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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Stitch looks as bored with the role as the rest of us!  LOL  The scene between him and Victoria yesterday was completely snooze worthy.  


The show got somewhat interesting for a couple of weeks then poof back comes the finger cramp from using FF!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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And Victoria looked utterly bored with Stitch.  What was with that little scene, where she starts looking at a file in the Jabot lab.  That was weird.  


And can you blame her? Groot has more charm than Stitch, although I guess I should keep the Groot comparisons for Corporal Punishment, to be consistent.


Perhaps Victoria's just shopping for her next product-launch. I think Ashley could take her in a cat-fight, though.

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I don't know if it was poorly acted or what, but the way she did it (snooping) was so off.  It was like she didn't even realize she was doing it until Stitch mentioned it.  So I guess it is in her blood to be into espionage even though she loudly stated that she is not her father?


Ashley could def take her!

  • Love 4


Austin's been made so interesting a character, after he's dead. I'm hoping he's alive. A tell all expose now is interesting.

Kinda like when Leanna did the restless book.. I love the tell all stuff.. It is too bad they made Austin interesting AFTER he was dead.


Maybe I'm just dreaming but I don't feel as though Pratt is too excited to write for Stitch. He's just kind of filler these days.

I don't think Pratt is that interested in writing for Stitch or Sharon. Both have become fillers.

Exposing Abby's affair with Austin does not make Summer a sympathetic character.  I find the little blonde bimbo to be a self-entitled drama queen.  She got the worst of both her parents.  Neither Nick nor Sharon can deal not getting their own way in everything.  Summer's pathetic little whine about why people cheat sounded so puny coming out of her crying little mouth.  Somebody please send her away for a long, long rest.

I meant neither Nick nor Phyllis, not poor set upon Sharon.

  • Love 11

If Sage keeps her mouth shut and doesn't reveal Adam. Otherwise they are both up on fraud charges-she isn't just an accessory, she participated.   I also think the lawyer/executor would be vewwy, vewwy suspicious of the sudden 180 since they were assuring him that it was definitely not a marriage just to get the money.  Adam's advantage is no money but free to pursue Chelz (unless I missed something about him getting some inheritance if the marriage doesn't last).  Thing is, Sage is so confrontational and seems to have gotten some attitude from being around Nick, that I think  Adam may see her as a liability and she moves to #1 on the GC Hit List.

I really don't understand why Sage bothered with this whole identity switch in the first place.  She was already married to the real Gabe (from the brief flashbackstory seemed in love with him and maybe he her) and I doubt that the conditions of the will would have been adhered to if Gabe (or Sage) died before the three years.  Saving Adam, switching him, plastic surgery-ing him, nursing him seem like an awful lot of planning to do within the span of an accident, especially with an unknown quantity.  She had no idea if Adam even spoke English let alone would go along with the plan.

Maybe she was desperate because she's the one who actually hit Delia? None of it makes sense.

  • Love 2

Well, it seems like more than the odd person is noticing the wildly uneven quality of the episodes during the new regime. Case in point, yesterday: it's a US Monday show, so maybe it should have some good set-ups for what's to come in the week.


For me, not so much. When whatever conversation Devon and Lily were having seemed to indicate umbrella-story connections, that was basically, to me, the only new piece of merchandise, and it was a dollar-store item. Victor repeated his "I've got it covered," "I've got an ace in the hole," and "Nikki, you're not telling me everything" mantras. Regrettably, I didn't find them hypnotic.


Okay, so someone could say, "Wow, Cricket's out of hospital and manifesting obsessive behaviour, what with moving up the trial. That's new." Bleah, I say. If it comes to that, which HuggyPaul seemed to be winning out against, she's just gonna pass out in the courtroom and they'll change the trial-date.


But wait, did I hear you mention the significant appearance in frame of Kelly when Victor did the "ace in the hole" section of the mantra? Yeah, well, unless there's a Kelly-double who's going to dazzle the court with something or other...

  • Love 3

I didn't hear HHK say she has the flu. She tweeted she lost her voice in *that* episode because "things got crazy."


My pity is saved for us viewers having to listen to her scream until she was hoarse.


ETA: People who say they have the flu and then go to work and actually are able to work don't have the flu. Maybe a bad cold or some other respiratory or throat issue but not influenza.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 9

I was oddly entertained by today's epi. Anytime the bug flies off the handle, it is entertaining. I have no idea what VIctor is up to with Kelly confessing, but am enjoying Phyllis being annoyed at Jack's concern. I must say that GT has really brought the character of Phyllis to life again (no pun intended). I actually have to think hard to remember what MS looked like, sounded like and acted like. And that is a good thing.


The Scooby Do crowd (thanks to whoever came up with that) was pretty entertaining too. Mostly Mariah for her referrals of Courtney as Detective Blondie and Abby as Abby Adulterer.


Even Hillary was entertaining. Now that I don't have to watch her and Devon swap spit (or her and Neil for that matter) I quite like seeing her on my screen. And KSJ makes a much better drunk than he did a blind man. I think Hillary may have even given off a bit of her true feelings when she told Devon she was sorry for what had happened with Neil. Which makes it that much more entertaining as Hillary as just a manipulative bitch isn't quite as interesting.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I didn't hear HHK say she has the flu. She tweeted she lost her voice in *that* episode because "things got crazy."


My pity is saved for us viewers having to listen to her scream until she was hoarse.


ETA: People who say they have the flu and then go to work and actually are able to work don't have the flu. Maybe a bad cold or some other respiratory or throat issue but not influenza.

Well, that's true. I've been lucky enough to escape influenza the last several years, but the one time I did have it, it was awful. The only other times I've been that sick were when I had mastitis when my first son was a newborn.

  • Love 3
That was me who said that HHK had the flu. I don't tweet so can only go by what others who do, say they saw. I stand corrected:D


I saw it on another board as well, Patsy. :-) But I am on Twitter and HHK warned viewers the day before the funeral episode aired that she lost her voice because of the episode (the official Y&R account even commented on it).


I remember two years ago when a bunch of the cast had the flu. They had to reshoot and shoot way out of sequence because people were off sick at various points. But you didn't see it on the show. What I mean is they came back when healthy. I think the last thing anyone wants is the flu spread among cast and crew. I know they work through colds (you often hear it in voices; PB sounded congested during the Valentine's shows. And I know if you shoot up some Dristan, lol, or take cold meds you can work through it) but flu, not so much.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 5

In yesterdays Canadian show as Summer was going off on Abby, all I could think of was a platypus, in her rant against Abby her lips were sticking out so far from her face it was very distracting...that along with her voice made that scene ludicrous..

The raging platypus ~ That's our StuporGirl!  Daffy Duck has nothing on that girl.

  • Love 8

I want Sharon to not go crazy, but today when Avery rushed into the coffee house and coped an attitude to Sharon who said nothing but try to be polite.  I really wanted Sharon to slap her. 

Avery was just downright rude and Dylan noticed it, she is doing herself no favors with her shitty attitude, this is the same shrew who was in bed with her sisters husband and phoned her sister to make sure she found out about it, who is she to throw stones, and let's not forget the cheating on her husband...Dylan and Sharon are friends and have every right to be...jealousy is an ugly monster and Avery is showing her true colors..she can wallow around Joe, but Dylan is not suppose to have any female friends...the more she spouts out about Sharon not bothering her the more idiotic she looks when her actions say otherwise..Avery knows how to play the "game" also...

Edited by Canadian
  • Love 14

Avery was just downright rude and Dylan noticed it, she is doing herself no favors with her shitty attitude, this is the same shrew who was in bed with her sisters husband and phoned her sister to make sure she found out about it, who is she to throw stones, and let's not forget the cheating on her husband...Dylan and Sharon are friends and have every right to be...jealousy is an ugly monster and Avery is showing her true colors..she can wallow around Joe, but Dylan is not suppose to have any female friends...the more she spouts out about Sharon not bothering her the more idiotic she looks when her actions say otherwise..Avery knows how to play the "game" also...

I find all the sanctimonious hypocrites in GC to be mostly women who have no right to judge or dump on anyone because they are by no means virtuous virgins. Who are they to treat Sharon so rudely and hold her in contempt like Little Miss Adulterer Abby,screwing her own niece's hubby?


Then there's Miss Busty Crocker,shagging big sissy's hubby and setting it up so she walks in on them. That woman just takes the cake with her rudeness to Sharon's honest apology. WTF?


Busty Cupcakes is dreaming of ex hubby Joe and making all sorts of excuses to Dylan why it's all good that he can hover around her and just be friends.Dylan on the other hand being friends with Sharon? Uhh not so much! Busty can't stand it that Dylan and Sharon were friends right after he arrived in town and he has a great relationship with Faith!


 It's all well and good that she and Joe can be friends but Dylan can't have any women friends in his life. Bitch PuhLeeze!


Now I want Sharon to take his fine ass away from that trifling Cupcake! LOL

  • Love 11

I am no Avery fan but who can blame her. She knows all about Sharon and her games.

What game? Sharon was standing alone by the patio door, getting her bag or what ever together. When Avery rushed in bumping into her, Sharon shouldn't have even tried to apologize but she still did it to be polite and all she got out of it was Avery being a bitch to her.

  • Love 10

Sharon looked really good!  Avery was a real bitch to her and just proved to Dylan she does give a crap making her a liar.    


Every time I see Lauren's hair I am reminded of Demi's hair extension commercial!  LOL


They keep dressing Abby in very short outfits to highlight her stick legs, you could probably toss a bowling ball between those thighs!  One thing I have noticed since her hanging out so much with the kids is she is much older looking than they are.  


And did the Mariah and Sharon storyline just dry up?  Sharon told Nick she was keeping busy with her kids which leaves out Faith who is with Nick and both Mariah and Noah are busy playing Nancy Drew so no one is left......  


Joe Joe Joe, where are you?!!


Phyllis has not grown on me nor will she.  I am sick of pursed lips and she spits out her dialogue with her eyes blazing and has to be restrained all the time....tiresome.     

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 7

Anyone notice the faux pas yesterday at the coffee house?  Sharon was putting her coat on and the back room was completely dark then Avery walked in and the room was lit up.  I replayed it but didn't see it come on so they must have done a cut when they noticed she would walk in from a dark room...I know, I have no life....LOL 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 4

Yesterday's CDN [missed Thursday's--damn teaching gets in the way] did feature, as part of that sordid fiesta at the Abbotts, the single worst dress I may have ever seen on Show. To which garment do I refer? Chelsea's lacy thing with some kind of pink "is this supposed to be an apron/who the hell are you, Maria von Trapp?" effect. Fashionista that I am not, I was gaga. She could bring down FashionAbbott at light-speed with items like this.


But back to the wingding: Adam's run-on of drunkenly ironizing was so deadly boring, I was ready to switch channels, but Coronation Street wasn't on yet. Yes, I never cared about the character of Adam, except for Chris Engen's gothicky version, but, c'mon, this version is moronic and one-note. "We're meant to be together." Sure, if Chelsea is either amnesiac or as dumb as she seems you'll make a great pair...but wait, wasn't she a con? Or has that been written out of her? Somewhere at the back of her dear little shiny-haired cranium doesn't she hear the first rule of con-dom [unintended new word there], "Never con a con"? No, indeed, the Stupidity Virus that's running rampant through Genoa City is claiming victims a mile a minute. Case in point? Michael, a seasoned lawyer, albeit with dubious taste in women, has nothing on his mind but a lifetime of limpness.

And then no one notices that the fiancée [yay, I found out how to get an accent aigu in here] being fêted [i'm going hog-wild here with the accents now] checked out? Given that they were confined to one room, even if fur has been flying in several directions at this soirée, is this the Stupidity Virus again?


Why, on second thought, do I ask? Would any one of you not just turn tail and scamper the hell out of any house you enter by night, the moment you hear weird noises? Oops, then the power fails, and you still don't leave? Abby, I think the SV is compounding with your head-injury, and poking Stitch is not going to improve your health.


To be fair, I did enjoy the sheer slapstick of Kelly clocking Phyllis with the champagne bottle! Was champagne some kind of meaningful motif here? Only the Shadow and Victor's confessor know...

Edited by pearlite
  • Love 8


Pearlite quote:

the single worst dress I may have ever seen on Show.

Yeah, I threw up a little in my mouth on that.  Grandkids on Easter.  The fun part was when it was revealed Chelz is going to design Red's wedding dress-an exclusive. Oh, fixed smile all around on that-the Abbot's do have class. Surprised that Red didn't just slither over and crush the life out of Kmart Dior and then swallow her whole, to slow clap from Sage.

  • Love 8

Yeah, I threw up a little in my mouth on that.  Grandkids on Easter.  The fun part was when it was revealed Chelz is going to design Red's wedding dress-an exclusive. Oh, fixed smile all around on that-the Abbot's do have class. Surprised that Red didn't just slither over and crush the life out of Kmart Dior and then swallow her whole, to slow clap from Sage.


Yes! You've got it--Anacondaphyllis is never a wrong choice! That would have been a party trick! But maybe an engorged Phyllis would have been too snoozy to hustle over to Kelly's suite at the GCAC?

  • Love 7

Crosby777 quote

Dave Bedford on twitter posted this.

Holy Scoobysnacks! Are they serious? The foreshadowing of Sharon's brief panic attack (that was way overshadowed by the epic snowstorm, plane wreck, building fire, and useful building collapse) is our clue and we had to suffer through the Cabin Mystery featuring the Hoarse Whisper and totally unbelievable loyalty of previously unfriended friends with a pretty much herd mentality stupidity? This is your story? Loudly, I call FOUL. Stop dumping on Sharon. Idiots.

  • Love 9

Anyone notice the faux pas yesterday at the coffee house?  Sharon was putting her coat on and the back room was completely dark then Avery walked in and the room was lit up.  I replayed it but didn't see it come on so they must have done a cut when they noticed she would walk in from a dark room...I know, I have no life....LOL 


But of COURSE Sharon would bring the darkness, because she's the EVUL now that Dickolas has withdrawn and is ready to make his deposits elsewhere.


And Easy Bake Avery is the Light.  Cuz she bakes and is kind to wood and is so severely mentally ill that she persists in wanting to have a relationship with the rabid wildebeeste she calls a sister.  


Sharon = BAD.

Avery = GOOD.


Show writers = NUTS.

Edited by boes
  • Love 13

But of COURSE Sharon would bring the darkness, because she's the EVUL now that Dickolas has withdrawn and is ready to make his deposits elsewhere.


And Easy Bake Avery is the Light.  Cuz she bakes and is kind to wood and is so severely mentally ill that she persists in wanting to have a relationship with the rabid wildebeeste she calls a sister.  


Sharon = BAD.

Avery = GOOD.


Show writers = NUTS.

Boes you are killing me!    hee!

  • Love 3

That's so ridiculous.

We saw Sharon with Faith the entire night. Then with Dylan. 

First the Scooby Doo gang think Stitch is involved who we saw was with Vicky all night and now this? Who did it next? Maybe it was Neil although he was with the plane crash group!


Sharon's not running around town gas lighting her 2 children. Or murdering her sons girlfriend. But I bet the town will all attack and say she did except probably Dylan.

Edited by Artsda
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