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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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I can't remember the last time she talked about him.  She's talked about the divorce so maybe the arrogant douche thinks that's about him.  He really needs help.  Notice that every text points out that she has a problem, she is the problem.  Classic abuser.  He wants her to not talk about his daughter?  Ok, I'll talk about our daughter.  Poor baby Hoppy, what exactly did she say about him in October that initiated that rant?  And again I can't remember her bad mouthing him.  Her WWHL was something to the effect that someone (therapist) told he that it's like someone had a bright shiny object and you took it away and they want it back.  But that's the worst I remember.  Seriously guys, help me here.  What did she say?  

So if there are two new charges that means that this idiot couldn't even keep his mouth shut for 6 months.  They are never going to drop the charges now.

  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Right!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I know,  I mean really, she stopped talking about him, calling him names and making him the bad guy in everything in interviews, on her then talk show, everywhere, OOPS, My bad, she didn't! It's seems it is Ok for Bethenny to slam him everywhere but he isn't allowed to do it, and he did it in private, not to the world like she did. Bad, Jason, bad, how dare you expect Bethenny to respect your privacy but you must respect hers or else! LOL Get a grip Bethenny! Grow the hell up and stop slamming your ex every chance you get and he will back off the emails to you.

There's a pattern here.  She did this with her mother.  And I'm not sure about her father but she certainly did after he died.  Beth doesn't understand that what she says about people has effects.  Unfortunately, she is so tied up in herself and victimhood, she doesn't care.  She pushes the boundaries and if she really loves her daughter, she needs to stop talking about this child's father and maternal grandparents.

Two new charges doesn't necessarily mean that Jason contacted Beth after the RO was issued.  They could have found something in the discovery phase.  The article doesn't say what incidences those charges are for.

  • Love 5

Help me out here.   The divorce dragged on and on and on.   Bethenny testified.   Then the divorce got settled before Jason took the stand.  (Am I close?)   Pro-Bethenny people probably say she did fine on the stand.  Pro-Jason people probably say she cooked her goose.   Does anyone know for certain what side caved?  (Caved probably not the best word to use.)    Who said lets end this?  Is it fact or assumption?  Appearances can be argued either way.

Not sure how I should put this.   I think what I'm trying to mumble is with this trial being dragged out (regardless of how much fun we posters get to have) does that benefit the same person that eventually 'won' in the divorce? 

Lol, I'm trying to keep this neutral and I'm making a mess of it.  Basically patience is not one of Bethenny's strong suits.  On 'outward appearance' Jason might have her beat there.  So if this continues on and on, does Jason 'win' simply because Bethenny loses patience and Jason knows this?  Does B have any control over whether the charges get dropped completely?  Or is this out of her hands?

Are the texts/emails that are out there both sides or just one side?  Just curious.   Where do I find them?

54 minutes ago, Ellee said:

the stand.  (Am I close?)   Pro-Bethenny people probably say she did fine on the stand.  Pro-Jason people probably say she cooked her goose.   Does anyone know for certain what side caved?  (Caved probably not the best word to use.)    Who said lets end this?  Is it fact or assump

It was the custody case not the divorce. After she testified but before his lawyer could cross-examine her, she agreed to joint custody.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's actually quite funny at this point. Post after post reminding that Beth is not the one putting Jason on trial. The state of NY is. Yet it is all Beth's fault. Every single time. Now for what the State of NY does or does not do. 

Let's also point that the restraining order has been extended until the trial takes place. 

This means that not only they found enough evidence to place an initial RO but now they are extending it and adding more charges to it. 

So much for opinions, one way or the other. The only standing fact so far is that the State of NY and the DA has found enough evidence to issue and extend a RO to protect Bethenny from this unhinged. man.  

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

There's a pattern here.  She did this with her mother.  And I'm not sure about her father but she certainly did after he died.  Beth doesn't understand that what she says about people has effects.  Unfortunately, she is so tied up in herself and victimhood, she doesn't care.  She pushes the boundaries and if she really loves her daughter, she needs to stop talking about this child's father and maternal grandparents.

That sounds like blaming the victim. Like she pushed Jason to harrass her.  If only she would just shut up!  

All we know for certain is that Jason went into court hoping to get the charges dropped and he came out with new charges added to the old charges. It sounds like he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. 

Hopefully he will learn how to act appropriately, earn a living on his own, buy a property with money he earns and have some great times with his daughter. 

  • Love 12

Not sure how I should put this.   I think what I'm trying to mumble is with this trial being dragged out (regardless of how much fun we posters get to have) does that benefit the same person that eventually 'won' in the divorce?


She wasn't kidding when she said she was tortured! He really needs help!!!!!!

So the other perspective is that she gave one days testimony where she paints Jason to be a bully.  Then before his attorney even cross examined Jason settled.  He didn't want people to hear the supporting witness.  He had nothing near as damaging about her.  His only supporting witnesses were his parents and what was already in the media from Bethenny herself.  So she got everything she wanted.  While I suspect it is a little of both I ask you, is this a man that got everything he wanted?

  • Love 6

Jason got exactly what he wanted the hearing was over joint custody and that's what he got. It would also make no sense to not at least cross examine her.

Really?  Then why is he so mad?  Maybe he really did want the vacation money.  Maybe he really did want to take Bryn to Mass more than high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent Bethenny from celebrating Jewish high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent her from talking about Bryn in the media.  Maybe he wanted to have final permission for Bryn to leave the county with her mother.

If he got everything he wanted AND is still behaving like this then he needs inpatient care.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Really?  Then why is he so mad?  Maybe he really did want the vacation money.

In terms of custody which is all that hearing was about. It would take considerably longer for the divorce to be settled and because the terms weren't public like the custody hearing was no one knows exactly what he got and how he feels about it.

  • Love 5

From the link above/People: 


In light of Tuesday’s additional charges, PEOPLE has obtained a copy of the court document, which list Frankel’s complaint in detail. Here are some of the reality star’s allegations:

Frankel alleges that on Aug. 31, 2016, she received a text message from Hoppy stating, “Despite your games, I’ll never let you do to me what your mother did to your father. I’ll never go away."

Frankel alleges that on Oct. 10, 2016, she received an email from Hoppy stating, “You left me no choice but to go to extremes and include your staff and current boyfriend…to try and get through to you.”

One day later, on Oct. 11, Frankel alleges that Hoppy sent her another email stating, “Your definition of harassment is comical. I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit.”

Frankel alleges that on Oct. 14, 2016, she received two emails in which Hoppy stated in each email, “I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit,” as well as a text message with the same statement.

After she sent him an email on Nov. 8, 2016 requesting that he stop communicating with her, Frankel alleges that Hoppy sent her repeated emails requesting to meet her in person and provide copies of her life insurance policy.

On Nov. 22, 2016, Frankel’s attorney sent Hoppy a letter requesting that he cease and desist all communication with her. From that day through Jan. 27, 2017 — the day of Hoppy’s arrest — Frankel alleges that she received approximately 160 emails from Hoppy.

On Jan. 17, 2017, Frankel alleges that Hoppy approached her and her boyfriend and repeatedly stated, “Okay I see. This is how you want to do this. Okay. You can play your game. It doesn’t matter. You can get 10 lawyers. There’s nothing you can do to stop me. You’ll be sorry. You’ve been warned. I can’t help it. She’s pure evil. You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Frankel argues that the nature and volume Hoppy’s communications, as well as his in-person statements to her and her boyfriend “caused mental and emotional harm and caused me to fear for my safety.”


I have no problem with any of this. I don't see it as stalking at all. I see it as a Dad who is mad as hell and not going to take her control anymore. Bethenny runs roughshod over EVERYONE with no consequences leaving a scorched earth policy behind her with every right up to her parents and the line of exes. I applaud him. Don't give up what is right for your child. Brynn is worth fighting for.  I don't blame him at all for communicating how he sees fit until someone tells him not to. He could be WELL within in his rights to have kept up the communication. These are allegations. 

It's a bitch Bethenny isn't it that you can tell Luann that she fucked everybody, and you're lost at sea and you don't have parents, and you're bleeding to death and homeless. But when Jason Hoppy needs to communicate regarding your child in common you ignore him, or go passive and when he  talks the big talk you run and say it mental and emotional harm. Only Bethenny gets to go off leash and bite. Oh her and fucking Cookie da boo boo. 


I think this math holds but I am sure my board friends will fix me if I am wrong: 160 emails in 65 (roughly) days is 2.4 emails a day or 17 a week. It's a lot, but hell that's 17 in one week. 17 in one week can be 2 days of 9 emails back and forth that is easy to do. Permission slips for school, schedules, questions about a dance recital, checking on a fever or injury, or trying to get an eye doc appt scheduled stuff like that can go back and forth with 2 busy professionals schedules............... Let's see the emails. 

And this????:

On Jan. 17, 2017, Frankel alleges that Hoppy approached her and her boyfriend and repeatedly stated,

(this was for Bethenny and the games she absolutely plays): “Okay I see. This is how you want to do this. Okay. You can play your game. It doesn’t matter. You can get 10 lawyers. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.

(this was for the then current bf who has no idea what Bethenny is at her core yet): You’ll be sorry. You’ve been warned. I can’t help it. She’s pure evil. You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Shields finally figured out Jason was right. 

On November 8th, he asked for a life insurance policy. What was his reason? Does the custody or divorce agreement require one? It  was just after her birthday. Renewal of a policy? If he has a reason such as this, how does this prove a threat? The queen of hyperbole and spin makes it a threat. You have to forgive her when she goes nuclear but when she gets it on her she cries victim. Yawn.


They both need to co parent way more gracefully. I would stick them in a room with a therapist two to three times a week. They are both damaging their child and no judge should sit idly by on this one. She is a rabid bulldog with money  and tons of baggage who can't take what she dishes out.  He is an angry only child used by  Bethenny as a sperm donor and her tv show cohost with his own family baggage who is clinging to his vision of considerate responsible co parenting with a complete psycho at the other helm. I think he is right to expose what she lacks, and force the issue for a judge to get co parenting back on the rails. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Ellee said:


Not sure how I should put this.   I think what I'm trying to mumble is with this trial being dragged out (regardless of how much fun we posters get to have) does that benefit the same person that eventually 'won' in the divorce? 

Lol, I'm trying to keep this neutral and I'm making a mess of it.  Basically patience is not one of Bethenny's strong suits.  On 'outward appearance' Jason might have her beat there.  So if this continues on and on, does Jason 'win' simply because Bethenny loses patience and Jason knows this?  Does B have any control over whether the charges get dropped completely?  Or is this out of her hands?


It's in Jason's benefit is this keeps being continued and he stops doing what he is accused of doing. It's out of Bethany's control and I would bet it will never go to trial. I would bet they will reach an agreement five minutes before the trial is to begin. 

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Really?  Then why is he so mad?  Maybe he really did want the vacation money.  Maybe he really did want to take Bryn to Mass more than high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent Bethenny from celebrating Jewish high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent her from talking about Bryn in the media.  Maybe he wanted to have final permission for Bryn to leave the county with her mother.

If he got everything he wanted AND is still behaving like this then he needs inpatient care.

Bethenny was the one that settled. Jason was seeking joint custody while she was seeking primary or sole custody. She testified and then before cross examination or Jason being able to present his case it was settled with the result being joint custody. If he was settling then the result would have been sole custody for Bethenny. Jason got what he was seeking. 

Edited by glowbug
  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

From the link above/People: 


In light of Tuesday’s additional charges, PEOPLE has obtained a copy of the court document, which list Frankel’s complaint in detail. Here are some of the reality star’s allegations:

Frankel alleges that on Aug. 31, 2016, she received a text message from Hoppy stating, “Despite your games, I’ll never let you do to me what your mother did to your father. I’ll never go away."

Frankel alleges that on Oct. 10, 2016, she received an email from Hoppy stating, “You left me no choice but to go to extremes and include your staff and current boyfriend…to try and get through to you.”

One day later, on Oct. 11, Frankel alleges that Hoppy sent her another email stating, “Your definition of harassment is comical. I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit.”

Frankel alleges that on Oct. 14, 2016, she received two emails in which Hoppy stated in each email, “I will continue to communicate with you as I see fit,” as well as a text message with the same statement.

After she sent him an email on Nov. 8, 2016 requesting that he stop communicating with her, Frankel alleges that Hoppy sent her repeated emails requesting to meet her in person and provide copies of her life insurance policy.

On Nov. 22, 2016, Frankel’s attorney sent Hoppy a letter requesting that he cease and desist all communication with her. From that day through Jan. 27, 2017 — the day of Hoppy’s arrest — Frankel alleges that she received approximately 160 emails from Hoppy.

On Jan. 17, 2017, Frankel alleges that Hoppy approached her and her boyfriend and repeatedly stated, “Okay I see. This is how you want to do this. Okay. You can play your game. It doesn’t matter. You can get 10 lawyers. There’s nothing you can do to stop me. You’ll be sorry. You’ve been warned. I can’t help it. She’s pure evil. You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Frankel argues that the nature and volume Hoppy’s communications, as well as his in-person statements to her and her boyfriend “caused mental and emotional harm and caused me to fear for my safety.”


I have no problem with any of this. I don't see it as stalking at all. I see it as a Dad who is mad as hell and not going to take her control anymore. Bethenny runs roughshod over EVERYONE with no consequences leaving a scorched earth policy behind her with every right up to her parents and the line of exes. I applaud him. Don't give up what is right for your child. Brynn is worth fighting for.  I don't blame him at all for communicating how he sees fit until someone tells him not to. He could be WELL within in his rights to have kept up the communication. These are allegations. 

It's a bitch Bethenny isn't it that you can tell Luann that she fucked everybody, and you're lost at sea and you don't have parents, and you're bleeding to death and homeless. But when Jason Hoppy needs to communicate regarding your child in common you ignore him, or go passive and when he  talks the big talk you run and say it mental and emotional harm. Only Bethenny gets to go off leash and bite. Oh her and fucking Cookie da boo boo. 


I think this math holds but I am sure my board friends will fix me if I am wrong: 160 emails in 65 (roughly) days is 2.4 emails a day or 17 a week. It's a lot, but hell that's 17 in one week. 17 in one week can be 2 days of 9 emails back and forth that is easy to do. Permission slips for school, schedules, questions about a dance recital, checking on a fever or injury, or trying to get an eye doc appt scheduled stuff like that can go back and forth with 2 busy professionals schedules............... Let's see the emails. 

And this????:

On Jan. 17, 2017, Frankel alleges that Hoppy approached her and her boyfriend and repeatedly stated,

(this was for Bethenny and the games she absolutely plays): “Okay I see. This is how you want to do this. Okay. You can play your game. It doesn’t matter. You can get 10 lawyers. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.

(this was for the then current bf who has no idea what Bethenny is at her core yet): You’ll be sorry. You’ve been warned. I can’t help it. She’s pure evil. You’ve been warned. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Shields finally figured out Jason was right. 

On November 8th, he asked for a life insurance policy. What was his reason? Does the custody or divorce agreement require one? It  was just after her birthday. Renewal of a policy? If he has a reason such as this, how does this prove a threat? The queen of hyperbole and spin makes it a threat. You have to forgive her when she goes nuclear but when she gets it on her she cries victim. Yawn.


They both need to co parent way more gracefully. I would stick them in a room with a therapist two to three times a week. They are both damaging their child and no judge should sit idly by on this one. She is a rabid bulldog with money  and tons of baggage who can't take what she dishes out.  He is an angry only child used by  Bethenny as a sperm donor and her tv show cohost with his own family baggage who is clinging to his vision of considerate responsible co parenting with a complete psycho at the other helm. I think he is right to expose what she lacks, and force the issue for a judge to get co parenting back on the rails. 

I don't think we know what happened between Beth and Dennis, or that it can be construed that he was the one to end things. It could have just as easily been Beth. Or it could have been a joint decision because Jason is an asshat who is never going to go away and it all just became too hard. My guess was always that Jason wanted to drive a wedge in the relationship, and it could be that this is the one area where he can call himself the winner (I wonder if Jason ever gets tired of all the winning). 

Regarding the life insurance, my guess is that as part of their divorce (or custody) settlement, she has to keep a policy on Bryn. It might be that Jason has to do this as well. I think the thing is that if this is part of their legal agreement, it should have been handled by their legal representatives. If Beth is supposed to provide this, and she wasn't, his Lawyer should have been the one making the request. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, glowbug said:

Bethenny was the one that settled. Jason was seeking joint custody while she was seeking primary or sole custody. She testified and then before cross examination or Jason being able to present his case it was settled with the result being joint custody. If he was settling then the result would have been sole custody for Bethenny. Jason got what he was seeking. 

They both petitioned for sole custody. And we don't know if he got what he was seeking.  It was a sealed agreement.  And the best indication that he didn't get what he wanted is his behavior.  Behavior so out of bounds that he is now in court.  He is in court saying dismiss the charges because it's just laughable and the prosecutors response is to file two more charges.  That is a big clear message to Hoppy.  Keep up the nonsense and this is going to get very bad.  

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:


Regarding the life insurance, my guess is that as part of their divorce (or custody) settlement, she has to keep a policy on Bryn. It might be that Jason has to do this as well. I think the thing is that if this is part of their legal agreement, it should have been handled by their legal representatives. If Beth is supposed to provide this, and she wasn't, his Lawyer should have been the one making the request. 

I don't think he was driving a wedge I think he is sympathetic to Shields, that he should run not walk away from B.

I totally agree with you that he should have let his lawyers handle what he tried to vocalize.  

1 minute ago, film noire said:

I'm guessing this isn't the overall tone of the emails (as in, there must menacing/dangerous emails that haven't been leaked).

I think what's leaked is the worst, it's what got him arrested. I think it's totally the worst of the tone and she's working it. Big grandiose talk is fine when she is dishing it out.  It's arrest worthy when it's dished toward her. She is such a PUTA. Haha I wanted that to say PITA but I'll leave autocorrect Puta. Lol adios!  Opinion! JMHO. 

  • Love 3

Same old story-Jason wants out of the spotlight and Bethenny wants Jason out of her and Bryn's lives.

4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Right!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I know,  I mean really, she stopped talking about him, calling him names and making him the bad guy in everything in interviews, on her then talk show, everywhere, OOPS, My bad, she didn't! It's seems it is Ok for Bethenny to slam him everywhere but he isn't allowed to do it, and he did it in private, not to the world like she did. Bad, Jason, bad, how dare you expect Bethenny to respect your privacy but you must respect hers or else! LOL Get a grip Bethenny! Grow the hell up and stop slamming your ex every chance you get and he will back off the emails to you.

On one hand you have Jason looking like he wants to meet and reset the clock.  I don't think saying you and your daughter love each other is all that offensive.  All I gleaned from the latest is another Bethenny take no prisoners attitude.  If Denn(ass) was so offended by cc's to e-mails why didn't he just apply a spam filter?

I have  a slight issue with I can put you on blast to a couple million viewers but how dare you e-mail me and actually want to sit down and try and resolve it.

As romantic as it sounds, even rich people should not be having attorneys, mediators and PR people conducting the custody of their child.  They need to grow up and come to terms.  I am directing that comment at both of them.  That means when Jason asks to meet-Bethenny needs to buck it up and say she only wants to meet with a third party present.  These are people who use to see each other naked, had a child together and filmed three years of a reality show together.  No need for war.   They should be able to work through things.  We saw Kyle Season 1 with her ex celebrating the graduation of their daughter from college.  We later learned her present husband Mauricio represents her ex's business interest.

There needs to be some calm.

  • Love 7
38 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Exactly. If he's perfectly happy and got everything he wanted, why is he so angry?

It is so simple-Jason does not want their daughter, custody or divorce in the press.  Bethenny needs to respect the Court's order on these issues instead of dancing around them.  No more Bryn anything on TV, no more discussing with Carole, no more tears about torture and brutality.  STFU Bethenny is all he has been asking for three years.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Same old story-Jason wants out of the spotlight and Bethenny wants Jason out of her and Bryn's lives.


I know this is the theory - that Jason doesn't want any attention - but I think it is just the opposite. I think he is desperate to keep the attention on him in whatever way that he can. Either that, or he really is completely out of control. He knows Beth well. She took her pregnancy test on camera and took a pee in a bucket in her wedding dress on TV. She has talked about their divorce and issues. She is one to share. To overshare. Did he not think she would mention all of this? He didn't go to his Attorney with any concerns about failed or stalled communications, which is what a dude who wanted to keep a low profile would do. She had just started filming the show. She sent him a C&D. He continued. Not only to her but her staff and Dennis. Did he think it wouldn't get out? That his name would not be brought up? He doesn't act like a guy who wants to stay out of the public eye. He looks like a guy who was crazy over the fact that he wasn't in her life anymore and wanted to work his way back in.  He did. 

6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

It is so simple-Jason does not want their daughter, custody or divorce in the press.  Bethenny needs to respect the Court's order on these issues instead of dancing around them.  No more Bryn anything on TV, no more discussing with Carole, no more tears about torture and brutality.  STFU Bethenny is all he has been asking for three years.

then he needs to stop doing things to get their daughter, custody and divorce in the press. A trial tends to bring a level of media attention. 

  • Love 15

It's in Jason's benefit is this keeps being continued and he stops doing what he is accused of doing.

I suppose the question I have is about the new charges - were the new charges due to new interactions?


 I don't blame him at all for communicating how he sees fit until someone tells him not to. He could be WELL within in his rights to have kept up the communication. These are allegations. 

Allegations that the State of New York decided to press charges over. Not Bethenny. Part of the problem here is that he actually was told not to - that's what the cease and desist order is, a formal request to stop communicating. So he was told not to and decided to anyway.

As for your argument on emails - I'm willing to wait and see what the emails say. If Betheny is claiming a mere "Bryn needs to see the eye doctor, would you like me to set it up or do you want to do with her" email is harassing... then she will lose. If he's sending on average, two little nastygrams a day about how he'll never stop bothering her... then he's going to be in trouble,


It is so simple-Jason does not want their daughter, custody or divorce in the press.  Bethenny needs to respect the Court's order on these issues instead of dancing around them.  No more Bryn anything on TV, no more discussing with Carole, no more tears about torture and brutality.  STFU Bethenny is all he has been asking for three years.

I haven't seen Brynn on tv, or photographed. If there's a court order stating Bethenny can't discuss her divorce in any fashion, then instead of getting arrested for stalking, why isn't Jason taking Bethenny to court for violating the court order? None of this appears to be related to Jason's concern over Bethenny displaying Bryn publically against his wishes or about Bethenny discussing the divorce with Carole. If she's genuinely violating a court order, the smart thing to do is to tell the lawyers, not have an attack of crazy by sending 160 emails and then blowing up in public.

  • Love 13
Just now, motorcitymom65 said:

I know this is the theory - that Jason doesn't want any attention - but I think it is just the opposite. I think he is desperate to keep the attention on him in whatever way that he can. Either that, or he really is completely out of control. He knows Beth well. She took her pregnancy test on camera and took a pee in a bucket in her wedding dress on TV. She has talked about their divorce and issues. She is one to share. To overshare. Did he not think she would mention all of this? He didn't go to his Attorney with any concerns about failed or stalled communications, which is what a dude who wanted to keep a low profile would do. She had just started filming the show. She sent him a C&D. He continued. Not only to her but her staff and Dennis. Did he think it wouldn't get out? That his name would not be brought up? He doesn't act like a guy who wants to stay out of the public eye. He looks like a guy who was crazy over the fact that he wasn't in her life anymore and wanted to work his way back in.  He did. 

I have to weigh in Jason could probably be a much richer man if he gave a few interviews. 

What it boiled down to is Jason wanted his time with the child and Bethenny kept claiming it was all about the money.  SO threaten to take someone's child and money away and what do you get-this mess.  THis is all over.  Their issues according to Jason's e-mails have more to do with continuing mentioning-after a court order of the marriage, divorce and child. 

There is no way the C&D got out except for Dennis and Bethenny.  It is not a public filing.  THis is the problem she regales in the publicity.

I just respectfully disagree I haven't been able to find  one thing Jason has done -a press conference, a tweet, his parents, his girlfriend speaking out?  The guy walks around with a towel covering his face.  I am pretty certain his e-mails will back this up.

There is another concern these parents should or might  have and that is not all celebs want their kids faces plastered in the press. To me it seems like caring parents want to protect their kids, to the point of politically advocating http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/halle-berry-jennifer-garner-supported-california-bill-protecting-children-paparazzi-signed-law-article-1.1467192  Jason seems to be on board with Jen Garner.  Instead we have Den-ass, Bethenny and Bryn posing in front of $15-to $30 million dollar homes and pretending they are setting up house.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I suppose the question I have is about the new charges - were the new charges due to new interactions?

Allegations that the State of New York decided to press charges over. Not Bethenny. Part of the problem here is that he actually was told not to - that's what the cease and desist order is, a formal request to stop communicating. So he was told not to and decided to anyway.

As for your argument on emails - I'm willing to wait and see what the emails say. If Betheny is claiming a mere "Bryn needs to see the eye doctor, would you like me to set it up or do you want to do with her" email is harassing... then she will lose. If he's sending on average, two little nastygrams a day about how he'll never stop bothering her... then he's going to be in trouble,

I haven't seen Brynn on tv, or photographed. If there's a court order stating Bethenny can't discuss her divorce in any fashion, then instead of getting arrested for stalking, why isn't Jason taking Bethenny to court for violating the court order? None of this appears to be related to Jason's concern over Bethenny displaying Bryn publically against his wishes or about Bethenny discussing the divorce with Carole. If she's genuinely violating a court order, the smart thing to do is to tell the lawyers, not have an attack of crazy by sending 160 emails and then blowing up in public.

Gee I can think of a couple of times on RHONYC where Bethenny has convened in Bryn's room to discuss trips and of course Bethenny's fibroids,  There have been many photographs of Bryn including one this week with Bethenny mugging for the cameras. 

The idea when you divorce is you discuss-not run to the judge with every little comment.  These things take months to get on calendar.

I think we really need to see what the 160 e-mails were all about.  If it was about setting up meetings and Bethenny was so afraid-tell Jason let's set it up at one of our attorney's offices.  Not ignore him.  Not run the legal fess into six figures.  She avoids it because she wants it in the news. 

  • Love 6

Gee I can think of a couple of times on RHONYC where Bethenny has convened in Bryn's room to discuss trips and of course Bethenny's fibroids,  There have been many photographs of Bryn including one this week with Bethenny mugging for the cameras. 

I'll be honest - not up to date with the current season. Has Brynn been on the show? With her face not fogged out?


The idea when you divorce is you discuss-not run to the judge with every little comment.  These things take months to get on calendar.

Hey, I'm not the one saying Bethenny is violating her custodial agreement and poor Jason just wants his precious child out of the limelight. Is she actually violating her custody agreement? Has Jason made formal allegations in court that Bethenny is violating her custodial agreement?

Because this argument of poor Jason just wanting peace and privacy while Bethenny flagrantly and publically violates their agreement makes utterly no sense if he's not running to the judge with all the evidence of major violations.

And you'll forgive me, but the better answer is NOT to send a zillion emails to the ex and then end up arrested after a confrontation at the child's school when Jason apparently has all the evidence in the world to take to court.

If he's not taking her to court over violating the custodial agreement, then how concerned can he be? 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Gee I can think of a couple of times on RHONYC where Bethenny has convened in Bryn's room to discuss trips and of course Bethenny's fibroids,  There have been many photographs of Bryn including one this week with Bethenny mugging for the cameras. 


There have been pap photos but those are pretty rare.  There are no photos of Bryn on Bethenny's social media.  The biggest media blitz has been due to Hoppy's behavior.  So he cares more about hurting Bethenny than he does about keeping a low profile.  Then instead of taking a plea deal he goes for the fight.  And for the last 4 months it's all we talk about on this thread.  So I call shenanigans on poor widdle Jason just wanting a quiet life.  Jason wants to destroy Bethenny and if Bryn suffers as collateral damage so be it.  

He's a real prince.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:


As for your argument on emails - I'm willing to wait and see what the emails say. If Betheny is claiming a mere "Bryn needs to see the eye doctor, would you like me to set it up or do you want to do with her" email is harassing... then she will lose. If he's sending on average, two little nastygrams a day about how he'll never stop bothering her... then he's going to be in trouble,




  • Love 8
2 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

Putting this here rather than the general media thread. People weighs in:



So it seems that Jason's big crime was that he wanted Bethenny to stop talking about him/Bryn/the custody agreement and their divorce in interviews, her radio show and on the HW show but she refused. IMO, this is Bethenny trying to get sole custody by making Jason look dangerous.

1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

So the other perspective is that she gave one days testimony where she paints Jason to be a bully.  Then before his attorney even cross examined Jason settled.  He didn't want people to hear the supporting witness.  He had nothing near as damaging about her.  His only supporting witnesses were his parents and what was already in the media from Bethenny herself.  So she got everything she wanted.  While I suspect it is a little of both I ask you, is this a man that got everything he wanted?

Bethenny testified in the custody trial and settled before Jason's lawyer could cross examine her and before Jason could air her dirty secrets in court. 

1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Really?  Then why is he so mad?  Maybe he really did want the vacation money.  Maybe he really did want to take Bryn to Mass more than high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent Bethenny from celebrating Jewish high holy days.  Maybe he wanted to prevent her from talking about Bryn in the media.  Maybe he wanted to have final permission for Bryn to leave the county with her mother.

If he got everything he wanted AND is still behaving like this then he needs inpatient care.

He is mad because she will not shut up about him/Bryn and her side kick will not shut up either.

43 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

They both petitioned for sole custody. And we don't know if he got what he was seeking.  It was a sealed agreement.  And the best indication that he didn't get what he wanted is his behavior.  Behavior so out of bounds that he is now in court.  He is in court saying dismiss the charges because it's just laughable and the prosecutors response is to file two more charges.  That is a big clear message to Hoppy.  Keep up the nonsense and this is going to get very bad.  

No, Bethenny first filed for sole, then Jason did but Jason changed his a few weeks later to joint custody, whereas Bethenny changed her to primary custody. The custody was open to the public, the divorce was private. And the final agreement in the custody case was joint. As for this fight, all Jason wanted was for Bethenny to follow the courts orders and not talk about Jason/the divorce and for her to not talk about Bryn in interviews, the HW show or her radio show, she ignored the court order anyway. Jason should have been smart and should have just taken her to court but once again, he tried to keep it out of the press. No luck in that when you are an ex of an extreme famehore like Bethenny.

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

They both petitioned for sole custody. And we don't know if he got what he was seeking.  It was a sealed agreement.  And the best indication that he didn't get what he wanted is his behavior.  Behavior so out of bounds that he is now in court.  He is in court saying dismiss the charges because it's just laughable and the prosecutors response is to file two more charges.  That is a big clear message to Hoppy.  Keep up the nonsense and this is going to get very bad.  

Jason was seeking joint custody from very early on. He may have initially sought sole custody in response to Bethenny filing for sole custody (I haven't found a good source for this) but even if he did he changed to joint custody shortly after. This is not in dispute. Jason got what he wanted in terms of custody, Bethenny did not. 

However, Jason absolutely did not get what he wanted financially. We know this for a fact because he wanted some share of their apartment and didn't get it. Whether Bethenny got everything she wanted financially is up for debate. Her bitterness seems to indicate that she did not but since the settlement agreement was not released publicly we'll never know. My guess is that neither got exactly what they wanted but the results were closer to what Bethenny wanted than Jason. Just my speculation based on the few things that have come out and the reactions from both parties. 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

He is mad because she will not shut up about him/Bryn and her side kick will not shut up either.

Ahhh, then he didn't get everything he asked for.  If that's what he wants then it should be part of the custody agreement. I know that it was reported that she was not allowed to discuss the agreement.  So if he got everything why not that?  I say he settled because what was being said about him made him look like a bully.  And now he is showing his true colors.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Ahhh, then he didn't get everything he asked for.  If that's what he wants then it should be part of the custody agreement. I know that it was reported that she was not allowed to discuss the agreement.  So if he got everything why not that?  I say he settled because what was being said about him made him look like a bully.  And now he is showing his true colors.

She isn't allowed to discuss the divorce or the settlement at all and she has and her/Carole have on both the radio show and on the HW show. Oh, and it was Bethenny who said that she was not allowed to talk about it or about Jason when she was on WWHL, but she does it anyway. No one tells Bethenny not to do something, no one, including the courts. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The documents weren't illegal or fraudulent they were not valid which is a huge distinction legally.   Jason, his mother and the attorney's documents were deemed invalid.  

There hasn't been any finding of fraud - yet!

I found the decision from the court of appeals which reversed the decision to award Jason temporary spousal support or maintenance. In regard to the real estate trust, it wasn't considered part of the prenuptial agreement.  The court states although bethenny funded the trust and would ordinarily be considered the Settlor, Jason claimed  they agreed to hold the property jointly. As a result Jason claims he paid some maintenance towards the apartment. But the trust was deemed invalid.

When there's an error like a notary mess up or lack of witnesses, usually you just draft another trust and execute it.  But in this case there is an "issue of facts".  The court wrote- "reformation is an equitable remedy and the parties intent, as well as any questions of unclean hands, are relevant to the courts determination.  These issues must be explored at a hearing".  In other words, they need to go back to the lower court and decide whether fraud was committed. So Jason is hardly in the clear. 

Regarding the spousal support, the lower court had awarded him spousal support because the prenup didn't have the statutorily required language. The appeals court disagreed and said that the prenup was entered into before the statue went into effect and anyway the language and intent of the agreement was pretty clear. There was specific language in the prenup that stated there would be no need for temporary spousal support on either side because both are capable of earning a living. 

So the fraud issue regarding the trust remains unanswered.  I wonder if Jason has requested the trust be reformed?  If his hands are completely clean he should be pursuing this  

Edited by Lemons
My writing is never clear
  • Love 10

She isn't allowed to discuss the divorce or the settlement at all and she has and her/Carole have on both the radio show and on the HW show. Oh, and it was Bethenny who said that she was not allowed to talk about it or about Jason when she was on WWHL, but she does it anyway. No one tells Bethenny not to do something, no one, including the courts. 

Why hasn't Jason gone to court over these obvious violations?

Has he?

If I am pressing the point it's because Jason had choices - if this was really about custodial violations (and no, that Jason was upset about media attention and Bethenny violating custodial declarations by discussing the divorce has not been on the table until today) then a man worried about his daughter goes to the court system.

He doesn't decide to go rogue and have a confrontation after sending a bunch of emails.

For all that people prat about what's best for Bryn and who's stable for Bryn... Maybe Jason should consider how good for Bryn it is to lose his shit on her crazy mother in public. Particularly when the internet is insisting he's got ample evidence that his crazy wife is flagrantly violating their custodial arrangement.

  • Love 13

I don't get the argument that he just wants her to shut up about Bryn and keep her out of the media. I follow Bethenny on Snapchat and you never even see Bryn on there, much less out in the "media". There have been rare pap photos, but those are almost impossible to stop and media interest is way heightened because of his behavior. I work in media and can tell you there isn't a ton of traffic (pageviews - all that matters) around just Bethenny and Bryn, but around the custody fight and ensuing issues? You bet. 

I find the quoted portions to be pretty horrifying and personally can't imagine defending them. If Jason were my friend and I knew he sincerely cared about his daughter (I don't like Jason, but believe he does care about Bryn) I would tell him to get help asap. This is not good. 

Additionally, if my angry ex asked me, in the midst of all this, to show up with my life insurance? Uh, yeah, that would be a hard no from me. 

  • Love 19

I think what everyone is not focusing in on is that the additional charges are just the DA being pissed off that he wouldn't accept a plea deal. They offered a pretty lenient one as I understand with just anger management bullshit and his record expunged. Jason didn't want that because he wants his day in court because he thinks he is innocent. The DA can't have that. They have to crush him for not taking what they told him to take and liking it. That's how it works in New York.

They are going to pile on everything but the kitchen sink to punish him for not knuckling under. They did same thing to my friend Lucky. They couldn't get him for stuff he did so they piled on bullshit charges and got a conviction.

Jason's only hope is to go before a jury of his peers. Somehow I think he will be more credible than Ms. Frankel.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

She isn't allowed to discuss the divorce or the settlement at all and she has and her/Carole have on both the radio show and on the HW show. Oh, and it was Bethenny who said that she was not allowed to talk about it or about Jason when she was on WWHL, but she does it anyway. No one tells Bethenny not to do something, no one, including the courts. 

If she indeed had violated the divorce settlement, has Jason taken her to court on this?  That would be the smart thing to do.  Stalking and harassing someone makes him look guilty - and unstable.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 13

I find the tone of those emails disturbing. Creepy, a little scary, threatening, angry, taunting.  Who writes emails like that to someone he's supposedly trying to meet to work things out with?  Did he edit them at all, and that was the calmer, more reasonable version? Or was he just unable to rein himself in and sent them rashly? I don't know which is worse.

Carole is right, he's loony tunes.

  • Love 16
31 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Why hasn't Jason gone to court over these obvious violations?

Has he?

If I am pressing the point it's because Jason had choices - if this was really about custodial violations (and no, that Jason was upset about media attention and Bethenny violating custodial declarations by discussing the divorce has not been on the table until today) then a man worried about his daughter goes to the court system.

He doesn't decide to go rogue and have a confrontation after sending a bunch of emails.

For all that people prat about what's best for Bryn and who's stable for Bryn... Maybe Jason should consider how good for Bryn it is to lose his shit on her crazy mother in public. Particularly when the internet is insisting he's got ample evidence that his crazy wife is flagrantly violating their custodial arrangement.

Great question. It was reported in the media after she was WWHL that Jason was "exploring his legal options". I didn't think the interview or what she said was so ghastly, but I am sure mileage will vary on that. She talked mostly in generalities, but certainly she also got specific here and there. He threatened, but never followed through. I assumed probably because he didn't actually have cause. 

Someone with more legal experience (and thanks so much to all those that do and explain things that I don't understand) can probably better articulate this particular issue. The issue about Beth and Jason supposedly being under some type of court order to not talk about their legal issues and subsequent rulings. I always assumed this provided that they couldn't reveal confidential details about their settlements. Be that custody provisions or details involved in the divorce settlement. I didn't think it involved not talking about their "feelings" or "emotions" about what had occurred or even the other person. Of course Beth thinks the whole thing sucked. Da. Of course she felt like it was hell. Like she would never get out of it. That she was pissed and thought it all unfair. None of this is shocking. Or that she thought money played a big role in things (as she mentions in the article below). We all know that. I am not sure that there is any legal reason why she cannot say these things, but I could be completely ignorant in my understanding of such things. I just assumed that if she was in some sort of violation she would have been stopped a long time ago, or at least hauled into court with a threat to stop talking. 


Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 13

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