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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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RIP Katherine Chancellor's iconic Mansion.

Jill Ferret Phelps "renovated", painted it Puke Blue, and gave it to Patrick Drake so he can shack up with nuPhyllis there.

Now it's as dark, drab, and gloomy as Jason Thompson.



Keep your pants on.

So sexy.

I mean. . . If Tim Burton characters make you horny.

  • Love 8

I inadvertently posted this in the current thread instead of this one.  Yipes!  Sorry!

Katherine's mansion......that alone is a crime.  And makes no sense.  Jill always loved that house.  I can see her letting Billy live there, but paint the inside gunmetal grey?  RUIN the place?

There was a considerable space of time where Billy was believed to be Katherine's grandson, and I've always resented how that was tossed aside as if it never happened, resented it enough that Katherine lost points with me when she sided with Victor over Billy - with that ....thing...., instead of the guy she'd thought of as a grandchild until recently.

In fact, it was how outrageous I found what he did to the place that made me see how thoroughly I DON'T see Keebler Billy as Billy Abbott that brought about my original post about the subject.  Seeing him in that house, having done what he did and in no way could I see him as connected to Katherine at all.  A better actor combined with a better writer, well, that's not how it would have seemed.

I'd rather have never seen that set again than see what's been done to it.

Oh - and what the hell about Esther?

  • Love 10

I'm one of those who is still (cautiously) okay with JT's Billy, versus what he's stuck doing...but being south of the border I'm actually grinding my teeth at having to look forward to him ending up with Jill's half (shut up, show, it's Jill's half!) of a remodeled Chancellor Mansion.  OTOH, dare I say it, with Jill effectively on super recurring status now...it actually would've been downright weird if Devon (Katherine's actual living heir) ended up with it.


That said...wow...I'm hoping and praying those are just some crappy screenshots, because while the Chancellor manse usually looked like something out of a 1940s drama it looked alive in its own classical way.  Now, or at least so far into its "remodeling," it looks downright dreary.  Why are you actively trying to make me hate JT, show?

  • Love 4

She may be as smart as "they" come, but she's also a shallow, empty-headed twit with far too many freely expressed opinions about others while being all too ready to let others praise her for no good reason.

Don't forget she's A-OK with the man who hired someone to rape her mother (It's worse than doing the deed himself) I repeat "Raped her mother and she's OK with it;


And - oh yeah - he laughed about it. Told said Dummer her mom should have known.

  • Love 7


peacheslatour quote

Did you know that slugs have teeth?  True story.

Yeah, I read Patricia Highsmith and she wrote a great story about giant snails.  Creepy!


BillC. quote

Now, or at least so far into its "remodeling," it looks downright dreary.  Why are you actively trying to make me hate JT, show?

Petunia13 quote

I mean. . . If Tim Burton characters make you horny.

Beetlejuice, Beetlejiuce, Beetleju

  • Love 3

And don't Jill and Esther co own the CE?  I thought that was on condition that Esther continue as the maid.  She was working at Crimson Lights, but we don't know what she's doing now or where she's living, but I think her housekeeping days are over.

Well, where ever she is, I won't miss that stupid uniform.

  • Love 4

And don't Jill and Esther co own the CE?  I thought that was on condition that Esther continue as the maid.  She was working at Crimson Lights, but we don't know what she's doing now or where she's living, but I think her housekeeping days are over.

Also Jill was in deep financial trouble because it costs so much to maintain that mansion (that was tossed in for some reason I recall). What money does Billy have? I guess Jack hired him back and he has access to his funds again.


It's such contrived shit.


I'm just pissed that Ashley has no home and this FOJ fucker is given the most iconic set on the show a few weeks after arriving. Ashley could have lived in Kay's old set with minimal change in decor. Just some updating. Just have her rent from Jill and Esther. Why couldn't Billy live in Avery's old place? Or back in his stupid trailer?

  • Love 9

And don't Jill and Esther co own the CE?  I thought that was on condition that Esther continue as the maid.  She was working at Crimson Lights, but we don't know what she's doing now or where she's living, but I think her housekeeping days are over.

As I recall Katherine left the CE to Jill and Esther and Esther chose to continue on as the maid but Mrs C said in no way did she have to continue as the maid. Jill was pissed...of course!  LOL

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 1

Doesn't Ashley have a 'wing' at the Abbott mansion?

I believe that's where she lives. But I've seen her "leave" the Abbott house at the end of a party -- which makes no sense. And I've never seen her "living" there -- as in hanging out, coming out of the kitchen, bumping into Jack or Phyllis. Anything. She only "lives" there because she doesn't warrant her own home set -- but Keebler gets an iconic set. That's what pisses me off. Y&R and it's storied history is not a dumping ground for GH castoffs. Or it shouldn't be anyways. But whatever. These faves don't last. Avery was favoured with JG and not by Pratt. Leslie and Tyler were also big under JG. They disappeared almost instantly under Pratt.


And there was Chase and Ronan etc. All gone. Cripes. Even MS got a taste of the "you don't matter to this particular writer" when JG back burned her.


Gloria used to be on every day under LML. And now that dreadful Anita gets more appearances.

  • Love 7

As I recall Katherine left the CE to Jill and Esther and Esther chose to continue on as the maid but Mrs C said in no way did she have to continue as the maid. Jill was pissed...of course! LOL

I reread the script from the episode where the will was read on Sept. 11, 2013. Esther only got a stipen of $20,000 per month as long as she continued to work at the CE. Jill only got Katherine's half of the CE and the stipulation that it remains in her hands for perpetuity. Which probably means that she can't sell it. Which I'm pretty sure that it means she can't gift it either. But if she can, she just dumped a "White Elephant" on Billy. Jill said she couldn't afford the upkeep so how in the world can Billy afford it. Could you imagine the real estate taxes, utilities, lawn service, etc on CE. The will was written before Pratt was in power so I guess, like everything else before his time, it doesn't matter. Can someone say revisionist history.

  • Love 9

UGH---I am so not okay with Undertaker Billy  moving into the Chancellor gunmetal gray mansion---not a regular watcher on GH when he was Patrick Drake but he is all wrong here---and being forced on us is worse---thank you to whoever posted the old youtube clips of Billy Miller and Victoria at the airport Irish bar---good times we may never see again--no one on the canvas now can exude any of that charm---sigh---and yuck to the latest version of Cane ( who may possibly be the worst character I have seen in over 30 years of soap watching) and Silly Lily--but at least there is Dr -MEK from the old days and he is still 88 yr old mom's boyfriend which is pretty much the only reason she is still watching------what is wrong with Prattfall and Jill Ferret that they cannot see what they have and the awful---Dullard et al---oh never mind--we know why---

  • Love 4

Billy said that the house had to stay in the family per Katherine, so the house is still Jill's but passed down to a family member. He also said that Jill told him he had to leave her, her bedroom for when she's in town. 


Phyllis is horrible she was in the building where Jack's benefit was being held, but took off in a storm to see Billy's house. Great priorities there Phyllis.

  • Love 3

OH so fine Undertaker Billy and stoopid Jill---that makes it all OK? NOT---stay in the family of idots and slimeballs---YAY


^^^^^^^^^clarifying to say that I was not calling the family we know idiots etc just this current crop of characters that are so out of character they may as well fall off a cliff---feeling more than a little cranky about the show these days and not very tolerant

Edited by Oly
  • Love 4

The big news today was that Neville and Ash KISSED!  Okay, that did happen, but the truly big news was that Phyllis and Billy KISSED!  After sitting around drinking wine in front of a cozy fire, she fell on top of him and her lips landed on his.  Afterwards they were all squicked out by the whole thing and hightailed it back to the GCAC.  Jack is suspicious, sort of, but then at the end he thinks that Phyllis is "one heck of a sister-in-law".


The other big thing was the Luca figured out what Michael is up to, mostly because Michael talks about it constantly within earshot of others.  And Luca went to Jack and spilled the beans, and when Philly showed up he also confronted them.  Then he rushed off to tell Prick in the hopes of getting something in return, that part was kind of vague.  Prick called him a bunch of names and pointed out that he again has betrayed his employer, this time Jack.  And then Luca realizes that Prick knows that Mikey is going to throw the case and that is way of staying out of prison.  I am no lawyer, but wouldn't that just result in a mistrial, or grounds for an appeal?


Vicky had a big fight with Prick and ran to Billy to talk to him about it and he was kind of confused since usually she defends Prick and gets mad at Billy for going after him.  I was confused too.  So she just stomps out of there.


Hillary is in full bitch mode and says she wants to run GC.  And for some reason, getting on Jack and Neil's Foundation Board is the way to do that, but Devon goes behind her back and asks Neil to NOT put her on the Board.


There was a bunch of Sage, Shawn and Dick stuff that I pretty much ignored.


Ashley's latest test results indicate that she is improving and on the road to recovery.


In the previews, there is some stuff with Paul and Dylan talking about the day that Sully was born in Fairview; Vicky talking to Drinki is worried about anyone changing their testimony and allowing Prick to get off,  and Drinki says: you think I am the one who is going to cave?; Adam tells Prick that he knows of a way he can avoid the trial.

  • Love 12

Thanks Bannana. Awesome recap. I'm scared to watch because grossness but it looks like I can handle it with my trusty FF button. I knew they'd kiss then be all weird and then they'll do it again because they are so HAWT for each other! They are repulsive and what they are doing is indefensible. And it's lame. Neither GT nor JT has the charm to have their characters get away with this kind of behaviour. GT is a better actress and if she's really sorry she can sell it. But JT will look bored.


My poor cuckolded Jack. sigh.


Luca is an idiot. He had the Marco evidence and basically did nothing then stupidly handed it to a loser non-player like Billy. Now he has explosive intel again and he just blabs to everyone?


So Ashley's now healthy??? lol. Stupidest device EVER to bring together a new couple.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 9

Jack is suspicious, sort of, but then at the end he thinks that Phyllis is "one heck of a sister-in-law".

Poor Jack. This show really displays my pet peeve with these types of storylines. Billy and Phyllis are just...so inappropriate and have absolutely no boundaries or self-awareness. And I'm sure they'll continue to be selfish and hang around each other until they ultimately have THE SEX while Jack has to stand around like a woobie loser.

  • Love 5

Poor Jack. This show really displays my pet peeve with these types of storylines. Billy and Phyllis are just...so inappropriate and have absolutely no boundaries or self-awareness. And I'm sure they'll continue to be selfish and hang around each other until they ultimately have THE SEX while Jack has to stand around like a woobie loser.

Jack has had to play stupid for MONTHS to drive this stupid story. ugh. And yup. He's the clueless cuckold now. I remember PB and MS in a live chat talking about playing affairs and how they both hate playing the clueless spouse. Although they enjoy the part when you get to find out and rip into the cheater. So I'm holding on for how SWEET that will be.


Of course the problem with this over the top writing is that Jack is being NOTHING BUT LOVING to his cheating wife and and brother and -- as you say -- they will STILL keep hanging out until they do the deed (please god let it be just once, please).


Also, they actually did "fall" into a kiss. I thought Bannana was speaking kind of dramatically. lol. Nope. She fell over on him and onto him and their lips met and then they made out. And then they suddenly stopped and Billy stands up and says "Jack." He said HIS BROTHER AND HER HUSBAND'S NAME!! lol. That was INSANE. I cannot believe the show is trying this hard to make them hateful. Right? They can't be. 


Affairs are hard to watch (I personally am quite troubled by them) but they are pure soap. So I get it. But this one is way too cruel. You should sort of understand the cheaters, sort of cheer them on, even while you feel for the cheated on. I can't believe how fucking horrid this is. 


As for Villy. Victoria was babbling like an idiot. Though I'll say this. She was doing their usual dance of just going to see him after she's dumped his ass and he grovels etc. There was at least some movement away from that. Although all this tells me -- because it's Pratt -- is that they'll probably make up and he'll STILL sleep with Phyllis. Because, you know, they aren't vile enough.

  • Love 10

Of course the problem with this over the top writing is that Jack is being NOTHING BUT LOVING to his cheating wife and and brother and -- as you say -- they will STILL keep hanging out until they do the deed (please god let it be just once, please).

Also, they actually did "fall" into a kiss. I thought Bannana was speaking kind of dramatically. lol. Nope. She fell over on him and onto him and their lips met and then they made out. And then they suddenly stopped and Billy stands up and says "Jack." He said HIS BROTHER AND HER HUSBAND'S NAME!! lol. That was INSANE. I cannot believe the show is trying this hard to make them hateful. Right? They can't be.

Affairs are hard to watch (I personally am quite troubled by them) but they are pure soap. So I get it. But this one is way too cruel. You should sort of understand the cheaters, sort of cheer them on, even while you feel for the cheated on. I can't believe how fucking horrid this is.

Yeah, affairs and cheating on soaps don't faze me at all. But in THIS case, there's really no...."reason"...for Billy and Phyllis to go there. And that's what makes them look cruel as opposed to "confused" or "oops we're drunk."

Jack LOVES Phyllis. And the only reason Victoria and Billy are on the outs is because Billy is a lying liar who lies (even though he's trying to act like the victim now "Victoria doesn't want me!").

So, how are Billy and Phyllis justified in any way? To me, they're not, and that's a problem.

Also, I laughed when Billy said "Jack." Once more with feeling, dude.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 9

Phyllis after she and Billy stopped kissing said this is not who we are. LOL Really Phyllis I'm pretty sure you and Billy are cheaters and it's who you both are. Jack deserves better! Then Phyllis asks Jack to put Billy on the board of the Foundation, because Billy needs more handed to him?  He doesn't deserve the time of day from Jack.


I laughed at Victor telling Vicky that if she needed help go to brother Adam that he's the only one who can run the company. 


Michael was just dumb talking so loudly about his plan that could get him disbarred and Luca was just dumb running right to Victor.

  • Love 8

Oh, Show, how are you boring me... Let me count the ways:

  1. Babaloo, you don't matter, you're not even working as a gadfly character
  2. Billy and Phyllis? Character-propping kills plot, folks
  3. Victoria and Old Crazy? I was writing your dialogue in my head, and that's not good
  4. Michael with a bag full of anvils? Stop working the room, it's not working
  5. Sourpuss McStupid? I'm not even writing your name any more
  6. The Chancellor Mansion? The tragedy of bad taste meeting bad writing
  7. Hilary? When Devona's onto you, none of it's destined for eternity, hon


Seven's a good number. So, let's end on a happy note:

Ashley and Dr MEK go into a smooch! Something to live for!

  • Love 9

I admit I half-watched today.  Lots of boring stuff.  There was a bunch of Sage, Shawn Dick blah blah baby stuff.  At the same time Sharon is dreaming about Sully not being real, and Dullen is trying to figure out what really happened that fateful day at Fairview.  He and Paul talk about it a bit.  This is while Esther was in the office taking care of Sully.  I had forgotten that Esther worked at Crimson Lights!  Sharon admits that her dreams make her feel as though Sully doesn't exist.  Dullen tells her not to worry.


On the trial front, all the Newmans avow that they will testify against Pricktor, except for Dummer of course.  She's also apparently the only one who visits him regularly in prison.  Awwww..... By the end of the episode, it looks Adam will change his mind about Newman again. Prick offers him to run Newman and in return Prick will plead guilty so there is no trial.  I think.  While Adam was visiting Prick he said that Phyllis is still suffering from what Prick did to her, and Prick says sarcastically, oh it breaks my heart.  But why would Prick plead guilty when he has his ace in the hole, knowing that Mikey is throwing the trial?  Prick tells Adam that he should run Newman because he is ruthless like him.


Speaking of which Mikey visited Prick and afterwards he told Phyllis that he thinks Prick is on to him and that he is up to something.


Sharon, and now Sage, join Chelz in her business venture.  They have their first meeting at the GCAC, which is good because otherwise that place would have no customers.  Christine was running around town saying stuff, but I mostly wasn't listening.  But she bumped Noah, Dick, Drinki, and Pricktoria.  Dick said they will tell the truth, that Prick is guilty of kidnapping and fraud.


Pricktoria is very distraught at the end of the episode and breaks down crying.  I am not sure if that is over Prick, her one twue love, or her actual love, Billy.  Or the fact that all her direct reports don't like her.


Previews:  Luca visiting Marisa, says he is bringing her a gift; Prick telling Mikey that there may not be a trial and that his fate may already be settled; and my favourite preview, Phyllis to Dummer:  I am your mother, how coud you betray me!   It's about time someone said that to Dummer, she should be disowned or locked in her penthouse, or sent to Switzerland.

  • Love 14

I think Victor is just setting them all up for failure. He is pissed that Victoria turned him in so he has determined to make her miserable and insecure. He is blowing smoke up Adam's ass in hopes that he will help him make Victoria miserable. No doubt he will also make Michael think he is going to take a deal. I bet he has no desire of pleading guilty whatsoever. Adam and Michael will think he is doing that and he will flip it on them. 

  • Love 5

The only thing a lawyer would suggest (and the day player did) is to plead guilty. There's too much evidence.


And what is this plan of having his relatives testify??? WTF? Why?


The prosecution will go first: You present evidence (there's tons of it on a CD apparently, including documents and footage -- if I recall correctly what Victoria said). You present witnesses (Jack can talk about being kidnapped; is the fraud Marco raping Phyllis? If so she can testify; Billy and Ashley can speak to the shit going on at Jabot and the false signatures come up; also the bullshit security footage of Marco doing nefarious things with the server etc etc). The prosecution presumably has a photo now of Marco? Proof he existed?


Michael's defence is that his family loves him? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't even follow -- at all. This is laughable even by Y&R legal writing standards.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 7

The writing for woman on this show is disgusting. They are still presenting Victoria as if being a woman means she can handle being CEO. Then they showed three woman meeting for business and their conversation was about babies. I wanted to throw something. 


How can we have women in powerful positions at CBS and Y&R being okay with this garbage?! 

  • Love 5

Adam looked nice in the light blue today. 


Phyllis shows up at Adam's despite the fact she had the man kidnapped? I hope he finds out about that and he totally sees she's gone nuts and is dangerous. 


Nick says they'll tell the truth on the stand? What? What truth does Nick even know? Noah knew and was involved for awhile. Vicky knew what Victor was up to since she covered for his shooting Jack. Adam knows a lot. Nikki found out second hand. Nick was clueless. I'm not sure why he or Abby would be witnesses.  


Luca, Marissa, Noah, Jack, Phyllis, Adam, and Vicky should be witnesses not people like Nick or Nikki.


Tomorrow will be good, about time Phyllis tells off Summer for her siding with Victor. 


Zzzz at all the Sage/Nick/Shawn stuff. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 4

Most of the ep swirled around the trial and whether Adam should take Prick's deal to run Newman and then Prick would plead guilty. He conferred with his fellow Newmans, and took their advice (altho Vic did offer to step aside) and turned down the deal.  Mikey informs Prick and he says what me worry, I have the great Michael Baldwin defending me.  rut roh.


Fave part of the episode was Phyllis tearing into Dummer big-time, and long overdue.  Didn't have much of an impact since Dummer who then went to the court with Luca and went off on Noah, remember, her beloved bro?  She's completely alienating all of her family for Luca and Prick.  Wowza, that peanut butter effect is lethal.  Marisa thinks Luca wants to marry a Newman, as in Dummer.  That makes some sense since he just gave Marisa a divorce out of the blue with no strings attached.


Also Phyllis called Christine Cricket!


Cricket does her opening remarks, and they are pretty good, but Prick sat their smug and disrespectful.  Michael's defence argument is that Prick was acting in self-defense because of the Paragon virus.  Phyllis jumps to her feet and shouts, that's a lie, and said Prick would do anything to get rid of his competition including letting her husband die.


Previews:  Drinki, Dick, Noah, Vic and Adam all testifying against Prick; and Phyllis shrieking hysterically at Prick from the stand: what more do you want from me!  Her veins were popping out of her head and she jumps up like she is going to lunge at him.  It looks good!

  • Love 7

Dummer sees Jack, Billy and Phyllis talking in the GCAC and they stop when she arrives and she goes off on them for talking about Gwampa.  Phyllis tells her she knows it is hard for her so she should just not go to the trial, because Gwampa is not going to look so great with all the testimony.  Dummer says she has to go because is testifying for the the defence.  Phyllis lashes out at her, how could you do this to your mother.  Jack tries to stop the confrontation but Phyllis says is going to speak to her daughter. The boys leave, and Phyllis reminds Dummer of all the things Gwampa did, including the deaths of Courtney and Dummer's own husband Austin.  Dummer says Det Hardon and Marco are responsible, not Gwampa.  Phyllis points out that Gwampa is responsible and he is directly responsible for what happened to her mother, and she starts to go into how she feels,  having been betrayed and humiliated with Marco in her bed.  She does not say raped, but I wish she would have.  Phyllis goes into an emotional description of how Prick has ruined her and how this has pushed her to the brink of losing her mind.  It was quite awesome.  But ultimately, Dummer tells Phyllis that she is being harsh.  Sigh.

  • Love 9

Summer is ridiculous. I don't even know how they can write her this way. It is a complete and utter betrayal of her mother and I'm glad they had that scene with Phyllis. 


Oh my god LLB is a shit actress. Yikes. Her opening arguments were delivered so badly. Eeks.


And the preview of Phyllis losing it. Wow, GT is bringing it. Ha! Should be good. She's really pulling off the nutter. Phyllis should have acted like this from the get go. Instead of a year after the fact. I still want to see Jack *react* to what was done to him. But I'll take this. It was fucking crazy and it should have evoked a crazy response. 


WTF is Luca doing there? He is sitting next to Summer in the front row and so in every shot that Victor is. God, could they shove this moron down our throats any more?


And where was Ashley????? She would be there to support her brother and family. And she was Victor's wife and is Abby's mother. But you know who was there??? And in every fucking scene with Jack and Phyllis? Yup. Billy Munster.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 11

Phyllis ranting against Summer was a long time coming. It was great her calling her out on what kind of woman she is and how she forgot about Austin and Courtney. Summer is the worst daughter possible, she doesn't care about what Victor did to her own mother or Jack at all. Or the mental anguish her mom is under. It's all poor gwampa. 


As horrible as Summer is though she was right about Noah&Marissa. They were angry when he wouldn't sign the papers, now they're still angry when he did sign the papers.


Liked Adam calling Nick out on not really caring about his marriage. Nick's fake concern was ridiculous so I liked Adam calling him out for it. Also smart of Adam to make the deal a group decision, that way he's not the one blamed on either side. Victor knows it was a group decision and Victor's smart enough to know who voted for what and the rest of the family can't call Adam out for being out for himself.


Where is the Abbott mansion set? Why are they having screaming matches and these fights always in the public restaurant? At least the Newman's own the restaurant they're having their fight it, it's in Newman tower.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 1

Pricktor is questioning Michael’s competence after his opening arguments, but Mikey reassures him.  The judge calls a recess, and Mikey suggests he change into his suit from the orange jumpsuit, but Prick shuts him down harshly.


Dick warns Luca (can we call him Puka?) re hurting Dummer.  Dummer meets with Prick in the visitor room.  I started having flashbacks to the Road Not Taken day.  But Dummer tells Prick that she is just now realizing how many horrible things he did and how much he hurt people, especially her mom.  Prick lies to Dummer and says he is sorry and he didn’t mean to hurt her mom.  He was just defending his family and company.  Prick is astounded that Phyllis is turning Dummer against him.  He reminds Dummer about Paragon and the fire blah blah blah.  By the time he realized it wasn’t Jack behind Paragon it was too late and oh well.  Prick says that Phyllis is spiraling out of control and Dummer should watch out for her.  Hah!

So then all of Prick’s family testifies against Prick.  Throughout this, Prick is visibly chastising and challenging Mikey on his strategy. We see where this going.


Some other really good stuff happened today. 

Jack got to tell his horrific story.  Phyllis got to tell her story.  I have been waiting for this for a long time. 


Phyllis went off on Pricktor and while I liked it, GT made me really care about her, and I was sad for Phyllis.  She is finally now reacting to what she endured.

After all this, life works out just like you think it would in Pricktor world.  Suspicion is cast upon Mikey (no shit).


Prick fires Mikey and says he will represent himself.

  • Love 8

Phyllis went off on Pricktor and while I liked it, GT made me really care about her, and I was sad for Phyllis. She is finally now reacting to what she endured.

GT was phenom. The raw emotions she was able to portray were truly out of this world.

Summer and Billy both annoyed the helllll outta me, though. Summer just...not even understanding her mother on a female level is atrocious.

And Billy telling Jack to stay in the courtroom while he runs after Phyllis? Boy, stop it. And then when he came back to comfort Phyllis later, he was so stiff and just...weird. I wasn't feeling JT in the epi at all.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

Having watched the entire Friday US episode via Canada tonight, I have to say that Pratt is THE WORST writer in soaps today. This show is absolute rubbish and is science fiction. It is no longer just jumping the shark, it's clobbering the poor fucking animal. It's silly season on this show and how anyone could think otherwise is on some big time drugs.


Pratt & Phelps need to be summarily dismissed immediately to re-establish some kind of rational thought behind the production & writing of this craptacular shit. It's noting short of insulting dreck. Stop the madness!

  • Love 8
And Billy telling Jack to stay in the courtroom while he runs after Phyllis? Boy, stop it. And then when he came back to comfort Phyllis later, he was so stiff and just...weird. I wasn't feeling JT in the epi at all.


It is so utterly beyond ridiculous. The idea that Billy would EVER run after an upset Phyllis instead of Jack -- and that Jack would agree to this -- is so fucking stupid I can't even. When you have to COMPLETELY overhaul a character to sell ONE storyline don't you ask yourself if perhaps this is not working?


And add to that the Undertaker in the role. 


GT is showing her chops and PB has long shown his ability to pull off HUGE EMOTIONAL story -- so what do they do when the two of them have HUGE EMOTIONAL STORY together? They shut Jack down and give it to a newbie who can't act in order to push a tawdry affair.

  • Love 8

So Pricktor wants to represent himself, and Cricket and the Judge think it is a bad idea.  Prick says he cannot trust anyone because his lawyer was tanking his defence and his family turned against him.  Then he blames PHYLLIS ABBOTT for everything, for being behind this scheme against Prick.  Prick then turns to the jury and starts rambling about her now righteous husband, his degenerate brother and the lawyer they roped into this plot.  It turns into a chaotic scene and the judge clears the courtroom.  I can’t tell if this is just Pricktor being himself or if he is going for an insanity plea. 


Dummer questions Phyllis about her plan to have Mikey throw the case, and Phyllis tells her:  you know why, and that bitch of a daughter walks away from her on Puka’s arm.  Blech.  The plotters all confront Puka who says he kept their secret but was forced to tell the truth under oath, and they don’t believe him.  Seriously people, if you are going to conspire like this, perhaps you should all just shut up and deny deny deny.  There’s no proof but they keep talking about it in public places.  Dummer isn’t sure if she believes Puka.  Jack tells Phyllis that Mikey probably getting disbarred is not her fault.  But it actually is.

The judge says the trial can proceed.  Prick says he will prove he is no fool.  Phyllis tries to convince Cricket to protect Mikey, but she has not forgotten that Phyllis got away with attempted murder by rental car.  Cricket thinks Prick has a chance now to get off.  I guess she thinks Prick is more persuasive than an actual lawyer. 


Jack wants to take Phyllis away but Billy insists that she needs to stay for the trial, to be able to move on.  The Newmans debrief on the trial and their testimony, and how bad they all felt for testifying.  Rut roh, the tide is turning back to pro Pricktor.  Meanwhile Dummer visits Prick and realizes that he had this plan all along, and she is okay with that.  Prick tells her to stay from Puka.  And says that they only have each other now.  Ewww.

Various couples, Villy, Phack, Chadam, Lummer, have useless conversations, and then court resumes.  Puka did tell Dummer that he told Prick about the plot for her.  And Drinki knocked back a vodka before going to court.


When the trial resumes Prick questions Phyllis, and points out that she worked with him to capture Ian Ward.  And then he questions Jack to point out that his plot against Prick was as nefarious as Prick’s against him, and  oh by the way made him a stronger man.  Maybe Jack should thank him.  He questions Dummer, to point out that Prick saved Phyllis from her coma.  With Abby, he gets her to say he was the only who believed in her.  Gosh, I am glad I was not eating during all this, it was gag worthy.  Abby actually blubbers an apology while on the stand.  Dick has to testify that Prick helped Dick when he was charged with the murder of Matt Clark.  Through all of this Prick is actually testifying, but Cricket and the judge let it happen.  Sigh.

Prick goes so far as to have Drinki testify about how Prick rescued her from being a stripper.  And about being an alcoholic. And he outs her for having vodka on her breath, and says how he always has her back.  Hah!  He gets Vic to admit that she was trying to teach him a lesson by getting him arrested and ousted at Newman.  With Adam he talks about how Prick helped him to stay out of prison. 


The only good thing about this bizarre court scene was the eye-rolling that Jack did throughout.   Finally Cricket does her closing and only then talks about Prick giving a masterful performance.  She reminds the jury that Prick actually broke laws and is justifying his actions.  Prick’s closing  has him saying that to protect his company and family from Paragon, he may have stepped on a few toes and perhaps went beyond the bounds of the law.  Then he plays the growing up in an orphanage card.  Sheesh.  He gets weepy.  Jack looks furious.

Previews:  Drinki to Dick, oh my god, he’s going to get away with it;  Vic to Prick, I guess everything you said in the courtroom about loving me, wasn’t true then; Jack, very emotional, to Phyllis:  Your consumed by this, your pushing family away, your pushing friends away, your pushing me away!

  • Love 14

So some more thoughts on this trial. None of it makes sense. I mean, I know this is a farce, but still.


Obviously Cricket should have been objecting throughout when Prick was testifying.  Acting as his own lawyer he got to testify, but didn't get cross-examined.  And why didn't she get to question the witnesses about the shit that Prick did to them, if he can bring up dumb stuff like Matt Clark, etc.  So he  is obvi going to be acquitted.  But then Jack and Phyllis could go after him with a civil suit, right?  And so maybe he wouldn't go to jail but he would have to pay $.  They could make back the money he got from them.


After today, it is clear that Abby is back with Prick, Dummer still is, and Vic likely is.  Only Dick, Drinki and Adam appear to still have contempt for him. And Noah.


So life goes back to normal for Prick and he has the brain trust of Dummer, Abby and Vic surrounding him.

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