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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I am 100% goddamned positive that if Kim had admitted right there on stage at the reunion that she had indeed relapsed every woman present would have surrounded her with hugs and sympathy and offers to help in any way that they could help.  


I don't believe a single one of them would have "judged" her in that moment.


And it would have been one helluva epic redemption point for her stank ass in the process.


And Bravo/Andy probably would have had even higher ratings with a huge mea culpa from the franchise addict.


I sure as shit don't want to see it next season. Screw huggy doggie doo doo.

  • Love 3

I sure as shit don't want to see it next season. Screw huggy doggie doo doo.

Me, either.


I do admit it was quite masterful, the way she started out blaming her Twitter and having to do her Bravo duty and write a blog and watch the reunion for her drinking...


Then, as deftly as possible once she realizes she just threw Bravo - her boss - under the bus, she does a 180 spin and instead states it's her relationship with Kyle and Alexia that caused all of her stress.


Goddamn..."hot mess" doesn't even begin to describe this bitch.  

  • Love 15

     Oh one more thing, she kept saying that was a place she felt safe, yada yada yada.  Why not sit in the lobby?  Did she go in there, not order anything, drunk, and be expected to just hang-out and sober up???  

Because she sat in the very seat where her mother always sat when she was growing up, don't you know, 

  • Love 9

This is intriguing. I think it might mean that Bravo had already decided that they were done with Kim after the season concluded. If the contract stipulation is true, why say ok to a rival network interviewing her, unless they didn't care? Unless they really care for her and want her to get her ass to rehab, and they thought an interview with Andy wasn't the right way to go, for lots of reasons...


I think all Andy/Bravo really care about is ratings = $$$


If they thought it would be good for them they would have done it - just like they did last time.

  • Love 4

And I did just hear him accuse his mother on camera of frequently taking pills in addition to drinking  .


eta:  and smoking pot.

I think I'm done with Diva Richards.  She has had so many chances and opportunities and she has blown them all and assumed the title of victim,  I feel for those kids and yes, I feel for Kyle and her family.  Kim in so invested in being the victim and the baby in the family who should be spoiled and coddled and never ACCOUNTABLE for any of her actions. Well, if she didn't have four children to take care of maybe that wouldn't be so bad.  But those kids are 100% god damned suffering from her actions. I'm hoping Kyle and Kathy both have the wherewithal to simply walk away from Kim and her manipulations {while maintaining close contact with the children} allowing Kim to finally hit rock bottom, thus possibly enabling her to find her way to sobriety.  but I'm not holding my breath.


I don't want to come off as a little defensive -- baby of the family here -- but Kim is the middle child.   Kyle is the baby.

  • Love 5

What really pisses me off is that Monty is Brooke's FATHER!! What about Brooke's 100% goddamn pain knowing her father is dying? Now she has to deal with her drunk ass mother getting arrested and her diva demands and "anxiety". Fuck that! #SaveBrooke


And #SaveChad!!!


I'm not a particularly sensitive person, but even I seriously just felt so badly for those kids.  


The collective look on their faces during that interview told a story all its own.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 16

I agree, Anna.


I had googled earlier to see if Dr. Phil was on NBC.  I thought maybe, due to the seriousness of the interview, NBC had chosen to handle it vis a vis Dr. Phil rather than through a Bravo interview.


I was shocked to see Dr. Phil is on CBS.


And I started wringing my sweaty (yet well manicured) little hands together hoping this signaled that Bravo has released her from any future contract.


I'm starting to believe that Bravo realizes that the viewers are sick of Kim.


It's interesting that you said "future contract."   That makes me think Kim's present or most recent contract with Bravo has expired,  If that's true, after everything that's happened she'll have to pull off a miracle to get a new contract with Bravo.

  • Love 2

And seriously, how dare this nasty bitch pull this ploy on 2 people she claims to love so much, Monty and Brooke.


Can you even imagine the underlying guilt they must feel for dying and getting married?


Even though hopefully they're both well-versed in addict-speak and hopefully give no credence to her statements about how overwhelming their situations are for poor little Kimmie, that's still got to nag at them, even subconsciously.


Fuck you, Kim.  Bow out of Brooke's second wedding if it's so goddamned 100% traumatic for you and give Monty the number for local hospice care, but quit blaming your bullshit on how "stressful" their life events (or, in Monty's case, death events) are to you.  


Kim has blamed everybody going back to Adam, strike that I'm sure God is to blame too. Shut up and make it better or crawl into a corner and have your own private pity party of one. Don't make everybody else's life a living hell.


Geeze, she needs to sober up in a nice padded room swaddled in an "I love me" jacket.

I don't want to come off as a little defensive -- baby of the family here -- but Kim is the middle child.   Kyle is the baby.


Physically yes, mentally no. Kim acts like a two year old and Kyle has had to clean up Kim's shit most of her life it would seem.

  • Love 7

What really pisses me off is that Monty is Brooke's FATHER!! What about Brooke's 100% goddamn pain knowing her father is dying? Now she has to deal with her drunk ass mother getting arrested and her diva demands and "anxiety". Fuck that! #SaveBrooke

Can I get an amen up in here???


I agree 100 percent with you!!


It's all about Kim...ME! ME! ME!!! Just like in that damn video posted here a few weeks back where Kim bitches to Kyle how Brandi had treated her badly!! Fuck how Brandi treated others badly,too.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

Can I get an amen up in here???


I agree 100 percent with you!!


It's all about Kim...ME! ME! ME!!! Just like in that damn video posted here a few weeks back where Kim bitches to Kyle how Brandi had treated her badly!! Fuck how Brandi treated others badly,too.




Oh, wait...yes we do, she bellies up to the bar at the Polo Lounge and then harasses the other patrons.


Never mind.

  • Love 19

Kim said, in the Dr Phil interview, that she wanted to go somewhere to "recharge myself"... To me that means she just wants to go away for a rest, relaxation and massages. So even now, after the public 'outing' of her drinking and arrest, she doesn't believe she needs rehab. No way will any rehab, anywhere, work for someone who doesn't believe they have a problem. Add into the mix the fact that she is a narcissistic and demanding person means she isn't the type to allow anyone to convince her of anything she doesn't herself believe. What I mean is: Kim doesn't think she has a problem and it's unlikely anyone will convince her otherwise.

  • Love 16

At one point she mentioned having "little girls", as though her daughters were still in grade school. Who was she trying to fool? She must not have been expecting her "little girls" to join her on camera.

Forgive my ignorance, but is this Malibu Sober Living even an appropriate place for Kim? I thought sober living was where addicts went after they had gone through detox/rehab. My knowledge of rehab is pretty much limited to Dr Drew shows.

Chad was awesome! He barely spoke but when he did, he told it straight! I hope he gets his own issues worked out.

  • Love 13

I think all Andy/Bravo really care about is ratings = $$$


If they thought it would be good for them they would have done it - just like they did last time.

Except last time, Andy interviewed her after rehab, so it was more of a "tell us how you are doing" and "what have you learned" kind of interview. Much softer in tone. Not only was Andy not the right kind of host/interviewer for this post-arrest intervention sit-down, but there would have been too much conflict of interest.

I also don't agree that all Andy or Bravo cares about is ratings and money. Of course they care about that A LOT. The network is a for-profit company, not a feel-good charity organization. But Andy, in particular, has a long-time relationship with many of them. Some of the producers, too - they get to know the cast pretty well and form personal relationships, and they're human. I'm not saying they don't exploit the many times the cast fucks up, but I also don't think they wish them harm or react with glee when something bad happens. In fact, they usually go the other way and circle the wagons. Case(s) in point - Taylor after Russell's suicide, Teresa on NJ, and Kim's repeated relapses.

  • Love 4


Kim said, in the Dr Phil interview, that she wanted to go somewhere to "recharge myself"

God, it is times like this when I wish I was there in front of Kim's fucked up face. I would have told her, "Isn't that what you did when you went to Cabo TWICE recently"?




"I bet Monty would love to recharge himself and be 100 percent NOT IN PAIN!"

  • Love 15

Kim said, in the Dr Phil interview, that she wanted to go somewhere to "recharge myself"... To me that means she just wants to go away for a rest, relaxation and massages. So even now, after the public 'outing' of her drinking and arrest, she doesn't believe she needs rehab. No way will any rehab, anywhere, work for someone who doesn't believe they have a problem. Add into the mix the fact that she is a narcissistic and demanding person means she isn't the type to allow anyone to convince her of anything she doesn't herself believe. What I mean is: Kim doesn't think she has a problem and it's unlikely anyone will convince her otherwise.


Kyle and her kids need to just cut her out of their lives.


This bitch has no desire to get sober.  None.  Nil.  Nada.  Zippo.


No matter how much they love her, they need to love her (and themselves) enough to stop enabling her bullshit and let her drink/drug herself into oblivion as she so desires at this point.


She will just continue to keep their lives in a constant state of turmoil and upheaval.  She's made her choice perfectly clear, and it's NOT to stop using/abusing substances.  They need to resign themselves to that fact and let her sink or swim.  


At one point she mentioned having "little girls", as though her daughters were still in grade school. Who was she trying to fool? She must not have been expecting her "little girls" to join her on camera.

Forgive my ignorance, but is this Malibu Sober Living even an appropriate place for Kim? I thought sober living was where addicts went after they had gone through detox/rehab. My knowledge of rehab is pretty much limited to Dr Drew shows.

Chad was awesome! He barely spoke but when he did, he told it straight! I hope he gets his own issues worked out.


I caught that "little girls" comment, too, but then thought I must have misheard what she said.  Glad to know I wasn't hearing things!


I strongly suspect she would have been sent there after a medical detox.  I thought I heard mention of detox at some point during the interview, but I'll have to watch it again to catch the context.  


I agree, I'm totally rooting for Chad.  Of course, now that I've seen Kim's true colors a few times this season and during this interview, I can't help but wonder how much Chad's issues are directly related to growing up in a household led by Kim.


Their childhoods must have been an absolute nightmare...which is continuing into their adult lives now.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 13

I am sorry but why should Kyle quit a successful show because her sister can't behave?  To me that is the ultimate in enabling.  Event though Kim couldn't keep the number of months straight it is apparent that Kyle decided not to grovel back to Kim.  Nice of her to send Kim a text after she got arrested.  Sounds like Kyle has stood firm in her resolve to not speak to Kim until honest conversations can take place.




Amen. Kyle quitting would be the ultimate in enabling. Why should she walk away if she is enjoying it, regardless of whether or not she needs the money. She seems to be good at this. She is kind of the ultimate HW. She has the money, the husband, the kids and the house porn. She films with most everyone, likes to have a good time, but is still able to bring plenty of drama when necessary. She gives us elements to snark on. 


Having said all of that, and with the hope that she comes back, it would be epic if she walked away because she thought it wasn't good for her family. Epic. I cannot think of a HW that just walked away from all of this, without having another Bravo show in their back pocket. Maybe that chick on the OC show the first season (the girl that moved back to Chicago). Maybe Lydia on the OC show? The rest of them just didn't have their contracts renewed.  It would be interesting to see a HW who is kind of at the top of her popularity, coming off of a pretty good season just say that she doesn't want to do it anymore.  Of course we have no idea if she is under contract or not, so she might not have much to say about it in the end. 


Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 13

I'm still processing but one quote jumped out at me and it was when Chad said, "I live with you...You take pills, you do this every once in awhile, you smoke pot." To me it sounded like Chad was making a gesture of some kind when he said 'you do this every once in awhile'. Something that he doesn't feel that he can talk about when he's mic'd up. JMO. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 11

I'm still processing but one quote jumped out at me and it was when Chad said, "I live with you...You take pills, you do this every once in awhile, you smoke pot. To me it sounded like Chad was making a gesture of some kind when he said 'you do this every once in awhile'. Something that he doesn't feel that he can talk about when he's mic'd up. JMO. 


It's probably coke which wouldn't be surprising.  Or he could had said been gesturing smoking weed before he said she smokes it.  Kim looks like the type she's done every type of drug presented to her. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 13

Dr Phil said that Malibu Sober Living was a dual diagnostic center--usually when he says that it means they focus on the patient's physical and mental health and work on both things.   Some of the places he sends people--they specifically have some kind of physical issue that is causing the mental stuff and he talks about the doctors doing a full work-up to get the full picture.

  • Love 4

Amen. Kyle quitting would be the ultimate in enabling. Why should she walk away if she is enjoying it, regardless of whether or not she needs the money. She seems to be good at this. She is kind of the ultimate HW. She has the money, the husband, the kids and the house porn. She films with most everyone, likes to have a good time, but is still able to bring plenty of drama when necessary. She gives us elements to snark on. 


Having said all of that, and with the hope that she comes back, it would be epic if she walked away because she thought it wasn't good for her family. Epic. I cannot think of a HW that just walked away from all of this, without having another Bravo show in their back pocket. Maybe that chick on the OC show the first season (the girl that moved back to Chicago). Maybe Lydia on the OC show? The rest of them just didn't have their contracts renewed.  It would be interesting to see a HW who is kind of at the top of her popularity, coming off of a pretty good season just say that she doesn't want to do it anymore.  Of course we have no idea if she is under contract or not, so she might not have much to say about it in the end. 


Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion. 

I don't think Kyle should quit to help Kim I think she needs to get away from the toxic mess that RHoBH has become for her own sanity and by doing so it would also maybe help Kim. If you think about the storylines she's been a part of its been pretty dark. Besides Kim and the cheating storylines she was also Taylor's friend during everything with Russell and Camille practically put out a hit on her at least by RHW standards.

  • Love 2

Can we focus on the good news here? Kim went on Twitter in preparation for writing her blog! There's gonna be a blog, you guys!

Please if, IF, she ever writes it, her blog will be a dubious mile long laundry list of grievances that would need a festivus pole for us to climb and keep above the quagmire of her life issues.

  • Love 10


Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion.

My impression was Kim starting saying this when she realized she had been blaming the show, the reunion, having to blog.... which was blaming the hand that feeds her...so she quickly turned it into something else. That's the way with addicts and/or liars...they shift with the wind.

  • Love 11

Please if, IF, she ever writes it, her blog will be a dubious mile long laundry list of grievances that would need a festivus pole for us to climb and keep above the quagmire of her life issues.

I was waiting for Kim to mention to Dr. Phil that Previously TV board was one of her grievances - "Do you know I how felt reading what was being said about ME on message boards such as Previously TV?!! Horrible!!"



Dr Phil said that Malibu Sober Living was a dual diagnostic center--usually when he says that it means they focus on the patient's physical and mental health and work on both things

He did mention Kim has other issues going on and then mentioned the anxiety, depression and I think he mentioned something else. So, it appears he feels what some of us have mentioned here - Kim has mental issues going on besides the addiction.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion.

Right, but that's only because she's all over the place, she always says whatever she has to say in the moment. On Dr. Phil, she can act all sorrowful about Kyle and Alexia because they're not right there in front of her, and it's a way to draw sympathy as well as deflect from whatever DP was saying. At the reunion, no one's challenging her about her sobriety, so she gets to go on the offense, and therefore targets Kyle, as usual. Jab after jab, finger point after finger point, and loving every minute of it. But then of course on Dr. Phil, she was constantly on the defensive, and she wasn't able to control the room, like she always does, and man, what a difference.

  • Love 17

The one thing I came away with from the Dr. Phil show is that this man should HOST EVERY SINGLE REUNION show from now on.  Dude didn't let Kim get away with anything!


My favorite quote:  "You need help.  You need treatment.  You were drunk in a bar at 1:30 in the morning fighting with a cop."


Totally put Andy to shame.

Edited by TV Glotzer
  • Love 23

She keeps the guy waiting, she continues to deny and deflect (love that he called her on this), she says "fuck him", and the guy still pays for her rehab. Kim has no idea how lucky she is.


She doesn't even seem to really care that her kids clearly want her to go to rehab. Even the son who uses/used drugs wants her to go. It must be really bad.


She admits that the other kids who aren't there as much as Chad have seen a "few" things.


These are all incidents outside of the show and Kim still honestly thinks that she doesn't have a problem. I've been over feeling sorry for her for ages now and the brief glimmer of guilt I felt at being amused by the details of her arrest was totally killed by this interview. How can Kathy have thought this would be a good idea? An interview post rehab, sure, but this had disaster written all over it. 


The Polo Lounge is also a favorite spot of Kyle's (and Lisa's) and I wonder if it's going to be weird for her to go back. Will Kim be banned? 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 10

I agree, Anna.


I had googled earlier to see if Dr. Phil was on NBC.  I thought maybe, due to the seriousness of the interview, NBC had chosen to handle it vis a vis Dr. Phil rather than through a Bravo interview.


I was shocked to see Dr. Phil is on CBS.


And I started wringing my sweaty (yet well manicured) little hands together hoping this signaled that Bravo has released her from any future contract.

Dr. Phil is syndicated shown on the NBC affiliate where I live.  CBS production produces tons of shows many of which are shown on competing networks and cable networks.  No harm, no  foul.  Teresa may have signed a lucrative deal with Bravo post sentencing but for the most part none of these women are tied to Bravo in the off season.  Ithink many of the women hae appeared on "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC in a competing time slot.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

Oh, Kim. You poor, frightened sparrow. You're were scared of the cops who came barreling in after you were trespassing, refused to leave the Polo Lounge and harrassing paying patrons you don't know? You're frightened of going to a rehab establishment you don't know (because they may not give you pampered celebrity treatment you think you deserve)? The horror!


Things I learned from Kim's interview with Dr. Phil:

  • No one at the Dr. Phil Show bothered to corroborate Kim's story of not being served alcohol by talking to the staff at the BH hotel
  • Kim hasn't had a drop of vodka in 10 years (roll footage of her having vodka on the show)
  • She has one of the ugliest cry faces I've ever seen. Instead of eliciting sympathy as intended, it makes me burst out in laughter (on occasion).
  • Her mother Big Kathy has been sitting at a booth in the Polo Lounge since she was six years old (and is still sitting there??)
  • She likes to play peek-a-boo every five minutes (good indication of severe mental stunting)
  • If anyone is in 100% pain, its Kim's children.
  • The real Kim is the one behind closed doors who doesn't wait two seconds to exclaim "Fuck him!" to the man who's willing to foot the bill for her rehabilitation stint. What a diva extraordinaire. "Fuck him" indeed! Fuck that man who would separate you from all your drugs of choice for as many as 30 days, all while doing it alongside regular Joes.


I have to admit I have never watched Dr. Phil before, but I was impressed.  He called her out on all her BS.  I guess Kim thought it was going to be an Andy Cohen interview. 


Dr. Phil certainly had her number, calling her out on some of her bad behavior, namely the deflecting and minimizing. He also pointed out that alcoholics and addicts tell a lot of half truths and often blatantly lie, as we have seen with Kim. She really needs to give up the charade at this point. No one believes she was not drinking during the filming of this show (and even if she was, who cares? She clearly was doing a lot of secret pill popping and boozing when she was alone).

However, he did not call her out on "all her BS," as you stated. There was one very egregious omission; her drinking and driving. How can such a serious offense go undiscussed? My guess is that Kathy must have made some stipulation to the interview, lest Kim get in any more legal trouble than she already is now.


Brooke said this was the best thing (the arrest) that could happen to her mother. That was very powerful and valuable in my opinion.  I am sure over 20+ years those kids have said plenty to Kim.


I disagree with Brooke on this issue. The best thing that could have happened to Kim would have been getting slammed with a DUI and jail time. Even that may not have forced her to have the wake up call she so desperately needs though. Actually, better yet, make her punishment be forcing to relinquish her invitation to Brooke's "wedding." Now that might actually cause Kim to re-evaluate her behavior because she would be facing consequences that mattered to her. Besides, this "wedding" isn't even really a wedding ceremony any way, so much as it is a protracted reception for an already married couple. Nevertheless, almost nothing that can come between her and her drug using/abusing. 


I don't remember where I saw this, but some time ago (seasons ago) I read that Kyle would not do the show without Kim.  It may not have ever been true, but it sounds like Kyle. 


But if it was true, I doubt that is still the case, because I think Kim has ruined the show for Kyle. I don't think Kyle ever wanted to go to the dark side - her outburst in the limo season 1 was just that - an outburst because she lost control.


I've always maintained the reason Kyle wanted to do RHOBH with Kim was so that she could (1) expose Kim for the alcoholic she is so that she could get help (or Kyle could finally be free of her, depending on who you ask) and (2) garner sympathy for having to endure her intolerable sister for all these years. I think Kyle truly does care about Kim but also would love to be rid of her and the constant black hole of need that hovers above her.


Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion. 


So much for Kim being very happy in her life and completely fine with the status of her relationship with her sister, as she asserted in part 1 of the reunion. Then again, who was buying that? The facade has finally come down. Kim needs to own up and admit that just about every word she has uttered in the past "three and a half years of sobriety" have been fabricated lies..


I'm still processing but one quote jumped out at me and it was when Chad said, "I live with you...You take pills, you do this every once in awhile, you smoke pot." To me it sounded like Chad was making a gesture of some kind when he said 'you do this every once in awhile'. Something that he doesn't feel that he can talk about when he's mic'd up. JMO. 


Needle-in-arm heroin gesture? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  • Love 12

notnowimbusy I am deeply sorry for what you are going through with your SIL. 


For those of us who have had to watch a loved one die a slow death, be at their bedside and tend to their every need day and night, it really is insulting to hear Kim use Monty as her excuse when we know where he is at because of social media. What is also irksome, was how some fell for her crap and Brandi's lies from her blog to then give Kim excuses for why she wouldn't write a blog - "The poor woman is dealing with her son in a mental hospital and tending to a dying Monty!" Trying to shame us for our unsympathetic comments. Fuck that. I have seen the addict game play out way too many times, and thanks to social media, we learned Kim was in Cabo. She was not tending to Monty and she was not concerned about her son as Brandi would have some believe.


The Polo Lounge has been in the RHoBH news before. It is the place where Lisa V. was with her friend, local news anchor, Robert Kovacik, when he was verbally and physically assaulted (no, not by Kim) by a bar patron: http://hollywoodlife.com/2010/12/24/lisa-vanderpump-robert-kovacik-beverly-hills-bar-fight-assault/#!



I'm still processing but one quote jumped out at me and it was when Chad said, "I live with you...You take pills, you do this every once in awhile, you smoke pot."

Snorting coke gesture?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14

And seriously, how dare this nasty bitch pull this ploy on 2 people she claims to love so much, Monty and Brooke.


Can you even imagine the underlying guilt they must feel for dying and getting married?


Even though hopefully they're both well-versed in addict-speak and hopefully give no credence to her statements about how overwhelming their situations are for poor little Kimmie, that's still got to nag at them, even subconsciously.


Fuck you, Kim.  Bow out of Brooke's second wedding if it's so goddamned 100% traumatic for you and give Monty the number for local hospice care, but quit blaming your bullshit on how "stressful" their life events (or, in Monty's case, death events) are to you.  

Let's all be real the second wedding is a week long party in Cabo or wherever because Brooke is all about the wedding and not the marriage.  Grow up folks --if this second wedding is causing such consternation wait until 1 year or 5 years.  Monty is in Las Vegas partying this past weekend and waiting for the fight this weekend. Kingsley did not take the big dog nap and Ki is maybe in rehab and her kids are moving on with their lives.  The big clue is Kim kept saying-people who know me-not her kids so who would that be?  

  • Love 6

I'm not surprised there hasn't been any comments or even leaks from the Beverly Hills Hotel. Discretion and privacy are sacrosanct in the hospitality industry, esp. hotels. Plus, this one in particular is in Hollywood, and caters to a long line of celebrities. If they ever blabbed about a celeb, esp. about a story that's all over the press, they'd be out of business in a heartbeat.

  • Love 18

What really pisses me off is that Monty is Brooke's FATHER!! What about Brooke's 100% goddamn pain knowing her father is dying? Now she has to deal with her drunk ass mother getting arrested and her diva demands and "anxiety". Fuck that! #SaveBrooke

Why isn't Brooke taking care of Dad-she vacations about two weeks out of the month.  This is a screwed up family.  Brooke needs to step up and take care of dad instead of leaving her parents in charge of the dog and having a second wedding. 

  • Love 8
Can we focus on the good news here? Kim went on Twitter in preparation for writing her blog! There's gonna be a blog, you guys!



I don't know how to write the sound of the snort issuing from my nasal cavity.



Giselle and Almost 3000, don't kill my dream!


notnowimbusy - I couldn't agree with you more about Kim claiming to be a caregiver. So offensive to real caregivers on every level that she keeps calling herself that.


BTW, did anyone else notice at the start of the show, they showed a clip of her in the back of the limo with the empty coke baggie?!

  • Love 7

. What is next? Kyle has to wipe Kim's ass???

Sadly, I am sure Kyle has been there done that for Kim already.


And #SaveChad!!!


I'm not a particularly sensitive person, but even I seriously just felt so badly for those kids.  


The collective look on their faces during that interview told a story all its own.

All of Kim's kids have been put through hell most of their lives. Did you notice how thin Kimberly is? Her face looks like skin stretched over bones, she is so thin and I expect it has a lot to do with the stress/worry about her mother. 


Can we focus on the good news here? Kim went on Twitter in preparation for writing her blog! There's gonna be a blog, you guys!

Huh? Whaaaa? Oh sorry, I passed out because I was holding my breath waiting for Kim's promised blog! ;)



She keeps the guy waiting, she continues to deny and deflect (love that he called her on this), she says "fuck him", and the guy still pays for her rehab. Kim has no idea how lucky she is.


She doesn't even seem to really care that her kids clearly want her to go to rehab. Even the son who uses/used drugs wants her to go. It must be really bad.


She admits that the other kids who aren't there as much as Chad have seen a "few" things.


These are all incidents outside of the show and Kim still honestly thinks that she doesn't have a problem. I've been over feeling sorry for her for ages now and the brief glimmer of guilt I felt at being amused by the details of her arrest was totally killed by this interview. How can Kathy have thought this would be a good idea? An interview post rehab, sure, but this had disaster written all over it. 


The Polo Lounge is also a favorite spot of Kyle's (and Lisa's) and I wonder if it's going to be weird for her to go back. Will Kim be banned? 

I got the impression that DP did not pay for Kim's rehab because she went somewhere else. He said that she kept changing her mind and finally she chose a place and went but he did not say it was to the Sober Living rehab he made arrangements for. My guess, is that she went to Passages, their "style" of rehab is right up Kim's alley IMO. 

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Amen. Kyle quitting would be the ultimate in enabling. Why should she walk away if she is enjoying it, regardless of whether or not she needs the money. She seems to be good at this. She is kind of the ultimate HW. She has the money, the husband, the kids and the house porn. She films with most everyone, likes to have a good time, but is still able to bring plenty of drama when necessary. She gives us elements to snark on. 


Having said all of that, and with the hope that she comes back, it would be epic if she walked away because she thought it wasn't good for her family. Epic. I cannot think of a HW that just walked away from all of this, without having another Bravo show in their back pocket. Maybe that chick on the OC show the first season (the girl that moved back to Chicago). Maybe Lydia on the OC show? The rest of them just didn't have their contracts renewed.  It would be interesting to see a HW who is kind of at the top of her popularity, coming off of a pretty good season just say that she doesn't want to do it anymore.  Of course we have no idea if she is under contract or not, so she might not have much to say about it in the end. 


Bringing it back around to Kim; it was interesting to hear her say that the deal with her relationship with Kyle and Alexia was the thing that was really bothering her. Very different from what she had to say about her relationship with Kyle at the reunion. 

Maybe Km would have some thing intelligent to say If she watched the frigging episodes.  I think Kim thinks Bravo is saying flogging instead of blogging.  For the most part according to Kim she doesn't watch the shows. The blogs she has turned in seem to indicate the same.   As to her brain impaired offspring their aunt Kyle was very much in Kim's corner until the ungrateful bitch showed up at the Gay Mixer with Brandi. Pay attention kids- family matters.      

Edited by zoeysmom
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