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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I mean it's very well known that Kim was a child actor during a period where the needs of the child actor was almost non existent. It's an era well known to be brutal with it's young actors and also known to be a serious cause of many tragedies.



I actually get the impression that Kim's worklife was one of the most positive things in her life. It's true she was a child actor when the kind of problems kids had wasn't dealt with as openly--Todd Bridges, Mackenzie Philips and Danny Bonaduce were all in abusive home situations that weren't dealt with. In DB's case the cast of the show did their best to shield him from it, but it was still hidden. Dana Plato had a mom who was loving but I think got very sick. But Kim herself has always spoken of her professional life as being really fun and not something that made her feel bad--and I believe her the way she talks about it. 


But then, I think the danger often isn't necessarily about the work but about whether they're given (or have) the skills to go from child actor to adult smoothly. A lot of times the key to that seems to be parents who manage to treat their kids as regular people who could survive with their identities intact even if their career tanks  or they retire or whatever. It's possible that Kim would have had problems if she'd never acted, or that acting exacerbated them by giving her more access to drugs (though as DB has said about his own drug use as a kid "I wasn't getting high with the Brady Bunch..."). Or maybe something about the life of being a child actor kept her from getting the skills she needed for her life. Not in the sense of "I didn't have a childhood" or that her childhood was too terribly hard and stressful because she acted, but that even if the job was enjoyable she got into habits that didn't serve her well later in life. There could be any number of things she came up against in that world that were maybe handled in a bad way for her, just as could have been true if she wasn't acting. 


Obviously whatever is going on with Kim has to involve her career as a child because that's who she is. It just also might be hard to pinpoint one specific thing. Especially since Kim's perceptions, like anyone's, are going to be unique to her. There might be ways that she feels about things that don't necessarily mean things were done to make her feel that way, if that makes sense. 

  • Love 2

The substance abuse has been tracked back to a very young age so there's decades of damage we know of and yet the minimalization of what Kim faces continues. I for one have no doubt in my mind that these numerous challenges have deeply affected Kim. Partnered with other factors within Kim's basic make up and yeah I'm pretty convinced that she's got her work cut out for her and in no way shape or form do I think it boils down to some simple equation that Kim is just refusing to solve. 


Minimization of what she faces and overemphasis of how terrible she is when she's intoxicated. At her worst I've seen her swear at people and haphazardly kick out like a petulant child. People (Lisa R) act like she could pull out a knife at any moment and start killing at random. 

  • Love 5

Minimization of what she faces and overemphasis of how terrible she is when she's intoxicated. At her worst I've seen her swear at people and haphazardly kick out like a petulant child. People (Lisa R) act like she could pull out a knife at any moment and start killing at random. 

Agreed! So far all I've ever seen on the show was Kim being an annoying and yes somewhat aggressive drunk and considering what I've experienced.. what was shown seemed rather mild or at the very least situations that grown woman shouldn't really go off cowering in the corner about. For me it's just such a stretch to see those occurrences as anything more than extremely aggravating. Life threatening, dangerous, traumatic? Justification by the cast through hyperbole to legitimize any inappropriateness on their parts (which may have not been in all of the situations but still quite a few times) when it came to reacting extremely poorly to Kim irregardless of her circumstances or what they knew to be at the heart of it all. I mean really, they couldn't come to their own conclusions and reacted like capable, experienced women? I just find it a little idiotic that anyone in their situations would be as inept as they all seemed to be on more than one occasion to either handle, deal or just be present. You would have thought they were expected to handle and cure the plague, brace for a hurricane or prepare for a missle attack at a moments notice the way these women were quickly reduced to either tears, anger, fear, urges to flee and complete loss of control and composure. All over the erratic behavior of a 5'1'' 115lb addict. Goodness.


"Bu..buuu.buuutttt, I was fearing for my life, I hate being shhh'd... Kim's such a terror and a threat to my well being.. I, I, just had to sensationally smash my wine glass in the name of an awkward limo ride and the sake of Harry Hamlins ticklish asshole....." ~Lisa Rinna~


Give me a minute I might come up with confessing quotes for the rest of the cast about how Kim's addict behavior ruined their lives and drove them to lunacy ... Lol!!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

Yeah, it's insane to me that Lipsa keeps up with "I feared for my LIFE!" stuff when SHE was the one who broke a glass and was threatening people physically.  Give me a break.


Kim's a pain in the ass, but the worst thing she ever did to someone on the show physically was steal Brandi's crutches, and frankly, other than that and the ubiquitous Richard sisters (all of them) finger pointing, when has she physically lashed out?  Did SHE send threatening texts?  Uh, no, that was Lipsa.  Again.

  • Love 3

Agreed! So far all I've ever seen on the show was Kim being an annoying and yes somewhat aggressive drunk and considering what I've experienced.. what was shown seemed rather mild or at the very least situations that grown woman shouldn't really go off cowering in the corner about. For me it's just such a stretch to see those occurrences as anything more than extremely aggravating. Life threatening, dangerous, traumatic? Justification by the cast through hyperbole to legitimize any inappropriateness on their parts (which may have not been in all of the situations but still quite a few times) when it came to reacting extremely poorly to Kim irregardless of her circumstances or what they knew to be at the heart of it all. I mean really, they couldn't come to their own conclusions and reacted like capable, experienced women? I just find it a little idiotic that anyone in their situations would be as inept as they all seemed to be on more than one occasion to either handle, deal or just be present. You would have thought they were expected to handle and cure the plague, brace for a hurricane or prepare for a missle attack at a moments notice the way these women were quickly reduced to either tears, anger, fear, urges to flee and complete loss of control and composure. All over the erratic behavior of a 5'1'' tall 115lb addict. Goodness.


"Bu..buuu.buuutttt, I was fearing for my life, I hate being shhh'd... Kim's such a terror and a threat to my well being.. I, I, just had to sensationally smash my wine glass in the name of an awkward limo ride and the sake of Harry Hamlins ticklish asshole....." ~Lisa Rinna~


Give me a minute I might come up with confessing quotes for the rest of the cast about how Kim's addict behavior ruined their lives and drove them to lunacy ... Lol!!

Did LisaR over react to Kim, Maybe, but we just don't know the full extent of how out of control Kim was in that limo because we only saw a snippet of it. Is she blowing it out of proportion in the latter half of this season, Yes, but I think it is producer driven at this point to segue way into Kim's appearance on the show this season. I also think much of the Kim talk was because Kim was all over the press in a big way during filming and to ignore it would have been ridiculous, especially in light that production was planning on her appearing in a few scenes this season.


I don't recall any HW claiming that Kim's addict behavior "ruined their lives and drove them to lunacy", not 1.  It is Kim that claims the others have "ruined" her life, not the other way around.

  • Love 6

Minimization of what she faces and overemphasis of how terrible she is when she's intoxicated. At her worst I've seen her swear at people and haphazardly kick out like a petulant child. People (Lisa R) act like she could pull out a knife at any moment and start killing at random. 


It's much more likely Kim would get behind the wheel while drunk and/or high and unintentionally kill randomly.  Or threaten to reveal secrets about your spouse after sticking her pointy finger in your face, repeatedly.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 6

And who knows maybe Lisar has some trauma related to being in proximity to someone who is high or drunk or is Kim's trauma the only one we should be sensitive too?

Eta not to mention that if Lisa does have an eating disorder Kim outed her on national television. Let the Kyle type bashing commence!

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 6

What we do know is that one of these ladies lives has spun completely out of control. In plain sight. There's no "who knows" about it. This woman is spiraling full speed into her own grave. Interesting how stretches of the imagination are introduced as well as suppositions made in order to absolve, minimize or express understanding for Lisa R's behavior with Kim but point out all the true, verifiable and at the least highly plausible contributors to Kim's current condition and they are considered unacceptable "excuses" or misplaced and aren't exactly relevant to current matters at hand.  Considering the magnitude of what we DO know of Kim's life vs. what we DON'T know about Rinna's as it stands now...? For me, simply put, Lisa R can just put a sock in it at this point. 

  • Love 2

Did LisaR over react to Kim, Maybe, but we just don't know the full extent of how out of control Kim was in that limo because we only saw a snippet of it. Is she blowing it out of proportion in the latter half of this season, Yes, but I think it is producer driven at this point to segue way into Kim's appearance on the show this season. I also think much of the Kim talk was because Kim was all over the press in a big way during filming and to ignore it would have been ridiculous, especially in light that production was planning on her appearing in a few scenes this season.


I don't recall any HW claiming that Kim's addict behavior "ruined their lives and drove them to lunacy", not 1.  It is Kim that claims the others have "ruined" her life, not the other way around.

In a way, being outed by Kyle and the rest did ruin Kim' s comeback.

(Of course, if she. was sober as she claims , it would be a non issue)

  • Love 2

In a way, being outed by Kyle and the rest did ruin Kim' s comeback.

(Of course, if she. was sober as she claims , it would be a non issue)


Kim ruined her own comeback by repeatedly showing up for work and appearing on camera drunk and/or high.  Many of us did not need Kyle or anyone else to confirm it.

  • Love 14

Yeah, it's insane to me that Lipsa keeps up with "I feared for my LIFE!" stuff when SHE was the one who broke a glass and was threatening people physically.  Give me a break.


Kim's a pain in the ass, but the worst thing she ever did to someone on the show physically was steal Brandi's crutches, and frankly, other than that and the ubiquitous Richard sisters (all of them) finger pointing, when has she physically lashed out?  Did SHE send threatening texts?  Uh, no, that was Lipsa.  Again.

She was kicking Kim in the limo and Brandi had to pull her back from going after Lisar before Lisar threw the wineglass.


My thing is if they are mutually afraid of each other then they should not engage in conversations.  Brandi is about the only one who gets pretty physical on the show.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

In a way, being outed by Kyle and the rest did ruin Kim' s comeback.

(Of course, if she. was sober as she claims , it would be a non issue)

No, Kim did that all by herself. By the time Kyle said anything in the limo, Kim had already shown herself as a nasty drunk/addict. There were only 2 scenes prior to LisaR joining the show where Kim's addictions were mentioned, first time, the limo with Kyle and the second time was the "meth" comment Brandi made, otherwise it was ignored even though it was apparent she was under the influence of something 90%+ of the time. It has even been rumored/reported in blogs that production edited out scenes that were far worse than the SUV scene. Kim is too blame for everyone that watches this show knowing she is an addict/alcoholic and no one else and Kim is too blame for everyone that watches the news or reads the internet celebrity news because she broke the law and did so under the influence.

  • Love 7

Minimization of what she faces and overemphasis of how terrible she is when she's intoxicated. At her worst I've seen her swear at people and haphazardly kick out like a petulant child. People (Lisa R) act like she could pull out a knife at any moment and start killing at random. 

To me the problem comes from minimizing just how horrible Kim is. The other thing that I think is notable that others have commented on is that Kim doesn't seem to be a nice person when she's sober either. 


I'd have a lot more sympathy for Kim if she seemed to care at all about being a good person who cares about others but I just don't see that side of her. 


I think people are projecting there own feelings about addiction on to Kim. She has never said or done anything that leads me to beleive she is guilt ridden and remorseful. I have a plethora of addicts in my family and I Was raised surrounded by them. Screwed up, but the kindest most sensitive people you could ever meet. I don't see any of that with Kim. Season one and two I was the captain of team Kim. I just assumed she was like the other addicts in my life, almost too sensitive for the world. Somewhere in season three it dawned on me I wasn't seeing her as she was. She has shown herself to be a selfish, miserable woman with little regard for anyone but herself.

I've been wanting to address this because this was basically how I felt about Kim in the first season. I wanted to like her very much and was excited that she was apart of the show. I have happy memories of her Witch Mountain movies when I was a kid and I totally felt sorry for her over limogate although I never hated Kyle for it. It wasn't until season 2 where I felt I couldn't ignore or excuse Kim's behavior any longer. In season 3, I gave her a new slate and she was even worse IMO and this was supposedly when she was sober even though we all know that she wasn't sober by any stretch of the imagination. Kim got a big giant pass in season 4 from production and was completely ungrateful. Indeed, she felt entitled--that's the way her addiction should always be treated in her opinion and it didn't do her or anybody else any good. Quite the opposite. She felt that she'd be allowed to continue to get away with being an asshole because she's always had people around to clean up her messes and make excuses for her.


It's such nonsense that Kim is truly taken to task for doing things like being a mean jerk and then being completely unapologetic about it. People in this forum might bitch about Kim being a horrible, hypocritical and unlikable pill, but Kim rarely has to be accountable for her behavior on the actual show. Season after season after season after season it's a bunch of people tip toeing around Kim and feeling impossibly sorry for her. The one person who decided that they'd had it up to here with Kim and had the nerve to talk about it has been given no end of grief about it and is supposedly insensitive to boot. (Imagine the nerve of someone talking about the reality of one of their costars when said costar is in the news for acting like the ass that their nervy costar had experienced them to be.)


Yeah, it's insane to me that Lipsa keeps up with "I feared for my LIFE!" stuff when SHE was the one who broke a glass and was threatening people physically.  Give me a break.


Kim's a pain in the ass, but the worst thing she ever did to someone on the show physically was steal Brandi's crutches, and frankly, other than that and the ubiquitous Richard sisters (all of them) finger pointing, when has she physically lashed out?  Did SHE send threatening texts?  Uh, no, that was Lipsa.  Again.

No, the worst thing that we've seen Kim do on the show is drive while she's under the influence. Kim is the dangerous one and it's ridiculous that her bad behavior continues to be minimized because she is an addict who also happened to be a child star. This isn't even getting into the rude way she treats people on a regular basis. 


Kim ruined her own comeback by repeatedly showing up for work and appearing on camera drunk and/or high.  Many of us did not need Kyle or anyone else to confirm it.

I remember the nonstop river of denial from Kim fans about her issues back on TWoP in Kim's first three seasons. First it was denial about whether or not she had any substance abuse issues. Then it was denial about how Kim is to blame for her financial situation. For years it was put out there as though it were a fact that Kim was the sole breadwinner of her family and that Kyle was made out to be a glorified extra who would be nothing if it weren't for her hardworking big sister's generosity. Kim supposedly had the stage mother from hell and this should give her a pass for most of her horrible choices in life because she supposedly had it rough and even though her sisters grew up in the same environment and faced the same challenges without turning into complete wrecks like Kim. Meanwhile Kim has nothing but praise for her mother and nothing but fond memories of her time in Hollywood. 


Even last season when she was back to being her worst, there were all kinds of comments about how Kim's behavior wasn't "that bad" and that all of the other women were somehow overreacting to sweet and harmless Kim. 


I don't think it's an exaggeration in any way, shape, or form that Kim's addictions and complete lack of responsibility and accountability make her a dangerous person to be around.  

  • Love 14



I don't think it's an exaggeration in any way, shape, or form that Kim's addictions and complete lack of responsibility and accountability make her a dangerous person to be around.  

I personally do think that some of it has been an exaggeration. Elevated by the show itself and the dynamics of what's involved to get us the footage. To ignore that detail is to reach a hugely incomplete assessment of the big picture. Lisa's provoking and questioning, Eileen, Lisa etc. bringing Kim up to Kyle, the women pondering and pondering unnecessarily to a certain degree over this and that situation. Oh come on. If it wasn't for the show a lot of these escalated situations would have mostly likely not occurred. The show itself is an accelerant and there are certain cast members who have thrived in their roles as casualties of Kim's wake. It's rather disgusting if you ask me.


I still can't grasp where and what kind of immediate danger these women in particular where in during filming over the seasons. In what instances, that we saw, was anyone's life, health, or safety TRULY in jeopardy at the hands of Kim in all the times we saw footage of Kim interacting with these women? 


Not about what we know to be very real risks in the day in the life of an addict in general, but from what we've actually seen? Who has she seriously been a danger too in that respect?

  • Love 4

Welp!!  A strong case was building momentum in defense of Kim.


Time to break out the tar and feathers.

I disagree that the case in defense of Kim is at all strong. I've still yet to see proof that Kim is a person who tries to be good while Kyle is supposedly this person who doesn't have the first idea of how to be a good person. Even if a person disagrees that Kyle is a good person, I think we can all at least agree that she tries to be. That Kyle actually takes steps that are universally considered to be appropriate when it comes to attempting to be a good person. Things like examining her behavior, correcting it, admitting it, apologizing for it, making a concerted effort to change, listening to other people's perceptions, etc. 


Calling Kim out on her bad behavior isn't tarring and feathering although I'm sure Kim would see it that way since she can't handle any criticism whatsoever. 


That WWHL interview made it crystal clear that Kim thinks she was a huge victim last season who didn't do anything wrong. She also doesn't think that she's to blame for her arrests. 


I'm personally fine with Kim being tarred and feathered in the form of social media. She's more than earned it and it's a drop in the bucket compared to what her behavior inflicts on the people who are in her life. JMO. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 13

Recently, BraHo had on someone from production who stated that the original limo scene was much worse and they held back releasing some footage because the situation with Kim and Kyle had escalated. The hotel wanted them to wrap up filming but the situation with Kim was making it difficult.  Production has to make it interesting but it appears that they are not out to destroy anyone who is truly having issues. I believe that BraHo has not released some of the worse scenes with both Kim Richards and Kelly Bensimon.


I hope that BraHo doesn't feature anymore sibling/relatives on their shows. It is not entertaining.

  • Love 10

I disagree that the case in defense of Kim is at all strong. I've still yet to see proof that Kim is a person who tries to be good while Kyle is supposedly this person who doesn't have the first idea of how to be a good person. Even if a person disagrees that Kyle is a good person, I think we can all at least agree that she tries to be. That Kyle actually takes steps that are universally considered to be appropriate when it comes to attempting to be a good person. Things like examining her behavior, correcting it, admitting it, apologizing for it, making a concerted effort to change, listening to other people's perceptions, etc. 


Calling Kim out on her bad behavior isn't tarring and feathering although I'm sure Kim would see it that way since she can't handle any criticism whatsoever. 


That WWHL interview made it crystal clear that Kim thinks she was a huge victim last season who didn't do anything wrong. She also doesn't think that she's to blame for her arrests. 


I'm personally fine with Kim being tarred and feathered in the form of social media. She's more than earned it and it's a drop in the bucket compared to what her behavior inflicts on the people who are in her life. JMO. 

To me the difference between the sisters is Kyle when someone is ripping Kim apart stands up for her sister, she did with Brandi on Game Night, at great personal cost, she did it again with Lisar this year.  Kim on the other hand either enjoys see her sister squirm (Camille Season 1) or is too self-absorbed to see that her friend Brandi is truly hateful towards Kyle and her family.  She also stood quiet when Yolanda, Brandi and LVP were going at Kyle over the tabloid rumors. 


I am also kind of curious over this new BFF situation with Kim and Yolanda.  I think Yolanda was nice to Kim in Paris, and then when given the opportunity to stand for Kyle over the Yolanda talking smack about LVP, Kim's lips were sealed.  Kim and Yolanda, Kim didn't go to Yolanda's paint party and Yolanda did not go to Kimberly's graduation, or nose job party.  I am curious just when these two got so close.

  • Love 7

Kim never misses an opportunity to dig at Kyle if she can. Ranting at Kyle in season 3 over how much Brandi supposedly hurt her back in season 2. She tries to make it seem like Kyle doesn't care about her when Kim wasn't the focus of the conversation. All of Kim's digs at Mauricio over the years, repeatedly accusing them both of stealing and treating her unfairly over the house, resenting the new Palm Springs house, trying to put the Kingsley situation on Alexia, not caring even after she sees Brandi physically pushing her sister, trying to outright lie and make it seem like Kyle wanted her to make a fool of herself for the cameras, deliberately misrepresenting the bathroom scene, etc.


Kim constantly twists the truth and outright lies. She'll do anything for sympathy except tell the truth about her situation.  

  • Love 10

How sad is that? The truth would likely gain her the sympathy she seems to crave, instead of flimsy half-baked lies. An addict will say and do anything to protect the addiction. Deny, deny, deny. Even when they know you saw it, deny. Kim knows she exposed herself but still thinks that if she denies it enough, she'll get by. Seems to be right. I will be surprised if she is not back next season, if there is one.

  • Love 7

I think people are projecting there own feelings about addiction on to Kim. She has never said or done anything that leads me to beleive she is guilt ridden and remorseful. I have a plethora of addicts in my family and I Was raised surrounded by them. Screwed up, but the kindest most sensitive people you could ever meet. I don't see any of that with Kim. Season one and two I was the captain of team Kim. I just assumed she was like the other addicts in my life, almost too sensitive for the world. Somewhere in season three it dawned on me I wasn't seeing her as she was. She has shown herself to be a selfish, miserable woman with little regard for anyone but herself.

I thought she seemed to feel regret and guilt when she was saying goodbye to Kimberly after driving her to college.
  • Love 2

... not caring even after she sees Brandi physically pushing her sister

This scene gets brought up periodically so I just want to be sure I'm thinking of that to which you refer*. Are you speaking of the gathering when Kim tried to leave with Brandi who had a plate of pizza and Kyle went after them and grabbed Brandi's arm on the steps? And the pizza went a-flyin' and Brandi pushed Kyle away and Kyle stumbled back down the stairs in her too-high shoes? That's entirely on Idiot Kyle who should have let Kim leave. No matter role Kyle feels she plays in Kim's life, in that moment it wasn't her call or her place to detain her sister. On a more basic level, Kyle was very lucky that she pulled that hands-on stuff with Brandi, as the same action with one of the NJ or ATL harridans might have earned her a trip to the ER and a 3rd rhinoplasty.


Kim constantly twists the truth and outright lies. She'll do anything for sympathy except tell the truth about her situation.

I know you're speaking of Kim but the twisting of truth and the ploys for sympathy seem to be a contractual requirement throughout the RH franchise.

*if you're referencing another scene, sorry, they blur after awhile.

  • Love 6

All of this discussion really does come down to two basic things.


Some people think Kim is an addict because she wants to be one so much that she doesn't want to change it.  It's a personal choice she makes because she's selfish/mean/entitled/horrible/bitchy/spoiled/  insert negative word of your choice.  These tend to believe that if the family cuts that addict from their lives completely all will be well for them and the addict. 


Some people think Kim has a disease and that fixing that is more complicated, and that easy fixes are a myth, including AA and rehab. Also, that the ways that the family copes with that depend on the individual addicts reasons and complications, as well as the family member's needs.


I'm in the later category, obviously. 


This isn't a choice between which sister is good or bad, or better or worse.  Both can be bad.  Both can be good.  (etc)  It's all really irrelevant to the main issues.  What I mean by that is Kim "being bad" doesn't mean that Kyle must be "good."  Or visa versa.

  • Love 6

All of this discussion really does come down to two basic things.


Some people think Kim is an addict because she wants to be one so much that she doesn't want to change it.  It's a personal choice she makes because she's selfish/mean/entitled/horrible/bitchy/spoiled/  insert negative word of your choice.  These tend to believe that if the family cuts that addict from their lives completely all will be well for them and the addict. 


Some people think Kim has a disease and that fixing that is more complicated, and that easy fixes are a myth, including AA and rehab. Also, that the ways that the family copes with that depend on the individual addicts reasons and complications, as well as the family member's needs.


I'm in the later category, obviously. 


This isn't a choice between which sister is good or bad, or better or worse.  Both can be bad.  Both can be good.  (etc)  It's all really irrelevant to the main issues.  What I mean by that is Kim "being bad" doesn't mean that Kyle must be "good."  Or visa versa.


And some people believe Kim is a selfish/mean/entitled/horrible/bitchy/spoiled addict with a disease that cannot easily be fixed by AA, rehab, therapy or any other means, has a complicated past and family, and would have the same vicious, vile personality even if she attained sobriety.

  • Love 16



And some think all three sisters are pretty much the same as far as being nasty people, but Kim has the chemistry that makes her drug or alcohol use a problem, but Kathy and Kyle lucked out as far as that particular issue.  So, she can't hide it as well.  She also had the endlessly working childhood to contend with, but Kyle and Kathy were not so desired by Hollywood.

  • Love 3

When did AA or rehab ever come a fix-it or a cure?  I have always heard it is a tool to help an addict, who has the desire to quit, with their sobriety.  I believe Kim has a mental illness that she has not revealed and it is exacerbated with her drinking, prescription and recreational drug usage.  in other words Kim has a lot of work ahead of her.  Regardless of her family support  financial or emotional it is something she has to do on her own.  If not revealing her tools will help her reach and maintain her sobriety, I say go for it.  I just don't think she can have it both ways and be this very public person who has a chronicled history of relapsing and now expect to remain that very public person and not acknowledge her journey.  Maybe that is what Yolanda meant by invisible illness.

  • Love 7



And some think all three sisters are pretty much the same as far as being nasty people, but Kim has the chemistry that makes her drug or alcohol use a problem, but Kathy and Kyle lucked out as far as that particular issue.  So, she can't hide it as well.  She also had the endlessly working childhood to contend with, but Kyle and Kathy were not so desired by Hollywood.

Kyle, Kathy and 100 million other children were not as successful as Kim in Hollywood.  I am curious how does Kathy or Kyle's being less desired by Hollywood have an effect on Kim?  Kim got many, many perks for being the star.  I know I have said it about a hundred times and here it goes, when Kim was working she was spending a maximum of eight hours a day of working and or being tutored.   If school was in session, then Kim would have been tutored first for five hours and then would work.  Very similar to kids who go to school for six hours and have an after school activity.  The less desirable ones probably spent as much or more time auditioning and being rejected or taking lessons as Kim did working.

  • Love 5

She was a child.  A little girl.  Working.


Yes, she talks like it was all so fun, because if she didn't it would reflect negatively on dear sainted mother.


Also, all those other little girls didn't have famous sisters working, or mothers pimping them out.  I pointed out Kim's working because that is the most obvious thing that was different than her sisters, who were also pushed into show business, but were not nearly as successful.  Basic personality though?  I think they are all very similar.


Personally, I thought that moment between Kim and Kyle when Kyle was helping her with make up was much more real than Kim's canned crap about the "joys" of working as a little kid.  Wistful, nostalgic, talking about missing out on friends her own age, school dances, all of the things Kyle did enjoy. 

  • Love 3

Since it's all speculation at this point, why don't we add that some people just prefer to be high? Just because we think she should have had multiple rock bottoms by now, doesn't mean she does. Addicts in my life have lost marriages, relationships with children, homes, and on and on. Everyone watching thought, "This must be rock bottom," and it wasn't. Instead of fictionalizing clergy abuse, why don't we at least consider that she prefers being high over not?

  • Love 10

She was a child.  A little girl.  Working.


Yes, she talks like it was all so fun, because if she didn't it would reflect negatively on dear sainted mother.


Also, all those other little girls didn't have famous sisters working, or mothers pimping them out.  I pointed out Kim's working because that is the most obvious thing that was different than her sisters, who were also pushed into show business, but were not nearly as successful.  Basic personality though?  I think they are all very similar.


Personally, I thought that moment between Kim and Kyle when Kyle was helping her with make up was much more real than Kim's canned crap about the "joys" of working as a little kid.  Wistful, nostalgic, talking about missing out on friends her own age, school dances, all of the things Kyle did enjoy. 

I guess every child actor then should be horribly miserable because they "worked".   To me when I think of kids working as children I think of the kids who work on the family farm, work at the family restaurant, help their parents at home with their brothers and sisters or help with a disabled parent.  I don't think of aspiring equestrians, gymnasts, swimmers, figure skaters, dancers as working their childhood away.   Kim and her siblings by virtue of her success got to enjoy many things other people only dream of-while one kid is going to a recital attended by family and friends, she got to go to movie premieres.   I do think Kim enjoyed that aspect of her life and certainly Kathy and Kyle also benefitted.  I tend to listen to Vince who talks about his experience as a childhood actor and child of an actor.  There just seems to be a thread of fun that was involved.


Kim chose not to go to school when she wasn't working, and Kyle and Kathy chose to go.  All three girls were enrolled in a private school for their primary and middle school years.    Kim could have gone to high school she dropped out.  From Kim's sophomore year through what would have been her senior year she appeared in four episodes of four different TV shows.  An episode takes a week to film that would be four weeks out of three school years, if the filming was in fact during the school year.  The child labor laws change regarding schooling and parents on set at 16 years old.   I am also mystified where people get the idea Kim drank and drugged on the set.  her mother or most likely her grandmother have to have visual and auditory presence while the child is on the set.  From her own IMDB, she just wasn't as busy as she was under sixteen. Many child actors, far more famous than Kim have managed to go beyond high school and get Ivy League degrees.  Kyle spent a fair amount of time out of school and she worked during high school on her own show.   She filmed 106 episodes during the same period of time in her life as Kim filmed 4. She had a leading role http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086697/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_18. So I am at a loss why people keep insisting Kyle just went to school just like every other kid.  Kyle has said she was also tutored on the set.  Kyle chose to go to high school when she wasn't working.


I believe the major difference between Kim and Kyle is Kyle is just more social than Kim.  I don't think that says anything good or bad about either one of them.  Kim seemed to gravitate towards marriage and Kyle after her divorce seemed to socialize.  Even when she talks about hanging out with Bethenny, that was someone she met at a restaurant.  I just don't see Kim as being as outgoing.  From Kim's description I always thought she preferred to be with her kids than in a group socializing.  I am not saying Kyle does not like being with her children. 

  • Love 11

Since it's all speculation at this point, why don't we add that some people just prefer to be high? Just because we think she should have had multiple rock bottoms by now, doesn't mean she does. Addicts in my life have lost marriages, relationships with children, homes, and on and on. Everyone watching thought, "This must be rock bottom," and it wasn't. Instead of fictionalizing clergy abuse, why don't we at least consider that she prefers being high over not?

That was my choice number one above.


Oh Zoey, stopping into junior or senior high here and there, when you aren't used to it, don't know the other kids, and may have to leave the moment a roll comes up?  Really?  It's not the same thing.


I think child actors are much better cared for now, parents are usually on sets with them, etc.  Back in Kim's day?  We all know the horror stories, and you can pretty much see it all in Kim now.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

That was my choice number one above.


Oh Zoey, stopping into junior or senior high here and there, when you aren't used to it, don't know the other kids, and may have to leave the moment a roll comes up?  Really?  It's not the same thing.


I think child actors are much better cared for now, parents are usually on sets with them, etc.  Back in Kim's day?  We all know the horror stories, and you can pretty much see it all in Kim now.

Actually, your choice one above has a negative connotation on the part of the viewer.  A decidedly non-compassionate bent from your viewpoint   I'm referring to emotionless facts.  I wish no harm towards Kim.  I grew up with her, adoring her.  That doesn't mean I'm willing to assume there is some sort of abuse involved, because not every person who gets high requires that as a launching pad into drug use.  Head into any bar on a weekend and see people enjoying a buzz.  Not because they are mean or selfish or entitled, but just because it feels good.  It doesn't require a nefarious past or a lack of compassion on the part of witnesses.  It is what it is.

  • Love 5

Actually, your choice one above has a negative connotation on the part of the viewer.  A decidedly non-compassionate bent from your viewpoint   I'm referring to emotionless facts.  I wish no harm towards Kim.  I grew up with her, adoring her.  That doesn't mean I'm willing to assume there is some sort of abuse involved, because not every person who gets high requires that as a launching pad into drug use.  Head into any bar on a weekend and see people enjoying a buzz.  Not because they are mean or selfish or entitled, but just because it feels good.  It doesn't require a nefarious past or a lack of compassion on the part of witnesses.  It is what it is.

Well, I was talking about reading over the comments in this thread.


Mine said:

Some people think Kim is an addict because she wants to be one so much that she doesn't want to change it.  It's a personal choice she makes because she's selfish/mean/entitled/horrible/bitchy/spoiled/  insert negative word of your choice.  These tend to believe that if the family cuts that addict from their lives completely all will be well for them and the addict.


So you are saying you agree with the first sentence, but that you don't think she's selfish/mean/entitled/horrible/bitchy/or spoiled?


Some people think Kim is an addict because she wants to be one so much that she doesn't want to change it.


It's weird, I've never seen a single thing Kim was in, well maybe that TV show, but I don't remember her.  I didn't understand why so many liked her in the beginning.  I only started to feel for her when her obvious problems became issues.  I still don't LIKE her, or either of her sisters.  I just feel compassion for her, because she is sick.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

In truth, I don't think she thinks as much about it as everyone around her does. It rarely affects the user as gravely as it does those in their circles....unless of course medical issues result or od'ing is involved. They are numb. We aren't. As for never having seen her in anything, perhaps you are younger than I am. Growing up you couldn't swing a cat without hitting something she was in.

  • Love 4

That was my choice number one above.


Oh Zoey, stopping into junior or senior high here and there, when you aren't used to it, don't know the other kids, and may have to leave the moment a roll comes up?  Really?  It's not the same thing.


I think child actors are much better cared for now, parents are usually on sets with them, etc.  Back in Kim's day?  We all know the horror stories, and you can pretty much see it all in Kim now.

The law have been the same, even in Kim's day, regarding hours of work and parents being on the set.  We don't know one horror story associated with Kim or Kyle Richards career.  She has never said anything about any horrors on the set.  By now if Kim were playing for sympathy I am quite certain she would have played them. 


I went to high school with a kid actor, an Olympic swimmer and the son of a very famous actress.  They were treated quite well when they returned to school after performing.  Kids have to go to new schools all the time.  It is no one's fault, it is just how Kim perceived things.   Maybe more time should have been spent with Kim letting her know going to school is a good thing.  I think it is a whole lot easier to sleep in than to go to high school.  In all fairness, by the time Kyle started high school Kathy was married with two kids and Kim was out of the house.  Very different situation for Kyle. 

  • Love 7

In truth, I don't think she thinks as much about it as everyone around her does. It rarely affects the user as gravely as it does those in their circles....unless of course medical issues result or od'ing is involved. They are numb. We aren't. As for never having seen her in anything, perhaps you are younger than I am. Growing up you couldn't swing a cat without hitting something she was in.

Well for everyday Kim enjoyed whatever substance and no one knew was probably a day of relief.  I also think that most people when they are using and excuse themselves from a function, whether under the influence or not, think they have pulled of a coupe. 

  • Love 4

Well for everyday Kim enjoyed whatever substance and no one knew was probably a day of relief.  I also think that most people when they are using and excuse themselves from a function, whether under the influence or not, think they have pulled of a coupe.

Certainly worked that way with my ex. I was definitely the Kyle in that situation. Making excuses, trying to act like my world wasn't crumbling. While I have compassion for Kim, from experience I know making excuses for their behavior only enables it.
  • Love 3

Certainly worked that way with my ex. I was definitely the Kyle in that situation. Making excuses, trying to act like my world wasn't crumbling. While I have compassion for Kim, from experience I know making excuses for their behavior only enables it.

I meant the addict  makes an excuse to not attend a function and feels like they have gotten away with fooling others.

  • Love 4

Oh I get it now.  Sad role to have to play.

It was at the time, but it's in the past now. Got two gorgeous girls out of it, and a lot of life lessons, so no regrets. He never snapped out of it though, which may contribute to my bluntness on the subject. Apologies for that. While I have hope for Kim (I try never to give up hope), I can't say I have much optimism.

  • Love 4

IMHO, there are cold hearted people and some who have compassion toward the sick.

Having grown with a mother very much like Kim, I think that having compassion toward my mother enables me to grow without becoming too hard or bitter.

My aunt was exactly like Kyle and while I can still remember my mother vile drunken tirades, I have yet to understand the rage my aunt felt toward my alcoholic mother.

My own mother also peaked early in her life and by the time she died, she pretty much lived in the past.

I can't for the life of me, understand why there is so many negative feelings toward Kim from the viewing audience?????

Besides her children and herself who is she really hurting??????

And please, spare me the bullshit about affecting her coworkers.

There are a bunch of drama queens reveling in attention and the story lines that Kim afford them.

So weird.

  • Love 7


There are times where she is totally swept away in all the perks that came with being a child hood star.  I wish she could express those without having to continually talk about her great sacrifices.  Not riding a school bus or going on a field trip is not devastating.   It is like listening to someone  talk about always being picked last for softball.  It happened and move forward, it was over 40 years ago.

If she is talking about the great sacrifices, then she really feels like those "great times" acting that she also talks about weren't so great.  I have to believe that back then is like today.  All the rumors about the Nickelodeon kids and what happened with Amanda Bynes and Brittany and Demi Lovato? The father from 7th Heaven? The 'n sync producer? There are predators in Hollywood. There is no reason not to believe that Kim wasn't in situations involving drugs and sex at way too early an age. Early trauma can cause psychological damage. That's my opinion, and it's all based on supposition, rumor and innuendo. So don't come at me looking for facts because there are none. Plus as said above, I think she has the addiction gene where her sisters didn't. 


She is no bigger an asshole than any of the other asshole women on the show.  So what's their excuses? She is an alcoholic. What about Rinna? What about Kyle? She sits around being a backstabbing, mean girl who loves her family.  Kim loves her family too.  She makes chicken salad with her hands and throws graduation parties and is so excited when her daughter goes to the prom and moves her into college. She is also an alcoholic who totally fucks up their lives too. Kyle goes to a wedding and leaves half of her daughters behind while sober. Kyle stirs up drama on purpose just to move along a storyline. Kim does it because she's drunk/high and trying to hide it.


Don't even get me started on this new Kathryn Bo-hunk dumb dumb with her shit-stirring. She brings nothing to the table except rocks in her head and in her arms. Why is Kim so odious a cast mate? Because she's unpredictable? Now they are going to want Rinna off because she is telling their secrets.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 5

I can't for the life of me, understand why there is so many negative feelings toward Kim from the viewing audience?????

Besides her children and herself who is she really hurting??????

And please, spare me the bullshit about affecting her coworkers.

There are a bunch of drama queens reveling in attention and the story lines that Kim afford them.

So weird.

First things first, I am sorry for losing your mother and thank you for sharing your experience.

Now onto Kim, I worked closely for ten years with an addict and I will say that her addiction affected all of us that worked with her to some degree or another. Trust me when I say I am compassionate to those struggling with addiction but I am also angry with the addict, and I don't think those are mutually exclusive. I am sad that her addiction has such a stronghold that despite personally driving her to detox centers a few times, and her 20+ rehab stays, she will never live a life without substance abuse. I am angry that she has now sent her child down the same path and uses with them. I am sad that at her core she is a good person who loves people. I am angry when she uses her sweetness to manipulate others and steal from them. As a coworker, I might not have a right to be upset enough to be open about my frustrations, but luckily I am also never going to be on a reality show where I have to discuss it.

  • Love 7

This scene gets brought up periodically so I just want to be sure I'm thinking of that to which you refer*. Are you speaking of the gathering when Kim tried to leave with Brandi who had a plate of pizza and Kyle went after them and grabbed Brandi's arm on the steps? And the pizza went a-flyin' and Brandi pushed Kyle away and Kyle stumbled back down the stairs in her too-high shoes? That's entirely on Idiot Kyle who should have let Kim leave. No matter role Kyle feels she plays in Kim's life, in that moment it wasn't her call or her place to detain her sister. On a more basic level, Kyle was very lucky that she pulled that hands-on stuff with Brandi, as the same action with one of the NJ or ATL harridans might have earned her a trip to the ER and a 3rd rhinoplasty.


I know you're speaking of Kim but the twisting of truth and the ploys for sympathy seem to be a contractual requirement throughout the RH franchise.

*if you're referencing another scene, sorry, they blur after awhile.

I often see it said that certain women are lucky that they don't try certain behavior from women on ATL or NJ because they'd get their asses handed to them. As if the women on the other franchises are shrinking violets who aren't more than capable of delivering similar behavior. 


Going with the idea though that Kyle is lucky she didn't pull that shit on some other woman--Brandi is equally lucky that Kyle isn't the type of person to have a stronger reaction when it comes to body blocking someone and refusing to allow them to go where they want to go. Brandi was the first one to use her body to touch Kyle. Brandi physically used her body to keep Kyle from going where she wanted to go. Brandi is not the person who gets to choose who goes where. She used to body to physically keep Kyle from talking to Kim. There are some women who would've snatched Brandi by her weave after she pulled that shit. Obviously that would not have been the right thing to do but the idea that Kyle was the first one to be out of order here isn't what I saw at all. Brandi got physical first and when Kyle asked her not to block her, Brandi refused and kept using her body to make Kyle do what she wanted. 


Brandi didn't stop there. She grabbed Kyle and pushed her down the stairs. When they were outside she repeatedly intimidated Kyle physically and grabbed her arms again. She wouldn't stop and Kim didn't give a shit. She didn't give a shit while it was going on and she didn't give a shit when she saw it after the fact. She continually defended Brandi even after seeing Brandi get physical with her sister. Contrast that to Kyle defending Kim against Brandi in season 2. I've definitely see a lot more of Kyle defending Kim than Kim defending Kyle. 


Besides her children and herself who is she really hurting??????

And please, spare me the bullshit about affecting her coworkers.

There are a bunch of drama queens reveling in attention and the story lines that Kim afford them.

So weird.

Just from what's been on this show I've seen Kim repeatedly hurt her family. Kyle, Mauricio, Alexia, and yes, her castmates over the years. All the countless hours where they've had to wait on Kim's inconsiderate ass. We're talking years worth of this behavior where she treats other people's time like it doesn't matter. We've seen her being mean and insulting to people for literally no reason. In my opinion, in the normal world these things are hurtful and they've had longterm consequences. 


Off the show we've seen that Kim has a negative impact on other people. I can promise you that maitre'd at the Polo Lounge wasn't happy when he had to deal with drunk Kim. This is precisely the sort of thing that I'm talking about when I say that Kim's behavior is frequently downplayed and she always tries to make it seem like things aren't that bad when the evidence speaks to the contrary. The officer that Kim assaulted would also probably disagree with the idea that the only person that Kim is hurting is herself and her kids. I think that the longtime family friend who was bitten by Kingsley would also disagree with the assertion that Kim is only hurting herself and her kids. 


I shudder to think about the way Kim treats the staff when she's in rehab. 

  • Love 8
My aunt was exactly like Kyle and while I can still remember my mother vile drunken tirades, I have yet to understand the rage my aunt felt toward my alcoholic mother.



Are you saying Kyle feels rage toward Kim? She seems to have plenty of feelings besides rage to me. Clearly she does have some anger, but that's also mixed with fear, the same way you're angry at a kid for running in front of your car. You're not really enraged at the kid, you're also scared at what almost happened. In a case like this I think there is also anger, but I think a lot of her emotions are sort of helplessness.


So yes, there are definitely scenes where I think you can see Kyle either openly being angry at Kim (in the limo or when she's angry/hurt and Kim supporting Brandi or whatever) or seeming to have a lot of anger underneath (like where early on she used to pick at her as if she always needed to establish that she was the one who was competent all the time). But her general attitude toward her is usually about wanting her to get help and being sad and angry at the whole situation.


In general, too, I think it goes to what other people have said about seeing her personality separate from her addiction or not. People get angry at Kim the way they would if a non-addicted person did the same things. Other people just see it all as sickness. It's sometimes impossible to really get away from the Baby Jane references with these two, but I think even there it takes too. Kyle does really seem to relish being the successful one now. Kim does cling to her former specialness in ways that aren't always accurate. They've got a lot of issues beyond the alcohol that I don't think are all about Kyle being angry at Kim. Kim sees completely full of rage at Kyle a lot--even more so than Kyle is to Kim.

  • Love 10

IMHO, there are cold hearted people and some who have compassion toward the sick.

Having grown with a mother very much like Kim, I think that having compassion toward my mother enables me to grow without becoming too hard or bitter.

My aunt was exactly like Kyle and while I can still remember my mother vile drunken tirades, I have yet to understand the rage my aunt felt toward my alcoholic mother.

My own mother also peaked early in her life and by the time she died, she pretty much lived in the past.

I can't for the life of me, understand why there is so many negative feelings toward Kim from the viewing audience?????

Besides her children and herself who is she really hurting??????

And please, spare me the bullshit about affecting her coworkers.

There are a bunch of drama queens reveling in attention and the story lines that Kim afford them.

So weird.

For me, just me, I was in Kim's corner until I saw/realized that she is nasty/mean to her core. It doesn't matter if she is drunk, high or sober/clean. She is mean.

  • Love 17

I guess every child actor then should be horribly miserable because they "worked". To me when I think of kids working as children I think of the kids who work on the family farm, work at the family restaurant, help their parents at home with their brothers and sisters or help with a disabled parent. I don't think of aspiring equestrians, gymnasts, swimmers, figure skaters, dancers as working their childhood away. Kim and her siblings by virtue of her success got to enjoy many things other people only dream of-while one kid is going to a recital attended by family and friends, she got to go to movie premieres. I do think Kim enjoyed that aspect of her life and certainly Kathy and Kyle also benefitted. I tend to listen to Vince who talks about his experience as a childhood actor and child of an actor. There just seems to be a thread of fun that was involved.

Kim chose not to go to school when she wasn't working, and Kyle and Kathy chose to go. All three girls were enrolled in a private school for their primary and middle school years. Kim could have gone to high school she dropped out. From Kim's sophomore year through what would have been her senior year she appeared in four episodes of four different TV shows. An episode takes a week to film that would be four weeks out of three school years, if the filming was in fact during the school year. The child labor laws change regarding schooling and parents on set at 16 years old. I am also mystified where people get the idea Kim drank and drugged on the set. her mother or most likely her grandmother have to have visual and auditory presence while the child is on the set. From her own IMDB, she just wasn't as busy as she was under sixteen. Many child actors, far more famous than Kim have managed to go beyond high school and get Ivy League degrees. Kyle spent a fair amount of time out of school and she worked during high school on her own show. She filmed 106 episodes during the same period of time in her life as Kim filmed 4. She had a leading role http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086697/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_18. So I am at a loss why people keep insisting Kyle just went to school just like every other kid. Kyle has said she was also tutored on the set. Kyle chose to go to high school when she wasn't working.

I believe the major difference between Kim and Kyle is Kyle is just more social than Kim. I don't think that says anything good or bad about either one of them. Kim seemed to gravitate towards marriage and Kyle after her divorce seemed to socialize. Even when she talks about hanging out with Bethenny, that was someone she met at a restaurant. I just don't see Kim as being as outgoing. From Kim's description I always thought she preferred to be with her kids than in a group socializing. I am not saying Kyle does not like being with her children.

Thank you, zoeysmom.

What I don't understand is why Kim is believable when she says that she wanted to leave acting so that she could be a wife and mother but isn't believable when she has nothing but positive memories from her days as a child star.

Too true that she could have gone to school if that's what she really wanted to do. She was clearly interested in doing other things. I don't see any evidence that Kim was drugged on the sets and that's why she has the problems that she has today. I think more than likely she got into drugs the way most people do--through "friends" and social situations.

For me, just me, I was in Kim's corner until I saw/realized that she is nasty/mean to her core. It doesn't matter if she is drunk, high or sober/clean. She is mean.

This is what it is for me. It's quite a thing too when I consider all the other women who have been on this show. Kim comes across the most like a mean, selfish, and hypocritical hater.

Think of all of the grief that she's given the women for talking about her and her issues. To some people it's reasonable that she should be allowed to keep the women from talking about her or from mentioning her addictions. Kim thinks that this is mean and actually accuses the women of damaging her relationships with her children because they've had the nerve to talk about her issues.

Now let's go back and consider the way that "sober" Kim treated Taylor during the third season of the show. Kim talked about Taylor behind her back. She brought up Taylor's drinking, she gave the impression that she thought Taylor wasn't being a good mother, she talked with Taylor on camera about it even though Taylor was uncomfortable, and she claimed that she was doing it because she cared about Taylor.

Why is it not okay for the other women to engage in the same sort of behavior that Kim herself has engaged in? It's such bullshit nonsense. When people wonder why Kim gets on my nerves more than the other BH housewives it's for a long list of shit including stuff like this. Her hypocrisy is outrageous and she gives people no end of grief when she doesn't get her way.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 10

Thank you, zoeysmom.  


What I don't understand is why Kim is believable when she says that she wanted to leave acting so that she could be a wife and mother but isn't believable when she has nothing but positive memories from her days as a child star. 


Too true that she could have gone to school if that's what she really wanted to do. She was clearly interested in doing other things. I don't see any evidence that Kim was drugged on the sets and that's why she has the problems that she has today. I think more than likely she got into drugs the way most people do--through "friends" and social situations.  


This is what it is for me. It's quite a thing too when I consider all the other women who have been on this show. Kim comes across like a mean, selfish, and hypocritical hater. 


Think of all of the grief that she's given the women for talking about her and her issues. To some people it's reasonable that she should be allowed to keep the women from talking about her or from mentioning her addictions. Kim thinks that this is mean and actually accuses the women of damaging her relationships with her children because they've had the nerve to talk about her issues. 


Now let's go back and consider the way that "sober" Kim treated Taylor during the third season of the show. Kim talked about Taylor behind her back. She brought up Taylor's drinking, she gave the impression that she thought Taylor wasn't being a good mother, she talked with Taylor on camera about it even though Taylor was uncomfortable, and she claimed that she was doing it because she cared about Taylor. 


Why is it not okay for the other women to engage in the same sort of behavior that Kim herself has engaged in? It's such bullshit nonsense. When people wonder why Kim gets on my nerves more than the other BH housewives it's for a long list of shit including stuff like this. Her hypocrisy is outrageous and she gives people no end of grief when she doesn't get her way. 

The Taylor incident bothers me so much because both Kim and Kyle knew the truth about that whole incident. That Kennedy was supposed to be with her nannie, not Kyle when they talked but both sisters made it sound like Taylor was so drunk off her ass to know where her daughter was, that Taylor's drinking was so bad that she forgot about her daughter completely, which was not the case at all. I realize that editing played a big part of how it came across on the show but Kim did use that whole scenario to give herself the storyline that she was still clean/sober and that Taylor needed her help/guidance because Taylor's drinking was that bad, which was not the case at all. Taylor and Kennedy got death threats from that on twitter and had to get the police involved because it had gotten that serious. Kyle tweeted the truth about it all and she came clean in her blog about as much as Bravo would allow but Kim never came clean that she used Taylor in a big, nasty, lie to make herself look good.  Don't get me wrong, Kyle was at fault as well but at least she apologized and told the truth but Kim could have cared less that there were death threats against Taylor/Kennedy.

  • Love 10

One of the reasons I decided to skip over Kyle's involvement was because she immediately clarified and explained the situation. Kim's primary motivation with Taylor that season was to demonstrate her sobriety by pointing out the lack of sobriety in somebody else. She treated it like it was her business and like it was a big deal. She also emphasized Taylor's weird behavior when they were in Colorado but when Kim's behavior was odd in Paris later that same season she was pissed at people for mentioning it. Kim has shown herself to be a do as I say not as I do sort of person. 


ETA: I also think that Kim targeted Taylor because of Taylor making references to her drinking in the first season. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 7

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