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Special Contestants: All Stars and Firefighters and Lunch Ladies, Oh My!

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I liked the handsome captain but I didn't think he should have won on his first show because he put ghost chili peppers on his plates - dangerous AND didn't transform the ingredient.  I was surprised at the time that the judges let that go by.  So I felt less bad about him being chopped tonight than I might have otherwise.  Paul was one of my all-time favorite winners so I was sorry to see him go. 

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I'm going to hell for this, but Robbie the PTSD guy with 6 kids.... his hands shaking, his sad look that stayed permanently on his face... I was afraid he was going to break down and cry at any moment. And I got tired of hearing his story every time he talked. God bless him for what he went through for serving his country, but if you're that down and out, a TV competition might not be the best place for you right now. You're already a good role model for your kids.

Chris Santos is now officially the "Chef Who Has to Hate on You" and I think he sort of embraces that. By saying "You know I'm going to say something...." each time.

I'm hoping Diana can win this whole thing. To give up her job, her pension... for her dream of having a food truck. I'm not so sure the pro can take it with one hand tied behind his back. I think the judges are going to scrutinize his food even more closely.

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I don't know why they're even bothering with all these other contestants, the professional will probably kick everyone's ass.

All it would take would be one mistake--remember when Mike Symon was considered a shoo-in for his celebrity round, and he forgot an ingredient and was bounced in the first round?


I didn't really like Diana and I know she was joking when she said firefighters just sit around the station while police go out and work, but it wasn't really funny.  But Sgt PTSD was giving me stress watching him.

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I'm going to hell for this, but Robbie the PTSD guy with 6 kids.... his hands shaking, his sad look that stayed permanently on his face... I was afraid he was going to break down and cry at any moment. And I got tired of hearing his story every time he talked. God bless him for what he went through for serving his country, but if you're that down and out, a TV competition might not be the best place for you right now. You're already a good role model for your kids.

Chris Santos is now officially the "Chef Who Has to Hate on You" and I think he sort of embraces that. By saying "You know I'm going to say something...." each time.

I'm hoping Diana can win this whole thing. To give up her job, her pension... for her dream of having a food truck. I'm not so sure the pro can take it with one hand tied behind his back. I think the judges are going to scrutinize his food even more closely.

I am an Army veteran who served in Iraq. Fortunately, I don't have PTSD. As much as I wanted to be supportive of my fellow soldier, I just couldn't take it. I thought the show was way too heavy-handed about his condition. I'm glad the mentioned it and its devastating effects. But they just hammered us with it the entire episode. That was really painful to watch. I'm sure he's an excellent cook (and wish we had someone that talented cooking when I was serving!) but, my goodness, that was just too much.


I love the idea of Chopped. I love the crazy baskets that forced creativity. I love when someone makes something amazing out of those crazy baskets. But I swear this show has got to lighten up. I watch in marathons (as I do many of the shows I watch), and I can usually only take two or three episodes at a time before I have to turn it off and watch something less severe. I don't turn on Food Network to be reduced to tears.

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I thought for sure the Army guy was going to win because I thought the judges wouldn't have the heart to cut him.



God bless him for what he went through for serving his country, but if you're that down and out, a TV competition might not be the best place for you right now. You're already a good role model for your kids.



ITA. I'm sure there are many way people deal with PTSD, but repeatedly having to confess about how it affects your life on a freakin' cooking show is probably not the best.

Edited by xaxat
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But Sgt PTSD was giving me stress watching him.

I was feeling like a jerk for being fed up with the guy during the show, glad to see I'm not the only one he was getting to!  Bless him for making such a sacrifice for his country, but... dude, maybe a cooking show isn't the best place to work out your PTSD?


Also Chopped, as much as you kept trying to shove "amateurs!" down our throats, when one of the finalists is now working as a private chef/ has a food truck, and the other one worked for years cooking for the military, that does not make them amateurs.  It doesn't make them 5-star Michelin chefs either, but maybe its time to find a new way to describe such contestants?

Edited by EllieH
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I was feeling like a jerk for being fed up with the guy during the show, glad to see I'm not the only one he was getting to!  Bless him for making such a sacrifice for his country, but... dude, maybe a cooking show isn't the best place to work out your PTSD?



I feel guilty for thinking this, but my reaction was the same. I was seriously afraid that he was going to cut himself by the way his hands were shaking uncontrollably. I also held my breath during his struggle with that food processor. It's too bad he didn't win, but he was fortunate to have made it as far as he did. I wish him luck and a more serene life.

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Boy, I kinda really hated Elda. Sure, it could be the more I see of Keith, the bigger my crush grows on him, but she got on my last nerve. I didn't like anything about her, right down to her hideous wig. Dinah was annoying too, but I would have rather seen her win over Elda. Glad Keith took it and I could see him as a legitimate threat to win against the professional chef. 

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Does anybody have any idea why the grand finale for the Ultimate Champions is scheduled to air at 11:00 PM on Saturday the 20th? I'm on the West coast, but I'm supposedly getting the same times as the East coast, can someone check? 11:00PM on a Saturday night seems like a really stupid time to me, none of the individual episodes have been on then.

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As far as I've kept up with this tournament, which admittedly isn't much, the finale is supposed to air on September 23rd, the next Tuesday at 10pm.


Personally they didn't bring back anyone I cared to see again. I was even pretty sure the "pros" were all second tier, at best, chefs when they come onto the show the first time, and they didn't impress me in the slightest.


I think back to the days of Madison, Lance, and Jun or other chefs of their caliber and seeing where this show has ended up, what it's turned into, nothing but seemingly endless stunt casting, it's been such a drop in quality, typical FN fare.


I felt as if the military chef stricken with PTSD should have been in a therapist office, not weeping in front of cameras like a broken man. That, to me, was just uncomfortable and sad.

Edited by CPP83
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Did Aaron say that in Mexico, they eat insects, like something, something, and worms?


I was totally not invested in this round of champions, but I'm so glad we won't be subjected to more of Carnie Wilson, so there is that.  I wasn't really that interested in what Laila would do if she won, but one has to wonder how she plans to screen for the family she's going to lavish with her theoretical winnings.  Is she just going to cruise around, looking for someone who appears poor?  


Sometimes the dramatic background music sounded like the Six Feet Under theme.  Bizarre.

Edited by iscoffy
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Did I hear right? Did Carnie, who was competing for a weight loss clinic, say that she was starting a line of desserts featuring cheese cake and whoopie pies? (I laughed at how the producer showed her bitch face every time she got criticism from the judges.)


That was a weird episode. Gillian and Brandi made mistakes that probably earned them early elimination, but it felt like they were more talented than Laila and Carnie.

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Did I hear right? Did Carnie, who was competing for a weight loss clinic, say that she was starting a line of desserts featuring cheese cake and whoopie pies? (I laughed at how the producer showed her bitch face every time she got criticism from the judges.)

Hopefully her dessert line is sugar free.

Perfect. Carnie Wilson is branding herself as the go to girl for losing weight without living healthier. Something she herself, with plenty of money and professional support, has not managed to accomplish.

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I forgot to mention the worst part of the episode, the cricket flour. Not because they would be eating bugs, but because I have a cricket (that I thought/hoped had died) in my house that heard the chirping on the TV and has been going at it non-stop since then.

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I had previously read on here that a lot of you disliked Carnie Wilson. Not having seen her episode (or her in anything since her Wilson Phillips days) I wondered how someone could have so many people dislike her. I wonder no more. My goodness, she was really annoying. And she said that was the toned down version of the last time she was on? Ugh.


I'm really glad Laila won. I liked her demeanor in the kitchen. Despite all of Carnie's histrionics, Laila remained calm and just did her thing. I felt bad for Brandi, as her food looked amazing.

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Julia: Perfect. Carnie Wilson is branding herself as the go to girl for losing weight without living healthier. Something she herself, with plenty of money and professional support, has not managed to accomplish.


This really bothers me. I'm a chubby woman myself, and please note that I'm not criticizing Carnie's weight. My hope is for people to be happy and healthy no matter what size their bodies are.


But I'm really bothered that Carnie is still shilling for bariatric surgery as a viable weight-loss option when she is pretty much the poster child for the fact that the surgeries don't work.


I'm not putting her down for being fat, in any way, but her situation is just so odd. She keeps promoting this approach as the best option for weight-loss and for saving lives, yet it very obviously did not do what she's claiming even for her, based on what we can see. (And every other person I know who tried it has also similarly gained most of the weight back.) So her willful blindness here is really odd.


Meanwhile, I found her really strange and off-putting here in this return appearance. She was obviously bothered by Marc's previous comment/criticism, and her bringing it up was all kinds of awkward (not least because she then proceeded to be just as unhinged progressively throughout the episode AND kept referring constantly to said comment -- like, way to show that you can't let it go...). I actually began to wonder if she's bipolar or something. The funniest aspect for me was that Aaron basically spent most of Carnie's cooking time with his head in his hands, rather than saying anything out loud. Yet once she'd been chopped, Carnie was calm and very gracious about the loss, and so much of that prickliness seemed to vanish. Maybe she's just super-competitive in the heat of the moment.


The unsatisfying aspect to Carnie making it to the final round for me is that it epitomized my least-favorite Chopped progression, where the contestant who has what was plainly the second-worst item each time somehow skates through to the next round. From what we saw, I really disagreed with their chopping Brandi, whose dish looked beautiful.


I loved the Gillian and was so sorry to see her chopped first -- she has obvious skills, and I think she would have calmed down and done well with the next two baskets. I also thought her banter with Ted was adorable (speaking as one of those who will always have a mild crush on him), on both sides.

Edited by paramitch
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I think they were afraid to chop Carnie too early, she might have gone off on them.

All kidding aside, I wonder if Carnie hasn't addressed the reason why she is still heavy. From what little I know about her personal life from reading about it, she may be suffering from some form of depression. Anyone who's been there knows that food is a comfort, sometimes. And a friend had the same surgery she did, he dropped 200 pounds. And kept it off by regular exercise (he walks, hikes in the mountains, bicycles) and his doctor told him that if he didn't maintain a healthy lifestyle it would all come back.

I'm just not buying whatever Carnie is selling.

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I actually began to wonder if she's bipolar or something.

I believe it is hereditary to an extent. So she very well may be.


All the pregnancy jokes made me super uncomfortable. They weren't funny and they just kept going on and on with the same schtick. I was glad for that elimination if only to stop with faux who's the father not funny shenanigans.

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I think they were afraid to chop Carnie too early, she might have gone off on them.

All kidding aside, I wonder if Carnie hasn't addressed the reason why she is still heavy. From what little I know about her personal life from reading about it, she may be suffering from some form of depression. Anyone who's been there knows that food is a comfort, sometimes. And a friend had the same surgery she did, he dropped 200 pounds. And kept it off by regular exercise (he walks, hikes in the mountains, bicycles) and his doctor told him that if he didn't maintain a healthy lifestyle it would all come back.

I'm just not buying whatever Carnie is selling.


My problem with her doesn't so much have to do with her regaining the weight. It has to do with the fact that she eats really poorly (at least if she really eats the food she says she eats at home during R&G - particularly the bowl of mayo and canned tuna with a bowl of chips she says she serves as an appetizer at all her parties), and she's setting herself up as a role model. And she's a very bad role model. Not because she regained the weight, but because bariatric surgery seriously impairs the body's ability to absorb nutrients. The poor people she wants to fund surgery for probably have nutrient-poor diets as it is - a horrifying percentage of this country does - and she wants to sell them low calorie cheesecake? That's contemptible.

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You guys won't believe this! (I didn't.) It's cooling off as the sun sets and I just went to close the front door. Who was waiting there but my cricket friend. I give him a little nudge with my foot, he hopped out the door and we have a happy ending for everyone!

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I didn't watch, but I am glad Carnie did not win. And I agree about the bariatric surgery, it obviously *didn't* work for her, so why is she still promoting it? She'd be better off trying Weight Watchers or something similar. As far as charities go, she could pick anything. Just not that bariatric surgery crap....and how is that a charity anyway? I have never heard of charities to give weight loss surgery to the obese.

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Carnie said (and I'm paraphrasing from memory) "I want to win for the Bariatric Surgery group so I can be an ambassador for those folks."

I guess the prize money would have taken her on trips around the country as a shining example of how this surgery will help you lose weight?

She mentioned that food was her comfort. I do believe she's got some emotional issues and food is what makes her feel better, based on her statements and behavior. I know it has been for me at times when I was going through emotional issues and eating a big Hershey bar was a better alternative than getting sloshed. :)

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Also, loved the kidding between Gillian and Ted regarding the baby. An ultrasound of a little one wearing glasses. Priceless.




I thought they were both absolutely adorable with the little quips and the back-and-forth, and that little addition from Gillian actually appeared to crack all the judges up (and especially Ted).


My other favorite moment was probably when Gillian quipped, "Have you told your husband?" and Ted shot back, "Have you told yours?" I just loved the ease of it, and especially the awesomeness that Ted can refer to his husband on national TV and it's no bigger deal than any female contestant's hubby. Good times.


Edited by paramitch
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Why is this bunch talking about a charity they are playing for, and everyone else is eagerly planning trips, a food truck, etc?

This is the only "celebrity" round, all the other rounds are regular people or chefs. Celebrities playing for stuff for themselves would not go over well.

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I'd be very surprised if the donations aren't made on behalf of the celebrity, so they can get a tax break.


I'd also be really interested to see who's on the payroll of that gastric surgery charity.

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I was surprised by how laid back Laila was, but she was cracking jokes, messing around, and she seemed to get along well with the other ladies, so I enjoyed her and I thought she earned the win. It seems she made some pretty tasty food from the judges' comments, and thankfully she beat Carnie. Carnie was just exhausting to watch.


I know Laila said she wants to give the money, were she to win, to one family but I think it'd be better served splitting up the winnings. 50k can go quite a ways to helping a number of families in need, not to mention the car as well. Maybe she'll rethink her strategy now.

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I'd be very surprised if the donations aren't made on behalf of the celebrity, so they can get a tax break.


I'd also be really interested to see who's on the payroll of that gastric surgery charity.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to find Carnie & her relatives on the charity board. I just recently found out that Kris Kardashian has a church. An actual church, & at least Kim "tithes" money every year to it, & I'm sure the other kids do too. I would sure like to know where that money goes.

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According to Charity Navigator, Carnie's charity, Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America, only had 43k in assets. Whatever they are doing, they aren't trying too hard. 

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to find Carnie & her relatives on the charity board. I just recently found out that Kris Kardashian has a church. An actual church, & at least Kim "tithes" money every year to it, & I'm sure the other kids do too. I would sure like to know where that money goes.


To the Cayman Islands. That scheme sounds like straight up tax avoidance. 

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Oh, Carnie. I was surprised I wanted her to win this time, as opposed to last time when I couldn't stand her theatrics. I liked how she told Mark it hurt her feelings and then carried on as her hammy self anyway, but then made self-aware jokes about it till the end. Also, Laila is too laid back for me and makes me start to tune out.

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If you're going to hell, save me a seat.

I thought the same thing, about him being an Army cook. He's not in the line of battle, but I am guessing he lost some friends over there. A cousin of mine told me you never get too close to anyone when you are in combat.

If he is that messed up, I hope he's getting some serious counseling. Especially with a large family depending on him. I don't remember his full story, is he on disability pay? Or has he been able to work?

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He only managed to work three months at each restaurant. I wonder what happened. He strikes me as being so fragile that if someone sent their meal back, complaining, he might have a meltdown. The criticisms from the judges seemed to sting, and when he was eliminated he was in tears.

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USMC 8 years, 3 trips to the sandbox as an 0311. Thank you for your service.

Now here I go, straight to hell.

Robbie said he was in Army foodservice 13 years before his medical discharge for PTSD. He was a cook. I don't mean to sound insensitive but if I'm going to hear about PTSD I only want to hear about it from someone with a combat MOS who was really in some shit. Not the guy safely inside Camp Victory prepping chow.

And if that woman left the police force to become a chef, why are they thanking her for what she does everyday? "Thank you for making that lobster ravioli for the accountant's dinner party yesterday..."

I thought I was the only one who felt the same way. As a former military guy, I had to scratch my head about a cook , who most likely was safely ensconced in a base camp, having PTSD. But even assuming he did, they really overdid the whole angle both times he appeared. He also is not an amateur, as this episode was misrepresented.

And secondly, as a retired cop, I also took exception to passing off the woman who quit the Philly PD to become a cook. Many years ago, it was not that uncommon for someone to quit mid career, but that was mostly due to very low pay. Nowadays, especially in the northeast, salaries for LEO's are pretty good, not to mention the benefits and retirement. Either way, if she did leave solely to be a cook, and not for any other reasons, that makes her a professional cook, not a cop who is dabbling in home cooking, and as such, gave her an unfair advantage over the other amateur contestants. She had no business wearing a Police shirt.

Edited by MajorWoody
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Now, onto the celeb episode.

I felt that Laila Ali was the best of the group, but I got tired of them asking what would Muhammed Ali say. Everytime they asked, sorry to say this, but I envisioned him sitting in his chair, drooling, and spouting gibberish. It was OK to ask once, but it seemed like they asked her the same thing 4 or 5 times.

The comedian ( who I didn't find the least bit funny this episode or her previous turn) also overdid the Ted as the dad routine. Done once, it might have elicited a chuckle due to the absurdity. After multiple times going back to that well, it was cringeworthy. The only thing funny involving her was her attempt at cooking.

Regarding Brandi, has she accomplished anything in her life , at least according to this show, besides removing her shirt after winning the big game years ago? Again, mention it once, but if her whole life is going to be based on that one incident, it gets old quick.

Lastly, but certainly not least, as almost everyone else has posted, thank God we are done with Carnie and her non stop jabbering. The only thing worse than her jabbering is the poor quality of her food. I've seen better plates in 3rd world backwater greasy spoons, and managed to get them without the non stop gibberish being spouted.

Even when she got chopped, it seemed like she droned on for an eternity before finally making her way off the set. My wife was laughing because I was talking to the screen, telling her (Carnie, not my wife) to shutup already and leave the stage. She was not a good cook on her previous appearances, and she was not a good cook on Rachel Vs Guy.

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Regarding Brandi, has she accomplished anything in her life , at least according to this show, besides removing her shirt after winning the big game years ago? Again, mention it once, but if her whole life is going to be based on that one incident, it gets old quick.


She has two world championships and three Olympic medals.

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