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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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From Kyle's February 25th Bravo Blog


"...Kim had expressed to me privately that she wasn’t happy with Lisa RI told Kim Lisa was worried, and Brandi told Kim she was questioning her sobriety after poker night...


When Kim and I discussed her issues with Lisa R., I told Kim she should pull her aside privately and let her know that while she appreciates the concern, she didn't appreciate her talking about it to other people. I said that Lisa R. would understand, and the issue would be dropped."


It appears Kyle told Kim to tell Lisar that, "she didn't appreciate her talking about it to other people."


Kyle also told Kim that Lisar "would understand, and the issue would be dropped."  We know that didn't work.

I think the issue became did Kyle say anything about Eileen and she's conversation at PUMP?  All this really indicates is Kim became concerned after Brandi told her Lisar was talking about her. 

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There seem to be a fair number of us who wish that Kim were no longer on this show.  However, Bravo can't get rid of Kim without losing Kyle.  If you recall, Kyle said publicly in two separate interviews that if Kim were fired, she would leave, too.  While I am no fan of Kyle's either, I wonder whether she has Bravo's hands tied by her threat.  Actually, for as long as Kim is using drugs/alcohol, she has their hands tied, too, or so it would seem.  If you wanted to make a case out of it, you could say that the Richards sisters have Bravo over a barrel.  In addition, the other HWs have nothing else to talk about but Kim, so someone had better clue Andy in and tell him that the show has been hijacked.


Since Lisa V. is avoiding confrontations of any kind, Bravo has Lisa R. to step up to bat.  Lisa R. has an opinion about everything and isn't afraid to voice it.  I don't know that I like that, but it's off-topic, anyway.  That leaves generally gentle Eileen, who in her ladylike manner has tried to contribute.  Lastly, Brandi is Brandi.


I don't know how long Bravo can keep this plane in the air.  They're in dire need of refocusing, but where do they go? 

Edited by Lura
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I think the issue became did Kyle say anything about Eileen and she's conversation at PUMP?  All this really indicates is Kim became concerned after Brandi told her Lisar was talking about her. 

Eileen talked about the issue directly with Kim in Eileen's kitchen in front of a couple of the cast members. So it appears Kim was aware straight from Eileen herself.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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I have Bravo on while I'm cleaning up and just saw the scavenger hunt again. Kim's behavior has been a hot topic and there were many comments about her complaining during the scavenger hunt. She did but I just realized that she didn't complain nearly as much as some of the others. LisaR said she hated it. Kyle and LisaV did too and they were much more vocal about it.

I think they hated it, because they weren't good at the challenge.  I take the Lisas complaints with a grain of salt, since they were in 3rd place, by a lot.

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I don't see how we're going to see Kim off this show until Bravo wants to get rid of Kyle.  Kyle has made a public statement more than once that if Kim goes, she goes.  That may have been during better times -- I don't remember -- but she made the point very clear.  I've never been a huge fan of Kyle's, so I don't care whether she stays or goes, but I'm impatient for Bravo to focus on getting rid of Brandi!!  To me, Kim is just a nuisance, while Brandi is a truly despicable person in every way.  More than that, I hope that Brandi is a flash in a pan and is never hired for another show.  She is evil and filthy in my book.

I've seen posters say that Kyle has said she'd leave if Kim wasn't on board but I've never seen it confirmed in any media. I think they started out as a package deal but Kyle has her own reasons for being on the show that don't include Kim. I'm surprised Kyle returned for this season after being blindsided by the Maurico rumors and the continuing struggles with Kim. If she would quit it would have shut most of that down. 

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I think the issue became did Kyle say anything about Eileen and she's conversation at PUMP?  All this really indicates is Kim became concerned after Brandi told her Lisar was talking about her. 

The issue for me is that Brandi is NOT the only person who was telling Kim that people were talking about her.


Kyle told Kim that Lisa was talking about her, why would she hold back on saying that Eileen was, too?

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They have hounded her.

There is almost never a scene where Lipsa (and many of the others) aren't talking about Kim's problems. It's endless, and completely UN helpful. Gossiping about Kim and poor, wonderful, suffering Kyle, on camera, while trying to pretend they give a shit is pathetic. Be there for her OFF camera. Talk with her then. Stage your obvious intervention while you "share" your own stories with addiction privately.

Kim is a public person, but addiction is an illness, and a struggle, and words will follow her, so she will be careful about what she says on camera. They all know that. Still, they keep pushing her, and she finally decided to out some of Lipsa personal (and private) issues. Let's hope she does that to all of them. Turn about is fair play, right? Also, Bravo could finally have a storyline that wasn't Kim.

But if they did that what purpose would Kim have to be on this show? And Kim is the one who keeps putting her sobriety front and center by showing up at filmed events fucked up. The rest of the women aren't putting their personal issues out there for the world to see, so Kim can have many fucking seats.

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Kim is so upset about her castmates talking about her sobriety behind her back.  Everyone who watches the show is talking about it, you dumb bitch.  We'd be talking about it even if it were not a topic on the show, as you are clearly drunk or high most of the time.  Get over it.

Edited by LilaFowler
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Kim has been in the business a good long time.  She knows how television works.  She's been on reality TV for years.  She knows how reality TV works. 


Kim's only real storyline over the several years she's been a part of this franchise has been her sobriety and lack thereof.  If no one was talking about that, there would be nothing to say about her at all.  She should be sending LisaR and Eileen Edible Arrangements for what they've done to keep her at the forefront of the show.  Kim is completely painful to watch.  She's addled; her voice is crispy and hoarse under even the best of circumstances; she doesn't seem to have any friends; her eyes are wonky and she looks like a deer in the headlights.  She's uninteresting, unlikable and unattractive.


BRAVO is in the business of making television, not saving souls.  They don't give a good gotdamn about Kim.  Kyle is probably the only person in this whole mess who does.  She will have to live with Kim as part of her life after all this is said and done.  The other women can walk away and never have to see/think about Kim Richards ever again.  It's not like she'll be gracing their television or movie screens.  She has an inflated sense of self-importance. The truth is, she ain't much.  She's not an ingenue.  She's not a great actress.  She's not a beauty.  She's a sloppy, nasty has-been.

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There seem to be a fair number of us who wish that Kim were no longer on this show.  However, Bravo can't get rid of Kim without losing Kyle.  If you recall, Kyle said publicly in two separate interviews that if Kim were fired, she would leave, too.  While I am no fan of Kyle's either, I wonder whether she has Bravo's hands tied by her threat.


I've read that too.  I wonder if she still feels that way.  


There is so much hatred, anger and bittereness in Kim.  She looks around and she sees her two sisters with seemingly happy marriages, and well off financially.   On the show, she has Yolanda and Lisa Vanderpump and their glamourous lifestyles.  Now she has Eileen and Lisa Rinna, two actresses, still working, and again, with what seem like happy marriages.  According to IMDB, Kim is hardly acting at all anymore.


I think it comes down to jealousy (in addition to her other, more ovbious issues). No wonder she is drawn to Brandi, whose life is almost as messed up as Kim's is and who seems to be as jealous of the others too.


I can just see the two of them feeding off each other's misery. They deserve each other.  I just wish Bravo would can both of them.

Edited by mwell345
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Why is anyone surprised about Kim or Brandi being a narcissist? That is a classic addict personality trait.  Their problems are bigger and better than anyone else's.  To prove it even Brandi had a hissy, yelling fit with Kyle about some nonsense, sort of like marking her territory just like Kim. 


And for what is worth, I had no idea that Harry Hamlin was such a well known lothario.

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Kim's statement about her kids walking away from her if she started drinking again may be the truth, maybe they went to Alanon and have learned how to detach with love.  But on that same note, her less than mature behavior and friendship with Brandi could be a tipping point for her kids too...sober behavior...I think not. 

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There seem to be a fair number of us who wish that Kim were no longer on this show.  However, Bravo can't get rid of Kim without losing Kyle.  If you recall, Kyle said publicly in two separate interviews that if Kim were fired, she would leave, too.  While I am no fan of Kyle's either, I wonder whether she has Bravo's hands tied by her threat.

This is a myth that won't seem to go away. Kyle never said any such thing. I don't know how anyone could watch their dynamics, esp. after the dinner in Amsterdam ("you never support me...you're not a real sister like Kathy!"), and think that Kyle would ever make such an ultimatum.

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Kim is so upset about her castmates talking about her sobriety behind her back.  Everyone who watches the show is talking about it, you dumb bitch.  We'd be talking about it even if it were not a topic on the show, as you are clearly drunk or high most of the time.  Get over it.


Haha seriously.  With Brandi, when she says she wishes people would stop talking about her, I know it's bullshit. She lives for the attention, positive or negative. Kim on the other hand is so far removed from reality that she actually thinks the only reason people might catch on to her not being sober is because poor Lisa Rinna has brought up the limo ride from hell.  Does Kim not know how cameras work? She's so daffy. 

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I think, with no facts whatsoever to support my thinking, that Kim has been given an extremely soft edit in the past seasons and fully expected that to continue. So much so that she felt she could get away with simply denying and calling Lisar a liar. I think she thought the limo scene with Lisar would never be shown or maybe edited differently. I feel this was done so often in the past seasons Kim fully expected it to continue and believed the audience would really think Lisar was exaggerating and Kim and Brandi would come out on top, Brandi seemed to believe this as well. Gloves seem to off as far as production is concerned and Kim is left holding the (dime) bag, all alone.  I don't know why production has chosen to release the KraKim maybe it was just time maybe they had nothing juicier in the can but IMO it was long overdue.

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That's a good point, the first half of the season was really boring! So they had to resort to THIS? Kind of sad actually.


I agree.  After the white party, we had filler after filler after filler episode.  Then episode 10 The ladies go for massages and the production sets them up, blindsides them into a wine tasting!  Then Kim takes the jagged little pill and bombs away - we have a storyline and a lot of fuckery since.

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I think, with no facts whatsoever to support my thinking, that Kim has been given an extremely soft edit in the past seasons and fully expected that to continue. So much so that she felt she could get away with simply denying and calling Lisar a liar. I think she thought the limo scene with Lisar would never be shown or maybe edited differently. I feel this was done so often in the past seasons Kim fully expected it to continue and believed the audience would really think Lisar was exaggerating and Kim and Brandi would come out on top, Brandi seemed to believe this as well. Gloves seem to off as far as production is concerned and Kim is left holding the (dime) bag, all alone.  I don't know why production has chosen to release the KraKim maybe it was just time maybe they had nothing juicier in the can but IMO it was long overdue.

I think you nailed it that she thought the "I am caring for poor dying Minty," was this year's get out of a rough edit card this year.  Something tells me Vanderpump who works with the same crews for both shows may have been applying a little subtle pressure.  I don't think Lisav ever really forgave Kim for her brand of crazy last year and did let the son's predicament slip.


It is the little things such as no disclosure of Kim wandering the halls of the hotel in Puerto Rico without any under pants on.  The son going off to a mandatory hold after being caught wandering suburbia without any clothes and Kim being absent from filming.  Her dog requiring an $6,000.00 enclosure being built so they can film. 


Maybe production got tired of handling the old sot with kid gloves.  It was probably a win-win situation when they realized that there would little if any filming at Kim's.

Edited by zoeysmom
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I think, with no facts whatsoever to support my thinking, that Kim has been given an extremely soft edit in the past seasons and fully expected that to continue. So much so that she felt she could get away with simply denying and calling Lisar a liar. I think she thought the limo scene with Lisar would never be shown or maybe edited differently. I feel this was done so often in the past seasons Kim fully expected it to continue and believed the audience would really think Lisar was exaggerating and Kim and Brandi would come out on top, Brandi seemed to believe this as well. Gloves seem to off as far as production is concerned and Kim is left holding the (dime) bag, all alone.  I don't know why production has chosen to release the KraKim maybe it was just time maybe they had nothing juicier in the can but IMO it was long overdue.

I agree with you. I think production got tired of Kim's continued drug use and put a small snippet out for us to see. IMO, there is probably more footage showing Kim like she was in the limo with LisaR during the last 3 seasons as well as this one that they have edited out to protect her. My guess is that she goes off the rails, the producers get mad, Kim promises to behave and just tones down her high/drug use but relapses and the cycle begins all over again. I don't think they will bring Kim back next season and I hope they send Brandi to the unemployment line with her.

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I agree with you. I think production got tired of Kim's continued drug use and put a small snippet out for us to see. IMO, there is probably more footage showing Kim like she was in the limo with LisaR during the last 3 seasons as well as this one that they have edited out to protect her. My guess is that she goes off the rails, the producers get mad, Kim promises to behave and just tones down her high/drug use but relapses and the cycle begins all over again. I don't think they will bring Kim back next season and I hope they send Brandi to the unemployment line with her.

If Kim isn't talking to Kyle to teach her a lesson in sobriety defense then just maybe Kim has very stubbornly worked her way out of a job.


This sounds snotty as all get out-but I don't give a flip if Kim and Kyle are close again.  This has been going on for five years and there is probably less than 10 minutes of sisterly entertainment-as in they get along-during the five years.  One needs to go and I don't think Kim has the ability to be a central character or the storylines.  Being crabby and dismissive, or being stoned or drunk just aren't solid storylines.

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While browsing photos of Kim Richards, I came across this picture taken of Kim Richards at the first reunion in 2011. Kyle had called her sister an alcoholic in the season finale. At the close of finale, a banner on the screen announced that Kim had been checked into rehab by her family. A week later, she checked herself out. This is her at that reunion episode,  



Here it is, 2015 and Kim Richards truly IS the worse for wear. Her addictions have taken a toll on her appearance.


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I think, with no facts whatsoever to support my thinking, that Kim has been given an extremely soft edit in the past seasons and fully expected that to continue. So much so that she felt she could get away with simply denying and calling Lisar a liar. I think she thought the limo scene with Lisar would never be shown or maybe edited differently. I feel this was done so often in the past seasons Kim fully expected it to continue and believed the audience would really think Lisar was exaggerating and Kim and Brandi would come out on top, Brandi seemed to believe this as well. Gloves seem to off as far as production is concerned and Kim is left holding the (dime) bag, all alone.  I don't know why production has chosen to release the KraKim maybe it was just time maybe they had nothing juicier in the can but IMO it was long overdue.

I get your point, and it got me thinking, but I really don't think that Kim has been given a soft edit. They showed the Limo reveal, Kim crawling around on a bathroom floor no doubt looking for her drugs, her fascination with the baggie in the limo, her clearly insane behavior in Hawaii, as well as a stoned-out-of-her-mind Kim in Paris. I really think that the things that Kim has done while filming have been well documented.  The problem is some of the stuff happened with no cameras around, and that is problematic. The PR deal where she was apparently half naked and drunk probably happened off camera. If no one is willing to bring it up - and I would bet everything I own that no one was willing to - it never gets introduced into the show. Nothing gets discussed until one of the gals is willing to discuss it. It's like the tampon reveal with Brandi. Production was dying to talk about it, but none of the ladies would touch it and so it never got mentioned.


The thing with Kim is that Bravo had shown us her behavior at it's most damaging. It never gets fully vetted however because of the whole dynamic with Kyle. Kyle always takes the brunt of it all. I remember almost throwing my laptop across the room time and time again when folks on the Bravo blogs who didn't even like Kim would blame it all on Kyle. Kyle treated her like shit, Kyle didn't trust her, Kyle didn't support her. Blah, blah, blah. I remember the hammering that Kyle got after Hawaii. Why couldn't Kyle just leave her alone? She eventually arrived didn't she? Why did Kyle have to make such a big deal out of her being late? Kyle stole her house. Kyle outed her in the limo. No wonder Kim drinks so much with a sister like Kyle. I think this is what Kim thought would always continue. Not that I am saying she did any of this on purpose, but she just always thought she would make it through the drama because Kyle would always look worse. Folks cheered Brandi on when she said Kyle wanted Kim to fail, so what would be different if they threw it out there again?


The thing I cannot get past is how different this might all be if Brandi had not gaslighted herself with Lisa V last season. A lot of the reason that Kyle is getting more sympathy now is because of the role that Brandi is playing. If Brandi had not inserted herself in this situation, and was not hated by many because of what she did to Lisa, no one would give two shits about a brawl between the Richard's sisters. Been there, done that. If Brandi still had LIsa's support, would folks take the things she is saying about Kyle more seriously, and look at Kim differently? I believe that they would, especially if Lisa was backing her up. Same thing with Lisar. If she wasn't so liked by Lisa V, but instead came on this show and had issues with Lisa V, Lisar would be in big trouble here. As it is, she has the backing of Lisa and so she is given much more credibility. The truth is, Lisa V liking you or not liking you will make you or break you. I cannot remember anyone that she has not liked faring well with the fans. It just doesn't happen. I think that Brandi didn't realize that, but now she does. Kim is to high to have ever given it much thought. 

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That is so true, MCM. As horrid as Brandi is coming across this season, I'm sure it would be playing out so much differently if she was still friends with Lisa V. And I keep asking myself how I could have been so fooled for so long re: Brandi (I liked her at first), and I think maybe part of it was her breezy friendship with Lisa. She came across as such a different person. I don't know if there's any other HW that has as much power as Lisa V., and I mean of all the franchises.

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Kim had no knowledge that they, Lisa R/Eileen had spoken about Kim/addiction other than Brandi, they have not "hounded" her at all IMO. If Kim really does not want her "sobriety" questioned then she has 2 choices, 1, never get high during filming, ever 2, get off the show. That's it, as long as Kim takes something that makes her "high" during filming, her "sobriety" will always be in question and open to discussion among her fellow cast members and we, the viewers. I find it telling that since the reunion, Kim is no longer speaking to Brandi! Did she finally realize that the one keeping her sobriety, or lack of, front and center was really Brandi, because IMO, it was Brandi far more than Lisa R, Eileen or anyone else.

That's where I struggle with Kim. She, herself, said in the season 2 reunion that if she messes up when it comes to her sobriety she will own it. I haven't seen that once in season 3 with Paris nor this season 5! It's just denial and lies and anger. "I took a pill because I was in pain." "Everyone needs to mind they beeswax." "Just drop it!" Like really? Kim made the choice to bring her high ass on camera not for just her castmates to deal with but for even Bravo to exploit and us viewers to judge her. The fact she finds that shes been sober for three years just proves how not sober she is. No one believed her when she made that declaration at the dinner table! Look at their faces, even good buddy Brandi. Kim could had saved herself a lot of bullshit had she coped that she fallen off the wagon with her "one pill" jive, owned up why she was in detox for 8 days and issued genuine apologizes to both Eileen/Lisa R/Kyle for the poker party drama she created.

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My nephew and his new wife followed the advice of their church (which shall remain nameless) during the first couple years of marriage and learned responsibility in increments. They started with some daily/weekly/monthly money goals and got a houseplant. Just one, and it didn't die. Then they got more plants that didn't die, and even thrived. Then they got a dog and training it properly was their responsibility, no trainers or doggie schools. Training that dog turned out so well that they got a second one, who is also well-trained. After all that they decided they were ready to be parents. Long story short, I've looked at our Kim with her wild/undisciplined dog and wished that someone was giving her similar advice, because that poor dog who doesn't know from limits reveals what goes on in her mind. I think she's got the goods but is too scattered to set goals and see things through to completion. Even the smallest successes build strength and character and, hopefully, create the desire to work at bigger successes. And I realize that strength doesn't come from never falling but rather from getting up each time we fall and she keeps getting up, so there's that. I dunno, she just seems lost. I want to like her but I feel sorta jangly myself when she's on my screen too long/too often.

I see a bipolar maybe adult ADHD disorder there. Very child like and without normal communication skills and a serious drug addiction, She's a mess and should not blame her sister. Only a doctor of some kind should be dealing with her on a serious level.

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I've read that too.  I wonder if she still feels that way.  


There is so much hatred, anger and bittereness in Kim.  She looks around and she sees her two sisters with seemingly happy marriages, and well off financially.   On the show, she has Yolanda and Lisa Vanderpump and their glamourous lifestyles.  Now she has Eileen and Lisa Rinna, two actresses, still working, and again, with what seem like happy marriages.  According to IMDB, Kim is hardly acting at all anymore.


I think it comes down to jealousy (in addition to her other, more ovbious issues). No wonder she is drawn to Brandi, whose life is almost as messed up as Kim's is and who seems to be as jealous of the others too.


I can just see the two of them feeding off each other's misery. They deserve each other.  I just wish Bravo would can both of them.

The drama with these toxic twins has little or no sense to it anymore. I think people are smarter then these two rude bitches realize. Once you start acting like a joke, Your credibility becomes a joke. Brandi and Kim should be canned.

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This is not necessarily directed at you Zulu, tonight when it plays again watch how Lisar hesitates and follow the glass-she kind of pulled her punch.  Still not a good thing to do but I don't believe she retained a shank or cut edge to go forward with.  The ones in the most danger were Lisav and Eileen.


I will say I have a hard time calling it a deadly weapon only because I have seen a tray of wine glass go flying off a waiters tray when the waiter tripped.  No dead bodies.


Where but on a RH forum can one read "dragging around by her hair" and it seems almost normal?

When you go out of your way to attack some ones family directly aimed at damaging that person? We'll you need to put your big boy pants on because you just threw a rock at a hornets nest. Marshall law kicks in and if your that stupid then well, You get what you get. That's the real world.

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There are just no words. It does come from ROL, which is a less than reliable source, but if true, it says everything that needs to be known about Kim. She is selfish to her core. She could go visit him and love him from afar, but to bring him back home? Kim probably loves him so much more because he is the one living thing that will defend and protect her at all costs. Not like her worthless sister. What a mess. 

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Brandi said she didn't sign up for taking care of Kim, well there's her excuse for never having to set foot in her house again.


I'm not sure I believe he's back but if so, poor Kingsley.

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To be fair, the first photo is likely airbrushed.

The first photo isn't a reunion photo, I think it was the announcement/release photos of the cast for the first season.


IIRC, her reunion dress was black.


Either way, girl aged terribly from last season to this season.

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What if Bravo drug tested Kim before every shoot?  They could require  a list of prescribed (legally) drugs from a (legally) licensed physician and if she tests positive for something other than said drugs then filming is a no go.


Of course knowing Bravo they would prefer Kim out on the ledge than clean and sober so there goes that idea, lol.


I am booking another Viking River Cruise for 2016 and we will extend our trip to 2 nights in Amsterdam again, what a great city, Yo could have done a tour with the ladies thru the canals and if anyone misbehaved then they would get thrown in to the canal!





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What if Bravo drug tested Kim before every shoot?  They could require  a list of prescribed (legally) drugs from a (legally) licensed physician and if she tests positive for something other than said drugs then filming is a no go.


Of course knowing Bravo they would prefer Kim out on the ledge than clean and sober so there goes that idea, lol.


I am booking another Viking River Cruise for 2016 and we will extend our trip to 2 nights in Amsterdam again, what a great city, Yo could have done a tour with the ladies thru the canals and if anyone misbehaved then they would get thrown in to the canal!





IMO, just mine, Kim abuses prescription meds, she takes whatever dose gets her high or mellowed out, depending on what she wants then. I think she does this with meds prescribed for her as well as those from others. I also suspect she my go to 1 or 2 Dr. feel goods to get prescriptions of the choice and dosage of whatever drug she needs. 

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IMO, just mine, Kim abuses prescription meds, she takes whatever dose gets her high or mellowed out, depending on what she wants then. I think she does this with meds prescribed for her as well as those from others. I also suspect she my go to 1 or 2 Dr. feel goods to get prescriptions of the choice and dosage of whatever drug she needs. 

Well, you might be right about the drug juggling. 

In all fairness, Kim is doing exactly what all addicts do, deflect, blame others, take no responsibility for their life AND relapse.

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Well, you might be right about the drug juggling. 

In all fairness, Kim is doing exactly what all addicts do, deflect, blame others, take no responsibility for their life AND relapse.

I agree. IMO, Kim is an active addict, she is not sober/clean in any way and pretending she is only enables her. Bravo needs to cut ties with her and with Brandi, neither are a good fit for this or any HW show. JMO

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What kind of laws does California have that would allow Kim to get that vicious dog back?  Yes, I've googled them, but there must be more to this story, so wondered if any locals have imput.


It's sad, and I'm sure Kim does really love her dog.  She's incapable of handling a dog like that, especially since it's already injured at least two people.  I'm an animal lover, but that dog needs to be put down now, or placed with a responsible Pit Rescue group, well away from the public, and behind strong fences.


I don't blame Kim for her addictions, and I wish her success with recovery and sobriety, but her irresponsibility with that dog is heartbreaking, and wrong in every way.

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What kind of laws does California have that would allow Kim to get that vicious dog back?  Yes, I've googled them, but there must be more to this story, so wondered if any locals have imput.


It's sad, and I'm sure Kim does really love her dog.  She's incapable of handling a dog like that, especially since it's already injured at least two people.  I'm an animal lover, but that dog needs to be put down now, or placed with a responsible Pit Rescue group, well away from the public, and behind strong fences.


I don't blame Kim for her addictions, and I wish her success with recovery and sobriety, but her irresponsibility with that dog is heartbreaking, and wrong in every way.

I don't think any victim reported any of the bites from Kingsley and that is why she was able to get him back, that dog has bitten 5 different people. Even with a lawsuit pending, no bites were reported to either the police or animal control.


How can you not blame Kim for her addictions? No one forced her to become an addict or take pills/powder or drink to excess over and over again? IMO, Kingsley is as much a product of Kim's addictive mentality as her kids. It's always all about what Kim wants/needs and is never about what is best for her kids, her family, even what is best for the damn dog!

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The law says the hospital or doctor must report animal bites.

According to KR and her Attorney, in an interview, it was NOT reported to the police. That Kim begged her not to report it because she would loose her (Bravo) job and because Kim promised to pay all hospital expenses, which Kim failed to do, hence the lawsuit.

Edited by WireWrap
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How can you not blame Kim for her addictions? No one forced her to become an addict or take pills/powder or drink to excess over and over again? IMO, Kingsley is as much a product of Kim's addictive mentality as her kids. It's always all about what Kim wants/needs and is never about what is best for her kids, her family, even what is best for the damn dog!


Because it's not just a "choice."  Addiction is a disease, and has many, many underlying causes.  Recovery is not easy, and it's a constant struggle, and slips are often part of that struggle.  Her body chemistry, or her psychological issues are real things. 


Here is one part but all of these pages are excellent.    http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/comorbidity-addiction-other-mental-illnesses/why-do-drug-use-disorders-often-co-occur-other-mental-illnesses



Many people who regularly abuse drugs are also diagnosed with mental disorders and vice versa. The high prevalence of this comorbidity has been documented in multiple national population surveys since the 1980s. Data show that persons diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders are about twice as likely to suffer also from a drug use disorder (abuse or dependence) compared with respondents in general. The same is true for those diagnosed with an antisocial syndrome, such as antisocial personality or conduct disorder. Similarly, persons diagnosed with drug disorders are roughly twice as likely to suffer also from mood and anxiety disorders (see "Overlapping Conditions–Shared Vulnerability").


I think Kim has underlying psychological issues as well, but that's just a guess, based on a highly edited show.  Many drug users are people with anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or unresolved childhood traumas, or bi-polar issues, etc.  Specifically with bi-polar people, many try to self medicate to find that balance between deep depression and "high."  We've heard Kim talk about depression and anxiety.


Here is one more quote from those excellent pages above:

Both drug use disorders and other mental illnesses are caused by overlapping factors such as underlying brain deficits, genetic vulnerabilities, and/or early exposure to stress or trauma.



That's why I don't consider taking anti-anxiety medicine a "slip" if she IS using it as prescribed, because without it, she may not be able to function.  She's not wired properly, somewhere.  Anxiety disorder is crippling, bi-polar is horrendous.  Frankly, I don't really think Kim is suffering from just one of the things that can push people towards drugs or booze, I think it's probably a combination with her.


Do I think she is trying very hard to remain sober?  Yes, I really do.  That is very hard for any addict, and in Kim's case, I feel that there are other, quite real, challenges to that.  Most of the possibilities don't come with a "Here take this pill, and do this and you will be fine!"  It's hit and miss, and it's trying several combinations of drugs to finally find the right mix for people with those challenges.  


I can't hate someone because they are sick.


All of that said?  I don't think any of the Richard sisters are nice people.  They are all a mess, and mean, and childish, and extremely self centered.  That probably comes from the way they were raised, but who knows?  I've always disliked them, because they are the definition of "mean girls." 

Edited by Umbelina
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If any dog bite victims went to the hospital and the attending doctor did not file a report, that doctor is in serious trouble.  It doesn't matter if there was a police report initially filed or not and it doesn't matter whether Kim was going to pay hospital expenses.  It's the law.


That said, I feel sad for Kingsley because he may ultimately be put down because of Kim's selfishness.  Pitties can be great dogs with the right owners but Kim couldn't care for a stuffed dog right now, nevermind a live one and one that is as active and intelligent as a Pit. 


I agree that Kim must be blamed for her addictions.  Yes, I feel bad for her childhood because from what I've read, it sounds like a fucked up mess.  I blame Big Kathy for the ongoing dysfunction between Kim and Kyle because she never should have put so much responsibility on Kim's shoulders, and at so young an age, and she also never should have instructed Kyle to take care of her sister forever.   However, at some point Kim has take responsibility for the paths she's chosen as an adult.  She spouts off stuff about therapy, how about actually going?  How about going to rehab and staying there? 


As another poster said, their issues have been ongoing for five (or whatever?) seasons.  It's the same cruel fuckery each season.  Kim blames Kyle for everything and she's absolutely horrid to her sister.  I don't want to see that.  I do think that Kyle believed getting Kim on this show would be good for her. On paper it makes sense - - maybe Kim would stay clean if her paycheck depended on it and if cameras were present.  But it hasn't worked out that way and Bravo isn't taking a firm stance on Kim's personal issues. 


I don't believe she's been given a soft edit, as has been proposed, so much as everything has just been glossed over.  Kim blows her stack and then goes on like nothing happened, just as Bravo has done.  At some point she is going to become a liability for Bravo. 


As far as Bravo administering drug tests to all the Hos - - Brandi will be well and truly fucked.  But maybe it will get her off the show.

Edited by psychoticstate
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Because it's not just a "choice."  Addiction is a disease, and has many, many underlying causes.  Recovery is not easy, and it's a constant struggle, and slips are often part of that struggle.  Her body chemistry, or her psychological issues are real things. 


Here is one part but all of these pages are excellent.    http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/comorbidity-addiction-other-mental-illnesses/why-do-drug-use-disorders-often-co-occur-other-mental-illnesses


I think Kim has underlying psychological issues as well, but that's just a guess, based on a highly edited show.  Many drug users are people with anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or unresolved childhood traumas, or bi-polar issues, etc.  Specifically with bi-polar people, many try to self medicate to find that balance between deep depression and "high."  We've heard Kim talk about depression and anxiety.


Here is one more quote from those excellent pages above:


That's why I don't consider taking anti-anxiety medicine a "slip" if she IS using it as prescribed, because without it, she may not be able to function.  She's not wired properly, somewhere.  Anxiety disorder is crippling, bi-polar is horrendous.  Frankly, I don't really think Kim is suffering from just one of the things that can push people towards drugs or booze, I think it's probably a combination with her.


Do I think she is trying very hard to remain sober?  Yes, I really do.  That is very hard for any addict, and in Kim's case, I feel that there are other, quite real, challenges to that.  Most of the possibilities don't come with a "Here take this pill, and do this and you will be fine!"  It's hit and miss, and it's trying several combinations of drugs to finally find the right mix for people with those challenges.  


I can't hate someone because they are sick.


All of that said?  I don't think any of the Richard sisters are nice people.  They are all a mess, and mean, and childish, and extremely self centered.  That probably comes from the way they were raised, but who knows?  I've always disliked them, because they are the definition of "mean girls." 

The underlying cause that this "illness" was the decision to take something to get high! It is not like someone born with Bi-Polar or who develops severe depression where there was nothing they did to cause it. Kim set it in motion even if she was "predisposed" to addiction due to genetics or some other biological cause, she had to take whatever in the first place and she has been an addict MOST of her adult life, that is 30+ years and she has yet to deal with it head on that we have seen, she is all about deflection.


And taking meds prescribed for someone else IS a relapse!

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I never said Kim hasn't had a relapse.  Actually, I believe I said most recovering addicts do.


It's easy for us to say "it's a choice!" when we don't have the underlying conditions that change someone from a drinker to an addict.  I believe Kim does, as she's demonstrated them, and talked of them.

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If any dog bite victims went to the hospital and the attending doctor did not file a report, that doctor is in serious trouble.  It doesn't matter if there was a police report initially filed or not and it doesn't matter whether Kim was going to pay hospital expenses.  It's the law.


That said, I feel sad for Kingsley because he may ultimately be put down because of Kim's selfishness.  Pitties can be great dogs with the right owners but Kim couldn't care for a stuffed dog right now, nevermind a live one and one that is as active and intelligent as a Pit. 


I agree that Kim must be blamed for her addictions.  Yes, I feel bad for her childhood because from what I've read, it sounds like a fucked up mess.  I blame Big Kathy for the ongoing dysfunction between Kim and Kyle because she never should have put so much responsibility on Kim's shoulders, and at so young an age, and she also never should have instructed Kyle to take care of her sister forever.   However, at some point Kim has take responsibility for the paths she's chosen as an adult.  She spouts off stuff about therapy, how about actually going?  How about going to rehab and staying there? 


As another poster said, their issues have been ongoing for five (or whatever?) seasons.  It's the same cruel fuckery each season.  Kim blames Kyle for everything and she's absolutely horrid to her sister.  I don't want to see that.  I do think that Kyle believed getting Kim on this show would be good for her. On paper it makes sense - - maybe Kim would stay clean if her paycheck depended on it and if cameras were present.  But it hasn't worked out that way and Bravo isn't taking a firm stance on Kim's personal issues. 


I don't believe she's been given a soft edit, as has been proposed, so much as everything has just been glossed over.  Kim blows her stack and then goes on like nothing happened, just as Bravo has done.  At some point she is going to become a liability for Bravo. 


As far as Bravo administering drug tests to all the Hos - - Brandi will be well and truly fucked.  But maybe it will get her off the show.

That does not mean that KR gave the name of the dog or the owners name and I do believe it was posted a way back, way, way back, that it takes 2 bites in California from 1 dog for animal control to become involved. IMO, that is why Kim sent the dog to the trainer only after Alexia was bitten, Kyle most likely named the dog and that he had a history of biting people. 1 of the trainers Kim sent him too said that she changed his name to keep his bite history from following him and that he was the single most aggressive/dangerous dog he has ever dealt with, another trainer, a woman, said he was the most dangerous dog she ever dealt with as well and these are the trainers you call as a last resort to save aggressive dogs.

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I think Kim's idea of "sober" and my idea of "sober" are two entirely different things.


I wouldn't fault her for taking prescribed meds if she was taking her own - - not Monty's - - and as directed and if she was honest with the doctor about her past addiction.  That said, if Kim was honest about her sobriety or attempted sobriety, she never would have taken a pill prescribed for someone else.  Ever.  An addict in recovery would know this.  That's why I'm really on the fence about how much she wants to be sober. 


I know that addiction is a disease but she made a choice to begin using.  And she is a lot more fortunate than many people who have no support system or the finances to be able to check themselves into rehab.  Kim has the luxury of not only having the money to do so but a schedule that allows her to do so.  So I do fault her for not taking advantage of those things.


I do agree it's possible that Kim suffers from being bipolar, ADHD or any number of things.  I feel absolutely certain that she's stunted emotionally, thanks to her upbringing and Big Kathy.  Combine that with addiction, narcissism and/or ADHD, bipolar, etc. and it's a massive recipe for disaster.

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  I believe Kim does, as she's demonstrated them, and talked of them.

No, she doesn't IMO. Taking meds prescribed for an adult man dying from cancer that is twice her size is a choice she made! Monty did not force that pill down her throat, in fact, he denies giving it to her in the first place!

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