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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Kim is likely to stay for a good few months and be right out before filming starts up again.

She also made the decision which one shes going too. Not the one Phil chose for her. She will be pampered and treated like a diva. I wonder has she ever been to that one?

Kim is going to have to make believer out of me this go around. It's easy for her to go, get detoxed and have a few talks in a circle about her struggles with drugs and alcohol. Kim is going to have to put in the work and show me shes committed with no bullshit.

Well, last time, she made it about 3 months, Paris, before having a noticeable slip up! I do not hold out much hope it will be longer this time if she does not stay in-patient longer but the wedding is no that far away and she will attend the wedding no matter what IMO. 

Don't insurance companies cap it at 28 days inpatient?

I do not think Kim has insurance. I suspect that either Monty, Kathy or Brooke/husband are paying for this rehab.

Edited by WireWrap
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Either that or Passages. Passages is a holistic "approach", not a 12 step program, so that would take off the "makes amends" part of rehab, which would seem to fit what she wants. Interesting that Monty is in Vegas, but the real question is who's feeding Kingsley???? I loved the "as long as it takes", so what do you think - a week? Enough time for Monty to get back, still time to plan to go to the wedding, and enough time to tell Bravo she went to rehab? My bet is she addresses her "one time" lapse of drinking, but will not discuss anything else. Kim does rehab on her own terms.

Enough time for Monty to get back score some more pills. Im sorry Kim latest trick isnt warming me up to her. Had she went to the one in Texas like Dr Phil wanted I been more inclined to be a bit hopeful. I cant with this.

Well, last time, she made it about 3 months, Paris, before having a noticeable slip up! I do not hold out much hope it will be longer this time if she does not stay in-patient longer but the wedding is no that far away and she will attend the wedding no matter what IMO.

If she escapes her latest wool over the eyes scheme, Kathy will be asking "You do magic now?" Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 9

I was talking about Promises. I don't know anything about Passages apart from the fact that they have a lot of TV ads.

Isn't that the ad with the guy who says he was an addict for ten years and now he's "not"?

If that's the same place, I would never go to a rehab where they say that somebody is "not" an addict anymore.

I haven't had a drop of alcohol since December of '89 and I am still and always will be an alcoholic. Just because you're clean doesn't mean you're cured.

Like the saying goes, once an addict always an addict.

Passages is bullshit in my opinion.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 14

Isn't that the ad with the guy who says he was an addict for ten years and now he's "not"?

If that's the same place, I would never go to a rehab where they say that somebody is "not" an addict anymore.

I haven't had a drop of alcohol since December of '89 and I am still and always will be an alcoholic. Just because you're clean doesn't mean you're cured.

Like the saying goes, once an addict always an addict.

Passages is bullshit in my opinion.

Yes. That's the one. More of a club med than tre.atment center.
  • Love 2

It could also be Seasons, which is the touchy-feely, ass-kissing, obscenely expensive rehab center in Malibu where Amber and Janelle (both from MTV's Teen Mom franchises) went.


And we see how much good that did those women.


Maybe it's something in the water but Malibu's rehab facilities definitely seem to be just overpriced addict babysitters, IMO.

  • Love 9

So to clarify no one knows where Kim is other than, per TMZ, she checked herself into a facility in Malibu.  There are several treatment centers in Malibu, with varying track records/reputations, and presumably most follow the Malibu model which is less regimented than the traditional model. 

Edited by quinn

Kim has been slip sliding her sobriety for her whole adult life. Her coy humor about falling off the wagon with one of Monty's pills and now a little glass of vodka did not seem to slide by Dr. Phil. He called her out on her bad behavior as a mother and she ran away as usual.

Forgiving her behavior must be so very hard for her children, but it appears they stuck by her side for the Dr. Phil intervention and so far it worked. As usual the balls in her court...hope she gives rehab a serious chance to work this time.

  • Love 6



Apparently the neighbors aren't all that keen on all the treatment centers in Malibu.


This one offers Wolf and Wolf dog therapy sounds perfect for Kim.  http://www.promises.com/treatment-programs/young-adult-rehab/wolf-therapy/


My guess is that in order to get Kim into rehab there were promises made that she would be able to attend the wedding-which very well may be at the end of May and after the 28 day period.  If Kim is opting for a longer stay she may realize that her sobriety is more important than her daughter's wedding.  To me, this wedding number two seems more like a big vacation party.  My guess is there sill be some filming with the cast of Beverly Hills Rich Kids if that show is still  on. 


It struck me as odd that once the dream destination wedding was moved to Holmby Hills and from a February 2015 date to a August 2014 date the destination wedding was brought back to life and in May.  It would seem if it was important for the father of the bride to be there the wedding would have stayed with the February timeline, especially after the early 2015 prognosis. 


Meanwhile Paris Hilton involves herself in her own form of Rehab in Las Vegas-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3055812/Paris-Hilton-dons-shiny-disco-ball-dress-performs-DJ-set-Hard-Rock-Hotel-pool-party-Las-Vegas.html Father of the groom was sure to attend this landmark event.


I am glad Kim went to rehab and once again much like last time it seems to be on her terms.


  • Love 2

Kim doesn't want to go to rehab and is going (probably) because of family, legal, and work issues. She is not going to rehab for the right reasons: getting drug and alcohol free for herself


This is why I don't think she will be in there very long. Or that much will change. Sure she might white knuckle it through the wedding but, I see Kim going right back to her same routine very soon after the wedding.

She is going, so everybody will get off her back, not because she thinks she has a problem. Remember according to Kim she has been sober for 3 years.

I don't mean to be so negative. I hope she gets better and her life can be full without drugs and alcohol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

What do you mean?

LIMOM-The Screen Actors Guild of which Kim, Kyle, Lisa, Lisar and Eileen are members offer very affordable health insurance for its members.  There are provisions for currently working actors and actors who are not currently working.  (Reality shows don't count)  So Kim most likely has insurance-I think it is just one of those things tabloids make up. 



Many,  many people will work to first get a SAG card and then to maintain a minimum number of performances to keep it. 

  • Love 2

LIMOM-The Screen Actors Guild of which Kim, Kyle, Lisa, Lisar and Eileen are members offer very affordable health insurance for its members. There are provisions for currently working actors and actors who are not currently working. (Reality shows don't count) So Kim most likely has insurance-I think it is just one of those things tabloids make up.


Many, many people will work to first get a SAG card and then to maintain a minimum number of performances to keep it.

I think LIMOM was referring to the insurance rates going up. As least I was. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5


There are provisions for currently working actors and actors who are not currently working.  (Reality shows don't count)  So Kim most likely has insurance-I think it is just one of those things tabloids make up.


Some TV shows (Murder, She Wrote was one) hire actors who are in danger of losing their insurance, giving them a small speaking role so they can keep on the list. Maybe that's how Kim ended up on Revenge.

  • Love 2


This is why I don't think she will be in there very long. Or that much will change. Sure she might white knuckle it through the wedding but, I see Kim going right back to her same routine very soon after the wedding.

She is going, so everybody will get off her back, not because she thinks she has a problem. Remember according to Kim she has been sober for 3 years.

I don't mean to be so negative. I hope she gets better and her life can be full without drugs and alcohol.

Maybe this time there will be someone available to break through her BS.  Sometimes after detoxing there becomes a clarity and that clarity results in candor that will help Kim save her life.  It doesn't matter to the treatment facility if Kim is candid about her past regarding amounts and substances publicly it just matters that Kim acknowledge it privately.  Before Kim can make a commitment to rigorous honesty she needs to learn when and how to tell inquiring minds what she is comfortable answering and what she is not comfortable answering.  It might mean she stay away from reality TV or one on one interviews. 


Recently one of her former co-stars who had perhaps one of the more public battles with substance abuse asked that an interviewer stop with the questions about his past as he was there to promote his recent movie and then finally did walk out when the interviewer persisted http://www.nbcnews.com/watch/nbc-news/awkward-robert-downey-jr-walks-out-of-tv-interview-432715331861 .  Later he met up with Diane Sawyer and gave her a hug.  The difference between the two is Kim has done little but make a living off of her drunkenness and quest for sobriety in the past six or so years.  Downey on the other hand is making a required press interview that is suppose to be about the movie and not about his pre sobriety behavior.


Downey has one of my favorite quotes when it comes to alcohol and narcotics, "I don't drink these days.  I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics.  I break out in handcuffs."  I am hoping Kim can find her way and enjoy some success outside of reality TV. 

  • Love 7

I think LIMOM was referring to the insurance rates going up. As least I was.




If that is the case, kadooz to the kind people who gave a hand to Kim.

Thanks to all of you for setting me straight on LIMOM inquiry.


I think Kim qualifies as there is a 10 year rule that goes to their eligibility-at least when it comes to pension.   She ill afford to turn down any roles in the future-although she does claim to have a little more pride than Lisar.

Robert did not want to speak about his son. It has nothing to do with his willingness to speak about his past.

I never heard the word son mentioned.  I heard the interviewer mention his father.  And prior to that the interviewer talking about a comment he made in an interview several years earlier.  If it is about his son could respect that  but I have not found a single article that claims it was about his son.

  • Love 2

Please, Kim could use an endorsement like LisaR got.

Maybe she needs to cozy up with PMK.

Kris takes care of her people. (For her 10%)

Thanks to all of you for setting me straight on LIMOM inquiry.


I think Kim qualifies as there is a 10 year rule that goes to their eligibility-at least when it comes to pension.   She ill afford to turn down any roles in the future-although she does claim to have a little more pride than Lisar.

I never heard the word son mentioned.  I heard the interviewer mention his father.  And prior to that the interviewer talking about a comment he made in an interview several years earlier.  If it is about his son could respect that  but I have not found a single article that claims it was about his son.

His son is unfortunately an addict as well and I heard that the interviewer was going to go there. Edited by LIMOM

If Kim is making the decisions, than this is just one more manipulation and control maneuver.    Whatever her plans are have nothing to do with getting sober, but rather a way to get out of her legal problems and weasel out of dealing with her addictions and problems.

        It won't happen, but what she needs is to go to jail, then a rehab NOT of her choice.

  • Love 5

Isn't that the ad with the guy who says he was an addict for ten years and now he's "not"?

If that's the same place, I would never go to a rehab where they say that somebody is "not" an addict anymore.

I haven't had a drop of alcohol since December of '89 and I am still and always will be an alcoholic. Just because you're clean doesn't mean you're cured.

Like the saying goes, once an addict always an addict.

Passages is bullshit in my opinion.

I agree. I am a recovering alcohol

Please, Kim could use an endorsement like LisaR got.

Maybe she needs to cozy up with PMK.

Kris takes care of her people. (For her 10%)

His son is unfortunately an addict as well and I heard that the interviewer was going to go there.

Maybe she could do some dog food commercials

  • Love 5

Oh here's another theory. Her court appearance is on Jun10. If she completes the program her charges will be dropped and just pay a petty fine as a first time offender.

Kim is already setting the scene perfect like a director to a movie.

she wouldn't do time either way. Waste of time and money, IMO, but I am sure it's worth it to   it to Dr. Phony. He can keep his followers that he is a hero.


It won't take. Kim doesn't want to change and instead of BRAVO threatening her, they are probably sending her flowers every time she embarrasses herself and her family

  • Love 4

she wouldn't do time either way. Waste of time and money, IMO, but I am sure it's worth it to it to Dr. Phony. He can keep his followers that he is a hero.

No one said she was going to jail (though 10 days in the hole might be good for her). Yet the judge might had sent her to rehab on his or her own and maybe even to a rehab that wouldn't cater to her like a "star" and made sure she completed rehab whatever they might had issued.

  • Love 3

I'm wondering if this is in fact the place that Dr. Phil wanted to send her to. The Daily Mail article mentioned Brooke saying "why are u being so F*&%ING pickey? It's local, it's on the beach and you'd be able to go to the wedding"

Yes. Thats why she chose Malibu. She will be in a lap of luxury. Dr Phil was probably going to send her to the one in Texas but based on the DM article she had a bitchfit. Again shes having it her way.

  • Love 8

Yes. Thats why she chose Malibu. She will be in a lap of luxury. Dr Phil was probably going to send her to the one in Texas but based on the DM article she had a bitchfit. Again shes having it her way.

Lol, she is going to call Dr. Phil's supervisor, she is going to call his boss--no, she's going to call the owner of the company. No, better yet she's going to write a goddamn letter!


Sorry, I'm not the only person who thought of the movie White Chicks upon reading bitchfit, right? 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 2

Just my opinion but this "check into rehab" is all for show.


She's seen the backlash  of what has been leaked of her Dr. Phil interview and she's checked in before it  actually airs to make it a moot point.  Good luck with that.  However, she will attack anyone who comments on the show because clearly, she's handling her sobriety.  (GAG!)


She's getting herself situated for any legal actions taken by the court.  If she had waited for a court hearing, the court could have ordered her to a rehab of its choosing.  Now she can claim she's seen the light and in rehab and the court will probably go along with it.


Lastly, she's setting herself up for another year of: 

"I'm not  struggling with my sobriety"

"Mind your own Bizwax."

"My sobriety is off limits."

"Kyle doesn't support me."


Bravo had better give her the ax.  I really hope none of her co-stars or the production crew get sucked into the suckage that is Kim.

  • Love 11

No matter how you slice it, Kim is a sick woman.  The words she utters and the decisions she makes come from a brain that has been pickled in alcohol and drugs.  It's a wonder to me, after all of the abuse done to her body, that she can even think straight.  Right now, I imagine that her friends and even her Bravo employers have to do the thinking for her.  I think she doesn't know what she wants.  She probably knows that she needs help, but she doesn't want to go all the way back to Square One and start all over again with the same old, same old programs handed out in rehab.  In a way, I don't blame her, yet she has to do it.


I don't hate Kim.  I don't like her, at least the way she is now, but I can't hate her because I don't know who or what she is.  The real Kim, I mean.  I find myself becoming a little bit bored with her problems and a little bit resentful that her wacky behavior has taken up so much space on this board.  I know, I can travel on to other topics if I want to, but I know darned well that the next little turn of events with Kim will have me right back here, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, to see what's going on!  I must like train wrecks.



  • Love 4

Report: Kim Richards Enters Rehab

A source tells People that the arrest spurred Richards, 50, to enter treatment.

"Kim went to rehab finally because she got arrested, she humiliated her kids and she wants to avoid jail," the source says. "If the arrest hadn't happened, she wouldn't be going to rehab; it would be business as usual. She's in denial that she has a problem."

Richards was arrested on April 16 at the Beverly Hills hotel and charged with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer.

Richards recently spoke about her drinking habits with Dr. Phil, before storming out of the interview when Dr. Phil questioned her parenting skills. The interview is scheduled to air Tuesday on Dr. Phil.


Oh. Found this under TT's comments. Guess Kingsley is gone.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 11

No one said she was going to jail (though 10 days in the hole might be good for her). Yet the judge might had sent her to rehab on his or her own and maybe even to a rehab that wouldn't cater to her like a "star" and made sure she completed rehab whatever they might had issued.

Except this was a misdemeanor where Kim was at a bar, she wasn't driving and she doesn't have a history of arrests due to alcohol, which is when a judge is likely to offer the offender a chance to enter rehab. I mentioned before, in California there is a program where judges can send drug offenders to get help. With that help, if they complete the program, they can be released from probation earlier and have their offense wiped clean from their record. With Kim, she has no prior history with the law, and her offense is alcohol-related but she was not driving. She was at a bar where people do tend to get drunk and act like a crazy bitch. Kim is likely looking at a fine and very little probation, if any. Likely a year. She may be lucky and have the assault charge be dropped, if the judge agrees. Usually in these types of cases, a judge is willing to drop some or even all charges if the offender has entered and completed a program.

If Kim had been driving, it would be a different story, but not that much different.


Brandi copped a plea for her DUI and received 36 months probation and a $350 fine along with her having to complete an alcohol program for three months.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Just my opinion but this "check into rehab" is all for show.

She's seen the backlash of what has been leaked of her Dr. Phil interview and she's checked in before it actually airs to make it a moot point. Good luck with that. However, she will attack anyone who comments on the show because clearly, she's handling her sobriety. (GAG!)

She's getting herself situated for any legal actions taken by the court. If she had waited for a court hearing, the court could have ordered her to a rehab of its choosing. Now she can claim she's seen the light and in rehab and the court will probably go along with it.

Lastly, she's setting herself up for another year of:

"I'm not struggling with my sobriety"

"Mind your own Bizwax."

"My sobriety is off limits."

"Kyle doesn't support me."

Bravo had better give her the ax. I really hope none of her co-stars or the production crew get sucked into the suckage that is Kim.

That was my first thought when I read here about her going into rehab.

  • Love 3

Totally none of my business, but I would hope Monty will find a more stable and nurturing place to be. It has really been bothering me that he is caught up in this drama. 

I do not believe he is "living" with Kim. IMO, he goes from 1 ex wife house to the other and to ex girlfriends as well, then add in all the trips to Vegas and elsewhere. Right now he is back in Vegas and not at Kim's house.

  • Love 6

I think it's becoming obvious that Kim's problems began in childhood. The drugs and alcohol were just ways to cope with the dysfunction of her upbringing. Until she digs deep down and accepts that her mother was the root of her problems, she'll never be able to cope with reality and her life. I don't believe that Kim will ever be able to do that because she'll have to disavow her mother who's been so revered by her and her sisters. None of them seem to be able to view their mom as the person who set them on their paths in life. I have to give props to Kyle for overcoming her childhood. Maybe as the youngest, she was shielded from the worst of it. We'll never know, will we? 


This family as a whole makes me sad. Every child in this world deserves better but so many don't receive it. I deal on a daily basis with someone who had a similar childhood (although not anything close to the notoriety that these people have) and see the affects of a mother who was so selfish, self absorbed and had multiple hook ups. It has messed up her mind to the point that after many years of therapy and hard work, it's still a struggle to understand that relationships can be happy, healthy and loving. She has problems understanding that there's a give and take, compromising and sometimes giving in for the greater good. I could just strangle her mother for doing this to her.  I will admit, however, that as much as I understand where this behaviour comes from, there are still times when I lose my temper with her. I imagine that's how Kyle feels about Kim. Sometimes it's just too much.

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