GreatKazu April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 5:25 PM, BlackMamba said: She needs to when she hits rock bottom. problem is she wont because the family womt allow it. she has a ton of excuses why she wont go. same shit just a different year! Exactly. I had more sympathy for Florida Evans when her spouse died on Good Times. That episode still brings a tear to me. Kim? Not at all. She won't own up to her behavior or the fact she is an addict. She is not ready to admit it because she has not been given REAL consequences. The Hiltons and the Umansky's continue to shield her, feed into her needs, and continue to get manipulated by her guilt trips. If there is anyone here I feel for, it is the children who have been affected by Kim, and that includes Kyle's children. 11 Link to comment
Higgins April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 5:12 PM, PreposterousISTA said: It Was I Who Aircraft~Parts Supplier John Jackson ~ Long Time BoyFriend & Kimberly's Father & From Zoeysmom: For purposes of this discussion here is Kim's timeline: Married Monty in July 1985 Had Brooke in February 1986 Divorced Monty in 1988-89 and made a movie with him Got married date unknown but most likely in 1989 to Gregg Davis Had Whitney in March 1990 Had Chad presumably in very late 1990 or early 1991 Became engaged to John Colett who was murdered in October of 1991. Kimberly was born in August of 1995 As evidenced by this time line Kim and Davis were together a very short period of time. The relationship between he and Kim has been acrimonious since the divorce. What a fine man! 8 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 (edited) On 4/22/2015 at 10:16 PM, Higgins said: What a fine man!Isnt he... Delicious I tell ya.I mean Edited April 22, 2015 by BlackMamba 12 Link to comment
quinn April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 (edited) On 4/22/2015 at 9:29 PM, Samwil said: This is reminding me of the pre death of Whitney Houston. Two days prior she is in a night club out of control and the pictures are released. One look at her and you know that life can't continue on like this. I am getting this feeling about Kim. Admittedly I get a kick out of drunk/druggy/dry drunk Kim, (" I’ve had enough of you, you beast!") plus she's has access to way more resources than most addicts and has had more chances/opportunities, so I also find it hard to sympathize with her, but now I feel like she may be cornered and that is not good at all. I bet in her mind she has every intention to go to rehab or get some kind of therapy but is trying to buy time for various and sundry reasons including because she's orn'ry and controlling, but I can also see her trying to get one last binge in before she checks in, and hope and pray that nothing bad happens to her. This is a very disquieting time. Edited April 22, 2015 by quinn 6 Link to comment
notnowimbusy April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 Well, this certainly hasn't been a good week for Kim Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards is having the worst week ever! After being arrested on April 19 while intoxicated at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge, has exclusively learned that the former friend who is suing her just asked a judge to make a default judgment that would force Richards to pay more than $1 million! In the papers, filed by 80-year-old Kay Rozario’s attorney, Bill Zuhdi on April 22 and obtained by Radar, Zuhdi requests an “Default Judgment Against Defendant Kim Richards in the amount of $1,050,000.00 READ THE COURT DOCUMENTS HERE As Radar previously reported, Rozario was a “longtime family friend” of Richards, who was mauled by her pit bull, Kingsley, while staying as a guest at her Los Angeles home one year ago. The elderly woman sustained extensive injuries after being attacked by the animal. After being rushed to the hospital, she received numerous stitches for her wounds. Rozario’s attorney, Zuhdi, tells Radar, “We feel that this is an appropriate amount of money due to Kay Rozario’s disfigurement, pain and suffering. We also based the amount requested on Kim Richards’ conduct after the attack.” The judge in the case has yet to rule on their request, which would effectively end the lawsuit. In the meantime, Radar has also learned that RHOBH producers are off the hook. On April 22, a judge ruled to dismiss Rozario’s case against Evolution Film & Tape, Inc., the production company used by Bravo and RHOBH. Judge Andre Birrote Jr. dismissed them from liability in the attack, on the basis that Richards “Has Not Sufficiently Pleaded Justifiable Reliance … Has Not Sufficiently Pleaded the Existence of An Agency Relationship, Because [Her] Conspiracy Claim is Based on Her Intentional Misrepresentation Claim and [because she] Has Not Sufficiently Pleaded a Conspiracy Claim,” the ruling obtained by Radar states. However, Birotte ruled, “Defendant Kim Richards shall remain a party to this litigation.” 5 Link to comment
EVS April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 (edited) The frustrating thing is that, even if she is found guilty, she has enough people who could loan or give her the money (ie. Kathy, Monty, Brooke's in-laws) that it won't really affect her that much. Once again, she probably won't have to take responsibility for her actions. Edited to change 'sad' to 'frustrating'. Edited April 22, 2015 by EVS 5 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 Interesting, but not that surprising, that Bravo was dismissed as a co-dependent in the suit. I wonder if this is good or bad news for Kim - good in that It dismisses any threat of liability for Bravo, which would have made contract time rather uncomfortable, but bad in that Kim is now solely on the hook for any and all damages. 6 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 5:25 PM, Avaleigh said: So Dr. Phil got a dose of what it's like to deal with Kim Richards. Do you think he's 100% regretting it? Did she tell him she's tired of his goddamn generosity? I won't even be surprised if the questions weren't all that tough and she still couldn't deal. I'm guessing the main thing though was that she probably wanted to keep it alcohol focused and he probably wouldn't let her. Damn it, I admit that I'm looking forward to watching this interview. She's so used to having people believe or at least pretend to believe in her bullshit lies that she flips out when challenged. Multiple people on RHBH know from firsthand experience how risky it is to ask Kim honest questions about her behavior. Can't she go to rehab and just be let out for the wedding with a trusted handler from the facility? I guess that would probably be too awkward and weird but the wedding isn't that far away, right? Maybe she can just go after? She definitely needs at least 60 days but I'd say 90 if it could be arranged. How did Whitney luck out in not having to participate in that clusterfuck? If Kim walked out early I wonder if she filmed enough for them to air a full show. I actually would not have guessed that pot is one of Kim's drugs. It's not that I have a hard time believing it I just see her as being more inclined to abuse drugs that make her either aggressive or are more opiate style as opposed to something more mellow like marijuana. Kim's an addict so I guess she'll take what she can get but she's totally full of shit when she says that she hasn't been smoking if even her kids are calling her on it. My guess is whatever blank airtime she left they can do one heck of an intro with highlights and lowlights of Kim's time on RHOBH. What is interesting is Kim had quite a run with cocaine. Maybe she just likes all drugs. More than anything this year I found Kim to be amped up quite a bit of the time. Many rehab facilities do not want to release people while they are in treatment the idea being they are committed to getting well and in the case of Kim it is an out of country week long event. Huge liability issues. Also it is about Kim not being the one calling the shots. Even for insurance purpose on in-patients it can be difficult to get them to pay if the patient says there last drink was over 30 days ago. The idea is that in patient care is needed because her condition is urgent and acute. Whitney is manning the phones calling everyone who may have posted something negative about mom and guarding Kingsley. 4 Link to comment
missy jo April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 One thing about Dr. Phil - he is super, super protective of his production staff and has no qualms about giving a public shaming to anyone who treats them poorly. Can you imagine how Kim has probably treated the staff and crew? 8 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 (edited) On 4/22/2015 at 11:16 PM, EVS said: The frustrating thing is that, even if she is found guilty, she has enough people who could loan or give her the money (ie. Kathy, Monty, Brooke's in-laws) that it won't really affect her that much. Once again, she probably won't have to take responsibility for her actions. Edited to change 'sad' to 'frustrating'. And this is precisely why Kim doesn't have to do a damn thing to make a change in her life. There are far too many people in her life who will enable her. They think they are "helping", but they aren't. They think they are "supporting", but they are really hindering. When I post "family" I am referring to those who enable. That includes Kyle and Kathy. Would they do this if Kim was suffering from any other disease? If Kim had a disease that required her to take certain medications, would her family tell her to not take those meds? Would her family tell Kim to ignore her doctor's advice? If she suffered from a disease that required her to go to the hospital for weekly treatments, would her family try to treat her on their own instead? If Kim was severely obese, would they bring her trays of junk food? If Kim had cancer, would they tell her to not have chemotherapy? Of course not. But, this is in essence what they are doing by enabling Kim with her addiction. Edited April 23, 2015 by GreatKazu 11 Link to comment
Cosmic Muffin April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 I bet they're all planning to fly to the second wedding (in Dubai, isit?) together, in a private plane. While fear of flying is a legitimate thing, and I do believe flying scares Kim, I wonder how the flight will turn out with her on it. Will she even make the flight? Will she be able to find her passport? I guess with a private flight there isn't a question of whether or not she'll be allowed to fly, but how will she be once she's on the plane? And how will it be for everyone else on the flight to be confined with her for however many hours? The thought of flying over with Kim would be enough to make me fly commercial. 4 Link to comment
quinn April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 From Quote Kim Richards Was "Past the Point of Being Reasonable": A Timeline of Her Arrest Celebrity News Apr. 22, 2015 AT 7:45AM By Us Weekly Staff -snip- Last week, on April 16, the Bravo reality star was arrested and charged with public intoxication, among other things, after she made a scene at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Here, as detailed in the new issue of Us Weekly, is a timeline of her arrest and the events leading up to it earlier that evening. Richards' night began rather uneventfully, with an innocent dinner among friends at the Beverly Hills Hotel's posh Polo Lounge. It was only after her pals left that she hit the bar, an onlooker tells Us. That's where she ran into trouble. "She became loud, yelling and laughing at other people," a second eyewitness recalls. "She was slurring, and people were moving away because they didn't want to be on the receiving end of her comments." Bartenders at the hotel attempted to escort her out, the first onlooker says, "but she was past the point of being reasonable." Once security was called, Richards asked to use the restroom — and then refused to come out. The police report picks up from there, detailing Richards' arrest at 2:04 a.m. Sometime between then and her release at 10:36 a.m., she was booked at Beverly Hills Police Station, where she reportedly kicked an officer. -snip- Read more: Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook 4 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Kim exhibited the same kind of behavior as her adorable nephew Conrad did on the plane in February. 10 Link to comment
LIMOM April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 11:45 PM, Cosmic Muffin said: I bet they're all planning to fly to the second wedding (in Dubai, isit?) together, in a private plane. While fear of flying is a legitimate thing, and I do believe flying scares Kim, I wonder how the flight will turn out with her on it. Will she even make the flight? Will she be able to find her passport? I guess with a private flight there isn't a question of whether or not she'll be allowed to fly, but how will she be once she's on the plane? And how will it be for everyone else on the flight to be confined with her for however many hours? The thought of flying over with Kim would be enough to make me fly commercial. Time to bake a space cake for the trip. 8 Link to comment
car54 April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 It looks like Kim's sit down will not be live, will not be in front of the audience, so I suspect it's been carefully negotiated and I doubt if much will come from it. I've seen Dr Phil help a lot--that guy Todd from Survivor is a good example--he was on the verge of drinking himself to death--and the show got him into rehab--i believe he relapsed and they got him back in again. But Dr Phil also went pretty easy on Casey Anthony's family --theirs was one of these very carefully controlled things and I think there were firm rules on what they would and would not allow to be discussed--AND he donated to their charity after their appearance--to get them on the show.I think this is just another version of the private interview she did with Andy Cohen after her last rehab. She was not at the reunion--so she only had to talk to Andy who is not known for his tough interviews. 2 Link to comment
AnnA April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 5:05 PM, BlackMamba said: EXCLUSIVE: 'F***!' Crazed Kim Richards bolts from Dr. Phil interview after he offers help as her three kids chase after her, begging their reality star mom to go to rehab for drinking problem, PILLS and POT AND LOOK THERE IS KATHY HILTON!!! 9 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Just recently Dr. Phil had the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina on his show. He apparently did the same kind of interview that he did for Kim. Does anyone know how that interview went? I heard he went to rehab? Is that true? I just remember reading tidbits here and there, but I never watched the interview. 1 Link to comment
What Fresh Hell April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 11:01 PM, notnowimbusy said: Well, this certainly hasn't been a good week for Kim Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards is having the worst week ever! However, Birotte ruled, “Defendant Kim Richards shall remain a party to this litigation.” And Kim's like, "A party!" On 4/22/2015 at 11:45 PM, Cosmic Muffin said: I bet they're all planning to fly to the second wedding (in Dubai, isit?) together, in a private plane. While fear of flying is a legitimate thing, and I do believe flying scares Kim, I wonder how the flight will turn out with her on it. Will she even make the flight? Will she be able to find her passport? I guess with a private flight there isn't a question of whether or not she'll be allowed to fly, but how will she be once she's on the plane? And how will it be for everyone else on the flight to be confined with her for however many hours? The thought of flying over with Kim would be enough to make me fly commercial. Maybe they need to take Rinna along so Kim can shush and berate her all the way there, she won't even notice how scared she is. 7 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 10 Link to comment
Maharincess April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 9:44 PM, LIMOM said: The interview on Dr Phil I don't know if they are or not but I was just wondering if any of them have jobs and earn their own income. Link to comment
car54 April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Quote Just recently Dr. Phil had the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina on his show. He apparently did the same kind of interview that he did for Kim. Does anyone know how that interview went? I heard he went to rehab? Is that true? I just remember reading tidbits here and there, but I never watched the interview. He did offer to send him to rehab. The guy was very very emotional and shaky--and I really got the impression they were going to put him in the car and take him immediately. I have not heard if he stuck with it--his mother was with him and she was very in favor of him going into the program that was offered. 1 Link to comment
Maharincess April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/23/2015 at 12:09 AM, GreatKazu said: Just recently Dr. Phil had the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina on his show. He apparently did the same kind of interview that he did for Kim. Does anyone know how that interview went? I heard he went to rehab? Is that true? I just remember reading tidbits here and there, but I never watched the interview.That interview was insane. That Nick guy is fucking nuts. He did a whole lot of acting. Weeping and crying and yelling how he loves Bobbi Kristina. They did get him to rehab. I haven't heard of any updates. Watch it if you ever have the chance. That guy is something else. Car54 beat me to it. Edited April 23, 2015 by Maharincess 4 Link to comment
car54 April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Kim is having a terrible horrible no good very bad week. Link to comment
BlackMamba April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Isn't it rumored that Nick might have been violent with Bobbi? Link to comment
missy jo April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) Quote Us Magazine: Richards' night began rather uneventfully, with an innocent dinner among friends at the Beverly Hills Hotel's posh Polo Lounge. But that can't be true, because she was with her daughter, binge-watching the reunion episodes, so that she could fulfill her obligation to blog. Does anyone know when her blog is going to be up? Edited April 23, 2015 by missy jo 7 Link to comment
mbutterfly April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 I don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil so he would send her to an excellent rehab. If her family is willing (presumably) to pay off her civil lawsuit, why wouldn't they send her to rehab. It's pricey but not million dollar pricey. 1 Link to comment
rehoboth April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/23/2015 at 1:23 AM, missy jo said: But that can't be true, because she was with her daughter, binge-watching the reunion episodes, so that she could fulfill her obligation to blog. Does anyone know when her blog is going to be up? Bwahahahah!! Like that is going to happen :-) Nothing in that article was true, was it? Sounds like Brandi's doing. Edited April 23, 2015 by rehoboth 4 Link to comment
Lura April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Thanks, zoeysmom, for the timeline on Kim. I guess, if nothing else, it shows just how screwed up Kim's entire adulthood has been. Now, she's bolted yet another interview. I don't know why it surprised me. From what I've read online, I think that Kim, as one "source" said, is terrified. First and foremost, it's obvious to any observer that she's mentally ill. (After living that kind of life, who wouldn't be)? She's living scared. She can't take seeing her kids growing up and leaving the nest. We saw her say that way back in the beginning. Out of the illness came drinking and pills in her hysteria to cope. Then, she had that to hide. She's been running from reality for a long time, hoping against hope that she wouldn't be found out. Her biggest enemy is anyone who might see through her façade of being perfectly fine, including her own sister. Hiding is all she knows now. If she attended AA, which has helped millions of people, it would be an admission that her life has been a farce, an act, a cover up. Thus, she can't even attend a support group. The sweet, innocent, wholesome Kim Richards simply cannot be a formerly idolized actress with the world at her feet who has become a sham of what she used to be. Remember the book signing? Fans lined up to tell her how much they loved her and still do. Kim was in 7th Heaven! She beemed with pleasure and couldn't believe the turnout! I remember looking at the tragedy in it -- her glowing flushed with pride and amazement, forgetting for a little while how bad her life really is. Now, what's left? Rehab won't work. It seems like nothing works. I can't think of anything that can help Kim at this point except to be isolated from the Hollywood community, to live like a normal person, to get long, long, long term therapy over a period of years, to re-form her personality and thought process into one of an ordinary woman. She needs so much work that it's discouraging to think about. Without it, she dies. Nothing can save Kim Richards. She wants to die. 9 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 1:39 AM, mbutterfly said: I don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil so he would send her to an excellent rehab. If her family is willing (presumably) to pay off her civil lawsuit, why wouldn't they send her to rehab. It's pricey but not million dollar pricey. She agreed to the Dr. Phil show to do damage control, to tell her story like she did with Andy in that one-on-one a few years back. I don't think she had any idea he was going to spring rehab on her. I also don't know why you think any family member will pay damages for her civil lawsuit. I don't. 5 Link to comment
Cosmic Muffin April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 I wonder if the Hiltons could leverage paying for her civil lawsuit into Kim goes to a real rehab for 90 days. She doesn't have to want to,she doesn't have to like it, she can go after the wedding. 3 Link to comment
izabella April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 1:39 AM, mbutterfly said: I don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil so he would send her to an excellent rehab. If her family is willing (presumably) to pay off her civil lawsuit, why wouldn't they send her to rehab. It's pricey but not million dollar pricey. Yeah, I really don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil. Why did her family want her on Dr. Phil? 2 Link to comment
ToukieSmith April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/22/2015 at 1:49 PM, mwell345 said: Amen I've noticed the same thing - what is she, 50? She looks at least 10 years older, and many 60 year olds don't look as aged as she does. This is probably awful to say, I know, but every time I see her, I think she needs a shower. She looks older than Kathy. On 4/22/2015 at 4:40 PM, Neurochick said: From the Daily Fail, um...Mail. A tip of the hat to all of you who knew Kathy was behind the Kim Richard's redemption interview. On 4/22/2015 at 10:16 PM, Higgins said: What a fine man! John Jackson is a good looking man. How did she catch him? There must be something wrong with him. Dr. Shill is going to be on Kimmel tonight. Edited April 23, 2015 by ToukieSmith 3 Link to comment
izabella April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 2:28 AM, LotusFlower said: She agreed to the Dr. Phil show to do damage control, to tell her story like she did with Andy in that one-on-one a few years back. I don't think she had any idea he was going to spring rehab on her. I also don't know why you think any family member will pay damages for her civil lawsuit. I don't. I can totally see her wanting to control the story, but why would her kids think this was a good idea? I mean, they KNOW Kim. They had to have known what a powder keg she is and that it was bound to come out during the interview. 2 Link to comment
walnutqueen April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 I hate to even ask, but does anyone know when and on what channel this Kimtervention airs? Just in cases my DVR decides to go rogue and record it for me, of course. :~) 2 Link to comment
Cherrio April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 9:29 PM, Samwil said: This is reminding me of the pre death of Whitney Houston. Two days prior she is in a night club out of control and the pictures are released. One look at her and you know that life can't continue on like this. I am getting this feeling about Kim. I totally agree with this. Kim has been an addict for way too long. I believe besides the drinking she takes whatever pills she can get her hands on too. Add in a very fucked up family who have clearly tried to cover up, lie and enable her. She is a world class nasty person who in all the years I have seen Intervention I have never seen anyone get as ugly as Kim. She has a destroy anyone if it helps her evade mentality. I cannot imagine what hell her kids have had to endure. No one to turn to who was willing to be honest in that rules don't apply, polluted fantasy land they live in. Well, not until Kyle outed her in season one. I just hope when she dies, she dies alone and doesn't hurt anyone else. On 4/23/2015 at 1:16 AM, Maharincess said: That interview was insane. That Nick guy is fucking nuts. He did a whole lot of acting. Weeping and crying and yelling how he loves Bobbi Kristina. They did get him to rehab. I haven't heard of any updates. Watch it if you ever have the chance. That guy is something else. Car54 beat me to it. You forgot that he is incredibly stupid too. :) 2 Link to comment
Cosmic Muffin April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, izabella said: Yeah, I really don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil. Why did her family want her on Dr. Phil? In their twisted minds they must have thought that she'd be able to spin a plausible, sympathetic story. They thought it would be better for her to try and control the narrative. They probably rehearsed with her what she should say. And maybe they really hoped someone else, an "expert", could get her into rehab. And she'd make some money, which she needs as she's probably going to lose her job. And then the real Kim Richards showed up to the interview. I hope Dr. Phil asked her what options she thinks she has at this point. Broke, probably jobless, facing a couple lawsuits...what does she think her next move is? I'd like her to say that she expected her daughter and son in law to support her financially, or her sister Kathy, or whatever her plan to support herself is. Edited April 23, 2015 by Cosmic Muffin 8 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 2:53 AM, izabella said: I can totally see her wanting to control the story, but why would her kids think this was a good idea? I mean, they KNOW Kim. They had to have known what a powder keg she is and that it was bound to come out during the interview. Maybe they knew about the rehab plan, and were onboard, in an intervention (tough love) type way. (Although maybe I misunderstood what you asked. What was bound to come out during the interview?) On 4/23/2015 at 2:56 AM, walnutqueen said: I hate to even ask, but does anyone know when and on what channel this Kimtervention airs? Just in cases my DVR decides to go rogue and record it for me, of course. :~) The Dr. Phil show is syndicated, so I think it's on at different times, on different stations, throughout the U.S. In my neck of the woods, it's on in the afternoon on my CBS local network. 1 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 walnutqueen - the interview is slated for April 28th. 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, izabella said: Yeah, I really don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil. Why did her family want her on Dr. Phil? Maybe they are tired of covering up for her and realized that she needs to meet her demons head on and perhaps a psychologist is better equipped to deal with her than say a pop culture aficionado like Andy Cohen. I keep reading how Kyle and her family enable her and I am curious how Kyle has enabled her lately-they haven't been in each other's company since October except for a one day work commitment. I think it is safe to say that Kyle and Mauricio have not financially supported her after Season 1. What an asshole. IIRC last time Kim was asked about him she said, "Ken who?" 2 Link to comment
walnutqueen April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 3:15 AM, GreatKazu said: walnutqueen - the interview is slated for April 28th. My DVR thanks you, Lotus Flower and GreatKazu! 1 Link to comment
breezy424 April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 Only one question for you all: Is anyone surprised at how Kim handled the Dr. Phil interview? Probably closed to a 100% of us could have predicted the outcome. As for Kim's kids: They're desperate for their mom to get help. I think they're behind all of this, except maybe for Whitney. Not Kathy. This is not Kathy's style of handling family matters. I feel so bad for them. 4 Link to comment
Popular Post AnnA April 23, 2015 Popular Post Share April 23, 2015 50 Link to comment
izabella April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/23/2015 at 3:10 AM, LotusFlower said: Maybe they knew about the rehab plan, and were onboard, in an intervention (tough love) type way. (Although maybe I misunderstood what you asked. What was bound to come out during the interview?) The Kim we saw at the reunion, the Kim the folks at the Polo Lounge saw, and the Kim that kicked a cop - I think that Kim was bound to come out during the interview, and her family must have known it, too. They know how unstable she is and how nasty she gets when she's mad. And nothing gets her more mad than people asking questions about her drug and alcohol abuse. Wouldn't they had to have known that Kim would rage out during the interview, so why would they want Phil to have that footage of Kim? I actually didn't consider that her family might have been using this as a genuine opportunity to get her to want to go to rehab. I guess they still have hope someone might get through to her. Edited April 23, 2015 by izabella 7 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) Quote I keep reading how Kyle and her family enable her and I am curious how Kyle has enabled her lately-they haven't been in each other's company since October except for a one day work commitment. I think it is safe to say that Kyle and Mauricio have not financially supported her after Season 1. When people mention it, like myself, we are going by what has been shown on the show. As for outside of the show, my feeling is Kyle was enabling Kim when Kyle never reported Kim's dog to the proper authorities after the attack. I imagine Kim gave the same song and dance to Kyle as she did to Ms. Rozario - "Don't tell anyone! I will lose my job! I don't want to lose my son, Kingsley!" Quote I guess they still have hope someone might get through to her. Agree. I also wonder if this is all Kim's doing. Perhaps she did it of her own free will as a PR move in order to save her job at Bravo. She likely did not think Dr. Phil would go the route that he did, but I also don't think she was blindsided. Kim likely thought she could control the interview much like she did with Andy on the reunion. Edited April 23, 2015 by GreatKazu 8 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 3:25 AM, izabella said: The Kim we saw at the reunion, the Kim the folks at the Polo Lounge saw, and the Kim that kicked a cop - I think that Kim was bound to come out during the interview, and her family must have known it, too. They know how unstable she is and how nasty she gets when she's mad. And nothing gets her more mad than people asking questions about her drug and alcohol abuse. Wouldn't they had to have known that Kim would rage out during the interview, so why would they want Phil to have that footage of Kim? Oh that Kim. LOL! Well, first of all, aren't we getting ahead of ourselves? Do we know for sure that this happened? I guess we'll know soon enough. (Or maybe not? Maybe they'll whitewash it). Secondly, maybe they thought Kim would control her rage because of the situation and the surroundings. Or maybe they're just past the point of caring, and just want her hauled off to rehab, at any cost. 6 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 3:36 AM, GreatKazu said: When people mention it, like myself, we are going by what has been shown on the show. As for outside of the show, my feeling is Kyle was enabling Kim when Kyle never reported Kim's dog to the proper authorities after the attack. I imagine Kim gave the same song and dance to Kyle as she did to Ms. Rozario - "Don't tell anyone! I will lose my job! I don't want to lose my son, Kingsley!" Agree. I also wonder if this is all Kim's doing. Perhaps she did it of her own free will as a PR move in order to save her job at Bravo. She likely did not think Dr. Phil would go the route that he did, but I also don't think she was blindsided. Kim likely thought she could control the interview much like she did with Andy on the reunion. It is an automatic report as soon as the daughter was treated at the hospital. It is not Kyle's choice. Kyle said early on Alexia was in the hospital because of a dog bite. All they the authorities do is check for rabies vaccinations and then put the dog on home quarantine for two weeks. It is up to the authorities to take further action. Was there any indication that Kyle even knew about the Kay Rosario attack? Alexia is an adult if she decides to sue it is her own decision. I am failing to see how this is enabling Kim's drinking and drug use. It sounded to me that the breaking point in Kim and Kyle's relationship was the biting of Alexia being made public. The more I see Kim the more I think she is just in it for the money. Her agent was with her and probably picked up a check just as soon she arrived. It would not surprise me to hear blah, blah, blah. 5 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) When I was attacked by a dog, I went to the ER and there was no automatic report (I live here in SoCal). Animal control intervened when I chose to report the dog and the owner. If I had told the hospital I had no idea who the dog belonged to, there was nothing they could do. I am going solely by the info that was reported by TMZ (don't judge). I have nothing else to go by since I don't have access to any records about this incident. Unless there was something in the legal documents pertaining to the Rozario incident that I missed, I am going solely by this below: Quote Turns out the dog is no stranger to the L.A. Dept. of Animal Services ... the agency went to Kim's house after the dog attacked another person over the summer. Officials warned Kim to keep the dog under control but took no further action. Well clearly the dog was not under control. But Animal Services tells us ... they will not take further action unless they get a complaint from the victim or her family. That's tricky, because that would mean Alexia, Kyle or other members of their brood would have to blow the whistle on Kim.Read more: Does Dr. Phil pay for interviews? Edited April 23, 2015 by GreatKazu 3 Link to comment
elainebenis April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 I think her appearance on Dr Phil was nothing but a PR attempt to spin the situation favorably (ha!) and salvage her current - and desperately needed - job. Orchestrated by Kathy, who apparently also suppressed Kim's mug shot release. Of course it turned into a shit show, because Kim. 10 Link to comment
Higgins April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 On 4/23/2015 at 4:23 AM, GreatKazu said: When I was attacked by a dog, I went to the ER and there was no automatic report (I live here in SoCal). Animal control intervened when I chose to report the dog and the owner. If I had told the hospital I had no idea who the dog belonged to, there was nothing they could do. I am going solely by the info that was reported by TMZ (don't judge). I have nothing else to go by since I don't have access to any records about this incident. Unless there was something in the legal documents pertaining to the Rozario incident that I missed, I am going solely by this below: Does Dr. Phil pay for interviews? State law requires health care professionals to report animal bites to the health department. Link to comment
quinn April 23, 2015 Share April 23, 2015 (edited) On 4/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, izabella said: Yeah, I really don't understand why she went on Dr. Phil. Why did her family want her on Dr. Phil? Kim has been checked into rehab twice in the past five years, undoubtedly it's hella hard to get her there but not impossible.* Kim's family is probably used to employing numerous schemes and going on Dr. Phil made as much sense as anything else. My guess is that it all went to hell when it was outed that Kim was taking pills and smoking pot. Kimmy probably thought that she can control things by admitting to falling off the wagon because she drank alcohol, and then assert that she'd gotten her alcohol problem under control and when Dr. Phil inevitably brought up rehab she would counter that she will go to rehab after Brooke's wedding, go to a facility that would allow her to interact with Monty, and in the meantime work with her therapist. But when Kim's weed and especially pill use was brought out in the open then it was game over for Kimmy's plan because she wasn't being completely honest and therefore could not be trusted, although I doubt if anyone was dumb enough to trust her, but the counterarguments to how Kim wanted to run things were much more powerful, and Kim knowing that she could not control the situation left the set. ETA: * Getting her to stay and then work a program or long-term treatment plan are even bigger bugbears. Edited April 23, 2015 by quinn 8 Link to comment
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