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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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Yes. One does need to recall that it was NOT only Ryan's combustible temper( for whatever reason(s)) that was disturbing. But also, equally, and, maybe more so disturbing was the obvious and continuous LYING about Each and EVERY aspect of his confrontation with Lydia's mom.

Even if PTSD was the root of Ryan Rage, he was clear thinking, composed, and had wits about himself enough to construct lie after lie about Lydia's mom. THAT was not passionate enraged behavior--be it long slow simmer, rolling boil, or flash of heat. It was a cool, quick, and deliberate ploy.

Ryan may or may not turn out to be a good husband to Brianna, BUT as character of The Real Housewives' players is judged based upon past behaviors/actions on this show and other media, it does not bode well.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 14

Read through the comments on this article.  Ryan responds arrogantly, with more lies (he claims it's all BS, and recorded the whole REAL incident on his phone.  Where is this recording two years later?)




AND more lies by both Ryan and Briana (Judy told him to eff off, got in his face, laughed about it, etc).



Edited by cherry slushie
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Ok so on the show Brooks gets skewered for being vague, so it sounds like he brought detailed info with him to the interview and now this producer is saying he's probably lying because he had too many things detailed. Guy can't win for trying. I'll guess we will all just have to wait for the death certificate.

I saw that! I was confused, too, because DETAILED is a sign of someone who is being truthful, to me. without watching the interview, i can't say for sure. and i should add, i do NOT believe Brooks as of now BUT i am still open to changing my mind. i WANT to believe him. But things just aren't adding up right now. But hopefully his interview w/Andy Cohen will change my mind. 

  • Love 4

It looked like Vicki was reading a text on her phone during Tamra's baptism...




Lot of awful short skirts for a religious occasion. What am I even saying? Seriously who cares if Vicki is working, texting, sexting or whatever. Ain't no way in hell a baptism should be a two part RH finale. Housewives finales are on Dante's 9 Circles of Hell spectrum. It is disgusting and appalling that they would drag religion into it.


Brooks is a fool to sit down with Satan Andy, especially if his story is bogus. If its bogus, STFU. If it isn't, sit down with a real news outlet with your proof.  Honey, Bravo has no use or interest in facts, medical reports or shutting this story down one way or another. They want there to always be doubts and questions as to whether or not Brooks did or didn't have cancer so that there will always be a source of future contention between cast members.


There are going to edit this to make it look questionable no matter what Brooks comes with. You know I don't like Jill, but I actually did think it was smart of her to bring her own recording device to WWHL, which is why Satan Andy will always hate her. I don't agree with people recording people that don't know they are being recording but if Bravo is running cameras and editing shit (knowing them with the intent to make things look if not outright bad, at least shady), damn right get your own unedited copy. 

  • Love 5

Is that going to be a one-on-one WWHL special, a la RHoA after Porsha beat up Kenya and what they included with each ep to make the show appear 30 minutrs longer? No thanks!


I hope not!


I could be wrong but I was under the impression that Andy did a one hour interview with Brooks so that Bravo could air "some" of what he had to say during the reunion.  

  • Love 6

zoeysmom it is not coming up on my listings at all. I think it didn't last time either so missed it so I just  looked all thru Bravo's listing does not pop up.


I found it!! My life is complete !!


I am glad I was not the only one who found the lace nude dress of Vicki's did not look like attire for a religious ceremony. I did get a glance at the poor "pasture's" face in next weeks preview.  I"m sure he is a tad alarmed about who and what he just participated in.

Edited by athousandclowns
  • Love 6

Here is some speculation about the demise of Vicki and Shannon's friendship.  I have to say if someone told  I was nasty-which Shannon really wasn't, I probably would not return their phone calls without an apology text.  Vicki claimed Shannon as a friend but each and every time she chose Tamra to discuss the situation.  If Vicki can so readily forgive Tamra for pretty awful behavior year after year then she should have cut Shannon some slack.  Had Vicki listened she would have heard that Shannon thought something needed to be done to protect Brook's character.  That is when Vicki shutdown.   http://www.allabouttrh.com/why-did-vicki-gunvalson-and-shannon-beador-friendship-fall-apart/  I also feel like Vicki fins it okay for her to forgive and film and have Shannon as backup when she has issues but really resents it when Shannon films without her.   

  • Love 9

Here is some speculation about the demise of Vicki and Shannon's friendship.................. 


Thanks for posting that link.


I actually took the time to read all of the comments.  They're usually the best part of these gossip pieces and they didn't disappoint.   Almost all of them are extremely critical of Vicki and that's been true for most of the season.  I wonder what Vicki thinks about that since she's always so concerned about herself.   If she wants to redeem herself, the rumor we heard about her allegedly admitting that she was duped by Brooks might be true.   She'll do anything to make the OG of the OC look like a victim.

  • Love 5

Thanks for posting that link.


I actually took the time to read all of the comments.  They're usually the best part of these gossip pieces and they didn't disappoint.   Almost all of them are extremely critical of Vicki and that's been true for most of the season.  I wonder what Vicki thinks about that since she's always so concerned about herself.   If she wants to redeem herself, the rumor we heard about her allegedly admitting that she was duped by Brooks might be true.   She'll do anything to make the OG of the OC look like a victim.

I think the intense hate for Vicki by many RHoOC fans makes them forget what a good friend Vicki was to Shannon.  Not only throughout last season, (especially at Lizzie's dinner party), but this season too.  She's been there when Shannon has needed her, evening blowing off Meghan's party to take Shannon to dinner when Meghan purposely didn't invite Shannon.  Shannon's loyalty to Vicki was trumped by Heather and Tamra, who both destroyed Shannon last season, perpetuating rumor and innuendo.  


If Shannon had been a true friend to Vicki, she would have said to them "Vicki is my friend, I don't want to hear anymore of this.  I'll make my own judgement if and when there's 100% proof". Instead, she jumped on the mean girls bandwagon and put Vicki through the ringer, reducing her to tears and not stopping even though Vicki begged her to, during their lunch together. 


When Meghan, Heather and Tamra attack Shannon again, and they will, Vicki just might not be there this time, and deservedly so.

  • Love 4

I think the intense hate for Vicki by many RHoOC fans makes them forget what a good friend Vicki was to Shannon.  Not only throughout last season, (especially at Lizzie's dinner party), but this season too.  She's been there when Shannon has needed her, evening blowing off Meghan's party to take Shannon to dinner when Meghan purposely didn't invite Shannon.  Shannon's loyalty to Vicki was trumped by Heather and Tamra, who both destroyed Shannon last season, perpetuating rumor and innuendo.  


If Shannon had been a true friend to Vicki, she would have said to them "Vicki is my friend, I don't want to hear anymore of this.  I'll make my own judgement if and when there's 100% proof". Instead, she jumped on the mean girls bandwagon and put Vicki through the ringer, reducing her to tears and not stopping even though Vicki begged her to, during their lunch together. 


When Meghan, Heather and Tamra attack Shannon again, and they will, Vicki just might not be there this time, and deservedly so.

How did Vicki defend Shannon last season? She never confronted Tamra nor Heather and told them to stop. She was more concerned that Tamra would turn on Brooks again so she kept her mouth closed most of the time.


As for Vicki taking Shannon to a resturant this season instead of going to Meghan's party. That was all set up by production otherwise they could not have filmed it. Production needs to get releases signed by everyone at the resturant, employees and patrons alike as well as written permission from the resturant owners, building owners if need be, before they can film at a resturant and that takes days if not weeks. Watch any HW show and at least once a season 1 HW is not invited to a party/gathering "hosted" by another HW and production films that 1 person out and about, it is a typical production move to start the drama between the HWs. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 6

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Vicki not do a single thing to help Shannon at Lizzie's party? IIRC, she refused to get involved because she was scared Tamra would go after Brooks if she intervened.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Vicki not do a single thing to help Shannon at Lizzie's party? IIRC, she refused to get involved because she was scared Tamra would go after Brooks if she intervened.

I'm looking for the whole clip of the dinner party (about 15 minutes long).  I saw it two to three weeks ago on TV (I think it was for the craziest RH moments awards, or something like that), and for one, she calmly tells off Heather, plus more which I can't remember at the moment, but it was actually impressive for Vicki.  Stand by while I search for it.


ETA - I can't find the whole clip of the dinner party, but it's the second half of the dinner party that continues in the next episode (Season 9 / Episode 14) where Vicki takes a stand for Shannon. If anyone can find it, please post a link.  Thanks! :)

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 2

I think the intense hate for Vicki by many RHoOC fans makes them forget what a good friend Vicki was to Shannon.  Not only throughout last season, (especially at Lizzie's dinner party), but this season too.  She's been there when Shannon has needed her, evening blowing off Meghan's party to take Shannon to dinner when Meghan purposely didn't invite Shannon.  Shannon's loyalty to Vicki was trumped by Heather and Tamra, who both destroyed Shannon last season, perpetuating rumor and innuendo.  


If Shannon had been a true friend to Vicki, she would have said to them "Vicki is my friend, I don't want to hear anymore of this.  I'll make my own judgement if and when there's 100% proof". Instead, she jumped on the mean girls bandwagon and put Vicki through the ringer, reducing her to tears and not stopping even though Vicki begged her to, during their lunch together. 


When Meghan, Heather and Tamra attack Shannon again, and they will, Vicki just might not be there this time, and deservedly so.

I believe what upsets some is Vicki expects and gets Shannon support but then shuts her out.  I have always found it very odd that Heather, Terry and now Shannon begin their comments with, "I have always supported Brooks and/but. . . . ", it is such an unusual way to talk about the love of a good friend's life.  I don't think Heather, Terry and Shannon are being mean, I think they are being cautious after being so supportive of Brooks and Vicki's relationship.    One would hope Vicki would do the right thing and not keep score if there was another mean girl situation.  I liken the Brooks situation to a political race.  If you are the candidate and your friends and supporters are trying to tell you something and you shut the down repeatedly, you can't really expect to use those friends as a whipping post when the polls keep dropping.  I don't necessarily like Heather's use of the "court of public opinion" but in this case Vicki is asking the others to substitute their judgment just because they have a friendship. I do find it interesting that Vicki manages to import a support system or two when she feels estranged.  First Briana, which gets her out of filming with the others and next up her brother and his girlfriend.     I do feel bad after Tamra offered her unbridled support that she turned on Vicki and Brooks in a heartbeat with Briana.

  • Love 5

I'm looking for the whole clip of the dinner party (about 15 minutes long).  I saw it two to three weeks ago on TV (I think it was for the craziest RH moments awards, or something like that), and for one, she calmly tells off Heather, plus more which I can't remember at the moment, but it was actually impressive for Vicki.  Stand by while I search for it.


ETA - I can't find the whole clip of the dinner party, but it's the second half of the dinner party that continues in the next episode (Season 9 / Episode 14) where Vicki takes a stand for Shannon. If anyone can find it, please post a link.  Thanks! :)

I actually believe that Vicki behaved as poorly as anyone else at that dinner party. The entire deal began because of the accusation that The Dubrow's had made a comment about "taking the Beador's down". Shannon was clear that she had been told this by Tamra, but Tamra denied saying it. It made Shannon look like she was making it up. Vicki said in her TH that Tamra had told her the same thing, but that she was going to keep her mouth shut because she feared Tamra turning her anger towards Brooks. So she just sat there while her friend increasingly came unglued In her attempt to convince people she wasn't nuts. Shannon is literally desperate to convince the group yet Vicki just sat there, interviewing that she was just happy the drama for once wasn't about her. She was a coward as she alone had the ability to lend credibility to Shannon and she said nothing. Vicki is not now, nor has she ever been, a good friend to anyone. It looks like from the previews that we will find out that Vicki was talking about the cheating stuff with David before Shannon had ever gone public with it. She is just horrible.

  • Love 18

Hmmm. So we find out what Heather was referring to when she said Vicki/Brooks pulled her into this. Either Vicki or Brooks, I didn't catch if Heather says which 1 specifically, is telling people that Terry had to send an associate (a Dr.) to help administer an IV to Brooks and Heather says that IS a lie, that that never happened! If he or they said this,V/B, then that is way beyond low IMO and I can understand why Heather would then have reason to doubt anything having to do with this "cancer" story.

  • Love 4

Heather wrote somewhere Brooks got her involved somehow.


Does Heather think that if Meghan hadn’t stirred the pot and questioned Brooks’ cancer, would the other ladies have had any concerns or would they have just believed it? “I think that it started from a good place, I think what happened, and you’ll see this as the show goes til the epic finale, that we were all sort of brought in. I’ll speak for myself specifically, I was brought into Brooks’ health issues (she started to say cancer and changed it to health..) by Brooks. We’ll touch on that at the reunion but I feel like I was an unwilling participant.”

Edited by talula
  • Love 2

What happened in the recent first look?

The Baptism was nice, from what they showed, but that was not the BIG thing. Heather reveals that Brooks claims that Terry sent another Dr, an associate of his, to insert in an IV line on him, Brooks, and Heather states that this is a lie, that it never happened.  Now we know what she was referring to on WWHL when she said that Vicki/Brooks pulled her into this does/doesn't he debate.

  • Love 4

When the choir came out and started singing, Tamra looked up to the sky without blinking, then tears and scrunchy crying face (which didn't last long).  Mr, slushie and I couldn't decide if she was looking to G-d, or trying to induce fake tears via the strong sunlight.  We're leaning towards the latter.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 4

When the choir came out and started singing, Tamra looked up to the sky without blinking, then tears and scrunchy crying face (which didn't last long).  Mr, slushie and I couldn't decide if she was looking to G-d, or trying to induce fake tears via the strong sunlight.  We're leaning towards the latter.

LOL, I got the impression she was checking for and afraid of lighting bolts about to hit her! LOL

  • Love 4

I have a feeling we will be hearing from Heather and terry Monday night.  Sounds like a tidbit Heather kept to herself for maximum dramatic effect.



I want to know more about Heather's comment at the end of the First Look but we'll probably have to wait for the reunion.  


So Shortly after Tamra speech about forgiving Simon for putting her through so much she turned around and filed a 19 page Notice of Contempt regarding custody, visitation and asserting parental alienation.  Prior to the hearing she made the rounds on the likes of Dr. Drew and others claiming victory. Simon apparently was too cheap or unable to afford an attorney.  At the conclusion of the hearing-Simon was awarded full custody with no forced visitation to Tara.  Amen.

  • Love 3

I have a feeling we will be hearing from Heather and terry Monday night.  Sounds like a tidbit Heather kept to herself for maximum dramatic effect.


It's always about the drama...


I can't imagine that none of the women would question her about that statement so I'm hoping she spills more of that story.   On WWHL she did say the finale was "epic."

  • Love 2

Hey, David smiled in the limo.  A nice real smile that wasn't forced.  OK, they were discussing, or he brought up, his recent expedition.  But they seemed really happy for a change.  I could go a lot of places with this but I'll leave it at that....


Lynne and Tammy are here.  It's just weird.  Where's Jeanna?  I guess Alexis wasn't invited....nor Gretchen.  It would have been fun to see Lydia.  Glad Laurie wasn't there.  But Michael showed up.  That was odd.


I just can't take this baptism seriously.  I just wanted to fast forward but because it's a first look there nothing to fast forward to....except for Heather's little nugget.  Interesting. 

  • Love 4

Hey, David smiled in the limo.  A nice real smile that wasn't forced.  OK, they were discussing, or he brought up, his recent expedition.  But they seemed really happy for a change.  I could go a lot of places with this but I'll leave it at that....


Lynne and Tammy are here.  It's just weird.  Where's Jeanna?  I guess Alexis wasn't invited....nor Gretchen.  It would have been fun to see Lydia.  Glad Laurie wasn't there.  But Michael showed up.  That was odd.


I just can't take this baptism seriously.  I just wanted to fast forward but because it's a first look there nothing to fast forward to....except for Heather's little nugget.  Interesting. 

I found it odd that Vicki brought an entourage with her, Billy, his long suffering GF, some blonde woman and then Michael meets her there. She really came with backup! LOL

  • Love 5

I found it odd that Vicki brought an entourage with her, Billy, his long suffering GF, some blonde woman and then Michael meets her there. She really came with backup! LOL


I hope Shannon rips Billy's GF apart Monday night.  Now I know she's Billy's GF but at first I they were brother and sister because they look so much alike but I don't remember Vicki ever mentioning having a sister.


What a bitch!

  • Love 3

I found it odd that Vicki brought an entourage with her, Billy, his long suffering GF, some blonde woman and then Michael meets her there. She really came with backup! LOL

Ha ha.  She came prepared ready for the 'attack'.  Well, except for Brooks who was watching the fight.  This, after Brooks showed her his CT/PET scan in the hopes that Tamra would be their warrior. 


I still don't understand how Tamra and Vicks and Brooks went from Shannon's party to everything being OK.  I wonder if the editors were 'playing' with the timeline.  It just doesn't make sense. 

  • Love 5

I hope Shannon rips Billy's GF apart Monday night.  Now I know she's Billy's GF but at first I they were brother and sister because they look so much alike but I don't remember Vicki ever mentioning having a sister.


What a bitch!

I notice they ran the scene on the beach in Tahiti where Vicki tells Shannon she hasn't told a soul.  Vicki and her fibbing.


Vicki has three sisters.  One looks very much like her the other two were adopted-something Vicki chose to share.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

I hope Shannon rips Billy's GF apart Monday night.  Now I know she's Billy's GF but at first I they were brother and sister because they look so much alike but I don't remember Vicki ever mentioning having a sister.


What a bitch!

Was it his GF that did that or was it the other woman? I'm not sure but either way, it was wrong of Vicki to talk to her about Shannon/David's marriage/affair and it is horrid that woman said it to Shannon for the sole purpose of hurting her.

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