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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I read that quote.  I think Kim is a lying liar who lies. "Kingsley is used to a house full of children" and then she goes on the contradict that statement because Cujo isn't in fact, used to that anymore.  "Anyone" being made aware is not Alexia being made aware. 


I could easily believe dizzy ass Kim thought Kingsley was in the outdoor area and totally forgot to warn Alexia, but I don't think Kim told Alexia Kingsley bites and Alexia ignored her because she's the next Cesar Milan.

The first lie is the house full of children.  Kingsley came to live with Kim when Chad and chad only lived with her.  Her other daughter Kimberly lived with her father and moved to San Diego shortly after Kim got Kingsley.  Brooke and Whitney haven't lived at home for awhile.  As a matter of fact Whitney was the original owner of the dog and gave it to Kim.  The dog went to boot camp after Whitney went to college.  Another batch of Kim Richards lies.

  • Love 9

 The only thing I can say in Kim's defense is she loves the dog so her logic, although often clouded, was skewed by her love for him. 

Kim doesn't love the dog, that's the problem -- if you  genuinely love a troubled animal, you hand the animal over to someone trained to reform the dog (and you do it before the dog bites so many people, he ends up being put down by the law). Her treatment of that poor, confused -- and now highly violent -- animal is disgusting. He might have been a wonderful companion animal for the right person -- instead, it is likely he will end up being destroyed the next time he bites someone. Kim Richards ruined that animal, and I hope she pays the price for it. (God, how I hate people who mistreat animals, may they all burn in hell.)



Why does it have to be black and white? That's not the way life works. There is blame to go around.

But life is often black and white --  beating a child is wrong, rape of any kind is wrong, blaming the victim is wrong, etc -- and when it comes to Kim Richards her behavior in this instance (imo) is not a moral puzzle demanding a Jesuitical eye. She has mistreated everyone in this situation, including the animal in her "care".

Edited by film noire
  • Love 18

That dog should be gone.  That said, Kim is a lot of things but I don't think her intention was to criticize, berate or blame Alexia.  And that's likely the last time you'll see me defend Kim Richards.

I think that was exactly her intention. Because the alternative was to put the blame or responsibilty on herself, and we know Kim never does this.

  • Love 16

I got the impression Kim had implored Kyle to treat her like her healthy older sister. To me with that would come the assumption Kim was making healthy and safe choices about her environment.  This all happened seven months after the previous attack and another dog training session.  It is difficult when a family member has a dog that bites. 

That would be difficult because she acts like a stunted teenager most of the time. However, knowing that, as Kyle does, that's why she can make decisions about her level of involvement without confronting Kim. Like telling Alexis, or any of her children, look, Kim is having a hard time with realizing that Kingsley needs more help than she can provide and I think he is a dangerous dog so make sure to stay away from him. If you are going over there, make sure he doesn't have access to you and he is locked up, or leave. That's what I mean about taking responsibility for their own mental and physical wellbeing.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 3

But what if Kyle wasn't aware of just how dangerous he was? It sounds like maybe everyone assumed that the training he got after attacking the elderly friend resolved the issue, especially if 7 months went by with no incident.


But something that confuses me, is why on earth would Kyle say she didn't want Kim to get rid of the dog after it bit her own daughter? I mean, if that is true, then why have they stopped speaking? If I were in her shoes, I would tell Kim that no reconciliation will happen until that dog is safely off the premises and in the hands of someone who can handle him. Give him to Cesar, he likes pits. The bottom line is that Kim must get rid of Kingsley, if she doesn't want to see him put down. Because even if someone was able to train the biting out of him, it wouldn't last unless Kim followed the program forever. Which as we have seen, she has trouble doing, whether dog training or AA, or whatever.


ETA: I just had one more thought, and that is, what in the world does Kim do with the dog when she goes out of town? Who would take care of him? Monty? Just wondering.

Edited by ElsieH
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If Kyle convinced Kim to get rid of the dog, then odds are that Kim will blame her years from now. It has to be something Kim decides on her own.


Well, I guess that is true. But then, if she ever went to proper therapy and learned to let things go and accept her own past behavior, she would be able to "move forward" and never bring it up again. Same with the GD house. It sounds to me like she has just never admitted to any of her bad behavior outside of drinking too much. No self awareness that her own issues were what kept her from getting the house. But that's Kim's MO I guess.


ETA - I'm not trying to imply that Kyle has no responsibility for their mess either. Really I find them both insufferable. Maybe Dr. Drew should adopt them for his next reality show.

Edited by ElsieH
  • Love 3

ryebread, on 25 Mar 2015 - 4:49 PM, said:


I think Kim is a mess but I completely disagree with this.




My opinion is that an 18 year old that was dumb enough to go against specific instructions to handle a dog that she shouldn't have is not the same as a child being unexpectantly attacked through the neglegance of it's owner.


 I'm not going to condone dogs that have those sort of tendencies but lets stop acting like Kim unleashed that dog to the public and wasn't taking certain precautions in her own home to keep the dog a safe distance away from others. I mean if she's walking him in the park and acting like she's got a poodle on her hands then fuck that's all kinds of wrong but if she's giving specific instructions and is keeping her dog in a separate room.


Plenty of people have aggressive dogs. I don't particularly approve of that but at the same time it's not that uncommon for people to own dogs that can be harmful. Is she supposed to but out a public apology and a press conference over it? Accidents happen. 

Edited by Mya Stone
  • Love 2

I understand this is a contentious subject (especially as a dog owner, myself), but if you can't show each other respect and common courtesy, the discussion will have to stop. 


If you can't post your point without coming across as dismissive and argumentative to others, we will delete the post without warning.


I've unhidden some posts, and deleted others that didn't follow the "play nicely with each other" ideal. 

  • Love 5

We already know that Kyle had reservations about the goddamn dog because she said so last season at the reunion. She said she wasn't big on Kim having the dog and that he made her nervous. She said that she had finally taken Portia to Kim's house on one occasion, but demanded that the dog was muzzled and secured. Kyle is a worrying type of person. I am more than sure Alexia knew that Kyle didn't like the dog. If Alexia is like most young people of her age she probably thougtht her mother was being silly. Kim still had the dog, had used a trainer, and had her own kids were in and out of the house. I can see Alexia thinking it was not a big deal. It is extremely possible they knew nothing about the most serious bite since the woman had not yet gone public and Kim had begged her to not tell anyone what had happened. I hate any type of blaming of the victim. It is all a little bit too close to "what was she doing wearing an outfit like that, walking around at night in that part of town.....?"

For the record, and as a reformed Kim Richards apologist, I don't think that Kim is going to be hateful about the dog bite at the reunion. From what I have read, she gets very emotional about it a the reunion and is clearly heartbroken that this happened. I don't think her comment "I'll talk about it and you won't like it" has anything to do with this issue. I also don't think that the fact that the dog bit Alexia is the actual reason for the divide between the sisters. I think it is going to be Kim's reaction afterward with regard to wanting to keep the dog that is the real problem. I think she will at some point minimize the severity of the bite - act like it wasn't that big of a deal and doesn't mean the dog needs to be re-homed. I think this will be what enrages Kyle, as it would me and I am assuming most people.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 12

I agree that the clip we have seen does not refer to the dog bite and is typical Bravo misdirection. But there is no doubt that Kim will come off looking just as bad as anyone who tries to blame the victim here. I just hope Mauricio uses this incident wisely to get Kyle to back away from her sister. She is toxic and a danger not only to their marriage but to the actual health and well being of their children.

It is not going to be pretty.

  • Love 18

Sadly, I think Kim re-engaging with Monty just takes Kim back to when she was married and wealthy and experienced momentary happiness. The twenty plus years in between marriages and a lot of substance abuse, rocky financial situations, death of her #1 fan, Big Kathy, have only served to bring out the competitive, jealous and angry Kim.  All I could think of when Monty and Kim were sitting side by side at Adrienne's party is there won't be anyone to do that for Kim once he is gone.  Monty seems to have a plethora of kind words and emotions for the mothers of his children.  It seems the marriages were short but he does honor both his ex-wives. 


To me, Kim is looking at her two sisters and their long time successful marriages and one is more relatable than the other.  Kathy although married for 35 years has certainly had her share of screw-ups in the children department.  Kyle on the other hand may not have had the glamorous lifestyle of a Hilton but her children seem a bit more grounded.  I think Kim broke the cardinal rule of these sisters when she attempted to defend herself in the Kingsley bite situation.  She should have left Alexia out of it and just wished her a speedy recovery.

  • Love 5

Kim doesn't love the dog, that's the problem -- if you  genuinely love a troubled animal, you hand the animal over to someone trained to reform the dog (and you do it before the dog bites so many people, he ends up being put down by the law). Her treatment of that poor, confused -- and now highly violent -- animal is disgusting. He might have been a wonderful companion animal for the right person -- instead, it is likely he will end up being destroyed the next time he bites someone. Kim Richards ruined that animal, and I hope she pays the price for it. (God, how I hate people who mistreat animals, may they all burn in hell.)



Very well put, Film Noire


I really wish Cesar Milan or Tia Maria Torres would intervene in this situation.   I'd think either one of them would be appalled by Kim's selfish not to mention dangerous attitude towards this dog. (from my observations of watching their respective shows.)


Or even better;  Kim has a chance to do some good by HER being the one to contact (she has the $$) one of these experts in order to properly assess his chances of getting rehabbed.  AWAY from Kim, of course.   But as we all know, that won't happen.   Because it's Kim's world and we all just live in it in order to kowtow to her every desire.   Selfish wench.   

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 8

That would have been my quote and my point was what was posted listed a bunch of average traits that because it's  Kim have somehow morphed into unacceptable. Things about being unreliable. Needing to have a backup if Kim is your go to etc. etc. Not being able to really lean on her. Not for nothing but if no one knows not one person who has displayed these traits then hey more power to you but I've been in the military so I've met a lot of different people so maybe being that well rounded I've got a larger scope of personalities to compare others to. To me there are annoying people with issues everywhere and there are people you do certain things with, ask certain favors of and expect a certain level of reliability. That's life and I think Kim falls in a realm of people that's not at all unique. I guess that's what I meant when I said average because to me she's not unique and I honestly believe depending on circumstances she probably wouldn't be too hard to get through a night with. I think, when dealing with Kim, it makes a big difference how emotionally stable and secure someone is.

At first when you said Kim was average, I disagreed.  But she's not unique.  I have friends with whole families that are filled with addicts and unreliable people. Seems like many people here do, too.  Kim isn't the bottom of the bucket or unique.  There are many worse than her.  And if there's disagreement, check your local jailhouse or crack den.  On the other end of the spectrum are the really lovely, super reliable, call on 'em for anything, philanthropist types whose entire lives revolve around serving others.

Yeah, I'd put Kim in the middle.  Average.

Is she average in MY life?  Nope.  I only know one person like her.  Lucky me.  That's why at first when I read that you thought she was average, I thought no way.  But when I look outside my somewhat insulated life, the laws of averages and the wide spectrum of people - from one extreme to another -  she's average.  Not unique at all.

  • Love 3
My opinion is that an 18 year old that was dumb enough to go against specific instructions to handle a dog that she shouldn't have is not the same as a child being unexpectantly attacked through the neglegance of it's owner.



I don't think we can really say if she did that. I wouldn't be surprised if Alexia did not get a big warning from Kim about Kingsley since she'd had plenty of interactions with him before. The main theme of Kim's dealing with this dog is that she always seems to fall on the side of being less than vigilant about him, so I doubt she begged Alexia not to open the door on pain of death and Alexia just ignored it. It's probably a lot fuzzier--maybe Kim said he was in the bedroom and got nervous around visitors, maybe Alexia said oh, but he knows me. And if the dog hadn't attacked her we'd probably all see everyone's actions as completely reasonable. Kim would be fine for knowing that Kingsley wasn't afraid of Alexia, Alexia would be fine in knowing that the dog didn't see her as a threat. 


That would have been my quote and my point was what was posted listed a bunch of average traits that because it's  Kim have somehow morphed into unacceptable. Things about being unreliable.



Whether you call them "average" or not it's simply objectively untrue that anybody in Kim's life considers her dependable or reliable or that they lean on her. The closest she comes is Monty with whom she seems to have a breezy relationship where he comes and goes and she lets him come and go. Kim regularly does not show up to things she's supposed to be at, or she shows up late with a long story. She has no job except this show, where she's regularly caused delays in filming. She "missed" parts of her children's lives. She left her kids to live with a new boyfriend. She doesn't answer phone messages. She rarely commits to being anywhere. She constantly complains about people giving her too little attention or the wrong kind of attention. She's cut people off for long periods. She gets angry if her behavior is questioned at all. Nobody leans on Kim. She's unpredictable and erratic.


It's a running joke on the show that Kim is unreliable because for goodness sake, she is! She's not seen by this people as your average person who just occasionally flakes out. It's a pattern with her. Sure there's other people in the world equally unreliable--nobody describes them as their rock to lean on either. That's how people generally deal with people like that. They just accept that they're not supportive and take what they're willing to give.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 9

I really wish Cesar Milan or Tia Maria Torres would intervene in this situation.   I'd think either one of them would be appalled by Kim's selfish not to mention dangerous attitude towards this dog. (from my observations of watching their respective shows.)


I smell spinoff!  I'm fascinated by Cesar Milan.  Though I've only seen a handful of his shows, one I will always remember is how he got a crazed Chihuahua to stop biting anyone who came near it's person. It was scary but by the end of the program, that dog was gentle as a kitten.


I'd totally watch Cesar at Kim Richards' house.  But I'm pretty sure she'd undo any good he'd be able to accomplish with Kingsley. Maybe Cesar could adopt Kingsley and make him one of his own pack.

  • Love 4

Blame the victim, or the victim's mom. Whatever. Maybe that is what Kim is going to do at the reunion. "you knew my goddamn dog is a killer-in-training. Why did you allow her to come visit me to begin with"? 


Kyle's daughter is 19. She was home from college for the weekend and decided to go visit her aunt. Kyle wasn't with her.

This mess is so unfortunate. I understand Kim's affection for Kingsley; he gave her companionship and unconditional love that a beloved pet gives during a time in her life when each day was probably a big challenge without alcohol. This incident should have been an eye opener to Kim that she cannot safely maintain control and properly train Kingsley to keep him in her care and re-home him to someone who can. Her relationship with Alexia will probably never be the same going forward. And the relationship she has with Kyle's other daughters are now impacted -- to me it's a no brainer; it weighs on Kim to take responsibilty for this. The cousins were raised almost as siblings and I would treat it as such and get rid of the dog. It's one thing to let go of your dog, but it's entirely different than to compromise your relationship with your family.

  • Love 11

This mess is so unfortunate. I understand Kim's affection for Kingsley; he gave her companionship and unconditional love that a beloved pet gives during a time in her life when each day was probably a big challenge without alcohol. This incident should have been an eye opener to Kim that she cannot safely maintain control and properly train Kingsley to keep him in her care and re-home him to someone who can. Her relationship with Alexia will probably never be the same going forward. And the relationship she has with Kyle's other daughters are now impacted -- to me it's a no brainer; it weighs on Kim to take responsibilty for this. The cousins were raised almost as siblings and I would treat it as such and get rid of the dog. It's one thing to let go of your dog, but it's entirely different than to compromise your relationship with your family.

I agree, the situation is unfortunate, but it is also dangerous. I am a huge dog lover, my dog is like my kid. However much Kim loves Kingsley, she is also in danger. Dogs like Kingsley can kill people, and Kim might think she is safe because the dog "loves" her and wants to "protect" her, but that dog can turn on her in a second. She could end up another news story about an owner killed by their beloved but deadly dog.

Kim's behavior regarding Kingsley is reprehensible IMO.

  • Love 15

Whether you call them "average" or not it's simply objectively untrue that anybody in Kim's life considers her dependable or reliable or that they lean on her. The closest she comes is Monty with whom she seems to have a breezy relationship where he comes and goes and she lets him come and go.

There's a reason why I never used to come to this thread. I loathe Kim Richards.  She's a messy, messy human being.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  However....LOL


We don't know that nobody considers Kim dependable or reliable.  We just don't know that


It's a running joke on the show that Kim is unreliable because for goodness sake, she is! She's not seen by this people as your average person who just occasionally flakes out.


On the show she is. We wouldn't have a show if she wasn't. But I think there's more to these people - good and bad - then what we're seeing on the show.  Sitting in the auditorium for awards nights, coming to parent teacher conferences, helping at class parties, bringing in goodies, volunteering at field day.  This is the mother of a student who was (is?) an addict.  A messy, messy addict at home.  But she was there for her kids, other people's kids, for me.  I have to assume she also did things for others outside my show.  (metaphorical for my classroom :-)  We just don't know.


Then I'd have the perfect mommy with her perfect life who would drop Johnny off in her loaded Escalade and pick him up late from latch key every day.  Then she'd whine because I was asking for $3 toward the Christmas party.  Never raised a finger to help with anything.  Now she was someone I'd be likely to say has no reliability aside from getting to her manicure and yoga lesson on time.  But I wouldn't even say that about her because I just don't know.

  • Love 7

Does anyone really think that Kim would ever admit that Kingsley is dangerous? She can't admit that she fell off the wagon at Poker Night, and she never takes any blame for anything. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if she really downplayed whatever had gone on before, since she does seem to be in denial about many things.


I smell spinoff!  I'm fascinated by Cesar Milan.  Though I've only seen a handful of his shows, one I will always remember is how he got a crazed Chihuahua to stop biting anyone who came near it's person. It was scary but by the end of the program, that dog was gentle as a kitten.


I'd totally watch Cesar at Kim Richards' house.  But I'm pretty sure she'd undo any good he'd be able to accomplish with Kingsley. Maybe Cesar could adopt Kingsley and make him one of his own pack.


I would love to see Cesar work with this dog as well, but only if Kim was not in it. And only if he either keeps him or finds him a responsible home. He rehabilitates dogs and trains people, remember? Kim is un-trainable I think.

  • Love 8

I know that Kim was raised with the idea that failures are secrets that should be kept by everyone, but I really think it would be healing for Kim to write about her struggles. I would read a book that Kim wrote, assuming she was honest about what she had been through, and what she had put others through. I would love to hear from someone that actually lived in that house what life was all about. I tend to not put much credibility to that Hilton book. I think she could make some honest to goodness money, and that she would sell more books than Brandi ever did. I don't think she probably has the ability to honestly reflect, however, which is just too bad.

  • Love 8

Plenty of people have aggressive dogs. I don't particularly approve of that but at the same time it's not that uncommon for people to own dogs that can be harmful. Is she supposed to but out a public apology and a press conference over it? Accidents happen. 


But this dog is not just aggressive. According to the trainer (Kyle  Schwab) who tried to help Kinsgley, the dog is unique in his experience as to the level of violent drive he exhibits towards humans: 

“Kingsley never showed up the next Wed morning after I worked with him and made room. I believe I was his only hope. Even though he tried to kill me. I thought he was workable and was going to do a joint custody thing where he was with me during filming for the safety of the staff and crew" ....Schwab makes it very clear that Kingsley is the most dangerous dog he’s ever worked with – and that’s saying a lot for a guy who specifically deals with these “bully breeds.” 


Kyle shared, “I will tell you he is the most dangerous dog I have worked with in terms of his level of aggression. I’ve trained more dangerous dogs like Neos and Corsos. But I have never experienced such a willingness and drive towards humans as Kingsley. One trainer was attacked, one was unable to enter the house, one FaceTimed Kim and was unwilling to enter the house.”  ”




Kim was aware that the dog was now a severe threat to all human life -- yet, when her niece visited, she did not lock up the dog in the secure pen Bravo built to contain Kinsgley.  And until Alexia confirms that Kim explicitly told her that Kinsgley was now an attack dog bent on harming all human life,  with no peaceful tendencies left operative in him, I'm going to employ Occam's Facial Filler and assume that Kim actually did what she always does -- mitigate, lie, shift blame, pretend she said shit she never said. And given the severity of everything that happened, imo, the very least Kim Richards could do is apologize publicly for endangering so many people, and absolutely ruining the life of that animal. 

Sadly, I think Kim re-engaging with Monty just takes Kim back to when she was married and wealthy and experienced momentary happiness....(snipped only for space)


Great post -- and such a bullseye point about Kim drifting back into, and reliving, the past.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 8


I would love to see Cesar work with this dog as well, but only if Kim was not in it. And only if he either keeps him or finds him a responsible home. He rehabilitates dogs and trains people, remember? Kim is un-trainable I think.


Cesar Milan is world re-known expert.  I completely trust he'd handle all issues in regards to Kingsley in a safe and responsible manner.  If that meant keeping him from Kim, I'm sure he'd do so.


If all the information is true and accurate about Kingsley;  I'm willing to bet the farm, Cesar would find a legal way to get that dog away from Kim. <- pure speculation because I'm certainly not the Dog Whisperer!

  • Love 5


I'd totally watch Cesar at Kim Richards' house.  But I'm pretty sure she'd undo any good he'd be able to accomplish with Kingsley. Maybe Cesar could adopt Kingsley and make him one of his own pack.

I would buy tickets to watch Cesar Milan at Kim's house, because, as ElsieH wrote, his motto is - I train people, I rehabilitate dogs. Cesar would read Kim the riot act. I honestly don't think he'd waste even 5 minutes trying to help Kim and Kingsley co-habitate. He'd assess the situation in a hot minute (I've misused the expression, haven't I?), and he'd recommend taking Kingsley out of the home permanently. The dog might be rehabilitatable for someone else, but not for Kim.

  • Love 7







She's always reminded me of this dog....hated that God dammed dog.  


Edited to add a different picture. The better one only shows when I'm writing/editing a post??WTF??

Heck this is where you can see it.  http://www.cornel1801.com/disney/Lady-Tramp-Hes-Tramp/videosong.jpg

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 7

I would buy tickets to watch Cesar Milan at Kim's house, because, as ElsieH wrote, his motto is - I train people, I rehabilitate dogs. Cesar would read Kim the riot act. I honestly don't think he'd waste even 5 minutes trying to help Kim and Kingsley co-habitate. He'd assess the situation in a hot minute (I've misused the expression, haven't I?), and he'd recommend taking Kingsley out of the home permanently. The dog might be rehabilitatable for someone else, but not for Kim.


And who could rehabilitate Kim? I'm guessing no one, unless there is an addict-whisperer we don't know about. Dr. Drew, it certainly isn't.

  • Love 4

And who could rehabilitate Kim? I'm guessing no one, unless there is an addict-whisperer we don't know about. Dr. Drew, it certainly isn't.

I agree again. It always seemed to me that Dr. Drew coddled the addicts. Not what Kim needs. And apparently not what she wants. Therapy is for other people. Or to use her words, it's all blah, blah, blah...

  • Love 4

Only Kim can rehabilitate herself.



I agree, the situation is unfortunate, but it is also dangerous. I am a huge dog lover, my dog is like my kid. However much Kim loves Kingsley, she is also in danger. Dogs like Kingsley can kill people, and Kim might think she is safe because the dog "loves" her and wants to "protect" her, but that dog can turn on her in a second. She could end up another news story about an owner killed by their beloved but deadly dog.

Kim's behavior regarding Kingsley is reprehensible IMO.

I don't find it reprehensible, I find it irresponsible and delusional. I also however find it sad. As someone who loves my dogs so much, I might for a time think I could keep him too and think I could just keep him away from others. However, the time has passed where Kim should have realized that she couldn't handle him. She is like a child though and her executive function is stuck in late adolescence. Plus she is lonely and it is most likely due to her poor impulse control and lack of grown up coping skills.

She seems to have a good relationship with at least two of her children's fathers and there must be something they saw in her and still do that we aren't seeing through the Bravo lens.

  • Love 3

I would buy tickets to watch Cesar Milan at Kim's house, because, as ElsieH wrote, his motto is - I train people, I rehabilitate dogs. Cesar would read Kim the riot act. I honestly don't think he'd waste even 5 minutes trying to help Kim and Kingsley co-habitate. He'd assess the situation in a hot minute (I've misused the expression, haven't I?), and he'd recommend taking Kingsley out of the home permanently. The dog might be rehabilitatable for someone else, but not for Kim.


Cesar has a better chance of rehabbing Kingsley than he would rehabbing Kim as an owner. She would follow  and parrot back everything Cesar would say while he was there and then go back to doing what she was doing before, the dog has no chance with her. A better outcome might be to rehome Kingsley because we can't put down Kim.

  • Love 8

I think the words used to describe Kingsley also describe Kim and Kingsley's bad behaviors mirror Kim's bad behaviors. I think Kim recognizes this on some level and (because she sees herself as fierce/badass) glories in it while also resenting any criticism, and this is why she does not truly accept and process criticism of the dog. In other words, it's much much more than the dog giving her what others do not or the dog being there when others were not/are not; she and Kingsley are enmeshed.

  • Love 5

I wonder why there is not some kind of mandated reporting for dogs and also investigative service like when child services investigates a parent / child care giver.  To me, it is deep and disturbing for a comment like, "I have never experienced such a willingness and drive towards humans as Kingsley" to be made to a tabloid and there is no agency you can report that to.  But now that I've typed this out, wouldn't the local Animal Control be the agency this kind of thing gets reported to and they in turn look into the matter?

Edited by quinn
  • Love 8

The dog had a history, right? Logic would tell you to do something about your dangerous dog but logic would also tell you to stay away from a dangerous dog. The only thing I can say in Kim's defense is she loves the dog so her logic, although often clouded, was skewed by her love for him. They didn't have that issue and knowing the dog was dangerous, I think they are somewhat responsible too.

IMO that's BS and just another excuse for Kim's bad behavior. It's thinking like that that gives entire breeds a bad name. It's noone but Kim's fault that she has a dog that she can not control. Not the dogs fault, not the victim's fault. All the fault lies squarely at Kim's feet.
  • Love 12

I would buy tickets to watch Cesar Milan at Kim's house, because, as ElsieH wrote, his motto is - I train people, I rehabilitate dogs. Cesar would read Kim the riot act. I honestly don't think he'd waste even 5 minutes trying to help Kim and Kingsley co-habitate. He'd assess the situation in a hot minute (I've misused the expression, haven't I?), and he'd recommend taking Kingsley out of the home permanently. The dog might be rehabilitatable for someone else, but not for Kim.

Cesar would have convinced Kim (and I have no doubt he could) to take that dog to the dog psychology center.  The dog would be retrained and placed somewhere else.  He would introduce her to a very calm submissive dog for her to adopt.  


I don't care if Kim has a special 'dog run' for him in the backyard - supposedly paid by Bravo for the crew's protection.  Or the dog is put in another room when crew and people are at her house.  He is a dangerous dog.  She shouldn't be able to keep him...especially when she so easily screws up her meds or takes other people's meds and who knows what else.  God, I can't stand that woman.

  • Love 11
I think she and Monty are drug buddies. That's the appeal.


Ding ding ding!!! IMO that was fairly obvious  (to us viewers) in the way he was introduced and talked about in the beginning - he was staying with her while undergoing cancer treatment but had done so off and on for years (NOT dying tragically in her guest room while she brings him hot towels and pudding); trying to help him out and make sure he was included in the wedding (even though he pops off without notice for Vegas trips); etc.  And it seems they did a great job with all that (no snark here - I really enjoyed the wedding episodes and was happy to see how they took care of everything).  


But on Poker Night she was either depressed because he had left unexpectedly - or he had given her a pill for her pain - or he had just gotten back and she needed to get home immediately - who knows?  And in the finale he showed up - Kim ignored him most of the evening - someone talked to her about drinking with Monty - and then she shared a moment with him where he was slurring worse than Kim or Brandi ever had.  (FWIW - I don't know if that was because of pain meds or booze or both, nor do I care - I am totally on the team of "if you're dying, do as you please and enjoy it!")  My point is just that they seem to have a relationship that is based on more than "love" (addiction!  enabling!) - and while he SEEMS like the nicer person, we have seen a lot less of him, and I'm inclined to believe that they are both people with addiction issues, who find it easier to live with each other once in a while (not long enough for it to cause problems!) rather than look at themselves and change their behaviors. No matter how nice they are when sober, when actively addicted they are always selfish jerks who love themselves best.


Which is why no one may ever know exactly what happened with Kingsley and Alexia, but Kim has shown whom she is, so I'm inclined to believe that her story is a lie and a deflection (as someone previously posted - Kim doesn't want to prove that Alexia or Kyle or assholes - but merely to prove that SHE (Kim) is not the problem at all.  She never made a bad call or did anything stupid - it was all bad luck or other people's foolishness! Which proves she is sober!)


I have posted here before about the addict's brain - if you were to slap a short brown wig and a penis on Kim she would be my brother - the type who could get lots of fans by his charming behavior, but a total selfish dick; many would see through him after a few seasons, but he would still have his fans ( he does actually - they are called "our parents" :)


This past Christmas, my brother was removed from his home in mid-December by the court for his out-of-control, drunken antics, and all I heard (from our parents) was "poor guy, he misses being with his family for Christmas."  Even the wife who had kicked him out was feeling bad for him.  But the year before that he WAS with his family on Christmas - until the entire clan (wife, several kids, dogs) had to flee the family home around 7pm to the grandparents' 2 bedroom apartment, due to his drunken, physically and verbally abusive tirade.  If they were on TV I'd probably get lots of sympathy, but right now everyone BUT me wants him back in that house!!  It will happen soon, at the behest of my SIL, who will no doubt be hustling her kids and dogs back to her parents' small apartment on the next birthday or major holiday.  As the common sense aunt, what do I do?  


It's just always something with these unrecovered addicts, which I believe Kim is.  My brother did do a rehab that "took" - lasted about a year, but gave a picture of what real "sobriety" looks like.  For example, he said, "I was wrong when I _____ , and I am so sorry.  I see now how selfish I was, and I hated that about myself." He said it to his wife, said it to me, said it to several friends who had been put through  his wringer.  


BUT he did not say it to everyone he had wronged (our parents? - did he not think he had treated them badly, or did he think they were too dumb to understand his real transgressions?), which is an AA maxim.  Is that what derailed him?  Who knows.  (I do.  He was still playing games, as Kim has been doing for the past few seasons)  


Question:  who has seen any of that "I was wrong" behavior from Kim?  I have not.  Nor have I seen it from my brother since he got back to drinking several years ago.  They make me tired.  But this is why I don't care anymore about Kim's feelings.  Or about anyone who wants to try to explain Kim's feelings to me.  Respectfully to you all - I don't just think she's full of shit, I know it.  I can't always explain it, but I think that if you know it you will understand what I am saying.  And if not - you are lucky :)  and if what I say here helps you later on, I am glad.


Peace to all and Happy Easter!!

  • Love 22

IMO that's BS and just another excuse for Kim's bad behavior. It's thinking like that that gives entire breeds a bad name. It's noone but Kim's fault that she has a dog that she can not control. Not the dogs fault, not the victim's fault. All the fault lies squarely at Kim's feet.

I don't see it that way. Any breed can be dangerous. I'm talking about that particular dog. Some dogs CAN'T be rehabilitated. It's possible Kingsley was from a singleton litter and if he was and he didn't get the proper socialization in the first vital imprinting weeks of life, way before Kim had anything to do with him, he may never be a reliable companion. You can never get those weeks back.


Are she and John Davis drug buddies too? Even if Monty and Kim share addiction that doesn't mean they don't share real human affection and love. I can't understand this idea that "addicts" or people who use psychotropic substances are somehow sub-human. They aren't. They aren't rare either. We all know and love substance users. It is also very likely that we don't even know they use. They can live perfectly normal, at least as "normal" as any human can be, lives.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 4

Are she and John Davis drug buddies too? Even if Monty and Kim share addiction that doesn't mean they don't share real human affection and love. I can't understand this idea that "addicts" or people who use psychotropic substances are somehow sub-human. They aren't. They aren't rare either. We all know and love substance users. It is also very likely that we don't even know they use. They can live perfectly normal, at least as "normal" as any human can be, lives.

I use to think this about Kim. That there must be something good at the core because people hadn't left her completely. After this season I just cannot say that anymore. I have seen too much. The way she was so calmly saying to Lisar "let's talk about what you don't want to talk about". The way she seemed to savor the idea that she could hurt her. The way she so easily called Eileen a "beast". This wasn't the behavior of someone who just snapped in anger and said things that they would regret later. She was so calm when she started with all of that, very practiced about it. And then there were the things she said to Kyle. The hate and anger were so evident. Her objective seemed to be to hurt Kyle deeply. 


Somone on here reminded me of something I hadn't thought about in a while. It was the Hawaii episode at dinner, after Kim and her jackass boyfriend had kept everyone waiting in one way or another for most of the trip. She seemed to feel she was completely innocent. Why would anyone care that she had acted in such a manner. When Kyle tried to explain it to her, she said to Kyle "well you talk on you cell phone when you drive". Huh? Everyone was kind of shocked. It was like her first instinct was to find and say something about someone else to deflect her own issues. Apparently the most horrific thing she could reach for in that moment about Kyle was cell phone conversations while driving. She did the same thing in PS when Kyle was talking about Brandi asking questions about her. She threw out "worry about your own stuff" or "even your close friends think you are a liar". She is just not a good person, sober or not. 


I've shared before than when my father finally got sober after 30 years, there was much excitment among us all that we would see this different person.  Someone who cared about us and our needs, who wanted to be present in our lives after years of really only wanting to around for the booze. We never walked away. Not any of his kids, or his 3 ex-wives. Therapists had told us to not expect something so drastic. We had to be realistic about our expectations. You still set them very high after years of agony. A couple of years later my brother famously said to us all "huh, all those years blaming the booze. Turns out that dad is just an asshole". It  might not be that there is really any good left in Kim. It might just be that the people around her are better than she is. 

  • Love 13

I don't see it that way. Any breed can be dangerous. I'm talking about that particular dog. Some dogs CAN'T be rehabilitated. It's possible Kingsley was from a singleton litter and if he was and he didn't get the proper socialization in the first vital imprinting weeks of life, way before Kim had anything to do with him, he may never be a reliable companion. You can never get those weeks back.



If the dog is indeed un-trainable, it ultimately falls on KIM and KIM alone to do something about Kingsley before he harms or kills someone.  

She is an idiot. If she doesn't get that dog to an expert  ASAP, that dog will strike again.  Next time, it could be much worse.  It could even be Kim next time. I hate to say this and i'll probably get slammed for it.; but if she can't get this dog re-homed to a qualified expert,  I'd rather see Kingsley put down before he does serious damage.   Maybe even kill someone.


eta :  I know she's had Kingsley to at least 1 expert, but he deemed the dog untrainable.  But  it was most likely KIM that was untrainable and wouldn't follow the proper techniques to rein in Kingsley.   She doesn't seem to have the personality to train a very powerful dog.   That's why I'm saying she has to either get this dog to an even more qualified person (like Cesar) or the dog should be put down.   

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 7

I wonder why there is not some kind of mandated reporting for dogs and also investigative service like when child services investigates a parent / child care giver.  To me, it is deep and disturbing for a comment like, "I have never experienced such a willingness and drive towards humans as Kingsley" to be made to a tabloid and there is no agency you can report that to.  But now that I've typed this out, wouldn't the local Animal Control be the agency this kind of thing gets reported to and they in turn look into the matter?

Has it been confirmed that Kingsley is back living with Kim?  If so, I can't imagine her neighbors not reporting this to Animal Control for investigation...there's no way in hell I'd allow my family to live in fear of a known dangerous animal.

  • Love 3

"I have never experienced such a willingness and drive towards humans as Kingsley"  <  -  I might be a bit slow, but I'm not sure I even understand this statement.


I'm assuming this statement was made by the trainer that Kim had hired ?   


Was he trying to say the "willingness and drive"  was AGGRESSION?  I'm guessing it was, but it's worded so oddly !

  • Love 5

Only Kim can rehabilitate herself.



I don't find it reprehensible, I find it irresponsible and delusional. I also however find it sad. As someone who loves my dogs so much, I might for a time think I could keep him too and think I could just keep him away from others. However, the time has passed where Kim should have realized that she couldn't handle him. She is like a child though and her executive function is stuck in late adolescence. Plus she is lonely and it is most likely due to her poor impulse control and lack of grown up coping skills.

She seems to have a good relationship with at least two of her children's fathers and there must be something they saw in her and still do that we aren't seeing through the Bravo lens.

Or they have just figured out that the bitch is more dangerous than Kingsley and it's far better to keep the peace with her.

  • Love 4

"I have never experienced such a willingness and drive towards humans as Kingsley"  <  -  I might be a bit slow, but I'm not sure I even understand this statement.


I'm assuming this statement was made by the trainer that Kim had hired ?   


Was he trying to say the "willingness and drive"  was AGGRESSION?  I'm guessing it was, but it's worded so oddly !

Yes, by 1 of the 3 trainers Kim tried after Alexia was bitten, 2, including the one quoted above, have stated that this dog is the most aggressive and dangerous dog they have ever encountered. In the case of all 3 trainers, Kim refused to allow any of them to retrain the dog and sent him to a 4, yet unknown, trainer with a new name to try and hide his bite history. All 3 of the rejected trainers specialize in aggressive dogs like problem pits and other dominate breeds.

  • Love 6

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