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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Cane rescued Lily and she immediately picked up where she left off prior to the plane crash, accusing Cane of lying to her, calling out Devon, calling Hilary a bitch.  Oh and Hilary almost died but her husband and step-son saved her pathetic life.  At the end Neil and Cane implore everyone to work together and stay positive.  Devon is openly hugging and comforting Hilary, hah!


The crew in the cabin learn that Summer must have killed Austin (she confessed as her memories came back to her).  So brilliantly they conspire to make it look like an accident!  Courtney is not happy about it but for some stupid reason goes along.  Mariah has a flashback of Abby and Austin kissing passionately.  Which is I guess why Dummer bludgeoned him.  BTW, they staged this stupid fake death scene outside in the snow.  But IRL if your friend hit his and fell down, wouldn't you bring him into the cabin to try to save him?


Ashley confronts Jack who seems strangely indifferent.  I guess Hex is really not that good for you.  Pricktor figures out that Nikki is drinking and starts yelling at her (helpful) and then the power goes out and the roof collapses on top of them.  Nick and Sage are stuck in a life threatening disaster in the back room and decide it is a good time to flirt, kiss and chit chat.  Avery saves Joe. (who cares, really?).  Victor finds Jack under the debris, unconscious.


Sharon apparently ran her car off the road and is freaking out that Nick will find out and hold it against her.  She is about to head back out to the road to get her car started (she is acting a bit crazy, and she has Faith with her).  Dylan shows up and calms her down, and then realizes she has a head injury.  They def seem to be headed for a Sharon/Dylan romance, but if not, a strong friendship then.  


There's a fire in the building and Chelsea makes it out of the penthouse with Katie and Johnny but Billy gets trapped with Connor.  Adam to the rescue!  Billy is collapsed on the floor so Adam saves Connor--he did try to rouse Billy but was unsuccessful. He delivers Connor to Chelsea and stupidly runs back into the building--don't fireman have a problem with civilians running into burning buildings?  Plus these firemen didn't seem to be doing much of anything or in a big hurry in spite of a major fire.  (I was in an apt building that was on fire and I can assure you our firemen seemed a little more motivated than the GC ones.  And once we got out, they didn't let us anywhere near the building let alone the door.) 


Now that Austin is dead there is really no one to blame for roof collapse.  Oh wait, how about the owner?

  • Love 10

Thanks for the re-cap, bannana.  It's nice to get them here, instead of having to go to that unmentionable site to read those recaps by Candice or whoever.  Sounds like another good episode for the U.S. tomorrow.  

Boy you are not kidding.  I have never seen so many misspellings, lapses in grammar and general ad hominen attacks on a site.

  • Love 3

How dumb is it to leave the apartment and go out INTO THE HALLWAY, with the KIDS, where there's SMOKE, instead of staying in the apartment, keeping the door closed, and calling 911?

It's tough to say.  We were on the 19th floor when my building had a fire and they told us not use the elevators and to go down the stairwell.  I wanted stay in the apt or even on the balcony but we did what they said.  When we got halfway down the stairwell was impassable.  So we took the elevator the rest of the way cause there was no other way out.  I would honestly have preferred to stay in the apt, but I think you are supposed to evacuate.

Seriously, WTF Courtney! How many laws is this breaking?



Yes she is being stupid, and all because Noah is pressuring her.  I guess she thinks he'll dump her.  After all, Summer isn't the one who would be in the most trouble here, Fen would be IMO.  He drugged everyone with a random drug that caused them to do things they cannot remember.  I am pretty sure Avery would get Summer off and Fen would get a slap on the wrist, thanks to Michael.


Instead this entire group is going to keep this secret?  I doubt it!

  • Love 4

Thanks Bannana. I can't watch until later. WTF with Jack? They aren't doing some doppleganger shit are they? Was he wearing his tie? In the promo he is wearing a tie (when Vic is performing CPR). But when he strangely was in the hallway where Kelly came upon him he wasn't (which was weird because he had it on when he told Ashley he was going home). 


I would accept super pheromone perfume that turns men into assholes before I'd accept a doppleganger. 

  • Love 4

Well. I came home just in time to watch the kids decide to play How to Get Away With Murder. I can't tell if I feel like what TPTB have done is a homage or a rip-off, and I don't know if I'm in the mood for their shenanigans--or anyone else's.


Question: Is there a reason that this week's shows haven't come with any previews? I miss hearing "Next, on The Young and The Restless..."

Edited by C76
  • Love 4

Thanks Bannana. I can't watch until later. WTF with Jack? They aren't doing some doppleganger shit are they? Was he wearing his tie? In the promo he is wearing a tie (when Vic is performing CPR). But when he strangely was in the hallway where Kelly came upon him he wasn't (which was weird because he had it on when he told Ashley he was going home). 


I would accept super pheromone perfume that turns men into assholes before I'd accept a doppleganger. 

I guess I didn't pay enough attention, re the tie.  Maybe he took it off after Kelly or Victor drugged him and then put it back on after sex in the closet?  If Jack has a twin, that is pretty ridiculous.

  • Love 3

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.

In 2 days.

Okay then.

ETA: the scooby gang decides to cover up the murder because they can't get phone service and they believe Summer killed Austin *because she said so*. Cop lady deserves everything she gets.

Kevin now writes fanfic. Ugh

Nick continues to think with little Nick by kissing Sage (what is the point of that character) while a bunch of people, including his parents, are stuck under the rubble of his restaurant.

Gabriel proves he can leap tall buildings in a single bound by going up and down God knows how many flights of stairs to the penthouse at a rate of speed faster than The Flash while remaining completely out of breath and not a hair out of place. All he needs are angel wings and halo to complete the picture.

Edited by catalogrrr
  • Love 9

I guess I didn't pay enough attention, re the tie.  Maybe he took it off after Kelly or Victor drugged him and then put it back on after sex in the closet?  If Jack has a twin, that is pretty ridiculous.

Beyond ridiculous. A horny twin. lol.

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.

In 2 days.

Okay then.

A full moon? 

  • Love 4

Beyond ridiculous. A horny twin. lol.

Another Jack? Please, no. And I say that as someone who doesn't hate him.


Until we know otherwise, I'm going with the other theory from this thread: Kelly used Hex. 


Something is afoot, but I don't want to think about it being a doppelgänger.* 


bananna, catalogrrr, and others, thank you for your wit and wisdom. This thread makes the show seem even better than it actually is! ;)




*Mind you, I'm re-watching, and he seems a little clueless.

Edited by C76
  • Love 5

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.

In 2 days.

Okay then.

ETA: the scooby gang decides to cover up the murder because they can't get phone service and they believe Summer killed Austin *because she said so*. Cop lady deserves everything she gets.

Kevin now writes fanfic. Ugh

Nick continues to think with little Nick by kissing Sage (what is the point of that character) while a bunch of people, including his parents, are stuck under the rubble of his restaurant.

Gabriel proves he can leap tall buildings in a single bound by going up and down God knows how many flights of stairs to the penthouse at a rate of speed faster than The Flash while remaining completely out of breath and not a hair out of place. All he needs are angel wings and halo to complete the picture.

Yeah I'm watching that scene and there's a fireman ,I think or maybe he's an EMT,standing there and he looks like he's not doing anything. I mean the fire trucks are there and there have to be firemen all over the place,right? Wouldn't you think that Chels coming outside would oh I don't know maybe just casually mention to one of them and I'm paraphrasing here "Hey there's a man and a baby in penthouse number 741 on the 6th floor right across from the elevator" ? But no she just stands out there and waits! And waits!  I'm surprised she didn't take a notepad and pen out of her bag and sit down on the curb and sketch some new Spring dresses. Thank God Adam showed up to do the firemen's job! The Super Savior saves the day again.UGH! 

Yeah I think Jackie Boy got a whiff of that love potion number 9. It was too out of character for him. He is usually more genteel than that.And Ashley pissed me off big time. Maybe she has a reason to be upset with him but it is still none of her business and she should have left it alone. I don't know. I usually like Ashley but that whole scene some how just irritated me.

As long as JFP is still around, SBu is going nowhere. He was her pet on GH and he's her pet on Y&R. I actually liked him when he first came to Y&R, but the writing has done him no favors lately. They really need to pair Dylan with Sharon and get him away from the walking, talking boobs.

I believe this is the plan. We are getting Shylan!

You know what gets me? It's taken me forever to figure out why people might not like Dylan.  I finally clued in a week or two ago when Avery was in a scene with Joe Clark. Since Avery and Joe were married, why do TPTB have it seem as though Joe is the one who is trying to ruin what Avery and Dylan have? Isn't Dylan the one that she cheated on Joe with?  


I mean, I believe the writers may have their reasons. But as far as I'm concerned, they make no sense.


As for today's show, there's so much to ponder and snark about. Lily's still missing. In a brawl at Nick's joint, Dylan meant to punch Joe, but hit Avery instead. Jack got it on with Kelly--a move that I think he's going to wind up regretting.


And the kids...I have doubts about Summer's fuzzy memory. Her hubby may be dead, but I don't think she's the one who did it. (I believe we were supposed to conclude this based on her recollection of hiding a bloodied object in the couch.) Something tells me there's much more to the story.

I think it was Fen.But I am usually always wrong! lol

Edited by Slowpokey
  • Love 3

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.

In 2 days.

Okay then.


Welcome to the world of Charles Pratt.  He's never met an explosion, a tornado, an earthquake, or a joke about old people he didn't like.  


His scripts consist of BAM!!  POW!!  BAMPOW!!  POWBAM!!  Viagra..  BOOM!!!!   BiggggggggggggggggggggggggggBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!  BAMBOOMPOW!!   Viagra.....


I still wake up in horror of what he did to All My Children.  Yep, he killed Babe, that was beyond great.  But That.was.it.   Now Y&R is in for it....

  • Love 4

Okay, watched the episode and I no longer believe Austin isn't dead. He's so dead. 


I also have no clue what's up with Jack. He was extremely weird with Ashley. Totally cold ass. I like Jack with edge and I loved him not explaining himself to his judgmental sister (even though she was right). But this makes zero sense. He tells Phyllis he isn't done fighting for her and then minutes later fucks Kelly 20 feet away on a filthy floor and is quite blasé about it when his sister confronts him. huh?


If he is Hexed then he got some screwy version of the scent because he hasn't snapped out of whatever state he was in. 

  • Love 6

Welcome to the world of Charles Pratt.  He's never met an explosion, a tornado, an earthquake, or a joke about old people he didn't like.  


His scripts consist of BAM!!  POW!!  BAMPOW!!  POWBAM!!  Viagra..  BOOM!!!!   BiggggggggggggggggggggggggggBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!  BAMBOOMPOW!!   Viagra.....


I still wake up in horror of what he did to All My Children.  Yep, he killed Babe, that was beyond great.  But That.was.it.   Now Y&R is in for it....

I watched AMC to the bitter end. It was my favourite soap. What Pratt did to it was horrible. I'm still heartbroken.

  • Love 3

Okay, watched the episode and I no longer believe Austin isn't dead. He's so dead. 


I also have no clue what's up with Jack. He was extremely weird with Ashley. Totally cold ass. I like Jack with edge and I loved him not explaining himself to his judgmental sister (even though she was right). But this makes zero sense. He tells Phyllis he isn't done fighting for her and then minutes later fucks Kelly 20 feet away on a filthy floor and is quite blasé about it when his sister confronts him. huh?


If he is Hexed then he got some screwy version of the scent because he hasn't snapped out of whatever state he was in. 


I know!  Patty is now impersonating Jack!! 


Pratt is writing this so it's possible.


If Jacks starts calling for "Mr. Kitty", well, we know what happens next......

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

Thanks for the re-cap, bannana.  It's nice to get them here, instead of having to go to that unmentionable site to read those recaps by Candice or whoever.  Sounds like another good episode for the U.S. tomorrow.  

This made me laugh! Cesspool is a good name for that board! It reeks!!!

Edited by Slowpokey
  • Love 3

Welcome to the world of Charles Pratt.  He's never met an explosion, a tornado, an earthquake, or a joke about old people he didn't like.  


His scripts consist of BAM!!  POW!!  BAMPOW!!  POWBAM!!  Viagra..  BOOM!!!!   BiggggggggggggggggggggggggggBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!  BAMBOOMPOW!!   Viagra.....


I still wake up in horror of what he did to All My Children.  Yep, he killed Babe, that was beyond great.  But That.was.it.   Now Y&R is in for it....

You speak the truth! He sure packs them all in there in a single span of time with a wallop! LOL

  • Love 2

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.


In 2 days.

Okay then.


Here's the thing... oddly enough,  I can fully, wholly and competely accept all of the above lol -- but to suspend our collective disbelief to imagine Victor would ever order tequila is taking things TOO FAR!

  • Love 3
Yeah I think Jackie Boy got a whiff of that love potion number 9. It was too out of character for him. He is usually more genteel than that.And Ashley pissed me off big time. Maybe she has a reason to be upset with him but it is still none of her business and she should have left it alone. I don't know. I usually like Ashley but that whole scene some how just irritated me.


I think ED has a lot of bitchiness in her personality and it comes through. Jack is always always always sweet with his sister and she judges, insults, and all-round treats him like shit, unless she goes into family lovey mode for brief moments. If my brother did something gross and completely OUT OF CHARACTER I might say "what the hell? Are you all right? What's going on?" Not "Could you be MORE disgusting than you are right now?" God she's a bitch.


If Pratt has given Jack a lobotomy off-screen that has made him cold-hearted, I actually won't complain. He takes shit from far too many characters. I wouldn't mind seeing him be an unapologetic prick for awhile. At least we can see evidence of some balls.

  • Love 5

I also appreciate being able to read ahead here.  Thanks Banana! I think Jack's club soda must have been drugged with whatever Fen used on the cabin gang which is probably some form of the formula Victor stole from Ashley. As for a pesky little detail like how would a two-bit teenage drug dealer that Fen used get his hands on it, well, never mind that. I just hope we don't get Jack on trial for rape. Between Phyllis, Kelly, and Summer, all three are so crazy that its unintentionally hilarious.

  • Love 3

Here's the thing... oddly enough,  I can fully, wholly and competely accept all of the above lol -- but to suspend our collective disbelief to imagine Victor would ever order tequila is taking things TOO FAR!

But, remember Pricktor in Mexico with Danny Trejo as his bartender, knocking back shots of tequila?

  • Love 7

Welcome to the world of Charles Pratt.  He's never met an explosion, a tornado, an earthquake, or a joke about old people he didn't like.  


His scripts consist of BAM!!  POW!!  BAMPOW!!  POWBAM!!  Viagra..  BOOM!!!!   BiggggggggggggggggggggggggggBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!  BAMBOOMPOW!!   Viagra.....


I still wake up in horror of what he did to All My Children.  Yep, he killed Babe, that was beyond great.  But That.was.it.   Now Y&R is in for it....

Hmmm. I will keep your warning in mind. ;)


My earlier optimism over things actually happening on my show has been replaced with a bit of caution. I'd hate for anything to happen to the Y & R. I've watched it for most of my life.

Edited by C76
  • Love 2

^Tequila is Victor's drink of choice but what was funny was how he was mid-argument with Nikki and said he wanted his tequila. lol. 

Yes, it was like, I am going to have my bath now, or I am going to have a cry, or or or....


As for Drinki, I am happy she is outed and I hope she continues to drink and hurl insults around, with her pal Neil.

  • Love 8

Good Lord. Apparently the writers got Valentine's Day mixed up with the day before and thought it was Friday the 13th. Plane crash. Murder at the Abbott cabin. Apartment fire at Chelsea/Billy/Gabadam's building. Nick's Underground really goes underground. And to top it off so many characters acting, well, out of character.


Sharon has a car crash and thinks it is quite sane to drag Faith back out into a snowstorm to move the car. Because Nick will think she is irresponsible to crash a car in a snow storm. But not to put her daughter at risk by returning to car in same snowstorm. Sharon has kept it together through the whole custody mess, but loses it over a car crash that doesn't even injure them, blood on the forehead aside.


Seven people are going to be able to keep their stories straight and cover up a murder. And six of them talked the seventh, a cop, into going along with the farce. Not to mention Mariah is all of a sudden all worried about Snowflake's future as a possible felon. Not likely.


Is Sage able to get through a scene with Nick without telling him that he is a good dad? Barf.


What exactly is the point of having every character in GC in some kind of peril all at the same time? Ridiculous, even for a soap.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 5


Sharon has a car crash and thinks it is quite sane to drag Faith back out into a snowstorm to move the car. Because Nick will think she is irresponsible to crash a car in a snow storm. But not to put her daughter at risk by returning to car in same snowstorm. Sharon has kept it together through the whole custody mess, but loses it over a car crash that doesn't even injure them, blood on the forehead asid

She was going to leave Faith alone until Faith made a comment about her being alone. Yep Sharon is headed for cuckoo land. AGAIn..



Sharon has a car crash and thinks it is quite sane to drag Faith back out into a snowstorm to move the car. Because Nick will think she is irresponsible to crash a car in a snow storm. But not to put her daughter at risk by returning to car in same snowstorm. Sharon has kept it together through the whole custody mess, but loses it over a car crash that doesn't even injure them, blood on the forehead aside.


I didn't see it as Sharon thinking it was quite sane at all, she even commented to Dylan that she was spinning out of control and couldn't understand why because she is taking her meds...I think we are going to find out the knock on her head had her all confused, nothing to do with her bi polar...so great to see Dylan show up and suggest her going to get it checked...

  • Love 8

I'd guess it's fairly common to be in some measure of shock after a car accident, even without a head injury. I was in an accident in 2005, with my seven-month-old son in the back seat (neither of us was injured), and I was so freaked out/shocked that I called 911 - and hung up because I didn't think they were answering fast enough! They called my cell phone back and said, "Did you hang up? Don't hang up! Stay on the line!"

  • Love 4

I'd guess it's fairly common to be in some measure of shock after a car accident, even without a head injury. I was in an accident in 2005, with my seven-month-old son in the back seat (neither of us was injured), and I was so freaked out/shocked that I called 911 - and hung up because I didn't think they were answering fast enough! They called my cell phone back and said, "Did you hang up? Don't hang up! Stay on the line!"

exactly and especially on a soap, we must all remember Victoria going into a coma from a little pebble hitting her in the head during the "out of the ashes" storyline..so it is definitely not out of the question that Sharon could be having some after effects from her hit on the head..

  • Love 3

I was in a couple of car wrecks and sometimes you really don't know your own name especially if you have a head injury. I refused medical treatment because I felt fine and walked around with a concussion and bad neck sprain for almost a day before my husband literally carried me into the emergency room for a cat scan. After that I tell everyone to go get any head bumps checked out! 

  • Love 5

What was the fire fighters doing while Adam was going up and down stairs to save people? Why is he also so loud in Underground saying things like "my brother" and "my father"? Sage throws a fit when he speaks to Victor but his word choices in public doesn't bother her. Her and Nick are just boring and awful, I really think JM can't create a pairing on his own.


Sharon and Dylan were great together.


Jack is really unlike Jack. Especially during the Ashley scene.


I wish Mariah wouldn't be all team hide Summer. Let them throw her bratty self in jail. Let's see how she handles it from her high horse she's always on. Like when others do bad things like Mariah or Sharon she's all for attacking and wanting people to be jailed. 


Abby and Austin making out? Interesting/

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 5

What was the fire fighters doing while Adam was going up and down stairs to save people? Why is he also so loud in Undergrounsd saying things lie "my brother" and "my father"? Sage throws a fit when he speaks to Victor but his word choices in public doesn't bother her. Her and Nick are just boring and awful, I really think JM can't create a pairing on his own.


Sharon and Dylan were great together.


Jack is really unlike Jack. Especially during the Ashley scene.


I wish Mariah wouldn't be all team hide Summer. Let them throw her bratty self in jail. Let's see how she handles it from her high horse she's always on. LIke when others do bad things like Mariah or Sharon she's all for attacking and wanting people to be jailed. 


Abby and Austin making out? Interesting/

WORD! I have always thought if not for Sharon Case carrying this dude for over 10 years and Michelle Stafford for another 6 or so he would be done!!! Sick is just not going to cut it because the female part is not in the same category as the other two were.



SC makes even blocks of wood interesting! lol



Dummer needs to show a little more empathy towards people especially ones they are suffering from a mental illness. But like mother like daughter. Guess Mariah has some of her mother's good traits after all.

  • Love 5

Yeah I'm watching that scene and there's a fireman ,I think or maybe he's an EMT,standing there and he looks like he's not doing anything. I mean the fire trucks are there and there have to be firemen all over the place,right? Wouldn't you think that Chels coming outside would oh I don't know maybe just casually mention to one of them and I'm paraphrasing here "Hey there's a man and a baby in penthouse number 741 on the 6th floor right across from the elevator" ? But no she just stands out there and waits! And waits!  I'm surprised she didn't take a notepad and pen out of her bag and sit down on the curb and sketch some new Spring dresses. Thank God Adam showed up to do the firemen's job! The Super Savior saves the day again.UGH! 

Yeah I think Jackie Boy got a whiff of that love potion number 9. It was too out of character for him. He is usually more genteel than that.And Ashley pissed me off big time. Maybe she has a reason to be upset with him but it is still none of her business and she should have left it alone. I don't know. I usually like Ashley but that whole scene some how just irritated me.

I believe this is the plan. We are getting Shylan!

I think it was Fen.But I am usually always wrong! lol


I'm not the most observant of watchers, I admit*--but your first paragraph here, Slowpokey, just brought back why I felt this scene was odd.

[*I zone in and out, according to how interested I am in a given set of characters.]

Chelsea walks up to the back doors of a fire-department EMS vehicle. Supposedly she wants to distract her older child, because she carries on about a big red truck or something. Or she's just simple. Baby is being carried like an accessory over her arm. Now, this is set up to be some kind of epic conflagration, right?  Well, first, firefighters, cops, and EMTs would be the hell all over the place. Next, that set of three workers tend to keep people back of equipment and out of danger, in most situations, no? As you say, perhaps the spring collection was on her mind...


And I don't mind dumbass disaster scenarios--this is one of the limited range of classic soap flavours. But, if something breaks through the fog of my awareness...


Jack, I sit and wait.


But Fen--wasn't he in the process of being whitewashed? Or am I delusional? Now, he's a little shit? What did I miss?

  • Love 5

So, in the past 2 days, the following have happened

Kneel confronted everyone for their lying, trifling ways

Plane fell from the sky. Lily, thrown from the wreckage, survives. Why? WHY??!!

Austin (someone that nobody gives a crap about) is murdered.

Dylan slugs Avery

Auntie Jack succumbs to his own poison mix and shtups crazy ass Kelly

Addumb nearly reveals himself. Again.

Nikki is drunk

Victor asks for tequila, for no apparent reason

The Underground collapses on itself

Sharon has some kind of accident

Chelsea's apartment catches on fire.

In 2 days.

Okay then.


I'll say one thing. I actually like the fact that over the last few days, things have actually happened on the show. It beats the past while, where if someone asked me what went on The Y & R, I'd probably have said something like, "Um...Well...Uh...Actually...Not that much."

  • Love 8

Speaking of what did I miss, I feel like I missed a whole episode. Was Sharon's car accident actually shown? All I remember was the power going out in her home, and then the next epi she is talking to Faith about a car accident. If it wasn't shown, it sounds like she just went off the road either going out of the ranch property or close to it since she was freaked out about Victor seeing the car. And she and Faith were able to walk back to her place.


I forgot about the cut on her forehead which could explain her unreasonableness about needing to move the car. The only really bad accident I have been in, during which I hit black ice on the Coquihalla, (a mountain highway between where I live and Vancouver) I totalled the car. It hit two concrete walls head on, (hit one, bounced off it, spun across the road and hit the divider between the lanes) and when the car stopped moving I thought I was dead because I couldn't imagine how I could have survived it. Turns out I only had a bad burn on my neck from the seatbelt. I hitched a ride (never done that ever before!) back to my home, called ICBC to report the accident and a tow company to tow the wreck, jumped into my car (I had been driving my Moms as it was a full size and I figured safer on the Coq in winter conditions - ha), drove back to the accident site to transfer my luggage to my car, and then drove 4 hours to Vancouver to meet my Mom who was staying there for radiation treatments. Who knows, maybe I was in shock but I was certainly focused on getting to Vancouver!

  • Love 6

I felt too for Cane. He was so desperate to find Lily, he was the only one basically other than Devon looking for her. Neil made no attempts to look for her, but Lily's found and instead of a thank you or grateful Cane's alive and risked his life to find her. She's going to ignore him and still be petty over the affair and who knew what and when. Because THAT matters now.



WORD! I have always thought if not for Sharon Case carrying this dude for over 10 years and Michelle Stafford for another 6 or so he would be done!!! Sick is just not going to cut it because the female part is not in the same category as the other two were.

Yes, it's pretty obvious that MS and SC carried the pairings. JM with Avery was a fail, with Sage is the same. 

Edited by Artsda
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Today's show was really not very entertaining.  It does appear they are setting up for musical chairs and couple trading, so we may end up with Sharon and Dylan, Villy, Gabe and Chelsea, and I guess Ashley and Stitch.


It was kind of hilarious to see Dylan help Police Chief Dad look at a map and figure out where to put police cruisers to control traffic.


Crimson Lights is the new GC General Hospital because I guess it is the only place in town that has a generator.  They brought all injured people there, except for the ones that they ignored at the fire.


So everyone is rescued at the UG except for Drinki, Pricktor, Jack and Philly, and maybe any extras--staff and customers--who nobody seemed to care about.  Drinki apologized to Pricktor who is now her hero again.  Jack was brought back from the dead by the undead Pricktor, and then tried to tell Pricktor something about Adam, but that didn't pan out.


Nick and Dylan are helping with the rescue but they have no hardhats.  Kind of like over at the fire scene with the most nonchalant EMTs/Firemen ever seen.


Even though Gabe saved Billy's life, Billy is highly suspicious of him--probably because he keeps saying things in his outside voice about who he really is around Billy, and revealing his bullet wound scar to the EMT (the only one who seemed to treat anyone, nobody bothered with Billy who had just moments before been unconscious from smoke inhalation).  Adam and Sage are the worst cons ever.  Oh, and Billy to Victoria, who is standing right below a burning building holding her infant daughter, is it safe for you to be here?  Sure, why not, but then she decides to take Katie to warmth and safety at the emergency room at Crimson Lights.


In the previews, Abby tells Mariah that Summer killed Austin because she knew he was cheating on her, and Pricktor, Drinki, Philly and Jack are all still trapped and they are asking him what he knows about Adam.


BTW, Jack was real Jack, wearing the tie.

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