andy make the claim that the EP title is just a title. I have looked endlessly on-line, and have never been able to find it. I like Andy, but on this, I would say he is covering his ass. If Lisa has control over what is filmed - or if folks believe that she does - it taints the whole process a little bit. Both Andy and Lisa need to keep the narrative going that she has zero control.

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If Lisa has no real say in what is filmed, and just trusts a Reality TV Show, which exists to stir up drama and edit footage in such a way to do so, then she is the dumbest person on the planet. Lisa is a lot of things, but she ain't dumb. What she is is basically a marketing genius. She isn't on these shows to make friends. She is here to promote her businesses.

Have we ever seen a gal on these shows who seems to be more committed to managing her business persona? Don't accuse her of selling stories to tabloids or filing bankruptcy 10 years ago because that might impact her business. Does anyone believe she wants her servers to be filmed talking about the true nitty gritty that goes on in the restaurant business? Customers complaining, food getting sent back. A hair on a plate. Whenever we see anything negative, it is always in the form of how they have so many reservations and they don't know how they will cope. But we always see them coping because Lisa isn't going to show us anything else. Remember when Lisa was sighted for health code violations? Anyone believe Lisa would agree to having those conversations filmed? How about the stuff with the lawsuit mentioned above? Is Lisa going to let us get a glimpse of this very real situation, where a server is claming to have been harrassed? Even though anyone watching her show sees folks being basically harrassed every single day.

I have never heard Andy make the claim that the EP title is just a title. I have looked endlessly on-line, and have never been able to find it. I like Andy, but on this, I would say he is covering his ass. If Lisa has control over what is filmed - or if folks believe that she does - it taints the whole process a little bit. Both Andy and Lisa need to keep the narrative going that she has zero control.

Andy said it on WWHL when Lisa was the sole guest. I am not saying that she doesn't have some say but she does NOT have complete control as some allege, that would be reckless of Andy/producers. The VR show is designed and marketed to/for a younger target audience, not the standard HW audience and all of the cast members, including Lisa, play to that audience.


The restaurant complaints and lawsuit were about/against VB, not SUR and although they co-own both, only 1 is used for the VR show, SUR, and the other is not. So what happened at VB, the health code violations and the lawsuits, would not be a factor in a show about SUR.


None of the women are these shows to make friends, none of them. They are all there to market themselves, their husbands, their children and/or some product they are pushing. Lisa is no different.

  • Love 4

Lisa does not have "complete creative control" on VR! LOL Even Andy has said that the title of EP is nothing more than an empty title, she has no real say on what is filmed or shown and has no say in the editing process, it is her restaurant and she gets to help pick the shows "staff" but that is where her contribution ends in the EP position and  I believe him on this, there is no way he would allow a HW to have that kind of control on any show, ever. Does she show a different side of herself on that show, Yes and it is not a pretty side at all. Do I think everything we see on either show is "real life" NO! IMO, both shows are staged and semi-scripted to such an extent that it is hard to know where real life ends and the "Reality TV" persona begins and they all have them - RT persona.


How can you find the owners guilty of something that the employee accused of doing it was found not guilty on? That makes no sense IMO, none. If the courts/jury thought the manager did not sexually harass the waitress then there was no sexual harassment and thereby no need for a sexual harassment policy. LOL

Well Lisa and Ken were held responsible and after reconsideration, the Court found they were personally responsible.  They are on the hook for a $100,000.00 judgment plus her attorney fees. The appeal has been dismissed (had to be done by Lisa and Ken) so this matter has probably been settled. http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/disposition.cfm?dist=2&doc_id=2085680&doc_no=B258370%C2'> I do believe Ken and Lisa are responsible and more importantly the Court found them responsible.  The woman complained to Ken, he did nothing, there were videos.  I don't think anyone ever said there was no need for a sexual harassment policy-it is the law in California.  The beating of their chests vowing to appeal ring fairly hollow.


Lisa and Ken show up to work, the words coming out of their mouth are their words. They chose to use their home and their businesses and their friends on the show.  Lisa on WWHL or the Reunions when she says "she cannot stand" a certain waitress are her words, when she repeatedly catches a certain bartender lying about other employees, having sex at work and now stealing from the restaurant may be part of the show but in real life he continue to work there.  The have physical altercations both on the premises and off and yet they manage to keep their restaurant jobs.


If one were to say both shows are scripted-which RHOBH vehemently denies, then I guess I don't like the script they are providing Lisa.  Obviously these are not documentary shows, they have to have storyboards and sometimes life trumps any story the producers start the season trying to portray (Yolanda's daughter's DUI, Camille's divorce). My initial point in comparing Lisa's "performance" in the two shows is she is very much the almighty in her show lording her wealth and power over the Neanderthals she continues to employ.  On RHOBH she is the victim of her friends systematic calling out which she is now vowing to return and become the pack leader (yes I know it is a tag line but to me it pretty much indicates her state of mind).

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I don't know if this is helpful and it is just a Wiki reference but it does provide some insight into the title of Executive Producer.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_producer


The other producers we don't hear much about but have their fingers in everything are line producers.  According to Alex McCord-for the RH series each RH has a line producer-meaning they work on set/location with them and are the RH go to person.  The best example of a line producer involvement I can think of when the ladies were at Carlton's pool party.  Joyce and Kyle went into to use the powder room and Kyle said, "ew" or "pu".    We can pretty much rule out Joyce telling Carlton but at Mauricio and Ken's birthday party a couple of weeks later, Carlton went nuts saying Kyle had said her bathroom smelled gross and then continued her attack on Kyle.  There were no people "in line" as Carlton had said-it was something picked up by a line producer and repeated to Carlton. BTW I don't think Kyle or Joyce were blaming the stench on Carlton previously just commenting on the smell.  Another example is before shooting commenced last season production told Kyle, Carlton was a witch, to which she replied, "oh great just what we need-a witch."  This was repeated to Carlton and from that she based an unreasonable amount of hate towards Kyle.


Lisa obviously has a great relationship with the other EP as well as her line producers.  What a dream job being surrounded in the opulence that is Miss Lisa Vanderpump.

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Even though anyone watching her show sees folks being basically harrassed every single day.

I watch VPR, and I don't recall seeing the employers harassing their staff. But, hey, if everyone else has seen it, then they're evidently not turned off enough to stop watching the show.


Well Lisa and Ken were held responsible and after reconsideration, the Court found they were personally responsible.

Lisa's mind-melding magical powers couldn't sway the court? I guess it only works on the entire RHoBH cast, crew, and viewing audience.

  • Love 3

Lisa needs to let it go.  She can't let one comment pass without a dig.  Doesn't help quell comments that she holds a grudge. 

From Twitter tonight in response to a WWHL tweet:



Bravo WWHL ‏@BravoWWHL  23m23 minutes ago
.@LisaVanderpump how could you forget about @YolandaHFoster for your Palm Springs star!? #RHOBH #WWHL

Lisa Vanderpump ‏@LisaVanderpump  15m15 minutes ago
@BravoWWHL @YolandaHFoster too funny check her blog last year..Lisa will never get a star...
  • Love 1

Lisa needs to let it go.  She can't let one comment pass without a dig.  Doesn't help quell comments that she holds a grudge. 

From Twitter tonight in response to a WWHL tweet:

I think Lisa not inviting Yolanda makes sense. Why invite someone that called you a Hollywood friend and not a real friend even though they told a lie/were wrong?  Why does Lisa have to just get over it on their schedule and not hers? If I get hurt by someone or mad at them, it is not their decision when I get over it, that is mine and mine alone. Look at how long it took Yolanda to get over Lisa not coming to her finger painting party even though she missed it due to a business meeting. Oh, and why is it so important to Yolanda, why is her need to be invited to all things Lisa so intense? Is it just that she is camera hungry and could care less about Lisa's friendship or her getting a star. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I'm pretty close to Lisa in a lot of ways emotionally. I totally get it when she says she forgives people, but the relationship changes. I'm like that. I'll forgive all sorts of shit, but we probably won't be close friends anymore. I have few really close friends outside my family (I think the same is true of Lisa). They're like family, the type of friends that spend holidays with my parents even when I'm not there or would host my second cousin twice removed for the weekend. The rest...acquaintances. People I know and like, but not central to my life. If a friend had said the shit that Kyle or Yo had said about Lisa I would forgive them in the sense I wouldn't try to harm them and they would be invited to my parties and I would be happy to hang out with them, but they would no longer be family. I would feel no pressure to just get over it according to their needs and schedule. Of course, I don't have a tendency to have large groups of girlfriends... This could be the reason why. I don't think everyone had to love each other. I think it's fine to have people you politely tolerate, or enjoy in small doses, or have mixed feelings about. I have never felt the need to be best friends with every woman in my social circle just because we're women, nor have I ever felt the need to hash over every emotion I or any of my friends have in a given day. I dunno, maybe I'm British.

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Lisa didn't have to invite Yolanda.  All she had to say is that "We still weren't that close at the time of filming and were rebuilding our relationship", or "I was still getting over the stuff from last season."  But here we are months and months later after filming, and she has to go reply to a WWHL Live tweet with a reference to "Go look back at her blog from last season where she made a dig about me never getting a star."  Make Lisa look like she was holding a grudge from the blog from last season.  That's the point.  Not that Lisa had to invite her.  But that she is holding a freaking grudge after she and Yolanda sat down at the beginning of the season and agreed to move on.  Lisa didn't have to agree to move on. If that blog bothered her, she should have brought it up with Yolanda and addressed it and "cleared the air and put it to bed."


The point is that now she is still tweeting about a blog from last season that we never heard a complaint about before. I am not saying she had to invite her, just that Lisa bringing up that blog now in a tweet makes it sound like she is holding a grudge.  IMO Lisa didn't do herself any favors in the grudge department by tweeting that.  


ITA that Yolanda wanted to be there for airtime and maybe also to make a show that she supports Lisa and has moved on so Lisa can't play isolated victim.

  • Love 7

Lisa didn't have to invite Yolanda.  All she had to say is that "We still weren't that close at the time of filming and were rebuilding our relationship", or "I was still getting over the stuff from last season."  But here we are months and months later after filming, and she has to go reply to a WWHL Live tweet with a reference to "Go look back at her blog from last season where she made a dig about me never getting a star."  Make Lisa look like she was holding a grudge from the blog from last season.  That's the point.  Not that Lisa had to invite her.  But that she is holding a freaking grudge after she and Yolanda sat down at the beginning of the season and agreed to move on.  Lisa didn't have to agree to move on. If that blog bothered her, she should have brought it up with Yolanda and addressed it and "cleared the air and put it to bed."


The point is that now she is still tweeting about a blog from last season that we never heard a complaint about before. I am not saying she had to invite her, just that Lisa bringing up that blog now in a tweet makes it sound like she is holding a grudge.  IMO Lisa didn't do herself any favors in the grudge department by tweeting that.  


ITA that Yolanda wanted to be there for airtime and maybe also to make a show that she supports Lisa and has moved on so Lisa can't play isolated victim.

I guess I am a grudge holder too because I thought Lisa's response was perfectly reasonable even if she has decided to move forward with Yolanda. A person can forgive and not forget bad behavior or snide comments. Being called a "Hollywood Friend" by Yolanda had to sting and there is no reason for Lisa to invite more such characterizations.


And let's face it, if Lisa had invited Yolanda, Yolanda would have still found some way to spin this as more of Lisa simply being a "Hollywood friend." She most likely would have worded it as "Of course Lisa invited me as we invited her when David received his star. But, since I am supportive of all my friends I chose to go and show my support and not treat it as a tit for tat situation." If she even decided to mention her snipe about Lisa never getting a star, it would have been in a way that totally dismissed the nastiness of what she was throwing out there. 


Lisa is doing what I would do, except with more money. If I were getting something like that, I would only invite someone I knew I would have fun with and not someone who would try to bring up past fights or try to force my hand in re-starting a friendship with Brandi. 

  • Love 9

Lisa needs to let it go.  She can't let one comment pass without a dig.  Doesn't help quell comments that she holds a grudge. 

From Twitter tonight in response to a WWHL tweet:

Ouch Lisa!!! What is true is thee Hollywood Walk of Stars does not recognize reality TV people at this time.  IIRC Lisa said on the episode that she would not be getting one but perhaps Giggy would.  It was the season of Lisa putting down establishments.  First it was the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce and why would Kyle join-empty headed, unbusiness minded Kyle?  Any business merchant can join the Chamber of Commerce-it was simply a vehicle last season for Carlton and David.


I am always amazed at what bothers Lisa.  I do agree with David, Yolanda is too harsh in her blogs.  Yolanda has often said things about others that have no direct correlation to the episode. 


I think Lisa went too far saying she would not invite any of friends for fear the would "ruin" the experience for her.  The only ones available were Yolanda and perhaps Brandi.  She wasn't speaking to Brandi so it was a direct slight to Yolanda.  I have to ask though-why would Yolanda care?  Of course Lisa getting caught in a lie is kind of priceless.  I do think it is just fodder for the Reunion.

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Side topic:  I was in BH recently and had dinner at Villa Blanca.  The person who took me knows I watch the show and thought I'd get a kick out of it.  I went along with it but wasn't pleased.  I like to watch this stuff on tv, not experience it in Real Life!  However I have to admit it was a very nice, low-key, relaxed meal.  The service was excellent.  The food was good.  The restaurant is pretty.  We weren't rushed.  Herself and Himself weren't there which was good.  The only thing that jarred was the wireless name.  I checked my phone to see if they had open wireless there and as soon as I saw the name 'Pinky' come up with no privacy lock I knew that was it...

  • Love 6

What's interesting about that Lisa tweet is that she recalls something from the past even while saying she's moving forward. When she and Kyle had their sit down at the beginning of the season, Lisa was pretty exasperated by Kyle saying that she wanted to move forward while also bringing up something from the past that bothered her. How is it exhausting for Kyle to do that, but totally acceptable for Lisa?

  • Love 7

Lisa not inviting Yo is just another example of how Lisa plays this game better than the rest of them do, and probably why she is not well liked by most of the others. 


Yo invited Lisa to David's deal, and Lisa came, even though she wasn't particularly close to either David or Yo. Having Lisa there no doubt ramped up the chances that the ceremony would get filmed, which was good for Yo. It also allowed Lisa to be shown as the gal who was classy/elegant/important enough to be invited to such an event. David might be mocked by some for his music, but he actually is a big fucking deal.  Certainly a much bigger deal than Ken or Lisa. It was a situation that benefited both Lisa and Yo.  Now here Lisa is getting her measly "star", and she invites no one from the group, which again takes away any opportunity for Yo, or anyone else, to get caught on camera gushing/mocking/congratulating Lisa. 


I have always thought that Yo coming on the show was extremely strategic. She was hoping this would catapult her into something far bigger. It was a business deal, and I think she is probably a pretty good sport about scratching someone else's back if they will also scratch hers. Lisa pissed her off last year by not coming to her finger painting deal, and then having Ken/Mauricio's birthday party on a night when she obviously couldn't attend. Now Lisa cuts her out of the ceremony. I agree that Lisa certainly has the right to do it, but I can also see how it would piss a gal off. 

  • Love 4

Lisa not inviting Yo is just another example of how Lisa plays this game better than the rest of them do, and probably why she is not well liked by most of the others. 


... Now here Lisa is getting her measly "star", and she invites no one from the group, which again takes away any opportunity for Yo, or anyone else, to get caught on camera gushing/mocking/congratulating Lisa. 


She didn't need any comparison's between David's "real" star and the Palm Springs star either!  Lisa really can run circles around these other HWs sometimes!

  • Love 2

I wish somebody would tell me whether it's Lisa or me, but something seems so different about her this season.  I feel like I'm watching a doddering old movie star playing games with a younger  crowd.  I also feel like the Lisa I loved has disappeared and become a bitch.  There's a side to her that I don't like anymore.  What's going on???


I know that Lisa took some hard hits in Puerto Rico, and at that time, I really felt that it was a gang-up against one.  I didn't blame her for walking away from a heartbreaking situation.  I can see how that experience is still hurting her, but being a bitch isn't going to solve things.  Of course, if it's Brandy she's being a bitch to, then fine!   LOL


Maybe she's just Lisa being Lisa, but I've never seen it before this season.  Is it her, or is it my imagination?

  • Love 4

I wish somebody would tell me whether it's Lisa or me, but something seems so different about her this season.  I feel like I'm watching a doddering old movie star playing games with a younger  crowd.  I also feel like the Lisa I loved has disappeared and become a bitch.  There's a side to her that I don't like anymore.  What's going on???


I know that Lisa took some hard hits in Puerto Rico, and at that time, I really felt that it was a gang-up against one.  I didn't blame her for walking away from a heartbreaking situation.  I can see how that experience is still hurting her, but being a bitch isn't going to solve things.  Of course, if it's Brandy she's being a bitch to, then fine!   LOL


Maybe she's just Lisa being Lisa, but I've never seen it before this season.  Is it her, or is it my imagination?

I stopped finding her amusing after watching her stiff, humorless and thankfully short stint on Dancing with the Stars. I think she took on to much and just flamed out or maybe her act has just become dated like her clothes to me.
  • Love 3

"First, Adrienne was not Brandi's friend at any time. Adrienne introduced her to the cast, per production orders, then let her swim or sink on her own. Neither Adrienne or Camille defended Brandi her first season. No one came to Brandi's defense until after game night and that was Lisa, otherwise Brandi was pretty much on her own her first season on the show. Lisa was the first to fully accept Brandi, warts and all.

Lisa did apologize to Kyle for her comments at the reunion last season. Has Kyle apologized for feeding Brandi false info about Lisa/Ken concerning BK? Ummmm, NO, she has not! LOL"


Replying to this great comment from the other thread.....


Completely agree that Adrienne wasn't Brandi's friend.  The story I have heard was that they met in July at a party held by a mutual friend (I have always assumed Geneva, since this is the mutual friend they have discussed).  Adrienne said while she didn't know Brandi, she floated her name as a potential HW.  Might be true, might not, but either way it is clear they were not friends.  


Regardless, Adrienne was kind to Brandi. She wasn't at Game Night, but when she heard what went down she encouraged Brandi to apologize. This pissed Brandi off (as well as lots of fans of the show). Adrienne said she wanted Brandi to apologize because she thought the girls would like  her once they got to know her. She interviewed she was afraid Brandi wouldn't get the chance to get to know them unless she was the one to apologize. IMO it seemed like Adrienne really wanted for Brandi to fit in. She was never anything except kind to Brandi. I recently watched S2 and could find not one example of Adrienne being anything except kind to Brandi, and certainly Brandi talked warmly about Adrienne. 


Camille and Brandi's friendship was in full bloom when they went to Hawaii.  We didn't see much of this on the show, but both talked about it. Brandi said that because Camille had been through a similar high-profile public divorce and humiliation, she understood what Brandi was going through.  I was surprised when rewatching the Hawaii episode to find they had become good friends.  Camille said they talked all the time and often hung out together. That makes two people, Adrienne and Camille, who embraced Brandi in the group before Lisa had so much as made eye contact with her.


As crazy as it sounds, even Kyle did before Lisa. This gets murky because of Game Night, but Kyle and Brandi filmed together shortly after when they went for Pedi's, and they had some nice moments at Kennedy's party when Brandi went to Kyle for advice on how to mend things with Kim.  Lastly, it was Lisa who interviewed that she had asked Kyle to not invite Brandi to Hawaii. Lisa had had almost nothing to do with Brandi at this point and didn't want her there because of the Cedric connection, which Lisa didn't know at the time was pretty much a farce.  Kyle said that she still felt badly about the way their relationship began and wanted to continue to try and work on it. Since Kyle didn't invite Dana/Pam (which she said in her blog hurt her feelings), and she didn't invite Taylor, I would assume that Kyle could have done the same with Brandi had she wanted to. 


All of the women were on good terms with Brandi for all we knew when they headed to the reunion (well, not Taylor or Kim, but Kim wasn't there).  I don't remember her being "on her own" until she showed up and it was revealed that she had pretty much thrown a bunch of folks under the bus in her desire to get closer to Lisa (ironic now that she doesn't want to kiss her ass, since she was certainly up for it in S2).  Lisa herself admitted she never talked to Brandi at all after Hawaii, except for brief words at the party where she kicked Scheana out, until Brandi called her with dirt right before the reunion. Of course Lisa embraced Brandi at that point. She had come to Lisa with all of this dirt and Lisa was ever so grateful. 

  • Love 5

I won't quote your entire post but I do applaud it.


The thing is the dirt Brandi delivered to Lisa was largely made up.  There was no meeting, Brandi never spoke to Adrienne about a meeting and Camille wasn't involved. By then the damage was done and Lisa picked the wrong side.   


The other thing that seemed to fall apart last year for Lisa and Ken-was any real friendship with any of the men.  Ken either has an awareness issue or is just a total blowhard but he alienates the other men.  He was crude at the David and Yolanda dinner making cracks about Mauricio and Michael, put David down for defended his wife at the worst dinner party ever by a host (SUR) and hee-hawing along with Brandi and her drunken insults.  There are times I think Ken doesn't realize that David's music career and Michael being a producer of an Oscar winning film trumps the owner of 2 1/2 restaurants, and Mauricio being the CEO of a hugely successful real estate agency definitely trumps the little old man driving around in the funny pink car and drooling over the nude photo shoots of his STD infested restaurant staff.  Granted I do think Ken as evolved to a great purse or small dog carrier for Lisa but he and Lisa need to do a ego check.  I am hoping that with two new men on the scene Ken will return to being more of a guy's guy.


I am pulling for Lisa to return to fun Lisa but so far between her blogs and talking heads she doesn't seem to be off to a good start.

  • Love 4

"First, Adrienne was not Brandi's friend at any time. Adrienne introduced her to the cast, per production orders, then let her swim or sink on her own. Neither Adrienne or Camille defended Brandi her first season. No one came to Brandi's defense until after game night and that was Lisa, otherwise Brandi was pretty much on her own her first season on the show. Lisa was the first to fully accept Brandi, warts and all.

Lisa did apologize to Kyle for her comments at the reunion last season. Has Kyle apologized for feeding Brandi false info about Lisa/Ken concerning BK? Ummmm, NO, she has not! LOL"


Replying to this great comment from the other thread.....


Completely agree that Adrienne wasn't Brandi's friend.  The story I have heard was that they met in July at a party held by a mutual friend (I have always assumed Geneva, since this is the mutual friend they have discussed).  Adrienne said while she didn't know Brandi, she floated her name as a potential HW.  Might be true, might not, but either way it is clear they were not friends.  


Regardless, Adrienne was kind to Brandi. She wasn't at Game Night, but when she heard what went down she encouraged Brandi to apologize. This pissed Brandi off (as well as lots of fans of the show). Adrienne said she wanted Brandi to apologize because she thought the girls would like  her once they got to know her. She interviewed she was afraid Brandi wouldn't get the chance to get to know them unless she was the one to apologize. IMO it seemed like Adrienne really wanted for Brandi to fit in. She was never anything except kind to Brandi. I recently watched S2 and could find not one example of Adrienne being anything except kind to Brandi, and certainly Brandi talked warmly about Adrienne. 


Camille and Brandi's friendship was in full bloom when they went to Hawaii.  We didn't see much of this on the show, but both talked about it. Brandi said that because Camille had been through a similar high-profile public divorce and humiliation, she understood what Brandi was going through.  I was surprised when rewatching the Hawaii episode to find they had become good friends.  Camille said they talked all the time and often hung out together. That makes two people, Adrienne and Camille, who embraced Brandi in the group before Lisa had so much as made eye contact with her.


As crazy as it sounds, even Kyle did before Lisa. This gets murky because of Game Night, but Kyle and Brandi filmed together shortly after when they went for Pedi's, and they had some nice moments at Kennedy's party when Brandi went to Kyle for advice on how to mend things with Kim.  Lastly, it was Lisa who interviewed that she had asked Kyle to not invite Brandi to Hawaii. Lisa had had almost nothing to do with Brandi at this point and didn't want her there because of the Cedric connection, which Lisa didn't know at the time was pretty much a farce.  Kyle said that she still felt badly about the way their relationship began and wanted to continue to try and work on it. Since Kyle didn't invite Dana/Pam (which she said in her blog hurt her feelings), and she didn't invite Taylor, I would assume that Kyle could have done the same with Brandi had she wanted to. 


All of the women were on good terms with Brandi for all we knew when they headed to the reunion (well, not Taylor or Kim, but Kim wasn't there).  I don't remember her being "on her own" until she showed up and it was revealed that she had pretty much thrown a bunch of folks under the bus in her desire to get closer to Lisa (ironic now that she doesn't want to kiss her ass, since she was certainly up for it in S2).  Lisa herself admitted she never talked to Brandi at all after Hawaii, except for brief words at the party where she kicked Scheana out, until Brandi called her with dirt right before the reunion. Of course Lisa embraced Brandi at that point. She had come to Lisa with all of this dirt and Lisa was ever so grateful. 


I don't know whose comment that is mcm, but I'm glad you responded. It's curious to me this revisionist history about Brandi's first season as it regards her interactions with the other women. While Brandi and Taylor went at it at the reunion, they were quite friendly to each other during the season. So, this idea that it was Lisa Vanderpump who was the first to completely accept Brandi is inaccurate.


As you pointed out, Camille and Brandi pretty much hit it off from the beginning. I remember Brandi in one of her talking heads mentioning that she felt an immediate attraction to Camille because their circumstances were so similar. Of course, Adrienne was very cordial to Brandi, though she did encourage Brandi to apologize to Kyle and Kim as a means of moving past the game night issue. To say that Lisa came to Brandi's defense after game night is also highly inaccurate given that at the following event--the spa day at Adrienne's--Lisa pretty much coddled a very stubborn Kim who even refused to look Brandi's way let alone go out to the balcony to talk to her. 


It was actually on that balcony where Taylor was listening to Brandi express her feelings about how she felt regarding game night. So, yeah, Lisa certainly was not the first to be friendly toward Brandi. Not by a long shot. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 5

Mozelle, the person who made the false claim that Lisa V was the first one to befriend Brandi was Lisa V herself.


Get out! Really?! Was it in this week's blog? I'm just now catching up with this week's episode (I missed last week's, but didn't care to watch it), and if Lisa is trying to re-write history to explain away her falling out with Brandi? Well, I'll be damned.

  • Love 5

Get out! Really?! Was it in this week's blog? I'm just now catching up with this week's episode (I missed last week's, but didn't care to watch it), and if Lisa is trying to re-write history to explain away her falling out with Brandi? Well, I'll be damned.

Here is the quote Mozelle.  Consider it my New Year's gift.  


"When I first met Brandi and she was desperate to join the group of women, nobody but me embraced her."


It's funny, because she made this same assertion in a couple of blogs last year.  I guess she thinks if she keeps saying it, it just might be true. I wonder if she would dare to make such a claim if Adrienne, Camille, or Taylor were still on the show and writing blogs of their own? 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 6

Lisa really does have the luxury of reshaping the narrative precisely because Camille and Taylor aren't cast members who write blogs that can refute her outright lies. In one breath, Lisa will say that she was the only (only, ya hear!) one to embrace Brandi, yet in another she'll say that she and Brandi didn't become close until after the season two reunion.


The latter is the truth. I was still following Lisa on Twitter at the time, and I recall that Lisa and Brandi didn't start tweeting back and forth to each other until that reunion aired, which was in February of 2012, I believe. It seemed to me that Lisa waited to see how it would all shake down with the public (because it's Lisa, of course) before hedging her bets with Brandi. Before that reunion aired, however, Lisa and Brandi weren't friends. Lisa may have said that she thought Brandi was fun in Hawaii that previous summer (2011), but by the fall, Brandi had made yet another snarky comment about Lisa's age. If you search on YouTube, there's some tabloid video of Lisa being asked about Brandi's age remark and Lisa saying something like, "Oh, Brandi must actually be talking about her own IQ."


Additionally, many of the HWs across franchises took part in a photo shoot for The Hollywood Reporter (early winter 2011, before the women filmed the RHOBH season two reunion). There's a BTS video of that photo shoot and in the piece, info is shared that when Lisa was asked what she thought of the new housewife (Brandi), Lisa joked with Kyle, "What new housewife?"


This is all to say that Lisa playing fast and loose once again. She kept Brandi at a very cordial distance (I think Brandi revealed at the season two reunion that she did invite Lisa to her birthday bash or holiday bash or something) between the time they filmed in Hawaii and the time the reunion aired (notice I didn't say when the reunion filmed, but rather when it was made for public consumption). When it was clear that Brandi was, in fact, a favorite among a lot of RHOBH viewers, Lisa took more public approaches with Brandi (i.e., using Twitter to let everyone see that she and Brandi were friends).

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 5

Mozelle, yet again, it is Lisa V's need to manipulate relationships and situations to her own benefit that I find so difficult to take.  I appreciate that Kyle and even Yolanda don't  survey viewer opinion to decide who they will befriend.  To me, this shows some decency and honesty in the way they approach relationships, even those that take place in front of the camera.  Lisa V -- eh, not so much. 


When Brandi came to her with "dirt" as noted above, and was willing to be Lisa's PIC,  Lisa was all about Brandi. And as long as viewers loved Brandi, and found her "refreshing", Lisa was her number one bestie.  But then, Brandi's real nature started to show through, as would be expected, and her behavior started to deteriorate. She showed up in public with a tampon string hanging out, and got blasted for being low rent and gross.  While Lisa denied it, Ken admitted that it was because of this media and viewer criticism that they decided to "distance" themselves from Brandi. 


I recognize others complement Lisa for her ability to manipulate and fool others in this reality tv-friendship context, but I think having the title of the most devious and self-serving HW on the show  just makes Lisa V. extremely unlikeable, IMO. 

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 9

"First, Adrienne was not Brandi's friend at any time. Adrienne introduced her to the cast, per production orders, then let her swim or sink on her own. Neither Adrienne or Camille defended Brandi her first season. No one came to Brandi's defense until after game night and that was Lisa, otherwise Brandi was pretty much on her own her first season on the show. Lisa was the first to fully accept Brandi, warts and all.

Lisa did apologize to Kyle for her comments at the reunion last season. Has Kyle apologized for feeding Brandi false info about Lisa/Ken concerning BK? Ummmm, NO, she has not! LOL"


Replying to this great comment from the other thread.....


Completely agree that Adrienne wasn't Brandi's friend.  The story I have heard was that they met in July at a party held by a mutual friend (I have always assumed Geneva, since this is the mutual friend they have discussed).  Adrienne said while she didn't know Brandi, she floated her name as a potential HW.  Might be true, might not, but either way it is clear they were not friends.  


Regardless, Adrienne was kind to Brandi. She wasn't at Game Night, but when she heard what went down she encouraged Brandi to apologize. This pissed Brandi off (as well as lots of fans of the show). Adrienne said she wanted Brandi to apologize because she thought the girls would like  her once they got to know her. She interviewed she was afraid Brandi wouldn't get the chance to get to know them unless she was the one to apologize. IMO it seemed like Adrienne really wanted for Brandi to fit in. She was never anything except kind to Brandi. I recently watched S2 and could find not one example of Adrienne being anything except kind to Brandi, and certainly Brandi talked warmly about Adrienne. 


Camille and Brandi's friendship was in full bloom when they went to Hawaii.  We didn't see much of this on the show, but both talked about it. Brandi said that because Camille had been through a similar high-profile public divorce and humiliation, she understood what Brandi was going through.  I was surprised when rewatching the Hawaii episode to find they had become good friends.  Camille said they talked all the time and often hung out together. That makes two people, Adrienne and Camille, who embraced Brandi in the group before Lisa had so much as made eye contact with her.


As crazy as it sounds, even Kyle did before Lisa. This gets murky because of Game Night, but Kyle and Brandi filmed together shortly after when they went for Pedi's, and they had some nice moments at Kennedy's party when Brandi went to Kyle for advice on how to mend things with Kim.  Lastly, it was Lisa who interviewed that she had asked Kyle to not invite Brandi to Hawaii. Lisa had had almost nothing to do with Brandi at this point and didn't want her there because of the Cedric connection, which Lisa didn't know at the time was pretty much a farce.  Kyle said that she still felt badly about the way their relationship began and wanted to continue to try and work on it. Since Kyle didn't invite Dana/Pam (which she said in her blog hurt her feelings), and she didn't invite Taylor, I would assume that Kyle could have done the same with Brandi had she wanted to. 


All of the women were on good terms with Brandi for all we knew when they headed to the reunion (well, not Taylor or Kim, but Kim wasn't there).  I don't remember her being "on her own" until she showed up and it was revealed that she had pretty much thrown a bunch of folks under the bus in her desire to get closer to Lisa (ironic now that she doesn't want to kiss her ass, since she was certainly up for it in S2).  Lisa herself admitted she never talked to Brandi at all after Hawaii, except for brief words at the party where she kicked Scheana out, until Brandi called her with dirt right before the reunion. Of course Lisa embraced Brandi at that point. She had come to Lisa with all of this dirt and Lisa was ever so grateful. 

No one, not 1 single HW called out Kyle/Kims bad behavior toward Brandi at Dana's party. Not Camille, not Taylor, not Dana, not Lisa (at first) and not Adrienne. As for Taylor, she was the first HW to be rude/nasty toward Brandi at Kyle's pool party, the cast/high heels joke, and she sided with Kyle against Brandi most of the season. Camille was kind to Brandi when the others were not around but when they were present, Kyle, Kim, Taylor and Lisa, she stayed away from Brandi.


Adrienne chastised Brandi when Brandi went to her for support after game night and all Adrienne had to offer her was that she needed to apologize, remember, Adrienne had already heard the others versions and did not defend Brandi at any point. She never advised Kyle to give Brandi another chance or to apologize for her nasty/childish behavior toward Brandi. Adrienne was never a supporter of Brandi's, ever, nor was Camille. Camille never spoke out to the others that they had treated Brandi badly/harshly since she joined the "group"/show. The first 1 that did that was Lisa to Kyle. Lisa was the first HW to speak to another HW in favor of Brandi. The Hawaii trip was a group trip that ALL were required to go on, Kyle had to "invite" Brandi because the producers already had! LOL


As for Lisa believing Brandi over Adrienne (reunion tabloidgate).....Lisa said nothing at first about anything Brandi told her. She gave Adrienne enough time/rope/room to show if what Brandi said was true and sadly it was. Camille did finally admit to Adrienne trying to arrange a meeting during the Vegas trip the following season. That no meeting took place was not for the lack of trying on Adrienne's part. Why should Lisa not accept Brandi's word at that point? Brandi had not shown herself to be untrustworthy at that point. Believe me, if Brandi had gone to any of the HW's, not just Lisa, with that kind of dirt against another HW, they would have run with it as well......just like Kyle did last season in PR! LOL


I won't quote your entire post but I do applaud it.


The thing is the dirt Brandi delivered to Lisa was largely made up.  There was no meeting, Brandi never spoke to Adrienne about a meeting and Camille wasn't involved. By then the damage was done and Lisa picked the wrong side.   


The other thing that seemed to fall apart last year for Lisa and Ken-was any real friendship with any of the men.  Ken either has an awareness issue or is just a total blowhard but he alienates the other men.  He was crude at the David and Yolanda dinner making cracks about Mauricio and Michael, put David down for defended his wife at the worst dinner party ever by a host (SUR) and hee-hawing along with Brandi and her drunken insults.  There are times I think Ken doesn't realize that David's music career and Michael being a producer of an Oscar winning film trumps the owner of 2 1/2 restaurants, and Mauricio being the CEO of a hugely successful real estate agency definitely trumps the little old man driving around in the funny pink car and drooling over the nude photo shoots of his STD infested restaurant staff.  Granted I do think Ken as evolved to a great purse or small dog carrier for Lisa but he and Lisa need to do a ego check.  I am hoping that with two new men on the scene Ken will return to being more of a guy's guy.


I am pulling for Lisa to return to fun Lisa but so far between her blogs and talking heads she doesn't seem to be off to a good start.

But Camille did admit to Adrienne trying to arrange a meeting during the Vegas trip.

... Lisa had had almost nothing to do with Brandi at this point and didn't want her there because of the Cedric connection, which Lisa didn't know at the time was pretty much a farce.  Kyle said that she still felt badly about the way their relationship began and wanted to continue to try and work on it. Since Kyle didn't invite Dana/Pam (which she said in her blog hurt her feelings), and she didn't invite Taylor, I would assume that Kyle could have done the same with Brandi had she wante

I'm asking myself a question, regarding the part of the post I quoted...

So, it's perfectly OK for Lisa to think that way regarding the Cedric-Brandi connection, but it's absolutely not OK for Brandi, regarding the Scheana situation ? Sorry, Lisa, but I don't buy it ;)

  • Love 4

No one, not 1 single HW called out Kyle/Kims bad behavior toward Brandi at Dana's party. Not Camille, not Taylor, not Dana, not Lisa (at first) and not Adrienne. As for Taylor, she was the first HW to be rude/nasty toward Brandi at Kyle's pool party, the cast/high heels joke, and she sided with Kyle against Brandi most of the season. Camille was kind to Brandi when the others were not around but when they were present, Kyle, Kim, Taylor and Lisa, she stayed away from Brandi.


Adrienne chastised Brandi when Brandi went to her for support after game night and all Adrienne had to offer her was that she needed to apologize, remember, Adrienne had already heard the others versions and did not defend Brandi at any point. She never advised Kyle to give Brandi another chance or to apologize for her nasty/childish behavior toward Brandi. Adrienne was never a supporter of Brandi's, ever, nor was Camille. Camille never spoke out to the others that they had treated Brandi badly/harshly since she joined the "group"/show. The first 1 that did that was Lisa to Kyle. Lisa was the first HW to speak to another HW in favor of Brandi. The Hawaii trip was a group trip that ALL were required to go on, Kyle had to "invite" Brandi because the producers already had! LOL


As for Lisa believing Brandi over Adrienne (reunion tabloidgate).....Lisa said nothing at first about anything Brandi told her. She gave Adrienne enough time/rope/room to show if what Brandi said was true and sadly it was. Camille did finally admit to Adrienne trying to arrange a meeting during the Vegas trip the following season. That no meeting took place was not for the lack of trying on Adrienne's part. Why should Lisa not accept Brandi's word at that point? Brandi had not shown herself to be untrustworthy at that point. Believe me, if Brandi had gone to any of the HW's, not just Lisa, with that kind of dirt against another HW, they would have run with it as well......just like Kyle did last season in PR! LOL


But Camille did admit to Adrienne trying to arrange a meeting during the Vegas trip.

Actually, what Camille admitted to was that Brandi called her when she was in Hawaii and told her that Adrienne wanted to get together to strategize on stuff to say about Lisa at the reunion.  Camille couldn't confirm that Adrienne actually wanted to do this, just that this was what Brandi had said. 


I guess we will have to agree to disagree about the whole deal with Lisa being the first to "embrace" Brandi.  IMO this is just a flat out lie on Lisa's part.  As you point out, lots of gals were not particularly welcoming to Brandi initially - that is a fact. To me the fact that Brandi was not warmly welcomed by most does not signify Lisa being the first to embrace her. 


Regarding why Lisa shouldn't have believed Brandi when she came to her with dirt (or jumped so quickly on team Brandi") my question has always been as to why Lisa didn't question Brandi's betrayal of Adrienne. As we all know, Brandi and Adrienne were not necessarily close friends, but they were certainly friendly at that time. Why in the world would Brandi go to someone who hadn't shown herself to be particularly fond of Brandi with dirt on someone she was closer to, but more importantly, for the reason that she did?  When Brandi admitted she was the one who gave the dirt to Lisa, Adrienne asked Brandi why she would have told Lisa this stuff. She seemed truly shocked. Brandi's reason was that Adrienne had stopped calling her and paying attention to her. That was it. She went to Adrienne's enemy because she was being ignored. Lisa said in her blog last year that she was not friendly with Brandi prior to this. She said she enjoyed her in Hawaii but that the premise that they had become friends was not true. She also said the following about the event at SUR when she asked Scheana to leave:


"Scheana approaches me, from what I recall, saying there had been words between her and Brandi. I believe the cameras barely caught it and a subtitle was put up on screen to explain. Nobody at SUR had a clue that there was any connection or knew that several years ago there had been a relationship with Brandi's ex-husband, whom I had never heard of. So the only plausible thing for me to do was to remove Scheana from the situation as quickly as possible out of consideration for Brandi. Not that Brandi was a friend of mine (In fact I remember her being so inconsiderate at the same party, shouting for me to give Cedric a kiss, obviously not knowing me at all), but more because she was one of my guests. If, as Brandi is suggesting, that any of us knew, trust me in that situation, she would have been asked to stay. No I sent her off ASAP and was enlightened later that she had been involved with Eddie Cibrian, while not knowing he was married, and it had resulted in an affair."


I think that Lisa was ignoring Brandi and for the most part not filming with her at all.  Brandi quickly realized that her position on the show would never be secure if she didn't film with The Queen. Therefore she ran to Lisa with shit about Adrienne.  Since Lisa was already wary of Brandi for the Cedric deal (which she thought to be true at the time), it is interesting to me that she would have so fully embraced Brandi without really questioning her motives. She seems wary enough in general to be able to see through a grifter trying to secure her next meal. I also think this is where the Bobby Fischer comment came from. Lisa no doubt told Kyle what Brandi had asserted (they both said they talked every single morning, sometimes for an hour or more, and both acknowledge they had a big fight right before the reunion) and I think Kyle was beyond pissed that Lisa was suddenly getting cozy with Brandi. 


It is also poetic justice to me that Brandi listed the reason she betrayed Adrienne as being the fact that Adrienne had started pulling away from her at the S2 reunion.  Lisa took her ill-gotten gains on that deal and ran with it, never questioning Brandi or thinking that an odd reason for one friend to turn on another. Que the film for the S4 reunion and you have Brandi saying pretty much the exact same thing about Lisa. In this case of course Lisa is just shocked that one friend would do that to another, but not so much when she was winning.  I guess hindsight and all that. 

Edited by motorcitymom65

I stated in the episode thread that I was going to respond to Lisa's assertion that she was the first to embrace Brandi but the points I was going to make have mostly been made.

Other than Kim, Lisa was the last one to embrace Brandi. Adrienne and Taylor were first, then Kyle and Camille.

Adrienne and Taylor were the first to accept Brandi, of course an argument can be made that they were doing the producers' bidding but they filmed with her. Adrienne said nice things about Brandi, comforted and consoled Brandi and defended her on camera and to others. While Taylor did sit in the corner and cackle with others over Brandi arriving on crutches wearing a high heel, Taylor also sat down with her and chatted her up and IIRC invited Brandi and her sons to Kennedy's upcoming birthday party. After that Taylor filmed a couple of other scenes with Brandi and sat with Brandi on spa day when she was persona non grata with the others. When Game Night came down, Taylor did condemn the things that were said and done by all sides, which I am fine with because Brandi did some not cool things even before she lost it and made the crystal meth comment. Taylor was also the one who arranged the manicure appointment with Kyle and Brandi but in the end Taylor herself was a no show. Taylor and Brandi's falling out was a by-product of Taylor and Camille's falling out, at Brandi's party both Taylor and DeDe, Camille's friend, were drunk and acting out and Brandi asked Taylor to leave, IMO mostly because she was trying to curry favor with the richer Camille.

Adrienne and Taylor did put more onus on Brandi to apologize in order to move things forward, and part of that is that neither of them are alphas and are not the type to forcefully point out to Kim and Kyle how badly they behaved, and for that fact they weren't that forceful with Brandi either.

Brandi started sucking up to Camille at their first meeting, and Camille being Camille could not resist a good suck up, but I would not say that they became fast friends. Camille was firmly Team Kim/Kyle on Game Night and condemned Brandi's behavior. At Spa Day Camille (metaphorically) sat at the cool kids' table and did not interact with Brandi. I think that the turning point was Brandi's aforementioned beach party where Brandi threw drunk Taylor out as opposed to drunk DeDe. The relationship between Camille and Brandi blossomed further in Vegas and then Hawaii.

  • Love 3

Actually, what Camille admitted to was that Brandi called her when she was in Hawaii and told her that Adrienne wanted to get together to strategize on stuff to say about Lisa at the reunion.  Camille couldn't confirm that Adrienne actually wanted to do this, just that this was what Brandi had said. 

Exactly and since Adrienne had never talked to Adrienne how could Brandi possibly know what the purpose for the meeting was?  By Brandi bringing it up the way she did, and subsequent editing it painted Lisa as a victim.  It also predisposed Lisa to the notion that true friends are defenders and that is something she continues to run around the block.  Although we may do it here and pick apart each statement as the truth, half truth or a lie, for the most part people don't interrupt another's story and "defend" them.  Kyle is taking a lot of heat for not correcting Brandi and her assertion that Scheana is Lisa's BFF.  I doubt either Eileen or Lisar believed Brandi and Brandi's ranking of Scheana did little to change the story.  The big piece missing of course is that Scheana is a cast member on Lisa's spin-off-again the pesky fourth wall.

  • Love 1
Other than Kim, Lisa was the last one to embrace Brandi. Adrienne and Taylor were first, then Kyle and Camille.



I agree with thewhiteowl. Embrace and tolerate are two totally different things IMHO. I don't think any of the other women went out of their way for Brandi the way Lisa did when she decided that she was going to give her a chance. It's all for the purposes of filming of course and I'm not claiming for a second that Lisa's method of embracing a person necessarily constitutes a real friendship, but I think her efforts in season two with Brandi seemed more apparent than those of the other women. Taylor would have filmed her scenes with an olive tree if it would have given her more airtime so I don't really give her that much credit for being willing to film with Brandi. I basically feel the same way about Adrienne. Am I really supposed to believe that the producers had to twist her arm to film scenes with Brandi where she gets to act as Brandi's sponsor into the group? If there'd been real/faux friendship on Adrienne's part, wouldn't she have defended Brandi a little bit on Game Night or at least have given her a heads up that she wouldn't be attending so that Brandi could choose to come or not with that in mind? As for her friendship with Camille--I cut Camille no slack on Game Night for coddling Kim and laughing while Kim was being rude to Brandi's face for no reason. I will concede however that Camille seemed to be the warmest to Brandi prior to Lisa finally choosing to embrace Brandi later in the season. Kyle didn't "embrace" Brandi until maybe season 4 but I'd argue that she's never really fully embraced her. Kyle definitely didn't embrace Brandi in season 2 though, not from what I saw. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 5

I agree with thewhiteowl. Embrace and tolerate are two totally different things IMHO. I don't think any of the other women went out of their way for Brandi the way Lisa did when she decided that she was going to give her a chance. It's all for the purposes of filming of course and I'm not claiming for a second that Lisa's method of embracing a person necessarily constitutes a real friendship, but I think her efforts in season two with Brandi seemed more apparent than those of the other women. 


Maybe I missed it, but when/how did Lisa embrace Brandi in S2? I don't even remember them talking outside of a few words in Hawaii or when they first met. She embraced her at the reunion, but that was because Brandi had brought dirt. Before Brandi came to Lisa with all the trash talk, how had Lisa been more accepting of Brandi than Taylor, Camille, or Adrienne? 

  • Love 1

Maybe I missed it, but when/how did Lisa embrace Brandi in S2? I don't even remember them talking outside of a few words in Hawaii or when they first met. She embraced her at the reunion, but that was because Brandi had brought dirt. Before Brandi came to Lisa with all the trash talk, how had Lisa been more accepting of Brandi than Taylor, Camille, or Adrienne? 

No one embraced Brandi season 2, her first season. That happened after filming stopped, after the reunion was filmed and it was Lisa that accepted Brandi, foolishly now that we see/understand Brandi's putrid soul.

  • Love 2

I am going by what I saw and remember and I'm afraid I have to give this one to Lisa. She was the first to "embrace" Brandi.

How so? Lisa writes, "When I first met Brandi and she was desperate to join the group of women, nobody but me embraced her." That's patently false.

Lisa is talking about season two in that sentence (it certainly doesn't seem to imply that she's talking about season three or beyond since she begins her sentence "When I first met Brandi," which would have been season two), and she's ignoring 1) that Camille was friendlier to Brandi than she was (as was pointed out above there was the Vegas trip that Camille invited Brandi to) and 2) that she (Lisa) later went on to say in a blog that Brandi wasn't a friend of hers when talking about the Cedric/SUR/Brandi/Scheana incident. This at the end of the same season where Lisa claims that she had some fun with Brandi in Hawaii before taping that finale party at SUR.

From what I'm remembering, Lisa is not telling the truth.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 3

I guess the word embrace means different things to different people which is probably why slick Lisa used that word.

While filming, save Kim, Lisa did not do anything any more welcoming towards Brandi that any other cast member did and then some. It is very, very significant that Adrienne, Taylor and later Kyle were willing to film with Brandi and invite her to events - them filming with her gave her screen time and a chance for the audience to get to know her. As someone else mentioned, Lisa was icing Brandi out and mean-girling well after the season started airing - the incident at The Hollywood Reporter shoot amply demonstrated that Lisa had yet to embrace or befriend Brandi and that took place after season 2 started airing.

Brandi and Lisa did not become anything more than tolerated / cordial castmates until after the Game Night and Spa Day episodes aired and the fallout began and solidified, followed by the airing of the episode where Kyle said Lisa preys on the weak. That double whammy is what got Lisa of the Team Kyle train and put her on the Team Brandi train, and from that point on it can be said that Lisa "embraced" Brandi above and beyond what the other cast members did. And I say, "big whoop," to Lisa's johnny come lately, strategic "embracing" of Brandi. Does anyone actually think that if other cast members followed Lisa's lead and basically iced Brandi out and then transitioned to tolerating her by making nice at big, cast events that Brandi would have been able to establish herself as a "character" and build a fanbase?

Now I will say that Lisa "embracing" was significant in Brandi getting promoted to full-time Housewife because by then Brandi was on bad terms with Kim, Adrienne, Taylor and to a lesser extent Kyle, and Lisa herself wasn't all that popular with most of her other castmates either - Taylor was the only one that Lisa seemed to be on good terms with and much good that would do since Taylor was so reviled, so that would be an additional reason for Lisa to "embrace" Brandi. But again, significant groundwork needed to be laid regarding Brandi establishing herself with the audience, and Lisa was not part of that groundwork laying at all, rather it was Adrienne, Taylor, Kyle and Camille. Heck I would even throw Kim in there since they were feuding, but Lisa did not even feud with Brandi over the Cedric or any other issue, but neither did she film or interact with Brandi in order to give her the exposure / airtime she needed, or to give the producers a chance to see how she comes across on screen.

Edited by quinn
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No one embraced Brandi season 2, her first season. That happened after filming stopped, after the reunion was filmed and it was Lisa that accepted Brandi, foolishly now that we see/understand Brandi's putrid soul.

We can debate on what embrace means and who did it first and best, but a big, "how'd that work out for ya" to Lisa regarding her embracing of Brandi Glanville.
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I guess the word embrace means different things to different people which is probably why slick Lisa used that word.


By George, I believe you're right. Apparently, "embrace" can mean after the season has aired and I've seen which way the wind is blowing, I'll take you under my wing...and we'll just ignore that a couple of the HWs filmed with you and invited you out (to places like Vegas). And like you also, that worked out quite swell for Lisa. 


It's crazy, though, that Lisa feels the need to lie simply to position herself as a victim in this whole thing. 

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But her popularity never seems to take a hit the way the other women do, so she must be doing something right. Frankly, I'm rather amazed at how she's managed to maintain good graces among viewers while pretty much every other HW has been raked over the coals for their various missteps. It's interesting to me because I find Lisa by the far the most calculated and disingenuous of all the HWs yet she seems to be the only one who manages to go unscathed season after season.

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"Scheana approaches me, from what I recall, saying there had been words between her and Brandi. I believe the cameras barely caught it and a subtitle was put up on screen to explain. Nobody at SUR had a clue that there was any connection or knew that several years ago there had been a relationship with Brandi's ex-husband, whom I had never heard of. So the only plausible thing for me to do was to remove Scheana from the situation as quickly as possible out of consideration for Brandi. Not that Brandi was a friend of mine (In fact I remember her being so inconsiderate at the same party, shouting for me to give Cedric a kiss, obviously not knowing me at all), but more because she was one of my guests. If, as Brandi is suggesting, that any of us knew, trust me in that situation, she would have been asked to stay. No I sent her off ASAP and was enlightened later that she had been involved with Eddie Cibrian, while not knowing he was married, and it had resulted in an affair."


I think that Lisa was ignoring Brandi and for the most part not filming with her at all.  Brandi quickly realized that her position on the show would never be secure if she didn't film with The Queen. Therefore she ran to Lisa with shit about Adrienne.  Since Lisa was already wary of Brandi for the Cedric deal (which she thought to be true at the time), it is interesting to me that she would have so fully embraced Brandi without really questioning her motives. She seems wary enough in general to be able to see through a grifter trying to secure her next meal. I also think this is where the Bobby Fischer comment came from. Lisa no doubt told Kyle what Brandi had asserted (they both said they talked every single morning, sometimes for an hour or more, and both acknowledge they had a big fight right before the reunion) and I think Kyle was beyond pissed that Lisa was suddenly getting cozy with Brandi. 


It is also poetic justice to me that Brandi listed the reason she betrayed Adrienne as being the fact that Adrienne had started pulling away from her at the S2 reunion.  Lisa took her ill-gotten gains on that deal and ran with it, never questioning Brandi or thinking that an odd reason for one friend to turn on another. Que the film for the S4 reunion and you have Brandi saying pretty much the exact same thing about Lisa. In this case of course Lisa is just shocked that one friend would do that to another, but not so much when she was winning.  I guess hindsight and all that. 


But Lisa is famous for revisionist history, which is what is happening here. Maybe if Lisa had written something like this at the time of the original airing, I would believe it, but this is Lisa going back and getting her ducks all in a row. When Adrienne asked Brandi why she would snitch to Lisa, Brandi's response was not, "Because you stopped contacting me." Her response was, "Because she's my friend." And then Adrienne said, "But I'm your friend too!" And that is when Brandi said, "I haven't seen you or barely heard from you since filming stopped." Brandi reported that Lisa came to her birthday party and also referenced a lunch she recently had with Lisa where Lisa stood up for Taylor - so, this notion that Brandi and Lisa had no contact between Season 2 wrapping and the reunion isn't true. Lisa never once refutes the times Brandi mentions them hanging out. In fact, when Adrienne/Kyle suggest that Lisa has become friends with Brandi as a tactical move, Lisa gets offended and say she has become friendly with Brandi because she genuinely likes her, "I don't need allies." So, Brandi and Lisa were definitely becoming friendly pre-reunion and it was not all predicated on Brandi running to Lisa with dirt moments before taping.


Please don't take this as me defending Brandi because I really can't stand her (I also can't stand Lisa), but I did watch the season 2 reunion recently, so these items really stood out to me.


I feel like this thread is becoming like a "Serial" podcast - ha!

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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As far as the initial embrace I think it was Camille.  Camille was kindly toward Brandi and they had good times in Hawaii.  Lisa wasn't at many of the events and she and Ken even commented on the lack of thoughtfulness of  Kyle inviting Brandi to Hawaii.  Perhaps what Lisa is saying is of the current RHOBH she was the first to embrace Brandi.  Otherwise her statement is subject to scrutiny.  Since Bravo has goofed up their website and erased all the history of the show the best I could find was this  PART OF THIS LINK CONTAINS BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF UPCOMING EPISODES THROUGH THE END OF JANUARY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Real_Housewives_of_Beverly_Hills_episodes   From what I gathered Lisa and Brandi had very little interaction until Hawaii and then season was pretty much over-was Brandi at Pandora's wedding? 


I do feel that Lisa and Ken were kind and perhaps went overboard in their embracing Brandi, something they now certainly regret.  After last spring's "Feel Sorry for Lisa", "Will Lisa Come Back" sympathy tours I am just not understanding all this silly cat and mouse between Brandi and Lisa.  From the preview I saw they are both trying to stifle smiles and smirks which leaves with a feeling of this whole thing is way too scripted.  I am also one that does not believe Lisa was ganged up on.  As soon as questions were raised Lisa left the conversation at the beach.  I think Yolanda and Kim to much a stronger degree were crappy to Lisa and Ken but this is a man who called Yolanda stupid.  The fact Ken does these bizarre head counts at dinner parties deciding who is for and who is against someone leaves me cold.  Once the conversation broke down Kyle, Mauricio, Joyce, Michael and even Brandi stopped talking.  It became the Yolanda, Ken and Kim show.  Brandi had taken her turn on the bus with Lisa but for the most part she was relatively subdued at dinner.  I just remember a very weird Lisa walking over at the table and hugging Brandi and reminding her that they loved her.

Edited by zoeysmom
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