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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Watched some of the show today, haven't seen it in a long while, and two things struck me.  One was how mature I thought Kelly looked, as I said, haven't watched in ages, and although I thought she looked very attractive, she also looked much older.  Quite sure she'd say the same thing if she saw me....it happens.


Secondly, she still can't speak without sputtering, repeating and otherwise not being able to talk.


Happy though that she was so excited that Gwen Stefani was there that she could "punch herself in the face."  I waited but she never made good on that comment.

Edited by finnzup
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Watched some of the show today, haven't seen it in a long while, and two things struck me.  One was how mature I thought Kelly looked, as I said, haven't watched in ages, and although I thought she looked very attractive, she also looked much older.  Quite sure she'd say the same thing if she saw me....it happens.


Secondly, she still can't speak without sputtering, repeating and otherwise not being able to talk.


Happy though that she was so excited that Gwen Stefani was there that she could "punch herself in the face."  I waited but she never made good on that comment.


Kelly is looking much older lately.  She is still pretty, but I am noticing the aging.  I think being so skinny doesn't help with wrinkles. 


It would have been fun to see her make good on her promise!  I am still trying to figure out why you would punch yourself in the face because you are so excited- but then again Kelly is always  freaked out with her multiple "favorite" celebrities, songs, shows, movies,  etc....


Kelly was all nice to Regis, but what was she suppposed to do when a camera is on her?    I think Kelly  has fake and phony down to a science.   It's more telling that she has not seen Regis since his last day on the show,  thatn some on camera bs. 


Schully went to see Regis on the Today show when he co-hosted with Kathie lee, and Gelman does still see him and invites him to his parties.  It's interesting that Kelly held such a grudge when she should be grateful that he was basically responsible for her career continuing since her soap is off the air now.

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Regis Philbin did not hire Kelly Ripa to serve as co-host of "Live".  ABC and Buena Vista Television hired Mrs Consuelos to sit beside the aging star.  As was made very clear when Mr Philbin failed to sign a new contract, Regis was just "the talent".  While some want to dispute this 15 years later, Mrs Consuelos is also "the talent".  ABC head honchos and executives in the syndication division of ABC hired Mrs Consuelos and have rewarded her with a wildly generous contract because the show generates crazy revenue dollars for the company.  At some point, she too will be shown the door, likely with a Regis-like low-ball offer.  


I wasn't aware that a person had to socialize with former colleagues in order to invalidate a so-called alleged "grudge".  If anything, I think the "grudge" could be reversed, with the octogenarian feeling he was shoved out (which he was) or foolish (which he was for not accepting the low-ball offer from ABC syndication). 

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Really, what do Regis and Kelly have in common other than their former show? Why would they hang out after working together? A middle-aged mom of school children who enjoys fitness and dancing and fashion is not going to socialize with an elderly grump who can only talk about football at his alma mater.

Today's show - Daniel Radcliffe is one of the few adult guests who is smaller than Kelly. He is wee!

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I still find this show an enjoyable way to pass some time.  It is not a news show.  It is not a deep show like Oprah was.  It is not a cooking show although there are cooking segments.  It is strictly entertainment.  I know Kelly makes things up, mugs for the camera, etc.  It doesn't bother me.  I take it for what it is.  A show.  We really haven't heard anyone say she is a bad person, a bad mother, bad wife.  Is she in the tabloids often or even occasionally for something outlandish or morally offensive?  And there's always that channel changer!!

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I agree. Occasionally I catch the end of The View when I turn the TV on for something else, so I watch thinking it's a long term show, must be something good about it. But I don't care for the hosts or the show style, so I don't tune in regularly. It's not hard to avoid a show you dislike.

I enjoy the rapport between Kelly and Michael, I think they genuinely like each other and have fun. Lots of their guests like them too, based on comments they make about other episodes or their personal lives.

And there's that whole Emmy win...

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I like the rapport between Kelly and Michael too.  I don't watch regularly but I thought Kelly was getting better--less phony, just funny and relatable.  


And then, a couple of days last week, she did that reading the news articles thing, trying desperately to find the information she was looking for.  The name of the person or whatever.  First of all, Gelman, highlighter?  That's a concept.


More importantly, after all these years on television, she doesn't get that studying and trying to read the news article is not good TV.  Michael gets it, cause he always deflects.

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From what I remember , the articles are highlighted! And Kelly used to mock Regis who would open a newspaper and find articles.

So, Kelly now is making sure she shows us how much she eats ! She took the equivalent of one tablespoon of that cake and pie concoction And acted like she can't wait to gorge. Yeah, right .

This from a woman who looks scary skinny in her tight black outfit and lectured us on how to not overeat on Thanksgiving. So phony !

Edited by snowydaze

Turned on the show today to see Mary J. Blige, and it was almost too annoying to have the show on to wait for her interview. Kelly was stammering and needed Mochael to read a word of some idiotic story about turtles. Can't she just get contacts or lasik surgery? She makes millions to read pre typ d, highlighted dumb stories, and needs her co host to read the print after she says "uh uh uh uh", because she can't see the words!

The interview with Mary J was pretty nauseating with Kelly's overdone, fake gushing .

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Unfortunately, The Donald is an old friend of the show which all acknowledged. I think Kelly & Michael don't agree with what he has has during the election. Of course, they are in the same rich club and aren't going to say anything against him out loud. That said, LIVE has never really publicly announced their political views. They are more entertainment versus The View. I will say Donald looked great back in the day with his dark hair. His orange hair and orange face isn't a good look for him.

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Trump is filthy rich; there is no reason for him to look so terrible. I don't care if that weird hair is "his trademark". It's ugly, why would anyone so self-centred want his trademark look to be ugly? Makes no sense.

And besides, even if he's ugly, you don't normally notice that on people with beautiful personalities. But Trump is such a hateful blowhard, his physical unattractiveness becomes even more pronounced.

I thought Kelly socialized with Trump a bit. His downward spiral into assholery must be difficult for her if th actually were friends.

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Wow, between Kelly doing that obnoxious, exaggerated , mean imitation of her daughter, and her constant interrupting of Michael the past couple of days, adding Trump to the mixture only made it worse!

Yesterday, Micheal was trying to tell a story about how his fox show did a special at Peael Harbor, and he started to tell a story about doing a show for the troops in Afgsnistan. Insecure, attention aeeking Kelly interrupted him right as he was trying to talk about a show he did in Afgsnistan, all to to go on and on about her experiences at Pearl Harbor - which of course she interrupted him about. He had the new story, but Kelly had to keep blabbing about a show they did years ago with Regis, wnd didn't let Michael get through the story about what he did over the weekend.

So, Lola's friends told her abour Kelly imitating her on the air because someone at Live thought it was a good idea to post that on instagram? That s bad enough, but Kelly then went on and On doing some horrible imitation of her daughter and herfriends today,

First of all, her daughter has been in many FF videos, and I do not see or hear her acting like a Valley Girl. But, even if she was, Kelly takes it he mocking tin really horrible level. Mocking your teen daughter on national tv is stupid and nasty .

Doe she want her adolescent kids to have their friends seeing this? Kind of like how she talked about her son Michael in the bathroom doing... "You know " on Jimmy Kimmel. Is it any wonder he doesn't even want his mane kention d on the show?

She and the Donald seem to have a need to be be the center of attention.

I think there never way anything attractive about the jerk Donald. He falls people car, and he looks bloated and out of shape, bot tone ruin he is not good looking.

But I have to say, Kelly did look really disgusted at him especially when they wrapped his 3rd segment, right after he talked about building the wall. I loved her look!

I saw a clip of him trying to clarify prior comments he'd made about Ivanka's beauty and wanting to date her, in light of The Daily Show exposing them for the kinda pervy comments they are. I don't think Trump's explanation did much to make things better. Kelly and Michael both had WTF? faces, and though he was trying to be funny, I didn't hear many laughs from the studio audience. 

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We're heading straight-away into the recording of extra host chats for use over the Xmas/NY holiday time.  Anyone going to the show in the next fortnight?  Also, has anyone caught wind of what kind of blowout segments/visits they plan for the Star Wars premiere next week?

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes

Kelly actually said this today to Michael for the first new live show of the year. "Tell me about holidays in New York. Becasue its a fantasy of mine to be in New York on a holiday". Is she serious? Hasn't she been in New York since 1990? Is she talking about when she started becoming super rich when she joined LIVE? I know she bolts NYC before Christmas but I didn't know she is that far removed celebrating Christmas in NYC. She did show pictures from Colorado and it did look beautiful. It must be nice to be super rich. The kids are all bigger than her and are huge skiers.

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Kelly, of course, had to interject and say "Wait, was Tom Coughlin your coach?"

Was she serious, or was this part of her "naïve, clueless blonde" shtick? I know she played this role with Regis, largely because of Regis's asshole personality, but why would she act this way with Michael? One thing I like about their dynamic is that they act like peers, not the seasoned host and the ingénue.

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Poor Kelly's fantasy is to spend Christmas in NYC, even though she lives in a penthouse in the city, she acts like she has to leave and do penance in her other mansion in Colorado! Poor dear!

And the talk about what she and Michael would do if they win the lottery is irritating, but at least Michael doesn't pretend he's not rich.

And no Kelly, you obviously have never worked hard if you think hitting buttons on a cash register at McDonalds is the hardest job in the planet! I would say a nurses aid who does something that's actually important works harder than the kids selling junk food!

Edited by orangekit
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I almost felt bad for Kelly today (well, not really) when they had the fitness guy on today's show. He, Kelly, and Michael were all decked out in their exercise gear and he was showing them ways to get in exercise, by dancing while doing things in their daily routine. In case you weren't aware, Kelly loves to dance! So this was right up her alley - a chance to show off her best moves. But during the whole session, the exercise guy pretty much ignored Kelly as she busted her moves and instead acted pretty much like Michael was the only one there. Stuff like, "That's it, Michael!" and "You've got it, Michael!" Not those exact words, but everything was directed at Michael. I found it amusing that Kelly, who loves to show off her athletic prowess and her dancing ability, was basically ignored.

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I almost felt bad for Kelly today (well, not really) when they had the fitness guy on today's show. He, Kelly, and Michael were all decked out in their exercise gear and he was showing them ways to get in exercise, by dancing while doing things in their daily routine. In case you weren't aware, Kelly loves to dance! So this was right up her alley - a chance to show off her best moves. But during the whole session, the exercise guy pretty much ignored Kelly as she busted her moves and instead acted pretty much like Michael was the only one there. Stuff like, "That's it, Michael!" and "You've got it, Michael!" Not those exact words, but everything was directed at Michael. I found it amusing that Kelly, who loves to show off her athletic prowess and her dancing ability, was basically ignored.

MzTori77 ... you found it amusing & I snickered out loud.  I love it when she gets dissed!!!

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I'm watching this morning after not watching regularly for over a year.  Has Kelly been disrespectful and sarcastic towards Gelman for a while now, or just today?  She seemed to find it difficult to hide her contempt, which is surprising since she's an actress. LOL 


Now she just made a remark to Ray Leota....lol

Gelman is her proxy for Disney.  She does not like the reduced spending on the show and she (with excellent reason) mistrusts the next deal she will be offered as an aging female.  When Gelman makes assertions about how things are just great, it strikes a nerve with her since she knows things ain't what they were.  Today, he came out with that happy horse crap about Snapchat success.  Imagine Kelly, who has prided herself on being on the inside about EVERYthing, reacting to good news which was withheld from her.  A)  It's a hint that she is not as "in" as she once was and B)  It's a common tactic for an employer to poor mouth and deny successes by its people as a way of managing the expectations of compensation for them.


I am certain Disney wants Kelly back.  The problem is they will insist she take a significant cut to remain.  Just as she knew she was the hole card for Disney when they dealt with Regis, she fully sees that Michael is the hole card for Disney against her, now.  Also, the industry economics are more horrid than they were when Regis was cut loose.  I am going to fully enjoy watching this all play out.

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I don't think women of any age should get Botox, but Kelly is 45, which is a very common age for it. That's when the wrinkles really begin to set in.

I liked her hair today, just wavy enough to be pretty without the piecy bits sticking out that that hairstyle can sometimes have. I agree with Michael,that she looks like Debbie Harry.

Aren't Kelly's kids a little old to be sleeping in the same bed as her?

I have thought the same thing for a long time, and I agree with everyone else. She has mentioned Joaquin sleeping in her bed many times, but not as much with Lola. In any case, I would not be telling the world that my almost 13 year old SON sleeps in my bed, EVER!! Can you imagine if his friends got wind of that?? As sweet and innocent as I'm sure it is, there comes a time when a parent must draw the line and realize their children are too old for such things. You can tell that Kelly wants to hang on to her "baby", but she's going to give the poor kid Mommy issues!!

I found that story so bizarre, and Michael looked a little stunned too.  Plus I am sure her kids are thrilled to be outed on national TV.  


The only thing I could think of is that maybe Kelly's bedroom is truly luxurious and fantastic, and that's why they want to sleep there.

I noticed the look on Michael's face, too! You know he was thinking WTF, my lady?!?!??

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Kelly looks very thin lately - much thinner than usual . Those tight dresses are not flattering at all. I know some people think you can never be to thin, but she's looks like she has the body of a boney old lady . Her legs are like twigs . Als she gets older , it looks worse and worse . Her face is aging and although the she is naturally pretty , her starvation rouitine is making her face look strange too.

The idea that a 13 year old boy sleeps with "mommy" is just plain weird. I'm not saying anything wrong is going on, but it seems like Kelly needs to have him stay a baby. When she talks about needing him to air on her lap at his wrestling match , that is also weird .

I do think at times girls of all ages might hang out in their mom's beds to talk , but a teen boy doing that is just strange . And having this routine of having your teen kids sleep in your bed because dad is out of time seems odd.

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Kelly is not stupid. She has to know it is not the norm for a pre-teen boy to sleep in his Mommy's bed. Of course, they are free to do whatever works in their own home, but I cannot understand why she would share that with the world.

I think you are right. I think it's really about Kelly having to talk for a few minutes about her life in the morning and not knowing what to talk about.

I get that. She is a mom and not on the town all night. Most of her family stories are nice and relatable, and as much as I find her annoying, she seems like a good mom.

I think that Kelly is not a natural story teller , as was evident when she was solo. Michael and Refis have a natural way of relating to the audience and being real, even with family stories. Kelly has annoying, fake , and exaggerated affectations and her stories are at times are a bit much .

I think she is so desperate to appear funny and interesting that at times she lies to rh extreme, like pretending they suffered during hurricane Sandy when they were in a five star hotel . Or how she makes kind of mean spirited jokes about her mom on a regular basis. Or how she tells very embarrassing stories about her kids, and especially mocks Lola , wirh out thinking of how it could be bad for a teen to have her mom imitating and mocking her on national tv.

What is funny is that when she mocks Lola, it sounds like she's describing her own self at times!

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Kelly annoys me less lately than she did before.  Today though, she went on about how people are surprised that someone like her would make a fattening recipe like her artichoke dip.  Well, I wasn't surprised at that, but the recipe really kind of sucked.  4 cups of mayo!  And no spices at all?  Artichokes, too much mayo and cheese was her recipe.

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