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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Kyle should walk away from Kim. If Bravo has Kim back, they should make very clear that no one will be covering up for her anymore. I know I wouldn't if I was one of the other housewives. I would make clear that I will keep everything about her behavior while filming and not talk about what she does when we are not filming. So if she doesn't want anyone commenting on her bizarre behavior she needs to stop acting like she is under the influence of some substance. I would also make clear if Kim wants to bring up things not related to filming ie my family -- her family is fair game and then I would ask her how Chad was doing.

First off, excellent post. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

What difference does that make if it was filler or fluff? She put it out there for a reason.


You're absolutely right.  She did it intentionally thinking it would make her look good but it didn't.  Sandwich making and laundry are not skills that need to be taught.  When children spend all of their time with their mother, they learn these things by watching her do them day after day.......year after year.  I'm guessing Kyle didn't or doesn't spend her days making sandwiches and doing laundry.  

  • Love 2

When children spend all of their time with their mother, they learn these things by watching her do them day after day.......year after year.  I'm guessing Kyle didn't or doesn't spend her days making sandwiches and doing laundry.

So if they have a housekeeper that does these chores, does that make Kyle a bad mother?

  • Love 6

Sandwich making and laundry are not skills that need to be taught.  When children spend all of their time with their mother, they learn these things by watching her do them day after day.......year after year.  I'm guessing Kyle didn't or doesn't spend her days making sandwiches and doing laundry.  

Agree.  As if I needed to watch anyone make a sandwich to know how to make one.  If you watch someone doing something over and over, you will figure it out.


I am guessing Kyle isn't home every day doing motherly duties, you are right. She has outside interests.  But, when she is home, she is likely doing those things like plenty of other mothers. There have been comments over the years since this show has been on, by various people who have mentioned how Kyle is very hands-on when it comes to her home life. Camille mentioned it before.  Brandi, of all people, also mentioned this in an interview (WWHL?) or a TH, can't remember. She stated Kyle is a hands-on mom and Kyle even took her boys to spend many days at her home. It has been mentioned by other ho-wives as well.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I don't see every action done by someone as having nefarious intent.   Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.  All of the HW have "silly" segments or segments with them showing off some luxury item or some privileged behavior.  I figure that's part of the "lifestyle" Bravo is trying to showcase.  


I think laundry does need to be taught, like making a bed and loading the dishwasher, which is something that many adults don't even do well.  Maybe some kids will follow their mothers or fathers (why isn't Mauricio getting the bad parent rap for this?) around and want to emulate them doing chores but they usually, in my experience, need to be taught how to be done properly or efficiently.  Kyle seems like she likes to be in control of things and nurture her family.  I can see her enjoying doing certain chores as well as that seems to be part of the lifestyle she's created for herself.  She seems more "domestic" to me than many of the other HW besides the newcomers Lisa R and Eileen.  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 8


I don't know. I think we have seen many things that directly contradict that. Supporting Camille after the divorce. Supporting Brandi after the tampon incident. Supporting Taylor through all of her stuff - even at the risk of her own reputation. Supporting Adrianne after the surrogacy reveal by Brandi. I think that Kyle can and has shown empathy. She definitely stepped outside of herself to help all of those women. I think they would need to show more than a throw away scene about a sandwich and laundry to portray her as unable to show empathy.

I do not deny that Kyle has been able to show sympathy for some of her castmates, but I remain steadfast in my belief that she has not displayed empathy. There may seem to be little or no difference between the two terms, but they are, in fact, quite different.

  • Love 2

There have been comments over the years since this show has been on, by various people who have mentioned how Kyle is very hands-on when it comes to her home life. Camille mentioned it before. Brandi, of all people, also mentioned this in an interview (WWHL?) or a TH, can't remember. She stated Kyle is a hands-on mom and Kyle even took her boys to spend many days at her home. It has been mentioned by other ho-wives as well.

Yeah shes even taken Taylor daughter to movie premieres from pictures Ive seen. She and Tre are the only two wives to my knowledge that are pretty hands on with their children and home life. I just think Kyle likes people period. Which is good for her a lot people dont have much presence.

  • Love 8

I think this discussion of teaching your children to do laundry/make sandwiches is ridiculous. I taught my son and daughter to do their own laundry at ages 12/8. They are now 44/40 years old; advanced degrees ( a Veterinarian and and a high school teacher of Chemistry/Biology), married and parents of children. They are still terrible at doing laundry and cleaning house as their spouses will tell you (and me!). When they come to our very clean, tidy house, the spouses still comment on how our children didn't inherent this gene from their mom. So what? They're very accomplished, fine people who have excelled in their professions and have fine families. They do clean house from top to bottom before Mom comes to visit, though-Ha. Really, in the cosmic theme of things. what does it really matter?


Having dealt with an addict in our family over a number of years, my sympathy is totally with Kyle. Unless you've been through the trenches with someone who's addicted, you have no earthly idea how hard this can be. And it can last years and years until you say "Enough-I am DONE" I hope Kyle is finally there.

  • Love 16

I do not deny that Kyle has been able to show sympathy for some of her castmates, but I remain steadfast in my belief that she has not displayed empathy. There may seem to be little or no difference between the two terms, but they are, in fact, quite different.

I think it's KIM that has no empathy, not Kyle. It's pretty rare to find this trait in someone, yet Kim has it. ZERO empathy for anyone. At all. It's almost scary. Think about how LisaR first disclosed that her sister died of a drug addiction. Kim was reading her phone, expressed no condolences, and then turned on her. Or at the reunion when LisaR started to cry, Kim's lack of empathy was so startling that Andy remarked on it, and even Brandi had to tell her to lighten up. Or feeling no empathy towards her niece after the dog bite. I could go on and on. But Kyle? She showed empathy towards Taylor when others were accusing her of grifting/faking, towards Camille after her divorce and bout with cancer, towards her mother-in-law after her plastic surgery, and even towards Kim after rehab. She's also spoken of charities she's involved with. I just don't get this accusation.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 18

Agreed. Her dysfunctional relationship with Kim? Storyline. Opening her store? Storyline. Sending Alexia off to school? Storyline. Scenes of Kyle laughing as Mauricio tries to make a sandwich, or talking about the kids/Mauricio and laundry? Total filler.

Exactly - and I really enjoy the filler scenes. They are little glimpses of their real lives - like when Kyle and LisaV talked about poo and when Portia wanted to know which Lisa was better. Fun stuff!

  • Love 7

I think it's KIM that has no empathy, not Kyle. It's pretty rare to find this trait in someone, yet Kim has it. ZERO empathy for anyone. At all. It's almost scary. Think about how LisaR first disclosed that her sister died of a drug addiction. Kim was reading her phone, expressed no condolences, and then turned on her. Or at the reunion when LisaR started to cry, Kim's lack of empathy was so startling that Andy remarked on it, and even Brandi had to tell her to lighten up. Or feeling no empathy towards her niece after the dog bite. I could go on and on. But Kyle? She showed empathy towards Taylor when others were accusing her of grifting/faking, towards Camille after her divorce and bout with cancer, towards her mother-in-law after her plastic surgery, and even towards Kim after rehab. I just don't get this accusation.

Im like Eileen I dunno why Kim is so pure evil, lack compassion or empathy. It's creepy to me.

Why is she so soulless? Where does it cone from?

  • Love 7

Im like Eileen I dunno why Kim is so pure evil, lack compassion or empathy. It's creepy to me.

Why is she so soulless? Where does it cone from?

She exhibits classic narcissism, a personality disorder. Sam Vaknin is a well-known narcissist who writes about the disorder and how narcissists think.


  • Love 2

I think it's KIM that has no empathy, not Kyle. It's pretty rare to find this trait in someone, yet Kim has it. ZERO empathy for anyone. At all. It's almost scary. Think about how LisaR first disclosed that her sister died of a drug addiction. Kim was reading her phone, expressed no condolences, and then turned on her.

Yes, Rinna tearfully said she lost three people, including her sister and Kim said, "she's an expert." Which I LOLed because I'm not personally involved, but COLD! She's like completely unaware how she comes across to humans.

  • Love 10


I just don't get this accusation.

I made no accusation. I merely said that in Kyle I see sympathy but not empathy. That is not calling her an evil person or a rotten mother. My sense/understanding of empathy is to truly put oneself in the place(including the mindset) of the other person ( as if I were putting myself in her place, experiencing HER feelings/emotions/psyche) rather than 'this is how I would feel it it were happening to me' with no inclusion of the other persons known or perceived mindset.


I was a Psych major; for me, the observation of human behavior and what it may reveal about the inner workings of the mind is a study of infinite variation and fascination.


'Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks'.  I did not like my mother at all - we had a VERY adversarial relationship. I can easily imagine being very pissed off at her and understanding the desire to pick up a big ole axe and doing her in - that would be the sympathy side of it. BUT, putting myself in Lizzie shoes (taking her history and life circumstances into the mix), deliberately and empathetically investing myself into what she may have been feeling, what she may have been thinking, imagining myself as Lizzie picking up the weapon, approaching the woman, raising my arm, axe in hand AS IF I WAS HER -  well, that makes me shake and recoil with the realization of the depths of darkness a human soul can experience. And it scares me to understand how much the human psyche is capable of. For me, that is empathy, albeit a rather extreme example.

  • Love 2

I made no accusation. I merely said that in Kyle I see sympathy but not empathy. That is not calling her an evil person or a rotten mother. My sense/understanding of empathy is to truly put oneself in the place(including the mindset) of the other person ( as if I were putting myself in her place, experiencing HER feelings/emotions/psyche) rather than 'this is how I would feel it it were happening to me' with no inclusion of the other persons known or perceived mindset.

I certainly didn't accuse you of calling Kyle evil or a bad mother, but rather as calling her as someone with no empathy towards others, as you acknowledge. And I still don't understand how someone can come to this conclusion. Take her relationship with Kim, for example. Even dealing with how Kim's addictions affected her adversely, she still covered for Kim, and asked others to do so as well - all at Kim's request and desire to keep the story private. If that isn't putting herself in someone else's shoes, I don't know what is. She even did it against her better judgement, as well as suffering a cost because of it.

Ha, it can be interpreted many different ways. But the poster did not say that Kyle would be a bad mother if she had a housekeeper who did chores.

Can you offer any other interpretation?

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 7

 I said what I meant. In that particular situation I believe Kyle and Mauricio have done their children a disservice. They gave her a Mercedes for her 16th birthday yet she isn't even made to be responsible for her own clothing. They are sending her away to school with a $2000 a month allowance in spending money just because they can, another disservice IMO.

  • Love 1

I made no accusation. I merely said that in Kyle I see sympathy but not empathy. That is not calling her an evil person or a rotten mother. My sense/understanding of empathy is to truly put oneself in the place(including the mindset) of the other person ( as if I were putting myself in her place, experiencing HER feelings/emotions/psyche) rather than 'this is how I would feel it it were happening to me' with no inclusion of the other persons known or perceived mindset.


I was a Psych major; for me, the observation of human behavior and what it may reveal about the inner workings of the mind is a study of infinite variation and fascination.


'Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks'.  I did not like my mother at all - we had a VERY adversarial relationship. I can easily imagine being very pissed off at her and understanding the desire to pick up a big ole axe and doing her in - that would be the sympathy side of it. BUT, putting myself in Lizzie shoes (taking her history and life circumstances into the mix), deliberately and empathetically investing myself into what she may have been feeling, what she may have been thinking, imagining myself as Lizzie picking up the weapon, approaching the woman, raising my arm, axe in hand AS IF I WAS HER -  well, that makes me shake and recoil with the realization of the depths of darkness a human soul can experience. And it scares me to understand how much the human psyche is capable of. For me, that is empathy, albeit a rather extreme example.

Don't you have to be able to "sympathize" with someone in order to be able to "empathize" with another person? Don't they go hand in hand to a certain degree? If a person is unable to have "empathy" they would never really "sympathize" with someone. For me, just me, the person that has no sympathy for anyone, outside herself, is Kim and I do not believe she has ever been "empathetic" for/with another person in her life. JMO

  • Love 9

I disagree with all of this. It wasn't a storyline, just an aside. She seems like a great mom to me.


While I agree that she seems like she's a great mom and I might also agree that she wasn't making it a 'storyline' per se, what purpose does everybody think Kyle had in telling us that her husband couldn't make a sandwich or change a lightbulb?  Or that no one but her could do a load of wash?  Or that once one of them attempted to do so, her undies (or whatever) came out pink.  Ho ho ho!  Supposed to be funny but it's not very original. C'mon the old throw something red in a white load story?


Imo, she was doing so to prove what a great mom she is.  And isn't it funny and aren't the kids and hubby so lucky that she does it all?


Serious question.  Why else would she brag about that?

  • Love 3

 I said what I meant. In that particular situation I believe Kyle and Mauricio have done their children a disservice. They gave her a Mercedes for her 16th birthday yet she isn't even made to be responsible for her own clothing. They are sending her away to school with a $2000 a month allowance in spending money just because they can, another disservice IMO.

I agree about the car but I also suspect it was for the show only and not really given to Alexia. As for the $2K a month, she had an apartment, off campus, and maybe they elected to not buy whatever meal/food package the school offered or it could have cost the same amount, who knows but I did think it was more than she would need. 

  • Love 2

While I agree that she seems like she's a great mom and I might also agree that she wasn't making it a 'storyline' per se, what purpose does everybody think Kyle had in telling us that her husband couldn't make a sandwich or change a lightbulb?  Or that no one but her could do a load of wash?  Or that once one of them attempted to do so, her undies (or whatever) came out pink.  Ho ho ho!  Supposed to be funny but it's not very original. C'mon the old throw something red in a white load story?


Imo, she was doing so to prove what a great mom she is.  And isn't it funny and aren't the kids and hubby so lucky that she does it all?


Serious question.  Why else would she brag about that?

From where I sit, Kyle leads a pretty charmed life, except of course for her sister. She owns her own store, on a successful show, ,hunky husband, good kids, great vacations, two beautiful houses . What's NOT TO BRAG ABOUT.

  • Love 6


why isn't Mauricio getting the bad parent rap for this?


Probably because it's not true and something Kyle made up thinking it was cute. 


I don't believe for a second that Mauricio doesn't know how make a sandwich, change a light bulb or do a load of laundry.  He wasn't always married and I doubt he lived at home with his mother until he married.  


ETA:  I think we often take things that are said at face value instead of it being part of their HW persona.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6


Serious question.  Why else would she brag about that?


Kyle suffers from the ME-ME-IT'S ALL ABOUT ME Syndrome.   Even when dealing with her evil sister Kim.   I've never heard her say anything to Kim or about Kim regarding what Kim might be doing to her health.  It's always along the lines of Kim's actions are hurting/embarrassing/upsetting  ME-ME-ME.

  • Love 3

My 2 cents.  Abundance is fabulous.  I applaud those who have created this for themselves.   We all grow up in different circumstances and have a story to tell.  There are very accomplished people who grew up rich and others started in abject poverty and many in between. We all made it to adulthood and have battle scars that have served us well and advantages that have made us who we are today.  There is no right or wrong. 


We only have today to start the rest of our lives.  The past is over and the future not yet created.  Onward!  


Okay, I am off my soap box now.  Well, I may get on it again, ya just never know with me. :>) 

  • Love 10

I thought Kyle was just joking around. I have a friend who often says of her husband that if it weren't for him having her around, they'd be living in the dark because he can't change a lightbulb. The guy obviously can and she's just exaggerating. He, in turn, jokes about her inability to boil water. Again - I'm pretty sure she can do it, but she is indeed not a very good cook. We all laugh about it. I don't think it's that serious or deep, but maybe I'm just easily amused.

  • Love 14

So what, who cares about giving Alexia a Mercedes? Big deal. 


Kyle is a horrible mother! We have a crisis here because Kyle has not taught her kids to wash their fucking clothes! How will they ever survive in life?


Thus far, the Umansky children seem like great kids and very appreciative of what they have. They have not come off as being entitled, bratty or acting like their Aunt Kim (asshole). In five or ten years if they are fucked up little coke heads who are nowhere in life, then I will remember this topic and nod in agreement.



I've never heard her say anything to Kim or about Kim regarding what Kim might be doing to her health.

OMG this made me laugh. Not at you, but at the idea that Kyle can ever say anything to Kim. Especially to the person who claims THREE YEARS SOBRIETY!!  No one can say a damn thing to Kim without her flying off the handle. One has to precisely know how to approach her and make sure they are not being too concerned or else they get the wrath of Kim.


During the last reunion as the discussion about what really happened at Eileen's poker night, Kyle was talking about how she went into the bathroom. There was some cross-talk going on.  Kim then told Kyle, "Why didn't you just take me outside and tell me how I was behaving?" (paraphrasing). Seriously, Kim?? As if you would have allowed Kyle to do that? How many times has Kyle tried to talk to Kim, but somehow Kim managed to deflect the conversation? Kyle tried to approach Kim outside that poker night and look what happened. Bitch Brandi intervened.  The only one I have seen who has managed to even talk to Kim about her health and sobriety is YoFo. YoFo kept it to a bare minimum. If she hadn't, Kim would have "blah blah blah" to her face. 


That is not to say Kyle has never talked to Kim about her health, I am sure she has a million different times, but Kim would have to SIT AND LISTEN to her. Kim can't bother to listen to anyone unless they are agreeing with her or telling her what she wants to hear.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15

From where I sit, Kyle leads a pretty charmed life, except of course for her sister. She owns her own store, on a successful show, ,hunky husband, good kids, great vacations, two beautiful houses . What's NOT TO BRAG ABOUT.

What's NOT to brag about is her husband being so useless around the house he can't change a lightbulb.  I don't think it's true but if it were, that would be a deal breaker for me.  I want a titan in the boardroom and a handyman in the bedroom when my reading lamp bulb blows. LOL


Every thing else you mentioned?  Hell yeah!  If I had to choose a BH Ho life to live, it would be Kyle's.  Minus, Kimmy, of course.  Although, I wouldn't want the store.  Or the show, now that I think about it.

  • Love 6

Kyle suffers from the ME-ME-IT'S ALL ABOUT ME Syndrome.   Even when dealing with her evil sister Kim.   I've never heard her say anything to Kim or about Kim regarding what Kim might be doing to her health.

That feels unfair. How is Kyle supposed to address this when Kim insists she's "three years sober!" and doing great and insists that Kyle goes along with this story?

  • Love 12


What's NOT to brag about is her husband being so useless around the house he can't change a lightbulb

Eh, I look at it like what LisaV says with regards to Ken. They say shit  in jest. Am I the only one here who does that sort of shit? I poke fun at my spouse and he says things about me that isn't true, but we know it is said in jest.

  • Love 12

I would think the fact that she convinced her cast mates and production to play along that Kim was just the nutty, but endearing sister, throughout the season would show that it wasn't planned. I remember that scene when they took the private Jet to see the basketball game. The women all toasted with champagne. There were no knowing looks or lingering on Kim's champagne. I think the fact that they all colluded to pretend there was no problem would show that the only thing that was planned was to make Kim appear sober - not to out her at the last minute. Plus, Andy has even said that Kyle begged production not to air that limo scene.

I'm not saying she plotted it out on paper but I don't (and will never) buy into it being entirely spontaneous. It's possible Kyle learned of the backlash to limo gate and let that guide her into begging for the footage to be excised. As for Andy, yes I remember him saying she asked that it not be aired (no doubt resulting in a memo from AC to the editors instructing them to ensure the footage made the final cut).

  • Love 2

So what, who cares about giving Alexia a Mercedes? Big deal. 


Kyle is a horrible mother! We have a crisis here because Kyle has not taught her kids to wash their fucking clothes! How will they ever survive in life?


Thus far, the Umansky children seem like great kids and very appreciative of what they have. They have not come off as being entitled, bratty or acting like their Aunt Kim (asshole). In five or ten years when they are fucked up little coke heads who are nowhere in life, then I will remember this topic and nod in agreement.


OMG this made me laugh. Not at you, but at the idea that Kyle can ever say anything to Kim. Especially to the person who claims THREE YEARS SOBRIETY!!  No one can say a damn thing to Kim without her flying off the handle. One has to precisely know how to approach her and make sure they are not being too concerned or else they get the wrath of Kim.


During the last reunion as the discussion about what really happened at Eileen's poker night, Kyle was talking about how she went into the bathroom. There was some cross-talk going on.  Kim then told Kyle, "Why didn't you just take me outside and tell me how I was behaving?" (paraphrasing). Seriously, Kim?? As if you would have allowed Kyle to do that? How many times has Kyle tried to talk to Kim, but somehow Kim managed to deflect the conversation? Kyle tried to approach Kim outside that poker night and look what happened. Bitch Brandi intervened.  The only one I have seen who has managed to even talk to Kim about her health and sobriety is YoFo. YoFo kept it to a bare minimum. If she hadn't, Kim would have "blah blah blah" to her face. 


That is not to say Kyle has never talked to Kim about her health, I am sure she has a million different times, but Kim would have to SIT AND LISTEN to her. Kim can't bother to listen to anyone unless they are agreeing with her or telling her what she wants to hear.

But how and why did Kyle not schooling her girls in the gentle domestic arts become about Kim? Again.

  • Love 1

I agree OtherKate, she was joking around but for some reason, Kyle just annoyed the hell out of me during the whole laundry stuff. The only part I did like was when she said in a talking head that she was fortunate that she had someone to do her laundry. Because I seriously hate washing clothes and I freaking love anyone who pays someone to wash their clothes!


Oh, I definitely get not finding it that funny or not finding her funny in general. 


Ugh, I think that a simple post with a viewpoint about laundry has taken on life of its own and is being blown out of proportion. 


At least we can all say we know where we were during The Great Laundry Debate of 2015!

  • Love 6

At least we can all say we know where we were during The Great Laundry Debate of 2015!


Ha!  Many years ago, I participated on a parenting board - and we were all fairly intelligent there - yet somehow we got into a heated, relationship-breaking debate about if it was acceptable to ask people to remove their shoes when they came into your home.  LOL  No shit.  Went on for days.  Feelings were hurt. LOL

  • Love 8

What difference does that make if it was filler or fluff? She put it out there for a reason.

At the beginning of the season it was all about whether or not Portia was a brat.  I like how Kyle's kids come off on TV-I think the showed us a bit more of the kids this year because there wasn't a lot happening.  I think they call them "evergreen scenes".   So we saw Lisar kids be a little bratty in Medford, Eileen's handsome brood, Yolanda's world famous supermodel daughters, Kim's daughter getting ready for her hurry up wedding.  I think viewers had asked for less drama and more $$$$$$$ shots and time with their families.  So we all saw what a tight family Kyle has-just for the record they have been skiing in Deer Valley and are headed to Coachella next weekend where she is sure to hook up with the Hilton sisters and various assorted other nieces and nephews. 


Here is what I took away from the scenes-that in between Farrah going away and graduating from college the Umanskys had Portia, and all of sudden there was Alexia ready to leave the nest and Kyle had been resisting it-the bawling on the yacht, the not preparing her for her departure.  Regardless of the intelligence level of Alexia is teaching someone to do laundry is no more than a half hour job.  If something really difficult comes up it can be resolved with a phone call or text.  As far as Mauricio being worthless around the house - who cares-he can afford to hire help to change a light bulb.  Rinna said she and her assistant Lorena run the Hamlin house.  I think the are showing us their lifestyles.  Eileen's kid with all the homework-after the scene played out she tweeted the kid changed schools-too much homework.  I am assuming it was a joke because it was a ridiculous amount of homework. Yolanda has interior designers and the like for her daughters departure into the world.  I think collectively the producers were trying to show us that these women have a committed relationship to their children-these aren't the off to boarding school kids like LuAnn of RHNYC raised.  They even stick up for Brandi and her kids.

BlackMamba - Don't be fooled. Kim watches the episodes. Every single one of them.

Well maybe she has the TV on-I question her comprehension.

  • Love 9

In the spirit of reconciliation and goodwill I will say that I don't think Kyle is perfect ,in fact I really wish she could learn to keep her emotions in check. It is her achillies heel for sure. I am a crier (like Kyle) married to a man who could be Elieens long lost brother. I'm terrible at remembering specifics but I can always remember how something made me feel. When we would fight I would speak in generalities while hubby would say " the night you are talking about was June 5th, you were wearing a red shirt and you specifically said.......". I finally figured out that me getting emotional only made me look crazy and out of control. Just like season 1 Camille said (not season 2 Camille that was a different woman lol) the one who stays calm wins. Now no matter how I feel inside I'm as calm as can be on the outside. I wish Kyle would get that.

  • Love 10

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